• Breaking News

    Saturday, June 2, 2018

    Turns out- I'm insane.

    Turns out- I'm insane.

    Turns out- I'm insane.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 12:24 AM PDT

    Who knew? AMIRIGHT?

    A year and a half ago I decided to make a game with three friends. We were not new to the idea. We had made mods and tiny little things in the past. Our reasoning was sound...

    "There is three of us! If we all work together, we can make an awesome game and put it up on steam."

    ...or so we thought. We brainstormed some ideas and came up with a few fun ones. Now it was time to 'Get to work'. I opened up my laptop and all of my friends dropped out of the project. They were busy doing this or that, family life, school, dealing drugs as a full time job, you know... the usual.

    But I would not be dissuaded. I had already resigned myself to the idea that I was going to have to do most of the work- why not ALL of the work? Well, ladies and gentlemen, my captivated reddit audience, let me lay this out real quick.

    • I had to decide on a theme, mechanic, style for the game itself and as any crazy person would tell you it is easier to be crazy when you spend your time listening to crazy people. My room mate (not helping with the project) recommended I do something fun because if it is fun it will not seem like work. WRONG! WRONG! Just because it's fun doesn't mean it's not over ambitious.

    • I had to learn UnrealEngine 4, the thing they don't tell you about UnrealEngine 4 is that it is designed by teams of people, to be used by teams of people. This was never intended for solo developers and whats more is that they update it almost every month so if it takes you 4 months to learn/orient yourself to you will also have to familiarize yourself with the four patches they used to 'make changes' or 'content updates.

    • 3D game? Third Person Shooter? That's great! So now it's time to learn blender but the UE4 people don't like blender so now it's time to learn Maya. Making 3d models taking too long to learn? No problem, just buy some off the marketplace store or pay contractors to make you some. After that, learn how to make 3d models anyway so you can troubleshoot all of the problems your contractors are creating.

    • Sound?! You want this game to have sound? How dare you! Next you'll want soundtracks and musical scores. Alright, go get some stuff off of youtube and then run it through PowerDirector Pro 12 so you can clean it up and make it loopable, acceptable for use. Don't use the PowerDirector Pro editor though, you want the 'MULTIWAVE' sub app that allows you to edit soundtracks, soundeffects and tones. I know you don't know any of this so we'll just learn it real quick and hope that a random patch doesn't make everything you learned irrelevant. SPEAKING of random patch- once the sound(s) are ready we'll need to make concurrency files and attenuation files inside of UE4 so that UE4 can play them from inside the engine. There is about 10 hours worth of documentation you'll need to read before you can do that but of course the troubleshooting you'll end up doing will take the better part of a week after this next patch so the UE4 staff recommend that you just leave all of this to your sound staff.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I LOVE THOSE GUYS THEY ARE A SO FUNNY. So seriously, one, maybe two weeks and we'll have sound but this comes no where close to the amount of time we'll need when we get down to actual voice acting and casting dozens of people for the tiniest of tutorial levels.

    • Did some one say levels? How many levels are we going to have in this game anyway? Do you know how long it takes to make a level? Neither do I. I haven't gotten that far.

    • Coding. I'm glad you know C# and some Java. UE4 uses C++ so you are going to have to pick that up real quick. Only it doesn't. But you still have to know it because you'll need to use it. Only you won't. Turns out there is another language UE4 uses called blueprints and you'll have to know and learn both of them at the same time so you can merge them both together and create a Frankenstein's monster... which turns out to be extremely effective and powerful (Kudos to you Epic Games) but it looks like the timer has run out on you and two more patches have landed.

    • Don't push that update button. If you push that update button then nothing will work anymore. You'll spend months hunting down all of the changes they made and fixing everything that broke. But if you don't push it... you'll be left behind and all of the documentation and tutorials will be useless. You'll be obsolete, suspended in time. Bite the bullet. Push that update button. Don't worry, this will be the last time you have to update before the other 40 times you'll need to update.

    • Animation is so much fun it makes you contemplate suicide. Sure I got a full time job and game development is my passion (laugh/cry emojee) but remember those attachments you set up to snap onto the character's sockets when twin pieces of code come together in holy union from expertly timed anim_notify functions? Well they are the wrong size now so you'll have to redo some of these animations. Not many just like... 30 probably. It's fine. Just pause for a moment and spend three weeks explaining to an animator from Brazil what 'EXACT BONE NAME' hierarchy is and why it is important for him to use it. About a week in... you'll swear you were trying to convince yourself this whole time.

