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    Monday, July 23, 2018

    School 42 is a borderline cult[opinion] learn programming

    School 42 is a borderline cult[opinion] learn programming

    School 42 is a borderline cult[opinion]

    Posted: 23 Jul 2018 03:12 PM PDT

    One of my friends convinced me I should put this information about the school out in the open so people can make a more informed decision about it, if it's worth their time. Also when I was researching the school I didn't find many negative reviews, this might just be because most of the people that went are there are operating under selection bias and want to give it a good review because they want a post hoc justification for going to a radically different "school". So first some back story.

    Because of unfortunate life circumstances I never graduated highschool and had to live on my own since I was 16. So for about 5 years I worked just saving my money, never owned a car or anything so that I could go back to university one day. I've always been into computers and animation so I was pretty tech savy already but about 3-ish years ago I finally decided to pick up programming.

    Coincidentally I had been taking some French courses just for fun so naturally I was excited when I heard about school 42. They market themselves as a new innovative, meritocratic, and free school system but of course there is more than meets the eye and there is some sort of catch. According to their marketing material if you just work hard and have passion for tech you will pass the entrance exams (assuming you pass the online test)! To quote one of "instructors", if you can call them that, in their videos you watch during the beginning of the piscine "I've never met anyone who showed up for 10 hours every day who didn't pass the piscine". You will see in a moment why that's bullshit.

    So I did some math and figured out that moving to Paris and going to 42 was cheaper (including living expenses) than trying to get into school in my country. Not to mention I would waste thousands on upgrading and would take about a year of doing unrelated highschool courses before I could even think about applying to a university locally.

    During the piscine you have to show up every day for at least 10 hours for 4 weeks as well as get a decent mark... maybe. I'm a self starter and a bit of an autodidact so I'm usually highly motivated and this wasn't a problem for me especially if it meant I finally could get into a "real" school. I averaged 12 hours every single day.

    But then the weird things started to happen, that were on a slippery slope of being "trolling" or discipline to what I consider borderline abuse. Or at least putting people in positions of power that they were almost encouraged to abuse. I talked to almost no actual staff the entire time I was there as they want you to learn everything on your own, which I'm okay with however all of the few interactions I had with staff were very negative. They have a very holier-than-thou type of attitude which also seems to have rubbed off on some of the full time students. And it wasn't like I was asking them about the course work itself, it was more like "wheres the bathroom?", or "my key card isn't working" ect.

    Some of the weird things were the exams. The first exam they give you no info on what to do and you have no internet access. You have to open up a file in command line and access the exam program. And if you don't do it within the first 5 minutes you are kicked out of the exam and marked 0. Needless to say 80% of the people failed it.

    These next bits are rumors because I didn't observe them directly but was told by some friends. During some of the exams they let the campus cat roam the exam rooms. If she touches you, automatic fail and you have to leave the exam.

    Another one was "battleship". The exam supervisors sit in a room playing battleship and the board corresponds the the exam room. If they sink a ship in your area, your entire table gets a fail.

    Finally my personal experience during the final 8 hour exam. I asked a supervisor if I could use the washroom. I was permitted and I went. I was in there for less than 5 minutes and was given no restrictions or time limits. As I was finishing up I hear someone yell (in French) "is anybody from the exams in here?!" I figured it was a cleaner or something and I wasn't sure how to reply exactly in French. I figured I was walking out in 15 seconds so it shouldn't be a big deal. I washed my hands and walked out. As I was about to re-enter the exam room some staff member who didn't have an ID or anything to identify himself other than a STAFF shirt yelled (in French) "YOU! STOP! Come here!". I had never seen this guy before nor did I understand why he was stopping me. He started berating me in French with the subtext of kicking me out of the exams because I didn't answer him immediately while I was wiping my ass. I pretended that I didn't understand him and just said "sorry I don't speak french". He begrudgingly let me back into the exam room. The weird thing was that the supervisor that gave me permission to go was standing beside him the whole time and never chimed in to say anything. It was freaking bizarre to say the least.

    Finally the exams were over and I waited to hear the results. You can see everyones scores during and after the exams and I did pretty well as I was in the top 20% out of about 800 people.

    The results were in. All you get is a short email with no information as to why you failed. I didn't get in. Even though they claimed that being in the top 30% was usually good enough and so was showing up everyday.

