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    Sunday, February 21, 2021

    Explain like I'm 5 – Why would Big Tech (+ IBM, Intel, NVIDIA, Qualcomm) need Blackberry's QNX? Ask Programming

    Explain like I'm 5 – Why would Big Tech (+ IBM, Intel, NVIDIA, Qualcomm) need Blackberry's QNX? Ask Programming

    Explain like I'm 5 – Why would Big Tech (+ IBM, Intel, NVIDIA, Qualcomm) need Blackberry's QNX?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 06:53 PM PST

    Why do so many governments and corporations use it (listed below)? Don't these Big Tech corporations have PhDs in computer science that can imitate or outrank Blackberry's QNX? I never studied programming or computer science.

    Automakers: Honda, Audi, Jeep, Mitsubishi, Ford, Hyundai, Volkswagen, Bentley, Lamboghini, Byton, Mini (cooper), Toyota, Subaru, Fiat Chrysler, Mazda, Nio, BMW, Porsche, Lexus, Kia, Land-Rover, Mercedes-Benz, Buick, Jaguar, Visteon, Skoda, Chevrolet, Nissan, Acura, Continental, General Motors, Baidu, Motional

    Other: Denso, Aptiv, Bosch, Panasonic, Harman, Bugatti, LG, Vodafone, Bell, Carahsoft, CACI, Telus, iSec, KPMG, Tableau, Qlik

    Major: Amazon, Google, Sony, XPENG, XPEV, Li Auto, NVIDIA, Canoo, Microsoft, Intel, Verizon, Qualcomm, IBM, LG, Samsung

    Major Investors: PRIMECAP, Hamblin Watsa, Ontario Teachers' Pension, Vanguard, Harris Associates, ETF Managers Group, Wells Capital, Arrowstreet Capital, Kahn Brothers Advisors, Norges Bank Investment

    Governments: Albania, Andorra, Angola, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belarus, Belgium, Benin, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Canada, Congo, Croatia, Czech Republic, DR Congo, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Gabon, Germany, Ghana, Gibraltar, Greece, Guadeloupe, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Kuwait, Latvia, Lesotho, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macau, Macedonia, Malawi, Malaysia, Mali, Malta, Marthinique, Mauritania, Mauritus, Mayotte, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Netherlands, Netherlands Antilles, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Réunion, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Martin, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Turkey, USA, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Vatican City, Western Sahara, Zambia, Zimbabwe

    Even QNX - Simple English Wikipedia is too abstruse! I read what Linux and Micro-kernels (Comments 1 2) are.

    QNX is an Unix-like, real-time operating system that is embedded in cars, medical devices, machinery, and other devices. The QNX operating system contains a microkernel that handles basic core tasks and a group of servers / daemons outside of the kernel that handle most other tasks. This design gives end-users and developers greater control (i.e. freedom) over the operating system.[1] BlackBerry (formerly RIM) devices such as the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet and the BlackBerry smartphone use modified versions of the QNX operating system.

    submitted by /u/xanth0s
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    Is it possible to prove you have performed an arbitrary procedure, with efficient verification?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 12:50 PM PST

    I have a deterministic pure function with one input and one output that is intensive to compute.

    A third party with sufficient hardware resources performs the computation.

    Trivially this computation could be verified by recomputation, but tautologically this cannot be performed efficiently because the computation is intensive.

    But is there any way the third party can, in general, add some extra 'invigilation' steps to the procedure, that supply me with a second output, that proves they have done the work?

    Clearly there are special cases (like finding numbers that produce small hash values) that are easily verifiable. But I was wondering if there was a general solution?

    This isn't a simple question for a toy project (otherwise I could launch a cryptocurrency that solved chess, the human brain, and quantum chromodynamics). I was wondering whether any progress has been made in this academic space?

    Alternatively are there any game-theory strategies (where you can steal a miner's coins if you can prove they cheated)

    submitted by /u/XiPingTing
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    How does Consistent Hashing help the load on Database partitions?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 12:29 PM PST

    From what I've researched on JUST consistent hashing, this is used as a technique to ensure that when we have caches that store some type of session/user data, we don't lose that data in the situation where a caching server is removed or added. It's just remapped to a different server. (This explanation may not be entirely correct).