    • Are we done yet? Are we ready to release? Where are we at? Looks like 4% done. GJ that was only a year and a half. Lets keep going because of course we will.

    • TL;DR Turns out that each character class is going to have 100 tiers of weapons. This sounds awesome. Some real diablo stuff right here. 100 levels of weapons. Five different weapon types per tier. 5 classes. So 100 times 5, times 5. I've been coding for so long that when I try to calculate that simple formula after laying exhausted in bed for at least 30 seconds I always come to the conclusion that this equates to >1000 weapons or var/int "Weapons" = (> 1000); and my reaction to that, just like my reaction to most things these days is "Should I make that a float?" Because I just don't even know anymore.

    • Raycasting is an ancient game engine function which has shown up here in there in most 3d engines in order to make you regret sleeping through math class. As it turns out a vector is made up of three comma separated floats and it gets you an X, a Y and a Z location. Sound easy enough? You poor poor fool. You should know by now that when you GetForwardVector of this vector and multiply it by ten thousand you will have a rotation +10k units. How big is a unit you ask? (Maniacal laughter) Well you can go on ahead and eyeball it because it will always be wrong when you do not set the raycast to the proper collision channel. Speaking of collision- lets talk about physics...

    • So everything in the engine needs to have collision bounds and everything in the world needs to have rules attached to those bounds and it won't matter because when something collides with an object that isn't there you will spend a week trying to figure out what in the hell is going on. But that's okay because as it turns out, even though UE4 is a 3D engine they never accounted for flying objects. Yeah, turns out that they kinda dropped the ball on that one. They have at least 6 different kind of movement but if you would like to have some form of AI pathfinding that flies well, tough luck you have to program that yourself from scratch.

    • But while we are on the subject of AI you should know that UE4 doesn't really have the best AI support in the world. It is super primitive and not very useful and you'll have to program your own AI from scratch although you can't because the AI system they installed is hard coded into all of the movement and controller systems so it looks like you will have to use theirs and just... you know... fake it.

    • PATCH TIME! New Volumetric lighting changes break all of your stuff. Go take a month and a half reimagining whatever it was you were doing.

    • You start tracking your enthusiasm levels but find that your enthusiasm spikes right around the day(s) you buy and consume several bottles of red wine. Turns out these days have become more frequent. Result: A steady increase in enthusiasm.

    • Since this game has a plot you should probably start the plot now as it may take a while to complete. Begin.

    • You can not proceed to the next phase of development (despite the approaching patch day) until the Brazilian contract animator you hired fixes all of the things the last patch broke. Sit on your hands and do nothing for the next seven days.

    • Fail at doing nothing and start creating temporary assets which allow you to proceed.

    • The content is back from the animator. It is all wrong. You were not clear to him/her. You fail. Start again.

    • The content is back from the animator again. It is correct this time... but.... guess... what....

    • Patch day.

    • You lucked out! It didn't break anything this time. NICE! Things are really picking up around here or is that just the wine talking? Can't be! I haven't had anything to drink in the last twenty minutes. Time to make more assets I'll just have to delete in the morning.

    • Wake up with a headache. Watch character components interact with dozens of interfaces calling and responding to the animation blueprint as the things you created dance in and out of frame and tell yourself "This UI is simply incredible. I made this. This is my creation."

    • Look at the calendar. It's been a year and a half. You are 10% done. If you multiply a year and a half by ten you are going to get a result of "Fifteen Years" or, as we say over at my Game production company which does not produce games and is not a real company " > 2 years."

    • Continue the project. Because... because of course you will.

    submitted by /u/MrNorc
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    After a long road, I’ve finally launched my first game!

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 04:46 PM PDT

    Currently, I am a 40 year old husband, father of 4.5 gremlins, and full-time software developer.

    I started working on this project ~2.5 years ago at the beginning of 2016. I had been a software developer for about 13 years prior to deciding to start working on this game. I had also done countless hobby game projects on the side for years so I wasn't a total n00b at getting a game project off the ground.

    In the time since I started on this game, a lot has happened in life. Our 4th child was born a few months into the project. I changed jobs a while after that. My father died from cancer last June, which was absolutely devastating. And we are expecting gremlin #5 this August. With all that going on, sometimes weeks would pass where I wasn't able to touch the game. But that's okay, because this project, while fun to work on, wasn't paying the bills. I did not sacrifice my family or my day job for this. I spent only late nights and weekends on it. And only when I had the energy for it.

