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    Monday, June 25, 2018

    Unsure about offered position, need advice: Follow Up and Thanks Ask Programming

    Unsure about offered position, need advice: Follow Up and Thanks Ask Programming

    Unsure about offered position, need advice: Follow Up and Thanks

    Posted: 25 Jun 2018 02:44 PM PDT

    Hey all, I just wanted to thank all of you all for helping me out a few weeks ago. I was fairly close to accepting a poor job, and thanks to your warnings I turned down what would have been a fairly bad job. Today I received a fantastic job offer with a different company and am over the moon.

    submitted by /u/King_Of_Bel
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    Windows for programming?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2018 12:35 PM PDT

    I was in the process of getting a new laptop since my old Macbook was stolen recently. I decided to go for an Asus Vivobook and was planning on installing Linux on it since that's my preferred operating system for programming. However, I do not want to miss the goodies that come with Windows such as the fingerprint reader support and any other improvement thanks to the driver support.

    I primary work on PHP, Ruby and Android programming. I was planning to learn some Javascript as well.

    Do you think it is feasible to stay with Windows and be able to do everything I usually do with Linux?

    submitted by /u/juliand82
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    IOS Simulator is killing me. Is it worth it to upgrade my machine?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2018 12:47 PM PDT

    I've got a 2012 Macbook Pro with 10gb memory (original 2gb + 8gb upgrade I had) and original 500gb HDD. I'm building a project in React Native (CRNA), and I'm shocked that anyone can get any development done with this IOS Simulator.

    • It takes 10 minutes or more to load to the home screen.
    • Opening the app from the Expo Packager takes a 3-5 minutes.
    • The expo app crashes frequently. When I try to reload the app, it crashes again. If I wait for 5 minutes or more, it sometimes opens and stays open.
    • Sometimes, if everything lines up perfectly, I can get a good amount of coding done, but if I get a build error, everything goes to hell again.

    I realize my specs are fairly low on an old machine. I don't expect it to be lightning fast, but I do expect it to work. These specs are perfectly fine for React web dev.

    If I spend the money on another 8gb memory and upgrade to a ssd, can I expect any significant changes? Are there any suggestions on speeding things up? Is this the way it is for everyone?

    submitted by /u/raygun-labs
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    Help with simple C++ program

    Posted: 25 Jun 2018 05:47 PM PDT

    I am attempting to write this program to determine area and perimeter while rounding the output to 1 place. It works fine when you put in a whole number but when you put in a number with a decimal, it kind of dies

    Example: Type the height of the rectangle: 7.1

    Type the width of the rectangle: The area of the rectangle is -1717986924 and the perimeter of the rectangle is -1717986906

    #include "stdafx.h"

    #include <iostream>

    using namespace std;

    int main()


    int h; int w; int a; int p; cout.setf(ios::fixed); cout.setf(ios::showpoint); cout.precision(1); cout << "Type the height of the rectange: "; cin >> h; cout << "Type the width of the rectangle: "; cin >> w; a = h \* w; p = (2\*h) + (2\*w); cout << "The area of the rectangle is " << a << " and the perimeter of the rectangle is " << p; 

    return 0;


    submitted by /u/liam7064
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    Which language should I learn in regards to usefulness in education and (future) work?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2018 01:40 PM PDT

    We have currently only been taught Python at college, and I want to broaden my knowledge. Next year we have to do a project, so during summer break I will attempt to learn another language. I'm aware of a few other languages (C variants, Java, JS) but I don't know much or anything about any. Thanks for any advice!

    submitted by /u/CandleJakkz
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    More powerful version of snap! ?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2018 05:14 PM PDT

    Im a complete noob who hasn't done any programming besides very light java which i didn't like and snap! Which i found too limiting, so i was wondering if there is a more powerful tool that works the same way, meaning instead of typing the code you move around logic blocks and connect them. I know this is kinda cheating but i just want to learn the theory behind it so that once i know how it works and i "only" have to learn a programming language to write the code in c# or java so i don't have to worry about how to express it. If possible it should be a non-webbased program and it has to run on windows 10, price should be free but that's not as important.

