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    Saturday, August 11, 2018

    I'm looking for a beginner student with fluent English learn programming

    I'm looking for a beginner student with fluent English learn programming

    I'm looking for a beginner student with fluent English

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 10:50 AM PDT


    CLOSED - thanks guys for your reponses! I received a lot of responses, so I need to decide which people to choose. Please don't send me messages, it's really hard to choose. Currently I'm writing PM to get more info about students and make the right choice. Sorry if you will not be on the list. Maybe this post will encourage other people to post something similar and more people will find mentors.

    I'm a software engineer (my github profile is https://github.com/abtv I'm a backend developer with some frontend experience) and I would like to find a beginner student who really wants to learn programming and has fluent level of English.

    It's a free exchange: I will train my English skills (I'm ~ upper intermediate at the moment) and you will train your programming skills. It's something new for me and I'm thinking about of at least 2 months of communication.

    We can meet 1-2 times per week and make the following:

    • Pair programming sessions in JavaScript

    • Discussions on programming (programming languages, version control, algorithms, etc)

    • You will start your personal project and you will ask me when you have troubles.

    Some requirements:

    • I'm looking for 1-2 people (I don't know how many people will respond)

    • you need to have basic knowledge of any programming language (it's ok if you can write something more complex than hello world)

    • we will meet for at least 2 hours online per week

    • you will follow my instructions (read articles, make programming katas at home)

    • you will work on your personal project at least 8 hours per week

    • we will start with backend development in the beginning and then to move to frontend side

    • I live in Russia, so we will need to agree time because I suppose we will have a big time zone difference

    Please send me a private message if you are interested. Please describe your goals, your background, your timezone and when you can meet me.

    submitted by /u/kendzom
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    You want to be a programmer? Just do it, and don't worry if you're on the right path or not!

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 12:00 PM PDT

    First, a little bit of background...

    I'm a freelance developer, specialising in frontend development using the Angular framework. I recently posted a learning path to web development here on Reddit, which to my delight, had a very positive response. One Redditor asked a question that really got me thinking though! The question was:

    Is this learning path similar to the one you experienced yourself?

    I replied to the question there, but I found it interesting enough that I thought I should share my experience in a separate post. What you'll find below, is my answer to that question:


    It's hard to remember how I actually came to be the developer I am today. My university education was ICT, which was related, but not very specialised in programming, although I spent most of my effort on programming-related subjects. When I finished uni, I struggled to get a job as a developer, and I ended up working in tech support. After months of self-teaching various programming languages, including C#, PHP, Python, Ruby and Ruby on Rails, I managed to land a job as a junior developer. I was in the right place, at the right time, and well-prepared for the opportunity because around the same time I was working on a side-project – an iOS app with a Ruby on Rail backend. However, I struggled on the job for quite some time. I remember the team lead, who joined after I was already hired, asking me how I even managed to get the job with such poor dev skills 😂– anyway, I managed to work my way up, and started specialising in frontend. This was 6-7 years ago.


    My point with that story is that I started learning all types of programming languages, and working on side projects without having a clue if I was on the right path. At the time, I didn't even know I'd end up becoming a frontend developer!

    So, what I'm saying is that it doesn't matter if you don't know that the path you're on is the right one. It really doesn't matter, as long as you do SOMETHING. Just learn to program, whatever you want, however you want. Be prepared for the opportunities, and eventually you'll get there!

    submitted by /u/merott-
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    Anyone interested in learning how to build a document management system from scratch?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 11:13 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I'm thinking of posting a couple of videos explaining how to build a document management system, which would cover

    Front End:

    1. HTML
    2. CSS3
    3. Javascript

    Back End:

    1. Django (Python, Rest API, Relational Database, SQL, etc.)

    I think a project like this really helps new programmers see the big picture and learn core web dev skills along the way. Anyways I want to make sure people would be interested in something like this before I spend hours making videos. Here is the document management system I would be covering. (PS my software is already being used in the city of San Francisco for around 200+ Engineers).


    submitted by /u/fefe_doc
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    [beginners] Create a Neural Network from Scratch! (no Libraries)

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 05:01 PM PDT

    We will create a neural network to model the XOR function from scratch in under 50 lines of code. This tutorial is an easy entry point for anyone who is interested in neural networks/machine learning.

