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    Friday, January 12, 2018

    I want to program on my (very slow) laptop via remote access to my (faster) PC. Best solutions? Ask Programming

    I want to program on my (very slow) laptop via remote access to my (faster) PC. Best solutions? Ask Programming

    I want to program on my (very slow) laptop via remote access to my (faster) PC. Best solutions?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2018 01:52 PM PST

    My laptop does not meet the minimum requirements to run a lot of IDE's like Android Studio, Visual Studio. It's very painful to use even Eclipse.

    I do have a better PC in the apartment but no desk or chair.
    I was wondering if there was a good way to use the hardware of the PC but control it via my laptop so I can utilize that sweet 8 gigs of ram.

    Any suggestions for a light-weight solution? Some software or technique?

    submitted by /u/iProgramSometimes
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    This is my first web project.

    Posted: 12 Jan 2018 12:26 PM PST

    Learnt to program in python a few days ago and learnt flask-python yesterday. Let me know what you think about it. Thank you. link: http://firstapp2729.herokuapp.com/

    submitted by /u/agiletelescope
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    How do you deal with technical interviews from people with thick accents?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2018 03:40 PM PST

    This may be the wrong place but I feel like this effects our industry as a whole, and want to get some advice.

    I've been a software engineer for a long time. Getting close to two decades. Over the years this industry has, like many others, become more diverse (not necessarily a problem, in my view) and slowly more people who are first-generation immigrants to the US, few of whom speak English as their first language, have joined the workforce.

    After thinking about it awhile, since I had some time off, I decided to use this past week to take some interviews just to dip my toes in the water and see what else was out there. Almost immediately after speaking to multiple hiring managers, I was promptly scheduled for a series of technical interviews with the different companies. Probably did close to a dozen or so, most of them standard stuff so they went fairly quick and, subsequently, over half of them resulted in an offer. But then came today my last, and final, technical of the week.

    I'll admit I struggle with some accents more than others. But this gentleman's accent was so thick, he may as well have been speaking his mother language. To add to this, we were on the phone, his connection was bad, and I'm 99% certain he had me on speaker phone. I do know that he was in the US. Occasionally I could catch the names of some technologies but definitely didn't understand his questions. Eventually I think he became frustrated and suddenly yelled, "I don't think you know anything!" (or something close to that) Immediately I ended the call, and promptly called the hiring manager who repeatedly apologized.

    TL;DR: Had a bad technical interview with someone who spoke very little English.

    How do you handle those situations? Is there something else I should have done?

    I walked away from the entire thing with a very poor opinion of the man, and their company, which is an American-based (and owned) multi-billion dollar company.

    submitted by /u/y8xi
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    I need to create a "Custom Pizza Builder" on a website. Would like suggestions.

    Posted: 12 Jan 2018 06:42 PM PST

    Something like what Domino's does, for a Pizza restaurant near where i live. Even if it's a bit simpler, but similar functionality.

    I thought about using Draggable JS for the "add your pepperoni and stuff" part but the rest i'll probably have to do it by hand.

    Is there a public library foccused on Pizza builders? Cause all the ones i find seem to be abandoned or dead links.

    If you also would have a suggestion regarding this, please i'd appreciate if you throw them at me. Thank you;

    submitted by /u/hamolive
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    Any good IDEs on Android Tablets? Or workarounds?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2018 05:57 AM PST

    TLDR: Please recommend good IDEs that run on android tablets, or inexpensive workarounds for using a desktop IDE through an android tablet. Extra credit for ones that allow me to seamlessly work from either my windows 10 pc or the tablet as I want via github, Dropbox, Google drive or file storage on a NAS

    I'm working on a project in my spare time whilst being a stay at home dad, and I'd like to spend more time developing per week so that I can get the ball rolling a bit quicker. There are times when I'm looking after my toddler when she's cuddling up on me trying to get sleep /sleeping too lightly to move without waking for 30-60 mins. I'd like to use that time for programming/development rather than redditing/playing games, but my decent pc is a desktop and my laptop is old, slow and the battery doesn't hold charge any more. I'm building an android app at the moment and on desktop I'm using Android Developer Studio but I've also got experience of using notepad++ (when I've done web dev or python scripts in the past) and I've got an old copy of visual studio (from a contract I did in my child free days)

    Workarounds could involve using my tv for display - maybe use the tablet to remote into the pc which I could hook up via hdmi to the TV or something similar

    submitted by /u/PGDesign
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    LSTM in Numpy, how to sample? Also is it actually working?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2018 03:32 PM PST

    After a lot of trial and error the loss in my network is going down but I was hoping someone could help me check if it is in fact working. Also I don't know how to sample from the network to generate characters, git:


    stack: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48235392/lstm-in-numpy-loss-is-going-down-but-is-it-working-also-how-do-i-sample

    submitted by /u/Morninglow
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    What’s your favorite programming app?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2018 02:53 PM PST

    My little sister (bless her) got me an iTunes gift card for Christmas and I don't know what to spend it on. I have Spotify, don't need any movies or podcasts etc, so I figured I would spend it on something useful. Does anyone know of a quality programming app? I'm not necessarily looking for a "learn to code" app, I'm pretty experienced. Even if it's a free app, I'd like to hear about it.

