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    Wednesday, May 9, 2018

    Web Development Top 10 Articles for the Past Month (v.May 2018) web developers

    Web Development Top 10 Articles for the Past Month (v.May 2018) web developers

    Web Development Top 10 Articles for the Past Month (v.May 2018)

    Posted: 09 May 2018 05:55 AM PDT

    Drupal exploit infects over 400 sites with cryptocurrency miner

    Posted: 09 May 2018 10:38 AM PDT

    You can now identify and fix insecure node dependencies with `npm audit`

    Posted: 09 May 2018 11:49 AM PDT

    Building a portfolio site with Contentful, Next.js and Netlify

    Posted: 09 May 2018 08:43 AM PDT

    Michael Hartl (author of the Rails Tutorial) releases Learn Enough JavaScript to be Dangerous

    Posted: 09 May 2018 11:42 AM PDT

    I'll be hosting an educational stream where we build an RSS reader with Django/Vue this Friday, May 11th @ 8 PM CDT.

    Posted: 09 May 2018 06:46 AM PDT

    Good morning, /r/webdev, I'm here to share an update on a stream I proposed last week (original post).

    I will be streaming this Friday, May 11th at 8 PM CDT. We will be building an RSS reader with Django and Vue.js. The content will be geared towards intermediate level developers with some experience in full-stack development of any kind, but don't let that discourage you. I'll be going from start to finish and covering every topic in between. I hope to go over anything that is asked during the stream, but you can definitely plan on going over:

    • Models, views, & unit tests
    • Mixing Vue and Django
    • the Django REST Framework
    • RSS data parsing

    I've created a lesson document with code snippets, explanations, and instructions for building the application from start to finish. I'll be sharing it with all the viewers of the stream so that they can follow along or save it for later. The lesson also includes several exercises, segmented by difficulty, that you can try out on your own.

    In the meantime, let me know if you have any questions or advice! I want this to be a community-driven stream, so please feel free to offer suggestions or pitch topics of discussion.

    The stream will be held on my Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/utandigital

    submitted by /u/K1NNY
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    I feel like my skills are getting dated. I need to modernize. What's best to look at?

    Posted: 09 May 2018 11:56 AM PDT

    I've been a .Net web developer for ~10 years, and while I made the jump from webforms to MVC - that's about as far as I got.

    Any typical website I write is .net4 mvc, html (4), javascript (jQuery!) and css.

    I missed the whole javascript revolution so I have never touched things like node, gulp, no frameworks like angular or react, I don't even know what version of javascript (ecmascript?) I use - and I guess it doesn't matter because it's the same javascript i would have written 5 years ago.

    So I'm looking to modernize what I already know and put some time into learning newer technologies.

    Any advice on where to start?

    submitted by /u/Bizzlington
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    What CMS to use for enterprise/government websites in 2018?

    Posted: 09 May 2018 12:48 PM PDT

    I am the lead developer at a small web development agency that builds sites for mostly corporate clients, with some government/nonprofit work as well. Generally larger, complex enterprise sites with a lot of moving pieces, and not just basic mom-and-pop brochure sites. Drupal has been our go-to CMS for the last few years, and despite its learning curve it has overall suited our needs and our clients' needs pretty well.

    Drupal has been in the news lately due to some serious security vulnerabilities. I'm not too concerned about the inherent security of Drupal - vulnerabilities like these are a risk with any major CMS, and I actually appreciate that Drupal is so forward with their security announcements. I'm curious, however, because most of the comments in response to these articles on Drupal are extremely negative, e.g. "Drupal sucks", "Another reason to never use Drupal", "Drupal needs to die", etc.

    After using it for years, I'm well aware of the downsides of Drupal. I'm not interested in hearing why Drupal sucks. I am interesting in hearing what other CMS I should be using for my clients' sites, if Drupal sucks so much.

    I'm familiar with Wordpress, and we do use it for about 25% of the sites we build. While it's been good for smaller simpler sites, we still prefer Drupal for more complex sites due to its more robust developer APIs, twig templating, Symfony-based architecture, and Composer dependency management.

    We've also dabbled in a few other CMSes for one-off projects, such as ModX and OctoberCMS. They were fine too, but come with all the downsides of a more obscure CMS - smaller module ecosystem, less available documentation / training materials, and fewer developers familiar with them.

