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    Sunday, August 19, 2018

    How To Design For The Modern Web web developers

    How To Design For The Modern Web web developers

    How To Design For The Modern Web

    Posted: 19 Aug 2018 08:41 AM PDT

    What is Docker in 5 minutes [Video]

    Posted: 19 Aug 2018 01:09 PM PDT

    Do I really have to store an image and it's path in the DB for every media breaking point or is there a way around this?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2018 12:02 AM PDT

    Okay so let's say I have a blog post with a post thumbnail. For the post thumbnail I simply just store it in a `public/images` directory and then store the path in the post table like so.

    Post Table

    id title content thumbnail_path
    1 A Post Hello World thumbnail.jpg

    It's been a long time since I've designed a site from what I'm seeing is that browsers no longer only rely on CSS for images and there is now an attribute called srcset on image that allows you user multiple images for every breakpoint:

    My break points
    - 576px
    - 768px
    - 992px
    - 1200px;

    <img srcset="public/images/thumbnail-576.jpg 1x, examples/images/thumbnail-768jpg 2x " alt="…">
    I'm not use to creating this big of projects so optimization is now new to me. Do I really have to store an image for each breakpoint and create a different data structure for responsive image design, or is there a way around this?

    Example schema of what I think you have to do:

    A post has many thumbnails

    Post Table

    id title content
    1 A Post Hello World

    Thumbnails Table

    id post_id thumbnail_path
    1 1 thumbnail-576.jpg
    2 1 thumbnail-768.jpg
    3 1 thumbnail-992.jpg
    4 1 Lthumbnail-1200.jpg

    Is it really necessary to store 4 separate images and create a hole new table for just thumbnails? Or is there a way where I can just store one image and then some how have the browser render it at different sizes? This seems like a whole ton of headache.
    I'm using Laravel for my backend and Vue for my frontend. It would be useful to give guidance with those to frameworks if you want, if not I'm just looking for the answers above.


    submitted by /u/corbinthecoder
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    Should I still allow users to "remember me" in 2018?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2018 10:34 PM PDT

    I've seen a few posts online that bring up reasons to phase out the "Remember Me" checkbox when logging in. My question to you guys is quite simple:

    Is it a viable option in 2018 to either remember me by default upon login or simply don't offer the remember me option, what are your thoughts on this?

    submitted by /u/Joe_Scotto
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    How can I ensure post and get requests to my API are from my website and mobile app only?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2018 01:33 PM PDT

    I've always struggled with the concept of making my API's secure, I got around this once I found out about how to secure your api on your website where you set a session and a local input to a token and if they match on the api, you're validated. This changed once I started working on a mobile app, now it's more complex and I'm a bit lost.

    My question to you guys is, how can I make it so my api can only be access through what I allow (mobile app, website) i don't want just anyone to be able to view the content or make posts to it.

    submitted by /u/Joe_Scotto
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    Difference between Gatsby and Create React App

    Posted: 19 Aug 2018 04:46 AM PDT

    Good morning friends,

    I'm looking to learn React and a static site generator so Gatsby seems like the place to be. After initially browsing the documentation, I'm having trouble understanding the main differences between something like Gatsby and the Create React App. Does gatsby have it's own special syntax or file structure? Is it just a paired down version of the create react app without the ability to do advanced stuff with state like integrating with Redux? When would I use something like create react app and when would I use something like gatsby?

    I need to take some react tutorials before jumping into gatsby but I wasnt sure if gatsby had it's own syntax. If i learned React using the create react app, would I be able to easily jump over to Gatsby?

    Appreciate any guidance you guys could give as I'm relatively new to this stuff.


    submitted by /u/JDeezyFoSheezy
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    Is Netlify all what it's cracked up to be?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2018 01:41 AM PDT

    I just spent an hour wrestling with SSL certs on my namecheap cPanel and would very much like to not deal with that bullshit again in my life.

    Turns out the problem was that I had a self-signed cert (??) that was taking precedence over the legit certificate. And this was hidden in some random non-obvious nook in cPanel and I had to delete it.

