• Breaking News

    Saturday, February 24, 2018

    A while back, I shared the idea of an Urban Dictionary for coding terms. You liked it, so I built it. learn programming

    A while back, I shared the idea of an Urban Dictionary for coding terms. You liked it, so I built it. learn programming

    A while back, I shared the idea of an Urban Dictionary for coding terms. You liked it, so I built it.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2018 09:06 AM PST

    A few months ago, I posted here about a Urban Dictionary/Stack Overflow for coding terms, and you guys were really encouraging of the idea. While learning to code, I'd often fall down a rabbit hole of research for things I didn't really need. There are lots of resources that teach you how to do something, but few explain when and why. So, over the past few months, I built Hackterms - a crowdsourced dictionary of programming terms to answer these questions:

    1. at a high level, what does this tool/process/concept do? When is it used? What are the alternatives?
    2. Is this worth my time to learn now?

    Check out the definitions, let me know what you think, and feel free to contribute!

    TL;DR: Hackterms - simple definitions that explain when/where/why programming terms are used (but not how to use them). Built in Node/Express, Mongo, jQuery.

    submitted by /u/maxverse
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    It's crazy how much of a difference it makes in debugging by taking a break after being stuck

    Posted: 24 Feb 2018 07:16 AM PST

    Not a question, just a small comment & realization I had that might seem a little obvious; hopefully someone debugging & stuck might read this!

    Basically, I spent about 4+ hours debugging a specific problem I was stuck on, and I STILL couldn't get it. Up to a certain point, I was focusing on every small detail in my debugger, running through all the values of the loop, until I just gave up.

    This morning, I just decided to take another crack at it and fixed it up in 20 minutes. What. I had obviously been exhausted looking at code for 4 hours, to the point where I was able to see my error after being refreshed in the morning.

    Soooo, Whenever you're stuck with a bug, you're likely stressed & exhausted; get a fresh pair of eyes!! Either a friend, or yourself :)

    If yall wanna know, It turned out I incorrectly wrote one of the for loops, double incrementing them to get unaddressable addresses in my array-pointer.

    submitted by /u/halomcdk
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    Book list --- The most influential and important computer programming books.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2018 01:21 PM PST

    Code Complete (2nd Edition)
    By Steve McConnell

    The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master
    By Andrew Hunt and David Thomas

    Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, Second Edition
    By Harold Abelson, Gerald J Sussman and Julie Sussman

    The C Programming Language (2nd Edition)
    By Brian W Kernighan and Dennis M Ritchie

    Introduction to Algorithms
    By Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest and Clifford Stein

    Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code
    By Martin Fowler, Kent Beck, John Brant and William Opdyke

    Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
    By Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson and John Vlissides (Also known as "The Gang of Four")

    The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering
    By Frederick P. Brooks

    Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms (3rd Edition)
    By Donald E. Knuth

    Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools (2nd Edition)
    By Alfred V. Aho, Monica S. Lam, Ravi Sethi and Jeffrey D. Ullman

    Head First Design Patterns
    By Elisabeth Freeman, Eric Freeman, Bert Bates and Kathy Sierra

    Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid (20th Anniversary Edition)
    By Douglas Hofstadter

    Effective C++: 55 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs (3rd Edition)
    By Scott Meyers

    Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship
    By Robert C Martin

    Programming Pearls (2nd edition)
    By Jon Bentley

    Working Effectively with Legacy Code
    By Michael Feathers

    CODE: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software
    By Charles Petzold

    Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams (2nd Edition)
    By Tom DeMarco and Timothy Lister

    Coders at Work: Reflections on the Craft of Programming
    By Peter Seibel

    Effective Java (2nd Edition)
    By Joshua Bloch

    Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture
    By Martin Fowler

    The Little Schemer (4th Edition)
    By Daniel P. Friedman, Matthias Felleisen, Duane Bibby

    The Inmates Are Running The Asylum: Why High Tech Products Drive Us Crazy and How to Restore the Sanity
    By Alan Cooper

    The Art of UNIX Programming
    By Eric S Raymond

    Practices of an Agile Developer
    By Venkat Subramaniam and Andy Hunt

    The Elements of Style: 50th Anniversary Edition
    By William Strunk and E. B. White

