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    Wednesday, May 2, 2018

    Big 4 Discussion - May 02, 2018 CS Career Questions

    Big 4 Discussion - May 02, 2018 CS Career Questions

    Big 4 Discussion - May 02, 2018

    Posted: 02 May 2018 12:07 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to have discussions about the Big 4 and questions related to the Big 4, such as which one offers the best doggy benefits, or how many companies are in the Big 4 really? Posts focusing solely on Big 4 created outside of this thread will probably be removed.

    Abide by the rules, don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted each Sunday and Wednesday at midnight PST. Previous Big 4 Discussion threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Daily Chat Thread - May 02, 2018

    Posted: 02 May 2018 12:07 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to chat, have casual discussions, and ask casual questions. Moderation will be light, but don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted every day at midnight PST. Previous Daily Chat Threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    PSA: I got a LOT more interview offers with a .docx résumé than a LaTeX one converted to PDF

    Posted: 02 May 2018 08:28 AM PDT

    I was applying for a job and threw my PDF in the resume field, and it said "Error: Not enough information recovered". I thought maybe the resume crawler bots have a hard time parsing the PDFs, so I switched to a (less pretty) word doc file.

    I went from 1 interview offer every other month to getting 5 after a week.

    submitted by /u/ApartArmadillo
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    Did I get used?

    Posted: 02 May 2018 05:04 AM PDT

    I applied for a software engineering internship for a startup in NYC on AngelList. They promptly sent me a "coding challenge", which asked me to implement a web scraper for a federal job search website that returned all of the job results when given category/keyword inputs. I spent an extensive amount of time on this and had to learn all about Scrapy, a python technology that facilitates scraping. They asked me to submit a link to the Github and I did, and my implementation worked flawlessly (which I regret now). My friend warned me that small startups sometimes issue coding challenges like this as scams for someone to do free work for them. They are now not responding to any of my emails and it has been 2 weeks, and they were quite responsive throughout the duration of the "challenge", mind you this is a company of 3 people. Another red flag I noticed is they took down the job listing as soon as they gave me the challenge. Is it safe to assume they used me?

    Edit: Damn this got a lot more responses than I expected... General consensus seems to be that I got take advantage of, and looking back the company is pretty suspicious but I guess I assumed that if I did the challenge I could avoid some technical interviews huehuehue... I don't think I'm gonna disclose the name of the company just because it seems kind of controversial. Overall, I guess you live and you learn and I'm probably not gonna take any action towards the company even though it's a possibility they're using or sold my code. But hey maybe I can write a Medium article or something going more into the specifics as an attempt to warn people about these "coding challenges" so they don't get taken advantage of (if anyone were to read it lol). Also, I guess I can slap onto my repertoire that I know how to scrape JS-loaded web pages using an inferior version of BeautifulSoup, so that's great!

    submitted by /u/NigelBojangles
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    Do people at Stanford, MIT, CMU have to go through the same hiring process as non-targets

    Posted: 02 May 2018 06:24 PM PDT

    Same coding challenges, same standards, ect?

    submitted by /u/QueenOfDairy552
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    Advice for entering the workforce as a new college grad? Not about getting the job, moreso the lifestyle shift

    Posted: 02 May 2018 05:42 PM PDT

    So yeah, basically I graduate in a couple weeks and start work at a BigN in July. I had a full-time tech consulting internship last summer so I guess I know what the grind is like but other than that I'm wondering if anyone has advice on how to start keeping good habits as my real life begins.

    A big question I have is how to build my career and rebuild my post-college personal life. I want to be good - really good - at what I do and love working hard. That's easy in school when you can get everything done and still have time for clubs, extracurriculars, and friends. But when work is already 40 hours or so a week, how can I build a fulfilling personal life without sacrificing an important learning stage in my career?

    I'm also wondering if people have any advice for work-life balance. I almost took a worse job to follow a girl, and choosing career for now was one of the hardest decisions of my young life. I also moved halfway across the country for school and left a serious relationship (as far as high school goes 🙄). I think in the long run these choices will work out, but I definitely don't want to make a habit of treating my relationships as disposable.

    My basic question is this - what do I not know I don't know? I'm excited to start my career in an exciting space but want to hit the ground with the right mindset so I can lock in good practices early on and keep them up well into the future.

    Thanks for reading :)

    submitted by /u/coffeeandcereal
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    Where is the best place outside the USA to work as a CS graduate?