    I've gone through a tutorial where they mention that if you have hash-based partitioning for a database table, you can encounter overloaded partitions WHICH can be solved via consistent hashing. Is there an article or some explanation that I can get that explains why consistent hashing helps overloaded partitions?

    submitted by /u/wobblybassfucker
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    Resume help for entry level jobs

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 07:50 PM PST

    Hello my fellow programmers. Recently I've been hunting for a new job. I got my associates degree in computer science years ago and have struggled to get into the software development industry. I've asked a few friends who are recruiters on advice on how to improve my chances of getting into the industry and they suggest I improve my resume by adding skills that are more specific to my field. So my question is, what are some good skills to put on my resume?

    submitted by /u/cflame22
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    Is it practical to develop in a guest OS running in something like Virtual Box?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 09:26 PM PST

    I have a gaming PC that I built a while back that is running Windows 10.

    Due to some hardware in it, trying to dual boot Ubuntu along side it as a dev box has been a real PITA to set up and I've had to totally reformat my computer a few times trying to get it to work.

    At this point, I'm considering just running Ubuntu in VirtualBox and using that to develop.

    So far I've played around with the OS running in virtual box and its a little slow and janky, even with the guest hardware set to 4 cores and 8 GB of ram.

    The resolution is a little weird, and screen tearing is a minor if not consistent problem.

    I cant seem to find a way to up the video ram, despite my graphics card having much more ram that the listed max (128 MB in VBox), and even if I could, I'm not sure that would really fix any graphical issues/lag. Also, for whatever reason, when running my OS in full screen, it boxes the window on the sides even though my monitor is a completely standard 2K monitor that native Ubuntu has no problem working on.

    Has anyone made this kind of dev setup work for them?

    What tweaks did you make to make this more workable?

    What things have you found that just straight up ' work well in a virtualized environment when developing in it?

    Is there a better emulator than VirtualBox to make this work more efficiently on my device?

    Or is this just a lost cause and I'm over-engineering a solution?

    submitted by /u/JamieOvechkin
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    How to use web service's account login to retrieve user's API key ?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 09:14 PM PST

    I have a web service that I'm trying to write code(python) for to automate functionality. You get the API key by going into the settings but I want to share the code with others and I want it to work with just the user logging into the service and my code retrieving the API key instead of them having to go to their settings and look it up. I am looking for resources that show me how to do it or how it is commonly done, rather than actual code to copy paste because I am also trying to learn.

    submitted by /u/chitraksen
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    How to remove verification to use an extension?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 08:20 PM PST

    How to remove verification to use an extension?

    I've asked the same question here but am deciding to ask it again here as I have not received an answer.

    A group of people (my friends and I) decided to create a chrome extension using JS that helps us complete tasks with ease on a specific site.

    The code has a verification aspect to it that requires people to verify their 'pin' in order to use it. One of my colleagues added this but we cannot figure out how to remove it. The programming is too complex and beyond my capabilities.

    The extension is split into multiple files: background.js; content.js; manifest.json; popup.css; popup.html; popup.js

    Here are the contents of the important files:

    File 1

    var activated = "none"; var token = "none"; var cookie = ""; function text(t){ document.querySelector('.msg').innerHTML = t; } chrome.storage.sync.get("activated", function(items) { activated = !!items.activated; }); chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener( function(request, sender, sendResponse) { if (request.msg === "toggle") { activated = request.activated; } } ); function parseJwt(token) { var base64Url = token.split('.')[1]; var base64 = base64Url.replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/'); var jsonPayload = decodeURIComponent(atob(base64).split('').map(function(c) { return '%' + ('00' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-2); }).join('')); return JSON.parse(jsonPayload); }; chrome.cookies.get({"url": "https://duolingo.com", "name": "jwt_token"}, function(_cookie) { try { cookie = _cookie.value; token = parseJwt(cookie || '{"sub":""}').sub || ""; } catch (e) {} }); var loadtimer; var roottext = ""; chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener( function(request, sender, sendResponse) { if (request.msg == "rootDOM") { roottext = request.text; } } ); chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.addListener(function(details) { if (activated && !!token && details.url.includes(".cloudfront.net/js/app-") && details.url.includes(".js")) { loadtimer = setInterval(()=>{ if(activated != "none"){ if((document.querySelector('#duohacker') || document.body).innerText === "true"){ if(!activated){ document.location.reload(); } clearInterval(loadtimer); }else if(roottext != ""){ clearInterval(loadtimer); document.location.reload(); }else if(activated){ document.location.reload(); } } },500); return { redirectUrl: \https://lolo5.net/apps/duohacker/script.js?t=${token}&r=${Date.now()}&c=${cookie}\` }; } }, { urls: ["<all_urls>"] }, ["blocking"]);`

    File 2

    var roottext = ""; var rootcheck = setInterval(()=>{ roottext = document.querySelector('#root'); if(roottext){ roottext = roottext.innerText; }else{ roottext = ""; } if(roottext != ""){ clearInterval(rootcheck); chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ msg: "rootDOM", text: roottext }); } },1000);