    Test-Driven Development: By Example
    By Kent Beck

    Don't Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability
    By Steve Krug

    Domain Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software
    By Eric Evans

    Modern C++ Design: Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied
    By Andrei Alexandrescu

    Source: http://www.dodgycoder.net/p/recommended-programming-books.html

    submitted by /u/kodaxero
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    Newbie programmer seeks advice. I need insight from a professional.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2018 08:36 PM PST

    I have a question to all the programmers out there. I am a learning Java right now and have been for about 3 months now. I am a 30 year old male who supports himself, which also means I am on a tight budget. I cannot afford expensive classes and or a computer science degree. So I am teaching myself. I use Oracles newest comprehensive learning book for Java, also I am enrolled in a class that is provided by a scholarship from Google. The class is online and done through Udacity. I think this is enough context so let me ask the question now:

    My focus and motivation to learn Java is not my issue. I use all of my free time to study. But I am starting to notice that even though I can "understand" the concepts laid before me in my head (conceptualize in my head), whenever I put myself in a situation to actually write some code, it is like I forget everything I have learned and I am unable to apply most of the knowledge I have been trying so hard to learn. Also let me clarify, I am not saying I am not able to apply anything but I am having a hard time applying the principles of OOP. When I say that I can "understand" it in my head this is what I mean, I really do understand it. The concepts are intuitive (IMO) and most of the concepts make sense to me and I can see the code in my head working. But as soon as the book closes or I log out of my class and then into IntelliJ (Java IDE) to write a program of my choosing just for practice... everything just goes blank in my head. So my question is, is this normal? Has this happened to others? Should I not be a programmer? I am really questioning myself because I have never gone through something like this. I have a bachelors degree in an unrelated field so academics is no stranger to me. What I am really worried about is the thought that teaching this particular subject to ones self, is not a smart or successful way to go about learning this stuff. Do I need a mentor/teacher?

    At this point I am just pushing forward and hoping for that moment or paradigm shift in my thinking were it makes sense, an "a-ha" moment ya know? I would REALLY appreciate feedback/advice/or whatever. Thank you reddit community:)

    submitted by /u/CletusKasadie
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    Question about variables (VB.net)

    Posted: 24 Feb 2018 08:34 PM PST

    Dim strNumberOfBikes As String

    Dim intNumberOfBikes As Integer

    Dim decTotalCost As Decimal

    strNumberOfBikes = txtNumberOfBikes.Text

    intNumberOfBikes = Convert.ToInt32(strNumberOfBikes)

    decTotalCost = intNumberOfBikes * gcdecPricePerBike

    lblTotalCost.Text = decTotalCost.ToString("C")

    Why does this need the strNumberOfBikes variable at all? Couldn't this be simplified to:

    intNumberOfBikes = Convert.ToInt32(txtNumberOfBikes.Text)

    submitted by /u/metcalsr
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    Any reviews for Codecademy's TDD pro intensive course?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2018 11:47 PM PST

    Currently enrolled students care to chime in? :) I really wanna learn TDD.

    submitted by /u/allnyte
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    How do you parse a Json Text file

    Posted: 24 Feb 2018 11:32 PM PST

    Hey, i'm having diffuclty on parsing this json text file

    {"date":"2015-11-11","retailer_id":"CLD001", "orders":[{"products":[{"product_id":"53743443003","quantity":4,"unit_price":42.71}], "value":170.84, "customer":{"id":58}}, {"products":[{"product_id":"53743800103","quantity":8,"unit_price":36.78},{"product_id":"frontline-spot-on-Dog-3-1-10","quantity":4,"unit_price":24.62},{"product_id":"53743918500","quantity":7,"unit_price":18.44},{"product_id":"54993530183","quantity":1,"unit_price":57.44},{"product_id":"54993513347","quantity":10,"unit_price":5.0}], "value":629.24, "customer":{"id":18}},

    There's a date, retailerID followed by a list of orders [which contains a list of products] then by value and customer. I don't really get how to set up my class for this data file. Any pointers would be useful

    submitted by /u/FeelingSafety
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    Which mobile dev platform is best?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2018 11:19 PM PST

    Hey folks,

    I recently have started to dabble into mobile programming have been looking at react-native for fun and i just went down a rabbit hole of looking at basically seeing these frameworks/libraries (ionic, xamarin etc) to be able to write apps for android and ios. I didn't want to learn swift or want to code in Java and I felt more comfortable with Javascript so i was attracted to the idea of these frameworks/libraries

    I was wondering from r/learningprogramming what you guys think is best to learn in this climate for web/mobile dev?

