• Breaking News

    Sunday, June 10, 2018

    Favicons coming to Safari! Our job gets just a tiny little bit easier web developers

    Favicons coming to Safari! Our job gets just a tiny little bit easier web developers

    Favicons coming to Safari! Our job gets just a tiny little bit easier

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 03:32 AM PDT

    React basic internals nicely explained

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 06:53 AM PDT

    Is CSS Reset necessary still in 2018?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 10:06 AM PDT

    The most upvoted answer from this StackOverflow link says that its required, but that post is from 2010. After 8 years, and so many iterations of browser development, do you think we still need a CSS Reset before designing a web-page? (Let's say for a very simple wordpress theme, because that is what I'm about to build)

    submitted by /u/rms_returns
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    Introducing MapKit JS - A JavaScript mapping library by Apple

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 02:48 PM PDT

    caniuse.com Audit tool

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 11:24 PM PDT

    Hey Reddit,

    I made a Chrome extension you might like as I first made it just for myself.

    I made a caniuse.com audit tool. Where you open it in the page you want and it will check all HTML, Javascript and CSS features on the page and are they fully supported or not for all browsers or search bots. :)

    Hope people like it. There is a 2 day trial to check it out :)

    Also built with vue.js, puppeteer and node.


    submitted by /u/Robert_Gabriel
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    What are topics a beginner backend developer should know?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 01:24 PM PDT

    is it necessary to dive deep into servers, hardware and networks. im trying to figure out if i should consider getting an AA in information tech or somthing in that area or if building web projects like a social platform will be enough to land a job eventually. I have so experience w/ design and front end development. But i gravitate more towards backend. i already have a bachelors in Media Communications from an accelerated college. And I already know how to program.

    submitted by /u/UntouchedDruid4
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    What kind of projects should I make after a bootcamp and what new frameworks should I learn?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 12:20 PM PDT

    Hi guys,

    Just completed a full time, immersive, project based bootcamp in Web Development.

    I learnt about the following things:

    HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and JavaScript. Node, Express Framework, APIs Server Side Rendering and Templating Engines React MySQL + mongodb

    Now that I have completed the course I will be looking for a job in Web Development. Before doing that however I want to build a portfolio of some projects as well as learn some other technologies that may be used in industry for front end development.

    What projects would you recommend I make that will give employers an idea that I am ready to pursue a job as a full time developer? Also, are there any additional frameworks that I should learn that are used in industry but might now have been covered in the course I just completed?


    submitted by /u/platinumbjj
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    Is non-JS front-end development dead?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 09:21 AM PDT

    Today (2018-06-10), when I look at many websites, they are completely blank when you disable JavaScript. React and Angular seem to be extremely popular.

    What happened to frameworks like Jinja, Twig) or Mustache)? Did they disappear?

    Are front-end developers prefering React because it makes it easier to get a consistent impression for different screen sizes / Browsers? I thought with CSS grids having responsive designs would be super easy - without the need for JS.

    Please note that I'm only talking about what is delivered to the client. I would say server-side JS which generates only HTML is also non-JS for this question.

    submitted by /u/themoosemind
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    Are there any rules for putting your website online? For instance do I need a contact/copyright/terms or whatever to be on the site?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 07:51 AM PDT

    How useful is FreeCodeCamp really?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 08:24 AM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    So I am beginning my journey to learn programming as jobs are opening up at work. And I really want to progress my career.

    Now the basic list I want to go down to secure at least a secondment to this new job is

    HTML CSS JScript/JQuery C#

    Now a few people have recommended CodeCademy, Free Code Camp and also the Odin Project.

    I have heard best things about FreeCodeCamp and quite bad things about CodeCademy - As it is apprently to hand holding and doesn't give you the skills to go away, set up a dev environment and create somehting. More just teaching you syntax.. So that is off the table.

    Now have any of you used FreeCodeCamp? Will it be worth it to go through this course? As I am kind of scared of being left only with syntax reading skills. Rather than practical knowledge.

