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    Thursday, August 23, 2018

    Best resource to gain SQL knowledge quickly - under a week learn programming

    Best resource to gain SQL knowledge quickly - under a week learn programming

    Best resource to gain SQL knowledge quickly - under a week

    Posted: 23 Aug 2018 10:05 AM PDT

    So I have an internship interview exactly a week from now. According to glassdoor they ask alot of SQL trivia and database design. Having not worked with a database or taken a database course yet, what is the best way to learn as much SQL and database knowledge as soon as possible.

    I know this is something that may typically take a month or few but to increase my chances of landing the internship, whats a good way to gather sufficient knowledge to possibly answer interview questions?

    submitted by /u/tobesenior
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    How can I start learning about assembly?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2018 03:24 PM PDT

    I guess my question is a bit broader than this. I want to learn about how computers are physically working - like what's actually going on underneath the higher-level code.

    I don't expect to be able to learn to actually write much assembly code, and that's not my aim either, because I know it's not terribly useful these days. But I'd just like to what's going on, you know?

    I'm really struggling to find any information. Every time I find something, it's full of terms I don't understand, so I look up those terms and find even more terms I don't understand.

    I hope this isn't too broad.

    Thank you!

    (I'm using a Mac btw. It's got an Intel processor, obviously.)

    submitted by /u/potatomar
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    I made a little resource to learn Node.js

    Posted: 23 Aug 2018 02:44 AM PDT

    I made this little website that collects all the blog posts I've written on Node.js, gave it a structure so you can start from zero, and have a good understanding of how to work with Node. It can also act as a reference.

    It's nodehandbook.com

    I made it with GitBook, so you can also download the same exact content in PDF/ePub/Mobi format, to print or read on your iPad/kindle.

    Hope you will find it useful!

    submitted by /u/flaviocopes
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    Is tkinter (python) still relevant?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2018 06:28 PM PDT

    I've been stumbled upon tkinter and wanted to learn more about it.

    I've been looking at tutorials that date back to 2014. 4 years later, is tkinter still useful and does it still have relevant applications to programming in 2018?

    If so, can anyone briefly explain if they use it in their jobs or some projects they are developing in 2018.

    submitted by /u/sam_or
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    Best Java IDE for a College student to Computer Science

    Posted: 23 Aug 2018 04:51 PM PDT

    Just began my Computer Science major and was looking around for the best IDE for a beginner. Im currently learning java

    submitted by /u/HoagieBaby
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    A Method For Acquiring New Technical Skills

    Posted: 23 Aug 2018 09:48 PM PDT

    Hi everyone. In this post I wanted to share a simple technique that has become one of my top approaches for learning almost anything technical. If it works for you, great!

    Small disclaimer: I do not consider this method to be a shortcut as it will still require a large time investment. It does, however, provide a framework to make approaching difficult topics a little less intimidating.

    This technique actually came from a professor I had during my Sophomore year of college. He was the type of professor that everyone looked up to regardless of who you were or how much experience you thought you had. There was no such thing as "too hard" or "too ambitious" in his world, and the later part of his career was spent trying to redefine computing altogether.

    Recently I was told that he has officially retired. Since this technique made such a lasting impact on me, I decided to try and pass it along with the best broken English I can muster.

    First Things First

    • If you're just starting with programming, expect to be confused a lot. The only time this is a concern is if you actually hate what you're studying. The thing is that you will always get confused anytime you try and take an ambitious leap into a new realm. It just so happens that for most people, beginning to program itself is an ambitious leap. Don't let it stop you.
    • You can adjust this to your liking. My personal approach tries to emphasize hands-on effort while going through any sort of technical material since this helps me retain new information better.
    • While this method has helped me a lot, you still need to be willing to sit down and put in the time. Put in as much time as you can schedule in and you will reap the benefits later on.

