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    Friday, June 8, 2018

    Looking for a good online course that teaches object oriented programming. learn programming

    Looking for a good online course that teaches object oriented programming. learn programming

    Looking for a good online course that teaches object oriented programming.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 03:39 PM PDT

    Didnt see anything in the wiki. Preferably something free (although doesnt have to) that is a well thought course similar to Harvard's CS50 intro to computer science online course.

    From what I read, I should really know object oriented programming in order to dive into learning Swift. Some course like this would be great.

    CS50 Harvard's intro to CS https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/4q6tae/i_highly_recommend_harvards_free_online_2016_cs50/

    submitted by /u/Yo_Mr_White_
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    What did schooling fail to teach you about programming/computer science?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 09:04 PM PDT

    Taking computer science classes, wanted know there if there are any skills I need to improve or knowledge I need to gain on my own time.

    submitted by /u/Klekto123
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    CanYa coin is training developers to become blockchain developers

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 10:25 PM PDT

    Canya coin has partnered with Academy School of Blockchain to learn Blockchain development and earn as BC developers on Canya's official marketplace. It is going to be the world's premiere decentralized p2p services marketplace with:

    -1% fees -Crypto escrow -Enormous impact of the gig economy on the developing world -Many people will earn not buy their first crypto -CanYa will play a huge part of the world adoption of crypto as we empower gig workers to be employed at fair rates -Removing inequality by creating a global market of equal pay

    Read some more details about the partnership here:


    submitted by /u/refrescarxc
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    Typing technique - Is touch typing absolutely essential for a programmer?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 03:36 PM PDT

    Hi guys,

    I'm in the midst of learning to program and will be starting a CS program this September. I have a rather unusual typing style, using predominantly only two fingers on each hand. Kind of a self-taught improvisation. I've been typing this way my whole life without issue; got through a previous bachelor's degree, have worked jobs with significant typing involved, etc. When doing typing tests I consistently score 70+ wpm with 95%+ accuracy, and can type comfortably without having to look at the keyboard.

    What is your opinion on the necessity of "proper" typing technique for a programmer? I have been practicing the touch typing technique for the past few days, and it seems very unnatural. How much of a bottleneck is typing speed/technique as a programmer? Is it worth putting in considerable time at an awkward and slow typing speed to replace deeply engrained typing habits? Does anyone have experience making the transition, and was it helpful?


    The research seems to show that technique doesn't matter. I'd still appreciate some anecdotal evidence though.

    submitted by /u/tmclean15
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    I struggle to understand/spot O(log n)

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 05:46 AM PDT

    I understand the concept of Big O notation but have always struggled to appreciate what O(log n) actually is.


    With the majority of the measurements, I have no issue visualizing them:

    • O(1): Adding an element to the end of an array.
    • O(n): Doing a simple check on each element in an array.
    • O(n2): Comparing each element in a list to every other element.


    These all make sense, I can look at the structure of an algorithm and spot them. If you told me to design an algorithm in O(n) time, i'd know what to avoid.


    However... I do not feel this way about O(log n), I struggle to appreciate what it actualy is.


    Am I just missing something, or is O(log n) / O(n log n) just difficult to appreciate?

    What signs can you look out for that would suggest something is O(log n) / O(n log n)?



    submitted by /u/SamalotMedia
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    How to get my little brother excited about programming?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 03:38 PM PDT

    TL;DR suggest cool and fun programming projects in matlab.

    When I said "little brother" I may have misled you, he is in senior year of college. He is studying civil engineering. I myself am an aerospace engineer and programming is a big part of what I do at work and in grad school. Havent seen him in a long time but I will spend about a week with him in the near future. I have been trying to get him to learn programming because I think it is a very good step toward getting into a grad school abroad (like myself) which is in turn a good way of getting out of my shithole home country. Anyways matlab is my favourite for engineering and I think it is easier and more fun than some other alternatives like fortran or c. I am thinking of showing him an example of artificial neural networks. I think matlab even has a pre trained network that recognizes common items from camera input. I may also show him the model of Wright brothers' plane in simulink. What other (short and fun) projects would you recommend to someone who doesnt know much about programming? Remember, he doesnt have to learn it all in a week, he just has to see how great it is.

    submitted by /u/tajtheaviator
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    Codecademy or freeCodeCamp for front-end development?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 05:50 PM PDT

    I want to learn and be job-ready in front-end development as quickly and affordably as possible. I'm thinking about doing the Codecademy /Pro Intensive. Is it worth the money? Is freeCodeCamp just as good? Are there better courses out there for the same price or lower?

    submitted by /u/83au
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    Is there any way to identify the user without the ip ?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 10:35 PM PDT

    I have to identify a user but don't want to use his ip, what can I store, into a mysql db via php, that would let me identify him.

