• Breaking News

    Sunday, August 19, 2018

    Ravendarke tried to give away a free tool to this subreddit, the mods deleted it, buried it, shadow banned it, and someone went through his entire blog post history and downvoted everything

    Ravendarke tried to give away a free tool to this subreddit, the mods deleted it, buried it, shadow banned it, and someone went through his entire blog post history and downvoted everything

    Ravendarke tried to give away a free tool to this subreddit, the mods deleted it, buried it, shadow banned it, and someone went through his entire blog post history and downvoted everything

    Posted: 19 Aug 2018 10:41 AM PDT

    This post right here: Free tool to generate and process Normal, Roughness and Curvature map Was for a tool, absolutely 100% free to the community, which can generate normal maps, generate specular maps, and generally produce exactly the type of fantastic high quality 2d content that beginning game developers with zero budget need for their projects.

    The developer works on the project for free adding features at the community's request, and the tool is more powerful than some of the most powerful paid utilities that are currently available for solving the same problems.

    Ravendarke didn't post a short low effort post lacking in information. He didn't directly link to a store in the title. He isn't here to waste anyone's time or hurt anyone's feelings. He is trying to contribute to the gamedev community.

    • His post was deleted
    • As far as I can tell he was shadow banned
    • Someone has actively vandalized all of his past blog posts


    I have complained in the past about moderation on this sub when the same things happened to my posts. I have seen the overall quality of posts on this sub go to crap as a result of moderation. So my question to the moderators is: What the hell gives? What game are you playing at?

    This community sucks now.

    submitted by /u/splad
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    nibrans.h - Simple, single-file, nibble-based, adaptive rANS library with SSE2-accelerated modeling

    Posted: 19 Aug 2018 08:17 AM PDT

    First post on the sub. I make these little single-file libraries as a byproduct of trying to make games, so I figured I should post my newest one here. Might post some of my older ones too, but I'm not sure if that's frowned upon or considered self-advertising.

    It's a little adaptive entropy coder compression thingy that I originally created because I wanted to add "automatic" compression to my TCP messaging system (which I might release as a library of its own if it goes anywhere). Adaptive conding seemed so elegant that I just had to have it, which lead me down a week-long research rabbithole learning a ton about arithmetic coding and finally rANS (which is, arguably, a kind of arithmetic coding), along with a way to do a SSE2-accelerated adaptive model. My implementation is heavily sourced from ryg_rans and articles by its author, so big thanks to them for making that available.

    Not sure if it's even fast enough to be usable in the real world (does around 75-95MB/s en/decode on my machine), but it was a good exercise for me so maybe it'll be of use to someone as a reference for rANS coding or SSE2-accelerate modeling for something else.

    The "nib" in the name is descriptive (the coder is nibble-based) as well as a play on the common "lib" prefix for libraries.

    nibrans repository

    License is CC0 aka the most lawyer-friendly way of spelling "public domain".

    submitted by /u/The_Drider
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    Free tool to generate and process Normal, Roughness and Curvature map

    Posted: 19 Aug 2018 04:23 AM PDT

    Hi, I released new version of tool I made mainly for myself but I believe it can be quite useful for other game developers. It is capable of generating Normal maps from Diffuse or Height maps in realtime as well combine them with other normal maps. Compared to other softwares all is done on GPU in realtime with dynamic kernels, thus you should have quite decent control over the results.

    Normal map:


    Roughness map:


    Curvature based on Normal:


    I have also made a tutorial which should give you general idea. It works on sprites as well as on 4k+ textures.


    It can be downloaded from here:


    Or if you prefer (or run into any issues with portable version) from Steam:


    Personally I use it mostly to combine rendered normal map with detail/edge normal map generated from height map. Providing following results.


    submitted by /u/Ravendarke
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    New in this sub an i got a quick question.

    Posted: 19 Aug 2018 08:11 AM PDT

    I made a game on powerpoint, (yes it is possible) it is made of 1,300 sides, where can i publish the game or atleast let people know about it, and would it be okay to post the trailer on this sub? (not a youtuber link)


    submitted by /u/WW2er
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    190 FREE HQ Sound Effects (1.1GB, .wav, Royalty-free ) from your friendly sound designer.