    Posted: 02 May 2018 09:19 AM PDT

    Internship in Seattle; rent a car or public transportation?

    Posted: 02 May 2018 06:53 PM PDT

    So I'm interning in Seattle (more specifically Bellevue) this summer, and I was wondering how I should get around. MS offers either a $1200 commute allowance or a car rental for $375/month. Is it worth getting the car?

    submitted by /u/turtledovetailwind
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    Being paid by the hour. Not being paid lunch hour.

    Posted: 02 May 2018 04:55 AM PDT

    I am being paid hourly at my new job, and I quoted a 15$/hour figure assuming I would be getting paid for the 9 hour workday. But apparently since 1 of those hours is designated for lunch, they will not be paying me that hour.

    The question is, how do I deal with this?

    Should I try to get them to just pay for the 9 hours or just quote a new higher 16.875 rate?

    submitted by /u/JohnnyElBravo
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    From industry position to high school teacher

    Posted: 02 May 2018 12:44 PM PDT

    I'm curious if anyone on this sub has gone from an industry position to becoming a teacher, specifically a high school teacher? It could've been for any reason, I'm just curious! :)

    submitted by /u/GentlemanLuis
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    Should I get a my bachelors degree online or in a traditional classroom setting?

    Posted: 02 May 2018 07:01 PM PDT

    I was thinking of getting my second degree in computer science or computer engineering and was wonder how getting a bachelors degree online compares to getting it in person?

    Edit: changed in a traditional classroom setting to in person

    submitted by /u/BWJackal
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    How do I get my job applications noticed?

    Posted: 02 May 2018 06:10 PM PDT

    Every time I send an application to a job posting I find on LinkedIn or Indeed, it feels like I am throwing my information into a black hole.

    I think a good way to get my application noticed would be to submit an application, then also send an email to someone at the company directly regarding the position. However, I am not sure what I should say that is of value.

    Has anyone tried this or something similar to get noticed?

    submitted by /u/Zahnzy
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    I work as a Support Engineer in a very big company. Should I take a pay cut to go the dev route?

    Posted: 02 May 2018 11:24 AM PDT

    Let me preface this by saying I'm not an experienced dev. Best I've done is a few easy leet code problems and a couple of functional apps with small code base.

    Right out of college, I had an offer to be a dev at a less prestigious company (no exp required) for 10k less than where I work now as a Support Engineer. My plan was to move within, but I'm learning that the career velocity in my current role is not very great.

    Assuming that a company like that will give me a chance to be a dev again without too much experience (or even the same company), should I take a pay cut to move into a dev role? I would lose benefits and 401k match also. I've been in at big 4 as support for 2 years now.

    I'm lost as to what would be the best route for my career at this point, and if taking a pay cut for a role I was already offered 2 years ago and knowing my time has been wasted can be swallowed :(

    submitted by /u/monogramtemp
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    Is moving from consulting to development worth a pay cut?

    Posted: 02 May 2018 05:02 PM PDT

    I've been working as an Implementation Consultant for the past two years. I thought the position would have more hands on development when I accepted, but there is very little real development work. I spend most of my time working with our client to understand their business processes, and then configuring COTS (Commercial off-the-shelf) software to meet these needs.

    I am paid very well for my experience level, but I am not developing my technical skills at this position. I have an offer for an SE 1 position at a company near me. I like what I know about the company, but they pay less. About $15k less.

    If I take the offered position, I will be working on a team with senior developers, and a few Jr Developers as well. There will be real code reviews and I would be working with a relevant technology stack. I am not getting any of that at my current position.

    Should I leave my position to take a lower paying job? I feel like this will benefit me more in the long run. What do you guys think?


    submitted by /u/flannelSwitch
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    Web Framework specialization + generic 'how will I know when I'm ready?'

    Posted: 02 May 2018 12:03 PM PDT

    Is splitting my time between Flask and Django a bad idea? I started with Flask and feel that it helps me understand what's going on under the hood with Django, but I worry that reaching my goal of landing paid work might be impeded by not focusing all of my attention on Django, which appears to be in higher demand.

    Also, are there any milestones in backend webdev that clearly indicate preparedness for entry-level positions? Is the ability to build and deploy a basic CRUD enough, or should I have some frontend under my belt first before applying?


    submitted by /u/crowbros
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    How soon is too soon to start applying for a job?