    Do any of you guys have experience with FreeCodeCamp or even the Odin Project?

    I have Googled around and they both seem very indepth! But what do you lot think? Are they going to give me useful skills to go away and maky my own things? Or will I be left with Syntax reading skills only :)

    submitted by /u/D92MW
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    Good sites for api tutorials?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 12:14 PM PDT


    I'm a Web developer but I never work with third party api (youtube, maps ect)

    Does anyone know of any good tutorials that implements an api in javascript (ideally front end javascript) or PHP (Laravel!

    submitted by /u/andremac96
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    Has Expressjs been abandoned?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 07:07 AM PDT

    Am I out of loop or something, but looking at expressjs github repo last commits were around 1 year ago. And version 5 has been under construction for like 2 years??

    I was wondering what happened to HTTP/2 support?


    submitted by /u/techsin101
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    Is colt steele's web dev bootcamp enough to be able to freelance?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 03:27 PM PDT

    I have already done CS50 and am currently doing MIT OCW 6.00.1x. I have created three websites using HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap, Python, Flask, and some other things. I'm currently looking to get skills which will make me able to freelance. Will Colt Steele's course help me achieve this goal?

    submitted by /u/aspire4college
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    Is a freelance web development company still profitable?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 03:21 PM PDT


    I'm currently learning the basics of JS, HTML and CSS in hopes that I can become a freelance web developer. I've been reading up a lot on automation and how it will replace a lot of blue-collar jobs, so that got me thinking if web development (atleast the front-end) could be replaced by content management systems (Wix, Weebly, Squarespace etc.)

    Some people say unless your back-end, it will be hard for you to find a job and/or clients, others say it should be fine if your a decent developer. And even if CMS's won't completely render me obsolete, what about clients from other countries outsourcing a website for 10 dollars?

    I would love to know your thoughts on this.

    submitted by /u/JojoMasterofDojo
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    Is it bad to use someone else's API key?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 03:16 PM PDT

    I applied for a developer key for an open API, but haven't received one and its been 12 days. Moreover, I can't view my API key when I go into my requests folder, unless I put in a specific number into the URL (ie www.website.org/show/magicNumber).

    Yesterday I mistakenly put in the wrong number, and found that I can see some requests that were still pending. I wanted to see how many requests were still pending, so I continued to decrease the number. Here and there I came across requests I couldn't view, which I assume were completed and therefore visible with an API Key. I eventually found a request which was completed and had a developer key and secret for me to view.

    Would it be unethical for me to just use that key? My application is just a student side project which probably won't be used by anyone. Should I notify the website that developer keys and secrets are available for anyone to see?

    EDIT: Ok, using the key would be a very bad idea, and I guess I got lucky that I asked this question before I did. I'll try and report the bug to the website I guess. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/ThrowItAwayForever45
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    Post-AmsterdamJS Thoughts: The Shape of Web To Come

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 03:12 PM PDT

    Suggestions on type of Vue JS project to add to portfolio?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 10:46 AM PDT

    Hey everybody,

    I'm a front-end developer trying to obtain a full-time position. I just finished my portfolio site (will share it next Saturday so I don't break the rules) and am going to build something in Vue this week.

    I only have a few projects in my portfolio, partially due to the situation described in a previous post.


    So far I have two websites (both live), a Star Wars trivia app that is heavy on vanilla JS and jQuery and is hooked up to an API, and the portfolio site itself. Three of my projects utilize a build pipeline (Gulp). My question is, does it matter what type of Vue JS project I build in terms of catching the attention of prospective employers? I can probably put together a nice SPA or tribute page relatively quickly but that seems so...boring. There are so many Free Code Camp projects out there that I'm loathe to do a calculator, weather app or Pomodoro timer.

    Due partially to the situation above, I'm in a rough spot. I really need to find some type of employment, and soon but would much rather be working in tech than at a minimum-wage, dead end job.

