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    Sunday, February 21, 2021

    Looking to coach/mentor on discord (for free) students who are trying to get hired as developers. learn programming

    Looking to coach/mentor on discord (for free) students who are trying to get hired as developers. learn programming

    Looking to coach/mentor on discord (for free) students who are trying to get hired as developers.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 01:57 PM PST

    Hi. I'm a security guard. Or, I was...

    I got my degree in criminal justice, and then did nearly 8 years in retail loss prevention for a mega-corp retailer.

    It sucked. I do not recommend it.

    I taught myself to code through udemy, self-study, and a lot of hard work.

    I got my first job as full stack dev in PHP/mySQL in 2018, and now I work full time as a front end developer in Angular, Node, firebase, etc for a major sports media company.

    I have this really dumb idea that I want to help other people get a job as developers too.

    Where my dumb idea came from:

    My job is hiring for a junior front end dev. And we are getting a TON of applicants, over 60 a week! But we keep rejecting them for being just 20% short of the goal.

    These are smart candidates who are just missing that last 20% that sets them above the pack.

    Are you applying to jobs? Are you not getting calls back? Are you attending interviews but not getting the job? Do you have a portfolio/github we can look at together? Are you willing to share it sorta-publicly?

    Are you a dumb security guard, tired of making $17/hour, and willing to do anything it takes? You can come too.

    If any of this sounds like you... come hang. Lets get your ass a job.


    submitted by /u/blarghusmaximus
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    I have to make a multhread program in python.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 11:02 PM PST

    The problem is that when I run it with 1 thread it output 270mil operations, but with 2 threads it splits the operations between them. I'm not asking for specific code, but is this normal? If they were parallel shouldn't both threads be at 270mil operations? This is over the course of a fixed 10 seconds.

    submitted by /u/OperatorMira
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    (Python) I need project ideas after learning the basics.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 09:11 PM PST

    What are some good projects that would really accelerate my learning? It seems like all the online tutorials at this point are covering the absolute basics and stuff I already know how to do. I don't feel like I'm really learning anything by doing these practice problems over and over. I need some ideas.

    submitted by /u/AuFries
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    [Noob-ish; TicTacToe console game; stuck and giving up] Anyone here can read this, and see wtf I am doing so wrong. I think it has something to do with the header files/#includes being a mess and the declarations, along with passing the wrong arguments into functions that go into other functions.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 11:54 PM PST

    Help with real world project

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 11:47 PM PST

    My chilli plant: https://i.imgur.com/5rwVoof.jpg

    This is the picture of a chilli plant I recently bought. I want to set-up a raspberry pi with a camera to take photos of this plant everyday and record down the number of red peppers, green peppers and flowers. Additionally, I want my program to be able to draw boxes around the objects it draws.

    Here is where I need advice. Could you guys recommend some approaches that I could use. I have thought of either

    Finding groups of red pixels together (to indicate a red pepper) and groups of purple/white pixels together (to indicate a flower). But there are many limitations. 1)Won't work on green peppers 2)Will count two peppers together as one 3)Will count one pepper with its middle blocked by a stem as two


    Machine learning

    Most machine learning programs are made to identify that an image has peppers rather than count the number of peppers (correct me if I am wrong) so I need some guidance on how I would take the machine learning approach.

    Additionally, just one point of view would not able to spot all the peppers and adding multiple points of views would result in double counting. Any solutions to this problem will also be greatly appreciated.

    Since I am relatively new to these kinds of projects, it would be great if you guys could point me in the direction of relevant resources and tools that could help me.

    Thank you guys so much for your help!

    submitted by /u/opnoob13579
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    Twitch channel w/ programming Q&A and Python/C++ coding

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 04:59 PM PST

    I'm a college Computer Science professor and researcher in shortest path planning/heuristic search algorithms. I've been posting videos about programming and CS topics (intro to high level) on my YouTube ( https://youtube.com/channel/UCGiue2J84vtbp0VJRvyeljw ) for a while now, but I've recently started streaming on Twitch, too ( https://www.twitch.tv/cuddlegutz ).

    The thing I'm most hoping to do is answer people's questions and cover topics that folks want some interactive discussion about. I also use the stream to show my own processes in prepping course examples and writing code for my own research. I'm doing "office hours" on Sunday nights (9PM EST), research code Monday & Wednesday afternoons (1PM EST), and other types of content on other evenings as I'm able (9PM EST.) Some examples of other content I've done were writing a hash table in C++ and a play-through of the coding game TwilioQuest.

