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    Saturday, June 9, 2018

    Resume Advice Thread - June 09, 2018 CS Career Questions

    Resume Advice Thread - June 09, 2018 CS Career Questions

    Resume Advice Thread - June 09, 2018

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 12:07 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to ask for resume advice and critiques. You should read our Resume FAQ and implement any changes from that before you ask for more advice.

    Abide by the rules, don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted each Tuesday and Saturday at midnight PST. Previous Resume Advice Threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Daily Chat Thread - June 09, 2018

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 12:07 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to chat, have casual discussions, and ask casual questions. Moderation will be light, but don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted every day at midnight PST. Previous Daily Chat Threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Why does it feel like this field is full of serious overachievers?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 03:46 PM PDT

    I'm sorry if this comes up often. I try not to frequent this sub too much these days so I don't have a nervous breakdown.

    Am I going crazy, or are people in this field way more motivated than people in other fields? It feels like every high school valedictorian from the last 5+ years ended up majoring in CS. Seriously, I'm not trying to be /r/iamverysmart or pity myself, I don't think I'm imagining this.

    Look at the average business/humanities/etc. major. Usually they just try to get good grades and maybe do an extracurricular or two. Even the people I know that are trying to get into medical school mostly seem to focus on grades, the MCAT, and maybe are part of a medical fraternity or do some research or volunteer work.

    Meanwhile, I look at the average CS major and many times he/she:

    • Graduated at/near the top of their high school class.

    • May have been doing CS since middle school or early high school.

    • Goes to lots of hackathons, has experience with many different technologies, codes for fun instead of gaming/netflix/whatever like most people.

    • Probably runs a professional-looking photography page or a blog.

    • Usually also dabbles in business/finance, sometimes more than actual business majors.

    • Has an active social life and a very large network. All the hackathon regulars seem to know each other and yet there's thousands of them.

    • Somehow also finds time to get good grades and grind CTCI/Leetcode.

    I don't think anything I've described is at all "remarkable" for a CS student, even though the equivalent amount of work would be remarkable for most majors. I mean, look at the amount of neurosis in this sub compared to literally anything else.

    Maybe I am just imagining this, and the top students are just the most visible on social media or whatever. Honestly though, I'm feeling more and more like if I were to pick any random CS student out of a hat, they'd likely be like this. Most of the CS students I know that aren't like the above end up switching fields or dropping out altogether.

    submitted by /u/cscqthwy
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    PSA to all the new interns freaking out. I feel you.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2018 11:41 PM PDT

    I used to own a motorcycle and I always used to hear from more experienced riders that, "It's not a question of IF you will fall, but it's WHEN you'll fall."

    So I'm in the third week of my internship (SWE). Placed in a team that is primarily backend (transitioning monolithic app to a bunch of microservices...Java/SpringBoot/Maven etc..). After week one which was comprised of the mess of getting my environment setup correctly, (it's still only 75% the way there if I'm honest) and having a quick meeting with the principal engineer (my "mentor") and the engineering manager for the team to establish what I wanted to learn over the summer, where I could help etc etc, it was time to actually start...ya know....working.

    Week 1/2:

    I was assigned some familiar first-time intern tasks such as unit testing some of the services/trying to increase code coverage before an upcoming demo to management. Now, I knew a little bit of testing from the good ol Michael Hartl Ruby on Rails tutorial, but I wasn't a pro by any means..especially in a professional setting! I googled and read up on various stackOF questions, read blogposts, watched tutorials on testing..and basically tried to figure out best practices in the industry that would help me get started at the very least.

    Early Week 3:

    I start learning about the APIs (ohhhh so that's what an API is. OHHHHH that's what a RESTful API is) we use and look over the codebase to make sense of the little corner of code I'm responsible for testing (the controllers) and feel like I'm fairly ready to start attacking the task at hand: Increase coverage for MANY microservices before demo day. Aight. I got dis..right.....right?