    The guys on Syntax rave about Netlify automating all this sysadmin type crap, but of course they are paid to say that. I was wondering if anyone here had tried out the service and what it's actually like?

    submitted by /u/temporarilyembarasse
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    Looking for advice. How many tools do I need to learn to start off?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2018 01:29 AM PDT

    First let me apologize if this seems like a repost.

    Hi, I recently got my degree in CS and I'm just starting off hoping to become a freelance web developer. I enjoy the back-end more than the front-end. As a freelancer I realize I'll be doing fullstack work. Lately I have been spending more time with CSS than anything else on my pet projects. I want to make responsive design one of my selling points. The more time I spend building basic websites the more I find out that I don't know. I've read a lot here and there are some tools that keep appearing. I would like to learn everything eventually, but I'm wondering what is really necessary to know to get started?

    I have a general understanding of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, NoSQL, Jquery, Python, Git, and the LAMP stack. I've been running Linux for a little more than a year now so I know some bash too.

    On my list to learn right now are: WordPress (or other CMS), Bootstrap, Laravel (I tried Yii and wasn't a fan), the MEAN & MERN stacks, and possibly Flask (I've worked with Bottle, but I'm not sure Python for web is the way to go).

    I feel like having all these tools in my web dev toolbox is a great idea, but it seems like overkill especially for smaller websites. Am I just naive? What are the benefits to knowing some of these for small scale production?

    Also, I've read posts about the pros and cons of freelancing, but right now I'm not having much luck applying for a full-time position flat out so I figure creating sites is a good way to expand my portfolio from solely classroom projects. I understand it will be tough to start off, but I figure I'll try my hand at it and at the very least I'll keep busy and learn.

    Any advice is helpful!

    submitted by /u/anotherProgrammerGuy
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    What does it take to be a web dev AND land a job?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2018 08:28 AM PDT

    Hello web ninjas. After a lot of years of procrastination and and getting distracted I'm back at learning web dev.

    I've started freecodecamp and am devoting a couple hours every day for the last week. Uptill now I've only learned some css and html. Before diving into Java script I wanted to have a a straight line of thinking.

    What does it take to be a a good developer AND get hired since that's my main motive. How much experience do I need before joining a remote company like toptal or X team. They seem to pay very well by the hour and considering that I kind of am enjoying my learning experience, getting in would be a dream come true. What route do I take before I'll be able to consider my self a good developer. I have somewhat experience in Android but I find web much more exciting. Is FCC going to be enough? Edit: on mobile here.

    submitted by /u/redditssexiestguy
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    Help with Debugging and Routing

    Posted: 19 Aug 2018 03:48 PM PDT

    So I'm trying to create a webserver that allows me to press a button, and then a python file is executed. Specifically, I can listen to a pulse, then a camera will start recording. Currently I am getting an error message of "AttributeError: module 'RPi.GPIO' has no attribute 'setwarnings'". What could be causing this issue, and is it my Raspberry Pi or my code?

    GitHub link: https://github.com/asdfghj1332/Webserver-v1/blob/master/app/routes.py

    submitted by /u/DAWG420BLAZEIT
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    Hard customer / advice needed

    Posted: 19 Aug 2018 03:11 PM PDT

    So I'm developing this full fledged web app with many modules, CRUDs and SQL tables. Each new feature is decided on a meeting in which we try to gather all the use cases and draw the wireframes together with said customer. Upon validation we have the week to develop all the tests, layouts, front end and backend/DB of said feature and launch by the end of the week after another meeting to show the feature working. The problem however is that the customer is starting to complain about things we developed (and validated with them) 3 months ago, and is requesting us to change some fundamental workflows that will almost literally render everything we did after that useless. Imagine data that depends on a lot of information previously inserted on an entire workflow on another module to work, they want to remove that module completely because they don't feel like having it. This customer in particular has no development/entrepreneurship prior experiences but they've read some books and 'know' how things work and how 'easy' it would be to fix an entire relational database model running in production based on their knowledge of MS Excel.

