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    Saturday, June 9, 2018

    Full Stack Web Developers, how do you keep track of everything that's going on? web developers

    Full Stack Web Developers, how do you keep track of everything that's going on? web developers

    Full Stack Web Developers, how do you keep track of everything that's going on?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 07:20 AM PDT

    There is so much to learn and keep track of:

    1. Back end:
      • Languages (PHP, Python, Ruby, Java)
      • Frameworks (Symfony, Django, RoR, Spring)
      • Databases (mysql, postgresql, sqlite)
      • Tools (apache, nginx, gunicorn, vagrant, memcached, reddis, RabbitMQ)
      • Packaging systems: setuptools, composer, npm, etc.
      • Build tools: grunt, gulp, ant, etc.
      • DevOps tools (Docker, Kubernetes, Virtualbox)
    2. Front end:
      • Berner-Lee Basics - HTML/CSS/JavaScript, various standards.
      • Libraries - jquery, angular, react, backbone.js.
      • Components - jqcharts, jquery-ui.
      • Frameworks - Bootstrap, Foundation
      • Graphics work - Image science, GIMP/Inkscape/etc.

    There is just so much to learn, how do you manage that? Do you take time off for dedicated learning and how do you decide what to learn and what to skip?

    submitted by /u/rms_returns
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    How incompetent should a junior dev be ?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 02:59 AM PDT

    I'm a mid level developer, I've noticed something recently : the abysmal skill level of new juniors. I guess bootcamps that promise you big salaries after 4 months of courses are culprit here. Frankly, I'm tired of being a teacher at work. I want to work, not spend all my time teaching.

    But also, maybe I ask too much of the juniors. What do you think the skill level of a junior should be ? Should they know how to test ? Should they know what is the DOM api ? Is there such a thing as an incompetent junior dev ?

    submitted by /u/DzaladMentale
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    Showoff Saturday: I made an AI that understands website logins and monitors them

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 01:16 AM PDT

    Building a Post Scheduler for Facebook Pages with Node.js and React

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 02:48 PM PDT

    What mini projects do you recommend web developers (full stack) to build while learning a certain technology?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 01:11 PM PDT

    Still no luck in finding a junior role

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 12:50 PM PDT

    How much do I really need to know to land a junior web developer role in the USA? Please judge my resume (anonymous version) and give me feedback as to how I can improve. I have applied to over 100 places in the form of directly applying on company sites and 1-click application features from sites like Indeed. I am currently based in the Midwest (Silicon Prairie) but have applied to companies in more than 4 states. 0 replies for an interview.

    Currently I plan on studying ASP.NET Core (.NET seems to be popular in this area) but I don't honestly know if that'll make me marketable. Link to resume at bottom.

    I have been on this self-learning path for almost 2 years and I am honestly getting burned out from not seeing any fruition to my hard work. I have no idea how people who seemingly know less than I do are landing positions. Is my resume really that bad?


    submitted by /u/dotobird
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    [Showoff Saturday] Retifish: a real-time file transfer web app I made

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 10:52 AM PDT

    Will JavaScript Eat the Monolithic CMS?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 07:50 AM PDT

    Found a website with a vulnerability, what should I do?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 01:21 PM PDT

    Was browsing for apartments in the bay area when I noticed this real estate company's website has an form input used to search for a listing by its ID. This ID is supposed to be a 4 digit number but you can actually type anything in and it'll appear in the resulting page's url parameter website.com/detail.php?id=myinput.

    I started playing around with it and noticed when I enter in an asterisks *, the whole website's search feature as well as anything related to fetching data hangs for about half an hour, even when I try accessing it on a different computer.

    I'm a junior frontend engineer but am also kind of interested in security. Can anybody tell me why this might be happening? I'm guessing its some SQL parameter like SELECT * FROM Listings WHERE ListingID={param}; but not sure.

    submitted by /u/StraightZlat
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    responsive webpage design resolutions

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 10:55 AM PDT

    hi, I'm learning some web dev in class atm. there are some tricks taught like do certain things at certain resolutions. problem is, a lot of mobile screens are very high resolution now, same as a desktop monitor, but obviously on a very tiny screen.

    what other ways are there to detect mobile without using solely resolution?

    submitted by /u/Lord_Trolldermort
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    Convolution Reverb and Web Audio API

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 10:21 AM PDT

    VueJS: Nuxt and the middleware concept

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 06:29 AM PDT

    Hello guys,

    I'm having hard time understanding exactly what is the purpose of a middleware in nuxt, and how I can use it for my project.

    I can start by explaining what I'm trying to do here, so basically I have a website running under nuxt, and I want to get some data from a service, through a post request. The request for this service should be invisible, because I don't want to expose our keys etc.. and also the response should be invisible, since there are sensible information.

