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    Saturday, August 11, 2018

    If you are making an RPG, you need to know the Sigmoid function. (Also important for any game dealing with probability, or any game where you want to scale something in relation to something else.)

    If you are making an RPG, you need to know the Sigmoid function. (Also important for any game dealing with probability, or any game where you want to scale something in relation to something else.)

    If you are making an RPG, you need to know the Sigmoid function. (Also important for any game dealing with probability, or any game where you want to scale something in relation to something else.)

    Posted: 11 Aug 2018 01:55 AM PDT

    Pic showing what the sigmoid function does

    So you're designing your RPG combat system, and you think "I want this character's dexterity to affect the likelihood of this arrow hitting the target." How do you go about modeling that? How do you balance it?

    There are lots of ways to do it, but my favorite approach is with a custom sigmoid function. Start off like this:

    RawOdds = (1 + Skill) / ((1 + Skill) + (1 + Difficulty)) 

    That way, you have a range that goes from nearly 0 to nearly 1. If skill == difficulty, the odds are 0.5. That's what we're going to call our raw odds.

    Now let's say that you want to set a threshold. If your skill is below that threshold then the difficulty is much harder, but if your skill is above that threshold then the difficulty is much easier. Now we make our sigmoid function based on the raw odds we calculated earlier.

    Using a sigmoid function to get your adjusted odds basically does this:

    AdjustedOdds = 1 / (1 + (e ^ ((RawOdds * Steepness) + Offset))) 

    For the picture I posted above, Steepness is -10 and Offset is 5. To tweak the sigmoid function for your own use, recreate these formulas in Excel, make a chart, and play with the Steepness and Offset variables for a range of Skill and Difficulty that makes sense for your game, until the adjusted odds look right.

    I use sigmoids to tweak the likelihood of an attack being blocked or dodged. You can use a sigmoid function in a game like XCOM to adjust the likelihood of a UFO invasion based on the time since the last invasion, so that you don't hit your players with invasions two days in a row or bore them with weeks of calm. I don't know what other examples you might think of, but in general, if you want a custom curve, see if a sigmoid would work.

    submitted by /u/NathanielA
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    Game Engines: A Guide For Writing Your Own

    Posted: 11 Aug 2018 02:30 AM PDT

    This post is based on my own experience writing small engines and creating games with them (by myself or in groups), as well as what I noticed when using actual AAA engines and game editing tools. If you have differing opinions/expanded insights, please start a discussion below!

    What Is A Game Engine?

    When you hear the term "game engine", it's easy to think of platforms like Unreal Engine, CryEngine, Source, etc. These are examples of AAA engines that were built over large spans of time (Source started back in 1999 and is only just now, after years of iteration, being replaced by Source 2), and had very skilled development teams behind them.

    However, for this type of guide, these are actually not the best examples. They are simply too large and too complex for a small team to build, much less one person. Instead it is a good idea to think about what an engine is at its core, and then decide what exactly yours will need to support. For one person/small teams, this inevitably means writing a specialist engine that makes a lot of trade offs that something like Unreal Engine 4 can't afford to because of the massive developer base they support.

    So, at its core, what is a game engine? A game engine is a platform that abstracts away a lot of low-level details so that developers can more quickly and painlessly build a certain type of game. Critically, the game engine can be reused for different projects, meaning that while it may be built for a certain type of game (i.e., RTS), it is not built for any one specific game (i.e., Starcraft 2). Modern AAA engines are actually more like a conglomeration of smaller engines and utilities glued together to form a cohesive whole: Sound Engine, Rendering Engine, Physics Engine, Networking, Multithreading Manager, etc.

    Some people, when imagining a game engine, might think of things like the Hammer Editor, Unreal Editor, or Galaxy Editor - tools that let a developer import models, position game objects, add world events, etc. all through a GUI. These are not examples of game engines! You can write a game engine without having one of these. These are tools built on top of/alongside a game engine to make developers live's easier. If you don't provide these tools, then developers will end up doing a lot more C++/Java/*engine language* to create the levels with the engine.

