• Breaking News

    Friday, February 26, 2021

    [N] Microsoft & Université de Montréal Researchers Leverage Measure Theory to Reveal the Mathematical Properties of Attention Computer Science

    [N] Microsoft & Université de Montréal Researchers Leverage Measure Theory to Reveal the Mathematical Properties of Attention Computer Science

    [N] Microsoft & Université de Montréal Researchers Leverage Measure Theory to Reveal the Mathematical Properties of Attention

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 10:25 PM PST

    A team from Microsoft and Université de Montréal proposes a new mathematical framework that uses measure theory and integral operators to achieve the goal of quantifying the regularity of the attention operation.

    Here is a quick read: Microsoft & Université de Montréal Researchers Leverage Measure Theory to Reveal the Mathematical Properties of Attention

    The paper On the Regularity of Attention is on arXiv.

    submitted by /u/Yuqing7
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    Not being able to do CS unless I'm working on it?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 08:22 AM PST

    anyone else feel like they don't know how to code unless:

    A) they sit down and starting working/going over code or

    B) they are helping someone else with code

    wanted to see if this is normal. If someone asked me today at this moment what my code does I wouldn't be able to tell them unless I'm actively working on anything coding related

    submitted by /u/carb-intake
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    What is the recurrence and running time of the following algorithm?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 02:58 AM PST

    Hey guys I am currently practicing leetcode and wrote an initial brute force algorithm for #122: Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II - LeetCode. My question is what is the recurrence and running time of the brute force algorithm that I wrote?

    Input 'prices' is an array of integers such as [7,1,5,3,6,4] and output is a single integer

    submitted by /u/wmotion
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    Thread management by SO for TCP sockets

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 02:16 PM PST

    Hi guys, what's up.

    Is there any literature available (free or paid) on how windows handles the threads for TCP sockets? I'm trying to understand some behaviors on how the OS manages the threads on the cores and how I can optimize it.

    I have an impression that the server side randomly assigns process time for each socket thread and I see a lot of randomness on performance as a consequence. But random in computer science most of the times mean that it's just something that we don't know how to explain.

    My goal is to take advantage of thread management or tcp configurations to make it more deterministic.

    submitted by /u/gnmo2473
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    What is the difference between computer science and informatics?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 02:54 PM PST

    What is a difference between informatics and computer science? Are these terms just a synonyms? I've found in internet education program that calls "Fundamental informatics and computer sciences", based on this, it seems to me that informatics is something different. Btw in several countries informatics is a synonym of computer science. Google translate can tell you the same. Based on wiki computer science is a subfield of informatics, is it true? Computer science there means only computers and their applications when informatics means everything that related to automation (computers and more). Do you have term informatics in your country or you have only computer science?

    submitted by /u/North_Wolf
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    Research Paper

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 08:38 PM PST

    Hi, I'm writing a research paper about the importance of CS for my English class. My claim is " The growing need and popularity of computer science will have a positive impact on both modern day and future tech development. " My assignment requirement are to find sources that can't be sites ending in (.com). Problem is, most sites ending in Edu, Net, and Org have very limited and bland info. I'm asking for some recommendations on some sources that offer good info and are credible. Thankyou in advance.

    submitted by /u/AftrShokZ
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    Object-Oriented Programming — The Trillion Dollar Disaster

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 06:21 AM PST

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