• Breaking News

    Friday, February 19, 2021

    Hello, im 19 and i made my first ever website. My family don't understand it, nor they care web developers

    Hello, im 19 and i made my first ever website. My family don't understand it, nor they care web developers

    Hello, im 19 and i made my first ever website. My family don't understand it, nor they care

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 11:58 AM PST

    So here is the web site :)

    P. S: i love this community! Literally the best people on earth are Developers! :) 💙

    submitted by /u/AhmetYaq8bi
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    I'm a high school teacher and would like to let my students learn the basics of HTML and CSS through self-paced interactive tutorials. Suggestions?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 06:03 AM PST

    I'm basically looking for freecodecamp but with some teacher tools where I can add students to a class and track their progress. Datacamp does a great job for this, but unfortunately, they don't offer an HTML & CSS course.

    submitted by /u/vroemboem
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    ClickHouse Analytical Dashboard with Stock Market Data

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 08:17 AM PST

    I made this webSite that allows you to see in live the number of anticovid vaccines administered around the world �� Hope you like it!

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 04:16 PM PST

    Am I dumb for wanting to intern as a new grad?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 08:01 AM PST

    I've applied to roughly 500 places as an august 2020 CS grad and am pretty discouraged.

    During my first few months of applying I got a few OAs and take home assignment which I failed because I was just getting into javascript at the time. Then more recently I failed a phone screen for not knowing how to explain what threads were in a confident manner, then I failed most recently an interview with a start up when asked things like what does the spreader do in js, what does deconstructing do, are you familiar with unit testing, etc.

    I'll fully admit a lot of the stuff on my resume are the product of 1 and done small projects that I hardy remember a thing about. I haven't worked extensively with one language enough or technology to even talk about it at interview level. I'm currently working on making a crud app using js, react, node/express, Postgres but the progress is slow and I can't seem to know nearly enough for getting even just an interview it seems.

    I should also add that I did basically the bare minimum in college and have no relevant experience. It feels like I should be interning but I know that's not really a possibility as a new grad. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/justadudewholives
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    I made a Retro style landing page

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 02:09 PM PST

    Fluid typography with CSS clamp

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 06:43 AM PST

    What should my company call its Web Dev office space?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 09:03 AM PST

    For fun, my company is trying to make creative names for the name plate. The room is located on the outer edge of the building away from other offices. Suggestions so far are:

    The Dungeon Outer Space Outer Wilds

    submitted by /u/jar_are_red
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    Mistakes I've Made as an Engineering Manager, by Sarah Drasner

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 04:27 PM PST

    Leaving Wordpress for a new career path

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 04:08 PM PST

    Hi everyone, I've been developing Wordpress sites for a few years, in those years I learnt HTML,CSS, JS and PHP. I made a few plugins, custom templates, post types, etc.

    I'm still not a pro Wordpress Developer, but I know I could be if I keep learning. But.....I'm starting to have my doubts.

    I have a very strong design background and UX/UI skills, which helped me get clients when I didn't know how to code, but now..I'm really starting to enjoy coding, it relaxes me in a weird way. So I decided to divide my work hours a day in 6 hours of work and 2 hours of learning from Monday to Friday, and 6 hours of learning on Saturday. But I'm not sure if I want to invest all of my energy and my brain on learning more about Wordpress development, or to enroll on a 6 month fullstack codecamp. The codecamp focuses on React as a frontend and Node for backend.

    The thing that makes me doubt about this fullstack option is that with Wordpress, I can build and customize sites and document everything and kind of 'forget about it'. I don't need to give maintenance to the site because I document everything so another WP developer can easily edit it, and the client can easily edit the content.

    My question is..can I do the same with Node and React projects? Or will I have to always be available if the client wants to update it or something like that? Sometimes I go to meditation retreats for example, and I don't have contact with the world for some time.. so I'm kind of worried about that. I plan to go on retreat 1 month a year, or 2...so I'm not sure if that would be a problem. I know I can 'fix' the need of the client to edit the content if I use a headless CMS with react (I've heard its possible). Can you guys give me your thoughts on this?