    With this definition of a game engine, it is easy to see how much variation can exist based on the actual requirements for the engine/size and skill of the team building it. Not looking to build open-world RPGs? Maybe you won't need to implement an aggressive world-streaming system to create the illusion of a continuous world. Don't need to support RTS games? Probably won't need to support the ability to select hundreds or thousands of units and buildings at a time, or good top-down camera support.

    But it can go even deeper. Do you only plan on making 2D games since 3D is a lot harder to implement and get right? Maybe you only need to use an existing graphics framework like SDL rather than learning a lot of 3D math and writing an OpenGL front end/back end renderer.

    The variations are vast in my eyes, and this is what makes it possible for small teams to build an engine from scratch. If Unreal Engine 4 was the only viable level of complexity to have an engine that can make games, most of us would be better off not trying. In reality, you can go a long way with a small(er) engine, and with the right expectations.

    (Your) Expectations

    Writing an engine requires obvious things like skills with programming, a high level of interest and drive to build an engine from the ground up, and enough time to accomplish what you want. It is key, then, to decide what kind of monster you want to fight.

    Examples Of Engines (Small to Large)

    How Should You Get Started?

    For this it will probably be helpful to imagine a type of game you'd like to make, and then think about what an engine that could build that game would look like. Keep iterating on this step until you come up with a game whose engine nicely fits your current level of skill (or even pushes it a little). If you want your engine to be used to build something like Pong and Pac-Man, you will need a way to collect user input from the keyboard, basic audio, 2D graphics, and very simple collision detection/response. This type of engine would be very small and simple.

    If you want one that could do something closer to super meat boy, you will need a more advanced animation system and better physics, for example.

    If you want to do a 3D game, but one that has similar constraints to DOOM/Duke Nukem 3D (these technically used 2D world layouts), you will need a more advanced renderer, more advanced input collection and animation, but still a very simple collision detection/response system. This is a good first type of 3D game to make!

    Keep in mind your time constraints and level of interest. If you already have experience programming and if you've made a couple of games before, AND you don't mind this taking half a year to a year+, feel free to set your sights on a more ambitious 2D or 3D engine. If you have a lot of time but have no experience programming, set your sights on an engine that could comfortably make something like Pac-Man.

    Also accept the fact that your engines will evolve, and there will probably be more than one. My very first engine was extremely simple, and I used it to make a little puzzle game. My second engine was capable of 3D rendering, but it had a 2D floor plan for simple physics. My most recent game engine was used in 4 separate projects because it was more well-designed, easy to use and reuse compared to my previous ones, and it took around 5 months to write. With each engine I used what I had learned from writing the previous ones, and then also pushed my boundaries in select areas in order to top myself.