    Posted: 18 Aug 2018 02:17 PM PDT

    Anybody use gamedev.net? I've been getting spam since Wednesday to the address I use there

    Posted: 19 Aug 2018 11:00 AM PDT

    Hello all,

    So as the title says, since Wednesday I've been getting multiple phishing emails to my unique email alias for gamedev.net. I'm sure some people on here use the site, so thought I'd warn you as I'm not sure how they got the address other than random chance or it was leaked to a scammer.

    submitted by /u/Furry_Badgers
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    Help with creating a self-study curriculum for game art?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2018 12:15 AM PDT

    Hi! It's me again. That girl asking about online degrees/certificates for game art. Well now I figured I'll just study on my own but I need some help from you guys again. I'm trying to make my own informal "game art curriculum" which I can follow for a certain amount of time.

    Basically what i need help with is constructing the "curriculum". I already put down the topics I would like to study about but I need the areas I need to study about to be more specific. Also it would help me if you guys can provide resources for the topics involved in the curriculum.

    I would love to share this to other prospective game artists as well.

    If you do comment on the document please include your reddit username so I can credit you properly! :D

    You can check out the document here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RVgJql8hl2EZVa8c4wB-Lgflfm2DvuJp3nwvEobD-Vc/edit?usp=sharing

    I've also put "projects" for each topic so that there would be outputs after the study. I also think that this would help with creating portfolios and such.

    submitted by /u/trashbarrels
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    Upcoming High School Sophmore, and interested in a future career as a Game Dev.

    Posted: 19 Aug 2018 12:11 PM PDT

    Want to know if I am taking the right steps towards a future career in game developement. Right now, this is what I am doing:

    Self-learning C++ via the book, Starting Out With C++ Early Objects by Tony Gaddis + Judy Walters + Godfrey Muganda

    Planning on taking an AP comp sci class in Junior year.

    Anything else I should do to reach this goal other than striving for good grades and classes like AP Physics & AP Calc?

    submitted by /u/StanusSpock
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    Is it legal to use terrain heightmaps from terrain.party, for your commercial video game?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2018 11:46 AM PDT


    I am looking for real world terrain heightmaps for my game, and found a website called terrain.party. There seem to be a lot of similar resources out there that will generate one for you, but googling their legality in terms of commercial purposes is unfruitful at best.

    Is there a free resource that provides terrain heightmaps, which is explicit about being legal for commercial use?

    Thank you so much!

    submitted by /u/Raycastic
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    How Unity’s ECS expands your optimization space

    Posted: 19 Aug 2018 03:36 AM PDT

    Can you rely on word of mouth to promote your game?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2018 08:25 AM PDT

    Can you rely on word of mouth to promote your game?

    I recently read Contagious by Jonah Berger, who has a pretty interesting theory about which kind of content goes viral and which doesn't. The six factors he mentions are

    1) Social Currency: How good sharing the information makes you look to others.

    2) Triggers: People only share information when they remember it and think about it.

    3) Emotion: Emotional stuff gets shared more. Especially high energy emotions like awe, anger or excitement.

    4) Public: Something is more likely to go viral if you can see that other people are using/consuming it. (Social proof)

    5) Practical Value: Information that seems useful gets shared more.

    6) Stories: Are easy to remember and can contain a lot of information (and emotion). People like telling and listening to stories.

    Also the book states that despite popular belief the most word of mouth is still taking place offline, not in the internet.

    I think most of Jonah Berger's theories are probably correct but,...

    How can we use those tricks as game developers?

    Do you have any experience with generating word of mouth for one of your games? Why did or didn't it work for you?

    You don't have to, but if you want, you are free to check out the game I'm working on here for a little more context on why this would matter: Will You Snail? - Devlog (You Tube Link)

    It's probably wishful thinking that you can rely on word of mouth and virality, but I'm curious to hear your take on this. Cheers.

    submitted by /u/JonasTyr
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    Need some Help Defining my Job Title

    Posted: 19 Aug 2018 07:05 AM PDT

    As the Title says, I need some help defining my Job Title at my company. Here's the situation. I've been working for my company for the last 5 years in a purely creative (asset creation) position. About 2 years ago one of my coworkers pushed me into learning Unity/C#/Python. I did a few tutorials, and then built a few small games/projects on my own just to prototype ideas really to just keep my brain fresh and learning new things.

