• Breaking News

    Thursday, August 16, 2018

    This summer I took the first GBA game I made and recreated it in Unity3D

    This summer I took the first GBA game I made and recreated it in Unity3D

    This summer I took the first GBA game I made and recreated it in Unity3D

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 12:01 PM PDT

    "Indie developer leaders" silent as most indie developers don't even make minimum wage.

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 10:18 PM PDT

    We've all seen the statistics. How 82% of indie games / developers aren't even making minimum wage off their products....it's been this way for quite a long time.

    Yet speech after speech the "indie dev leaders" focus on issues like the importance of work / life balance and more vacation time (while indie developers trying to "make it" shrug off the conditions of the market as "you just gotta get gud".)

    I've noticed there is a severe class difference between the people doing most of the talking in the indie developer space, and the people who actually make up the body of developers (and the conditions under which they work).

    I suppose this is why none of these "industry leaders" seem to care too much about discord doing the same 30% cut as steam does. Or the lack of attention given to how the steam algorithms shut out smaller creators until you reach threshholds of popularity....

    Just an observation.

    submitted by /u/Dani_SF
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    My first game is launching on three platforms tomorrow. Check it out?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 10:03 AM PDT

    So launch is finally here. It's been rather challenging coordinating a multi-platform launch with a small team, but here we are!

    Launch trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qke-Np9vtCI&t=3s

    submitted by /u/KraftedGames
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    China has quietly stopped approving new games for release

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 04:57 AM PDT

    Low Poly or Pixelart as an indie developer?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 11:36 AM PDT


    I'm a single indie developer and of course want to create a game. I'm in a pretty early stage and trying to find out what the advantages and disadvantages of low poly art and pixelart are. Both art styles are suitable for my game idea, but I am trying to find out what is "easier" (I know there is a high learning curve in both, and I am ok with that, but I want to know what the pros and cons of both are). Also, if I chose low poly I would go with Unity, else I would use MonoGame (I have worked with both of them, I know MonoGame is a bit more low-level but I am fine with that).

    What are the significiant differences between these two styles and what is easier to implement in your opinion?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/kijubikal
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    Social strategy for indie devs

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 03:26 AM PDT

    A few weeks ago, /u/coder_for_life22 asked about building hype on social media on this sub, and I wrote a short (and basic) strategy outline for getting started with content marketing and social media management as a game dev. Over years on the sub, I've realized there are quite a few folks who'd like to learn about this area, so I figured I'd post this for posterity.

    What I wrote up basically outlines the general strategy of social media management from a professional perspective, and the basic principles of content marketing in a nutshell.

    As I said in the thread I initially posted this on, I'd be happy to answer questions on this subject if you have them (tweeting me is probably the fastest way to get an answer!), and I hope this helps!

    From the thread:

    Define & Create Pillar Content

    The first step is to define your pillar content. Your "pillar content" is your meat and potatoes - the big message you're trying to get out there, wrapped in value for whoever is consuming it. This value can be entertainment, information, or any number of things.

    When defining what your pillar content should be, ask yourself: what content gets the message across best, in long form? (Example: letsplays of your WIP game on Twitch, YouTube videos, devblog, etc). You want long form content so you can chop it up into "supporting" content or "subcontent".

    Create & Publish "Subcontent"

    Once you've defined and created your pillar content, chop it up into subcontent. Subcontent is smaller content snippets made from your pillar content and used to prime your audience for your pillar content, or follow-up and drive traffic to your pillar content after publishing. Both priming and follow-up content can be shorter videos, articles, memes, gifs, highlights, and so on.

    Post the priming content to build up to your pillar content throughout the 24 hours prior to publishing.

    Random example

    Copy:"About to go live on Twitch, come check out GAME NAME HERE and see how development is going!"

    Asset: Video of you discussing what you've added since your last livestream, or what your game is about if it is your first stream.

    Once you've primed people to expect it, you can then publish your pillar content (livestream, video, devblog, etc).

    After publishing your pillar content, publish follow-up content (easily digestible snippets which end on a cliffhanger) over the next several days to drive traffic to your pillar content.

    Random example

    Copy: "Ever wonder how to do cel shading in #Unity? Check out my latest devblog!"

    Asset: GIF of your 3D model doing an animation with the shader present.

    Those examples largely target the B2B element (other devs, publishers, etc), but if you're creative, you can extrapolate a strategy to hype players as well.

    Community Management

    Once the content is published, link it to relevant communities and online platforms to extend the reach. Then, follow up by engaging in discussion with anyone who responds to/shares this content. Try to create meaningful discussion based on their questions or comments, and most importantly keep providing value.

    Lather, Rinse, Repeat

    Now that you have a content schedule inked out, and know the basics, you can continue this cycle and (over time) grow.

