• Breaking News

    Friday, August 17, 2018

    OTOY and Epic Games announce a preview of OctaneRender integration with Unreal Engine at SIGGRAPH 2018 for GPU path tracing and light field baking

    OTOY and Epic Games announce a preview of OctaneRender integration with Unreal Engine at SIGGRAPH 2018 for GPU path tracing and light field baking

    OTOY and Epic Games announce a preview of OctaneRender integration with Unreal Engine at SIGGRAPH 2018 for GPU path tracing and light field baking

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 03:16 AM PDT

    MOODFOOD: Ludum Dare 42 post deadum

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 07:40 AM PDT

    Hi guys!

    Last week me and a couple of family members worked on a game during Ludum Dare 42!

    I've written a "post mortermish" post on it which you can find here: https://stephenafoster.com/2018/08/17/moodfood/

    Hopefully it's of interest to somebody <3

    In case people don't want to read it on my horrible blog, I'm going to copy and paste the content here!

    I'm Steve. The programmer, designer and musician on MOODFOOD.

    MOODFOOD is a little game we made for Ludum Dare 42! This is the first time I've taken part in Ludum Dare and since we've been getting some really nice feedback from other developers I thought I'd write a post about it.

    The theme for LD42 was "Running out of space". Once we found out the theme, myself and the other guys who worked on MOODFOOD had about an hour or so of chatting about different ideas.

    The most important thing for us was to incorporate the theme in such a way that the core gameplay loop was affected - and hopefully strengthened by it. I've been thinking for a long time that I wanted to make a procedurally generated doom-like game. Toying with the idea of playing a doom-like game with a mechanic in place that "removes space" from the playing field, we eventually came to the idea of an area shooter where crushing blocks would remove space steadily from the play space. Essentially the goal of the player would be to just survive as long as possible with endless and increasing waves of enemy difficulty.

    The most important thing for me is that the game plays well and feels fun, and so heading into the programming that was my ultimate goal for this project. I set time aside from programming to just play the game and balance it as much as possible to create a good gameplay loop. Obviously this is where time allowed since there is such a huge time constraint during Ludum Dare.

    We focused entirely on implementing the elements that would allow us to start tuning the gameplay as quickly as possible, while trying to maintain a data-driven approach.

    From a programming standpoint, I made heavy use of the singleton manager pattern for this project. This is where you essentially have GameObjects that have a "Manager" script on them. This script is a singleton (only one per scene) that is globally accessible via a static field. An example of this might be the "WorldGenerator" singleton which was entirely responsible for generating the game world. It would instantiate (and keep a set of references to) all of the tiles in the world and their containing state. This WorldGenerator object was also in charge of managing and mutating the state of all of the tiles (such as when they become "dangerous" i.e. when the crusher is about to drop onto that tile). This is similar to the Entity Component System pattern, but since Unity doesn't play well with ECS (collision detection on components for example) it has to be some strange mix of the standard Unity pattern and the Entity Component System pattern.

    From a design point of view, there have been quite a few comments about where the game could go and gripes with the gameplay. I completely agree with the issues that people have risen with the movement speed. Ideally the movement speed would've been higher but I only made this realisation later into development. Further to this, all of the balancing I'd done thus far would have to be reassessed and adjusted to match the new player move speed (for example, the speed of the cyber spyder movement would need to be increased, and jump rate and speed also). At the time it was too late into the jam to realistically be able to adjust the speeds even though I'd wanted to.

    Another gripe that people bring up is the impact of the shotgun feeling weak. Originally we wanted to have multiple weapons in the game with different styles of play but this became too much work to support. I agree that the shotgun doesn't feel particularly impactful and thought about ways I could "juice" it like shaking the screen, adding tracers and a better ricochet particle effect. This could have also been improved by knocking back enemies.

    People also mentioned enemies spawning behind them. I knew this sucked but I couldn't think of a decent solution that I could implement in the time constraints provided. Obviously, nobody likes enemies spawning right on top of them. Currently the spawning algorithm just looks for a random "free" tile (i.e. a tile that hasn't had its crusher dropped on it) and then spawns there.