    I was curious about taking it again since I didn't really have very many options for school and the official website that you login to actually read "try again next time when new slots open up!" However one of my French friends told me that it wasn't possible. He sent me a link to a blog post from over a year ago which was on their tumblr that stated they would stop allowing retries at some point in the year. I was skeptical that this was even official information as the tumblr blog looked like some default theme that tumblr has and looked almost like something 15 year old girl would design. And this information wasn't in any of their English language material either. It was extraordinary unprofessional looking especially for an "innovative" tech school. So I emailed them to ask if it was possible to which they basically replied "oh sorry we need to update the website". Again, very unprofessional. I was very unimpressed. You'd think that having an up to date website would be a priority for such an organization. With that said I had heard that some people snuck their way in and took the exams more than once by swapping their first and last names in the registration forms since they don't keep any copies of your official ID until you've passed the piscine. They either don't care or are too incompetent to make sure people don't game the system that way apparently.

    To add insult to injury a few friends I knew that got in told me that literally every single girl that showed up every day got accepted into the school. Including ones that had very low scores. So they have some affirmative action policies for entrance which means it's not a meritocracy. One of the girls I knew that got accepted had never programmed in her life before the piscine and handed in about half the amount of assignments as I did. I estimated that at least 100 people got accepted who had a lower score than me. Initially I thought they were super advanced and using some sort of advanced AI algorithm to determine which students pass or fail. But the truth is much more banal. I heard that the final decisions are made by some random panel of guys who look at some basic info on you for about 1-2 minutes and decide if you pass or fail. This is a huge problem in their system as you randomly get assigned people to check and that check your work as well as random teams for team assignments. In these checks they rate you and sometimes write comments. The problem is that this might not capture how well you actually work with people as I'd say at least 50% of the time or more I was helping out friends in undocumented ways. So it's like if you don't work really well with random strangers then your screwed. But it probably doesn't matter that much since the selection criteria seem to be pretty arbitrary anyway.

    If you are a very motivated person and can work on your own 42 might be okay, especially if you are a girl and possibly minority of some kind. I know there is a lot of students that lose motivation and I knew a few people that once they got in kind of just dicked around and would only spend a couple hours a day there or would spend most of their time on facebook since there is no formal structure. Meanwhile motivated individuals such as myself get kicked to the curb for bullshit reasons.

    conclusion: Unless you happen to live near one of the 42 campuses or its various clones and it doesn't involve any major life changes or risks such as relocating, I would not recommend it. And if you do get in I would get out as soon as you can. Use it as an opportunity for networking and to get internships. That's it. Even the curriculum isn't really anything groundbreaking or interesting. It's pretty much just a bunch coding puzzles/assignments and you use google as your text book and professor. The few videos they had giving information were pretty sub par and you can find much better, high quality youtubers that are much more informative and entertaining to learn from. Even sites like udacity are light years ahead of them IMO.

    If you want to learn to code, I would say spend 60% of your time working on fun personal projects(ideally with the potential for income generation), 20% taking cheap bootcamps or moocs, and another 20% doing networking activities like meetups or competitions. Although I do have a feeling that the programmer market is starting to become over-saturated a bit as it is so easy to learn now days. Not that there's no work or that it's not a useful skill to have as a secret weapon, but that wages are starting to go down a bit.

    If you have any questions about it feel free to AMA. Theres lots of other weird stuff and cult behavior I saw there, but for brevity I tried to just keep the highlights.

    As a final note, I am now working at a tech startup no thanks to the jerks at 42 or my countries education system that let me fall through the cracks, with not even a highschool diploma. :)

    submitted by /u/42isacult
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    Want to learn Git/GitHub this weekend? Offering Live-streamed crash course

    Posted: 23 Jul 2018 04:47 AM PDT

    Hey there everyone, Git/GitHub is a super helpful skill for programmers. It allows you to keep track of your files (without saving them as V1,V2,V3...) and coordinate with other programmers. This Sunday, I will be offering a live-streamed crash course on Git/GitHub. In the course, you will learn the basics of how to use Git and GitHub through hands-on practice.

    Who this is for? Complete beginners who are new to Git/GitHub. Prior programming experience isn't needed.

    Interested to know more, please take a look here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfnnkzshCKdgg0w8xOZh0jUffToEsYumFyzqjKYRg0uhVnjfg/viewform?usp=sf_link

    submitted by /u/g_pal
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    Learning Java: What is the point of the Char datatype?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2018 07:19 PM PDT

    Apologies as I come from Python, but the Char datatype seems extremely pointless...

    I'm just starting to learn Java, so can you shed some light on this?

    submitted by /u/moonsout_goonsout
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    How to go from coding simple tools to more advanced projects?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2018 09:16 PM PDT

    So I'm still a beginner, but I have a solid understanding of the basics of python, which I've used to make some simple practice programs like a calculator, note-taking program, and text-based games. I've also made some simple web tools with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript like an RBG color picker and another calculator.