    Posted: 02 May 2018 01:12 PM PDT

    Hi everybody,

    Long-time lurker, but I'm going to start being more active in the sub as I think the advice is generally pretty solid and I'd like to give back. I've been consistently working internships for the past three years while going to school at a state university. I'll be graduating in the fall next year and I'm wondering when would be the best time to start applying for a job for after college.

    submitted by /u/KillerQ360
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    What the best to live for a CS career considering salary AND cost of living?

    Posted: 02 May 2018 08:41 PM PDT

    This is going to sound crazy but I'm considering applying to jobs outside of the bay area even though I currently live here. I don't want to pay 3k for rent or drive 1hr for work.

    submitted by /u/Hanzo__Main
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    Telecommute === More Money Potential

    Posted: 02 May 2018 08:38 PM PDT

    So yesterday there was a big post on this subreddit about people daylighting and it referenced to a post on Quora. I think the OP on Quora was disturbed that one his workers worked on his personal side projects for a few hours a day.

    Anyhow, wouldn't remote work be the best way for an employee to daylight? Your boss wouldn't be able to directly spy on your work activity (no internet history logs, can't peep over your shoulder, etc.). I mean as long as you get your shit done, why would your boss ever have suspicion?

    So if that is set, think about the additional time you can spend working on other things that would net you more income. Maybe you can start freelancing more on the side. Maybe you can start building those apps you always had ideas for and wanted to monetize. The list can go on.

    Anyone want to chime in?

    submitted by /u/dotobird
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    Will hiring managers see me as a job hopper?

    Posted: 02 May 2018 08:32 PM PDT

    Like many people in software development I didn't study CS in college. I studied Philosophy. Interesting and challenging subject, but when I graduated I didn't have a clear career path and sort of stumbled into my first job by having a good conversation with the hiring manager at a career fair.

    It was a generic business analyst job. I dabbled in some SQL but most of my work was done in Excel. Having a job right out of college was cool, but after 8 months the company closed the office I was working out of because it was struggling and in the interest of cutting the workforce it only kept on employees with decent programming skills. So I was out of a job.

    Luckily I was able to find a new job within a week, again a business analyst role. Shortly after starting this job, I decided I needed to gain some real programming skills, not just rudimentary SQL and fancy Excel shortcuts.

    So I began building iOS apps on the side, doing all the server stuff as well. I really liked programming but I knew that I wanted to get a Master's degree in computer science to not only get the credential but also to study advanced topics. Of course studying Philosophy didn't give me the necessary foundation for an MS at a top school so I realized I'd need to take some undergrad computer science and math courses to prepare myself.

    While I was figuring all this out, I was doing well at my business analyst job and there was even talk of promoting me, but I left after 1.5 years because a very convenient opportunity presented itself.

    My first boss (from the company which had closed the office) had started working in the administration at my undergrad University and offered me a job there, and even gave me the guarantee that I'd be able to take courses at the University and go to class during working hours. Obviously an amazing deal given my plan, so I started working at the University, but again as a business analyst.

    After working there for about a year and a few months I had taken all the courses I felt I needed. However I realized I should probably get a real programming job before going to get an MS in CS.

    So I sent my resume out for iOS dev jobs, which I felt I was prepared for, and ended up getting a contract iOS role at a major corporation most people here have heard of.

    I'm currently working there and enjoying it. I've also just been accepted to a top CS MS program and will be enrolling in the fall, meaning I will be leaving my current dev job after a year of working there.

    I'll be in the MS program for 2 years. When I start looking for jobs will people care about my job hopping prior to the MS? I recognize I've been job hopping, but it's hopping with a purpose I guess you could say, and I've done well at all the places I've been at and they've all tried hard to keep me when I say I'm going to leave (aside from the first place).

    submitted by /u/E_Al_El
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    Full stack developer job requirements - India

    Posted: 02 May 2018 08:31 PM PDT

    Hey there! I'm a student who's looking to know what employers look for in candidates for a full stack developer job in India (I'm living and learning in India). Help me out, please?

    I have kind of a background in programming. I can make okayish console applications (don't expect any operating systems yet) using, you know, 'desktop programming languages' like C++/Java/Ruby/some-others-I-have-forgotten-but-can-refresh-my-memory-of, and I can make nice shiny web apps using HTML/CSS/JS (add in PHP/NodeJS which I've just started learning?) and a working knowledge of SQL

    Please clarify:

    - What qualifications (degree) candidates are *supposed* to have - will a bachelor's in electronics/communications engineering suffice?

    - Does it matter a lot which college I study in?

    - How much experience is required? Can a youth fresh out of college make it into a good place?

