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    Sunday, May 6, 2018

    Isometry Guide for Beginners - And bonus guides

    Isometry Guide for Beginners - And bonus guides

    Isometry Guide for Beginners - And bonus guides

    Posted: 06 May 2018 02:42 AM PDT

    Steam Negative Review Analysis (Numbers)

    Posted: 06 May 2018 12:19 AM PDT


    We went through all of negative reviews to see what we can do to improve and threw them in a calculated spreadsheet.

    As a "Social Deduction" game with 16 players per-game focusing on player-created social content, you can imagine that our genre invites the potential for toxicity. We realized most of our reviews were either complaining about toxicity or revenge reviewing in retort to a warning or suspension (average 1-day) to stop that toxicity.

    Due to the paradoxical nature of this and the "double-edged sword" that every successful moderation catch has a chance for a revenge review, we wanted to investigate deeper.

    The reference game is Throne of Lies (can Google it for a link).


    Only public information will be posted. Additional information/numbers was posted elsewhere, if you know where to find it as a Steam partner.

    • Overall results
    • Last 30d results
    • Statistics on how many incoming reports we've had
    • Statistics on how many of those reports were inno, guilty, and the split of warnings/suspensions
    • Both counts + %'s


    Review was removed in some form

    4 (3.05%)

    Post was self-removed or became private

    5 (3.82%)

    Revenge review (w/100% proof)

    42 (32.06%)

    Feature extortion attempt (blatantly obvious)

    10 (7.63%)

    Most likely a troll, (but <100% proof)

    30 (22.9%)

    Fair/legit review - fixed the issues (Possibility of flip)

    18 (13.74%)

    Fair/legit review - Most likely nothing we can do (or need time)

    16 (12.21%)

    Flipped to positive - used to be negative

    6 (4.58%)


    Current Overall Reviews (pos+neg):

    1098 (89%)

    Total negative review count

    121 (11%)

    Total dishonest reviews (w/100% proof)

    61 (39%)

    Total dishonest reviews (w/100% proof) that remain (not deleted in any form):

    57 (93.44%)

    Total dishonest reviews, including most-likely trolls, but <100% proof

    91 (61.83%)

    Total dishonest reviews, including those deleted/went private

    61 (46.56%)

    Total 100% legit/pending/flipped reviews

    40 (30.53%)

    Neg review avg hrs played



    Review was removed in some form


    Post was self-removed or became private


    Revenge review (w/100% proof)

    6 (37.5%)

    Feature extortion attempt (blatantly obvious)

    2 (12.5%)

    Most likely a troll, (but <100% proof)

    4 (25%)

    Fair/legit review - fixed the issues (Possibility of flip)

    2 (12.5%)

    Fair/legit review - Most likely nothing we can do (or need time)

    2 (12.5%)

    Flipped to positive - used to be negative



    Total recent reviews (pos+neg):

    45 (66%)

    Total negative review count

    15 (34%)

    Total dishonest reviews (w/100% proof)

    8 (38%)

    Total dishonest reviews (w/100% proof) that remain (not deleted in any form)

    8 (100%)

    Total dishonest reviews, including most-likely trolls, but <100% proof

    12 (62.5%)

    Total dishonest reviews, including those deleted/went private

    8 (50%)

    Total 100% legit/pending/flipped reviews

    8 (50%)

    Neg review avg hrs played



    Our game is a matchmaking game with 16 players together at once. The game is a "murder party game" where you must gather evidence via an informed minority vs uninformed majority.

    This means many players may get frustrated if someone doesn't listen to them, x kills y when z believes that was a mistake, "someone" has to die on the 1st night, etc. That said, unfortunately, the potential for toxicity is quite high.

    Fortunately, we've perfected our mod/report system (using Discourse+Discord API's). However, this also means that the potential revenge reviews will be extremely high, especially due to the sheer number of reports we get (below).


    • We have dealt with 52,066 reports. Not all of these guys are guilty, of course. However, this also accounts for multiple people reporting 1 person.

    • We've issued 22,490 (43%) disciplinary actions - most often, a warning, or a 1-day suspension (ramped up per-offense). Keep in mind that many of these actions can happen to the same person.

    • Of the disciplinary actions, 11,409 (50.7%) were warnings

    • Of the disciplinary actions, 11,081 (49.3%) were 1d+ suspensions

    • Of these reports, 29,576 (56.8%) were completely innocent.

    • Most reports are reviewed and closed within 1~4 hours (we have "judges", "mods" and "devs" to streamline sort of like a support-ticket system hierarchy that can be escalated).