    Long story-short, my company is transitioning to Unity as our development platform. Word got around that I knew some unity and had prototyped some Ideas. My work impressed the powers that be Now I've been unofficially assigned to a rapid prototyping team as a front end dev. It's a lot of fun and I'm finding myself pretty good at it. Small Team, short turn around, and the best thing is that it doesn't actually have to 'work' in the real world. It's kind of a 'skunk works' situation.

    I have a lot of freedom in my work, and part of my role is making sure that whatever we do is as creative friendly as possible (artist, animator, sound designer). This is a dream for me because I'm getting to put in the design options I've often fought for and lost for lack of dev support in production. I'm also being brought into brain storming meetings with the ceo/vps and helping to flesh out and pitch ideas. I'm developing a good rapport with them and it's obvious that they trust my input/judgement.

    BUT, Technically I'm still employed as a production-pipeline creative, Even though this prototype team is taking up 90% of my work hours. I just got word that they have a backlog of projects that should keep me busy for at least the next 12-18 months (and probably longer since we have no end of ideas). I'm finally at a point where I have to have the talk about switching, and getting this thing official.

    I'm just not exactly sure what it is I should ask to be switching to? Is there such a thing as Rapid Prototyper? Would that translate well to a broader job market? Any guidance will be greatly appreciated. Thanks you!

    submitted by /u/Greenfendr
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    3D Jumping algorithm

    Posted: 19 Aug 2018 06:49 AM PDT

    Maybe "algorithm" isn't the most appropriate word, but generally, what are the main steps you NEED to think about in order to have jumping mechanism with gravity and mass and jump force? A general theorem maybe? thanks

    submitted by /u/Jamezoar
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    Entity Component Systems & Data Oriented Design In Unity

    Posted: 19 Aug 2018 06:25 AM PDT


    I've written a not so short article on Unity's implementation of an Entity Component System (ECS) model & Data Oriented Design (DoD). No pre existing knowledge about ECS or DoD is required by the reader.

    The article handles the principles of ECS, DoD, contains a small custom documentation about the fundamental concepts of Unity's ECS as well as a start guide, where I show the reader how to rewrite a tiny game in ECS fashion.
    Lastly, I've added a critical comment on Unity, discussing their work & claims.

    Of course, this is a lot of input. You can jump through the article as you wish.

    You can find the article as well as the Unity project on my GitHub profile

    Apparently, GitHub's PDF viewer doesn't support hyperlinks. So, you would probably have to open the PDF in your browser to use that.

    submitted by /u/LifeIsGoodMI
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    Unity VS Unreal - feedback please :)

    Posted: 19 Aug 2018 10:09 AM PDT

    Hey all,

    I wrote an article to help new starters out with choosing the right game engine:


    I just got started with the website, I'd like to write helpful articles for people starting out with game development. And other game related stuff as well.

    I would super appreciate your feedback. Improvement suggestions or ideas for future articles that you would like to see are very welcomed :)

    Thanks so much all!

    submitted by /u/Pontypants
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    Marching Cubes destruct terrain between chunks

    Posted: 19 Aug 2018 06:05 AM PDT

    So I have finally got the marching cubes algorithm up and running. I can modify them (Remove and add terrain) within a single chunk. When I try to modify the terrain between chunks, it only modifies the chunk that the raycast hit.

    Here is my code (I can also provide the rest of the code if needed), that is Chunk.cs class:

    public void ModifyTerrain(Vector3 p, bool build, float force, int range) { //Calculate modification range int _range = (range == 0 ? Mathf.CeilToInt(force / 2f) : range); if (_range <= 0) return; float modificationAmount; //Loop through all density points in range for (int x = -_range; x < _range; x++) { for (int y = -_range; y < _range; y++) { for (int z = -_range; z < _range; z++) { // chunkSize+1 because that is also the size of the density arrays' size; that way the chunks can be continuous int _x = (Mathf.RoundToInt(p.x) - x) % (chunkSize+1); int _y = (Mathf.RoundToInt(p.y) - y) % (chunkSize+1); int _z = (Mathf.RoundToInt(p.z) - z) % (chunkSize+1); //Calculate distance between density's location and hitpoint float distance = Vector3.Distance(new Vector3(_x, _y, _z), p); if (build) modificationAmount = (force / distance * forceOverDistance.Evaluate(Map(distance, 0, force, 0, 1))) * 1f; else modificationAmount = (force / distance * forceOverDistance.Evaluate(Map(distance, 0, force, 0, 1))) * -1f; densities[_x, _y, _z] -= modificationAmount; } } } UpdateMesh(); } 

    The Chunk.cs class has a reference to all neighbour chunks.