    Thanks for the input!

    submitted by /u/LionST1
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    Please help me with my Python Project...

    Posted: 25 Jun 2018 05:09 PM PDT

    Hey guys (and girls),

    I'm a noob to Python and I was wondering why my slot machine wasn't working (it doesn't show an error, just quits the program whether I type Y on the input section):

    Anyway, here's my code:

    import random

    import time

    print("Welcome to slot machine! You will start with $20. Each spin costs $1. Please note that 'Y' or 'y' is yes and 'N' or 'n' is no.")

    print("Please remember that excessive gambling is a destructive habit. This application does not endorse or support the act of gambling.")


    print("Here are the best combinations:")

    print("cherry/cherry/cherry = $ 10")

    print("bell/bell/bell = $ 20")

    print("plum/plum/plum = $ 30")

    print("bar/bar/bar = $ 80")

    print("seven/seven/seven = $ 300")


    print("LET'S PLAY!")


    #These are the constants:

    stakes = 20

    items = ["cherry", "bell", "plum", "bar", "seven"]

    wheel_one = None

    wheel_two = None

    wheel_three = None

    bet = stakes

    #This defines the functions for the slot machine and give the player his/her/their prompt.

    def gamble():

    global bet, wheel_one, wheel_two, wheel_three

    play = prompt()

    while(bet != 0 and prompt == True):

    wheel_one = spin()

    wheel_two = spin()

    wheel_three = spin()


    play = prompt()

    #This defines the prompts

    def prompt():

    global bet


    answer = input("You have $" + str(bet) + ". Roll?")

    if (answer == "y" or "Y"):

    return True

    elif (answer == "n" or "N"):

    return False


    print("Wrong input! Remember Y or y for yes and N or n for no.")

    def spin():

    randomNumber = random.randint(0, 3)

    return items[randomNumber]

    #this defines possible slot combinations

    def printScore():


    prints current score


    global stakes, wheel_one, wheel_two, wheel_three

    if((wheel_one == "cherry") and (wheel_two == "cherry")):

    win = 5

    elif((wheel_one == "cherry") and (wheel_two == "cherry") and (wheel_three == "cherry")):

    win = 10

    elif((wheel_one == "bell") and (wheel_two == "bell")):

    win = 10

    elif((wheel_one == "bell") and (wheel_two == "bell") and ((wheel_three == "bell") or (wheel_three == "seven"))):

    win = 20

    elif((wheel_one == "plum") and (wheel_two == "plum")):

    win = 15

    elif((wheel_one == "plum") and (wheel_two == "plum") and ((wheel_three == "plum") or (wheel_three == "seven"))):

    win = 30

    elif((wheel_one == "bar") and (wheel_two == "bar")):

    win = 50

    elif((wheel_one == "bar") and (wheel_two == "bar") and (wheel_three == "bar")):

    win = 80

    elif((wheel_one == "seven") and (wheel_two == "seven")):

    win = 100

    elif((wheel_one == "seven") and (wheel_two == "seven") and (wheel_three == "seven")):

    win = 300


    win = -1

    bet += win

    if(win > 0):

    print(wheel_one + 't' + wheel_two + 't' + wheel_three + ' -- You win $' + str(win))


    print(wheel_one + 't' + wheel_two + 't' + wheel_three + ' -- You lost')


    If you can find any problems in my code please fix them.


    submitted by /u/8Checkmate8
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    Anyone have any tips on adding SSO to this: https://shiny.rstudio.com/

    Posted: 25 Jun 2018 04:36 PM PDT

    I am just "member of staff" and maintain our hybrid SSO system (CAS/Shibboleth/Duo) and have assisted over 600 servers in stacks from Java, .Net, PHP, Ruby.

    My google foo is failing me, even searching all the usual mail lists...

    My research does tell me they support "proxy auth", but later I read they want custom headers (for security?) rather than follow standards (REMOTE_USER, SAML assertions, etc.)

    Any real experience much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/bryanut
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    What's a good rule of thumb for whether to put an underscore between two words?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2018 08:59 AM PDT

    i.e csvread may make more sense than csv_read (the first is understandable anyway)

    mkdir is probably better than mk_dir

    But in_dir may be better than indir, col_sep may be better than colsep, etc.

