• Breaking News

    Thursday, February 8, 2018

    Pixel Art - Your first picture - A guide to starting small

    Pixel Art - Your first picture - A guide to starting small

    Pixel Art - Your first picture - A guide to starting small

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 05:51 AM PST

    Designing a 4D World: The Technology behind Miegakure

    Posted: 07 Feb 2018 01:05 PM PST

    Apple rejects apps that use their emojis ��

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 02:18 AM PST

    Today I noticed that Slack changed the emojis style to these similar to Facebook. And it looks like later today I found the reason:

    One of the articles here

    So, gamedevs beware - if you use or plan to use emojis in your game, create your own instead of copying Apple emojis.

    submitted by /u/IriySoft
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    C# making a game WITHOUT Unity

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 04:27 AM PST

    hello, I'm a computer science study, I'm being tought in c#, and I have a very simple question:

    I want to make a simple 2d side scroller, something akin to Mario, and I want to do this without Unity. Why you ask?

    Only 2 reasons to reinvent the wheel, to learn how to make a wheel or to improve the feel. I fall into the former category. I haven't been able to find any books or anything that can help me get started, that doesn't involve Unity.

    Maybe I'm stupid or blind, but alas I'm asking you guys for help now with finding some book or guide to set me along the right path.

    submitted by /u/DanishHeathen
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    How do I begin to create graphics for mobile games?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 09:36 AM PST

    Most mobile games have a certain "feel" and "style" to them. I am talking about graphics like these:


    Is there any tutorial / education available, on how to start making graphics like these? I am a complete beginner when it comes to Photoshop and graphic design, so any kind of resource would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/e0a8f7c9d
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    Today I released my first homebrew Game Boy game with no knowledge of Assembly and hardly any C experience. You can make one too!

    Posted: 07 Feb 2018 05:23 PM PST

    Hello /r/gamedev!

    Today is a very exciting day for me. I finally released my very first homebrew game for a console I hold dear to my heart: The Nintendo Game Boy! The game is called Mona and the Witch's Hat, and you can find the game at the link below:


    It's a short platforming game where you play as a cat that gains magical powers when her owner's hat falls on her head. It takes about 20 minutes to complete, features music by Sergio Deprado, and if you have a flash cartridge, you can even play it on a real Game Boy! I don't have one myself, but I do have something to play it on which works just as well!

    You can see the game's development from beginning to end on this imgur album, which shows how it started and briefly touches on some of the behind-the-scenes stuff.

    My background is in animation and modeling, not programming (well, not low-level stuff like assembly, at least). In fact, I actually had to change majors from Computer Science to animation because I couldn't understand enough assembly and machine code to complete my degree. My only experience with C is from making Pebble watch faces, so I'm really only familiar with C# and the like. I just can't do low-level stuff like assembly or machine code. For the longest time making a homebrew Game Boy game was just out of reach for me. That is, until I found ZGB, which included a small library of functions that I needed to make a functioning game!

    The game was made using Zal0's ZGB, which touts itself as a small engine for creating homebrew Game Boy games. It includes a lot of functions that make the entire process easier than doing it from scratch, such as screen scrolling, collisions, and sprite management. I found it from a post on /r/gamedev that had a list of Game Boy homebrew resources, started tinkering around with it, and before I knew it, I had a real, functioning Game Boy game! The wiki for ZGB is thorough and explains everything, and even includes a tutorial on how to use ZGB to do certain things.

    Without having to struggle with the complicated stuff, I could focus more on the sprite work and level design. The first level is a tutorial that teaches the player how to jump and that you shouldn't touch the water in a safe environment without much punishment for failure. The second level expands on those basics by introducing obstacles and teaches you that you can shoot certain enemies to advance. The third level combines the lessons from the previous two levels to make one long level that includes some new obstacles as well. Lastly, the fourth level is a side-scrolling shooting section that adds variety to the gameplay and helps lowers the tension from the previous level before leading to the end screen.