    What options are out there that are:

    • Easy to use for non-technical clients who need to edit content.
    • Flexible enough for front and back-end devs who need to implement complex custom features without reinventing the wheel.
    • Popular enough to have a large repository of modules/documentation, and developer community.
    • Not prohibitively expensive. Doesn't necessarily have to be free, but it's tough to convince clients to pay thousands in licensing fees when there are free CMSes out there.
    • Not locked into any proprietary hosting platform (no SquareSpace, Wix, etc.). Our clients need the flexibility to host their own site, often to fulfill regulatory requirements.

    ...or are Drupal/Wordpress basically it?

    submitted by /u/Minishark
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    Responsive Websites Vs. Mobile Apps - What is the Difference?

    Posted: 09 May 2018 11:23 AM PDT

    Free webhosting or hosting

    Posted: 09 May 2018 01:43 AM PDT

    Does anyone know where i can find a free webhosting or hosting here? I just need to try to up my website and testing it online not on localhost just to make sure my website will not go rogue when i present it to my profs. For study purposes thanks.

    submitted by /u/darkarmysnowden
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    Help with local environment setup for development purposes? (Windows user)

    Posted: 09 May 2018 12:31 PM PDT

    Hey guys,
    How are you doing? =)

    I'm here to ask for a little help with the local setup that I'm trying to build to study and practice at my home.

    Right now, I only have one PC available, which has Windows 10 installed. With that said, I'm looking forward to have a structure to work with like a real final server (Linux), to practice from the very basics (eg. bash commands), how to setup each tool used, to programming itself.

    I've searched for a while, trying to understand what could be the best option for me to follow in order to do that, if it'd be dual-boot system, use the new Windows 10 tools Linux based, Virtual Machines, but couldn't decide until now.

    So, I've chosen to come here and ask a few good fellows which option they think that should be the best for me in order to have everything available to use and work from that. Can you guys give me a little hand here? :)

    Thanks in advance! <3

    submitted by /u/Trops_92
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    I'm trying to build a react app using plain css3. Is this a good idea?

    Posted: 09 May 2018 04:10 PM PDT

    I've been hearing conflicting ideas about using css frameworks like bootstrap or material-ui.

    Some say it forces you to use the framework and if you learn proper architecture (scss/bem) and css grid + flexbox then you really have no need for frameworks anymore.

    Other people say it's like someone not using libraries or frameworks at all, and it will seriously hinder productivity.

    When I research on google, there are lots of articles suggesting that one should write their own CSS from scratch. That way you know everything and control everything.

    I have also read most mature web agencies use frameworks with grid systems and prebuilt components like Bootstrap, Inuit or others.

    What should I do? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Okmanl
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    Escaping a reserved character in URL?

    Posted: 09 May 2018 03:48 PM PDT

    All of the internal web apps at my organization use Active Directory for user authentication, but we had problems using basic http auth and letting the browser prompt the user for credentials - they didn't know what credentials they were supposed to use and we'd get a lot of support calls.

    I created a simplified login page of sorts to help my end users login. It's essentially what I'd call "forms based authentication" where when someone isn't logged in and tries to access something that requires them to login they get sent to a friendly HTML form that guides them as to the credentials they need to use. Upon submitting the form, server side code validates the credentials against Active Directory and assuming they're valid, it redirects them to the secure content by passing credentials in as part of the URL, like this:


    This has worked beautifully for about a year and has drastically cut down on the number of support calls we get from people having trouble logging in.

    The problem I'm facing now is that if a password contains a reserved character (an exclamation mark in this specific case), the http auth fails and the end user gets a basic http auth prompt in their browser instead of automatically authenticating and getting to the secured content they were expecting.

    I've done some research, and everything I can find seems to suggest that I need to percent encode the password to handle reserved characters. Problem is, I'm already doing that and it's not working.

    So for instance, given username bob and password Testing!!, the URL I'm redirecting to is:


    Any suggestions on what I can do to overcome this issue?

    Here are some links to what I've already read:




    submitted by /u/vrtigo1
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    building a menu without JS

    Posted: 09 May 2018 03:48 PM PDT

    Hi, i need to be pointed in the right direction.

    I learned how to structure my site with either <div> containers or the "newish" css grid method.

    But when it comes to building a functioning menu, i can't seem to find the right solution. And when i google it, people make great layouts, but the href links are always empty, they don't point to anything...

    Either people build it with Javascript, which i am not ready to attack jet, or they use this ancient? method of having identical index.html pages for every menu item, except the changing content off course. This seems sooooooo impractical.