    The Method

    1. The first step is to clearly identify what it is you want to learn. It can be broad, i.e. "I want to learn C++" or it can be specific, i.e. "I want to learn how Haskell implements lazy evaluation". It could be that you want to build a small website for your resume. It could also be something you did not choose, for example if your boss wants you to learn it or it is part of a class you are taking. This is all fine.
    2. Next comes the part where you identify resources that seem good for you personally. Have more than one! I will say that I have rarely, if ever, found a single resource that explained everything I wanted to know for a given topic, or explained everything in a way that made sense to me. Even if you're following a tutorial, have some back up materials. If you hit a point where they gloss over something that confuses you beyond belief, fall back on your other sources and see if they cover something similar. See if their version makes sense to you, then return to your tutorial once it does.
      1. As an example, back when I wanted to learn OpenGL, I had not one, not two, but four separate resources: 2 online tutorials that seemed good, 1 desk reference/tutorial hybrid, and 1 math book. Between the 4 of them I got what I wanted, and whenever I thought one explained a topic badly, I just hopped to one of my other ones (or Google) to see if their explanation was better. Be proactive. Sometimes just reading the same paragraph 40 times isn't your best option.
      2. As for how I found these, Google is the main thing I use. I would first Google for tutorials on a topic, then I would Google for books. If they showed up on a place like StackOverflow and had a lot of support then I would add it to my list. The resources would very often be different as well: GDC talks from a while back, a research paper(s), or a set of PowerPoint slides from a University. I should also point out that "List of best x for y" usually brings up some good stuff: here is the top result for "List of best books for C++".
      3. As another example, my professor did not have a textbook for the course back then. Instead he had a list of resources he thought were good supplements, but he did not require that you use all/any of them.
    3. Now it is time to set up your environment. For this you will need to create at least 1 folder to put the files for the actual project you want to complete. Then, you will create another separate folder for your scratch work. And by scratch work, I actually mean that you will treat it as if it were a piece of throwaway paper that you do side work on. It is a place for you to write little pieces of code to test something small before you put it into your real project. The code in the scratch folder doesn't have to be pretty, but it does have to convince you that you understand a concept before you continue adding to the main project. It can also convince you that an idea you have actually works before you mess with the real code. Here is an example:
      1. You are editing files inside of your main project file as you read the tutorial you're following. The tutorial has already introduced you to Java arrays, and then later they say something like "But how do we get the length of an array? Easy! All arrays have a secret .length field."
      2. You stop. Hidden .length field? Every array has this and you don't have to do anything for it to work? You move over to your scratch project to test it out.
      3. "ArrayLengthScratch.java" gets created, and inside the main method you create 3 arrays: an array of characters (char[] charArray), an array of ints (int[] intArray), and an array of doubles (double[] doubleArray).
      4. Next you print all of their lengths. "System.out.println(charArray.length); System.out.println(doubleArray.length); …"
      5. Finally you compile it, and holy crap it works, and the lengths are all exactly what you expected! The tutorial must have been right after all.
      6. Then a thought occurs: Can you edit the length variable?... You add "charArray.length = 10;", and when you go to compile it fails miserably because .length is final. Now you know something else.
      7. Happy with what you've discovered, you move back to your main project folder and continue with the tutorial or whatever it is.
    4. This one is more of a rule than a step. With this method, copy+paste should be avoided. By this I mean the action of highlighting code, ctrl+c, ctrl+v, compile. Even if you promise yourself you'll read it after you paste it and try to understand it… still bad. Even if you think you already get what it's doing after reading its explanation: nope. If you are going to do this, at least take the time to hand type every single line.
    5. By this point you have likely made a dent into a particular topic. If it was a tutorial, maybe you just finished "01. Hello Triangle" or "03. Reading User Input", meaning there is probably some working code inside of your main project that does what the tutorial said it should. This is when a lot of people get tripped up because they just move on to the next topic! This is one of the quickest ways to trick yourself into thinking you understand something you don't. It is time to take ownership of the code so that it's different from the tutorial/book example…
      1. Let's say "03. Reading User Input" is done and working on your machine. It starts up, asks the user for their name, prints "Hello, *name*!" and quits.
      2. To challenge your understanding, you take it a small step further. Can I ask them how old they are? It's ok if this step requires you to Google around or even tap into one of your other resources. Make use of your scratch section to test things you find or ideas you think of.
      3. After a little bit of tweaking, what was tutorial 3 is now tutorial 3.5. It asks the user their name, then their age, and then their occupation. If their age is greater than 80 then maybe it tells them they're old or something. The point is, it now does more than the original because you wanted to challenge yourself.
      4. This is also a good time to combine what you've learned previously to add to what you're currently working on as part of the extension.
      5. Once you're satisfied you can move on. Just make sure to do this: I can't tell you how many times I've done this only to realize I'm still way too shaky on the current topic to even think about moving on. Instead, I spend a little extra time working with the code I have by tweaking it, adding to it, etc. Maybe I'll reread the same tutorial again a couple of times. Whatever it takes in order to take ownership of the content.
    6. And that's just about it! But I want to share one more piece of advice that might sound stupid: run your code. Run it often. Run it every time you make a change. If you're working on a project that is your own creation, find the simplest path to getting a barebones version running and then add functionality from there. Even if all your methods do is throw a runtime exception saying "ADDME" when called because you haven't implemented them yet, put them in so that it all compiles and runs. It's much easier to test and debug smaller additions as you make them than it is to test it later only to find multiple things are broken at the same time.