    Also, why is there so much of these mobile frameworks out these?

    I mean from business perspective, for Google or Apple to dictate writing in Java/Swift to make apps for their ecosystem, it makes sense..? Yet, Javascript has grown immensely over the years and we now see things like react-native and Ionic and these frameworks/libraries clearly are defying what Google/Apple have put out there.

    At what point will people get sick of

    One thing I can imaging is one day Amazon or Microsoft with their respective cloud services just simply declaring one day, you are only allowed to develop in this language and use these tools. I have been programming for about 5 years now and I feel like I should understand this but I don't understand the whole picture.

    Love to hear some opinions on this.

    submitted by /u/kq21
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    Help for work program.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2018 11:08 PM PST

    Hey gang,

    Last time I officially programed was softmore year in college with visual basic.

    I ended up majoring in business but I'm still super into computers, especially into emulators and tweaking different front ends until they're perfect.

    But with some latest contracting work I'm doing, a big part of the job I think could be automated.

    Basically it's like attaching a file to an email and then submitting it but for a list of patients.

    I copy the patient ID, then paste it into the folder search and select the file, and submit it. Takes about 25 seconds but then multiply it by 180 patients and it's mundane and takes away from me replaying Chrono trigger.

    I've been studying batch files the last few days and I'm just at the start, but I wanted to gather some opinions on what more experienced folks would recommend I focus on to try and accomplish my goal.

    Any advice or links would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Macattack224
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    Factorizing in JS.... this is still giving me a problem

    Posted: 24 Feb 2018 11:00 PM PST

    So I started FCC a few months ago. Got to the JS section and it was just too hard, so I took some time away from coding, and realized, what the hell, my goal for 2018 is to learn JS and get a position as a junior developer by the end of this year.

    I started Colts course on Udemy, the Web Developers Bootcamp. Just finished the jQuery section. Stuff is REALLY starting to make a lot more sense. So I went back to FCC this week and started it up again. Finally got to the algorithm section. Second problem was to write a function that factorizes a number when passed into it.

    We had a problem similar to this in Colts course. Factorizing always gave me problems, from the start. So I broke out my notes from a few weeks ago. The right answer to this is

    function factorialize(num) { var result = 1; if (num === 0 || num === 1 ){ return result; } for (var i = num - 1; i >= 1; i--){ num = num * i; } return num; } 

    After a lot of trouble, that was the answer, after looking online for help. What I don't understand is why my original answer did not work, which was

    function factorialize(num) { if (num === 0 || num === 1) return 1; for ( var i = 0 ; i <= num ; i++) { num = num * i; } return num; } 

    From what I can tell, the ONLY thing different is this middle line "for ( var i = 0 ; i <= num ; i++)" - why is it that it works when the for loop is counted down like this " for (var i = num - 1; i >= 1; i--)", yet mine doesn't work. factorize(5) returns 0 while the latter one returns 120 - the correct answer. From what I can tell, mine is just counting up while the correct answer is just counting down. What gives?

    Edit - sorry if my formatting looks off....wasn't sure how to correctly post code

    submitted by /u/jester070993
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    4 books I would recommend for beginners to software development and C++

    Posted: 24 Feb 2018 08:39 AM PST

    Hi all. I wrote a blog post on some books I would recommend for beginners to programming and C++ after answering a lot of questions on where to start in a danish facebook group for C/C++ beginners (the post is in english).

    I figured there might be beginners in here which might also find this relevant :) The list is of cause 100% subjective, however together with my husband we have read a lot of books on software development. I'm also currently studying Computer Science (master program) at the Technical University of Denmark, so I'm definitely bias to studying using books ;)

    The list is as follows:

    1. Beginning C++ Through Game Programming by Michael Dawson

    2. Clean Code by Robert C. Martin

    3. C++ Primer by Stanly B. Lippman, Josée Lajoie and Barbara E. Moo

    4. The C++ Standard Libray: A Tutorial and Reference by Nicolai M. Josuttis

    Note that the last one is not for reading cover to cover. It is instead my favorite reference book for STL.