    I would really, really appreciate some guidance on this. The last time I posted I got a lot of great advice and support, which was sorely needed at the time.


    submitted by /u/pacificnwcoder
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    How does the react-md project structure work?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 02:20 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I'm currently in the process of changing my portfolio site to react / gatsby. I decided on using the gatsyby-material-starter which uses react-md.

    I took a look over at the react-md and feel a bit overwhelmed on how the project is structured and works.


    The reason I started looking was to easily add color to the active link in the NavigationDrawer component, which his site does. I looked throughout and could only find some mixins here: https://github.com/mlaursen/react-md/blob/master/docs/src/scss/_mixins.scss

    And also noticed he is setting up a helmet config to add a .custom-theme class here: https://github.com/mlaursen/react-md/blob/master/docs/src/components/App/App.jsx

    Could anyone help explain the structure of his project and how to better understand build process, or point me into the direction to do my own learnings to better understand

    Thank you !!

    submitted by /u/UniquelyWeird3
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    Personal site/portfolio feedback

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 02:12 PM PDT

    I've made my first 'portfolio'/personal site. I'd love some feedback:

    http://www.joe.hanvy.uk/ (or http://www.joseph.hanvy.uk/!)

    Still need to do some work on the mobile site to support all the stuff hidden by the design choices of the desktop site. But general impressions would be great! I'm a developer not a designer, but I tried to do something interesting. I'm also a desktop developer by day, so I'm still learning a lot of web stuff.

    Also need to add a backend to record the submissions in the 'contact' bot thing.

    submitted by /u/A-Grey-World
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    How do I even begin as a Freelance developer?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 01:57 PM PDT

    Hello, I am an aspiring web developer looking to become a full stack developer in the future (hopefully)

    I am currently very comfortable with HTML, CSS, Js and I am also learning Jquery and Vue.js

    Me and my brother both do web development, however he is a senior developer and he has been learning for much longer than me and is older than me, so he is far more full of knowledge. He has been doing freelance for years so he has built up a client base over the years and earns enough to do it full time, so it is very, very intimidating to get started since I have no clue where to start

    Currently, as I am learning from home, I am looking to do SOME freelance work from home for some money, not become a full time freelance developer, how do I even get started to compete with the current market?

    It's just that while I am at home job seeking for a web development job, I would like to make some money on the side until I land a job. Is there any websites where I can set up my services? and if so, how would I even get started?

    Any feedback would be so helpful!

    Here is a link to my current portfolio if anybody is interested (main portfolio site is under development)


    submitted by /u/LordNadez
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    Advice for image preview/swapping

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 01:39 PM PDT

    So I have a client who sells little portable garden houses. He wants a new website where buyers can choose the parts of the house. So the preview of the portable garden house should change accordingly. I'm having a hard time explaining it exactly, but what it really is, basically a very, very lightweight version of Teslas Design Studio. Buyer can pick parts and the images change accordingly.

    You can see Teslas Design studio here: https://www.tesla.com/models/design

    My question to you is what frameworks/libraries should I use and what are best practices for apps like this?

    submitted by /u/hippo9
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    was taking AWS student pathway test, then this absurdity happened

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 01:06 PM PDT

    Does any one have any examples of personal websites for business people?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 09:17 AM PDT

    I've looked on google, and I see a lot of personal websites for web developers, photographers, and graphic designers. Do any of you know of any personal websites for businessmen/women. Websites that are more conservative in appearance and not super flashy.

    submitted by /u/mshcat
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    Will blogging about many topics make it harder for me to make money with my website?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 12:47 PM PDT

    Everyone tells me i should pick one niche and stick to it but i want to write about many things such as:

    • Anime
    • Games
    • Tech
    • Making money online

    Is it okay to blog about these 4 categories? Will there be any disadvantages?

    submitted by /u/Shurikenmight2
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