    If you have questions - ask

    Those are the basics - if you want more specifics, or to discuss in-depth, feel free to DM me on Twitter. I also do some freelance work outside of gaming, so if you have another project you need help on, let me know! Hope this helps!



    submitted by /u/ADudeLikeAnyOther
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    Should I make a Level Editor before making an actual level?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 11:10 AM PDT

    The game is kinda like Geometry Dash. Taking an example of the mentioned game, what would be better for a beginner?
    Making a few levels and then moving on to making a level editor in the future or starting off by making a level editor and making all the levels using it?

    submitted by /u/demonloader
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    48 Hour Development Timelapse of my entry to Ludum Dare 42

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 06:10 AM PDT

    Insania (Brazilian Horror Indie Game)

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 11:48 AM PDT

    Hello, we started a project in the beginning of the year and we will take an alpha to the BGS (Brazil Game Show) this year, the biggest games fair in Latin America. We are a three people team developing the game in Brazil and wanted some feedback so we know what to improve,thank you for your time.
    The game will focus on suspense with elements of horror and puzzle as resolutions as its main challenge. The main character is called David wich is looking for clues of his mother, who has been missing.After receiving an mysterious call from his mother David goes to an hotel in the middle of nowhere and end up finding things from his past which he has long forgotten.

    Our website: www.alecfu.com/
    Our Teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXw8Tv20vfY&t=25s





    submitted by /u/AlecfuStudio
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    BSP Tree compiler tutorial(s)?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 10:59 AM PDT

    Have you written a BSP compiler yourself or know of any good tutorials? I've been searching and there aren't many out there. Mr. Gamemaker had some in the past, but the best ones I can no longer find (the ones I can find seem to be rough drafts). I've also looked at the Real Time Collision Detection book, but its pseudocode seems to be incomplete.


    submitted by /u/DOOMReboot
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    You're Spending Too Long Making Your Game | Jake Birkett | Youtube CasualConnect

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 01:01 AM PDT

    How to turn a social media following into a meaningful community, a guide for Indie Devs.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 05:45 AM PDT

    What software do you use for planning your game project?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 03:10 AM PDT

    I used to plan using notebook and pen and completed a project with it and now I know planning is very important. I am wondering if there is any software/web service specifically for planning/goal-tracking game projects. I have seen software project planning services like Trello, but was wondering if something related to game-dev project is there or not, as notebook-pen planning doesn't work good when you are working on multiple projects. Thanks.

    Helpful would be:

    1. One that has different workspaces like Design workspace : Where u can keep track of design goals like UI improvement, make assets for this map (in progress), adjust lighting, and Functionality workspace, and Testing workspace which is connected to other modules - Design & Functionality to track bugs, and Release and Goals workspace etc.
    2. Ability of showing how different components are linked. Like a mesh of linked components so you can see exactly how making a change in one component could affect another component.
    submitted by /u/KUKHYAAT
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    I made this minimalist clone of reddit's Place, using only 100x100 grid and 64 colors

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 11:49 AM PDT

    Does anybody else get anxiety trying to self.post on here?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 07:01 PM PDT

    I'm a really bad dev. I code in flash, I don't know how to use assets really, my first project was a large scoped RPG, ie. I'm not a real rough and tumble programmer, but I enjoy it and I like making large scope games even though they look like shit and it takes me forever. That said, I always get anxiety trying to self-post, I just feel like my questions are so basic and it's annoying. Are there any smaller communities for real noobies to ask dumb questions and chill?

    submitted by /u/_m3e
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    Gamedev Livestreaming - Is It Worth It?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 01:03 PM PDT

    Architecture for simulation, building, economy and management like games.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 09:02 AM PDT

    He reddit. For my next prototype I want to build a economy simulation game where entities work independent and are not fully controlled by the player. A game like Prison Architect, Banished, Theme Hospital or Rollercoster Tycoon. In these games you build structures and give rules and the game lives in your created environment, without the need to control single units like guest, citizen or prisoners.

    Until now I only build prototype for turn based games and games where you control directly a player (like platformer). I have a CS degree and know concepts like ECS or Worker-Queue-Pattern. But still I am not sure how the basic architecture for such an game should look like. I guess my attempt would be very event based, which leads often to chaos when the game grows. I use libGDX as development framework, so very low level. I know that engines like Unity has already solutions build in.