    I feel comfortable with the basics in those languages, but I'm not sure where to go from here to get into more advanced projects. What skills/languages/tools will I need for things beyond text-based tools and simple web apps? What is involved in programming video games, apps, or complex tools?

    submitted by /u/kmnyzz27
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    Getting into UI designing, and want some resources?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2018 05:01 PM PDT

    Most of my programs really don't require a fancy UI, but I want to learn how it's done mainly out of curiosity. Are there general rules across all languages in which you can create UI? Or does it depend on the languages, like C#(WPF), and Python (tkinter) for example.

    submitted by /u/Mymar
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    Just now really diving into programming with a project. How do decide which language to use?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2018 07:11 PM PDT

    So I've got an idea that I really want to pursue to completion (after having several ideas I gave up on before hand).

    Essentially I need to pull data from a website's api and analyze it. I just graduated college recently and have dabbled in c++ and python (focused on SQL, but not relevant for this I believe).

    I was thinking about learning python since it reminds me of SQL a lot and I have a textbook on it. Any insight or suggestions? I really appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/jeremiah1119
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    Difficulty in getting a web developer job

    Posted: 23 Jul 2018 04:57 PM PDT

    I have been learning web development since almost past 3 years. Before that is did some Visual Basic and Python. While I liked python ,I read online in several places about the growing demand for a web development job. I started learning web development and I loved it. I was learning full stack development with Nodejs, Mongodb and express. I also learned HTML, Javascript(Jquery), CSS(SCSS) , version control (GIT) etc I have been learning React since last few months

    During my learning period over the last 3 years I saw many posts online about how people were getting web development job left, right and center with just 1 or 2 month of coding bootcamp or self study. I for some reason always thought that I was not ready. However, about 3 months ago I had enough and decided to start applying for jobs. I made a portfolio, resume, linkedin premium account and I also have relatively active Github account.

    Last 3-4 months I have applied to so many jobs that I stopped counting. If I had to guess it is probably in the range of 800-900. At first I started applying to local jobs than in-state jobs than within US than outside US(remote) jobs but I got barely any response. I worked so hard to learn everything that I have learned. I am still glad of all the knowledge that I have but knowledge does not pay for rent or college.I thought I would make up for it and finally get out of minimum wage but now I am completely lost as I am running out of time, money and resources.

    It feels like there are only positions left with people with 5-10 years of experience with Computer Science degree.

    submitted by /u/sahilgreen
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    Resources to learn how to write clean, maintainable code?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2018 08:13 PM PDT

    I'm self teaching while doing a CS minor at a 4 year university. I'm afraid that I'll miss some major CS concepts that are applicable to my future job as a developer. I can write code, but it's really hard for me to tell if it's "good."

    Can anyone suggest resources/courses this will help me learn how to write solid code? I'll pay for resources that seem worth it. I'm a big fan of Udemy courses right now but I'm obviously willing to branch out

    submitted by /u/baddad25
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    Haven’t coded in a few months and need a refresher

    Posted: 23 Jul 2018 09:59 PM PDT

    I know there are a lot of "what next" posts on here but I feel like I'm in a weird spot. Last year I spent a ton of time learning python. I got pretty sufficient with the syntax and started doing some projects. For whatever dumb reason this year I just kind of stopped spending time on it. Now I've decided to take my head out of my ass and start coding every day again, but I'm having a hard time figuring out where to pick back up. I've been looking back through the python course on codecademy I finished last year, and although it has helped I don't need to relearn what a function is and how it works, or the difference between a string and an integer. Im looking for something that can basically just give me a refresher on stuff without taking me all the way back to square one. Any good resources out there like that?

    submitted by /u/sauce_god22
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    I want to learn how to create a simple program with database

    Posted: 23 Jul 2018 08:47 PM PDT

    I want to learn how to create a program that will contain a database with employees info. This is for a small company (~50 people). I have programming knowledge, but never made a database application.

    I was planning to write it using C# since I have Visual Studio 2015 already on hand. The program would be used to create, access, update employees info. I looked up some tutorials, but they all seemed outdated or assume prior knowledge using databases.

    I would appreciate some guidance or a link to a good tutorial.

    submitted by /u/akyndu
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    R Programming Tutorial

    Posted: 23 Jul 2018 11:43 PM PDT

    Want to get started with R?

    This is a video which gives you a brief intro to R Programming!


    submitted by /u/bharani_a
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    How to Hack Telegram to get any Users Phone Number.

