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    Interview Discussion - May 03, 2018 CS Career Questions

    Interview Discussion - May 03, 2018 CS Career Questions

    Interview Discussion - May 03, 2018

    Posted: 03 May 2018 12:07 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to have discussions about interviews, interviewing, and interview prep. Posts focusing solely on interviews created outside of this thread will probably be removed.

    Abide by the rules, don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted each Monday and Thursday at midnight PST. Previous Interview Discussion threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Daily Chat Thread - May 03, 2018

    Posted: 03 May 2018 12:07 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to chat, have casual discussions, and ask casual questions. Moderation will be light, but don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted every day at midnight PST. Previous Daily Chat Threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    American dev who moved from SF area to Europe, comparing my salary and life to the US

    Posted: 03 May 2018 03:59 PM PDT

    Some background: I'm a 26 year old dev currently living in Stockholm, Sweden. I am a dual EU and US citizen but I lived in the US from age 2 to 24 when my parents moved from Europe to California. I did my BSCS at UC Berkeley, worked for two years as a developer for a company in Palo Alto, and then moved to Sweden at age 24 to study do my MSCS at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. I now work as a software engineer in Sweden.

    I've seen a couple of posts on here with American devs wanting to move to Europe so I thought I would share my experience and some information about my salary.

    Working in SF area

    • Gross Annual Salary: $105000/year
    • Gross Monthly Salary: $8750/year
    • Monthly Taxes: $1550 Federal Income Tax + $542 Social Security + $126 Medicare + $616 California Income Tax + $87 California SDI = $2921/month
    • Net Monthly Salary: $5829/month
    • Tax Rate: 33.3%

    Note: My US paycheck was actually biweekly but here in Sweden its monthly. I just converted the biweekly amounts to monthly amounts for easier comparison.

    Working in Stockholm area

    • Gross Monthly Salary: 53882 SEK/month ($6056/month) (note this is BEFORE payroll taxes. In Sweden it is more common to state your salary after payroll taxes but before income taxes. For example, my salary in Sweden is 41000 SEK/month which is after payroll taxes but before income taxes)
    • Monthly Taxes: 10721 SEK ($1205) Federal & Communal Tax + 12882 SEK ($1448) Payroll Tax = $2653/month
    • Net Monthly Salary: 30279 SEK/month ($3403/month)
    • Tax Rate: 43.8%

    So in Stockholm my taxes are around 10.5 percentage points more than in the SF Bay Area. However, I you get an insane amount more from your taxes here in Sweden compared to what I got in the US.

    • Healthcare is 100% government subsidized after your annual 1100 SEK ($123) out of pocket maximum. Perscription medication is 100% government subsidized after your annual 2200 SEK ($246) out of pocket maximum. In the US I was paying around $126 each month for my employer health insurance plan (it was a non-HDHP plan as I am injured often since I play a lot of sports so I see the doctor a lot. I had 2 surgeries in my one year of working in the US after college alone) and my out of pocket maximum was $2500 annually.
    • I don't have kids just yet (luckily) but day-care is extremely heavily subsidized by the Swedish government. Many of my coworkers in the US were paying $1200+ for their child's day care. Public schools are 100% free (just like in the US). University is 100% free for your bachelor's and master's and the government gives you around $325 each month just for being in school. You can also take out a low interest loan from the government if you want (under 1% interest rate per year). For PhD studies the stipend is quite high and actually enough to live on comfortably. At my school the average stipend was around 30000 SEK/month (after payroll, but before income tax) or 23248 SEK/month net ($2613/month).
    • I could go on but the above are just two points that are definitely quite nice perks!

    In the end, I have slightly less disposable income compared to what I was making in the US after accounting for medical/dental/vision insurance and bills, transportation, food, phone plan, etc. I haven't worked in the US or Sweden long enough to give a definite amount, but currently I have around 15% less disposable income after my monthly costs ( after accounting for retirement savings). Here are a few bullet points explaining why:

    • Having a car is not necessary in Stockholm and actually can be somewhat of a pain in the ass. I was paying a lot for gas, my car finance payment, the bridge toll, and car insurance in the US. Total it was around $500/month for these. Here in Stockholm I am paying under 9010 SEK/year ($84/month) for the public transport pass which includes access to busses, the metro, the commuter train, the land train, and I believe two ferries. Its extremely easy to get from one place to another and the public transit system is simply amazing.
    • Of course, medical/dental/vision are significantly cheaper in Sweden as already explained
    • People here eat out way less than in the US. Almost everyone at my office and in general everyone I know here in the work force takes their lunch with them to work and eats at home during the week. Eating out is reserved for weekends on occasion or with friends/family.
    • Gyms and phone plans are much cheaper
    • Renting rooms is cheaper. You can rent a room in an apartment or someone's house in Stockholm for 4000 - 5000 SEK/month ($450 - $560 per month) versus $1250 - $1500 per month in the Mountain View and Palo Alto area.