    While we didn't think to track this (we'll do that soon), the majority reasons are, and tossing up an educated guess from what I've seen:

    ~60% racism (generally extreme and mixes with toxicity) ~20% toxicity (+harassment) ~10% gamethrowing ~5% cheating (in some form) ~5% other

    (...Why is there so much racism thrown out in online games? O_o)


    We hope this information was useful in some form!

    We are considering an unmoderated queue (a different realm + disable reporting). While we rejected the idea at first (Due to the need of 16 players to play + make it fun), we realized that some non-supended players also want an unmoderated queue. However, we may have to beef our terms of service and have a "start early" button with our minimum players (8) that usually starts automatically at max (16).

    How would you handle moderation for an online social game with tons of people?

    What type of game do you have and how do you handle your own moderation? Is it successful?

    (EDIT: typos)

    submitted by /u/xblade724
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    Blender 2.8 Modeling & UI Features : Spin

    Posted: 06 May 2018 06:34 AM PDT

    This is how you get good design ideas, but...

    Posted: 06 May 2018 11:42 AM PDT

    Hey everybody, I recently found an awesome brainstorming method, that has worked quite well for me. It makes it quite easy to come up with some really cool design concepts. Whether that's for entire games, stories, characters, locations or game mechanics makes almost no difference.

    Really hope it'll serve you well, so let me share HOW it works and WHY I think it works so well.

    HOW? - The But... Design Method

    This workflow doesn't sound super special at first, so give me a second to explain.

    Step 1: You pick a standard design. An archetype / stereotype. For example: A standard house, a standard wizard, a standard dog, a standard castle, a standard platformer game. Let's try to come up with a weapon for our game:

    It's a standard shotgun.

    Step 2: Add a BUT to the sentence.

    It's a standard shotgun, but...

    Step 3: Finish the sentence. For some reason this setup gets you into an awesome creative mindset and I'll share a bit on why I think it works so well in a second.

    - It's a standard shotgun, but it fires a bunch of little arrows.

    - It's a standard shotgun, but it you can't control when it fires.

    - It's a standard shotgun, but it shoots beautiful poisonous flowers.

    - It's a standard shotgun, but it can be loaded with healing powder to heal allies.

    - It's a standard shotgun, but it fires a bunch of little rockets.

    - It's a standard shotgun, but it can be transformed into an ax.

    - It's a standard shotgun, but every time you use it it turns into a different gun.

    - It's a standard shotgun, but its recoil is your only way to move through the level.

    - It's a standard shotgun, but firing costs hp.

    - It's a standard shotgun, but it shoots fireworks.

    - It's a standard shotgun, but every time you want to fire, you need to solve an annoying match 3 minigame first.

    What you see above is the result of 10-15 minutes of brainstorming and I bet there's at least one cool idea in there I can develop a little further and use in my game.

    One thing you can (and should) do to make your concept more interesting now is to select a smaller part of the design and repeat the process with that. Let's say we decided on a shotgun that fires little arrows. Do it like this...

    They're standard arrows, but...

    Also pick some other parts of the design like this:

    It has a standard handle, but...

    It has a standard trigger, but...

    It sounds like a normal shotgun, but...

    Keep doing this for a while and you'll end up with a really unique concept.

    Obviously your design isn't done yet. This method just gives you an interesting starting point. It helps you to come up with a unique concept. You'll still have to make sketches, prototype the weapon, compare different options, polish the design and iterate on your ideas. You know, the standard stuff you do to get good results. Keep doing that as well. :D

    WHY does it work?

    Your design should be different and stand out. You hear that all the time, because that's the only way to get noticed nowadays.

    At the same time it shouldn't be too different from what people know, or your audience will be confused and unable to identify with your design.

    The But Design Technique is an awesome fix for that, because it helps you to find a great middle ground between already established designs and innovation. The first part of the sentence is the established part of the design and everything after the word "BUT" is the innovation you add to the mix.

    So what's so special about THIS specific design method then? Why don't you just use an established design and add something new to it?

    Good question. What's special about the But Design Method is that it gets you (or at the very least me) into the correct mindset. If you write a sentence like this down: "A standard house, BUT..." it lets your imagination run completely wild right away! It just triggers your brain to start producing ideas.

    Another huge advantage is that it forces a logical contradiction, which is very useful for finding interesting designs! If we started the sentence with "A standard house AND..." the results we'd get would be a lot less interesting. "A standard house and it has a big garden." is the first thing that came to my mind. Using a BUT instead forces you to think outside of the box and come up with new solutions!