    I've loved making this game. This is the game I've wanted to make for a really long time and while it isn't perfect, it is an absolute joy to me. I love playing it! But I was never about to sacrifice my primary responsibilities and this game always came last.

    But now that it's out there and has been on the market for ~6 hours (at the time of this writing) I have lots of new emotions surrounding it that you'll only understand if you've given everything you have for this long. I feel both success and failure. Happiness and despair.

    I have failed at building any kind of following whatsoever and feel a lump in my throat because it's only sold 1 copy so far. Marketing is hard when starting from nothing!

    But at the same time, I feel a sense of accomplishment that I actually did this! I have built a game and released it! I've put myself out there to be vulnerable to the harsh reality that is indie game development. And I'm okay with that.

    At some point, I hope people can find my game and get some enjoyment out of it. And I'll keep working toward that end.

    Because it's worth it.

    Full blog post

    submitted by /u/irishgibson
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    Where should I store stats when making an RPG?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 06:17 AM PDT

    hello! i'm currently prototyping a monster tamer rpg in Java with the LibGDX engine. now, this sort of thing requires a large amount of data (the stats for each monster, the stats for each move the monsters can use, etc.) so i needed to find some place to put all that data in a way where i can easily reference it in the game and modify it as i'm developing.

    i started by putting the data in .xml files, but this approach is awkward. if i were to, say, change the identifier name of a monster in one file, i'd have to do the same in all other files that mention it, which strikes me as a flagrant transgression against the DRY principle. your recommendations for alternatives would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Bynine
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    Is Pygame (and for that matter Python) good for anything other than simple games?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 06:51 AM PDT


    I've used Pygame for a number of simple games (arkanoid, snake...). I want to try my hand at a slightly more comlex game: a platform.

    The game I have in mind involves around half a dozen objects moving realistically around the screen, and interacting between them and with other, static objects. I'm not sure that Pygame will be able to handle all of this with reasonable efficiency, since some of the simple games I coded already showed some FPS slow-down at certain times. I would hate to have to stop in the middle of the project to port everything to another language.

    Have any of you done anything "big" with Pygame?

    Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/carllacan
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    How do you program storylines?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 08:38 AM PDT

    I'm working on a small scale game that's mostly text / click based. It's kind of a strategy game, at least that's the main mechanics of it, but I also want there to be a story that takes the user through different branching missions and slowly introduces these mechanics. But a place where I'm having a hard time coming up with good programming solutions is in how to program the story without bloating the code with hardcoded story elements. I'm not sure if I should just ignore that feeling and hardcode the whole story, or if there's a better solution (like a custom treelike structure that stores all the story info and then I could dynamically pull and display it? but then how do you make meaningful change to the gameplay and mechanics to make the story matter?). If I were to continue development without finding any answers then I'd most likely try to do a combination of the two, where there are some major changes that are hardcoded but majority of the story is in some dynamic structure that the user can traverse through. Any advice or articles or videos that you could point me to would be appreciated. Thanks.

    Edit: Another point, if I do want to use some structure, what are best practices for populating that? Hardcoded elements or reading from a json or similar file?

    submitted by /u/xOverZero
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    I have developed and released my first game! Here are my thoughts reflecting on my decisions

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 05:11 AM PDT

    A reflection on my first game

    I have completed and released my first ever game on both the App Store and Google Play, and I want to share with you some of the good and bad decisions I made regarding the design of the game.

    I have made this game as a hobby, and I set myself the objective to release a game for iOS and Android that people actually would want to play. So far the response has been really positive! It has by no means been a commercial success (only around ~200 downloads over a couple of weeks and zero monetisation), but I have learned a great deal from the project and have loved making it.

    Things that worked

    - Making movement feel fun

    The whole game is based around sliding a block around a level. I wanted to make sure that this action felt good and that it was satisfying to do, even when the objective of the game is removed.

    Here is a GIF of the animation in the final version - and now compare that with a GIF of an early version I made.

    I hope you will agree that the squishyness of the player block gives a bit of life in an otherwise very static game. Feedback from users has been really positive around this aspect too, with almost everyone saying they like the movement and especially the bounce off the angle blocks. One user has even said that whenever he sees two angle blocks lined up together he deliberately goes out of his way to bounce off them as he finds it so satisfying - so for me I would call that a job well done. With that said this can still be improved a lot, as common feedback is also that these animations could be smoother, and the visuals a bit more dynamic in general.