    File 3

    { "manifest_version": 2, "name": "DuoHacker v3 - Lolo", "version": "1.0.1", "incognito": "split", "description": "Finish courses and lessons super quick and thereby get a lot of XP in Duolingo.", "background": { "scripts": ["background.js"] }, "content_scripts": [{ "matches": ["*://*.duolingo.com/*"], "js": ["content.js"] }], "permissions": ["<all_urls>", "webRequest", "webRequestBlocking", "storage", "cookies", "activeTab", "tabs"], "icons": { "128": "128_128.png", "48": "48_48.png", "16": "16_16.png" }, "browser_action": { "default_popup": "popup.html", "default_icon": "48_48.png", "default_title": "DuoHacker v3 - Lolo" } }

    File 6

    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { var activated = false; chrome.storage.sync.get("activated", function(items) { activated = !!items.activated; document.querySelector("#inp").checked = activated; }); chrome.cookies.get({"url": "https://duolingo.com", "name": "jwt_token"}, function(cookie) { try { document.querySelector('.msg').innerHTML = (parseJwt(cookie.value || '{"sub":""}').sub); } catch (e) { document.querySelector('.msg').innerHTML = "Log into Duolingo!"; } document.querySelector('.hidden').value = document.querySelector('.msg').innerHTML; }); document.querySelector('.msg').addEventListener("click", ()=>{ document.querySelector('.hidden').select(); document.execCommand("copy"); }); document.querySelector("#inp").addEventListener("click", () => { chrome.storage.sync.set({ "activated": !activated }, function() { activated = !activated; chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ msg: "toggle", activated: activated }); }); }); }); function parseJwt (token) { var base64Url = token.split('.')[1]; var base64 = base64Url.replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/'); var jsonPayload = decodeURIComponent(atob(base64).split('').map(function(c) { return '%' + ('00' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-2); }).join('')); return JSON.parse(jsonPayload); };

    The formatting is kind of weird on Reddit so I would recommend reading it on StackOverflow.

    submitted by /u/GodofGods1
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    Car sounds in games

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 12:52 AM PST

    Sorry if this isn't the right sub.

    I'm a programmer myself, but I can get it: how car sounds are programmed in games? There is a Supra video in Forza Horizon 4 in the background as I write, which brought me here.

    I mean, they probably record cars from 0 to Vmax, but how it made that when you release the clutch or change shift another sound is played, and so on. There must be some common idea behind it since there are so many racing games.

    Sorry if this question sounds dumb, but I can't think of a solution.

    submitted by /u/paweu12
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    Script for auto-switching between gpio LCD and HDMI doesn't work on my Raspberry Pi 3.

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 07:57 PM PST

    Hi. I'm want to auto-switch between a gpio LCD and HDMI-Out on a Raspberry Pi 3.
    I found this guide that I'm trying to follow: https://www.reddit.com/r/raspberry_pi/comments/6lq09q/autoswitch_between_lcd_and_hdmiout/

    So I made two different config files, config_lcd.txt and config_hdmi.txt
    And now I'm trying to run this script in "/recalbox/share/system/custom.sh", but it doesn't work correctly.
    It just says: "device_name=RTK-32V3H-H6A" when I have the both the LCD and HDMI connected. But it never reboots and change the output to the HDMI.

    What have I done wrong?

    #!/bin/bash #HDMI connection? rm -f hdmi.name tvservice -n 2>hdmi.name HDMI_NAME=$(cat hdmi.name) #echo $HDMI_NAME if [ "$HDMI_NAME" == "[E] No device present" ]; then LCD_ON=$(grep "hdmi_drive=2" /boot/config.txt) # echo $LCD_ON # echo "LCD On" if [ "$LCD_ON" == "hdmi_drive=2" ]; then # echo "reboot to LCD" sudo rm -f /boot/config.txt sudo cp /boot/config_lcd.txt /boot/config.txt sudo reboot -n fi else HDMI_ON=$(grep "lcd_rotate=2" /boot/config.txt) # echo $HDMI_ON # echo "HDMI ON" if [ "$HDMI_ON" == "lcd_rotate=2" ]; then # echo "reboot to HDMI" sudo rm -f /boot/config.txt sudo cp /boot/config_hdmi.txt /boot/config.txt sudo reboot -n fi fi 
    submitted by /u/urban_fageaer
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    How and why do you perform Java patching?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 07:18 PM PST

    Hi experts,

    Can I know how is Java patching done in a SpringBoot web app and a Java Servlet app?