    And finally it makes pitching your design concept quite interesting, because the sentence you came up with already is an awesome pitch! It's easy to understand due to the first part of the sentence, but adds something intriguing and interesting you want to learn more about in the second half of the sentence.

    In short the But Design Method:

    • helps you to find the correct mix between established designs and innovation.
    • gets you into an awesome creative mindset.
    • forces you to think outside of the box.
    • makes it easy to pitch your concept.

    Doesn't work?

    If you wrote a but sentence down, but you can't come up with any ideas, this might help you to get going:

    • Can you change the material?
    • Can you change how the object / game / location is used by people?
    • What's really characteristic about the standard design you chose? Can you mess with that?
    • Can you change the shape?
    • Can you change the sound it makes?
    • Can you add a consequence of interacting with your object?
    • Can you add a requirement for interacting with your object?
    • Can you combine the functionality of your object with a different one?
    • Which parts does your object typically have? Can you mess with those?


    As I've said you can apply this method to a ton of different design disciplines. I made an animated (10 minute) YouTube video, that contains a ton of examples on:

    • Designing a character with this.
    • Designing a logo with this.
    • Designing a location with this.
    • Designing an entire story with this.
    • Designing a sound with this.

    If you're interested, check the video out and skip the first 4 minutes, because I already explained that stuff to you: Get Good Design Ideas! || But... Design Method!

    Cool. Hope this was actually helpful. Let me know what you think!

    Also if you want to try this out, why not finish the following sentence for me... :D

    It's a standard living room, but...

    submitted by /u/JonasTyr
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    How to improve coding large underlying systems/managers?

    Posted: 05 May 2018 07:56 PM PDT

    Way back when, I would start a project by coding the smaller basic behaviours, like character movement. Then I would work my way up to game states and managers. Now that I have transitioned to more complex projects, working on larger underlying systems are uncomfortable for me. My mind goes blank trying to think about designing an abstract thing. I don't really know how to approach it, usually I end up tinkering with my behaviour scripts instead. From my experience with coding: Am I thinking too hard about the design and should just focus on creating something rough and revising? Also, code the large systems first or small behaviour scripts?

    submitted by /u/Skellytin
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    I'm kind of overwhelmed after the transition from 2d to 3d

    Posted: 06 May 2018 07:02 AM PDT

    I started making a 3d project in unity after some small 2d ones and I'm kind of overwhelmed with all the new terms I haven't heard of before. There's IK , animation blending,UV and so on. Is there a place where I can get a complete grasp on these things? Most tutorials seem to focus on one only thing so it's hard to get the complete picture.

    And another small question, for 3d animation, does the same animation clip work for all similarly rigged characters of different size?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Reihado
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    Want to try to make indie games by myself, some questions and doubts that I have

    Posted: 06 May 2018 11:23 AM PDT

    Hi, I have studied 3D modelling and the like, I was thinking on giving a try on making indie games by myself, however the obvious thing is that I don't know much about programming, I studied game development but I was very bad at anything related to programing

    So my first question or doubt I have, is possible for someone like me to be able to do something decent by not knowing programming and all that technical aspect?

    I remember I read about some script thing that make programing possible by way of modules, which is supposedly easier for people that don't know much about that

    Other idea I have is that instead of trying to do everything I just focus on asset making and all the artistic part, like say I take a project in unity and just add 3d models and props and that stuff, so atleast I familiarize myself with that since is my main focus

    A idea I had is to make at least 2 small test projects, 2 small "games" as a way to test how I do, something simple, first a racing game since is a simple game concept and I wouldn't need to animate lot of stuff, then maybe after it, something more complex like a shooter game only consisting of one scenario in like a starship troopers mode where the player just shoot incoming enemies and things like that, very simple stuff

    the racing game would be of 1 or 2 tracks and 4 or 6 cars, the other would be like 1 soldier ally type npc and 3 types of enemies in one scenario, with a main menu and ending and things like that

    Or maybe as I mentioned before, just use a existing free to use project of unity and I just change all the assets, so its more of a showroom of my work rather than a game per see, obviusly this wont be commercial games

    I would use unity and there is tons of free tutorials from what I have see

    So I would appreciate any help or comments you can give, right now I am more inclined on just using a existing unity project and "re-skin" it and maybe do some programing if necessary

    as mentioned before I used unity3D but I mostly just added characters and npc while the teacher was guiding me in more technical stuff to make the "game" work

    submitted by /u/RdmdAnimation
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    OpenFL 8.0.0 Released

    Posted: 05 May 2018 09:19 PM PDT

    I make free music for use in games, and I have some questions about how you select your sounds. What do you look for when choosing music for your game? What kind of songs/ loops would you like that you have trouble finding?