    Middle of Week 3:

    I'm all in. Me...probably: "We can't use Mockito/MockMVC because we use webflux and it won't work in our env for some reason..ok I'll try and learn WebClient and test the endpoint functionality that way I guess...JUST GIVE ME GREEN WHEN I RUN COVERAGE DAMNIT."

    End of Week 3 (Today):

    *After a few shameful emails to my mentor and a few back helping me understand how to read in a jsonfile and pass it into the body of the test*

    Ok, I got this. My tests are (for the most part) passing, and I'm steadily increasing coverage! YAY!!!!

    *Ping from a Sr Engineer as I'm sipping my coffee from a x1000 times more productive week than the last two where I actually feel like I've made even a small positive impact toward the team's overall efforts*

    Sr. Dev: You got a minute?

    Me: (Fuck)... Ya Coming over now.

    Sr. Dev standing next to my mentor: So your tests look good..looks like you're reading in the file correctly..(fuck YA!)...formatting is adhering to our standards...(YAAASSSS)......you're getting 2xx as a response from the mocked environment (Ok ya, that was me and I did it I guess, moar points for me?)...but why is the actual controller code changed?

    Me: ...because the my tests weren't passing unless I made slight adjustments to the controller code..

    Mentor interjects: SMH....SO basically..you changed (and checked in) modified code that we previously created...to make YOUR coverage increase/make YOUR tests pass? When we move this to our dev box, a lot of it..if not all of it will fail..

    Me: ....ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......shit. Yes.

    Mentor: *5 minute lecture that sounded like the voices of grownups in Charlie Brown*

    Me: Fair enough. I'm very sorry, Thanks for catching this early.

    Me...to myself: Why the hell would I ever do that...what a bonehead mistake!!! *walks away with the happy friday inside of him all but gone..*

    Mentor: It's not a huge deal, but you have to understand, when you're unit testing, you're not testing to see if your tests pass. You're testing to see if the previously constructed code works. You should never have to modify it. You come to us if you're sure your tests are off for some reason.

    Me: (Oh so you mean I should've asked better questions when I was first assigned my initial task and didn't completely understand because I'm a dumb ass?) You're right. I know you're having our sr. dev friend run a test on the services to see if my modifications will still build, but let me know how we can move forward/ and how I may be able to prevent extra work for you from here.

    Lesson unlocked: I did a really novice thing, that added so many more hours of time to my initial task, because I let my ego take over and didn't ask good questions. It won't happen again, but...it's not the end of the world as it felt like the first hour after receiving the news. SHIT HAPPENS. We're interns. We're here to learn. I made a (fairly) big mistake but someone who knows the codebase like the back of their hand (thankfully) can (laugh at) correct my code if absolutely needed.

    I fell off my bike real good today, but I'm better off because of it. And I'm glad I did it now rather than at my first job after graduating. Keep failing friends. More lessons soon.

    submitted by /u/csthrowaway20182019
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    Got a job after two years of unemployment right out of college here's what I have learned.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 10:37 AM PDT

    Obviously not an expert but I have made some mistakes in my job search and at the very least I can tell you what to avoid doing to help your job search. If I had the ability to go back in time 5 years ago this is what I would do differently.

    1. Get a summer intern ship every year I was in the CS program. If you do well you can easily get a job because you learn the workflow and stack of the company. This is my biggest regret in college.
    2. Go to the seminars the CS program hosts and give them a job applications afterwards. They aren't there just to talk. They are also searching for new talent.
    3. Get a 3.0 or higher GPA by any means necessary. A lot of employers use it to cull a long list of candidates.
    4. Start applying for a job at least a semester or quarter before you graduate.
    5. Practice answering coding questions verbally and doing a shit ton of whiteboard problems.