    ZGB is such an incredible tool set, and Zal0 did a fantastic job of making everything as clear as possible. If a goofy animator from a failed Computer Science major can make a Game Boy game in 2018 (well, technically 2017 but it took a few months to find music :)), then I believe you can too. If you ever had an interest in Game Boy homebrew, now is the best time to start! Take a few minutes to set up the environment, try the tutorial, and then start adding your own twist to it. You might be surprised with what you can make with it! The source code for Mona and the Witch's Hat is also available, so you can take a look at it and see how it was made.

    I'm just so happy that I finally had a chance to make a Game Boy game that can be played on actual hardware. It's something that I've always wanted to do since I was a kid, and I just wanted to share that happiness with you all too and say that it's not as scary as it seems!

    Anyway, thank you for reading! I hope you'll enjoy the game as much as I enjoyed making it.

    Play it loud!

    - Tom

    submitted by /u/Tomcat1994
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    Snowtracks Shader - Unity CG/C# Tutorial (Part #3 - Draw to Splatmap) (High Quality) (Video tutorial)

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 08:01 AM PST

    Torn about releasing my first game for free on the web or polishing more and releasing on Steam

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 12:22 AM PST

    So I've been developing this web game, at first for recreation but now I'm towards the final stretch of polishing after I've finally gotten the gameplay down. I've been developing this game for years, on and off. I want to finish it and release a complete product.

    The thing is I don't know what to do with it. If releasing it for free on a site like Kongregate. Or using Electron to convert it into a desktop game and releasing on Steam. A part of me believes that the game needs to offer more in order for people to pay for it. In the other hand, I've put so much effort and love into this game that I could be a bit resentful if I release it for free, although I could earn from advertising presumably?

    What are some pros and cons you may think about releasing one way or the other?

    Edit: thanks so much for your answers. A middle ground option I'm thinking is releasing a demo on itch.io and sell the full game there.

    submitted by /u/frrrni
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    Torn deciding on initial scope of the game (singleplayer vs multiplayer)

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 09:53 AM PST

    I've been working on a PVP multiplayer RPG with basebuilding features for some time now. I have a pretty solid plan for what the scope of the final game will look like, but I'm undecided on how to best reach that goal. Should I keep adding RPG features and content until the game is fun enough to play? Or should I start off with a singleplayer/coop gamemode, in order to build up fanbase and revenue?

    To get the main gamemode (round-based PVP multiplayer RPG) to a playable stage, I would need to add a ton of content (items, weapons, machines), aswell as combat and character customization features. Even then, the game might fail if 30+ players aren't online at any given time. Without enough players, the essential RP element of the gamemode falls flat.

    Alternatively, if I were to first release a persistant-world, basebuilding singleplayer/coop gamemode (think Rimworld or Minecraft), I would need to add several features not intended to be in the multiplayer gamemode. Resource gathering, exploration, PvE, crafting progression, and other standard survival mechanics would need to be created just for that gamemode, and without confidence that I can port these features to the main gamemode, when it arrives.

    Focusing on a singleplayer gamemode first might be what ends up making the multiplayer mode successful. Or it could be a huge waste of time. Has anyone here ever had a similar problem? Are there any existing projects that I can learn from? What are your thoughts and suggestions?

    submitted by /u/Zakkon
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    Rock Milk Progress Report #002 (2017 Oct-2018 Jan) - 2018 Planning

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 09:41 AM PST

    About to hit the release key in Steam and my first time releasing in that platform.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2018 06:52 PM PST

    I just wanted to share what I am feeling right now which is a combination of excitement, anxiety, and overall I don't know and how my game will do but I can tell you that it breaks down into few areas so far:

    1- I don't ever have huge expectations in revenue, I come from creating mobile games that do decent about 8-10 per day of premium sales, some of my games at least 1 copy everyday, others one every few days and some even 0 for consecutive days.