    Do you have an advice for me how to start? Maybe a good gamedev blog or article. Maybe you build a small open source game I can oversee to get an idea.

    submitted by /u/hexTileX
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    As a complete novice, how do I get to a point where I’m hireable by a triple a studio (Naughty Dog)

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 12:47 PM PDT

    I'm still at a point where I can choose what I do in terms of education, and my dream is to work for a big game company. Unfortunately, I'm almost a complete novice. I know that for the position I'm interested in, I need knowledge in C and C++, and was wondering if there was any material (preferably books) that any of you more successful devs would recommend. I'm up for pretty much anything, and already am planning to study game development at university

    Edit: Design -> Development

    submitted by /u/JustTheWay1Am
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    Postmortem/AMA: Completing school with a Game Programming Degree, is it worth it?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 12:39 PM PDT

    Hey everyone! Today I am writing up a bit of a postmortem/AMA for anyone who has ever asked "Should I get my degree in a game development field, is it worth it?" I will include a tl;dr at the bottom for anyone who really just wants the bottom line, this post will cover a lot of personal experience from just enrolling in school, to just finishing it out after having to scrap several months of work in order to do a huge crunch in 3 weeks. And once again for good measure, this is my personal experiences and opinions based on what I have seen.

    Who am I?

    I am 29 year old, and have been working as a data analyst for an appraisal company in Texas for about 4 years but 10 total with the company. I have been married for 4 years and my one child has turned 1 year old in June. Why does any of that even matter:

    • Well I took 4 years to complete my degree which means I started at 25, an age that some might feel as though is too old to go back, I can tell you it does not matter how old you are if you want to pursue this path.
    • I have had a secure well-paying job for 10 years, why go back to school? Because my wife knew I wanted to learn to code, and she really wanted me to get a degree, so she helped me understand that there really is no excuse not to go, unless you just really do not want a degree.
    • Lastly, having a 1 year old means that while I was not a parent full time all four years of school, I did have to learn how to care for my child while in my senior year of school. If you have children, you can do it, more so if they are older and more self-sufficient.
    • Oh, and did I mention I had 0 coding experience? Yep, you do not necessarily need to know any coding, but you do have to have the initiative to research how to do things, and ask for help when you need it. This is a skill for any profession, practice it and get good at problem solving, school can't teach it too you, can't be lazy in this regards.

    Picking a school:

    • I attended school at the University of Advancing Technology: http://www.uat.edu/
    • My degree is a Bachelor's of Science in Game Programming: http://www.uat.edu/game-programming-degree
    • To note: The degree page has a bit more emphasis on C++, but I did use C, C++, Python, Java, but spent 90%+ of my programming time with C#. Some courses were open code style (pick your own), but there was a fair amount that really focused on C# (and Unity). We did use Unreal for two dedicated classes, there were a few where we could choose between Unity and Unreal, but a large majority here did focus on Unity as well.

    If you do decide to go to school for game development (programming, development, art etc…), the school you pick will likely be the point where you can keep up with it or end up failing. I know this sounds somewhat scary, and how could I claim this, but I strongly believe it to be true. In my position, I needed a school that was asynchronous, had flexibility as a core value for the school (in case I had issues turning in assignments), and allowed me to take 1-2 classes at a time. How does that sound even remotely like a traditional school experience? Identify your needs as a student before you pick a school. Have a list of questions that help you identify if a school is right for you.

    This is my portfolio; this particular page has a video of some of the assignments in action if you are curious as to what we needed to do. Some of the projects are downloadable as well if you want to mess with them: check the projects tab: https://awportfolio806325278.wordpress.com/course-objectives/

    What went right?

    So, I enrolled in school and hit the ground running. My first 3 sessions, I had 3 core classes and to my surprise I had an Intro to Python course, I honestly wasn't expecting to get any coding till maybe year two. I loved this in regards to my schooling; I didn't find myself waiting to learn what I came to school to learn, it came quick and "mostly" built upon itself.

    Each session was either one or two courses and lasted 5 weeks. I personally liked this because I was able to complete objectives and learn overall concepts very quickly. It was such a great help that I was able to start building lower end programs at work to help my department do our jobs better. Very simple, recursive data dumps to excel, don't get too excited here, although I am building more robust multi-user SQL driven database modification programs now after a few years.

    I had the opportunity to spend 15 weeks working in a "game studio" setting where I got to experience version control with Source Tree, collaborating on a rather large project, Axosoft (which was great, as I had no idea project management systems like this existed), while using scrum. This was honestly a great opportunity to see how multiple people could interact from all over the country while working on this project.

    Building a portfolio was a huge plus, and I think my overall experience and knowledge gained put me in a good place to carry forward in my own personal gamming projects.

    What went wrong?

    I think the biggest complaint I have falls more on me. During class postmortems, I often found myself writing, "I needed to work on time management", and while I had spent less time in crunches during week 5 as time went on, inevitably I would still feel like I could have done better with my time. I do wish there had been more C and C++ coding courses that delved into the lower level practices, there was one in particular that I struggled with that dealt with points and references pretty early on, and I wish there had been more classes that built on those concepts rather than shifting more towards C#. I think this was a culture change though as the industry was toting C# pretty heavily and the school was trying to adapt on the fly.