    If you didn't do these things in your college years than you should:

    1. have any basic job to show that you're not waiting for the perfect job to come to you. if you can land one that is a dumb down version of your dream job than get it and be the best at it.
    2. keep Practice answering coding questions verbally, doing a shit ton of whiteboard problems, and writing code.
    3. ask for family or friends who already have a job to be a referral. In a pile of hundred or thousands of applications you want to stand out and the easiest way to do that is to have a referral. Recruiters can do this if you can impress them but family and friends are often easier to get.
    4. Make friends in the industry for more referrals. Got to networking events and start climbing that social ladder.
    5. Make your resume as unique as possible. It's a fine line between professional and unique but it's well worth the effort to make your resume pop out.
    6. If you have personal projects than don't just talk about it on your resume. Give them a link to the actual project. I had deployed all of my projects deployed on github IO pages.
    submitted by /u/adm_shiza
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    What's the deal with digital branches of MBB? (Digital McKinsey, BCG Digital Ventures, Bain Digital)

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 12:14 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, I originally posted this on /r/consulting but I'm interested to see if anyone has insight on the digital arms of MBB on this sub. I've been browsing online and I'm seeing lots of conflicting info, some people are saying (on Glassdoor) these firms are more of a glorified and overpriced agency and a marketing vehicle for legacy firms to appear more "innovative". Other info I'm seeing is that employees of these firms are more operators rather than consultants, and have a strategic working partnerships within a corporate VC model.

    These places seem like interesting places to work, does anyone have info on how these firms operate (outside of the PR friendly material found online)? From my understanding getting an MBB job is vey much based on credentialism in terms of having high marks from top schools. Do these digital branches follow the same hiring practices or it more based on proven experience and skillset?

    If someone were to have, say, +5 years experience at a brand name firm (e.g. F100, Government, elite agency) would they give you the time of day for an interview?

    Any insight would be great. Thanks

    submitted by /u/dodd1331
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    Am I the problem? Hard time with socialization at work.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 08:20 AM PDT

    Hello /cscq,

    I am a mid level engineer at a Fortune 100 company in a Nashville (Low/mid col) earning low six figures.

    The team I am on is fairly standard tech/methodology, and the team make up is a fair mix of junior/mid/senior devs. The atmosphere is extremely laid back, and there are almost no hard quotas for output present anywhere.

    It feels as if myself and one other dev take on a brunt of the work and actual responsibility (commit history reflects this, some of the other devs have not made commits in weeks to any of our projects, and when looking at what commits are made to their branches it is nonworking/incomplete code), while some of the other devs just go into endless discussions about everything.

    A too common occurrence: DevA(dA) is tasked with completing some minor, back end feature. Instead of following established patterns in the code base he spends 3-4 hours talking to coworkers, engineers on other teams, and sometimes even managers about which package the class should be in, and about every single implementation detail. He might then schedule a meeting with management, and a bunch of other devs to discuss the feature so that he can 'fully understand' what needs to be done. By the end of the first day of what is realistically a 1-2 day task he has done 0 code and has just talked for hours to people. By the end of day 3 either myself or the other dev end up taking the task on and just doing it (with dA hovering over our desks questioning every line of code) and constantly telling us we need to confirm any minor decision. The other dev who is rather self sufficient does not seem bothered by this and encourages this communication, which is what is confusing to me.

    Management/leadership praises this behavior, by saying that it is promoting good teamwork and they are glad the team is working well together, but in reality it is just a distraction and a waste of time. Instead of using your years of experience to make a decision and going through with it, and only asking concise questions when unsure of how to proceed a simple task ends up blowing up into something huge for absolutely no reason.

    It honestly feels like dA (and dA is not a single person, there is 5 of them on the team) is unable to complete any task self sufficiently and every task completed needs to involve either myself or the other dev, with dA seeking constant input from management/other teams/etc.