    • Never have just one resource
    • Always have at least two folders: your real project and a folder for its scratch work
    • Anytime you want to test an idea or convince yourself of something someone said, switch to the scratch section and hammer out some simple test code
    • Copy+paste should be avoided while learning - at least take the time to hand write it
    • Never be satisfied by getting a tutorial working as expected: add to it to claim ownership of the code and convince yourself you actually understand what you just did
    • Run your code as often as possible

    I hope this helps someone! I personally really like this style and use it whenever I can. It's a very aggressive method since you're rarely ever just passively reading or blindly following a tutorial.

    submitted by /u/KTStephano
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    Free C# / .NET Core / VS Code course

    Posted: 23 Aug 2018 09:03 PM PDT

    Hello Reddit!

    So I guess I'm somewhat well known around here for being one of the original bootcamp founders. Back in 2013 I launched the first .NET and Java program in the world, had great results, etc. I sold the business in 2015 and stayed on to help grow it, but have since moved on to a new venture.

    I'm still passionate about helping people learn to code, so I've started building some bite-sized courses to help people get started with the latest and greatest in C#, .NET Core with Visual Studio Code.

    When I originally started the bootcamp, my goal was to do a paid placement approach, so that people wouldn't have to pay. That didn't work out and I had to start charging tuition. It never quite sat right with me, even though the value my students were getting was superior to university fees, I still feel that most education is too expensive and even paid material out there is pretty low quality. So now that I'm putting out content again, I want to run an experiment.

    Here's the link to a course that covers the very basics of getting started with C#. I've pulled in some of my new team members to make it a mixture of written material, video, code-a-longs, and practice exercises that we think people will be pleased with.


    The experiment part is that we are going to attempt to support this work via Patreon. Programming is a skill that can change the arc of your life and we want to be sure that everyone, especially students and the underprivileged have access to learn. I also don't want to support the work off of ad revenue or selling information or anything like that.

    Unfortunately, the creation of courses like this is definitely not free. We've been teaching programming for many years now, and we refuse to use half measures. We have equipment, hosting, video production, instructional design, and of course, our time.

    With this in mind, we are attempting to support this work through our Patreon account. Even $1 per month makes a difference, and as a Patreon subscriber you'll get access to our private discord server where you can interact with our team and people like you who are learning to code. We believe the social aspect will be almost as valuable as the materials.

    If the Patreon experiment is a success, not only will all future content remain free, but over time we will add content in Java, SQL, Web Development, and more. I often see people asking about a "free code camp" for Java/.NET, well here's your chance to help make it possible.