    The downsides so far have been that electronics are more expensive here (sometimes up to 25% more expensive) and clothes are more expensive too. Also, Swedish people are definitely not as outgoing and open as Americans but once you get to know them they are great people.

    Overall, I have enjoyed my time here in Sweden quite a lot! I definitely wouldn't mind moving back to the US at some point and spending some more time in the SF Bay Area as I loved it there too, but I could definitely see myself settling down here in Europe when I get older, especially when I have kids.

    Hopefully this helps if anyone is planning on moving to Europe! I know every European country is a bit different but Finland, Norway, and Denmark are all very similar to the above (except you can make a bit more money in Denmark and Norway than here in Sweden). Feel free to ask any questions if you have any.

    submitted by /u/mogdut
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    An observation from past internships that I'd like to share... Might be useful for those with interns on their team

    Posted: 03 May 2018 05:13 PM PDT

    I noticed that I enjoyed my internships where I was on a team with at least one other intern. It was nice to have someone to talk about my thought process without the worry of disturbing full time engineers who are doing more important work.

    When I hit a roadblock, I found it easy to walk over to the other intern's desk and talk it out, and if we didn't manage to solve it, then we would go to our supervising engineer.

    More than that, it's comforting to have someone who also is new to software engineering in the workplace as much as you are, so you can relate to them better than full time workers. It's also a nice way of making friends over the course of your internship.

    Just my 2¢

    submitted by /u/cheesynirvana
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    What have you learned at work recently?

    Posted: 03 May 2018 08:25 AM PDT

    I'm kind of in an interesting position where I can go almost where ever I want. I'm asking becasue i am uninspired. I thought this might be a cool question.

    submitted by /u/1phok
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    It's my 4th day of my internship and I'm shocked by how much I need to learn.

    Posted: 03 May 2018 05:18 PM PDT

    Background: I posted a few days ago how I landed an internship in another thread. The internship is Android Developer Co-op.

    I always thought I had a good understanding of Android since I had many projects and learned most of it from Udemy. I'm also pretty decent at Java.

    But man, enterprise code is a completely different beast. I'm struggling with the most basic tasks like modifying XML strings for translation and implementing simple functions. My code is roasted constantly by dev team and it feels like the hardest thing in the world to get a pull request approved. Is this normal at all? Was your internship hard for you folks as well when you started? Tell me your story!

    submitted by /u/leaguelism
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    Headhunter is trying to push my start date to earlier than my offer letter suggests

    Posted: 03 May 2018 09:05 AM PDT

    This might be more of a generic question instead of cs related.

    My new company is nice enough to give me some additional one for vacation before I start, but the headhunter who helped me to land the job now claims that something might happen if I start this late. I already signed the contract with the suggested date on it. Is there really anything that can happen at the point? Seems like company and I both expect the date on offer letter to be the start date. Why the push?

    submitted by /u/chaoism
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    Cool Machine Learning based project?

    Posted: 03 May 2018 08:05 PM PDT

    I am looking for a side-project that I can work in the Summer, and I wonder if there are some cool Machine-Learning based project that I can work on.

    I ultimately want to build an application (any kind web app, mobile app, whatever) that utilized ML.

    Is there like a tutorial or a link that I can refer to?

    My goal is to learn how ML can be utilized in Software Development and I think project-based learning is the best idea.

    submitted by /u/czechrepublic
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    Leaving a company in a month?

    Posted: 03 May 2018 08:04 PM PDT

    Has anybody left a company in a very short amount of time? (1-2 months)

    Not happy where I am. I have an offer from a big N that arrived after I started. What was the quitting process like?

    submitted by /u/reportminority
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    Undergraduate Research

    Posted: 03 May 2018 05:52 PM PDT

    I'm currently working on my BS in Comp Sci. After I graduate, I'm hoping to matriculate into a PhD program, but I'm worried that a lack of research might keep me from being accepted. Unfortunately, my school (WGU) doesn't really have any avenues which I can pursue - that I know of - in order to get some research under my belt and beef up my grad school application.

    Are there any other ways I can go about getting some undergrad research under my belt?

    submitted by /u/RufusALyme
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    Pair programming all day is killing me

    Posted: 03 May 2018 07:09 PM PDT

    I'm out of school a year and work for a small(ish) company on a 6 person team. We pair or mob program all day every day as a rule. It's not okay to pick up a ticket and work it on your own unless it's a small bug or something. ALL feature work, no matter what, has to be pair (or mob) programmed.