    Potential Roadblocks

    • Never programmed before: You will need to choose a language and learn it. Game engines are typically written in C, C++ and Java. Due to the difficulties in writing an engine, it is best to get this out of the way first. Trying to learn a language and write an engine at the same time is grounds for burn out (I tried...).
    • Never written a game engine before: This is probably the boat a lot of people are in. You want to write one, but getting it all started just seems so... bleh.
      • http://fabiensanglard.net/: The author of this website is a highly skilled engineer with a keen ability to pick apart large game engines, and then come back to tell us all about them. I frequent this site very often!
      • Writing A Game Engine From Scratch: This is a Gamasutra multi-part post that goes over very interesting things like message queues, memory management, etc. that are very good for any engine designer to know.
      • Game Engine Architecture: This is one of my favorite books ever! The author is one of the lead programmers over at Naughty Dog, and the way he describes all the different parts of a game engine is fantastic. Be warned though: this book is not a tutorial. You will not finish it and have an engine. It is more of a high-level overview of all of the parts common to modern engines. It will give you a good picture for what a fully-functional, AAA engine can have, but you will probably find that you don't need all of it depending on the size and scope of your own engine.
      • https://github.com/id-Software: This is id Software's official GitHub page. Back when John Carmack was at the helm, he believed in open sourcing his engines after a period of time. You can get the full source code for idTech 1-4, as well as some modifications of them (such as the variant used in Return to Castle Wolfenstein). Be careful though: reading through their source code can be difficult, so don't be frustrated if they appear too intimidating. Try reading the source code slowly and with the help of Fabien Sanglard's website, and pick out anything interesting from them that you can. Plus, reading good code will make you a better programmer!
    • Never written a graphics rendering system: You've got a few options here. If you're really curious and have a desire to see how this stuff is done, eventually you'll need DirectX, OpenGL or Vulkan. However, there are existing frameworks that help you get started without the need to know the lower level APIs.
      • JavaFX: This comes bundled with new versions of Java. It supports both 2D and 3D rendering.
      • Simple Direct Media Layer (SDL): Provides cross platform access to multiple things, including OpenGL/DirectX APIs. It works for both C and C++, with support for some other languages.
      • Ogre3D: I've seen some pretty interesting work done with this.
      • Learn OpenGL: One of the best tutorial sites I've ever come across. It really takes a lot of the pain out of learning a lower-level API like OpenGL and actually delves into some pretty advanced topics by the end such as Physically Based Rendering (PBR).
      • Real-Time Rendering: When you want a more in-depth look into the world of computer graphics done in real time, this is your stop. Pick up a copy on Amazon.
    • Not good/scared of math: Some math is required for 2D renderers, and a lot is required for fully-functional 3D renderers. Physics systems always require some degree of math, even simple ones. The more features you want your engine to support on the physics/graphics side, the more math you'll need. You can do a lot with a basic understanding, but once you decide to bite the bullet and spend a good chunk of time getting linear algebra concepts down, you'll find you feel a lot more comfortable writing physics engines/graphics rendering systems.
    • Data structures: This one is up to you. I will say that common libraries such as the C++ standard library are not the most fine-tuned for game engines (std::unordered_map is very bad for performance-critical code, for example), but you might find that they're fast enough for your own project. Extremely common ones are the dynamic/static array, linked list, and hash map. Knowing what each is and what their strengths and weaknesses are is critical.
    • Multithreading: Modern game engines have no choice but to capitalize on multiple cores. That being said, it is still possible to create an engine that can make 2D/3D games using only one thread. However, once you decide you want your engine to be multithreaded to capitalize on devices with more cores, you need to know where to start.
      • Framework of a Parallel Game Engine: Gives an overview of what an engine designed with multithreading in mind could look like.
      • Scalable Concurrency in Despair Engine
      • Parallelizing the Naughty Dog Engine: This is one of my favorite presentations on the topic. A common trend is to abstract away the idea of threads and create a job system. The job system spawns the threads itself, and then you basically submit functions to it that it schedules to run on its threads. The presentation talks about "fibers", but you can actually create a job system without using them.
    • Physics: This never tends to be an area that I put as much effort into, so all my physics systems are incredibly basic. A physics engine is typically broken into two parts: collision detection and collision response. You can, for example, write an engine that can only report when two game objects collide, but does nothing to repel them. The complexity of this system partially depends on 2D versus 3D, as well as what "bounding boxes" you choose to support: circles, squares, spheres, cubes, and other more advanced features. These are partially covered in the math books I recommended, and for more in-depth looks you can search for physics-centric guides if you find you need them.


    Game engines come in a huge variety of flavors. This is part of what makes them so interesting and such unique pieces of software, and they are personally my favorite thing to study.

    For me, my extreme interest in game engines is what pushed me to find any way to write my own despite the difficulty. When I first started, this meant scaling back the requirements severely until I had something I could actually deal with. Over time as I gained more programming/math experience, and as I wrote more engines, I found that what I could ask of myself increased. As a result, my engines got more interesting and more complex.