    Therefore, the request should be invisible in the network tab right..

    I assumed that if I use a middleware to do this request (using axios for example within this middleware) that request would've been sent from the server side, and the response would've been treated from the server side also.

    I can see that it is not the case, everything is visible from chrome dev tools under the network tab.

    I want to apologize if this is a noob question, I have to admit I'm quite new to vueJS and I have a lot of things to learn here. I think I might misunderstand the concept of Server side rendering and what I'm trying to achieve here which are probably quite different.

    If one can help me understand this concept of middleware and what I would need to do to achieve my task, I would be very grateful!!

    Thank you in advance for your time 🙏

    submitted by /u/olafviking
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    The client wants Joomla... can you suggest an alternative CMS?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 12:03 PM PDT

    I am creating a site with the following requirements:

    1. Basic pages and content blocks that will be easy for the client to update
    2. Private discussion forum with email notifications and replying (like a listserv)
    3. Event calendar
    4. FAQs
    5. Clinical data collection (see below)

    The site is for an alternative healing method (yes, I know...), and one of the main parts of the site will be an access-restricted area where clinicians can log in and share experiences pertaining to specific patients (anonymized, of course). Here's how it will work:

    1. The user creates a new patient record (using a nickname for privacy purposes)

    2. Description fields for the patient (age, gender, etc.)

    3. The user can create log entries for their ongoing treatment of that patient, with the following fields:

    • Ailment(s). This could be a multiple select list, and it would be great if there were some kind of free-tagging which enabled the user to add an ailment that's not already on the list. That ailment would subsequently be added to the shared list.
    • Checkbox fields relating to the type of treatment provided
    • Long text fields about the treatment provided, patient's response, etc.
    1. The user would subsequently be able to access "their" patients and add another log entry or edit the description fields for that patient.

    There would be a searchable front end for the clinical data section, where authenticated users could search by ailment and see all related clinical log entries.

    Not required for this site:

    • Fancy theming capabilities. All I need is a very clean and straightforward responsive theme. We are not going for the "flowery woo-woo energy healer" look. That said, I'd like a nice selection of out-of-the-box themes, so I won't have to design the site entirely from scratch.
    • SEO wizardry. The site is meant to be a resource for people who have already heard of the method through word-of-mouth, so my client has no interest in capturing additional search engine traffic.
    • Massive scalability. The forum might start with 100 or so members, and maybe it'll get up past 1,000 someday, but this will never be a huge monster of a website.

    Most of my experience is with Drupal 6 and 7, but the client has a preference for Joomla. I haven't used Joomla since version 1.5 (circa 2010), and my impression is that it's no longer very popular and that there are much better options out there. I could probably push back on the client and insist on using some other CMS, but I am willing to change my mind if some Joomla-loving Redditor can make a strong case.

    Note that I am not a developer. I'm proficient with HTML and CSS/SCSS, and I'm very handy at building and administering CMS sites using third-party modules, etc., but I will not be able to hack any modules or plugins myself.

    So... what CMS do you recommend? Or can I do this in Joomla without cursing the gods and falling into despair?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/heartsutra
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    Outsourcing your job search

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 06:57 AM PDT


    I am relatively new to web development, and just like everyone else I am currently trying to find a way to get more clients. I have recently been tempted to hire a copy writer to write proposals for me, and then hire a virtual assistant to find clients for me.

    Do you have any success or failure stories regarding this method? Do you think this would be an efficient use of my resources?

    Thank you, PI

    submitted by /u/pineappleinferno
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    Building an e-commerce from scratch.. Bad idea?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 03:41 PM PDT


    I'm a freelance and a client recently contacted me, he has an existing online business where he sells cosmetic products but would like a complete redesign of it.

    The site's running on Wordpress, which I have absolutely no experience with. I'm good with back-end Python & Node + front end with standard stuff & also React.

    The client is aware of existing solutions such as Shopify but would like to be able to customize and doesn't like how not flexible these solutions are. So I suggested I'd re-create his website from scratch, but now, looking around on SO & Reddit I'm starting to think that it may not be a good idea.

    I've seen people saying that it's extremely difficult and will take a lot of time. Some say it's a real nightmare to develop, and I don't really understand, I mean, an e-commerce website is just a simple website that pulls up some data from a database. To handle payments, Stripe/Paypal seem like the best solutions, and very secure as well. Shopping cart? Cookies aren't difficult to set up. I would have to create a little CMS as well, but again, I've done it in the past and it's not that hard.