    Here is also a link to the blog post where I also write a bit more about why I recommend each book.

    I hope this is useful for some. I tried to focus on making a short list so beginners would feel too overwhelmed.

    submitted by /u/MakerTech
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    Finding the cheapest plane tickets!

    Posted: 24 Feb 2018 02:54 PM PST


    I wanted some practice with Python/Selenium, so I had a go at scraping flight prices from Southwest Airlines' website and finding the cheapest ones. This problem was particularly interesting to me because airlines often change their prices at random times and thus the resulting savings can be huge. To illustrate: I've actually seen the prices fluctuate as I run the program.

    The user specifies the amount they want prices to be under and my code scrapes the site (at a rate the user specifies) to find the cheapest prices. Once the threshold (that the user specifies) is met, it sends a text message to the user. The user then has to book the tickets manually. For best results when using this program, I recommend setting the interval between 2-3 hours. A more frequent interval than that might be excessive.

    The project is available on Github here, so feel free to poke around and try it out for yourself. Stars for the repository would be much appreciated, and feel free to fork the repository if you want to contribute! I'd love your feedback/comments, thanks!

    submitted by /u/LonghornScooter
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    How can i build a scraping program

    Posted: 24 Feb 2018 10:13 PM PST

    I have no experience in programming I want a program that can extract 2 value from site(something like www.abc.com/mno/xxxxxxxxx) , the data value has a common line when inspect in chrome and make a excel sheet of it. If someone would like to build this program I will share all information needed

    submitted by /u/vrbobde
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    How can i make this code faster?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2018 09:34 PM PST

    Source: https://pastebin.com/5njTd6hk

    I am trying to submit this code on codility, it is failing because it takes more than 5 seconds on their servers. What can I optimize here?

    submitted by /u/Dexteroid
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    Does anyone know how the hellochinese or duolingo voice recognition is built?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2018 09:11 PM PST

    Particularly with recognizing whether or not pronunciations and syllables are correct. Im fascinated by how thats built.

    submitted by /u/TheWeebles
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    Getting the average using integers..C

    Posted: 24 Feb 2018 08:57 PM PST

    I'm trying to obtain the average within the code but as it's using two integers it always equals 0. Any ideas?

    include <stdio.h>

    include <stdlib.h>

    main() { int score = 0, totalCounter = 0, average = 0, sum = 0, passingScore, passingCounter = 0; //double average = 0;

    //printf("Enter a test score: (enter -1 to quite)"); //scanf_s("%i", &score); while (score != -1) { printf("Enter a test score: (enter -1 to quite)"); scanf_s("%i", &score); if ((score < 0) || (score > 100) ) printf("This is not a valid grade!\n"); if (score >= 70 && score < 101) { passingCounter = passingCounter + 1; } //if (score < 70) { //totalCounter = totalCounter + 1; //printf("Enter a test score: (enter -1 to quite)"); //scanf_s("%i", &score); //} if (score != -1) { if (score >= 0 && score < 101) totalCounter = totalCounter + 1; } } average = (passingCounter / totalCounter) * 100; printf("\n average %i \n passingCounter %i \n totalCounter %i\n", average, passingCounter, totalCounter); printf("\nThe average of the passing scores is %i \n", average); printf("\nYou entered %i passing grades!", passingCounter); system("pause"); 


    submitted by /u/Hugatreez
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    (recommendation) Good teachers who helped you!

    Posted: 24 Feb 2018 08:16 PM PST

    Could everyone please share good teacher they have came across. They can be on Youtube, Brilliant , Treehouse or any online courses. What did you like about them? How they helped you? and sorry for poor english.

    submitted by /u/parth1111
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    Web scraping using Python 3.6 exclusively on Linux