    So my question is, how could I modify the terrain between two chunks? See image below.

    You can easily see where the chunk borders are, how can I fix that?

    submitted by /u/Eldemarkki
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    Are paid Game Dev/Design courses worth my time?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2018 05:59 AM PDT

    I can easily afford online courses, so money is not the issue here.

    My only issue with these courses is if they'll be a possible "waste" of time. I hear a lot of people say that the best way to get better at game development is to "just make games." Well I've made a few games within the past half year, and I've certainly learned a lot by making them, but I also feel there's a lot of holes in my knowledge of game development and design. I was hoping to fill in those holes with a "proper" education via online courses, but does a "proper" education even exist? Will I be learning "faster" by going through paid courses as opposed to just sticking to YouTube videos and forums/documentations?

    Now, if I take these online courses, I won't abandon making my own games completely. I plan on spending time every day working on at least one personal project. I'd just like to use online courses to "compliment" my learning process.

    Any advice is appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/aallen170
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    How do I make my map easier to overview?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2018 11:03 PM PDT

    So I made a map for a multiplayer fps game and my feedback was that it is very confusing to get where you want.
    So how could I make it easier for new players to play on the map.
    I though about having the main paths have lighter wall and floor color than some minor flanking routes and use the lighting to lead you to where you want to be.
    Any more ideas?

    submitted by /u/_xXpewdiepieShrekXx_
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    Working with friends to create a game development club at university, any tips on making it successful?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2018 02:51 PM PDT

    Hey guys! A couple friends and I have been really excited about making games for the past couple of months, and we want to start a game development club at our school to really bring that kind of spirit to everyone, and hopefully get to organize university game jams and whatnot as we get bigger! I've been having trouble finding examples of successful university game development / jam clubs at other schools though, so I was wondering if anyone had any tips or experience on creating a successful game dev club / game jam? Thanks in advance!! :D

    submitted by /u/chriseroi
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    New simple open source IES File creator

    Posted: 18 Aug 2018 10:52 PM PDT

    Hey game devs,

    I was working on a lighting pack, and I found that finding a good IES file that fits with what you are making is a nightmare, and there are not many tools for making custom IES files. (at least not any easy to use ones)

    So I made one and put it up on github for free.


    It is pretty basic at the moment, just a few parameters that you can tweak. But you can get decent results with it very easily.

    I've found it useful, so hopefully some of you can get some use out of it too.

    It's totally free to use, but if you like it and want to support its development, or show your gratitude, there is a donate button on the github page. Donations are greatly appreciated!

    Also, if you have some suggestions of what features you would like to see, let me know. Or you can even get involved with its development. Its surprisingly not very complicated. You don't have to be an expert programmer to get how it works.

    submitted by /u/donnygary
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    Soundtrack Sunday #255 - Rock On

    Posted: 18 Aug 2018 08:07 PM PDT

    Post music and sounds that you've been working on throughout this week (or last (or whenever, really)). Feel free to give as much constructive feedback as you can, and enjoy yourselves!

    Basic Guidelines:

    • Do not link to a page selling music. We are not your target audience.
    • Do not link to a page selling a game you're working on. We are not your target audience.
    • It is highly recommended that you use SoundCloud to host and share your music.

    As a general rule, if someone takes the time to give feedback on something of yours, it's a nice idea to try to reciprocate.

    If you've never posted here before, then don't sweat it. New composers of any skill level are always welcome!

    Previous Soundtrack Sundays

    submitted by /u/Sexual_Lettuce
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    Using the FBI and BSU in a game?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2018 09:13 PM PDT

    So you know how tv shows like criminal minds and mindhunter use the FBI and BSU in their shows? Do they have to get specific permission to do this? Could I create a game that includes the FBI without asking for permission, as long as it doesn't use any real peoples names and doesn't use real logos?

    submitted by /u/Nerdicide
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