    Pros of WP:

    -I'm really familiar with its structure

    -Freedom of leaving for a while and I know the site will function and/or any good developer can edit it

    -Most used CMS

    -Lots of clients

    Cons of WP:

    -I've heard PHP is not that good and can cause lots of problems

    -Sometimes clients bloat the site with plugins... and make a big mess!! or make it vulnerable

    Pros of React and Node

    -I'll learn new stuff

    -I won't deppend on Wordpress for all of my gigs

    -More versatile

    -Faster and less bloated

    -I can still use WP for simple sites I guess...

    -no PHP

    -I'll be able to charge more per hour if I become a pro at React and Node instead of a pro in WP dev???


    Cons of React and Node

    -I don't know if they're high maintainance

    -The money investment (aprox 1/3 of my monthly income as a freelancer)

    Also...my closest friend is opening a bed and breakfast hotel, I'll build the site on WP with a plugin for a reservation system. And I though...maybe I can use that as a project to work on while I learn React and Node and I think it will end up being a much nicer site right? Like..faster and easier to rank on Google?

    I'm open to all opinions.. and discussions, pleasee help me! if I do this, this is the best time because of the pandemic

    submitted by /u/ams221
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    I always have a hard time configuring my projects

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 10:05 AM PST

    stylelInt, XO, eslint, standard, airbnb, prettier...

    I still haven't found the ideal formatting configuration to start and work on collaborative project . How to set all this up with vscode and in the package.json to start on a good basis

    Can you show me what is your perfect config? thx

    Edit: found an interesting article about all of this. https://glebbahmutov.com/blog/configure-prettier-in-vscode/ but the length or the article shows how complex can be that kind of task

    submitted by /u/kikiklang
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    What's this worth?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 07:12 AM PST

    Good morning everyone.... I'm starting out doing some freelancing for some small local businesses. Just working on finishing up a site for a client.. I'm trying to get pricing all figured out for the future. Thought I'd see what your opinions are on something like this as to how much you would charge. It's a site for a local deli, where u can order sandwiches etc in advance. Coded it by hand with snipcart as the ecom functionality. Here is the link to the site. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/MarcnLula
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    Is link shortening still relevant in 2021?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 12:47 PM PST

    Now that most platforms just truncate your links for you, should you still use an URL shortener?

    If you're creating a web app to have lots of social media features, would you use an shortened version of your domain name, or would you just use your base domain name?

    For example, youtube.com has the youtu.be shortened version of its domain name, which I guess saves them 3 characters on their sharable links.

    submitted by /u/memorycardfull
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    Having crucial conversations on an all-remote team

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 12:15 PM PST

    A Gift of Sound and Vision — Affecting images using the Web Audio API [Live]

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 03:57 PM PST

    How to use grapesjs extensions

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 03:56 PM PST

    have a basic editor setup with no blocks and no plugins and I want to know how to install them?

    I'm using it node by the way

    submitted by /u/No-Proposal2288
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    Made my own blog/portfolio with NextJS

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 03:50 PM PST

    The blog

    I've made a few websites over the years but always end up deleting it or pulling them down for whatever reason. I finally decided to keep one up and have been contributing to it over the past few weeks. I did Computer Science in Uni but I was never taught modern web development, so this is all stuff I've picked up just from hanging at home over the past year or so.

    submitted by /u/aguycalledjosh
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    Tell me the truth about Front-End Development.

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 08:03 AM PST

    I work on a big consultancy company since September 2019, around the time I finished a full-stack bootcamp. My main goals was always to be a FE engineer, but this company only hires "consultants", not "classic developers", which means our job is to learn multiple tools, languages, etc., but also waist time helping managers preparing for presentations and other side things - far away from coding.