    Watch the tutorial on youtube: https://youtu.be/2CnlEyz_MQY

    submitted by /u/Daporan
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    Swift Programming

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 08:17 PM PDT

    Wanted to hear from people who have worked with swift. What is it similar to? I'm coming from a Java background and know C++ pretty well. Thinking of taking some courses using swift for iOS dev. Will It be a steep learning curve for me?

    submitted by /u/Coder_X_23
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    Variables and Switch Case

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 11:00 PM PDT

    #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { const char str[] = "A is an alpha,1 is a number , ok.;"; int i=0; while(i<strlen(str)) { switch(str[i]) { case 'A': printf("A was encountered!"); i++; break; case '1': printf("1 was there!!"); i++; break; case ',': printf("COmmmmmmma"); i++; break; case ';': printf("Semi colon!"); i++; break; } } return 0; } 

    The aforementioned block of code ends up in an infinite loop , I could deduce from this that i is not being updated ,but...

    #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { const char str[] = "A is an alpha,1 is a number , ok.;"; int i=0; while(i<strlen(str)) { switch(str[i]) { case 'A': printf("A was encountered!"); break; case '1': printf("1 was there!!"); break; case ',': printf("COmmmmmmma"); break; case ';': printf("Semi colon!"); break; } i++; } return 0; } 

    Now , this works fine.
    Why won't the previous one work?

    EDIT: Thanks y'all for answering. My mistake as y'all pointed out was that I didn't add a default case and so , when none of the conditions are met nothing happens to the value of 'i' .

    This is the correct code that works as expected:

    #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { const char str[] = "A is an alpha,1 is a number , ok.;"; int i=0; while(i<strlen(str)) { switch(str[i]) { case 'A': printf("A was encountered!"); i++; break; case '1': printf("1 was there!!"); i++; break; case ',': printf("COmmmmmmma"); i++; break; case ';': printf("Semi colon!"); i++; break; default: i++; // so that i increments even if the conditions aren't met ! } } return 0; } 

    Thanks again for the help :D

    submitted by /u/revenant_tk
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    Career Changers and non-traditional CS students - How long did it take you to break into the industry and get a job - What avenue did you go for education (bootcamp, school, self-taught)

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 10:58 PM PDT

    I want to get a feel for how long it took folks to break into CS and get a job and what avenue they took.

    submitted by /u/FirmAppointment12313
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    Install VS no install

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 09:24 PM PDT

    What exactly happens when a software is installed? Can't all software just be uncompressed and used? How come the need to the settled in the registry and directories

    submitted by /u/pphp
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    [PYTHON] Duplicating an object when button is pressed in

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 10:44 PM PDT


    from tkinter import * Buttons = [] class ButtonGenerator: def init(self, height, length, master): self.height = height self.length = length self.master = master #creating buttons self.Untyped = Entry(master, fg = "blue") self.rightB = Button(master, bg = "blue" , width = 1,command=self.rightButton())

     #orientating them the correct way self.rightB.grid(row = height, column = length + 2) def rightButton(self): print("hello") Buttons.append([ButtonGenerator(self.height+1,self.length,self.master)]) 

    from another file in same directory

    from tkinter import* from ButtonGenerator import ButtonGenerator

    root = Tk() root.geometry("800x600") butt1 = ButtonGenerator(10,1,root) root.mainloop()

    What I'm trying to do here is create ButtonGenerator when the rightButton is pressed except it is just below the original ButtonGenerator. What I get when I press the button is an infinite loop and I have no idea why this happens because isn't the method only called once when I press the button. Thanks

    submitted by /u/Proaqtive
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    Feedback on very first code

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 07:12 PM PDT

    This is my very first code so I understand this is completely basic. I'm wondering if there is anything I could've skipped/added to clean it up. It just feels like I wrote a lot for such simple output. Any suggestions or tips greatly welcomed!



    <title>Avocado Toast</title>

    <h1>Avocado Toast</h1></title>


    <li>1 small to medium avocado</li>

    <li>splash of lemon juice</li>

    <li>a few glugs of olive oil</li>

    <li>onion powder</li>

    <li>garlic powder</li>

    <li>salt/peper to taste</li>

    <li>red pepper flakes</li>




    <br>Begin by mashing the avocados in a bowl then add in seasonings,</br>

    lemon juice and lastly olive oil until it reaches desired consistency.</br>

    <br>To make it creamier simply drizze in some extra oil.</br>

    <br>Toast your bread & top with avocado filling.</br>

    <br>Sesame seeds or more red pepper flakes can be added as garnish.</br>

    submitted by /u/mm4211
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    Aced my Programming Logic class, onto Java (class) in 11 days!

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 07:14 AM PDT

    I'm 31 and finally going back to finish what I started after flunking out of college 12 years ago! Last semester I realized that computer programming is crazy interesting and fun! I really like solving problems I guess?