    Posted: 06 May 2018 10:43 AM PDT

    I make songs and music loops that I give away free for use in games/other media, and I was wondering what kind of things you look for in the music you use. If anyone could give their thoughts I'd really appreciate it!

    • What length do you like loops to be? Should they be shorter around ~20 seconds, or more like 2-5 minute loops?

    • Do you choose music based just on whether you like the sound, or are there other considerations that go into it? For example, would you prefer music loops with no low frequencies so that certain sound effects can stand out more in your game against a musical backdrop?

    • Is there are genre of music or type of instrument you would like to use in loops that you have trouble finding for free?

    submitted by /u/PunchDeck
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    Soundtrack Sunday #240 - Good Vibrations

    Posted: 05 May 2018 08:59 PM PDT

    Post music and sounds that you've been working on throughout this week (or last (or whenever, really)). Feel free to give as much constructive feedback as you can, and enjoy yourselves!

    Basic Guidelines:

    • Do not link to a page selling music. We are not your target audience.
    • Do not link to a page selling a game you're working on. We are not your target audience.
    • It is highly recommended that you use SoundCloud to host and share your music.

    As a general rule, if someone takes the time to give feedback on something of yours, it's a nice idea to try to reciprocate.

    If you've never posted here before, then don't sweat it. New composers of any skill level are always welcome!

    Previous Soundtrack Sundays

    submitted by /u/Sexual_Lettuce
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    Best place to store user data?

    Posted: 06 May 2018 06:30 AM PDT

    I'm using Unity and I'm creating a multiplayer game. I need to store data such as what players are online, player names etc. At the minute I use a database on GoDaddy and it works fine, but I know it probably isn't the best way to store info as information can be easily intercepted. I'm assuming some sort of server is the best way to go, but where do I start when trying to set this up. Do I buy a server or make one myself? If I'm running a server on a PC does that mean the PC must constantly be running?

    submitted by /u/Dandover
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    UE4 Skeleton advanced options

    Posted: 06 May 2018 09:45 AM PDT

    High school kid back again, I've gotten to the skeletal part of my design and I'm trying to get the walking animation to work for first person, so far I've got up to the point for the skeleton tree where this tutorial says to click show advanced options... However this was made 2 years ago and I cannot find that same button anywhere. Any help would be appreciated as always!

    submitted by /u/metrana
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    Web games in iframes, what to do when it looses focus?

    Posted: 06 May 2018 07:50 AM PDT

    I'm porting my first game to be played in iframe (so far it was on standalone page) and when player clicks outside the iframe (in point-and-shoot this can happen very often by accident) the iframe stops receiving keyboard events, so for example if player was walking left using WASD and he accidentally clicks outside iframe (without noticing it), the keyboard does not register keyup event so even when player releases key it keeps walking left. How do you deal with it? Is there some best practice what to do in that case?

    submitted by /u/the_blanker
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    Creating a maze game in Java!

    Posted: 06 May 2018 07:32 AM PDT

    Hi guys! So I have a final project that requires me to implement from scratch a 2D maze game in Java with monsters, heroes, walls, and all the other stuff. Unfortunately this is my first time to develop a game, so I literally don't know where to start from, I googled for tutorials but can't find anything useful. I started planning out the UML class diagram for the game but I need some tips and guides from you professionals :D! Just to be clear I am NOT asking anyone to do my homework for me, I will gladly do it my own I am just asking for links or references!

    submitted by /u/AmroMustafa
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    Promoter, the festival submission calendar, will be no longer maintained. Any alternative?

    Posted: 05 May 2018 09:28 PM PDT

    Hello everyone.


    Do you use a similar service like Promoter? Where I can keep track of the following events where I can submit our games?

    Thanks everyone.

    submitted by /u/JETeran
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    I'm looking to hire a 2D artist to help me bring my games to life so If you can do it, or know someone who can, please contact me :)

    Posted: 06 May 2018 05:51 AM PDT

    Finally finished a menu SFX pack in my studio for 2 months, made this for you indie developers! <3

    Posted: 05 May 2018 03:48 PM PDT

    Moving player and physics

    Posted: 06 May 2018 12:41 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    After implementing / integrating a 3d physics engine, what's the best way to simulate player walking? I have the direction vector and speed, but I'm not sure which option is the best practice to apply that movement vector:

    1. Apply it as force / impulse: this takes time to accumulate speed, need a way to limit the max speed and need to add damping (or friction?) to prevent sliding..