    I ended-up in integration, which I really dislike, even though it was a great learning experience. To add up, my role is basically support/operations, with a little side projects in BE (Java/Python), but nothing to exhaustive, and spending way too much time in meetings and making PowerPoints - which makes me feel dead inside.

    Now, tell me the truth: What should I know about being a Front-End developer? Because it's my main interest, what gets me into flow, my passion, the field where I want to become the greatest professional. But, I also get the feeling that sometimes my view is too magical and probably a little far away from the truth. Keep in mind that I don't have experience as FE (besides personal projects), and I aim to leave my company as soon as possible - I feel that I'm "wasting" my time, not coding and way to far from where I want to specialize.

    I'm already starting to talk with some friends in other companies and evaluate the market while also working on projects and studying, aiming to work as a FE enginner soon, in a more happy place from where I am now, I hope.

    submitted by /u/filMM2
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    How to find the correct versions of dependencies my app is using?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 11:41 AM PST

    I inherited a work project that uses angular and npm for the front end, where the package.json includes '*'s for a lot of the dependencies. I made it work on my machine, but someone else cannot.

    Heres a snippet of the dependencies in the package.json:

    "@angular/animations": "*",

    "@angular/common": "^9.1.12",

    "@angular/compiler": "*",

    "@angular/core": "^9.1.12",

    "@angular/fire": "*",

    I am trying to figure out what versions the app is using for me so I can restrict them from * to an actual version number. How would I do this? I have a feeling it has to do with the package-lock, but Im coming up short with googling it.

    submitted by /u/redditer3103
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    Sending & Saving MediaRecorder Data Producing Extremely Glitchy Results?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 09:14 AM PST

    I have a script that sends MediaRecorder data over Websockets to the backend when the MediaStream is running. The backend then saves this data to a file to be replayed.

    I am running into an issue where the result is coming out like this:


    The video is extremely glitchy (sometimes it comes out somewhat smooth but mostly it comes out glitchy) and I do not know why.

    I have tested this on Chrome (latest version) and Microsoft Edge and both produce the same glitchy results. I did notice though that Firefox seems to be smoother but i did limited tests on Firefox.

    My front end code: https://pastebin.com/QPxdvzcM

    The backend: https://pastebin.com/fBbW79g2

    I am thinking the issue is because they may be received out of order, which I guess i can solve by making continuous POST requests but I know Websockets run on TCP so the packets have to come in order and I am sending it every 2 seconds so it should have time to send the data and save to the disk before the next request comes in (not sure though, just my guess)

    Is there something wrong in my implementation?

    submitted by /u/TuckleBuck88
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    What would the best technology stack be for a real estate listing website?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 03:06 PM PST

    For SEO purposes Im guessing SPA would be a bad idea? So no React? Also Node.js or PHP?

    submitted by /u/CokeZero666
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    Web Dev work life balance

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 05:08 AM PST

    I wanted to hear more from devs about your work / life situation.

    How often are you expected to work after your contracted working hours? Staying late for example. How much work do you have to do outside of your job to keep up to date with the technology?

    I've been career researching for the past few months and balance is a huge deal for me.

    submitted by /u/AI-ape
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    Confirmation Email

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 02:37 PM PST

    I have written a PHP script that sends an email to me when someone submits a form and I was recently trying to send an HTML email to that person as a confirmation that it worked but I can figure out how to send them the email. I've tried using the exact same method that I use before but it doesn't work.

    submitted by /u/FunnyGuy9796
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    imagemagick isn't working, no errors

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 02:32 PM PST

    I am wanting to use imagemagick to compress my images so I can upload them to my website. I have built imagemagick from source, which is version 7.0.11. The command I am using is the following:

    magick mogrify -strip -interlace Plane -gaussian-blur 0.05 -quality 85% -path ~/Documents/compressed 

    but this does nothing, images aren't compressed, no errors are thrown. just nothing. What am I doing wrong?

    submitted by /u/psych0ticmonk
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