    2- I already feel successful, why ? I started something and finished it.

    3- Is a huge learning lesson. I reviewed a lot of the Steam documentation and learned a lot from it, not only theory but I was able to apply it in my game.

    4- I improved on my marketing skills, I was able to reach more of my fans by now incorporating steam into platforms I develop on.

    5- I am trying something new this time, instead of waiting for magically get players I am contacting many influencers via KeyMailer, also the new curator feature in Steam, and lastly I am using Facebook Audience Insights to understand my target audience.

    6- What's simple is never so simple which is why I decided to keep this release super basic, I wanted to include cloud functionality, achievements, leaderboards, etc etc etc and ended up with just 5 achievements. This allowed me to port or better said convert my game to Steam very quickly.

    Any how I am very excited and not really sure what to expect, so far I had the game available for people to wishlist since 3 weeks ago and I have 200 wish-listings which may not seem like a lot for many of you but for me is huge ! I didn't have that functionality in Apple or Google Play!

    Anyhow thanks and I hope you find few of my comments helpful for your own game development projects.

    Cheers Dilmer Valecillos Twitter @dilmerv

    submitted by /u/dilmerv
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    Development transparency, do players want more of it?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 01:21 AM PST

    Do you see a shift in development where players want more transparency on what is going on behind the curtain? I might be wrong, but I am definitely seeing an increase in backers/supporters/players wanting more transparency in the development of games. I don`t think this is a bad thing though. What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Trymstudios
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    C++ Library for Text to Speech Suggestions

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 07:41 AM PST

    Hello everyone, I am new to Reddit and need a help regarding text- to speech library for C++ for one of the game I plan to work during summer. Can anyone help me with the library if you know or have used any?

    The features of library must be the followings:

    • portability (ex: it shouldn't be only available on Windows)

    • polyglot (we would like at least English, German and French to be available)

    • As we are highly portable, the implementation of its use should be done in an optional manner, at compilation level, so that people could still compile even if they don't have the Library available.


    submitted by /u/goops17
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    Do industry standards require learning Adobe Suit, Maya, etc. on paid software angle?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 11:08 AM PST

    Trying to teach myself to make graphics and other assets for unity and modding (mainly skyrim/fallout just to show for demo videos). While I can do these on free programs (Gimp/Blender/LMMS/Etc.) I worry that I'm not going to get a job without having to buy and train in expensive software like The Adobe Suite and Maya. It's possible, but I am still pretty poor and cheap. Is it possible to get hired by a company without that training or stuck doing commissioned(contract) /indie work till I do that?

    submitted by /u/Furzball
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    Massive 500 pages e-book on the history of RPG's

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 11:05 AM PST

    Feedback - Do I have something going here? What would make it better?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 10:51 AM PST

    I started working on this project last year. This game is inspired by "Neighbours from Hell". I haven't touched it in a while. Any feedback is appreciated. Thank you.

    Game title needs work. Human character is not final and needs a replacement. Francis and Mi

    EDIT: I've included several gifs of gameplay tests.

    Main Menu and Security System Test - Death test. Human Laughs at death sequence

    Stationary Human - Head Tracking Test

    Human attack with rat damage and death - Tested with a slow-motion dramatic effect

    Human Dancing Test

    Human Becoming Alert

    Rat Interaction - Unplugging Appliances

    Human Hiding from Rat Test

    Human Hiding from Rat Test with large rat for testing

    Bonus - Human scared shitless running from the rat

    submitted by /u/localdose
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    How much similarity in art style will it infringe on copyright?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 05:45 AM PST

    I am thinking of using the art style of prison architect / rim world and was wondering what exactly constitutes copyright?

    if i have the general look of say a character in PA, with thick black outter lines, head and body without feet, will it be copyrighted? Or can i use this art style like it is as common as an anime art style?

    much thanks.

    submitted by /u/buzzlightyear77777
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    First Time Interviewing Gamkedo on Biggest Beginner Challenges and Networking. Hope it gives you lots of value!

