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    Wednesday, January 31, 2018

    Big 4 Discussion - January 31, 2018 CS Career Questions

    Big 4 Discussion - January 31, 2018 CS Career Questions

    Big 4 Discussion - January 31, 2018

    Posted: 30 Jan 2018 11:07 PM PST

    Please use this thread to have discussions about the Big 4 and questions related to the Big 4, such as which one offers the best doggy benefits, or how many companies are in the Big 4 really? Posts focusing solely on Big 4 created outside of this thread will probably be removed.

    Abide by the rules, don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted each Sunday and Wednesday at midnight PST. Previous Big 4 Discussion threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Daily Chat Thread - January 31, 2018

    Posted: 30 Jan 2018 11:07 PM PST

    Please use this thread to chat, have casual discussions, and ask casual questions. Moderation will be light, but don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted every day at midnight PST. Previous Daily Chat Threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Depressed college student who barely knows how to code.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2018 07:57 AM PST

    A little about me:

    22 year old junior majoring in CS

    My only CS knowledge is a few classes in Java, where I built simple programs like "polynomial calculators" and "recursion mazes". I don't know Python, C++, C, PHP, or any of the other web languages our there like HTML and CSS

    I'm in a dark cloud of depression. Kids three years younger than me are getting internships in Silicon Valley. Everyone at my college in the CS lounges are in groups, huddled over code. I feel stupid and feel that I'm wasting my time by being here.

    I can't learn on my own. The ONLY thing I am good at is being in school, as the fear of getting bad grades forces me to study the material. My GPA is a 3.96. But from reading the posts here, companies don't give a shit about GPA.

    I don't know what to do at this point. All my free time is spent studying for physics and bio that I'm taking this semester so I have no time to self study.

    I don't know whether I should take a semester off and learn frameworks on my own. I don't know whether I should finish school first and then take some time off to learn frameworks on my own. I don't know if I should just drop out of school altogether as I'm clearly not very good at what I'm studying.

    Help me :(

    submitted by /u/chaotic2h
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    Hella long rant about trying to get a new grad position.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2018 02:31 PM PST

    I worked hard to be able to finish my CS degree a semester early (December 2017 rather than spring 2018). The plan was to accept a job offer, and to be able to travel this spring and start working around May with the rest of the 2018 grads. I don't know if this will happen anymore, because I've been job hunting since September and am now sitting at home in late January with no offer in hand.

    For 3.5 years dozens of people were like "omg you're a girl studying computer science at a top 25 school?! You're gonna have such an easy time finding a job!" But I'm not and I don't really know why. It can't be my resume—because I am getting interviews. Right?

    I've done interviews at places like Snapchat, Khan Academy, Reddit, Youtube, Asana, IndieGogo, Uber, Yelp, and some smaller startups as well. I know the formula is "resume + interview performance"; but I've been getting better at technical interviews as I go along and every single time I've ever submitted a coding test I've passed onto the phone interview stage. Still, every time after I complete a second phone screen or the onsite round I get that unfortunate email.

    I feel like I keep being rejected for not having enough experience, though I've had internships and have some projects listed and online. I admit: I didn't do side projects really, since my coursework was demanding so my big projects were for school (My projects however are fairly large and use common technologies like Java, React, ). And when interviewers ask questions about my internship at a well known tech company, I talk in detail about what I did but honestly my team was a shit show (manager handed me to another team, left the company halfway through) and basically didn't give me shit to do (even though I asked for real projects). Not ideal but there's nothing I can do about it now. I guess I'm not sure whether I should bullshit it to make it sound like I did more, or admit that my team sucked.

    I get it: I barely know anything (which makes sense, I'm a new grad). Now that I have time on my hands I'm trying to work on learning more web development, data science, and databases. But everyone says they just want junior engineers to be quick learners and have problem solving skills. I feel like I demonstrate that and then they decide they actually want a new grad with 2 years of experience. I'm frustrated. Why did I spend so much money and time grinding through a BS degree that required like multi-var calc and linear algebra and 2 physics courses? Would I have been better off doing online courses and bootcamps and side projects for 3 years? Is it really just my performance on Leetcode type questions that's failing me? Or maybe they're like "well she did okay on the interview but actually did nothing at her internship so it's a no"? Or am I only getting these interviews in the first place because they need to say they interviewed a certain number of girls?