    - *What* technologies are we *supposed* to know? Apparently LAMP stacks went out of vogue? One source says ReactJS is a *de facto* qualification; another says MEAN stack; a post on Reddit (I do't remember which) says "[If you can whip up a webpage using Bootstrap/Foundation in minutes, or an SPA using jQuery in minutes, then you've probably got yourself a place]"

    - Will things like background knowledge and experimentation (of front/back-end development technologies) be considered? If so, I can link to my codepen or github!

    - What exactly *do* employers look for in us?

    I know the above qualities vary significantly from employer to employer, and that I'm being very specific; so please give me the *average*, or how *you* would select an aspirant.

    Also, if you want me to include just *how* full-on crazy I've been going trying to sort my life out, then [here you go](https://ibb.co/mms7R7 "How crazy I went, scouring Reddit to put together an actionable action plan to take over my life").

    Thanks very much!

    submitted by /u/OrochimarusCthulhu
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    Asking for a raise

    Posted: 02 May 2018 08:14 PM PDT

    I currently am making 55,000 which is well below industry standard and have been working at the company for over a year. I have three major projects under my belt and plan on asking for a raise tomorrow. How should I approach it to maximize the amount I could receive?

    submitted by /u/Kobebaby
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    when are you proficient enough in a language to put it on a job application?

    Posted: 02 May 2018 08:03 PM PDT

    hi everyone, i was wondering when do you guys consider yourselves proficient enough in a language to include it on job applications.

    i'm mainly wondering because i feel like i know more than just the basics of python, as i've worked with the scipy libraries and have a pretty good understanding of python. however i've only used python for the past 4 or so months in my college course.

    i've never had a programming job or done anything in the field. never made any big projects either. i'm still an undergrad so i'll eventually get there, but i'm just curious.

    submitted by /u/jayden8250
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    How big is your team, and how many people reports directly to your manager?

    Posted: 02 May 2018 07:56 PM PDT

    Only 2 people (both new grads) report to my manager. Is this number too few to be called "manager"? Just curious

    submitted by /u/uw_throwawayfailure
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    Top Companies with GPA Cutoff:

    Posted: 02 May 2018 07:52 PM PDT

    What are some BigN/Unicorn companies that ask for Transcript and checks your GPA while making the final decision?

    submitted by /u/Enigma_101
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    CTCI as a class - Follow Up. How is this proposed weekly schedule?

    Posted: 02 May 2018 01:17 AM PDT

    CTCI as a semester long class follow up. How is this for a Fall semester study guide based off CTCI?

    • Week 1: Big O review including costs of common DS operations (Anything else?)
    • Week 2: Strings/Arrays
    • Week 3: Recursion
    • Week 4: Linked Lists
    • Week 5: Stacks and Queues
    • Week 6: Sorting and Searching
    • Week 7: Sorting and Searching cont'd
    • Week 8: Trees and Graphs
    • Week 9: Trees and Graphs cont'd / Path finding (Dijkstra's, A*, BFS, DFS )
    • Week 10: Object Oriented Design
    • Week 11: Building Priority Queues/LRU Cache/Etc (How is this for a week's idea?)
    • Week 11: Bit Manipulation
    • Week 12: Dynamic Programming
    • Week 13: Dynamic Programming

    Someone gave me a list of things to know for interviews and this is it:

    Data Structures: arrays, matrix (2D arrays), linkedlist, stack, queues, priority queues, heaps (min/max), binary tree, binary search trees, tries, n-ary trees, self balancing trees , hashtable (hash sets/maps), directed acyclic graphs (DAG), and undirected acyclic graphs.

    Algorithms: binary search, 2-pointer, walker/runner (linkedlist, can be considered 2-pointer too), greedy, divide and conquer, dfs&bfs (hierholzer/djkstra are the common ones i see), bit manipulations (xor/AND/etc...), recursion, dynamic programming, backtracking, sorting (quicksort and mergesort are good to know).

    So I still have a few weeks to cover. This will be done in Python (learning it as I go along with this. Somewhat decent with C++). I don't know if I allocated too little or too much time to a few things as well as the ordering could possibly be improved.

    The idea for each week is to do some problems in CTCI, write down Big O complexities and discuss the problem types in person. This is going to be an elective/independent study class. How it is graded is up for discussion and I need to propose that as well.

    submitted by /u/CTCISemester
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    Which areas of CS have the greatest and least demand from employers? Is there a chart out there?

    Posted: 02 May 2018 07:27 PM PDT

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