    This is killing me. I love programming and was really passionate about it until this job. I dread coding, I dread work, and my passion for programming is almost gone. Pairing and mobbing when I'm driving is nerve wracking and my brain freezes up. I can't think to solve the problem, but on my own I can solve it quickly, no problem.

    I'm losing, or have lost, all confidence in my ability, but I came into this job the top of my class and with great references from internships.

    Is pairing and mobbing all day the norm in the industry? Is this something I just can't avoid and have to learn to live with? Should I jump ship to another company?

    submitted by /u/walterrice
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    Is there a certain age that Ageism starts to impact your career?

    Posted: 03 May 2018 09:34 AM PDT

    Curious, as I'm starting my CS courses at 30, and wondering at what point ageism would come into play?

    submitted by /u/Anansispider
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    Bay Area engineers...how much of your pay goes to rent?

    Posted: 02 May 2018 11:25 PM PDT

    I'm in LA and a friend who recently graduated who ended up in the bay said that he can barely afford a studio apartment. Alot of my friends in tech that were in SF proper are moving down here. Is rent there really that expensive right now? For the recent grads, what percent of your salary goes to rent?

    submitted by /u/sinuspane
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    Which CS sub-field/stack makes the most money in NYC and has a good amount of jobs available?

    Posted: 03 May 2018 08:55 AM PDT

    Assuming somebody was in the field for the money, which field pays the most and has lots of jobs available? What language and technologies should be focused on the most? Enterprise Java with spring/hibernate for banks? Data science with python/Django for startups? C++ for high frequency trading and hedge funds? Or is it something I haven't even thought of? I'm talking about salaries that are 150-250k if not higher (even if it's after some years). I know these jobs exist, but I'm just curious what sub-fields they're more prevalent in and how does one go about entering these fields? Curious to hear your thoughts. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/r1996b
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    What are the least in demand CS skills to have these days?

    Posted: 03 May 2018 08:50 AM PDT

    I looked this up, and the info seems all over the place. Based off what I've seen here and in other places, there are far too many gullible bootcamp drones and clones who basically think CS is a get rich quick scheme.

    Of course, no one wants to compete with 15,000,000 bootcamp grads and random udemy students. Also no one wants to be auto-disqualifed due to having a resume which makes managers feel like you're no different from that crowd.

    So, I'm asking to make sure I'm going down the right path, or if I should swap out.

    submitted by /u/MatCreatesStuff
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    How is the job outlook in the greater Los Angeles area for CS graduates?

    Posted: 03 May 2018 10:02 AM PDT

    I currently live in NJ, but I'll be graduating with my BS in CS in a year and I'm interested in moving to the LA area. Why is it that I rarely hear LA mentioned when talking about good places in the country to work in CS/IT? There seems to be many jobs in the field there.

    submitted by /u/mxkep
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    Really Struggling...

    Posted: 03 May 2018 12:56 PM PDT

    I am a somewhat recent graduate from a respectable university with my degree in Computer Science. I graduated back in December and began looking for jobs in software development around that time. Since then I have applied to over 100+ jobs and I have only heard back from two maybe three companies. And I've only had one technical interview. I have revamped my resume, did interview practices, code practices, and even reached out to recruiters. I'm beginning to become discouraged and think that all of my schooling was a waste time, and I'm not sure what to do next. Should I continue to search for a job in software development or something else field related? If you have an advice, encouragement, or your own stories of how you became a developer please share.

    submitted by /u/ShannonSharpe-SKEIUP
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    Leaving school, looking for advice on Working Remotely/Freelancing

    Posted: 03 May 2018 01:31 PM PDT

    3rd year CS major here, leaving school for a year after my summer internship (Support Engineer not really software engineer). Due to my fam situation it would be extremely advantageous for me to freelance/work remotely in the meantime. That being said, What should I learn to get a freelance/ remote gig easier. Rails and iOS seem the most attractive to me, and I see more jobs for rails dev than for iOS dev, although they require more experience. Any input helps!

    submitted by /u/imranmuthu
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    Any Study Group Suggestions for People not in Uni / Boot-camp ?

    Posted: 03 May 2018 01:11 PM PDT


    I have been improving my skills and studying for tech interviews the last year however I struggle to stay motivated.

    I am very lucky to have unlimited time to focus on my goals however, this leads me to slacking off often and not staying on task.

    When I was at uni, I found group study very effective.

    I live near Stanford, however I can't find many CS Study groups...There is one on Meetup but it's infrequent.

