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    Saturday, December 2, 2017

    Finished a bachelor's degree in CS, looking for information about software architecture. learn programming

    Finished a bachelor's degree in CS, looking for information about software architecture. learn programming

    Finished a bachelor's degree in CS, looking for information about software architecture.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 07:06 AM PST

    I recently finished a bachelor's degree in computer science, but an area sorely missing from my courses was software architecture (We didn't really spend much time at all on planning and design, unfortunately).

    I know about the main design patterns, but I have no clue about how to properly build large software.

    I feel like this is an important skill to have for a young developer, so I'm looking for books focusing on how to handle larger projects, how to organize code, which architecture patterns exist, etc.

    Assignments usually didn't care much for code organization, passed using a few imposed design patterns for some stuff. As a result, my software is usually a bit chaotic.

    During an internship at a factory for a major aircraft tire company, I just basically adopted their architecture after studying one of their projects for a day or two (It had Java EE concepts I was not familiar with, due to being more of a Python developer). It was a 3-layer design, with models, business logic and views (I understood it as kind of a modified MVC), which generally worked, but I still don't see how or why I'd apply that compared to another architecture.

    While I can grasp some stuff instinctively, like splitting the software into smaller modules, I fail to see when to apply it versus something else (I've often seen open source projects organized in a very different way) and what that something else would even be.

    My more complex designs usually amount to a combination of design patterns and I'd like to go beyond the obvious and really learn about architecture to apply it in my work, especially as I'm going to enter the workforce after I complete an Android project in January.

    Any book/article recommendation on how to write more complex software, which architectures exist and what patterns exist for architecture/how to choose them would be welcome.

    tl;dr: Did a bachelor's degree in CS, have no idea how to organize bigger projects, which architectures to choose or even which architecture patterns exist. I am going to enter the workforce soon and would like books/articles to learn all about that (For example, how to organize a project that would have plugins ? Why use a multilayered architecture ? That kind of stuff.)

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/MrTimscampi
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    Should I learn Python or Javascript?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 07:01 PM PST

    I want to do an internship this summer(if I ever get on) and I'm wondering what other languages I should learn( Already know Java). I think it's between Python and Javascript. Which one would be better to learn first?

    edit: Thanks for all the responses

    submitted by /u/icon99
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    Whenever I try and teach myself a new skill I fall off the bandwagon after a couple of months, if not earlier. How do I stay motivated if I take the plunge with programming?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 11:52 PM PST

    I desperately need to upskill. I have a disability that limits my mobility and to an extent the amount of mental work I can do in a given day. I'm currently studying (unrelated field) and don't have space in my degree for electives in computer science.

    In-person short courses aren't suitable for me as they aren't really offered in my area, and even if they were it would be really hard for me to get there because of my health.

    Essentially my problem is that I get bored and frustrated easily when there are things I want to do and my lack of skill gets in the way... and so I find myself doing the things that I'm already good at instead of dedicating my time to working on the bad skills.

    Anyway. So pretty much I just wanted some advice on where to start and how to stay motivated - it's something I've wanted to do for a while, but every time I find motivation I lose it again. Are there online courses that you can take at your own pace that you guys would recommend? Or are books a better option? Is trying to learn one language in a year a manageable goal? Thinking about making it a New Years resolution but don't really know where to start, and I know if I don't have some sort of structure/self-accountability I'll give up really quick.

    (I'm also fully aware that the way I think about my lack of skill here is a problem, in that I feel as though I "missed the boat" and went through the education system before coding classes were a thing and that it's going to be impossible to "catch up" so to speak. So any encouragement would also be cool. Logically I know it's never too late but it's an intimidating goal right now!)

    submitted by /u/obstreperosity
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    [Python] Some trouble retrieving data from a list

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 11:57 PM PST

    Hello everyone, I'm having trouble with a list...

    [{"useless": "0.000", "fruit": "Banana", "Qty": "3"}, {"useless": "0.000", "fruit": "Apple", "Qty": "1"}, {"useless": "0.000", "fruit": "Pear", "Qty": "14"}]

    That's the list that I get, I want to be able to know the Qty of a specific fruit. Also the list is dynamic and changes over time (Qties and also fruit order). Someone told me it was basic Python parsing... but couldn't find a way to work with only that.

    It is sometime hard to find a solution as being new to programming I don't know exactly how to call what I'm looking for. Also, sorry if that is a basic newbie question.