    I need something unique, like a mac adress but from what I've searched it doesn't seem like you can get the mac adress easily. Google account could be an option but I would prefer not using it.

    submitted by /u/YusufK_b3ra
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    How can I learn programming faster?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 08:16 PM PDT

    I've been programming daily for a year and while I've learned a lot, compared to some CS students I see on GitHub who've been programming for the same amount of time know far more than me and write far better/more organized code. Is it because they focus more on logic/algorithms and actually read books? I've mostly been looking up random stuff as I need it, and I still struggle with a lot of basic concepts. It just makes me wonder if programming is even for me anymore or if it's just my crappy learning style, and it scares me because if those students struggle finding a CS job, then I'll probably never even get an interview. Any advice would be appreciated, thank you.

    submitted by /u/sailaza
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    Operating system animations ?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 10:22 PM PDT

    I really have no clue how I would even go about this. I want to learn and hopefully implement animations to macOS idk if this is possible hence why I'm asking the question. I basically want to replicate this program called windowsFX which basically changes some windows animations but it's for windows. Anyhow hopefully someone knows how to start this sort of project

    submitted by /u/mrBiscuit97
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    [Django] How do I add a modal in Django

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 10:13 PM PDT

    as title says, I want to add a modal, so that I don't have to change pages just a modal will slide down and show me what I want. I tried bootstrap components but they are not working at all

    submitted by /u/Unchart3disOP
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    Can somebody give me a basic explanation of repositories and sites like GitHub and GitLab?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 10:04 PM PDT

    So I'm new to programming and just started learning Python a week ago, and every type of forum I go to has mentions of these names. Can you guys ELI5 all this stuff?

    What I (think I) know so far:

    • GitHub is a place where you can upload your code so that you don't have to store it • You can show your GitHub "repository(s)" to potential employers • A lot of people are moving to GitLab because GitHub got bought my Microsoft (also need an ELI5 why this is a bad thing?)

    Side question: at what point should I start putting my code up? I've only made basic things such as a guess the number game and hangman

    submitted by /u/Klekto123
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    Hi guys, I'm trying to build a log in form with MySQL and visual basic. I have a table with userid(primary,) username, password. What I'm tring to achieve is, if username and password = same userid then = succesful login. What would be the code for that for visual basic?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 09:04 PM PDT

    *I'm sorry for the (if ever) missing information or stupidity. I'm a medical professional that wants to learn how to code. Total noob. So far I've only built a modified calculator that i use daily for my work. Thanks. I'll post a picture in the comments of my current code, if that would help.

    submitted by /u/B0litas
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    Help programming led strip

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 09:00 PM PDT

    I recently moved into a new room and have had this idea to have rgb strips on the back of my desk look like sirens whenever I am wanted in games like GTA V. I don't know if this is the right place but I need to figure out if there is a way to program it. I have researched but only come out with tutorials on how to connect them to mics( which I guess could work if volume of the game or other in game sounds were not factors). Any help would be appreciated

    submitted by /u/Crodr18
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    [Homework] How can I display markers and list an array of locations using Google Maps and Knockout JS?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 08:39 PM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    So, right now, I'm working on a Neighborhood Map listing all the EDM clubs in Atlanta, GA using the Google Maps API with Knockout JS as my framework. However, while the map does appear on the page, the markers and filter do not.

    If you're interested in helping me, here's a link to my GitHub repo below. Be sure to check out app.js and index.html: https://github.com/10asmock/club-finder-map

    submitted by /u/Hegemon1984
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    Pseudo code help

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 11:55 PM PDT

    I need help writing these 3 questions into pseudo code.

    1.1 Athletes measure the time it takes to complete a marathon in minutes. Calculate the number of hours and minutes run by an athlete. For example, 134 minutes is 2 hours and 14 minutes. 1.2 Determine the amount of money in Pounds that a person can buy. You are given the exchange rate, as well as the amount, in Rand, that he or she wants to spend. 1.3 One carton of tiles can cover an area of 2.4m². Calculate the number of cartons necessary to cover a room with a certain surface area. Only full cartons can be bought. If you need 4.2 cartons of tile, you will then need to buy 5 cartons.

    submitted by /u/BennyTheValdemort
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    Need help with a Java problem.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 11:46 PM PDT

    I'm making a small game where you simply move around and collect items. I have been able to make my character move but I am having trouble with making him stop at the side of the screen, hoping someone can help.

    My code to make him move


    yCoordinateOfNerd -=10;


    Rinse and repeat for down, left, and right.

    I've tried making him stop at the borders any way I can think of but not work. The one way that did work it would break the second I scaled the game window. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/SincerePenguin
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    Why are functions called methods inside of classes

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 11:24 PM PDT

    Maybe a dumb question but usually people add to their lexicon out of necessity rather than some low priority need to be 20% clearer.