    I'd love to have folks to come join the conversation or share requests for topics!

    submitted by /u/cuddlegutz
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    Explanation for how this recursive method to reverse a string works (JAVA)

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 06:25 PM PST

    public String reverse(String str) { if(str.length()==0){ return str; } else{ return reverse(str.substring(1))+str.charAt(0); } } 

    I was wondering how recursive methods work. What causes this method continue to plug itself back into the function? When does str.length==0 and why does it end up returning a reversed string rather than a blank in my main method.

    submitted by /u/pleasedownvotemeplox
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    How do I compare two strings alphabetically in c++

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 05:47 PM PST

    Is there a function that given two strings returns 1 if str1 goes first (alphabetically) or returns 2 if str2 goes first (alphabetically)?

    submitted by /u/SlayPay_
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    Noob here.Management puts me in a new project.No guidance.What to next?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 09:15 PM PST

    Hey redditors,

    I am a noob.I picked up skills in python and c# and applied at a company.They shortlisted me by saying i will be put into python project with required training.its a full stack role.initially i learned htlml css bootastrap and done few websites.i was waiting to move into python.Then they informed that i a needed to work on a ios project.I a completely new into ios doain.They ve building a tiktok like application.Backend work has been already done in another stack.Now i m needed to do api integration.I have zero knowledge on it. company seems good and nice members.But they r not offering training.within like ten to twenty days we hv to learn and start performing.Kindly suggest me any decent ios tutorials.any tutorials and resources.zi wanted to know about api integration.I learned a decent bit of swift. Looking to hear your suggestions and advice.Thanks in Advance.

    submitted by /u/cnetworks
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    Java GUI Help

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 12:18 AM PST

    Hi everyone im working on a treasure hunt game GUI, i added all the buttons but I just dont know how can i generate random treasure locations in those buttons. It would be great if someone can show me the way how to do it. Thank you for your help!

    submitted by /u/Relevant_Winter_7794
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    Data-Oriented programming by Yehonathan Sharvit

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 11:57 PM PST

    Data-Oriented programming is a new book from Manning Publications that has just entered MEAP with only three chapters ready.

    There are three main principles behind this book:

    • it is language agnostic (applicable Java, C#, JavaScript, Ruby, Python, Clojure...)
    • it is practically oriented
    • it is fun to read

    You may find additional information about the book and its content in the freely available chapter 1. Get 50% off with the discount code mlsharvit2 valid through March 15.

    I am the author and I'd be glad to answer any questions regarding this book.

    submitted by /u/viebel
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    Lets build together! A discord for noobs to collaborate

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 11:50 PM PST

    Hey, me and a couple of guys have thrown a discord group together so we can work together on small projects whilst we learn. we're so far 25 members strong and we'd like to increase this number. So if you're currently learning to code and would like to chat to and work with other learners to gain a little experience and support on this journey then please feel free to join us!


    submitted by /u/GhostlyHardware
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    C++ How to search a txt file for a user entered string and print results?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 11:45 PM PST

    Basically it's a program that the user enters in a file name and the program opens that file.

    That file contains a database of names/dates/location. (Alan,2012,Miami)

    Having trouble figuring this out.

    Program needs to search the txt file from a user entered word, like a name or location, and then print out all matches.

    Ex: Name | Year | Location Alan 2012 Miami

    So basically writing the code to make the txt file database searchable.

    submitted by /u/Mundane-Gazelle6234
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    Can someone explain with example when to choose SQL vs NoSQL?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 03:49 AM PST


    I am self learning web development and I've built two similar social platform websites, one with MySQL, another with MongoDB.

    Both sites have user registration, posting, liking, commenting... features.

    Developing with MongoDB was definitely easier as I don't have to think too much about relationships, and it was easier to perform queries comparing with MySQL.

    My question is, from industry point of view, in what case would one choose SQL over NoSQL? And why is it better?

    I've done some reading but none of them are convincing. For example, I don't see why SQL has better 'data integrity' over NoSQL? I can define database schema in MongoDB as well.

    Would appreciate if someone from the industry can shed some light on this.

    submitted by /u/johnnychang25678
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    How do learn more hacky reverse engineering of web applications / API?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 11:39 PM PST

    I really love exploring website architecture using dev tools, postman and a whole lot of scripting with python and cURL.

    From doing web scraping and automation I think I have discovered holes in traditional security measures of architecting a website (refer to the Dunning Kruger Curve).

    Recently I discovered some vulnerabilities of password managers which was fun. Password managers data storage encryption is bulletproof but there are obvious compromises. LastPass asks for a "scouts honour" equivalent for not attempting reverse engineering so, that piqued my interest.

    But anyway reverse engineering websites are a ton of fun but the problem is that when you want to learn more stuff about reverse engineering it gets boring quickly.

    Every tutorial on reverse engineering either starts from very basic stuff that every dev knows, they talk about installing a bunch of scripts, software and OS that I don't need for my use case or they talk about advance use cases that assumes familiarity with network infrastructure.

    I want to work with barebone techniques such as dev tools and making API calls programmatically then figure things out from there. But on the other hand, not that barebones meaning I don't need to learn about sys admin stuff.

    submitted by /u/anyfactor
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    I found a tutorial for a full project that is almost 1:1 what I'm doing for my final project (worth more than half my grade)

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 05:34 PM PST

    I don't want to just follow along and rip the code 1:1 but this tutorial is covering exactly what I want to do with my own project. I'm worried my professors will find this tutorial and give me a zero for plagiarism. What should I do?

    submitted by /u/Craydan
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    Learning DS & ALGO in golang

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 11:30 PM PST

    Hi, i am familiar with c programming (can make simple toy programs) but i want want to learn data structures & algorithms and i am currently learning webdev. So for that i want to try golang and thinking about learning the DS & ALGO stuff in golang too. Is this a good idea or should i learn those stuff in c language and then move on to go.

    submitted by /u/-alphabeta
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    Is engineering not for me?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 12:32 PM PST

    I'm sorry it's not a technical question. But I always struggle with coding. I am a computer major but still not able to write small codes. Honestly I never really had the ambition/ career plans. To support my family I choose a computer so, in the future, I could make money and break the chain of poverty in my family. During the lockdown, I realized how bad I'm at this. I can't even make projects without using YouTube. I think either my efforts are not enough or I'm doing it in the wrong way. Sorry, it's just I was feeling low.