    On the positive note: yes, I know I'm not in a bad position in life and I'm lucky to get the opportunity to be considered at these companies. I do have a growth mindset and know that I can/need to work hard to learn and improve and open more doors for myself. But it's like, all these companies are telling me that I am almost good enough but not quite for them. And if I'm able to get onsites at places like Uber and Google, why am I not making it through interviews for less competitive companies? I don't know what this rant will produce. I guess I'd love to hear any thoughts or advice or wisdom or related rants from people with similar experiences. I feel like I did what everyone said would set me up well and then they're like "oh you got to the top of this hill? No you were supposed to be climbing that hill over there this whole time". And it fucking sucks.

    submitted by /u/sharCSstudent
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    Hiring managers - where are you finding people who can't solve fizzbuzz?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2018 08:28 AM PST

    It seems to me like companies are really selective about who they call back. I graduated in December and have sent out about 150 applications since last semester and gotten only a handful of responses which have fizzled out at various stages of the hiring process. I had a 4.0 and 2 semesters of a co-op, but neither the school nor the company are particularly impressive. I don't have a github or any side projects, but I know my data structures and I'm competent enough at coding. It's not like I'm only applying to selective west coast tech giants either, I've been shotgunning resumes across the country.

    But still. I see hiring managers complain on this sub about the people they bring in for onsites literally not being able to solve even the simplest coding challenges. Where are they finding these people? What are these people saying and writing that gets responses? This is a serious question for hiring managers - there had to be something about horrible candidates that made you say, "yeah, let's bring this guy in." What was it? What could somebody who can't even code do that gets their foot in the door?

    This maybe belongs in the rant thread instead, but it's just baffling how hiring managers are sitting down with such unqualified people.

    submitted by /u/ayc667
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    Back to Square One

    Posted: 31 Jan 2018 04:59 PM PST

    It sucks. I got to the final round for the Amazon SDE Internship for this summer yesterday and just got rejected today. I applied to around 60-70 internships in my Fall semester and I got ghosted from most of them. Amazon was my closest shot. But yeah now I am back to square one. I have reapply to a bunch of places again for this summer. I'm currently a junior, and it is my last chance of getting an internship (I failed last year in getting one) and I am running out of time. If I don't get one, then finding a decent Software Engineer job at NYC will be nearly impossible (well, according to this subreddit). I know its not end of the world that I didn't get it, but I feel like I missed a huge opportunity and I am super depressed about it rn. But hey, atleast I learned from all this and masters fail more than beginners, am I right haha. Anyways sorry for that long rant, I don't really have any friends and I thought this was the best place to vent out a bit. And now I have a few questions. Can someone look at my resume and tell me what I am doing wrong? https://imgur.com/5MWmukp I know its lacking A LOT, but I don't really know how to improve it. Also is there a list of places I can apply to thats still open and willing to hire people like me for this summer at NYC (or around it)? And if I don't get an internship, can I still make good self projects this summer as substitute for my Full Time Search? Thank you so much for reading my post and have a nice day :)

    submitted by /u/StrugglingNYUStudent
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    Zero to 100 real quick

    Posted: 31 Jan 2018 06:20 PM PST

    I'm a senior graduating this upcoming Fall, and although I've never done an internship before, last semester I was lucky enough to get summer internship offers from GOOG, MSFT, and Bloomberg. Looking back, the things that got me the interviews despite having no experience were personal projects and a high GPA. Also I think having a link to a personal website at the top of the resume helps a lot. Where there's a will, there's a way! Keep at it friends.

    submitted by /u/MajorKek
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    Should I turn down a raise and a cash bonus from a company I know I am going to leave in a month?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2018 05:48 AM PST

    I've worked here for a little more than a year. I'm going to leave in a month and I absolutely need these last few paychecks (I plan on taking some time to pursue self employment options, and I need the slush fund), so I haven't risked announcing my departure too far in advance.

    That being said, I need some 3rd party perspective. I had asked for a raise, they finally got back to me, and it wasn't the amount I needed. I thanked the CEO sincerely and that was the end of the conversation.

    What is appropriate here? They obviously are extending this money in an effort to retain me, so perhaps accepting it would be somewhat of a false pretense? Or perhaps I'm over thinking it.
    That money would be rather invaluable to me, so if this is an expected part of professional transactions, I'd like to consider that in my decision.

    submitted by /u/ExodusImpending
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    I find it difficult to collaborate on code with others :(

    Posted: 31 Jan 2018 07:16 PM PST

    I'm at uni right now and I've done several hackathons with other students that are at/below/above my education level and every single time, I find that I can't work with them. Usually I end up taking the lead and end up doing everything (planning, designing, front-end, and back-end). Here's an example of the most recent hackathon I attended.