    So dive in to the course, enjoy, it's free! If you like what you get, please use that Patreon link to signal that we should keep the content coming.

    submitted by /u/ericswc
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    [Python] How to multiply a list by all elements but itself (without using division)? + Another approach for my solution?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2018 04:28 PM PDT

    I think this is the place to ask for this.

    So a bit of background: I'm doing 2 things at once, teaching me python and doing coding exercises that I would be asked during interviews.

    I got one such exercise question recently, it is:

    #Given an array of integers, return a new array such that each element at index i of the new array is the product of all the numbers in the original array except the one at i. #For example, if our input was [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], the expected output would be [120, 60, 40, 30, 24]. If our input was [3, 2, 1], the expected output would be [2, 3, 6]. 

    I was able to do that by doing:

    import numpy as np def product_numbers(given_array): result_array = np.array(given_array) return result_array.prod() / result_array print(product_numbers([1,2,3,4,5])) 

    There's a follow up though:

    #Follow-up: what if you can't use division? 

    And that's where I'm stumped. (this is question 1)

    Question 2: (Me looking for another approach)

    I was also thinking maybe it would be easier for me to figure out how to not use the division without depending on something like numpy, but then I can't come up with a solution that isn't iterating over the entire array twice (once to get the value, the second to go over each and multiply).

    I've been at this for a couple of hours now and I have been searching for ways to do it perhaps using list comprehension or something similar but the truth is that I'm not sure it can be that way but I'm positive there has got to be a way to do this and keep simple.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Proxify
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    What do i need to know to edit templates

    Posted: 23 Aug 2018 08:36 PM PDT

    So I need to edit and resign a themefuse template for a wordpress website using FTP. What do I need to know besides HTML and CSS? Thank you for any help.

    submitted by /u/Blacksteel733
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    Currently taking a CS degree and the answer to this question puzzles me. (JAVA)

    Posted: 23 Aug 2018 05:07 AM PDT

    Java class can have which of the following methods?

    A: void foo(int a)

    B: void foo(int a, int b)

    C: void foo(double a, double b)

    D: void foo(double a)

    E: void foo(int b)

    My answer is all of the above. However, the answer to this question is A,B,C,D only.

    Does anyone have any idea to why E is incorrect ? Thanks!

    Edit: Formatting, https://imgur.com/a/zfjHKDk

    submitted by /u/ArchDelta
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    Do you need access to the Reddit API in order to write a Reddit bot?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2018 10:17 PM PDT

    NOTE: I'm not looking for a tutorial on how to write one, my question is purely about the API.

    submitted by /u/TheBlackPopeSJ
    [link] [comments]

    Anyone learning x86 assembly language?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2018 10:02 PM PDT

    Hey, i have been reading Programming from ground up. Is there any group for assembly language which i can join? if you are also in process of learning assembly language do PM me.

    submitted by /u/itisjohndoe
    [link] [comments]

    C++ beginner calculator code analysis

    Posted: 23 Aug 2018 03:32 PM PDT

    I come from python, started studying C++ and made a calculator. It works alright but I wanna know what looks off in the code. Anything from redundancies to stuff I could redo to make more practical. I know C++ is way more complex than python so I don't even know what I'm looking for. Anything stands out to the eye? Thanks.

     #include <iostream> using namespace std; int sum(int num1, int num2){ cout << num1 + num2 << endl; } int sub(int num1, int num2){ cout << num1 - num2 << endl; } int mult(int num1, int num2){ cout << num1 * num2 << endl; } int divv(int num1, int num2){ cout << num1 / num2 << endl; } int val1, val2, sel; int main(){ while (1){ cout << "Type the first number and then the second one." <<endl; cin >> val1; cin >> val2; cout << "Type '1' to sum, '2', to subtract, '3', to multiply an '4' to divide." <<endl; cin >> sel; switch(sel){ case 1 : sum(val1, val2); break; case 2 : sub(val1, val2); break; case 3 : mult(val1, val2); break; case 4 : divv(val1, val2); break; } } } 
    submitted by /u/baubaubuo
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    How to prepare for a programming competition in 6 months?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2018 02:46 PM PDT

    Hello everyone. I want to participate in, and more importantly, do very well in a programming competition that's taking place in February.