    Now I'm not amazing at learning things on my own (I do okay), so structured learning in a classroom setting is great for me! Last semester I took a Programming Logic and Design class and also CIS, I got As in both! Next semester I'm taking a Java class (and other classes obviously), is there anything I can do in the next 11 days that will kind of give me a little kick start without being too unstructured?

    submitted by /u/whatshould_my_namebe
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    Made a thing, let me know what you think!

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 02:34 PM PDT

    Hey all! I was kind of just messing around today with some CSS and HTML, refreshing my memory. I decided to make this simple page for my daughter as she's currently learning the alphabet, and I figured it would be a cool way for us both to practice! Let me know what you think, and what I could improve! Thanks!


    submitted by /u/Villarini91
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    Just curious

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 07:04 PM PDT

    I'm currently a senior in HS and my school doesn't offer much on programming. I just finished AP Computer Science Principles and got a 3 on the exam. I know for sure I'm not well versed but I feel like if I'm not before college I'll be playing catch up. Any truth to that? Are their any ways I could learn on my own?

    submitted by /u/izzo_nova
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    Space complexity of list of list?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 10:47 PM PDT

    Hi all I just started learning about space complexity and I'm thinking the space complexity of appending a list into another list is O(N2)?If so is there a way I can make it O(N)?Can I append a tuple instead?In the code below I'm trying to reference each word with a key called new word but I'm trying to have a O(N) space complexity?

    tempList=[] for word in arr: newWord=countSortWord(word) tempList.append([word,newWord])#group each word with the sorted version as key 
    submitted by /u/Lsy9891
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    Best C IDE for beginner?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 07:42 PM PDT

    I've started to learn C. I have learned Python before and I used PyScripter IDE which was simple enough for a beginner like me. Now I can't seem to find a suitable IDE for C. I've tried VS, NetBeans but they have a lot of options that confuse me. I just want a simple IDE with an included compiler so I can compile directly from the IDE. It'll be frustrating to open a command line Everytime I wanna compile a program. Since I'm just learning, I'll be making a lot of small programs.

    submitted by /u/IntellectualPeople
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    Help with Fizz Buzz interview question where output doesn't fit into memory

    Posted: 11 Aug 2018 12:16 AM PDT

    I was doing an internship phone screen and got asked Fizz Buzz as a warm up question (had the version where you returned the result as an array). After that I got asked a bunch of follow ups about how to handle the situation where the input number is very large, like over a billion, so the output wouldn't fit into memory. For this I said I'd alter the function to have a write to disk function that writes the output to disk after a certain range is computed. I then got asked what data structure I'd use to optimize this, so I tried to get some more details and the interviewer threw out some ideas like if you had multiple computers or used multiple threads. I really wasn't sure so my answer was using a hashmap where the key is the starting of the range and the value is the location on disk. Then you could sort the keys, and you would have the ordered locations on disk of your result.

    I was kinda caught off guard with these memory questions/follow ups since I focused all my efforts on algorithm prep. I have a third interview with this company so I'd like to be better prepared for these type of questions. I'm not really sure what to look into though, since searching the topic is so broad, and I was wondering if there were resources out there that focused on these types of interview questions, or just anything really that would let me be better prepared. I was thinking of looking into map reduce, streaming algorithms, and maybe online algorithms? Any other ideas?

    submitted by /u/Brewster312
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    Chromes History API not deleting history items (or is it?)

    Posted: 11 Aug 2018 12:15 AM PDT

    I'm calling chrome.history.onVisited() and checking if the URL contains a string that has been stored in the users localStorage of the extension, yes I know about the Chrome Storage API I just have not transferred the logic yet, and if true then delete all occurrences of that URL using the chrome.history.deleteUrl() method.

    While this appears to work from the context of the API it does not show the changes in my actual Chrome History, the GUI in the browser. What I mean by this is if I do a chrome.history.search( // logic ) there aren't any records that contain that URL but it will show up in the GUI.


    ```js blackListedSites = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('sites'));

    chrome.history.onVisited.addListener(siteData => { const urlPattern = siteData.url.match(/https?:/{2}w?w?w?.?(\w+)./); // matches results between the www. and .com at index 1

    if (blackListedSites[ urlPattern[1] ]) { chrome.history.deleteUrl({ url: siteData.url }, () => { chrome.history.search({ text: '', // does not filter search depending on URL startTime: 0, // start at beginning of history endTime: Date.now(), maxResults: 0 // grabs ALL entries in history }, data => { for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) if (data[i].url.includes(urlPattern)) console.log(data[i]); }); }); } }); ```

    Is this actually working and it may take a while for the GUI to update or am I just missing something here?

    submitted by /u/fucklockjaw
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    Building my own compiler questions

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 11:56 PM PDT

    i am currently attempting to create a new programming language for fun. Just a basic barebones scripting language. the catch is that i want to it to run directly on the processor. so far i have tokenized the source code and am working on parsing and syntax analysis. where i am confused is how does one generate the machine code? i realize i can interpet the language using the compiler at runtime, but as the name, compiler, implies, i want the programs to be able to run independently. Do i just parse the statements in C++ and write assembly code within my C++ code in order to get to low level code? im primarily self taught, with no expirience in assembly language, although im willing to learn it. any input input is greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/octacatt
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    Hello everyone, at 27 am i too old to learn programming and pursue a career in it please be honest.