    Overall, I am extremely happy with the feedback we've received from MOODFOOD. Almost all the issues that people have risen with the game I completely agree with. If we continue the project in the future then I'll address them, but in all likelihood I'll end up moving onto what MOODFOOD is supposed to be!

    Thank you to everybody who played and left feedback. I've never worked on a project that's received as much feedback as this and it's really inspired me to focus more on developing interesting and unique projects.

    If anyone would like to know anything about the game, then just ask and I'll be more than happy to answer.

    submitted by /u/OneDevelopyBoi
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    Nine Nines RELEASED! Available on itch.io, Mac, PC, Linux

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 08:48 AM PDT

    Cloudy Build, a small webapp UI for Unity Cloud Build (open-source)

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 08:28 AM PDT

    How to make games with help of gamers?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 07:55 AM PDT

    Hi guys,

    I would like to make a game together with potential gamers. Listen to their ideas, implement them in a game (if possible), allow to test and then repeat a cycle.

    How (and where) would you organize environment for this?

    Good old forums or something more fancy?

    submitted by /u/surmariusz
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    Let's Make Some Noise: An introduction to generating noise with code

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 07:12 PM PDT

    Nintendo Switch Open Beta Now Available (GameMaker Studio 2)

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 12:48 AM PDT

    People who have learned to make decent art for their games, how did you learn?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 02:14 PM PDT

    I'm programmer that is really lost into where to start with art. I want to be able to create low poly cartoon style art, like Sea of Thieves or Fortnite.
    What might be a good strategy for me to use?
    Should I get into traditional route with drawing by hand, or can I start with 3d?

    submitted by /u/Voley
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    Is the single-player 2-d top-down story-based rpg genre too saturated?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 10:21 PM PDT

    It seems like there are a lot of games these days that follow that kind of pattern, undertale being the most salient/recent example. Is it still possible to break into it? What would it take?

    submitted by /u/Elronnd
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    Update video on my pixel art game I'm making. I haven't been able to work on it a lot, as I'm really busy with my real job, but there are some things to show.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 11:01 AM PDT

    Streaming Ludum Dare Submissions

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 11:35 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    If you participated in the Ludum Dare and want your game tested by us on stream, swing by on our twitch channel. https://www.twitch.tv/twistedhive

    submitted by /u/Therrato
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    Which factor of a trailer is most important for you?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 11:22 AM PDT

    Hello everybody!

    I myself am not a video game developer but work for an agency as a motion designer.

    To expand our services, I would like to take a look at the ever-growing video game industry.

    Since television/film and video games, especially in indie games, are two different worlds, it would be interesting to know what is important to you.

    Price? Dramaturgy? Design?

    Looking forward to your replies!

    submitted by /u/chick0rn
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    Being the chosen one vs being just some guy

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 09:04 AM PDT

    I'm in the early stages of designing an rpg and I keep flip flopping on this question. Should there be something fundamentally special about the player character that makes the player feel special, and justifies them being the main character, or should they just be the guy who was there at the right time and ended up being the one who has to deal with the problems?

    On one hand I feel like without being the chosen one the story feels a little flat: why are you important, if there's nothing special about you? Harry Potter is important because of who and what he is.

    On the other hand, I really am quite sick of NPCs in games acting like my character is the second coming of Christ. Frodo was only the main character because he happened to inherit the ring, he was just a dude who got pulled into events, and it doesn't reduce his relevance as a character.

    Right now I'm leaning towards trying to make the main character a little bit special, but not "THE CHOSEN ONE IS HERE, EVERYONE" special.

    What do you think?