    2. Set as velocity: works great, but if I directly set velocity I will cancel external forces (for example if someone push the player) and if I'll start logic of adding to current velocity while checking limit it could work buy it feels "wrong", like not how physics are intended to be used.

    3. Change body position: works great on some engines, but horrible on others, so I don't think it's a good practice (by horrible I mean some engines don't consider mass when you move like that and collide with other objects, and some engines move in a jerky way when you set position directly).

    tl;dr what's a good practice to achieve walking-like movement for the player, using 3d physics?


    submitted by /u/NessBots
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    Looking for Alpha Testers for New Game

    Posted: 06 May 2018 12:22 AM PDT

    Hello folks,

    Our small team created a game in UE4, and we made use of some really great assets in the marketplace.

    We're currently looking for alpha testers for the demo version.

    The game takes place in 1988, and is based on an old American folktale (a creature stalking its prey in the night.) It's a first person adventure, but I'm sorry I cannot share more detail on Reddit at this time.

    If you're interested in trying out our game, please contact us at [feedback@alcockgames.com](mailto:feedback@alcockgames.com) or visit this link: https://www.alcockgames.com/ for a bit more detail.

    submitted by /u/alcockgames
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    What are some good dampening functions to simulate gun recoil?

    Posted: 05 May 2018 04:50 PM PDT

    Title pretty much settles it in, I've been using the function

    f(x)=ate1-b*t where a is the maximum value, 1/b is the time it takes to reach the maximum value, and t is the current time. graph

    What functions have you used to simulate the feeling of a gun recoiling?

    submitted by /u/MSquaredRoblox
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    Do games studios often headhunt from indie studios?

    Posted: 05 May 2018 04:54 PM PDT

    Is it common for bigger development studios to headhunt from indie studios? Most engineers probably come through regular applications and go through the normal interview process, but do some studios try to find engineers who make popular or high-quality indie games? This doesn't seem like something often discussed, and a lot of indie developers come from big game studios and go off on their own instead of the other way around.

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_JAVA_CODE
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    Advice regarding creation of pixelated games?

    Posted: 05 May 2018 08:18 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, this is my first time attempting to build a game from scratch, all assets will be done by me. However I'm having alot of questions right now, for example, what size should each Sprite be? And what about scaling?

    submitted by /u/Anonymousno900
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    Need advice on making a boss fun to fight against whilst also fighting the confines of the protagonist's capabilities

    Posted: 05 May 2018 01:06 PM PDT

    (Typo in title: fitting* not fighting)

    So I'm in the planning phase of my game, I've gotten to the 4th boss now and haven't gotten stuck before now in making a boss' attacks fair and fun whilst matching their style and keeping it so the player can actually hit it (close range melee with dash mechanics)

    The boss I'm stuck on is a Basilisk, it'll be fought in a large underground lake with 3 circular platforms connected by bridges being the only land in the arena and the character being unable to swim. This Basilisk will be a huge boss, the player being about half the size of it's tooth to get a good idea of the size of this thing, so rendering the entire model isn't a possibility to avoid some harsh lag spikes.

    So far my ideas on the fight is to have it be more fighting minions orientated. You and your partner will attack the head which will always be possible to attack whilst ethereal basilisks of much smaller size attack you both via snake-like lunges and attempting to catch the player and squeeze them similar to a "python grip". The head itself will also have portals of water behind it where it periodically fires orbs of water at the player, with an AOE effect when they land, these will be able to be reflected back at the boss and be dashed through to avoid damage. The player will transition between each platform every time 1/4 of the boss' hp is taken, as it will then commit to a heavily choreographed attack where it lunges at the platform and destroys it.

    When the boss is at it's last 1/4 hp phase 2 will begin, where the player and their partner both mount the Basilisk's head as it does the final lunge at the platform. The partner then attacks the eyes and ticks away at the remaining hp (taking around 30 seconds if not disturbed or helped) whilst the player can either choose to speed it up or protect her against the minions from before which try stop her

    This is the best I could come up with for the boss fight as of right now, with it allowing the player to use the close combat melee style against the minions with the boss always being vulnerable to damage as well as fighting a boss this scale not being a cinematic quick-time event.

    Any advice on changes to the fight or arena is greatly appreciated, the boss itself can't be changed due to it having a large impact later on in the story and fitting well in it's environment (water realm guardian)

    submitted by /u/Wispyr
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