    - Unit testing for level design

    Making levels is hard, and it isn't something I fully appreciated until I started making a few. One of the really challenging things is that there are so many things to keep in mind when designing a level, and making one change might have negative impacts on other aspects. For example I might want to move add some walls to make the level more challenging, but I didn't notice that I accidentally added a solution that beats the level in 2 moves. This happened a lot when I first started and was really frustrating, and I wasted a lot of time making minor tweaks to levels which had big flaws I didn't notice.

    For those that are not familiar with unit testing, it is a common method used when writing software. You write tests for small sections of code that check whether specific functionality works. That way when you make a change (for example to add a new feature) you can quickly run your tests to ensure that other functionality hasn't been unintentionally altered.

    Along with a solver for my levels which listed all possible solutions (a very useful tool, but not really a test), one of the most valuable tests that I wrote was to check whether the goal could be reached from all possible loops/cycles in a level. If this condition is satisfied, at any point in a level you can either beat it, or you will run out of possible moves and know you will need to restart. You will never be in a situation where you can continuously move, but can't actually still beat the level, something I wanted to make sure to avoid.

    Having these tests to rely on allowed me to focus on the creative side of designing the levels, while still having confidence that the conditions I set were being met.

    Things that could have been done better

    - Not having a star rating system

    One of the most common conventions in puzzle games with levels is that you get a number of stars (usually 1, 2, or 3) based on how well you beat the level. My game has this exact same mechanic, except I didn't decide to use stars - a decision I really regret now, and might go back to change in the future if I continue to support the game.

    Instead of stars, I have a system where the colour that appears when you beat a level is used to communicate the completion. White/Beige is Complete (what is really 1 star), blue is Great (2 stars), gold is Perfect (3 stars). I originally chose this because I felt following the convention was too easy and I wanted to do something different, but I also thought that the simplicity of the colours would go well with the minimal feel of the game. However there are 3 main issues I have faced now because of it, namely communication; having a 'currency'; and accessibility.

    1. On communication - everyone understands a 'star' system. You don't need to teach anything new to the player, whereas people don't immediately pick up on how my colour system works. This isn't the biggest deal in itself, and if you only follow conventions then your game isn't doing anything new or exciting. But there are already other things that I need to teach the user, and needing to teach them about my colour system distracts from other aspects, such as the hi-score system - which I care more about. The book Don't Make Me Think has a really good section about this, and I wish I had've paid more attention to this when I read it!

    2. On currency - one of the biggest benefits with stars is that they are one 'unit', when you find a better solution you just get more of that unit. With my colour system, you have three separate units, which have no clear method of being compared. How much is one Perfect/Gold solution compared with one Great/Blue solution? This means that when I decided to require some level packs to be unlocked by beating levels, it became more complex to communicate what was required to the player. In addition to how many levels need to be beaten, I need to specify how they need to be beaten as well - for example "Perfect 10 levels" or "Complete 60 levels". Also, any combination of Complete/Great/Perfect becomes a nightmare to communicate, whereas with stars it is simple - 100 stars can be made up of any combination of 1, 2 and 3 star solutions.

    3. [Edit] As /u/KillerNo2 noted below, relying too much on colour alone for communication is bad UX design - and more importantly, really bad for accessibility. Especially my choice of blue and yellow colours. I think I will fix this sooner than I had planned.

    - Consistency between levels

    On the whole I think I have done a relatively good job of grouping the levels into difficulties, but there are still a number of issues with level balance I wasn't able to get quite right. Due to the nature of the levels having multiple different solutions, there are different ways to group levels. Do you define a difficulty based on how hard it is to find any solution? Or do you define difficulty based on how hard it is to find the optimal solution? Ideally a mix of both, but that is the challenging part which I feel I could have done better. In retrospect, a number of the "Medium 1" levels feel harder than some of the "Hard 1" levels, and based on users feedback finding the perfect solution to the level "Medium 1 - 24" is actually one of the hardest perfect solutions to find in the game (it is possible! I swear!).

    I am really happy with how the design of the levels has turned out, but I think next time I would need to pay more attention to how they fit together. I think developing some tools and tests, like I used for the levels themselves, would be a great step to help with this.

    Where the jury is still out

    - Not displaying target score

    I do not display what the target score is to perfect a level - instead I show the player their best score, and let them know when they have reached the optimal solution. I strongly believe that this system lends itself to a more enjoyable playing experience, as players discover the level for themselves. Every time you find a better solution there is hope that it could be the high score - you don't know until you beat the level. If the high score was displayed from the start, you would know you haven't found the optimal solution as soon as your move counter exceeds it, ruining the suspense and self-discovery.