    As of now, my programming skills and knowledge are very minimal. I know the basics of Python, Java and very little of C++. These 3 languages are all on the list of accepted languages for the competition BUT, it does state that "it may not be possible in all cases to achieve a perfect score with a particular language choice (for example, Python or Java)". I'm not sure if that means I should start diving deeper into C++ or continue on with learning either Python or Java. Furthermore, once I do decide on a language, I'm not sure of the steps I need to take to be able to comfortably place in the competition.

    If you have anything that could possibly help me, I would greatly appreciate it. Whether it be your advice, a book, a website, or really anything else. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/thriftedbanana
    [link] [comments]

    Web development workflow with a templating engine or static site generator?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2018 08:41 PM PDT

    I'm starting to venture into web development from desktop and algorithms stuff and am curious about a few things.

    What does a web development workflow look when when working on a website with a templating engine or a static site generator? In either case, as far as I understand, we need to run some templates through a program to generate source files for the website. So for this, how does previewing work? Every time we want to see the changes do we just rebuild the site then refresh the page or redeploy to a local server to see the changes?

    What about what a git repository might look like? Would we keep both the templates and the generated source on the repository?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you very much!

    submitted by /u/Meeesh-
    [link] [comments]

    Stuck in programming learning

    Posted: 23 Aug 2018 01:52 PM PDT


    Probably I'm stucked in programming learning. I can create simple tic tac toe game or Konami Code implementation, but what about further learning? Where to learn, how to learn (for example SOLID or MVC architectural patterns)? I want to code in .NET, especially C#.

    submitted by /u/Velciak
    [link] [comments]

    How to detect all PDF Portfolio files in a directory, using C#?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2018 01:38 PM PDT

    I'm trying to find all of the files in a directory that are PDF Portfolio files. I found this code here: It works for a single file but I need to scan through an entire directory. Also, I'd like to change the console output from "It's a portfolio" to "path to file and name of file is a portfolio". Any help is appreciated as I really don't know much of anything about C#.

    submitted by /u/craftbrewbeerbelly
    [link] [comments]

    Noobie to programming AND reddit (ANY HELP APPRECIATED)

    Posted: 23 Aug 2018 10:32 PM PDT

    Hello, r/learnprogramming.

    For an insanely large amount of time I've been wanting to get into programming but never have know how to start. I see so many YouTube videos that string you along but don't actually explain what or how they are doing what they are showing you.

    Maybe the idea I'm about to suggest is too ambitious but I would like to recreate this somewhat simple but amazing game called Gregory Horror Show (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gregory_Horror_Show). Doing something more reasonable is great too. I'm aware that jumping into 3D might be a bad idea I just don't wanna lose interest like I have with so many other "Projects"

    submitted by /u/giahorrorshow
    [link] [comments]

    [homework] [java] making a 3D cube with simple java

    Posted: 23 Aug 2018 09:52 PM PDT


    I'm trying to make a cube-like data structure for an assignment. It supposed to be a collection that holds elements (objects) in a 3D grid layout, and each cell should be able to hold more than one element. It has to be able to run with a limited amount of memory (about 5GB). We can only use simple java - no libraries like Collections. I was planning to do a 3D array, but due to quite big dimensions provided in the spec this will use too much memory to be viable (if I filled the grid with ints it would take > 2GB, and its supposed to hold objects). It does not actually have to be a cube, but has to "act like it" -> the elements should be accessible with x, y, z coordinates. I thought about trying to make something like a Hashmap with the coordinates as keys, but am not sure how to do this with only simple arrays.