    (I was thinking of putting this in r/gamedesign but here feels more video game specific)

    submitted by /u/ZiIIah
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    I need some help deciding a game mechanic.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 11:01 AM PDT

    I've made a dnd turn based combat grid system where you use a team in combat. It's also slightly slightly pokémon influenced by "catching" wild monsters or people and adding them to your team. The problem though is I can't decide if I want the team aspect. The world built around this feels a lot more single player multiple skills based. For instance I want the player to build up skill in fishing to catch better fish. As well as others, mining,crafting,etc. I can't decide if I should change the world, or change the team aspect, or should I have shared overworld skills and seperate combat skills.

    submitted by /u/hammo5458
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    Autanima: Indie 2D RPG

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 10:53 PM PDT

    Autanima is a game I have been working on for a little over a year. It's far from done, but I have just recently started posting my work online. It's hard to put it into a specific genre (mostly since it's not done), although it is primarily an RPG, with rogue-like, puzzle, platformer, and metroidvania elements. The main puzzles generally depend more on a mastery of mechanics, rather than problem solving, as to not slow down the game, although there will be many side puzzles which may require more thinking. The main mechanics were heavily inspired by Super Smash Bros, and I try my best to reuse these mechanics both in combat, as well as puzzle solving.

    The details of the main gameplay are still being figured out, but it is a round-based game with discrete worlds and levels, although you can freely move between worlds, and the worlds may interact with each other (A certain skill may be unlocked in one world, and required in another). The systemic nature of the mechanics leave a lot of potential for interesting situations and allow the player to solve problems their own way. Because of this, the levels have random variations throughout each play through, as well as having variations based on your actions in the previous level. For example, the shop allows you to exit with items you have not bought, but this will cause the shop in the next level to be empty. I plan to add many little things like this, which can create many different combinations of variations, allowing the player to experiment and have an interesting play-through every time.

    The game also has an upgrade and skill system, as I believe this is a good way to pace the gameplay, rather than locking off sections. I will probably make it so all worlds are immediately open, and the player can experiment and decide when they are ready to move on.

    The game is being developed in Game Maker Studio 2 and I do all my art in photoshop.

    Although I don't have a huge amount to show at the moment, below are some screenshots and videos of the combat system in the first world of the game. I plan to make regular updates, mostly on twitter: @Adrianekou and the game website: Autanima, although I don't get a huge amount of time to work on it as a full-time student. All feedback is very appreciated.


    Enemies and blocks are derived from the same object, which allows for interesting interactions

    Even enemy attacks are of the same type of object, so can be deflected or caught

    Use scan mode to move the camera within a certain range, and view enemy HP. This is also used in puzzles. For example, you can see the wiring of buttons and doors

    submitted by /u/Adrianekou
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    7 Demons, A text RPG evolves from learning python

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 11:54 AM PDT

    So I have been learning how to program using Python(3) and after a couple of months of teaching myself I have began to write a little text based RPG called "7 Demons".

    The premise is that you are killed by a bus and end up in Hell due to some error and have to defeat the 7 Demons that oversee the different areas of Hell before confronting the final boss and getting out.

    I have player generation set up as well as inventory and armor/weapons... but to be honest, before I spend hours writing encounter scripts, I want to seek some advice on whether or not it is even worth it. That is, that I am likely not going to get much more educational value out of it (other than raw experience) and would only be doing it in the interest of completing the story so that others could play. But does anyone even play Text RPGs anymore?

    Finally, I was thinking of trying to take what I have so far and adapt it into a pyglet app with some graphics and buttons instead of console based...

    Would anyone who has more experience/understanding be willing to advise me in this endeavor?

    Thanks in advance


    submitted by /u/StJudasE
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    Anyone applied the Big Mac Index principle to its mobile game In-App?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 11:53 AM PDT

    It seems that most of the Dev use the default Apple/Google conversion rate for In-App pricing in different countries. But it doesn't make sense because for a $5 USD in-app you wouldn't even get a cheap meal in US/CA, but if you convert that in Thailand or India currency, you can suddendly buy many meals. So that $5 US purchase must appear really expensive in some country?

    Any thought on that?

    Would be happy to read more about this if anyone have article/blog post to share.

    Big Mac Index:


    submitted by /u/damelin2
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    LAST CALL: GDEX Speaker Submissions

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 11:43 AM PDT

    LAST CALL for Speaker Submissions for GDEX 2018: The Midwest's Premier Gaming Expo

    Our slots are almost full for this years event and we wanted to make sure any and all people interested in presenting at this years event get their submissions in. Located in Columbus, GDEX attracts thousands from across the country every year and serves as a platform for developers and small businesses to be successful.