    I gather with a group of people I've worked with before. Most of these people have good grades and pass all their programming assignments (shit.. I have a terrible GPA and I just realized that's not a good indicator on programming ability). A month in advance, we take it upon ourself to focus on/study one language, research possible outlets, and meet up frequently to give updates.

    A week before the hackathon we talk about ideas. No one pitches any so I do and it get's picked up. I make it clear nothing has been actually fleshed out so we ALL talk about features we will implement and how they will be implemented. Everyone feels good, we each get our roles.

    The day of the hackathon comes and I realize no one knows how to use GitHub (red flag number one, we're all seniors!). Then I realize no one actually knows how to code in javascript (even though we learned it together). Alright then, we rearrange roles and I end up doing all the backend stuff. Then the design person who's sole job is to design a general layout (no coding at all! and they volunteered for this!) fails at doing that. Literally telling me that they can only give ideas, but not actually design the damn thing. Turns out HTML/CSS person doesn't really know HTML or CSS. Then, the one person who actually took and aced the computer graphics class pulls me aside to tell me they can't do it.

    Well fuck me. I give each person a peptalk, doesn't work, so I end up taking all the roles and coding everything by myself while three people stand behind my shoulder and point out when I miss a semi-colon.

    This is a 24 hour hackathon. They sleep, I don't. I get everything up and running just in the nick of time. I ask them to handle the presentation (which I had to make myself). We get a third place consideration for one of the competitions. After the competition, I say I'm going to keep working on this. One person has the nerve to say that we should meet up to work on the project that we made TOGETHER. I feel like losing my shit.

    What did I do wrong? Did I set my expectations too high? I don't think I forced my idea on everyone. I also didn't want to be lead. It just so happened because no one else had any ideas/input to contribute. I ended up taking lead for this even though I tried to push everyone to work together and study together and come up with ideas that we could all do together. None of that happened.

    This is not the first time it happened either. I've done multiple hackathons that end up with this scenario (not exactly using this process). I thought the whole planning a month in advance would be great (it was helpful to me but seemed to have no impact on everyone else).

    I really just want to hear some outside perspective on how I can do things better so that next time, it won't be like this.

    Edit: Re-reading this, I feel like I might need to be more cut-throat with who I work with. The thing is, it's so hard to find the right person! I really need to learn how to collaborate with others, because it's literally my biggest weakness.

    Edit edit: I'd just like to add that this isn't just restricted to hackathons. This also happens with school projects, research internships, side projects, you name. I've only ever had one person who I collaborated with, but sadly I won't be able to keep working with them anymore (I'll be a fifth year and they're graduating).

    submitted by /u/doodlemissy
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    Got my first internship offer but it's 16 months

    Posted: 31 Jan 2018 10:02 AM PST

    I'll be turning 29 this year and this would delay my graduation date. The internship is with IBM. Would it be a good idea to take it or just focus on getting my degree finished asap?

    submitted by /u/fruitchaat
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    Curious about Workday's reputation in the tech industry

    Posted: 31 Jan 2018 04:24 PM PST

    Most people see it as mediocre HR software. But it's also a successful post-IPO Silicon Valley SaaS company.

    Does Workday have a strong engineering reputation? Is it well known enough as a brand name to other employers?

    submitted by /u/a097
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    What to do in your first day/first week/ first month as a new grad/new full time role?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2018 10:15 AM PST

    Hey all i have quite a bit of time before i start my full time job after graduation i was wondering what do you recommend to do during the first day/week/month?

    Do you guys have a check list?

    Obviously being setup in version control, having the necessary hardware should all be done in the first week (first day if possible) but what can you do on your part? Set up weekly checkins with your boss? Weekly checkins with your boss's boss?


    submitted by /u/ynot269
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    How do I get a fall internship?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2018 10:59 AM PST

    Do companies like Amazon, Twitter, Lyft, etc. open up applications for fall internships? I want one after this summer but already accepted / denied offers and didn't move any :(

    submitted by /u/athrowawayforposts
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    Algo Probs with Design Element

    Posted: 31 Jan 2018 05:45 PM PST

    So I'm noticing a trend in interviews: It seems like a lot of coding problems (on-site and tech screen) involve design elements. For example, design a temp tracker that holds a sliding window of the past 24 hours of temps taken every second. The class has a function getAvg() and getMax(). You need to deal with the case where the previous max gets slid out of the window. So you should use a heap.