    Even if you don't agree with my examples, you probably can think of some examples where one is better than the other for both directions.

    submitted by /u/extremeaxe5
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    (SAS) Does anyone know the code to create a ploychoric correlation matrix? I tried running a macro for this, but it keeps telling me I'm missing data despite my having no missing data.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2018 04:17 PM PDT

    Web Programming Question

    Posted: 25 Jun 2018 06:15 AM PDT

    Hi all, I've been out of the game for a few years in terms of web programming but I'm doing a website for a friend of mine that will take some work so I wanted to make sure there isn't anything out there these days that may make designing this thing easier. I have experience both on the WordPress side as well as hard coding Javascript, CSS, HTML, PHP etc. I'm also confident in learning a new language if need be.

    This website will have users come in and input/submit(ideally upload a csv or something eventually) multiple rows of data. I'm talking like 100-200 rows worth of data. It will also have a portal for the recipient of this data to be able to view. I'll probably add some analytic tools in the future.

    On the data side, are there plugins or something that assist with not only the data management on the back end but the look and feel of the data input on the front end? I'd want the data input user to have the ability to add rows if need be as well. I'd want to store this data in the cloud.

    Again this is something I can just straight up code myself but if there's something out there that makes this process easier and look better, I'm all for. What say ye?

    submitted by /u/osscie39
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    [Don't know if right place, but] How to get started with Robocode on BlueJ?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2018 08:42 AM PDT

    HERE is the post I made on r/Robocode. It's a carbon copy, by the way.

    So I'm new to Robocode, and after the initial investigation, I was instantly hooked (doing noobie stuff for a few years during my school years definitely helped). I was fascinated with the process of creating a robot for the first time — until the compile button. That failed, by the way, with a -1 code (I think it wasn't able to find the compiler).

    However, since I only pseudo-installed the jre (through BlueJ, that is), I was like "OK" and went into BlueJ to write my robot (yep, beginner beginner begnnnnnnnnnnner!). Once again, all happy and dandy — until the compiling. This time, BlueJ did not recognise robocode as a package.

    Any help is appreciated, thanks. I've been looking forward to making my first robot for a while. I don't know what to do — maybe copy the robocode folder into my BlueJ jre? Don't know, really. Please help, and thanks for your time!


    submitted by /u/turntopage294
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    Return value of code, help (C)

    Posted: 25 Jun 2018 02:34 PM PDT

    Can someone explain me why does this code return 12 6 12

    #include "stdio.h"

    #define MA(x,y) ((x)>(y))?(x):(y)

    int main()


    int i = 10, j = 5, k = 0; k = MA(++i, j++); printf("%d, %d, %d\n", i, j, k); return 0; 


    And please, I am by no means a programmer, I just need this to pass my exam. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Healow
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    Is it possible to program a third party program to force two games to play at the same time with the same controller?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2018 10:48 AM PDT

    I want to play FF7 and FF9 at the same time with one controller, but only one of the games can be active at any one time. I click on one, the other pauses, vice versa.

    I also want to use ONE controller to play both simultaneously. I move forward on the controller, both games move forward.

    I know playing two games at once is possible, but I've only ever heard it done on console, and I'm on PC using a USB connected Xbox one controller.

    submitted by /u/Wincompetence
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    What tools can help track a release process?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2018 01:44 PM PDT

    When we release our software, we follow a release audit procedure that is done in excel. There's bunch of steps that various people have to fill out (engineers, managers, QA) with information and then type "PASS" in some cells that turns everything green so its good to go.

    However, excel doesn't seem like a great tool for the job. I'm looking for other tools or ideas for how to keep track of a software release process, where a bunch of people can say they've done various work and have QA and review and sign off on it.

    What tools / processes are you familiar with for releasing software?

    submitted by /u/paullywog77
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    Understanding atoms in Scheme.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2018 01:27 PM PDT

    I need to write function that takes a list and an atom as parameters and return the list doing something funky. Figured something simple like (define (functionName lst atom)) was a good base to start my function.