    Edit: looking for a mobile app, iOS specifically.

    submitted by /u/melwop
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    What's the best practice for discarding small, unwanted changes to local files with git?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2018 02:16 PM PST

    I use git to synchonize the two machines that I work on. Every once in a while I'll forget to pull before I begin to look at my code. If I accidentally save, I am then unable to pull without letting git know that I want to overwrite the changes. Usually the modification is incredibly small because it's me being confused as to why my code looks different than I expected.

    What's the best practice for overwriting or discarding these small changes that I don't want, nor do I particularly want there to be a record of them (since it's usually something like "some whitespace was removed")?

    submitted by /u/Siiimo
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    How to send matrices from MATLAB to C?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2018 09:58 AM PST

    I want to generate an nxn matrix in matlab, then do operations on that matrix using C (since it's much faster than matlab), then once the operations have been done, send the matrix back to Matlab so i can use it to write an image. So ideally it should look something like this in pseudocode

    In Matlab: Generate matrix

    In C: Manipulate matrix

    In Matlab: Do more stuff with matrix

    How would I go about making this happen? I know you can run C code in matlab using a C compiler, i just haven't been able to understand how to actually pass the matrix between the two. Thanks for your help!

    submitted by /u/Lelldorin
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    [C#] Cannot use System.Media to implement sound

    Posted: 12 Jan 2018 11:18 AM PST

    I'm trying to make my console play a sound, and I've read that I need System.Media, I've added a reference for PresentationFramework.dll, I've typed using System.Media; but VisualStudio is not recognizing or allowing me to use anything that corresponds to System.Media. Does anyone know what's going on?

    Ps. I'm a bit (very) stupid right now, since this is my first program on C#, I may (most likely) not even know what I'm talking about or if I'm even trying to do the right thing,

    submitted by /u/McFlyPerson
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    How can someone learn Android development if he is out of budget to buy good device

    Posted: 12 Jan 2018 10:57 AM PST

    A friend of mine wants to learn Android development, he is out of budget, can't buy a good device for this.

    Any workaround? Something like online platform?

    submitted by /u/tarekhassan
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    How do I deal with a hardcore Java fanboy?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2018 10:00 AM PST

    So long story short I've had a friend who I've know for about 8 years now and just like me he loves programming. The problem comes around when we try to talk about programing at all, I program in C++, C# and python, while all he has ever used is Java. Every single time I mention a project I'm working on he goes off on a literal half hour long rant about how much better Java is, compared to any other language, which in turn leads to an even longer argument.

    How do I deal with this? Side note:(Also he's a even more hardcore Linux fanboy)

    submitted by /u/Nova_nanite
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    Got a job - need help learning new concepts

    Posted: 12 Jan 2018 05:54 AM PST

    Hi reddit

    I just graduated from university and was able to score a job at a well established programming company after my first interview ever (no idea how job said it required 5 years experience) , however they are very heavily focussed on MVC, .NET ,Jquery and JavaScript and those are not my strengths.

    Would you be able to recommend any resources I could read through or work through to learn about these more in depth? Mvc and. Net especially :)

    submitted by /u/LordNoda
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    VBscript IE Automation

    Posted: 12 Jan 2018 08:15 AM PST

    I need some serious help as I'm stumped.

    The goal of this program is to go to a website, login, browse orders, go the URL of them and download a file in a javascript function.

    The program works for the first link of the list, but anytime after that and i get a 80020101 error, Souce (null) line number 55 (The javascript function I'm calling) <-- This works for the first loop.