    I have frequently watched players try to find the optimal solution for a level and they confidently said to me "ahh - now I've found it", only for the game to show that it was only "Great" and not "Perfect". A few more "Great" solutions later and sometimes they start thinking I've made a mistake in making the level and that it simply isn't possible. Finally they find it, and the mixture of pure relief, satisfaction and accomplishment is something that I think just wouldn't be as good if the player could just restart the level as soon as their move count went past the known optimal number.

    However despite this, one of the most requested features from people playing the game is for the target of moves to be displayed. This is why I'm not currently sure if this is a case of users who don't actually know what is good for them, or if there is something else in having a target to aim for that I am missing. If anyone can provide their thoughts on this, I would greatly appreciate it!

    Brief lessons learned

    • Everything takes far longer than you would expect. I started with what I thought was a narrow scope, but I narrowed it even further just to get it finished.
    • Good sounds and visuals are hard, and I mean really hard!
    • User testing is invaluable, and make sure to get feedback from people unfamiliar with your game as early and often as possible. It will shed light on things you haven't thought about.
    • Try out some different tools. I started with Unity, but it just didn't click. I ended up trying the Godot game engine after a while and loved it. I will definitely try a few more before I start my next project, but will very likely end up using the new version of the Godot engine.

    My Game

    My game is called PathSlider and it is a simple puzzle game where you slide a block around a level and try to get to the goal. It has over 200 levels which cover a wide range of difficulties, and it is free on both the App Store and on Google Play. Currently it has no ads or in-app purchases.

    I am really proud of the game that I have made, and if you would like to try it just search PathSlider on the App Store or on Google Play.

    submitted by /u/Vulome
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    How do you implement a quaternion-only FPS camera without introducing roll?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 07:11 AM PDT

    I've been scouring the internet reading articles about quaternions and camera implementations. I know if you use yaw/pitch/roll you can end up with gimbal lock, so you want all adjustments to remain as quaternions.

    However in all of my previous quaternion implementations (and all quaternion-only articles I read), after a few yaw/pitch adjustments the camera starts to roll, due to the way the rotations work out. Which makes sense.

    What I'm trying to find is a way to either update the quaternion in such a way that you don't introduce roll, or have a way of compensating to eliminate any roll that was introduced while updating. I know with vectors, you can do a series of cross products to get a proper up vector, but as far as I know you don't have that option for quaternions. And I don't want to have to keep switching between matrices and quaternions to pull it off, as that defeats the purpose of using quaternions.

    So is there a quaternion-only method for either eliminating or adjusting roll on a quaternion so that you maintain a proper up direction for a FPS?

    submitted by /u/nairou
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    Perks of Soft-Launching your game on Itch.Io before Steam release

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 10:33 AM PDT

    Screenshot Saturday #383 - Audacious Style

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 08:09 PM PDT

    Share your progress since last time in a form of screenshots, animations and videos. Tell us all about your project and make us interested!

    The hashtag for Twitter is of course #screenshotsaturday.

    Note: Using url shorteners is discouraged as it may get you caught by Reddit's spam filter.

    Previous Screenshot Saturdays

    Bonus question: Do you feel like you usually spend in-game resources/money at the rate the developers intended?

    submitted by /u/Sexual_Lettuce
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    When you finish developing your game...

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 09:54 AM PDT

    Any Thoughts on this Course

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 12:00 PM PDT

    Will this work for saving a level editor?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 11:58 AM PDT

    First, a bit of background. This will be only internal so efficiency isn't a huge concern. The other thing is that I have tried to understand class serialization and I cannot figure it out. This method was my alternative method. This does already work in a sample project. Does anyone have any experience (good or bad) with my method of saving everything?

    Code Overview - Saving -find all active objects in scene and add to a list -check object's tag and add the int ID to a string -store the object's xyz to the string separated by commas -store any custom variables to string with commas -repeat till there is no active objects in list -save the long string into a text file

    Loading -load string from text file -read the first char and remove it from the load string -check if the current value is a comma, if it is not keep loading chars -if it is a comma, parse it as an int. This is the object's internal ID -check the ID to see what parameters to load -load all char till the comma (x3), this is object's xyz -parse those and instantiate the object

    It is kind of a mess. I am sorry. I would post code but it is just a wall of while loops. I realize this is not efficient but is there anything specifically wrong about doing it this way?

    submitted by /u/waggyner
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    Best book to brush up on C++ for an experienced programmer?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 11:41 AM PDT

    Hi everyone! I graduated in 2016, and it's been a while since my last C++ classes. I'm primarily a Java programmer by trade, but want to brush up on my C++. In school, I did go through the basics of C++ (pointers, heap/stack, basic memory management..) but I completely forgot all of it since my last exposure was back in 2014. For example, I knew how to declare a pure virtual function, but I had to look up again what a pure virtual function even accomplishes. Some holes in my knowledge from not working with the language for a while.