    Honestly my attitude is turning very sour at this point and I don't understand why dA won't just shut the fuck up and do his work, and this is making me resent going to work. Why does my other coworker not mind the constant discussions? Am I in the wrong? Is it my job to discuss everything in this detail so long as other team members desire to?

    submitted by /u/mycsrokaway
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    My atypical TripleByte experience

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 10:55 AM PDT

    A couple months ago, I was accepted by TripleByte. They matched me with about 30 companies. I rejected some of these, and of the rest, many rejected me immediately. I had phone calls with about 7 or 8 companies. All but one rejected me after the call. The last one scheduled an onsite, and I was flown to SF. An hour before the appointment time, they cancelled. At least I got a free trip to SF, though.

    TripleByte told me this is very unusual and not the way it usually goes for their candidates.

    My theory is that it's one or both of these:

    1. Based on the dates in my resume they figured out I am over 35.
    2. The main language I use in my current job is C#, although it's not the only language I know. There's a bias against it in the startup scene because it's not "cool". Disclaimer: I do not blame TripleByte. I think they're great. It would be nice if they didn't work exclusively with startups, though.
    submitted by /u/cscq_loser
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    Is it really that hard to get a software development job(web developer) Or do it just depend on the job market in your area?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 05:31 PM PDT

    I am currently in college to be an software engineer specifically in web development and I see a lot of post from people who have been unemployed for a while and can't get a job after applying to many positions. Is it really that hard to land a job in this field because I would assume this is an very in demand field to be in. I have about 2 years before I graduate so I just want to know other people experiences on getting a job in web development and any advice they would give. If it helps I will be looking for web dev positions in Dallas.

    submitted by /u/CodeCrazyAquile
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    2 Years unemployed out of college, I'm burnt out.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 01:41 PM PDT

    I graduated from college two years ago with a cs degree and no internships in hand. Everyone had always told me the market was looking for many cs majors so I thought it would be easy to find something anything. I made smaller projects, had a couple interviews, but to no avail for the first year. It seemed I just had a lot to go after graduating before a job would be in my hands. One year later and a couple more interviews under my belt. I had talked to more than 1000 people on linked in, applied to 1000 jobs or so, and done more small projects. It meant nothing. I struggled and struggled to get interviews with my no computer science job experience resume. It seemed like no one was ever looking for new engineers. So now i'm desperate. I cold call companies to no avail. I don't know what to do. I'm living at my parents and i'm burnt out. I would do anything for a software job making games but there are so few junior jobs and internships require students. Please someone anyone. I want to live, how can I do that.

    submitted by /u/desultima
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    Has anyone gotten responses by removing optional questions blank on applications?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 07:42 PM PDT

    EDIT: I meant ignoring, not removing

    On applications to many companies, they ask for Github link, or ask questions such as "why do you want to work here". I am wondering if anyone has ever gotten any responses (good ones that aren't rejections) despite leaving those fields blank.

    submitted by /u/Applepie213
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    Worked as a Rails developer for a year. Company went under, and I lost my job. I can't seem to find a new job. Any tips?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 07:29 PM PDT

    I initially got hired by a company to work on a future project that ended up getting canceled. Instead of letting me go they decided to train me in Rails. I ended up really enjoying it, but the company went under. I'd really like to find another job as a programmer, but haven't been able to find anything. I don't have a CS degree, but am thinking about going back to school to get one. Any tips? I'd really love to keep working in a CS field, and would rather not put my career on hold for 3-4 years.

    submitted by /u/tenant_
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    Need advice!

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 06:45 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    Transferring to a UC in fall for junior year, CS major, no internship secured for summer of '18, what can I do to secure a internship in the fall or the next summer? What can I do this summer as I have 4 months off? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/ChromeBurn5000
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    Career wise is it useful to get a course based masters? Did this open up any career doors for you? Was it a waste of time career wise?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 02:51 PM PDT

    Questions are in title.

    I am currently struggling to find a job and am turning my eyes to fleshing out a portfolio of websites and stuff.