    Thanks a lot :)

    submitted by /u/thaodehx
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    Finished my CS degree more than a year ago (graduated in July) and I can't find a job in IT as a software developer/engineer, what am I doing wrong?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 03:20 PM PST

    At university I studied C and C++ in my first year, software engineering,computer networking part 1 and other modules. In my second year I studied Java, human computer and interactions, hardware architecture and other modules. In my last year I studied image analysis, data mining, computer networking part 2, other modules and my final year dissertation. I am doing a part time job while looking for an IT job on my days off. I had a couple of job interviews but I haven't managed to pass any of the interviews. I think I am lacking confidence and professional work experience, how do I gain work experience if no company is willing to hire me? I am currently reading programming books to broaden my knowledge and looking into github (but to be honest github is very confusing if you're not an expert programmer). I also have artistic talent (posted my drawings on deviantart) so I'm also thinking of becoming a web developer.How do i gain work experience as a web developer? Help offer my services to help people build websites? Build as many websites as I can in my spare time?

    submitted by /u/coud
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    Why isn't the unity physics engine deterministic?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 07:23 PM PST

    So, I was playing this wonderful game that came out of the xkcd game jam and I noticed that the same inputs didn't always produce the same results.
    This was explained by saying that unity physics wasn't deterministic and I was just wondering exactly what the engine was doing wrong?
    Is it not a pretty straight forward thing to make it deterministic?
    I realize Unity's not open source but does anyone have an educated guess as to why it might be this way?
    Or if you have a lot of experience programming realtime simulations, what are some of the problems one encounters trying to get the same output from the same input every time?

    thanks! have a good evening, y'all!

    submitted by /u/kraken_calamari
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    Resources for a struggling CS student

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 07:07 AM PST

    Hey guys, I recently had a classmate approach me and ask me for help with CS class. She is a freshman and is struggling with C++ and programming concepts in general. I was told that any time she approached her professor for help, he said that she wasn't cut out for programming and refused to help her. I don't really know what to recommend for her because she seems to have trouble with basic concepts like arrays and control flow. Unfortunately, even the tutoring lab refuses to help her because they expect her to know the basics. I feel very bad for her and need your help with resources or steps that would suit a beginner that is struggling. Any resources I'm aware of move quickly or are pretty difficult

    submitted by /u/bishoy123
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    How long does it take to make a "proper" webpage? Both in terms of time needed to make and time needed to study?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2017 12:15 AM PST

    In order to make a "proper" website (by proper, I mean that the website should look professional, as if somebody had paid a firm to make it, and not something a kid cooked up with php in a basement in 2 days), how much time needs to be devoted to studying, and how much time would it then take to actually make the website itself?

    With respect to studying, I think you need to learn HTML, CSS, Javascript, and then a server-side development framework (say Python + Django, or php). Assuming one is already a competent programmer, these 4 languages could probably be learned to a reasonable degree in under a month (1 week for HTML/CSS, 1.5 weeks for Javascript, 1.5 weeks for Python). But how much extra time needs to be devoted to studying these languages so that one is actually capable of creating proper websites?

    With respect to actually making the website, how many lines of code need to be written, and how much would they take to write on average? Obviously it depends on the type of website, so let's imagine something like a company's website, which has 5 subpages (Front page with news and stuff, a page with information about company, two pages with two types of products, and a Contact-page).

    What are we talking with respect to time spent coding here full-time? How many weeks? Months?

    submitted by /u/Jin555555
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    Building on one computer, running on another

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 08:03 PM PST

    Let's clear this up, my 2011 Macbook Pro cannot run Vulkan. Apple won't allow it, they want their Metal to be used. Some smart people decided to make MoltenVK, a Vulkan implementation based on Metal (or at least I think), but that doesn't work because only 2012 Macbook Pros support Metal at all. Bootcamp is also a dead end, the drivers that work for my Mac only allow OpenGL 4.5 and DX12 to run, but not Vulkan. But, I still want to program in Vulkan anyway. I've finished the official programming guide, and I would like to test out what I've learned, and I do have a rig that can run Vulkan. The only problem is that the rig isn't very portable.

    Now, since I've given up hope that my Macbook will ever run Vulkan, it's time to set it up on my rig at home. The problem is that I just like programming on my Macbook as it's portable and easy to use, but it doesn't have the features required to run my program strait on my Mac. Instead, I want to code (and optionally build) my application on my Macbook, send it over to my run rig, run it there and see my outputs back on my Mac so I can still play around with Vulkan with the portability of a laptop. How the heck am I supposed to do that?