    What is a good book to go through to get my skills back? I've done researh, and I see a lot of wavering between different books - C++ Primer, The C++ Programming Language, Beginning C++ through Game Programming.. But I'm not sure if those books would be worth getting for someone who already knows some programming.

    submitted by /u/steveachu
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    What's a good way to learn real-time multiplayer game architecture?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 11:17 AM PDT

    I was thinking about creating a simple live multiplayer, 2d shooter using node as backend. (still not sure if I should use socket.io or write a websocket server myself). I was thinking about making it almost backend-only node reciving user input, server running the game and sending back location of diffrent objects to the players, but I know that most games doesn't work like that and I can see some problems like input lag being a problem in a skill-based game.

    So do you know any tutorials, books or other ways to learn real-time multiplayer architecture and things like lag compensation?

    submitted by /u/lukz_
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    Please vote in this twitter poll and help me decide on a name for my puzzle game! Thanks!

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 10:16 AM PDT

    What makes a good gaming Hackathon experience?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 10:13 AM PDT

    Many hackathons these days are being run for the wrong reasons. Company 'branding' versus focusing on Developers.

    How can we change this culture? What gives a hackathon it's unique experiences? What is most important?

    submitted by /u/n3ss64
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    How to separate presentation code from game logic code?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 02:17 AM PDT

    I have some programming knowledge but I never really learned how to correctly modularize/encapsulate code.

    I have no game dev experience, I really suck at art so I want to start making a prototype with ugly placeholders like squares/circles and a very basic UI, but I need to leave it well modularized so it will be easy to write proper GUI/animations/etc code later.

    Any help or links would be highly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/jim1564
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    Design Document Tools

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 12:23 AM PDT

    Hello everyone! I discovered a tool used for keeping track of your game design, instead of composing a good old fashioned GDD. Of course, I forgot the name of it, so I thought I could ask you guys if you know or use any good game design tools!

    submitted by /u/Judge_Rekk
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    Is making a game with Unity and then triggering something in game which open an Unreal Engine application a problem? Any copyright issues?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 07:57 AM PDT


    Sorry if my question is not that clear. I wanted to make my game made in Clickteam Fusion 2.5 to open a Unity application if the konami code is done. Kind of like the spyro/crash bandicoot demo thing on the main screen. Would it cause a issue mixing those two softwares? I mean issues because of copyright or stuff like that. (I said Unreal Engine in the title as an example, but I'm using Clickteam Fusion)


    submitted by /u/Alexandrress
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    Looking for JavaScript framework to make text based game

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 07:28 AM PDT


    Could you recommend me a framework that works well with text based games with images/progress bars etc.

    The best one so far is AngularJS(1.x) since it automatically updates values on the screen which saves me a lot of time and an ability to use loops inside HTML is a great thing too.

    I might consider VueJs as well, I know those are not meant for games, but they seem the best for a text based game.

    Something like PhaserJs seems to be used for platformer/2d games.

    In the future I plan on working with Unity and C#, but for now I would like something that uses JS and works well with text based games.


    submitted by /u/tarnos12
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    All You Need to Know about Texel Density, by Leonardo Iezzi

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 12:41 PM PDT

    Learning to do VFX

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 12:16 AM PDT

    I'm really interested in diving deeper into vfx in UE4 but I have no clue where to start. I have gone through the tutorial on the ue4 website but I still feel like I'm missing so much watching videos of particles other people made. Do you guys know of any good learning resources?

    submitted by /u/xeru98
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    How would YOU make an RPG unique?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 06:51 PM PDT

    I'm sure we've all seen our fair share of poorly cobbled together games with asset store purchases, or perhaps a decently constructed rpg by some far off indie developer.

    But the fact remains that like the FPS genre there has to be something to make a game unique and get more exposure.

    For example, Undertale brought an innovative combat system. Skyrim was and still is a huge, open world experience. Dark Souls has always been notorious for its high skill cap and difficulty. The Witcher of course is known for its depth and storyline(s).

    So the obvious answer would be to be innovative, but that of course begs the question how? Would you create some compelling, enrapturing story? Create combat gameplay never before seen? What would you do?

    submitted by /u/iKataDrop
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