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 11:54 PM PDT

    So i am a security guard who is tired with his job, i always liked computers and i even learned html and css 2 years ago, so my question is i really want you guys to be honest with me because i am thinking about this very seriously, i want to switch careers i would like to become a programmer. Am i too late to start and switch careers since i am already 27 ? How long do you guys think it would take me ? And do you guys have any tips for me, my goal is to learn Javascript now as soon as possible.

    Thanks everyone !!!!

    submitted by /u/ryanot
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    Best Udemy Front-end/UX engineering course

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 05:41 PM PDT

    Which course on Udemy has instructors that actually answer your questions? Which course is good for front-end and UX engineering? Which framework/language to learn?

    By UX engineering, I meant the skills you need in order to obtain Amazon's Design Technologist role or Facebook/Google's UX Engineer role (need UX knowledge + development skills)

    I don't want to pay for all the courses since that's a lot of $$$ that I might as well go to a bootcamp.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/inspirit16
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    Does anyone know of any good C++ SDL2 Tutorials

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 11:22 PM PDT

    I am learning to use SDL2 with C++ in Xcode Does anyone know any good tutorials for this. I have found a few but they don't really teach you what anything means and so whilst I can create a window I don't actually no how to create a window or what anything means.

    My current goal is to create a simple text editor with saving but I'm mostly trying to learn how to use SDL.

    If anyone knows anyone good tutorials that would be very helpful.

    Also: Another thing i Hate is when People do stuff between tutorials and don't actually show you what they've done or even how to properly add the the files. A video tutorial would be ideal over a website.


    submitted by /u/Hyddra-
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    Very new to c# and programming for that matter. Was looking for an explanation on my code.

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 10:37 PM PDT

    I'm going through a book that touches on C# and was wondering why only the first have of my program is running through the console when i execute it.

    <Edit> It only displays the results from the first method and doesn't display anything from the second method "TestSwitchFallThrough()". Any explanation would be appreciated. Thanks.

    using System; namespace switch_Statement { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { TestSwitch(10, 20, '/'); } public static void TestSwitch(int op1, int op2, char opr) { int result; switch (opr) { case '+': result = op1 + op2; break; case '-': result = op1 - op2; break; case '*': result = op1 * op2; break; case '/': result = op1 / op2; break; default: Console.WriteLine("Unknown Operator"); return; } Console.WriteLine("Result: {0}", result); return; } public static void TestSwitchFallThrough() { DateTime dt = DateTime.Today; switch (dt.DayOfWeek) { case DayOfWeek.Monday: case DayOfWeek.Tuesday: case DayOfWeek.Wednesday: case DayOfWeek.Thursday: case DayOfWeek.Friday: Console.WriteLine("Today is a weekday"); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Today is a weekend day"); break; } } } } 
    submitted by /u/ThemDeeps
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    How do I take it to the next level?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 06:48 PM PDT

    I'm a high school senior who wants to get to the next level of programming where I can start my own projects. I have some knowledge in C++ and Java having taken AP Computer Science, however, I really want to start branching out to other languages as well as learning how to develop my own projects before I go to college. How do I get started learning more advanced concepts as well as being able to start independently programming? There just seems to be so many languages out there, so many concepts I have yet to learn, and a huge gap between my knowledge and what it takes to actually develop something practical that can be used in real life, and all I can do is make simple programs within the console using simple concepts like classes, inheritance, etc. How should I get started?

    submitted by /u/SassySardine
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    Unity/ UR/ RAGE

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 10:24 PM PDT

    Hi everyone! Sorry first if I'm making some subreddit mistakes, it's my first time posting here.

    I've read the FAQ and brought myself to the 'Games' section. Beforehand, I wish to pursue in the gaming development job, and I realised I should get a headstart before I get into school. And I need some help with the FAQ.

    In the Unity part, it says that it's suitable for people that want to create 2D/3D games and consoles games. But I also know that Unity is also a game engine too and there's other game engines too. My question is, does it matter if I start from which? Will it help if I learn something other than Unity but wanting to focus on Console games development. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/jsteintherad
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