    Posted: 23 Jul 2018 11:42 PM PDT

    multiple arguments

    Posted: 23 Jul 2018 11:31 PM PDT

    HI everyone , may i please know how to parse multiple arguments in c++. i only know how to do it having 2 arguments being

    argv[0] argv[1] program doSomething 

    because i need to parse quite a few arguments being

    program -keys <1st key> <2nd key> -decrypt -in <encrypted file> -out <output file> 

    I have all the functions already but its just that i cannot get my arguments to work together. help would be much appreciated

    submitted by /u/paulpv278
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    I have a (C++)QT GUI and I need to create callback functions that update the GUI, and pass those callbacks to a dll I'm linking to, how do I do this?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2018 11:27 PM PDT

    I'm very new to the framework and all the stuff I could find on google flew over my head. I know you shouldn't directly modify the GUI from another thread, but I can't figure out how to do it properly. The full project I'm working on is github.com/Artikash/NextHooker/tree/rewritegui and the code I'm trying to make work is

     typedef void(*ProcessEventCallback)(DWORD pid); namespace Host { DLLEXPORT void Open(); DLLEXPORT bool Start(); DLLEXPORT void Close(); DLLEXPORT bool InjectProcess(DWORD pid, DWORD timeout = 5000); DLLEXPORT bool DetachProcess(DWORD pid); DLLEXPORT bool InsertHook(DWORD pid, HookParam hp, std::string name = ""); DLLEXPORT bool RemoveHook(DWORD pid, DWORD addr); DLLEXPORT HookParam GetHookParam(DWORD pid, DWORD addr); DLLEXPORT std::wstring GetHookName(DWORD pid, DWORD addr); DLLEXPORT TextThread* GetThread(DWORD number); DLLEXPORT void AddConsoleOutput(std::wstring text); DLLEXPORT void RegisterThreadCreateCallback(ThreadEventCallback cf); DLLEXPORT void RegisterThreadRemoveCallback(ThreadEventCallback cf); DLLEXPORT void RegisterProcessAttachCallback(ProcessEventCallback cf); DLLEXPORT void RegisterProcessDetachCallback(ProcessEventCallback cf); } 

     QMainWindow* mainWindow; QComboBox* processCombo; QComboBox* ttCombo; QTextBrowser* textOutput; void RemoveProcess(DWORD processId) { processCombo->removeItem(processCombo->findText(ProcessString(processId))); } MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); mainWindow = this; processCombo = mainWindow->findChild<QComboBox*>("processCombo"); ttCombo = mainWindow->findChild<QComboBox*>("ttCombo"); textOutput = this->findChild<QTextBrowser*>("textOutput"); Host::Start(); Host::RegisterProcessAttachCallback(AddProcess); Host::RegisterProcessDetachCallback(RemoveProcess); Host::RegisterThreadCreateCallback(AddThread); Host::RegisterThreadRemoveCallback(RemoveThread); Host::Open(); } 

    Current problem I'm having is with RemoveProcess(). I'm 100% sure the it is being called by the dll, but it doesn't remove anything from the comboBox

    submitted by /u/Artikash
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    My new YouTube channel with Python tutorials!

    Posted: 23 Jul 2018 11:00 PM PDT

    Check it out!

    The fasttext tutorial:


    submitted by /u/BurakCeresa
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    Can't run an application Eclipse

    Posted: 23 Jul 2018 10:35 PM PDT

    Hi guys! I'm really new to this. I decided to learn Java, I downloaded everything I need and ran eclipse.

    When I created a new project it asked me to create a module too and I did. Next when I type a simple Hello world code and tried to run it I couldn't and got this error:

    Error occurred during initialization of boot layer java.lang.module.FindException: Error reading module: C:\Users\user\eclipse-workspace\Hello\bin Caused by: java.lang.module.InvalidModuleDescriptorException: HelloWorld.class found in top-level directory (unnamed package not allowed in module) 

    Please help! Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/GilShmuely12
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    PDF form button to export in an email as read only

    Posted: 23 Jul 2018 10:10 PM PDT

    Hi there,

    Here's my task:

    A want to make invoicing from my phone really simple using a PDF form.

    Fill out the fields, totals, and description. Hit a button, and it sends to a desired email.

    Right now, I'm only able to send the editable, PDF to an one email address, which I don't want since the client could type in whatever they'd like. I suppose exporting as a JPG, and adding as an attachement would suffice.