    I would not be surprised if your journey takes on a similar style. It is also worth noting that eventually, we all hit the inevitable wall: there will come a time when you get so good at making your own engines that the only way to top yourself is to either radically increase your skill level and invest far more time than before, or recruit a team to work with you. Is that such a bad place to end up? Maybe not, I'm not sure.

    Good luck!

    submitted by /u/KTStephano
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    A Guide to "Low Level" programming: learning how to make games from scratch

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 05:28 PM PDT

    This post is my opinion -> saves me from harsh criticism

    note2: I kind of feel like a scumbag with a click bait title since I say low level but I don't actually speak on assembly, hex, and the sort. this guide is more for the complete beginner who has no direction at all on computer programming. if you want assembly hot takes... look elsewhere. asm takes a lot of syntax and memory knowledge and mixes it all up together. the only way to learn asm is to just sit down and learn it. a good resource to start with are the nerdy nights nes 6502 asm tutorials.


    Game programming can often be some of the most grueling programming there is to implement. Unlike most applications, game programming at its best can push pc performance and memory to its limits. It requires a fine understanding of low level computing and an inane amount of code optimization strategies. It is also one of the most rewarding things to program. Not only have you created a virtual world all on your own, you've essentially become a programming wizard who has the knowledge to manipulate your computer to do as you bid. This is a long and difficult journey, if your goal isn't to become a PC wizard but instead just to make a small little game to send to friends then pick up a game engine like unity. It's simple and gets you running towards game creation quickly, no shame in that. But if you want to truly understand game development at its core then this guide is for you.

    -step 1: learn C++-

    This is non-negotiable. As much as people say you can use any language you want, you can't. You absolutely need to understand memory management and concepts like * (pointers) and & (references). high level languages like java do memory management for you and it is often slow and unreliable for game programming. Is it possible to program a game in java? Yes, absolutely, but it isn't beneficial towards your learning experience. When you eventually start to care about performance (it's far in the future but it will happen) you'll quickly realize how little you actually know about how computers manage memory. While it may be a little harder to pick up C++ over java, it'll be worth the time and effort

    "C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot; C++ makes it harder, but when you do it blows off your whole leg" -Bjarne Stroustrup the creator of C++

    "In C++ you could shoot yourself in the foot, so Java's solution is to cut off your legs and walk for you" - Anon, former java user


    • www.cplusplus.com - great tutorial for the most important aspects of C++ and a good std library resource
    • the crash course youtube videos on computer science explains a ton of basic principles on which computing is based off of... and they're fun to watch!

    -step 2: API's aren't cheating-

    In modern computing everything needs a driver. To stay commercially successful you need to make a driver for your hardware that supports the newest and most popular OS's. So how can other programmers program these device's? through Application Programming Interfaces (API). These libraries do the super low level code so we can program the hardware without knowing 100% how it works. THIS IS OKAY. When I first started learning programming I was frustrated and confused when I found out I couldn't just put a pixel to the screen but instead I had to use someone else's library. Now I know that because a GPU involves millions upon millions of different transistors it would be a HUGE waste of time if I tried to write pure code to be read by the GPU, so API's are really a great thing and they won't limit you at all. But what API should you pick up first? A little library called SDL (2D focused game framework). Now this might be a bit of a cheat because this library is a framework, meaning it handles most of the rendering, window creation, and inputs so it's not really a driver more like an extra layer above the driver. The reason I recommend SDL is because the next step after learning C++ shouldn't be learning low level API's like DIRECTX or OPENGL. Instead this is where you should refine your coding structure, organization and techniques.