    I'm the one managing the project budget as well as developing and I've made estimations of time/cost of this particular change and it absolutely isn't worth it (their users won't benefit at all from this change to justify doing it). All points I've brought to their attention with no avail.

    Also very important to note is that we're paid by the hour so more hours equals more pay but it will be three entire months of rework and project delay that I fear may impact us on the long run with them. And there's the possibility of messing something up with user data and the countless relational tables we have.

    I really could use an advice here on how to proceed. Do I implement the changes that will nullify three months, try (yet again) to reason with them, or...?

    submitted by /u/nnnightmare
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    JQuery/Javascript all images fade in when loaded

    Posted: 19 Aug 2018 03:04 PM PDT

    I want all the images on my website to fade in when they have finished loading. Is there a simple code to apply this to all images?

    submitted by /u/storm4077
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    I’m planning to change the font on my search engine from agency fb to product sans but idk where I can find an eot or woff or woff2 file as the only format available for product sans is a ttf file

    Posted: 19 Aug 2018 03:02 PM PDT

    Newbie here - why is my site fine on local but not when deployed?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2018 02:46 PM PDT


    I initially designed this for mobile/vertical layout, as that is by far the primary use of this page (chefs will be using it to place orders quickly while they're on the go checking inventory with a few clicks). It looks fine in that format on my phone (Pixel XL) however when I view it on a browser it is bloated way out of proportion. Instead of it limiting the width to a sort of mid-screen, managable size, it is stretching 80-90% with the entire size of the browser screen. Additionally, none of the font rules are applied.

    Here is the CSS:


    submitted by /u/that_fickleFox
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    The Enigma of the Safari Push Framework

    Posted: 19 Aug 2018 02:30 PM PDT

    How to Build an Off-White™ Parody “CAMERA” using Vue, WebRTC, and IBM Watson

    Posted: 19 Aug 2018 02:29 PM PDT

    Marketplace Data Organizing Question; What are the rules that define what results show up for each city, when sometimes what people consider as part of a city is not = the actual city name in the address eg La Jolla San Diego

    Posted: 19 Aug 2018 10:08 AM PDT


    First i am noob in this field. I am creating a marketplace for schools. and i am facing a problem of data organization. Hope you can help!!

    Take an example of UCSD , technically not located in San Diego. Meaning if i were to organize results by the city - it would not appear for San Diego. Though users would want to see it if they select San Diego.

    Similarly there are schools 2 miles from Manhattan but technically in New Jersey. I feel i would want to show this to users. I noticed websites like expedia say: "Los Angeles and Vicinity". But i can't figure out how to actually create a rule that would ultimately decide whether or not to consider a certain address as part of that major city.

    I tried to look into what is considered " Metropolitan Area of (City) " so for example Santa Barbara is considered Los Angeles Metropolitan Area but.. i asked users some said they would not want to consider it as part of LA as it is quite far. So that grouping seems to vast

    I looked into the organization of Counties and also didn't work well for places like new york.

    Any idea on how to come up with the system that would organize this data accordingly.. whilst keeping it easy for users.. Like i don't want to have them filter the metropolitan area...

    Upon giving up on a general rule i thought maybe ill deal with each address manually, eg by city or postal code or so... so if a school is off this postal code it would show up if not. but this seems to hectic.

    Eg manually pre define if schools in Santa Monica, should it show for LA or not...

    Any suggestions? Or perhaps guidance on where to ask to get such answers. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/maya8808
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    Need help with Oauth 1.0a generating the token

    Posted: 19 Aug 2018 09:36 AM PDT

    I have an application hosted which I have access to that has an API.

    And to access the API you have to go through the Oauth.

    So I generated the client key and secret and have the callback URL with the token generating URL which is "oauth/initiate" in my case.

    But it just isn't allowing me to generate the token from localhost. So two things I can think of is CORS isn't enabled on the application side and the other one is to do with the SSL since it is self signed.