    Would appreciate if someone could help me out with either giving me a tip to start making a Hashmap like structure, or something else that wouldn't use a huge amount of memory like a 3D array. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Krydderekstrakt
    [link] [comments]

    A little bit of direction required.

    Posted: 23 Aug 2018 09:46 PM PDT

    I'm a student starting grad school quite soon. It's kind of intimidating observing the knowledge and projects some of my peers already demonstrate on their resumes. I am fairly average at coding and I've been doing hackerrank problems to improve my skills. I code in Python majorly and I've some familiarity with C and Java. I'm thinking of a specialization in machine learning(ML) but I don't have any projects (none relating to ML) to show. Is there anything I can do other than taking up courses in the field? Some books or online material?

    submitted by /u/anish391
    [link] [comments]

    ��is there a way to programmatically retrieve a bearer token from a site, without using chrome dev tools?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2018 09:40 PM PDT

    Hi All,

    I have a ruby script which requires me to enter in a Bearer token periodically, it's quite a pain because I have to login with my email address, password. Then I go into chrome inspect and copy it from there.... The token expires every 4 hours, so it's tedious.

    Is there a faster way to do this? THANK YOU.

    submitted by /u/Fadedwaif
    [link] [comments]

    PHP logout with session unset and session destroy not working

    Posted: 23 Aug 2018 05:03 PM PDT

    I made this code on my logout.php file to logout my user but its not working. I made two if statements here, one for if the user is logged in and the other for if the user is logged out, to show text if either is true/false, but neither is showing and the page just shows blank. What should I change here?


    submitted by /u/aioy
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    Intermediate level resources.

    Posted: 23 Aug 2018 02:43 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm a third year university student in a CS program and will unfortunately not be taking classes this semester. What are some resources I can use to further develop my programming knowledge, or a similar skill that would be marketable.

    submitted by /u/UsaZ
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    Please review and critique my Java code. Thank you! :)

    Posted: 23 Aug 2018 04:47 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, I've been reading my Java book for a couple weeks now and have been practicing and slowly getting better (I think)

    To test out some of the things that I have learned - I tried to make some small game mechanics based of a previous RPG game I have played throughout my childhood (Runescape). I created a Player class, a Food class, an Ore class and of course my Main class. The object of this exercise is as follows:

    • Create a Player with attributes
    • Have the Player take damage
    • Create a Food Class and Food Object
    • Have the Player eat the Food Object to heal up.
    • Create an Ore Class and Ore Objects
    • Have the Player mine the Ore Objects to gain Experience points to boost his level and check if he has high enough level to mine certain ore.

    Below I will post Pastebin links to my code for you to review along with an image of my console output - I'm looking for someone to critique my code and give input on what I can do/change to become better overall. Thank you so much in advance.

    Main Java Class: https://pastebin.com/0NdQm4VU

    Player Class: https://pastebin.com/Wd3n29Ct

    Food Class: https://pastebin.com/mSaERgvg

    Ore Class: https://pastebin.com/DpjrXbgB

    Image to Console Output: https://i.gyazo.com/744b3c7b2a1ff1fe001b6edddc36dcfa.png

    submitted by /u/poutypout
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    node -v on command prompt: 9.9.0; node -v on bash: 4.4.2

    Posted: 23 Aug 2018 02:20 PM PDT

    I'm trying to deploy a small heroku app.

    I can't use command prompt because I don't have SSH permissions (already a huge headache), so I need to use bash. I can't in any way, shape or form get bash to use a version of node that can run heroku login.

    I get:

    WARNING WARNING Node version must be >=8.0.0 to use this CLI WARNING Current node version: 4.2.6 WARNING /mnt/c/Users/ryanj/heroku/client/node_modules/@oclif/command/lib/command.js:23 async _run() { ^^^^ SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier 

    I would use Ubuntu on my VM but that just took a crap on me and isn't an option atm.

    Any tips would be appreciated

    submitted by /u/akame_21
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