    In regards to what was learned though, I mentioned that the courses "mostly" built on themselves. I did have 3 classes that came in earlier than they should have in my opinion, and I found myself having to search for terms I had never seen before. You might think the course was bad, but in reality, all the things I had to self-teach usually came in a course a few months later. This was something that was tough to deal with and frustrating to realize that I should have had certain courses sooner. On the plus side, I did learn how read class diagrams pretty well as a result of the self-teaching and when those missed classes came around they were a breeze.

    In order to graduate you had to have certain things, one as I mentioned was the portfolio, another was an SIP, or an innovative project. I had set my mind to making a project that would allow newer developers to integrate multiplayer functionality into their unity games via a series of tutorials and documentation. Since the two services I wanted to use, had rather poor documentation, and there wasn't any help out on the web this felt like a great Idea. I failed here myself by not seeing how "Using services as they are intended" (at its core) was not innovative. Basically, spent a years' worth of spare time working on it only to be told 4 weeks to presenting it that I would not graduate with it, and I would need to completely revamp the whole thing. I fought of course, but was told it wasn't innovative and the staff was under the impression I would use my idea in an innovative way, not just a helpful way. This turned into a few days trying to come up with something innovative, and then creating a project based on that idea in 3.5 weeks. I presented yesterday, and while this whole ordeal really sucked, I nailed it to the wall and learned just how quickly one can develop when the drive is there and succeed in a short amount of time.

    Overall Opinion & Final Thoughts

    I am incredibly happy that my wife convinced me I should go back to school. I currently am weaving more programming into my current job duties, and am working on a unique gaming experience that should hit the market next year.

    My goal was not to go after AAA or even AA studios, but the school did have several game jams and periods where big studios would come out to the campus for job fairs, while also sending out job posting regularly. I believe if your university has this type of collaboration it can be another way to get exposure and possibly picked up if you want to go that route. As an example, I received an email last week about 9 new job postings, some local to phoenix and others as remote opportunities.

    Bottom line for anyone wondering if school is worth it

    In my case it was, because I had limited time and needed structure to get moving. Once I had to do some self-teaching I did realize that, it is completely possible to learn gamedev without tradition schooling. There are so many resources out nowadays all you need to do is have the dedication and structure to want to do it. I just chose to do so with a school. Before you ask anyone should I attend university, ask yourself, "Is that the environment you want to learn in?" If it isn't, then do it solo and learn from tutorials and piers.

    Bottom line for anyone wondering if school is necessary to be successful

    I honestly do not believe so. It can help give structure and teach you things in a guided format, but again there is so much out there on the web I believe you don't need school unless you want to go that route. Therefore, jobs may require a degree in which case, it's job dependent. However, we are seeing experience counting for a lot more than degrees.

    TL;DR –

    • Is it worth it to get a degree in a Game Development field? Yes, I learned a great deal in a structure way, while also taking part in large groups that simulated game studio work. I wouldn't trade it for anything.
    • Is a degree necessary to enter game development as a career? Based on some things that occurred, no I do not believe it is necessary, and comes down to preference and if you think will need a degree later in life.

    AMA portion – Feel free to hit me up here if you have any questions, I do work full time and have a few things to do to finish school for good this week, but I will answer all questions that get posted until this portion is updated tomorrow 8/17/2018

    submitted by /u/Yonfire
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    I talk about how I go about funding games with games, it may sound strange but that's a strategy that I've proven to work for indie game developers with small studios, and I have been following that business model strategy since I worked on my first indie game and now have many more.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 06:27 AM PDT

    Where can I republish my Android game?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 12:17 PM PDT

    I have an Android game on the Play Store that I would like to republish so more users can see it. Is there any company/brand that does this? I have tried Ketchapp but I didn't receive a response and I don't know if they do REpublishing

    submitted by /u/PsychoGang
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    New Game Developer. Help!

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 11:53 AM PDT

    A life-long friend and I have decided recently to dive in to mobile game development. We both have a background in IT and a beginner knowledge of Java, but not dedicated 100% to the language. We're looking to start small, maybe a side scroller or other 2D game to gain a general knowledge of how everything works before tackling larger projects. My first question for the community is what development software would you recommend for our needs? From a minimal amount of research, I'm leaning towards libgdx, but have an open mind to Unity and some of the larger environments. I'm unsure of which software would allow us to make live changes and edit code dynamically so we can work on the same project across multiple PCs. Free software would obviously be preferred, but a pricetag of less than $40-50 a month would be reasonable for both of us. Thank you for your time and response in advance!

    submitted by /u/hipopanonymus
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    WebGL2 : 109 : Inverse Kinematics

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 08:06 AM PDT

    Game Developer analysis of the new Battle Royale Battlefield V Teaser

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 11:26 AM PDT

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