    Or another example, design a router that can register static and dynamic routes - e.g. has functions like this:

    testRouter.addRoute('/user/home', functionToBeCalled) testRouter.route('/user/home') // calls functionToBeCalled testRouter.addRoute('/user/:john', fn) testRouter.route('/user/john') // calls fn testRouter.route('/user/james') // calls fn

    So the class should use map for static routes and tree for dynamic routes (':' indicates dynamic variable in path).

    I want to practice these types of problems where you need to choose the best DS to accomplish task, but it seems like most LC questions require you to use a specific algorithm technique (DP, two pointers, etc.) and deal with doing things to a single DS (like flatten/sort a linked list or is a binary tree symmetric, etc.) Except for the occasional LC question that has a design element to it (canonical design an LRU cache), I don't know where to really find those types of problems to practice.

    TLDR: Does anyone know of a source for design-type algo problems that require using data structures in practical way?

    submitted by /u/throw_up_up_and_aw4y
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    Magic Leap

    Posted: 31 Jan 2018 08:34 AM PST

    Has anyone had any experience with interviewing for Magic Leap, be it internship or full-time. I recently was asked to interview, but didn't know anyone who worked there. Wondering what their process is like and how you felt about it.

    submitted by /u/RandInt01
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    Reaching Out to Engineer After Already Applying

    Posted: 31 Jan 2018 04:35 PM PST

    5 months ago, I applied to a company and got rejected after the final interview. The same company has an opening for an associate iOS engineer (a different role that I had applied to), and I applied for the position last week.

    I am thinking about reaching out to one of the engineers that helped me throughout the interview process the first time around, but I'm not too sure how to reach out. I don't know how to phrase asking the engineer to forward my resume to HR, since I've already applied.

    If anyone can help me out with what to say, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/bigburlyboy
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    Needing an LLC to get paid?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2018 04:02 PM PST

    Hey all, a potential client would like my buddy to build an iOS app for them and are under the impression that they have to form an LLC in order to pay him. Is this true? I told him to look to see if PayPal invoices can do person to person payments.

    submitted by /u/blackkeys7
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    Advice deciding between Lockheed Martin vs. IBM first full-time position

    Posted: 31 Jan 2018 10:42 AM PST

    Thank you to all the threads before this one, I've read so many over the past year.

    Background: CS Major, no-name university, 3 internships under my belt, about to graduate.

    I've been presented with a job offer from IBM to work on their blockchain team (Not using hyperledger, using Go language). Job title would be Application Developer.

    The issue is I've been an intern for the past 8 months at Lockheed Martin (doing boring work in a team I wouldn't want to stay in) but have been able to build a network of coworkers. These connections have led to an offer for a data scientist position inside Lockheed Martin. Data team mentioned they use Machine Learning algorithms to forecast ordering of different parts for aircraft, pretty interesting. The issue is there isn't much software development in this role (not surprising since they deal with data all day). Mainly analyzing/cleaning data sets which I see is pretty common for data scientists. Mentioned they'd really like to develop a front-end for all of this data which I see myself being assigned to do.

    The reason I'm torn is because both positions are very interesting to me, but what do you think the landscape of these positions will look like in 5 years? Will blockchain technology not take off? Will I pigeon-hole myself by not doing much software development in the data science role? I have another offer potentially with another team at LM that does a lot more software development but it's more involved in the military, something I'm not a huge fan of morally. These are questions I would really appreciate any insight into.

    Category IBM Lockheed Martin
    Role Application Developer Data Scientist
    1-way Commute 45 mins 21 mins
    Technologies Used Go, SQL Python, R, Tableu, SQL, Oracle
    Compensation Upper 80s Upper 80s

    A big thing is commute time, at 1.5 hours round-trip for IBM it would be quite a toll on my car. I will be moving in a few months reducing this commute time down to just 25 mins each way. (IBM's new policy isn't a fan of working from home unfortunately).