    So, my question is, what's the catch? Am I going to call my client one month later to tell him that I give up? I'm feeling like I'm missing something big.

    submitted by /u/pythonistaaaaaaa
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    Why do people keep saying how much harder it is to make single page applications ?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 11:21 AM PDT

    There's always that one guy in the team.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 03:06 PM PDT

    Someone is getting sacked on Monday...

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 03:03 PM PDT

    Tyson Fury had his big comeback fight tonight and someone paid alot of money for sicily.co.uk to be promoted everywhere: https://i.imgur.com/PDEdHUn.jpg

    This is sicily.co.uk https://i.imgur.com/jkaKdWO.jpg

    (Mirosoft servers default welcome page if it's not clear)

    submitted by /u/JohnMellor89
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    Feel stuck at current company; feeling left behind re: technologies/frameworks/trends; desperately seeking advice on how to make myself more viable to other employers.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 06:14 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I'll provide a little context for my current situation. I hope it doesn't come across too whiny, because all I'm really looking for is advice, not sympathy.

    I've been working for my current company for nearly 3 years. We have about 400 staff worldwide (our office is small with about 20), and develop websites which sit on top of a big, unwieldy, proprietary CMS. 90% of what we do in the dev team pertains to developing specific functionality in said CMS, which means we spend 90% of our time learning non-transferable, niche-software-specific skills.

    This place is the most unorganised, demanding company I've ever worked for. Standards, testing, and quality of work are all shunned for rushed solutions which almost always inevitably break - leading our clients to either walk away, or berate us. We have PMs who do nothing more than create meetings and sit there while we run them (even going as far as telling us to write emails to the clients, but in the third person to make it look like they constructed them). Management have no idea what's going on, and only seem interested when one of our poorly planned projects starts to crumble. When this happens (almost every project) the developers get pulled in to a meeting to explain why things are capsizing. Our statements of mismanagement, lack of testing, and poor functional requirement gathering are met with "just get it done".

    Rinse, repeat, every project.

    Everybody in my team is completely burned out from having to practically PM our own projects on top of the development/implementation. This has lead to an insane turnover of developers (about 15 for our team of 7) during the 3 years I've worked there.

    I'm desperately looking for a way out, and would appreciate any recommendations you guys have for bettering myself as a developer. I have beginner to intermediate knowledge of JavaScript and CSS, but no clue on things I've caught wind of like Node, Webpack, various frameworks etc.

    Are there any resources that you guys would recommend I start reading? Tutorials/books for anything currently game-changing? Small project ideas? I feel SO left behind, and I'm willing to hear anything/everything you guys suggest.

    For anybody that has read this far down and/or has any suggestions for me - thank you so much for taking the time.

    submitted by /u/webdevanonacc
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    Full stack tutorial

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 09:12 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I was wondering if there any solid full stack tutorials out there for building web applications specifically related to forms using tools like AngularJS MySQL and Java/PHP etc every time I keep finding a tutorial it's either incomplete or only using one technology.


    submitted by /u/Phizy
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    For experienced devs

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 12:43 PM PDT

    How much would you expect to ask for an adult site that requires user accounts and cash exchanges?

    It seems like the market is all over the place

    submitted by /u/LoriBethBlimberg
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    Creating a webpage using REST api

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 12:36 PM PDT

    People of the sub, I'm working in creating a site for some people to upload some content and interact with each other, not a big deal.

    My approach is to have a REST api to interact with the database (ICRUD) and in the webpage on the components (buttons, links, drop downs,etc) use Ajax to call that api and give functionality to the page.

    Is this approach something that sounds ok? I'm thinking that will expose how to consume my api not using the page and posible lead to insecure transactions.

    Other concer is how to authenticate the requests so I can only accept the incoming from the page, is CORS something to use here?

    Thanks everyone and sorry if this question is lame.

    submitted by /u/sucucho
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    Massive summer of learning

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 11:44 AM PDT

    I think I'm at a pretty good stage when it comes to web dev but I think I'm a bit out of the loop or stuck in the past. I can build full stack apps and I'm pretty comfortable with Node, Express, MongoDB, PostgreSQL and that's it.

    I just recently started learning about all the new ECMAScript stuff and using let, const, arrow functions, etc. (If someone has a series or course which will thoroughly teach me all the stuff from ES6+ to now, I'd appreciate it!)

    However now I want to learn more, up next I hope to further my understanding of JS and get up to date on all the new stuff like async/await, etc. And to finally tackle ReactJS.

    So I looked around for courses and I came across two highly recommended ones.

    And I want to know which do you consider is the best? Which is most up to date? Which is more in-depth? And just which will teach me more in general.

    Also, if you guys have any other courses or youtube playlists by people which would further my web dev knowledge, be sure to let me know!

    submitted by /u/iMakeBaadChoices
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