    But I am considering a course based masters (I do not want to do heavy mathematical PhD work for the rest of my life, had enough of a taste of that sort of stuff in some of my undergrad courses.)

    Does this help me career wise?

    submitted by /u/SubstantialHornet
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    starting intern in 3 days...

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 03:59 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I am a rising junior, studying computer science and math.

    I'm starting an intern in three days and I'm quite nervous, yet don't really believe in myself. This will be my first internship. I feel like I got this job because of my personality, rather than my intelligence.

    My position is : analytics modeler. I'll be working for a small company.

    Here's the detail of the position : artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning business initiatives. Become familiar with IBM Watson, Jupyter Notebooks, R-Studio, Neural networks, and other techniques. Design professional-quality dashboards and web deliverables. Model data and develop predictive analytics and deep learning frameworks.

    My boss told me that I will be teaching myself since no one in the office really has this knowledge. It makes me very hesitant since I have no knowledge of of AI yet ( did not take the course). I'm willing to learn as much as possible. I started to learn R, and read up neural networks.

    Does anyone have any advice for a new intern, or anything relating to analytics modeling?

    submitted by /u/dl1998
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    10 hr per week internship?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 06:04 PM PDT

    So I plan to do an internship with a company near my school in the fall and will be having the interview in August. I'm studying software engineering and the semester I'm going into is apparently one of the "harder semesters" for my major. I'm also doing a research thing during the week and I would like to work for at most 13 hours per week for the internship. How do you think the company will view this?

    submitted by /u/intern343
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    Help with finding a project

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 05:24 PM PDT

    I am entering my senior year in university studying Applied math with a CS minor. I am fluent in Java, since most of my classes were in Java. I've learned some python using tutorials online and am currently taking a web dev course online where I am learning html, css, and Javascript. I've only had one project that I've done but it's been part of one of my CS courses. It has helped me a lot but I still feel like I have trouble creating a project of my own without guidance. What should I be looking for in terms of the newest technologies and languages and a way to find some ideas for projects. I have a huge passion for CS but i know that's not enough. I want to make the best of my last year at university, so that i can land a software engineering job right out of college.

    submitted by /u/celeski
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    I could be graduating in December. My GPA is 2.6 and I never got an internship. What should I be doing now?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 03:35 AM PDT

    I did try to get internships, just never managed to get them. I have a resume, and got help in the weekly threads for them.

    So now without an internship, with a 2.6 GPA, I am probably graduating this upcoming December or May.

    What should I be doing now to make sure I get a job?

    What kind of salary, considering everything I've mentioned, do you think I should expect?

    submitted by /u/acsstudent
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    [Problem?] Spend most of my free time outside of work researching non-CS topics and find them more interesting than my current work

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 02:34 PM PDT

    When I'm done writing code for the day, I go home and tend to spend a large chunk of my time thinking about optimizing human athletic and mental performance, health span, and longevity. This topic really excites me and I've spent several hours of my free time perusing journal articles, listening to podcasts, and reading books about nutritional ketosis, intermittent fasting, and genes that influence our risk for developing chronic diseases.

    I'm kind of distraught by how I don't spend that time learning more about machine learning, new software engineering tools, design patterns, and in general stuff that's relevant to CS or my job.

    Should I allow myself to consider this as a hobby whilst simultaneously using willpower to improve my software engineering skills or should I take a more drastic action and try to transition my career? But if so, I'm not sure what that path looks like with a CS undergrad degree.

    submitted by /u/trolltaco
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    [New Grad] How do you find housing before relocating?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 11:47 AM PDT

    I'm planning on moving to the Bay Area in a few months and I'm wondering how most people go about finding housing for rent.