    You can learn more about GDEX at www.thegdex.com.

    GDEX 2018

    Dev Day: Sep 28 | Expo Sep 29-30

    Columbus, Ohio.

    submitted by /u/TheGDEX
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    OpenGL: Ways to render a scene efficiently?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 11:36 AM PDT

    I know there's a bunch of stuff on this type of thing out there but I'm interested in getting some opinions on this type of thing from anyone who can offer them.

    I'm currently working on an OpenGL renderer and simply can't decide how to organise everything in a way that I can render multiple objects which might have different types of textures and properties and what have you. By "objects" I mean something in the scene that can be transformed and has some geometrical (like a mesh) data and some properties that go along with that data to help the GPU render it all fancy (like a material).

    I'm not sure if each mesh should have a VBO of its own, or if the renderer should have one big VBO which mesh data gets submitted to (or should the scene have the VBO?! Otherwise how does the renderer know when to re-compute the VBO if an object gets added to the scene on the fly?). Should the scene objects be trawled through and rendered as they appear in the scene graph or should the renderer try to be smart and figure out which objects share the same material (or textures?) - but then how does relative transforming work if we do it like that?

    I know at this point that I want to keep everything separate, so I would ideally have a class which handles *actual* rendering, a class which just stores geometry data, a class which stores a set of data which would be sent to a shader, and a class which stores a shader program and a description of what uniforms it will accept. The last two are kind of like a material-instance and a material description, respectively.

    I appreciate any answers/opinions/discussion/anecdotes, anything is welcome, cheers!

    submitted by /u/george_mcdonagh
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    Feedback Friday #302 - Exclusive Access

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 08:04 PM PDT


    Well it's Friday here so lets play each others games, be nice and constructive and have fun! keep up with devs on twitter and get involved!

    Post your games/demos/builds and give each other feedback!

    Feedback Friday Rules:

    Suggestion: As a generally courtesy, you should try to check out a person's game if they have left feedback on your game. If you are leaving feedback on another person's game, it may be helpful to leave a link to your post (if you have posted your game for feedback) at the end of your comment so they can easily find your game.

    -Post a link to a playable version of your game or demo

    -Do NOT link to screenshots or videos! The emphasis of FF is on testing and feedback, not on graphics! Screenshot Saturday is the better choice for your awesome screenshots and videos!

    -Promote good feedback! Try to avoid posting one line responses like "I liked it!" because that is NOT feedback!

    -Upvote those who provide good feedback!

    -Comments using URL shorteners may get auto-removed by reddit, so we recommend not using them.

    Previous Weeks: All

    Testing services: Roast My Game (Web and Computer Games, feedback from developers and players)

    iBetaTest (iOS)

    and Indie Insights (livestream feedback)

    Promotional services: Alpha Beta Gamer (All platforms)

    submitted by /u/Sexual_Lettuce
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    Storing items and customisations in the database

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 10:49 AM PDT


    Just looking for a bit of advice on how best to handle the storing of customisable items in a user inventory, as customising items is something new i'm working on that i've not done before.

    This is early days and still a rough draft of my notes, but basically what I'm thinking at the moment is:

    Weapons all have a damage type, e.g. crush, burn, poison, etc... and they can also all potentially apply conditions, such as burning, bleeding, etc... Those are core to the item and cannot be changed.


    Simple Example:

    Silver Sword. Damage Type: Slash. Condition: Bleed


    There will be special core items which can be obtained, which might have an extra set of damage types/conditions.


    Simple example:

    Fiery Silver Sword: Damage Type 1: Slash. Condition 1: Bleed. Damage Type 2: Fire. Condition 2: Burn


    At the moment I am thinking of calling these "sockets", just to fit into what other games have done and make it easier to understand.

    So the weapon will have a base damage type socket and a base condition socket, neither of which can be changed and will always apply to any customised version of the item.

    Next the base item should have an extra set of sockets, for those special/rare items with an extra damage type/condition.