    Any ideas? Anyone here in the area that wants to study together?

    submitted by /u/lng-time-lurker
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    Transition from engineer to Machine-Learning/Data-Science expert

    Posted: 03 May 2018 01:10 PM PDT

    Hello all,

    thanks in advance for any feedback. I am sure it will help me a lot!

    So basically I currently am working as a kind of R&D mechanical engineer in the EU with a pretty good salary. However I found the work to be pretty repetitive and cost-driven. Meaning that although the job title says R&D the products we develop are most of the time just slightly tweaked versions of the previous generation. This leaves very little room for actual developing and my daily routine is rather adminstrative than actual engineering by simulation, pen/pencil or experiment. That's why I thought about transitioning into software development and more specifically Machine Learning/Data Science. I feel that these are fields where things still are to be discovered rather than reapplied and where I can shape things. However, I want to stay EU-based.

    I have a masters degree in a program consisting of a mixture of physics, math and informatics. So I have a solid knowledge in C++, some basic concepts of High-performance computing including GPGPU and some in-depth knowledge of functional analysis, numerics, linear algebra and theory (including HPC-implementation) of how to solve big systems of linear equations. Also I have 1 1/2 years part-time work as a C++ SoftwareDev and two student projects in C++ under my belt.

    So much for my background. But how would I go about actually doing this transition? Do the CS courses of MIT/Harvard and for the basics and then do research on ML? Any suggestion about getting a degree? Is it worth it? If yes any suggestions on how to do it parallel to my job? I got bills to pay! Do you think that getting the necessary knowledge within 2-3 years by studying in parallel to my full-time job is possible? Any advice in general?

    Thanks folks!

    submitted by /u/Bazzog24
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    Did anyone leave programming after 1 year?

    Posted: 03 May 2018 01:04 PM PDT

    Why did you leave? What did you do after the switch?

    submitted by /u/cstransfer
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    Anyone have any fun personal projects they've enjoyed doing?

    Posted: 03 May 2018 08:30 PM PDT

    Didn't land a co-op job this summer so I want some fun projects to keep me busy and keep me learning. Already recreated the snake game and am looking for other fun projects to do.

    Open to larger projects as well.

    submitted by /u/LilBarnacle
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    Adjusting to the real world

    Posted: 03 May 2018 11:41 AM PDT

    Do any of you guys have fears about being independent and in the real world after college? Especially since you've been together with your parents for 21-22 years and all of a sudden you're alone. Do your parents support your decision of moving across the country for a job? My parents are very worried about me and are trying to get me to stay with them, but I can't turn down the allure of being independent. Also, I commuted to college, so I have not even had the dorming experience that most college graduates have.

    submitted by /u/twintowersrubble
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    How did you decide what to focus on for job growth?

    Posted: 03 May 2018 12:37 PM PDT

    I'm in my first job at a startup labelled as a Jr. Software Developer but with overlapping duties that I think other "roles" would normally do, such as Business Analyst, System Engineer/Sysadmin, and even some security stuff.

    I guess my question is, how did you decide what you wanted to focus on without jumping into specific roles for them? I want my next jump to be long-term and meaningful. I will be focusing on much bigger companies. The only thing is, I can't figure out what role I want to focus on.

    • Security
    • Developement
    • Project Management

    Any adivce is greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/CireAnod
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    Career options for ex-military?

    Posted: 03 May 2018 11:05 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I will be separating soon. I am wondering what options there are for people in my situation. I am working on my CS degree, about 30% done. I have experience in Python, embedded system design, some experience in ML and SQL. I am looking to find a job in the bay area. I am not picky at all, I just want to find a job in the field that I can do until I get back to school next year. Any ideas on what is out there for vets with no degree but some experience? I have made some big projects for my base that have saved a lot of man hours and money. So I do have some decent project experience. All ideas are very much welcomed. I appreciate all advice.

    PS: It would also be amazing if anyone here could give me advice on applying to top tier schools on the bay area as a transfer. Such as Stanford and Berkeley. I dont have much information regarding the application process

    Thank you very much reddit !!!

    submitted by /u/PythonGod123
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    Should I let my recruiter know this?

    Posted: 03 May 2018 07:47 PM PDT

    So i have accepted the offer for the summer internship. I just finished my junior year but it was a rough semester and i might have to retake those CS classes again. Should i let her know that if i were to fail those courses , my graduation date is delayed by a semester? this is assuming that i am doing the internship over the summer instead of taking those classes to stay on track for graduation. Would this affect my offer? Should i not tell her?

    submitted by /u/DesertBaller24
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