    I'll be looking for a 1 BR/BA. Do most people leave a couple weeks before the job starts to find a place to live? Hire an agent? It would be tough to fly out just to checkout homes for rent.

    submitted by /u/howthewtf
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    Is it possible to learn wordpress development by the end of this year? Meaning learning PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 07:44 AM PDT

    I recently started learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript this month. I want to know if it's possible to learn everything I need to start Wordpress Development for clients by the end of this year in December, so 7 months total? Obviously I'm not trying to know everything some Senior Developer would know, but enough to get me started. I'm planning on spending June, July, and August getting really comfortable with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I'll have from September to December to pick up PHP and MySQL. Is it possible?

    Also, can anyone point me to some good resources for learning PHP and MySQL? I plan to pick up the wordpress design/plugin development books by Brad Williams.

    Btw I mean knowing enough to build custome themes and plugins for clients. Not just setting up a wordpress site.

    submitted by /u/RatPack89
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    Rising Computer Science Senior, What should I study over the summer that would be relevant to me getting a job in Software Development/Software Engineering?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 07:52 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, I know this is a broad question, but I was just wondering what I should be learning over the summer that would be relevant to the industry currently. Of course, in university you learn a few languages like C, Java, JavaScript, SQL etc, but there are other languages that should be learned, and so what are the best places to learn new things and practice coding? Like Code Academy? I look up tutorials online usually, but just wanted to know if there was a preferred website.
    Also, for interviews, should I look at the book cracking the coding interview? Or is there a better resource out there? Thanks for your input!

    submitted by /u/k127
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    Finance or software engineering?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 07:50 PM PDT

    I wanted to major in Software engineering and live in NYC but these people on r/nyc told me that finance people make a lot more money. I kind of like software engineering and I feel like we have less work and a better job market than finance bros do. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/techsuckssometimes
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    Is it better to complete a compsci degree quickly, or focus more on side projects?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 07:20 PM PDT

    Hello friends.

    My situation is that I am studying computer science part time, whilst working full time in a call centre job (customer service, nothing IT related). I've completed 2.5 years of a part-time bachelor degree (would be 3 years if it was full time).

    If I work hard, I can complete 3 subjects per semester, but have little time to complete other side projects.

    I've been programming for around 3 years now. Although I enjoy my current job, and it puts food on the table I ultimately dream to become a professional software developer.

    In your opinion what would help me achieve that goal faster - to take 3 subjects per semester to complete the degree faster (and due to the heavier course load I may not achieve as great results for each subject), or to take less subjects per semester and focus more on building side projects as a portfolio for prospective employers?

    submitted by /u/lachyBalboa
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    What kind of offers do Project Management Interns get?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 03:14 PM PDT

    I know a lot of SWE interns get full time software development return offers after their internship. But do project management interns get a project manager role after their internship (assuming they do get a return offer)? It was my understanding that normally only mid-to-senior level programmers are moved on to Project Management level. Of course this is just a generality. I ask because I've been seeing a few people (in my CS progeam) take on project managing internships and I'm just curious what comes after that.

    submitted by /u/HexadecimalCowboy
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    Looking for advice on how to e-mail boss and hr

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 12:59 PM PDT

    Hello r/cscareerquestions, last night my work laptop got stolen, and I am looking to get it replaced. I am in the process of drafting the e-mail and was wondering if anyone had any advice on how I should approach this. I have the photos and details of the incident although I am deciding to just leave the details out for this email and just be straightforward to my boss and hr. Is this the right approach?

    Edit: E-mail has been sent, although would like to hear more advice in-case anyone else needs to know.

    submitted by /u/decoy98
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    Negotiating a stipend for a small (but growing) startup as an entry level SWE intern

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 06:17 PM PDT

    So it looks like I'm going to meet up to talk about logistics/pay soon, and is there anything I should know about negotiation with a tech startup? I know that there are negotiation wikis but I feel like it's a different circumstance since it's a startup, and I have no work experience with what I'll be doing. Seeing the intern salaries thread kind of threw me off cause I was guessing I would get around 18-20/hr but they were saying way higher. It's in the Bay Area and I'm a Sophomore.

    submitted by /u/OnlyShorts
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