    What would you do?

    submitted by /u/ichard_ray
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    Looking to integratr front end and back end

    Posted: 23 Jul 2018 06:18 PM PDT

    Hi, so my experience is mainly backend. I made a program that scrapes the web for info on stores (for a specific detail) and presents their website and other info. I want to integrate this into a website, but am a bit lost as to how to do this. I know a bit of HTML, and I think that integration will require some php? Could someone point me to some resources on learning how to bring this program to the web?

    submitted by /u/kpandkk
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    [Python] How to extract a file using hex offsets?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2018 08:43 PM PDT

    How can I extract resources from a file using the start and end offsets of the resources? The files are uncompressed and I have the start and end hex offsets (along with the filenames) in a spreedsheet.

    submitted by /u/ZetTheLegendaryHero
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    Kafka messages buffer when host becomes unavailable

    Posted: 23 Jul 2018 08:33 PM PDT

    I followed the Kafka quick start and created a topic with 1 partition and 2 replicas. When I take node 0 out I see node 1 become the leader and likewise when I take node 1 out I see node 0 become the leader as expected.

    However regardless of who is the leader, using a producer to post to the topic only seems to work if the node 1 is functioning. If it is not the messages seem to buffer at the socket until I start services on node 1 at which point they flow through and I see the InSync Replicas jump back up to both 0,1.

    I'm sure I'm missing something, has anyone seen something similar?

    Here is the Java code I'm using for my consumer / producer.

    import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecord; import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecords; import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer; import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.KafkaProducer; import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord; import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.IntegerSerializer; import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer; import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Properties; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { //producer(); dbConsumer(); } private static void producer() throws IOException { BufferedReader reader; KafkaProducer<Integer, String> producer = null; String text; try { Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("bootstrap.servers", ","); props.put("group.id", "kafka-tutorial"); props.put("request.timeout.ms", "100"); props.put("transaction.timeout.ms", "100"); props.put("metadata.max.age.ms", "1000"); props.put("acks", "0"); props.put("key.serializer", IntegerSerializer.class.getName()); props.put("value.serializer", StringSerializer.class.getName()); producer = new KafkaProducer<>(props); reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); boolean running = true; while (running) { text = reader.readLine(); producer.send(new ProducerRecord<>("employee-action", 4, text)); } } finally { producer.close(); } } private static void dbConsumer() { KafkaConsumer<String, String> consumer = null; ConsumerRecords<String, String> records; try { Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("bootstrap.servers", ","); props.put("group.id", "kafka-tutorial"); props.put("key.deserializer", StringDeserializer.class.getName()); props.put("value.deserializer", StringDeserializer.class.getName()); consumer = new KafkaConsumer<>(props); consumer.subscribe(Arrays.asList("employee-action")); boolean running = true; while (running) { records = consumer.poll(1000); for (ConsumerRecord<String, String> record : records) { System.out.println(record.offset() + ": " + record.value()); } } } finally { consumer.close(); } } } 

    And the description of my topic.

    Topic:employee-action PartitionCount:1 ReplicationFactor:2 Configs: Topic: employee-action Partition: 0 Leader: 0 Replicas: 1,0 Isr: 0,1 
    submitted by /u/hem10ck
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    Trying to run json script with python

    Posted: 23 Jul 2018 07:36 PM PDT

    I am very new to programming and what I am trying to do is very simple but the guides that I have searched up delve too far into the topic for my skill level which ended up making me not understand a single thing.

    Basically, I downloaded a python script from github. The author said it needs to be run with json file containing more data in order for the python script to work.

    Now, I have both the python and json script written out to fit my personal needs and it has no problems in syntax but I don't know how to run both of them together so the python script runs along with the json script.

    I tried to run both in cmd but only the python seem to run (and show error the json file is missing). I just need to know how to run both the json and python scripts together.

    submitted by /u/csyeul
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    Is this a good roadmap to learn C++ or any language?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2018 07:34 PM PDT

    1. Syntax
    2. Data structures and Algorithms
    3. Computer Systems
    4. Web Development
    5. OS
    6. Compilers
    7. Computer Architecture
    submitted by /u/Lediation
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    [C#] How proficient should I be in C# before moving into Unity?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2018 07:56 AM PDT

    I know Unity provides good tools for beginners, but I've just started teaching myself how to code using C#, using Brackey's tutorials, because I want to actually know what I'm doing and why.

    Also, bonus question: How long did it take you to get comfortable with C# and/or Unity?


    submitted by /u/DocsHandkerchief
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    [Python] Should I use nested functions for this?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2018 03:25 PM PDT

    I have two functions: X and Y.

    Y is a somewhat big function that calls X multiple times.

    X is only called by Y.

    Should I nest the definition of X inside of Y? Or should I leave it out?

    Note: I define X as a function because it encapsulates multiple lines of code and I don't want a lot of duplicated code inside Y.

    submitted by /u/MarxSoul55
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