    My issue is I don't know what the atom should be, or how to even define it. From what I've read an atom can be an integer, string, or Boolean. I feel completely lost with this question and would appreciate any insight on understanding atoms, and how to use them in functions.

    submitted by /u/ExSphere
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    Can you build an API for pretty much any site with the help of cURL?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2018 05:38 AM PDT


    submitted by /u/dont_mess_with_tx
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    where to start when creating a timetabling app using graph coloring

    Posted: 25 Jun 2018 01:03 PM PDT

    in graph theory class we did a project using graph coloring to make timetables for students(year1, year2..) and professors. Taking into consideration constraints like number of classrooms, professors that teach same courses, etc..

    i would like to build an app that takes all the conditions and constraints and gives a global timetable of the school.

    what are the best technologies i can use?

    i have a fair experience with JavaScript , Node.js and java.

    submitted by /u/Faith-jd
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    What are main differences btwn Using Data Structures and Extending , in Python?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2018 12:58 PM PDT

    Is it okay to use jQuery for creating a seat reservation system ?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2018 04:31 AM PDT

    I haven't actually haven't learned any JS frameworks so just want to know if this will be of any issue security or something else ?

    P.S: I am using Laravel for this job.

    submitted by /u/xyznavn
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    plz help me with my code, noob here

    Posted: 25 Jun 2018 09:55 AM PDT

    Hi my teacher asked me to do this Task 1

    // Create the following text with the help of a loop: Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 Paragraph 5 Paragraph 6 Paragraph 7 Paragraph 8 Paragraph 9 Paragraph 10 Paragraph 11 Paragraph 12 Each paragraph should be its own p (<p> ... </ p>). exercise 2 Take the above task and complete it with a button. After the button has been clicked, every second paragraph should be bold. // How the heck am I supposed to do this Iam a total beginner, I manged to do the button but only one Id <p> gets bold.

    submitted by /u/names_duck
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    Could 3D Voxel shapes be drawn by a kind of reverse fractal process?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2018 01:59 AM PDT

    I don't know all that much about most of what I will ask about, but I'm wondering if a process like this could be figured to work somehow.

    Basically, imagine this.

    You have a 3D polygon model of a house. You "scan" it and turn it into a voxel 3D house instead. You store that information.

    From that information, you reverse engineer a set of fractal calculations that will end up creating an approximation of the house.

    The idea is to create a kernel of information that will unravel itself into an approximation of the original form in the way of a fractal, which would allow (possibly) a much smaller size of stored information to recreate a an approximation of a 3D object.

    Could such a process be made?

    I understand that for now it may not look as if it would be useful to do so, but at the moment I'm just wondering if anyone could imagine a way where this could actually work.

    Thanks for the replies

    submitted by /u/Neo-Tron
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    Creating overview of JSON files

    Posted: 25 Jun 2018 08:21 AM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I have about 80,000 JSON files and need an overview on specific variables of these. Is there any way of putting certain contents of those files into a table that is not utterly complicated for a layperson?

    Thanks a bunch for your help!

    submitted by /u/DocRedditor
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    Help me find the pattern between these numbers

    Posted: 25 Jun 2018 05:24 AM PDT

    $i == 1 { $j == 1 { width: fizz; } $j == 2 { width: buzz; } $j == 3 { width: buzz; } $j == 4 { width: buzz; } } $i == 2 { $j == 1 { width: buzz; } $j == 2 { width: buzz; } $j == 3 { width: buzz; } } $i == 3 { $j == 1 { width: fizz; } $j == 2 { width: buzz; } } $i == 4 { $j == 1 { width: buzz; } } 

    I basically need a condition that will output fizz or buzz depending on the values of $i and $j- the desired output is posted above. Is this possible?

    If it helps, here is the context:

    $items: 4; @for $i from 1 through $items { &:nth-child(#{$i}) { @for $j from 1 through abs(($i - ($items + 1))) { &:nth-last-child(#{$j}) { width: if( $condition, 100%, calc(50% - #{$editorPane-gutter}) ); } } } } 

    In the above code, $condition is what I'm after, and fizz and buzz would be 100% and calc(50% - #{$editorPane-gutter}) (language is scss).

    submitted by /u/esr360
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