    At some point programmers decided that calling methods by an entirely different term over, say 'class functions' was prudent. Can someone explain why conceptually?

    submitted by /u/seands
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    How can I become more logical? I am a beginner, and understand the basics of syntax and fundamentals, but when it comes to building or problem-solving, I struggle.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 04:52 PM PDT

    I know self-teaching is a journey. I've only been doing this for a couple months, a for a few months a year or so ago. I am grasping the basics of the fundamentals of a couple of "beginner" languages like Python and JS. Flow control, functions, booleans, etc I can understand the basics of and follow. I can follow along in classes online and videos, and it makes sense when I look at it, but when I try and make something or break something down on my own it's difficult. I'm reminded of Algebra in high school and other math classes I took.

    Do I just need to keep at it? Just read and try and build and mess up? Just keep going and eventually I may get it?

    Are there resources out there for me? I've tried some coding equivalent "games," but logic cripples me. I know I'm intelligent and I know I can do it. I am in IT so I know I can work and use my if/then / troubleshooting mindset, but I just seem to keep hitting walls.

    Are there online classes for this sort of thing? Should I invest time in places like EdX.org's much-revered CS50 class or Udacity's computer Science courses?

    Boooks? Podcasts?

    I yearn to learn, but I'm getting frustrated.

    submitted by /u/-PM_ME_YOUR_SMILE-
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    Best way to learn js quickly after python

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 09:14 AM PDT

    I want to learn JavaScript as quickly as possible (I'm interning and the company wants me to learn JavaScript and node.js)

    I already know python. How can in quickly learn js? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Maxerature
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    Quicksort how to use Middle pivot

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 09:21 PM PDT

    Any idea where middle pivot is going wrong here?

    def quick_srt(arr,lptr,rptr): print(arr) # 5 if (rptr - lptr ==0): return arr #piv = math.floor(random.uniform(lptr, rptr)) else: # piv = 7 -> piv = lptr + ((rptr - lptr)//2) print('PIV: ',piv, 'PIV VAL: ',arr[piv]) l2ptr = lptr r2ptr = rptr while l2ptr < r2ptr and piv>=0: tru1, tru2= False, False if arr[l2ptr] > arr[piv]: tru1 = True if arr[r2ptr] <= arr[piv]: tru2 = True # set conditions ok now if tru1 and tru2: arr[l2ptr],arr[r2ptr] = arr[r2ptr],arr[l2ptr] # iterate to next index if not tru1: l2ptr+=1 if not tru2: r2ptr-=1 # when left = right then partition print('LEFT: (',lptr,',',l2ptr,')') quick_srt(arr,lptr,l2ptr) print('RIGHT: (',r2ptr+1,',',rptr,')') quick_srt(arr,r2ptr+1,rptr) 

    arr = quick_srt(arr,0,len(arr)-1)

    I know it's somewhere in the comparison statements somewhere, been stepping through PDB for quite a while, but seems to be missing some small thing...

    submitted by /u/bitsofshit
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    Do you encrypt SSNs? If so, how do you use this info later?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 07:41 AM PDT

    I'm doing a full stack, front end is done. Backend I finished the laravel tutorial and I have experience with PHP.

    My question is that, should SSNs be encrypted? If they are encrypted, my understanding is

    - I will need a private key that I can use later to decipher

    - This is different from a password because the private key is stored with the user.

    - This private key deciphering is an extra step I'm probably going to end up doing outside of my backend. On an 'as needed' basis only.

    Like I said, just finished the laravel tutorial and I'd assume they have something in place for this, but I'm not sure what to search.

    Bonus: How would you store friends? Was considering a database entry for the user that expands an array based on User ID.

    submitted by /u/ProgrammingYerJerbs
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    How is it possible for a user to authenticate themself without entering their credentials? - OpenID Connect

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 08:40 PM PDT

    I feel like I have an ok understanding of the OpenID Connect (OIDC) protocol, however, I can't seems to understand one thing, which has to do with logging out/terminating the session.

    I was looking at OIDC Azure AD docs. In the docs it says that "When you wish to sign the user out of the app, it is not sufficient to clear your app's cookies ... You must also redirect the user to the end_session_endpoint for sign-out. If you fail to do so, the user will be able to re-authenticate to your app without entering their credentials again, because they will have a valid single sign-on session with the Azure AD endpoint."

    I thought about this, tried searching the web, but could not find a straight forward answer to my question: How is it possible for a requesting party to wake-up a session on the identity provider when it no longer has any sort of tokens associated with this session?

    Since we clear web-storage and delete all associated cookies, how can a user invoke the entire process to send it a new token without having any sort of verification? What does it even send to the server, "Hey, remember me"?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/CheBurashka_GG
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    Help with currency convertor.C++

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 04:34 PM PDT

    Hi guys. I'm a new programmer learning c++. I need help with an issue for a currency convertor program I am writing to convert Usd,Rmb,and Euro. I'm doing this as a project for a c++ book I am learning and I'm confused about switches currently. For some reason my program does not output the cout text I put in for case 1 but does the calculation correctly. Any ideas? After fixing this I intend to proceed to code the other cases. Thanks for the help. https://pastebin.com/pTQdF2NB

    submitted by /u/Hydra968
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