    -step 3: more API's-

    this next step depends on you. There are a bunch of different API's to learn to get into more low level programming when you're ready to move on out of SDL and 2D game programming. First you need to pick up the basic OS API. for windows this is going to be WIN32 and for OSX it'll be Cocoa. These interfaces let you interact with the operating system to create windows, get inputs, and make basic event driven applications. once you have that done (and it doesn't really take too long) you can move on to the heavy hitters, 3D rendering API's. Technically you can also render 2D using these API's but there main focus is on efficient 3D rendering. Now, DO NOT START (meaning you can learn it later) WITH DIRECTX12 OR VULKAN. these are really low level API's made for the pros. they are hard to learn and require a deep understanding of how 3D rendering works. We want to start off with something much more tame (but still crazy efficient), DIRECTX11 (DIRECT3D11 to be specific) and OPENGL. These bad boys were made with us beginners in mind (kind of, not really though). They still take a lot of patience and practice to get down but they aren't nearly as complex as the former 3D API's.


    • www.winprog.org is a great little win32 crash course. simple and easy
    • I don't like cocoa, just stick with SDL but use OpenGL for rendering instead of the standard SDL_Renderer
    • Directx is a pain to learn but it's slightly faster on windows compared to OpenGL on windows. A lot of resources are deprecated because they keep on bringing in new stuff to the API but Practical Rendering & Computation with Direct3D11 by Zink, Pettineo, and Hoxley is a great book (for the time being) to pick up somewhat current Direct3D
    • https://learnopengl.com is a great resource for getting into OpenGL and is super easy and shows quick results. FREE!

    And that's my guide... kind of emaciated but programming is so broad that I can't lay everything out, here are just some top picks from personal experience. Hell I'm still going through this magical PC wizard journey and I'm still having trouble learning 3D rendering but hey, I'm sure some of my experience will help someone

    TL;DR - this is a guide on learning programming: if you didn't have the patience to sit through the post then I can't really help ya any. sorry :(

    note: as many people have mentioned in the comments, math and theory are king. this guide was more of a beginners guide to programming syntax and some theory. there is a lot of mathematics in computer programming (especially 3d rendering) so don't skimp out on 'em.

    edit: spelling and grammar and note

    submitted by /u/SkyrimForSwitch
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    Screenshot Saturday #393 - Dynamic Colors

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 08:09 PM PDT

    Share your progress since last time in a form of screenshots, animations and videos. Tell us all about your project and make us interested!

    The hashtag for Twitter is of course #screenshotsaturday.

    Note: Using url shorteners is discouraged as it may get you caught by Reddit's spam filter.

    Previous Screenshot Saturdays

    Bonus question: What is a video game that you feel pushed the medium forward?

    submitted by /u/Sexual_Lettuce
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    Can we use Illuminati logo in a game?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2018 09:12 AM PDT

    Hello i'm creating a platformer game and i want a boss to be the Illuminati logo. I know for sure that i can't use their like original logo but can i like draw it as a pixelart and than use it?


    submitted by /u/LukaXD
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    Make your PNGs smaller with this easy to use online tool

    Posted: 11 Aug 2018 11:30 AM PDT

    gfx-portability is ready for competition with MoltenVK for Vulkan-on-Metal

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 02:38 PM PDT

    Why Sound Design is so Important in Games

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 05:36 PM PDT

    The convention for the sign of the distance for a 3D plane

    Posted: 11 Aug 2018 09:28 AM PDT

    I'm creating a math library. I'm making a simple 3D plane, to store a plane i need a plane normal and distance.


    Plane = Normal + Distance

    My convention is that Distance is number of normals that would take you from the origin to the plane.

    But you could alternatively store Distance as the number of normals that would take you from the plane to the origin.

    Is there a convention whether to store the distance as negative or positive?

    So in algebraic terms

    Ax + By + Cz = D


    Ax + By + Cz - D = 0

    So depending on my frame of mind i could store A,B,C,D or A,B,C,-D

    A quick look around at some random code, like this...


    The comment says...

    "Denoting normal:=(a,b,c), this class uses the convention ax+by+cz = d, which means that:

    - If this variable is positive, the vector space origin (0,0,0) is on the negative side of this plane.