    Edit - Thank you everyone, I will try harder

    submitted by /u/greykiki
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    How Do You Begin the Design Process Before Beginning to Code?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 01:17 PM PST

    Hello all,

    I have been coding for a while now, but I continue to fall into the trap in which, I know what it is I want to code and I know what I want it to do but I go right to coding and don't cover any design.

    This usually leads to writing code that I then find does not do what I intended it to do, or there is a better way to write the code. I find myself adding more functions to do specific things without drawing out what the functions should be and what they should do.

    Long story short, I am wondering what methods you use to approach the design process and when you decide that it is the right time to begin coding?

    I want to build this skill because in order to be a successful software engineer learning to think things through and design before jumping right into coding is important.

    Any thoughts and comments would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/HelplessProgrammer
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    Where to learn HTML for free?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 10:58 PM PST

    I've started to learn a bit of nodejs, but no I'd like to make something which has a GUI and accepts user input. First with HTML, then maybe desktop applications with electron. Just to clarify: **I'm not *hosting* websites, just wanting to make so basic HTML code to run with a browser.**

    So, where can I learn the basics of HTML?


    submitted by /u/ThicColt
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    Is my output (answers) correct for this problem?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 10:49 PM PST


    A school has 100 lockers and 100 students. All lockers are closed on the first day of school. As the students enter, the first student, denoted S1, opens every locker. Then the second student, S2, begins with the second locker, denoted L2, and closes every other locker. Student S3 begins with the third locker and changes every third locker (closes it if it was open, and opens it if it was closed). Student S4 begins with locker L4 and changes every fourth locker. Student S5 starts with L5 and changes every fifth locker, land so on, until student S100 changes L100 After all the students, have passed through the building and changed the lockers, which lockers are open? Write a program to find your answer and display all open locker numbers separated by exactly one space. (Hint: Use an array of 100 Boolean elements, each of which indicates whether a locker is open (true) or closed (false). Initially, all lockers are closed.) *******Sample output*********

    Locker 1 is open

    Locker 4 is open

    Locker 9 is open

    Locker 16 is open

    Locker 25 is open

    Locker 36 is open

    Locker 49 is open

    Locker 64 is open

    Locker 81 is open

    Locker 100 is open

    My code:

    package classAssignment04; public class LockerPuzzle { // Create main method with parameter public static void main(String[] args) { String[] lockers = new String[100]; // Closes all the lockers. closeAllLockers(lockers); // Create studentLockerChanges method studentLockerChanges(lockers); // Display all open lock numbers print(lockers); } /** isOpen returns true if l is the string "OPEN". False if not. public static boolean isOpen(String l) { return l == "OPEN"; } // Fill array with string "CLOSED" public static void closeAllLockers(String[] lockers) { for (int i = 0; i < lockers.length; i++) { lockers[i] = "CLOSED"; } } // Change string in each element from closed to open or open // to closed. public static void studentLockerChanges(String[] lockers) { int start = 0; // Locker student begins with for (int s = 1; s <= lockers.length; s++) { for (int l = 0; l < lockers.length; l += s) { if (isOpen(lockers[l])) lockers[l] = "CLOSED"; else lockers[l] = "OPEN"; } start++; } } // Print open lockers. public static void print(String[] lockers) { for (int i = 0; i < lockers.length; i++) { if (isOpen(lockers[i])) { System.out.println("Locker " + (i + 1) + " is open"); } } System.out.println(); } } 

    My output:

    Locker 2 is open Locker 5 is open Locker 10 is open Locker 17 is open Locker 26 is open Locker 37 is open Locker 50 is open Locker 65 is open Locker 82 is open 

    Are these the correct lockers that should be open? If not can someone kindly point me in the right direction and how to get the right lockers? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/etaco
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    App Developer vs Web Developer

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 03:16 PM PST

    Should I start to learn App development or Web development? With app dev, I heard I mainly only need to learn Kotlin or Swift and some web devs. While for Web I need to learn more than 1 language. Is it better to focus on one that requires fewer languages or no?

    submitted by /u/Calamityking69
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    How to get started in a web development career

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 10:42 PM PST

    I was recently laid off of my job. In the last month and a half I've learned html and css on code academy, and feel somewhat competent with them. I've come to the realization that I would like to peruse a career in web development or some type of coding.. but I'm not sure what to do. I'm considering either going back to school for a CS degree, doing a coding boot camp, or just continuing learning on code academy and possibly getting an entry level job in the field.

    Any advice is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/porkchopsandwiches17
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