    Totally lost on this and google has nothing helping me on this. If anyone could give me direction on fixing this it would be helpful. I can't really make changes on the application side to keep in mind.

    submitted by /u/toonwarrior
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    Storing form state when view changes

    Posted: 19 Aug 2018 09:16 AM PDT

    You know when you're filling out those multi-page forms on websites, you often have to click 'Next' on each section of the form to continue filling it out? For instance, many job application sites I've noticed do this.

    I've noticed that if I lose internet or reload the page or whatever, my session is still recovered and it doesn't lose my work. How is this done? Is there a database call somewhere to save my work periodically?

    submitted by /u/thisisnotme994
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    Bad resume or bad luck?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2018 08:56 AM PDT

    Bad resume or bad luck?

    Hi devs,

    I'm a senior college student here trying to get a job. I do a lot of full stack work, well i'd say 70% front end 30% back end sadly even though I try to balance it and enjoy both sides. This work usually comes from freelancing, I use Upwork sometimes. My github has 20 public projects (more private), have personal projects and live demos for viewing. Experience working in teams , leading teams, agile/scrum, building projects from the ground up. I work with a lot of Vuejs , Angular, Nodejs, mongo and sql. Yet can't seem to get a more steady job. Freelancing is nice but it hasn't fully picked up yet so i'm leaving it on the side for now.

    Is my resume just trash or is it something else?

    As I'm still doing classes on only available whole day Tuesday, Thursday, Friday in office, but monday wednesday remote, do you think I should apply to only internships (already had 2 internships 1 paid 1 unpaid)?

    My github: https://github.com/Credwa

    website: www.isledevv.com (I need to redo cause I'm not liking my design anymore).

    resume attached all opinions welcome.


    submitted by /u/credwa
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    [Showoff Saturday] An app that gives all developers the ability to receive continuous income for their open source work.

    Posted: 18 Aug 2018 05:05 PM PDT

    Hi Reddit!

    I am a mechanical engineer, and this is my first web app.

    Let me start off by saying thank you to the entire web-development community. Throughout my journey, every question, every issue, and every roadblock I encountered was resolved with the help of a developer friend or by someone on Reddit/Stack Overflow. This level of community support is absolutely amazing and hard to find in other industries! 🙏

    Why build this app? – I believe that financially supporting open source developers should & could be a lot simpler. This is why I created Boost Lab.


    The idea behind my app is simple. Each donation will increase the balance of a repo. And when a pull request gets merged, an algorithm will pay the developer a portion of the repo's balance.

    With this approach, funds are automatically distributed to developers without any impact to their existing workflow. And each developer gets paid proportionally to the amount of work they contribute.

    PS: I tried to make my app as fast as possible using various techniques & technologies such as PWA and GraphQL. Here are my Lighthouse scores:

    • Performance: 92
    • Progressive Web App: 100
    • Accessibility: 87
    • Best Practices: 100
    • SEO: 80

    Although my scores are not too bad, if I do say so myself, I know they can be even better. I will try Code-Splitting my app next and keep y'all posted on the results.

    I appreciate your time in reading this and hope you enjoyed this post.

    I know there are a bunch of things I can improve on, so if you have any questions or feedback, you're more than welcome to leave a comment down below.

    submitted by /u/boost_lab
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    Where else do we use webserver's file system other than delivering static assets?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2018 12:22 PM PDT

    A Nice Collection Of Often Useful Examples Done In React.Js

    Posted: 18 Aug 2018 06:11 PM PDT

    Should I switch from Angular to React?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2018 12:16 PM PDT

    Right now I'm pretty confident with using Angular 6. But I'm aware that about 99% of the industry uses React. Should I switch to React? I'm an 18 y/o student that's self taught and doesn't learn anything in school. I'm pretty good at teaching myself things so: - should I try and balance Angular AND React - switch to React - stay with Angular

    Would love to hear your opinion!

    submitted by /u/Neol3108
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