    So a base/core item has 2 dmg type sockets and 2 condition sockets.

    In the database I am imagining something like:










    So in the fiery sword example, the base item would have its extra dmg type/condition added to those 2 free sockets.

    Whether or not to have multiple db fields for the sockets to specify type, value, etc... (e.g. a bleeding condition we'd need to specify - how much damage, how often and for how long) or have them in one field in a parsable string of some format, i haven't decided yet and am open to input.

    The interesting/difficult bit then comes when we want to allow customisations. Obviously we don't want to change anything in the base item table or that will screw everything up, so the first question I have to ask myself is should customisations be stored directly on the user inventory slot, or in a seperate table.

    At the moment I am thinking, on the inventory slot. So the fields might be:










    Then when looking up the weapon stats, if there are custom values on the inventory slot, the custom values on the base item are ignored.

    So for example, they could customise a simple Silver Sword with a new dmg type Shock and condition Stun, giving them: Dmg type: slash, condition: bleed, dmg type: shock, condition: stun

    Or if they customised a special weapon which already has an extra set of sockets filled, their inventory slot customisations would overwrite those of the base item.

    So for example, if they made the same customisations to the Fiery Sword, it would end up: dmg type: slash, cond: bleed, dmg type: shock, cond: stun. Overwritting the fire and burn of the base item.

    This would be sorted out when loading up the weapon stats for a hit.

    That in itself raises the question of:

    - Is it better to simply not allow customisation of "special" items, instead of overridding sockets?

    Then I have to think about how the items are grouped in the user inventory. Base items are easy, as we can just lookup the inventory slot, e.g:


    slotID: 123

    playerID: 123

    itemID: 1

    amount: 10


    And we can say, okay they have 10 of item 1, e.g. silver sword.

    But customising an item will have to split it from the group. So if they customised 3 of their silver swords with different success rates or effects or whatever, they could have to end up with:


    slotID: 123

    playerID: 123

    itemID: 1

    amount: 7



    slotID: 123

    playerID: 123

    itemID: 1

    amount: 1

    customName: My custom sword

    customSocketType: shock

    customSocketCond: stun (5 dmg points)



    slotID: 123

    playerID: 123

    itemID: 1

    amount: 1

    customName: My custom sword

    customSocketType: shock

    customSocketCond: stun (10 dmg points)



    slotID: 123

    playerID: 123

    itemID: 1

    amount: 1

    customName: My posion sword

    customSocketType: posion

    customSocketCond: poisoned (8 dmg points)


    So when customising the item, we'd have to search the inventory for exact values of dmg types, conditions and values, to split the items up into groups/slots.

    Armour would be similar, but with different sockets.



    I know that's quite rambling, like I say i'm still trying to figure out exactly how to do it. God knows how it'll work when trading items to others, but I'm sure I can work it out.



    I suppose my key questions are:

    - Does that sound like a reasonable way to do it?

    - Do you think the grouping would work?

    - Can you see any major flaws with the plan?

    - Do you think multiple fields for sockets (type, value, etc...) would be best, or a parsable string in one field? Or in a separate sockets table?

    - Do you think conditions should customisable if the damage type itself has a condition? By which I mean, should they be able to apply a damage type fire with a condition of freeze? Or do you think it doesn't really matter, players won't care if it doesn't make that much sense, its a fantasy game anyway?


    Thanks for any input.

    submitted by /u/novusmortuus
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    Is there a market for 2-players only indie games?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 01:38 AM PDT

    So i really love the interaction between 2 players and i want to make a pixel-art 2-players game.

    I have no clue on how to make online play availible (i want to do it it if isnt a monumentally hard task) and the game is going to be pixel-art based, so im here thinking that it might not have even a niche audience...Im wrong?

    Is there any example of a game with this characteristics working?

    Is the risk even worth it or the ratio of success is about the same for 2-players games?

    I would love to hear takes on this situation, thanks n_n.

    submitted by /u/Naiko32
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    Talking Game Design With Iain Lobb -- Perceptive Podcast

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 10:16 AM PDT

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