    - If this variable is negative, the vector space origin (0,0,0) is on the on the positive side of this plane.

    @note Some sources use the opposite convention ax+by+cz+d = 0 to define the variable d. When comparing equations and algorithm regarding planes, always make sure you know which convention is being used, since it affects the sign of d."

    This library has used the same convention as i have, is this common? A textbook i have uses the opposite convention (ax+by+cz+d = 0).

    (Please note this question is not about how to construct a plane, or do the actual math, it's about the convention for storing the data)

    submitted by /u/davep00
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    A game creation and distribution I created

    Posted: 11 Aug 2018 09:22 AM PDT


    I've been working on this project of mine that lets people without any knowledge in programming to create game, very similar to RPGMaker, but what is different with my project, is that I focused on the ability to customize mechanics and even interface, and other peripherals like assets and distribution. Currently you can only create very simple browser RPG games, but there is still alot that I want to add, that eventually people could create just about any game (in the frame of typical genres) with complete ease. Bu t for now this platform is really lacking, so I would really apprentice any possible feedback.

    submitted by /u/throwaway0893270834
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    Feedback on Scoring System

    Posted: 11 Aug 2018 09:09 AM PDT

    I would like to get feedback on ideas for the scoring system for the game I'm working on. This game is sort of a restaurant simulator (think Diner Dash) with a few tweaks here and there. One of the main differences is that customers can order between one to three items. There's a 50% chance that a customer will order another item or will leave each time they finish eating.

    Customers can leave tips, and this is affected by their happiness level. Happiness ranges from 0 – 100 and goes down depending on how quickly you tend to them. Customers also have five hearts above them to represent the underlying happiness level. One heart is filled if happiness is between 1 and 20, two hearts if happiness is between 21 – 40, etc. Each filled heart is worth 5 points.

    Every item a customer orders is worth 50 points. The final score for a given customer is calculated by the number of items they ordered plus the tip. For example: a customer who ordered two items and has full happiness will have a score of 100 (2 items) + 25 (tip) = 125.

    Now the tricky part is calculating the passing score for the level dynamically. I want this to auto-adjust based on the number of customers per level, so I don't have to set it every time I make a new level. The current approach I'm taking is minScore = (fullHappinessTip + OrderItemValue) * CustomersPerLevel * percent. Full happiness tip is 25 since each heart is worth 5 points, OrderItemValue is 50, CustomersPerLevel varies, and percent is .75. Percent means that we want at least 75% of the customers served to leave with full happiness (25-point tip).

    A sample minScore would be (25 + 50) * 10 * .75 = 562(rounded). This approach works well if each customer orders exactly one item. However, customers can order between 1 and 3 items so the achievable score can vary from 562 to 1312(assuming everyone ordered 3 items).

    I've considered using the average of the possible values for number of items ordered which would be 50(1 item) + 100(2 items) + 150(3 items) / 3 = 100. This cranks the difficulty way high since the min score is 937.

    I'm kind of stuck trying to figure out the best way to calculate the min score when the number of items ordered can varies. Any suggestions or ideas? Am I going about this all wrong?

    submitted by /u/michi03
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    Does anyone know how to make bullets fire towards the mouse?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2018 08:20 AM PDT

    As you saw from the title I need help figuring out how to make bullets fire at the mouse. I am mostly having difficulties with rotating the bullet and making go the right way. I tried watching this video on firing "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ak2qkzY9Az8", but I got confused.

    I am using SDL2 in C just saying.

    For anyone that helps thanks!

    submitted by /u/YamiOG
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    Developer Log

    Posted: 11 Aug 2018 08:02 AM PDT

    Hi guys,

    I just wanted to share a developer log I released a bit ago. In the post, I first share what the game is about and how it plays. Then, I go more into technicals and talk about how the underlying systems work. Give it a read and let me know what you think!




    submitted by /u/bilal_i
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    3d modeling vs 2d painting for isometric games?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2018 01:59 AM PDT


    I'm wondering which way would be better to go to learn, painting assets (sprites and such) in "photoshop" or making 3d models and painting textures, maps and such?