    Call Main 'Login To WEBSITE with username and password Function Main 'Create the Internet Explorer VB Object Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set IE = WScript.CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") WshShell.AppActivate "Internet Explorer" IE.Visible = False 'Navigate to the Website IE.Navigate WEBSITE IE.Visible = True Wait IE 'With the Object IE.Document start doing these tasks With IE.Document call Wait (IE) 'Set the username and password in the browser and click on the login button, elements defined on the website .getElementByID("UserName").value = "USERNAME" .getElementByID("Password").value = "PASSWORD" call Wait (IE) .getElementByID("Logon").Click 'Start Navigating Orders dim OrderPage OrderPage = WEBSITE IE.Navigate OrderPage call Wait (IE) 'Set the array size for the links being grabbed and set the counter to 0 dim OrderLink(8) dim OrderCounter OrderCounter=0 'Scan the page for any a href links that has a numeric inner text or where the innertext starts with 179 For Each oElement In .getElementsByTagName("a") If isNumeric(oElement.innerText) or InStr(oElement.innerText,"179-") then OrderLink(OrderCounter)=oElement call Wait (IE) 'wscript.sleep 1000 OrderCounter=OrderCounter+1 End if Next 'Finish looping through the orders page saving links inside of the array 'Reduce the ordercounter link by 1 to reduce the blank array OrderCounter=OrderCounter-1 'Loop through the links array and navigate the order for i=0 to OrderCounter call Wait (IE) IE.Navigate (OrderLink(i)) 'DOWNLOAD THE ORDER call Wait (IE) 'Run the script on the "Create Doc" button get generates the file 'msgbox(IE.Window.Parent) call .parentWindow.execScript ("getFile();", "Javascript") call Wait (IE) 'Wait 5 seconds to ensure the script ran and the file was generated. Save the file with an ALT+S Wscript.Sleep 2000 'Send an ALT+S to save the file WshShell.SendKeys "%+S" call Wait (IE) IE.Navigate OrderPage 'IE.GoBack 'Go back a page and continue on to the next link until done 'on error resume next call Wait (IE) next End With 'Logoff Section ' Wait for IE to stop being busy and logout IE.Navigate WEBSITE LOGOUT call Wait (IE) IE.quit End Function 'Main waiting function for IE Sub Wait(IE) Do Loop While IE.ReadyState <> 4 OR IE.Busy WScript.Sleep 500 End Sub 
    submitted by /u/branran
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    'Index out of range'

    Posted: 12 Jan 2018 06:37 AM PST

    So I'm trying to produce a list or practical numbers, by first identifying whether the number is practical. I put the divisors, and how many times they appear in a list. My issue is that when numbers such as 16 are entered, the divisor is 2 (four times), but the equation I use to identify if its practical requires at least 2 different divisors (p1 and p2, as well as sig1 and sig2), so I just get the error 'Index out of range', now I know why this is happening, what I want to do is if p2 doesn't exists then it defaults it to 1, before the code tries to read a value from the list that isn't there (p2 =pract[1]). Here is my code for reference

    n = 16 i=2 factorL=[] while i<=n: if n%i==0: n = n/i print(n,i) factorL.append(i) elif n%i > 0: i = i+1 pract=[] sig=[] chars=factorL check_string = (factorL) count={} for s in check_string: if s in count: count[s] +=1 print(s) else: count[s]=1 print(s) for key in count: if count[key] >= 1: pract.append(key) sig.append(count[key]) print(key, count[key]) print(pract, sig) #print(pract[0],pract[1]) #print(sig[0],sig[1]) p1 = pract[0] p2 = pract[1] sig1 = sig[0] sig2 = sig[1] #print(p1,sig1,p2,sig2) test = 1+(((p1**(sig1+1))-1)/(p1-1)) if p2<=test: print("Practical") else: print("Not Practical") 

    Many thanks for any help you can provide, and sorry for any silly mistakes!


    submitted by /u/Ragnarok_W
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    Making a Reddit Bot, but want Multiple responses... help

    Posted: 12 Jan 2018 05:40 AM PST

    Below is my code in Python 3 that I'm using for this reddit bot. Everything works prefectly except the bot will only reply to the keywords in the first bracket of 'words_to_look_for' and I want it to look at the other four and respond to comments normally just like it does with the first one. Can anyone help me out?


    submitted by /u/Rubixmaster5567
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    Resources to better understand Web Technologies in depth

    Posted: 12 Jan 2018 01:46 AM PST

    HTML, SGML, XML, DTD, DOM. These are all getting very confusing for me. Is there any resources (Books, blogs, videos etc) which nicely explains how these work, what was their origin, their purpose, how they link to each other?

    submitted by /u/the_confused_idiot
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    Question about Google Apps Script and Service quotas

    Posted: 11 Jan 2018 10:37 PM PST

    I've been writing small scripts in Google Apps Script for a while now but until recently, I used only some basic office services, like Drive or Spreadsheet or Document.

    I have a spreadsheet filled with addresses and recently I tried using the Maps service to find things like distance between two addresses, routes, commutes, etc. But every time I run a script that uses the Maps service, it fails with an "out of quotas" error. I don't think this is correct though because I never used the service before and AFAIK, everyone gets at least a few thousand free quotas per day. Also, I have Google Maps JavaScript API and Google Directions API enabled in my developer console, if that matters.

    Looking for some guidance on how to get around this issue so I can finally get commutes.

    submitted by /u/wirecats
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