    I have dreams of working for one of the Big 4 someday, after already having Lockheed on my resume (since I've been an intern) would it make more sense to do IBM? I feel like it carries more weight in the job market no matter how much reddit likes to bash it. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/throwawayfaraw20
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    How to negotiate (specific scenario)

    Posted: 31 Jan 2018 07:18 PM PST

    Hey all,

    So I'm posting this question for my girlfriend who needs my advice on how to proceed with a company as a entry Level software Engineer and their offer. So to give a little background about her, she is graduating this semester and has received an offer in TX about 5 hours from Dallas. She has a good GitHub/side projects but no internships because her student Visa is processing slow due to the new admin in Washington? Never had a job/work experience to focus on academics. After applying, they had a brief phone interview and the guy touched on salary and offered her 35k starting. Claiming that they normally offer lower but her 3.7 Gpa qualified her for better starting salary. Which I think is ridiculously low for a Bachelors. They told her that most people get a salary bump after about a month and they continue, however, I feel that this is at the discretion of hr/manager and possibly will never come. She says she basically agreed to the salary because she was caught off guard(lack of confidence). I started doing more research and noticed the cost of living in said city compared to Dallas is the exact same, but the salary difference is almost double what they are offering for entry level devs. Is there anyway of negotiating at this point after comparing cost of living? I don't think it is acceptable to take this offer. Should she attempt to negotiate or just leave the offer and continue to apply?

    submitted by /u/FurryCoconut
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    Would distance to company affect my chances of getting a summer internship?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2018 10:28 AM PST

    Hello! I have been applying to countless summer internships almost exclusively outside of my state, and despite having a decent GPA, job history, and large projects that I have organized and worked on (Github), I have only heard back from one position and did not get a call back after a second round of testing.

    I have had professional help with my resume and cover letter writing through my university career center, and don't believe my issues hearing back from companies are because of my CV or writing, and I'm starting to wonder if my location (DFW area Texas) is hurting my impression to recruiters (big and small) companies in California, NY, Austin, etc, which have great CS schools and lots of undergrads applying for the same internships.

    I have started applying to more positions in my area in case I don't hear back from internships further away, but would really like to get out of my current city and live somewhere new and on my own this summer. Is this goal reasonable, or should I settle for a position closer to home?

    submitted by /u/amarc_
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    How much should a midlevel engineer get paid?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2018 07:06 PM PST

    That is, not a junior nor a senior.

    submitted by /u/JuggleYoungManJuggle
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    Current state of the Vancouver tech job market

    Posted: 31 Jan 2018 06:59 PM PST

    I have been looking for local web app developer jobs on the most popular job boards , but I only found a few new postings every day. There are a few or no new postings each day on CraigsList.

    Is this the normal state of the local tech job market? Where is the "tech boom" mentioned in news articles every so often?

    submitted by /u/CommentFizz
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    How To Prepare For Timed Coding Test

    Posted: 31 Jan 2018 06:52 PM PST

    Hey guys. I'm a recent graduate with a degree in computer engineering on the computer science track. Basically, I'm a computer scientist who took a few electrical engineering classes. I feel that I'm able to read code well and understand the concepts but I do lack in the amount of time it sometimes takes.

    Recently, I interview for a job and was told that my code review over the coding test was not strong. It wasn't much of a shook to me as I kinda ran out of time and wasn't able to preform my best. The coding test was 4 smallish programs in an hour. Had I had like 15-30 more minutes I would of done much better.

    What are some practical ways to practice entry level coding challenges within a time constrain? Or any other advice to getting a software development job?

    submitted by /u/moneybags137
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    Leaving a Career in Medicine for CS/SWE

    Posted: 31 Jan 2018 06:32 PM PST

    Hello everyone,

    I am 29 and a soon-to-be medical school graduate who is not enjoying the culture of medicine and the type of work it entails (wherein you memorize a huge amount of rote information and apply it ad nauseam in 20-40 discrete episodes a day, i.e. assembly-line medicine, for an entire career). I also find myself not very resilient to the compassion fatigue and sleep deprivation involved, or the moral distress that doctors have to deal with daily from all the perverse incentives in corporate medicine. It got to the point where I sat down and considered what else I might do with my life. Here's why I landed on the CS/software route:

    • In high school I took a C++ class, and it still stands out as my favorite class, probably even counting undergrad. For the final project I put together a 5-card draw poker game for multiple players, and had a perfect score on the final exam. I still remember the teacher being super impressed and saying I was the only one to do that since he'd been teaching the class. My mom recognized the opportunity here and enrolled me in a Javascript course online. Unfortunately I blew it off as I had also just discovered both Halo and my first girlfriend.
    • I've always liked technology and have wished I spent more time when I was younger understanding it better-- it feels like I have little understanding of the universe of stuff that basically runs the world around me.
    • As part of my medical research projects I learned to use software called SAS to run statistical analyses on large datasets and write up manuscripts. I really liked working with new software and learning its syntax, as well as thinking logically to ask and answer scientific questions. I enjoyed the process of "building" a "product" in this sense. I also like the logic of statistical analysis and the rules involved.
    • I'm an extremely analytical guy who enjoys looking for possibilities and constantly building on my understanding of things. I've realized that a career that demands constant learning and "upskilling" is an absolute must for me or I'll get bored. Believe it or not, from what I've seen medicine becomes incredibly repetitive and stagnant once you finish training in your subspecialty.
    • I like my alone time to get in the "zone", but also have a need to work with a team toward a common goal.
    • I'd like a good work/life balance, and devs/engineers seem to be near the top of the pack in this regard, at least among well-paying careers.
    • I enjoy the apparent meritocracy of the developer world, where your ability and work output seems to mostly speak for itself. In medicine there's so much BSing and sucking up to a**holes just to survive and advance.
    • I've got a couple good friends in the field, one of whom has moved into machine learning and the other working at Google. They both are fairly enthusiastic about what they do and I've liked talking about it with them. I even think I may want to transition into ML (maybe in healthcare even) at some point-- in medicine I've had a lot of exposure to the concepts and the basics are somewhat intuitive since I've done lots of regression modeling, etc.

    To investigate more, I've done a few intro tutorials in C# and Javascript. I've breezed through 30 or so hours of stuff, and concepts like for loops, conditionals, arrays, etc have come back to me no problem. I heard in passing that seeing if you can grasp certain concepts is a decent indicator of whether you have the logical skills to become a good programmer- so I've read a bit about closures, recursion, currying,etc. I recognize that it takes time to really master these things, but on first pass it all feels fairly intuitive. I've also started CS50 and love it so far.

    If I really want to do this, I think the game plan would be some months of self-learning, attending a good bootcamp, and probably working on a part-time masters down the line once I land a job and find my sea legs. Just a couple things weighing on me that I hope I can get some feedback on from the community here: How much of an oddity would I seem if I tried to make this jump? Would I have any barriers to being taken seriously? I know a lot of people get into coding to make a better life for themselves and pull themselves up from a dead-end job or crappy salary, and by comparison I would be essentially tossing a lucrative, prestigious career that I've already worked hard to obtain. Believe me there are a lot of very good reasons for someone to get out of medicine, and I think I may be a much better fit for CS/SWE. I just wonder if I would come across as a flake by default. I know many would say that if I'm interested in a career in tech, etc, I should just complete medical training and be a consultant or something on the side. But my reasoning is that I want to build a lifelong career around a core skillset that I enjoy, not around the letters after my name.

    Any honest feedback and reactions to my situation and ideas would be greatly appreciated! I know the obvious thing is to tell me that on paper it's kind of insane to drop a medical career to be a coder, so if that's your impression please try to supplement it with some actual advice =)

    submitted by /u/exploremd
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    Is it normal for employers to increase working hours and reduce sick days with no pay increase?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2018 07:13 AM PST

    My employer sent an email last Friday right before end of day saying our working hours are increasing from 37.5 a week to 40 a week, and they're reducing our sick/discretionary days by half. This is at no extra pay whatsoever. When I started I was also told we'd be getting yearly raises, and I don't think that's happening anymore either.

    On top of all this I think I'm getting severely underpaid, at $45k Canadian a year on salary. I work on sites that sell for sometimes millions of dollars, and some lesser projects I do basically entirely on my own, and those can sell for 30k plus.

    Finding a new job isn't an option because I plan to go back to school at the end of this year, and can't leave yet because I need the money.

    I know at least two other people are pissed off about these changes, and I assume more are.

    Is there anything I can do? Is this normal? Do I just have to comply?

    Another question I have is, is it normal to request to have these things written in the employment offer so the company can't change them later? I feel like now I have to ask for this to be done to every new employer, which might be off-putting to some.

    I asked this on r/webdev but recently I found this subreddit, which seems much more relevant and might have more people with this experience or more advice.

    Thanks for any help

    submitted by /u/GodsGunman
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    Morgan Stanley Technology Analyst Internship

    Posted: 31 Jan 2018 02:39 PM PST

    I got an internship offer from Morgan Stanley. I want to do software engineering when I graduate. I would like to do this internship because of the city it is located in and the experience seems like it would be fun.

    What is the perception of the "technology analyst" title at banks like Goldman, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, etc? Do the big silicon valley companies respect it as valuable experience? I'm worried that since the title isn't "Software Engineer Intern" and it is in the finance sector, a lot of recruiters will think it is not relevant experience. Where do they rank in terms of prestige?

    submitted by /u/Decisions1234
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