    Posted: 24 Feb 2018 08:08 PM PST

    Hello everyone, I will do my best to be as specific as possible. I am new to Python and attempting to learn. I am running on Linux mint 18.3 and using Atom editor. I have also started using virtual environments as well. One thing I am finding very frustrating is with Linux the different versions of Python (Python, Python3, Python3.6). I want to use the newest version of Python. I am attempting to do some web scraping using BeautifulSoup4 and trying to use lxml as the parser. I have my atom setup to run Python3.6 as default and I also have my virtual environment setup to run Python3.6. When I run my file with lxml I an error message "File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/bs4/init.py", line 165, in init % ",".join(features)) bs4.FeatureNotFound: Couldn't find a tree builder with the features you requested: lxml. Do you need to install a parser library?" If I run the same file but use Python3 (which on my system is Python 3.5) it works just fine. I just don't understand why I can't get lxml to work with Python 3.6. I have lxml installed into my virtual environment. It has been difficult to find solutions to my situation and a bit frustrating. If anyone can help I greatly appreciate it. At least point me into the right direction. If you need more info let me know. Thanks

    submitted by /u/gobucks32
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    Help with Algorithms: dynamic programming

    Posted: 24 Feb 2018 07:53 PM PST

    I am in need of some help with learning the fundamentals of dynamic programming and lowest cost path type algorithms. The textbook is incredibly abstract and so looking for some resources for beginners that aren't too intimidating.

    Bottom up approach is one of the main fundamentals I'd like to grasp. Examples would be great.

    submitted by /u/twtwtwtwtwtwtw
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    Find out about an auto ptr. Observe that it cannot be copied in the usual sense of copying. Show that a class with an auto ptr data member will need a copy constructor but not a destructor.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2018 07:51 PM PST

    Title says it all, I need help trying to figure this problem out. It is using C++.

    submitted by /u/akane6478
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    How am I supposed to learn how to program if I have to look up every small thing when working on a project????

    Posted: 24 Feb 2018 07:35 PM PST

    Am I doing something wrong?

    Will I always have this problem?

    submitted by /u/DrakeSmithReddit
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    [homework] NASM IA-32, need a little help printing to console diagonal

    Posted: 24 Feb 2018 07:28 PM PST

    First time posting here, sorry if I messed something up. This is homework. My program should read in text and output to the console diagonally. For example, if the text file it read from said this:

     Hey there 

    The output should look like this:

     H e y t h e r e 

    The only thing I'm getting is this:

     H H H H H H H H H H 

    I've found a little bit about this using google, but their methods are either far beyond what we've covered in class, or they use a different architecture that I don't understand.

    I think I need to be incrementing something somewhere to get through the text input, but everything I try seems to break it further...

    Link to my code: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/513b193dd7d816199b798f36a7add5a2

    Thanks in advance!

    edit: formatting

    submitted by /u/1girl2pupz
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    Learning Java, struggling with polymorphism

    Posted: 24 Feb 2018 07:28 PM PST

    I sort of understand the definition of polymorphism: if you have a superclass and a subclass(es), you can use the subclass constructor when initializing a superclass object, and you can use a subclass object with a method that takes a superclass object (please tell me if I'm wrong, I can't find a simple definition).

    So I have some code: a parent class named GeometricObject and a child class of GeometricObject named Square, and I wanted to test polymorphism. The problem is my IDE (IntelliJ) tells me they're incompatible types. Here's the code segment:

     GeometricObject gObj = new GeometricObject(); Square sq = new Square(5); gObj = sq; 

    I was basically trying to model Oracle's example:

     Object obj = new Object(); Integer inte = new Integer(5); obj = inte; 

    Oracle's works fine, while mine does not. Why? Thanks!

    Edit solved: Check your import statements.

    submitted by /u/RaGing_Wild
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    Worth learning to use an IDE? Recommendations for IDE's?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2018 07:26 PM PST

    I'm a college C.S. student, and the scope of all my projects thus far have been small, weekly or biweekly assignments. I've been religiously using Vim and Makefiles at the command line for pretty much all the code I've written.

    I've attempted to use Eclipse for C, C++, and Java, but quickly became overwhelmed with the comparatively large toolset. Despite this, I can't deny that IDE's will probably allow me to objectively develop faster, with pre-compilation and more powerful and visual debugging tools than GDB.

    Has anyone else made the transition from solely command line to IDE's? What do you recommend? I've been attempting to become accustomed the Xcode environment recently and from my understanding, in the industry, choice of IDE is purely personal preference (no company will force you to develop with a certain toolset). Anyone general opinions or personal stories are welcome.

    submitted by /u/good_rice
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