    The only ideas I've come up with so far are long strings of applications, like: Create with CLion (or whatever IDE w/ CMake) -> Git Commit -> Git Push to Github -> VNC Viewer into Desktop Computer -> Run Batch Script that... -> Pulls the Changes to a Local Rep. -> Builds w/ CMake and -> Finally, runs the application. There needs to be a simpler way. I hope others have stumbled on similar problems, maybe in different situations. If you have any extra wisdom you can share to help me out, it would be great.

    submitted by /u/desgroup
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    I am learning Binary Search Trees and I don't know how to make a pointer to the other nodes

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 11:44 PM PST

    Thise is the code. I am trying to make a pointer on another binary search tree to the ones that I input. I introduce 2 ,3 that have the childs NULL and I make another parent that has the root 2+3 and the childs 2,3.

    submitted by /u/Ionnier
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    Noob question about copying codes for a new business.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 11:43 PM PST


    I started learning programing and I have noob a question. Read a lot about googleing codes and solutions and whatnot, don't know much about front-end/back-end, but i guess that will be in the answer.:D

    Q:Is it possible to copy the code of a site change a few things and start the same business? Like copy a chess site, change the UI and a few things to accomodate go and start a go site like that?

    Is this being done? Is this illegal? Can you just buy the code of a site and use it like this? Building everything from scratch seems harder...

    Thanks in advance!

    TL,DR: Legality/practice of copying site codes, and changing the service so you won't really become a business threat. Is this being done?

    submitted by /u/Essalator
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    How do I access the contents of a submission using PRAW?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 11:33 PM PST

    I'm making a bot using praw, but I am not able to access the contents of a post submitted to any subreddit. The maximum that I am able to access is the name of the post or the submission id.

    submitted by /u/jontargaeryan
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    Can someone give an EL15 of the git command "git push -u origin master"?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 05:23 PM PST

    Want some clarification

    submitted by /u/ItsComingHomeLads
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    (Artificial Intelligence + Machine Learning) or Software Engineering II & III

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 11:12 PM PST


    So for my final year of college (next school year), I have the option to either take AI + ML or 2 Software Engineering Courses. I currently want to go into Backend SE or Fullstack SE after graduation, so I feel those Software Engineering courses would help a ton (I hope) to prepare me better. But, all I hear about is AI or ML being the hottest thing and how it's revolutionizing many spaces (medical, business, etc). So I guess my question is, would you weigh AI+ML courses over SE courses? Is it something I should know coming out of college now? Pros and cons of taking those classes?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/ReignNFire
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    Any Coding Dojo graduates here? Would appreciate your feedback!

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 10:57 PM PST

    Thinking of taking the online program that covers 2 full stacks. Also have a few questions wondering if anyone graduated from Coding Dojo could help me out :)

    submitted by /u/rohamisamazing
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    Oracle Training Institute in Alwar

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 10:35 PM PST

    Manav Classes is the ideal Oracle training institute in Alwar with 100% placement support. Here we have providing different training courses such as core java, advanced java, PHP and .Net

    submitted by /u/classesmanav
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    How do reverse image programs and apps work?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 10:21 PM PST

    I just wanted to know how the technology scans an image and then searches for a similar one on the web?

    submitted by /u/TrickedFaith
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    C++, How to use pthreads to generate numbers

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 06:14 PM PST

    C++ pthread generate numbers: How would two threads generating 10 numbers each, look like? I can already generate random numbers into arrays and print them out. My only concern is how would you code two pthreads. The problem is my textbook has no examples and we don't cover them enough in class. The project I'm doing involves simulating a data center with 10 generators and several servers using semaphores. But I won't get anywhere if I cant figure the simple stuff first. This is a far as I have:


    include <pthread.h  

    include <stdio.h  

    include <stdlib.h  

    pthread_t pid, cid;  

    int myarray1[10], myarray2[10];


    print random array( myarray, min, max) {  

    randNum = rand() % (max-min +1) + min;  

    loop, myarray[i] = randNum;  

    loop, myarray[i] Print myarray1 & 2;  



    void *Bob(void *arg) {  

    print_random_array(myarray1, 10, 1);  



    void *Jill(void *arg) {  

    print_random_array(myarray2, 20, 11);  



    int main(){  

    pthread_create(&pid, &attr, Bob, NULL);  

    pthread_create(&cid, &attr, Jill, NULL);  

    pthread_join(pid, NULL);  

    pthread_join(cid, NULL);  

    return 0;  


    submitted by /u/HealedWolf
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    C/C++ in 3 weeks

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 09:49 PM PST

    I'm am planning to take a C/C++ course this winter and it is 3 weeks long. Will I gain much from this condensed course? I am a quick learner, but unsure if this is too short. Do you suggest I take a full quarter of C/C++ or is this sufficient time to learn the fundamentals of the language?

    submitted by /u/priscilla_montoya
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    Namespaces C#

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 09:49 PM PST

    What are they and for what are they useful

    submitted by /u/manolesparta
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    C++ data structure, hashing STL question