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 10:24 AM PST

    Unity Networking (UNET) Question

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 07:56 AM PST

    Hey all. I'm currently working on a game with another developer that is a mix between a MOBA and a top-down shooter, all networked. I'm looking for some expert suggestions on handling projectile spawning in UNET - one of the core issues that we're running into is that our clients have local authority, but our projectiles are spawned completely on the server. TLDR when you spawn a projectile by, say, left clicking, a client with 70ms ping won't see the projectile that they spawned themselves come out until 70ms later, which can be really bad for a fast-paced game.

    What I'd like to do: Spawn projectile on client as a local gameobject, and then (this is impossible using networkserver.spawn()), spawn the projectile on server and all OTHER clients. i.e. the networked object would exist on all except for the "shooter" client.

    Any ideas on what to do here? Is my suggested approach totally wrong?

    Edit: words

    submitted by /u/Abarn279
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    This is our new teaser :) for our upcoming horror survival game. Your feedback is highly appreciated and will help us to improve

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 09:42 AM PST

    Level Design: Progression and Structure

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 09:32 AM PST

    Alder's Blood - turn-based tactical strategy game, set in dark victorian-fantasy world. Devblogs.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 05:43 AM PST

    Hi there!

    We are making a turn-based, tactical, strategic, 2D game inspired with such titles as XCOM, Bloodborne, Darkest Dungeon.

    Main features:

    • no RNG system in the base mechanics; forget all the missed shots fired just 1 meter in front of your enemy;

    • Darkness System can surprise you by changing the rules on the game in the middle of the fight;

    • Stamina System - fail miserably just by losing your breath during combat;

    • Senses System - monsters can hear and SMELL you! Beware of the wind;

    • Strategy - a second gameplay layer, where you can research new gear, craft items and prepare for the next encouter;

    • Boss fights - track down and face challenging enemies in storyline missions.

    We wanted to share our devblogs with you, guys!

    Philosophy of Alder's Blood - http://aldersblood.com/pl/2017/09/14/alders-blood-philosophy/

    Our voiceacting adventure - http://aldersblood.com/pl/2017/09/20/voiceacting-like-a-werewolf-devlog-1/

    Design choices and struggles - http://aldersblood.com/pl/2017/10/02/about-design-choices/

    Huter's profiles: Jaeger - http://aldersblood.com/pl/2017/10/11/hunters-profiles-jaeger/

    Hunter's profiles: Rambler - http://aldersblood.com/2017/10/24/hunters-profiles-rambler/

    My approach to the music for Alder's Blood and a fragment of soundtrack - http://aldersblood.com/2017/11/16/my-approach-to-the-music-for-alders-blood-and-a-fragment-of-soundtrack/

    Hunter's profiles: Occultist - http://aldersblood.com/2017/11/21/hunters-profiles-occultist/

    Smell system in Alder's Blood - http://aldersblood.com/2017/12/11/whats-cooking-doc-the-smell-system/

    Strategy Layer in Alder's Blood - http://aldersblood.com/2017/12/16/the-strategy-layer-in-alders-blood/

    New movement system, new features and updates - http://aldersblood.com/2018/01/24/first-vlog-new-movement-system-new-features-and-updates/

    Hope you'll find them interesting. Any feedback would be very appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Shockwork_Games
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    Generating and pathfinding over navmeshes in Haskell

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 11:43 AM PST

    Dismemberment and gore

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 07:21 AM PST

    Killing Floor 2 has the best dismemberment/gore system by far.

    No other game comes even close; how enemies react, segmented body parts depending where you shoot them, how dead bodies react, etc.

    Is there an easy-to-set up system, but with scaled down features, for the Unreal Engine 4, while still offering the same visceral physicality?

    submitted by /u/HardCrystal
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    Aleron's Lie: One Last Teaser...

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 10:53 AM PST

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