    So, if i have a <div> container on the left, containing my menu, but if i click a menu item, i want just the <div> container on the right, containing the main content, to change. How do i actually do that? (without JS)

    One solution i kinda came up with is to "target" the menu links to an iframe, which fills out the main content <div> container 100%! But i have no idea if that is a proper solution...

    submitted by /u/MisterUnbekannt
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    Weird boxes with X through them displaying after text on Android Chrome only

    Posted: 09 May 2018 03:39 PM PDT

    I am testing out a completed site for a client and have ran across a bewildering issue. For some reason on Android in Chrome certain text will show a box with an x in it after them. There is nothing in my markup that indicates anything is there and my google searches are giving me nothing.

    Screenshot: https://snag.gy/PEw4oK.jpg

    Any insight would be awesome.

    submitted by /u/onlyslavesobey
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    If you could train a PM

    Posted: 09 May 2018 03:15 PM PDT

    I have been managing a web dev team for a few years, and I have been recently have been promoted to manage four project managers as well. I have critiqued our Project Managers before, often regarding their lack of technical expertise and their inability to empathize with developers on their team. For example, not interrupting developers and expecting immediate answers. But taking it from the perspective that a developer is effectively solving a complex problem and understanding the mentality needed for that type of work. I am working on a training program for the PMs, and including some introductions and overviews of web development. Having them write basic websites, and potentially other beginning work. Has anyone used specific courses or resources to act as a introduction to web development meant from the perspective of a project manager? I have only been able to find beginning developer courses, but I wasn't sure if that was the best approach.

    submitted by /u/strazor
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    Do you have any mechanisms in place to check user uploaded photos for nudity?

    Posted: 09 May 2018 07:16 AM PDT

    I'm aware of some services like Cloud Vision. Not sure about accuracy though I assume with Google in the name... has to be pretty good hopefully.

    But I'm wondering if there are other approaches to consider as well. Eventually or maybe always it seems these photos have to be checked. Like account age.

    Even Imgur seems like it's possible to slip by some nude content that has to be flagged depending on where it's submitted. I personally haven't seen this happen.

    I'm particularly curious of your implementation depending on what your stack is or framework like Laravel with PHP or if you're using Node as your backend.

    submitted by /u/crespo_modesto
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    Similar strings in php/javascript (similar_text vs levenshtein)?

    Posted: 09 May 2018 02:24 PM PDT

    I've been working on the planning stages for a forum addon to check a topic title against the current forum's topic titles to find similar ones. I've been researching the last few days on the best way to do this - I've found one implementation of word2vec in javascript but it doesn't look that great, and I've found another for an svm in Javascript but haven't tested it yet. I figured php would be faster than Javascript at this anyways, so I found a few examples:

    similar_text and levenshtein in php

    Now if rather use cosine similarity but that's besides the point. Levenshtein apparently has less complexity for these sorts of things so it's a trade off I'm wiling to make, as I want to be able to get the 5 most similar topic titles in ajax, so as fast as possible.

    What's the best way to go about this? It seems that checking the current topic title against the entire topic title database is probably not the way to go. I was hoping to use some sort of machine learning with this but in the end I just want it as fast and accurate as possible.

    submitted by /u/canttouchmypingas
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    Need Some Direction

    Posted: 09 May 2018 02:02 PM PDT

    A noob currently taking classes in Web Dev and have a goal project in mind if someone could give me some direction:
    I desire to make a similar version of pwning.com but my own way. Looking at that site what methodology should I look into?

    submitted by /u/NeverBe4Seen
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    This blog post sums up how I feel about learning React as a front-end "designer"

    Posted: 09 May 2018 01:17 PM PDT

    The Fastest Way to Increase Your Site's Performance

    Posted: 09 May 2018 01:05 PM PDT

    Free Online Introduction to Web Development Workshop with Brian Holt (Microsoft)

    Posted: 09 May 2018 12:52 PM PDT

    Querying a large database to display in front-end table

    Posted: 09 May 2018 12:43 PM PDT

    Toolset: AngularJS, ng-table, MySQL, PHP

    I am working on a front-end for a table of event logs. Currently the table has 1.3 million rows and may grow up to 200 million. The user will want to sort, filter, and search based on different columns (criticality, date, error type, etc). I'm using AngularJS (nonnegotiable) with the ng-table library (negotiable, within reason).

    So here's my question: With a database this big, I can't just retrieve all of the millions of points, throw them into memory, and display 5-100 at a time. I could write a query to the database based on different filtering and sorting options (if they only want criticality ERROR, go retrieve those)...but the number of combinations of types of queries is staggering.

    What's the best way to programmatically build a query to the database based on user filter/search/sort options? Better yet, is there an AngularJS-compatible library that would streamline this (because I have no desire to reinvent the wheel here)?

    Thank you in advance for your help.

    submitted by /u/benmathison
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