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 03:51 PM PST

    I am coding a project that solves a word ladder. Basically my implementation works like this: it will use an adjacency list created from a dictionary by taking each word, and creating a has based on permutations of that word. For instance, cat, would create the permutations, cat, *at, cat, ct, cat, ca, cat, ca, ct, and ca. So those would then be hashed, and then cat would be inserted into the buckets that the permutations hash to. I don't know what type of data structure I should use to hold the buckets, which would just be vectors. Any help is greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/OperationCorporation
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    Need help understanding syntax in this hash function

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 04:46 PM PST

    unsigned long hash_word(const char *to_hash) { unsigned long hash = 5381; int c; while ((c = *to_hash++)) { hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + c; } return hash; } 

    I understand this is a working djb2 hash function, I used it in my CS50 Pset 5 Solution, but what I don't get is how the while loop condition works, can someone explain this in psuedocode? How is c being modified? How are you adding (++) to a character string? What is the condition that the while loop is checking?

    submitted by /u/DrJimmyRustler
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    [Python] Argument Unpacking

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 08:24 PM PST

    Suppose you have a string:

    intro = '{verb} me {name}.' 

    And suppose you would like to format said string using a key-value mapping, like a dict or any of its subclasses. So you write:

    greet_verb = { 'verb': 'Call', } 

    You want to preformat the string for performance, right?

    greeting = intro.format(**greet_verb) 

    You have recently learned of the python ** [unpacking syntactic sugar][unpacking] and it seems to do what you want.

    str.format(), however, requires all format values to be defined. Such is the life of a programmer. Therefore, you write a subclass of dict to handle the missing keys.

    class MissDict(dict): def __missing__(self, key): return '{%s}' % key 

    And you dutifully check that retrieving nonexistent keys returns a proper format (disregarding other more advanced features).

    >>> test_miss = MissDict(verb='Call') >>> test_miss['verb'] 'Call' >>> test_miss['name'] '{name}' 

    And then can use your bespoke class for the formatting of the string. Right?

    >>> miss_greet_verb = MissDict(verb='Call') >>> greeting = intro.format(**miss_greet_verb) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> KeyError: 'name' 

    And so you learn that the python keyword splat operator (**kwargs) does not work like a normal subscript access.

    Reading the documentation for the function syntax in python yields pertinent information regarding its behavior.

    If the form "**identifier" is present, it is initialized to a new ordered mapping receiving any excess keyword arguments, defaulting to a new empty mapping of the same type.

    And you understand why it does what it does vis-a-vis mappings, but what you do not understand is why it was written in that way. So why would it behave as such?

    submitted by /u/_hg
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    Trouble with concatenating strings in C

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 04:37 PM PST

    I'm working on some homework right now and am having particular difficulty using strcopy and strcat to build into an allocated char pointer.

    I do have and extra byte for the final null terminator, but I'm building it in pieces. Valgrind keeps saying there are invalid read/writes of size 1. Do I need to account for the null terminators on each of the concatenated "pieces", maybe? I'm lost.

    //allocate memory for desired length of car graphic char* car = malloc((MAX_CAR_LEN + 1)) const char* back = "~O="; const char* body = "-"; const char* front = "o>"; strcpy(car, back); //name is a string of length between 1 and 6 strcat(car, name); size_t length = strlen(car); //append as many body pieces as needed to fill out middle while(length < MAX_CAR_LEN - FRONT_LEN) { strcat(car, body); } //append front of car strcat(car, front); 

    I tried calculating the number of total null terminators it would be and adding that instead of a flat one, but it had the same result.

    submitted by /u/14bux
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    How can I develop Firefox Quantum extensions/add-ons?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 08:18 PM PST

    Hey guys, I'm wondering what would be the best way to develop Firefox quantum addons/extensions? There's an old one that I used a lot that hasn't been updated in years and I'd like to create something similar to it for FF57.

    Basically, this is what I'm trying to do :
    When you right click a page, there's an option in the menu to create a fullscreen slideshow of every image (over x size so that it doesn't include small logos and such) in every opened tab. Ideally, I'd be able to set the interval between image changes (3 seconds for example) and make it so that images that are smaller than the screen be stretched to fit. So for example I have 2 tabs opened, the first one has 2 images and the second one has one. When I select Start slideshow it should create a fullscreen slideshow with those 3 images.

    Here's the old extension that I'm trying to recreate : https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/web-slide-show/ There's also the source code in its About this extension section.

    What should I learn/look for to develop something like this? As for web related tech knowledge, I already know JS. It doesn't have to be as advanced as the original, just being able to create the slideshow, stretch to fill screen and set the interval is enough for me

    submitted by /u/Dr_Roflcopterz
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