    I'm just a hobbyist and I can learn both. I did some modeling in past and now I've been drawing for a while too.

    I plan to use Unity (stand alone) and Phaser (web games).

    Sprites would work better in Phaser but I'm currently mostly focusing on Unity to get more accustomed to it so I have an option to go with 3d models in future as well as 2d sprites.

    I can create sprites and I've made and animated 3d models too.

    So I'm wondering which one do you guys prefer for isometric games (rpg - icewinddale, diablo; strategy; tabletop - heroes of might and magic, civilization;), realistic, fantasy, sci-fi and why?

    I have the luxury of taking my time with the project it's something I do for fun. I currently have a plan to buy tiles from unity asset store to speed up things a bit and mostly because I really like it but I can add monsters/characters with 3d models as well as painted sprites because the assets would work with both graphically.

    Painting everything would be more time consuming than modeling but I'm not that confident in animating 3d models yet so both has it's merits for me.

    Thanks for you insight.

    submitted by /u/viksl
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    Make a Rhythm Game like LLSIF or Idolmaster?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2018 03:40 AM PDT

    Hey guys, if you know games like LLSIF or Idolmaster, can you tell me what kind of things are necessary to make that kind of game? I am a quick learner so I do not think I will have any problems with any program. If there are those who do not know these games, I just added a picture of the rhythm part. The games are actually more extensive. What do you think?


    submitted by /u/namiura
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    Should packets be grouped before sending?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 09:28 PM PDT

    When sending network data from the server to the game client, should packets be sent as soon as the information is generated, or should they be grouped and collected before being sent at regular intervals?

    submitted by /u/The_Starfighter
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    Inside the Star Citizen Development Process - Interview with CIG's Studio Director Eric Kieron Davis

    Posted: 11 Aug 2018 06:16 AM PDT


    Posted: 11 Aug 2018 09:52 AM PDT

    Hello Good People of r/gamedev!

    My Name Is Michael (Call Me Mike!)

    I have a passion for music, and would love to work with anyone that needs music for their new games!

    Any Kind Of Song Is Okay, As Long as if its not that complicated!

    If Anyone Wants to work, you can add me on Discord : Playboi Mike#6877



    submitted by /u/Nigxthmare
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    I’m developing a 2D platformer, and I was wondering; is it acceptable if the character’s weapon only appears when they’re attacking?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 01:32 PM PDT

    Could it be excused as a "game thing", or would it be too odd since they're supposed to be carrying it? Also, are there any other platformers that have done this before?

    I hope this doesn't break any rules, please tell me if it does!

    submitted by /u/Throwaway_44578
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    Better Off Dead - New Weapon Animations (Please leave feedback)

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 08:28 PM PDT

    I want to make games as a hobby but i don't know where to start

    Posted: 11 Aug 2018 05:47 AM PDT

    There's so much differing information online and I have no idea where to begin- especially since i can't really spend money on it.

    If it helps, I am a natural at learning programming (the little work I have done on them I did so quickly) and so won't have to rely on other kinds of creation- as long as there are good tutorials online.

    submitted by /u/EPIKGUTS24
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    I've been making a game set in Pripyat/Chernobyl before the accident

    Posted: 11 Aug 2018 12:06 AM PDT

    Hi Reddit!

    I've been modelling the city of Pripyat using old photos during its construction and before the accident for reference in my spare time, using Sketchup for the modelling and Cryengine for the rendering (and playtesting). Not sure where this is headed, foremost I'd like to just make it interactive and explorable, but feedback has been to add GTA-like missions and a story that takes place during and after the accident. What do you think? Anything you'd like to see?



    submitted by /u/JulianHivemind
    [link] [comments]

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