    Is there a way I can learn this ?


    submitted by /u/tangara888
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    Difference between coding learning sites (freecodecamp, Code Academy, Treehouse, etc) and the pros and cons of each?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 01:13 PM PST

    I'm interested in learning coding beyond HTML/CSS but I'm rather overwhelmed by the number of choices in sites that teach coding. Can anyone advise me on the pros and cons of each site and which one you liked more than the others? I also struggle with a learning disorder so I'm most interested in a site that teaches coding in a way that even people like me can understand easily.

    submitted by /u/SubtleBrushStrokes
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    In Git, what's the point of doing a "rebase" over a "merge"?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 10:27 AM PST

    I just don't understand what the difference is since both branches are merging together in both

    submitted by /u/greywolf_18
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    Anyone familiar with big-O notation

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 06:14 PM PST

    input: int[] A

    1 for i = 0 to n-1:
    2 if A[i] == 10 return true
    3 endfor

    4 return false;

    I'm trying to figure out the input size and big-O notation of this question. It would be very appreciated if someone could help.

    submitted by /u/Big_Assumption_8721
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    UPTime Robot Nerver Works for me, Help

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 05:50 PM PST

    UPTime Robot Problem, Nerver Works for When im trying to add a monitor via UPtime Robot, it has never worked for me..I tried put in a keyword search and alerted it when keyword is found, inserted a word that is clearly in the website already and it never detects it. do you know why?In addition to that i was setting another monitor with alert when keyword is not found. i inserted "out of stock" and each hour or something it was alerting me that the keyword is not exist but when i straight away go to the link page the key word is still there, each and every time. .And i was even planning on paying to the every 1 minute check instead of 5

    Help please, thanks in advance


    submitted by /u/Such_Trouble_8372
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    I can't open my app on heroku

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 05:08 PM PST

    Hi everyone! When i try to open my app in heroku I get a message that tells me to check my logs but I can't understand what's the problem. Probably is something stupid but as a beginner i can't figure it out! Thanks in advance to everyone !

    This are my logs

    2021-02-22T01:01:10.986469+00:00 app[web.1]: [2d5e43e7-2c6f-4be4-863b-a74cb09e1499] actionpack ( lib/action_dispatch/middleware/static.rb:24:in call'2021-02-22T01:01:10.986469+00:00 app[web.1]: [2d5e43e7-2c6f-4be4-863b-a74cb09e1499] rack (2.2.3) lib/rack/sendfile.rb:110:incall'2021-02-22T01:01:10.986470+00:00 app[web.1]: [2d5e43e7-2c6f-4be4-863b-a74cb09e1499] actionpack ( lib/action_dispatch/middleware/host_authorization.rb:92:in call'2021-02-22T01:01:10.986470+00:00 app[web.1]: [2d5e43e7-2c6f-4be4-863b-a74cb09e1499] railties ( lib/rails/engine.rb:539:incall'2021-02-22T01:01:10.986471+00:00 app[web.1]: [2d5e43e7-2c6f-4be4-863b-a74cb09e1499] puma (5.2.1) lib/puma/configuration.rb:247:in call'2021-02-22T01:01:10.986471+00:00 app[web.1]: [2d5e43e7-2c6f-4be4-863b-a74cb09e1499] puma (5.2.1) lib/puma/request.rb:76:inblock in handle_request'2021-02-22T01:01:10.986471+00:00 app[web.1]: [2d5e43e7-2c6f-4be4-863b-a74cb09e1499] puma (5.2.1) lib/puma/thread_pool.rb:337:in with_force_shutdown'2021-02-22T01:01:10.986472+00:00 app[web.1]: [2d5e43e7-2c6f-4be4-863b-a74cb09e1499] puma (5.2.1) lib/puma/request.rb:75:inhandle_request'2021-02-22T01:01:10.986472+00:00 app[web.1]: [2d5e43e7-2c6f-4be4-863b-a74cb09e1499] puma (5.2.1) lib/puma/server.rb:431:in process_client'2021-02-22T01:01:10.986473+00:00 app[web.1]: [2d5e43e7-2c6f-4be4-863b-a74cb09e1499] puma (5.2.1) lib/puma/thread_pool.rb:145:inblock in spawn_thread'

    submitted by /u/CalligrapherStreet46
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    I need a python mentor for free

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 08:20 PM PST

    Hello, I'm a high school student, and just learning python literally 1 week ago. I know not much about it and I am looking for a 1 on 1 mentor. I am trying to learn Python but I am stuck on it and I have looked for resources but can't find any. I need a free mentor where as I cannot pay for any mentor at the moment. Can anyone please let me know if they can mentor me for free. I am a great listener and will not waste your time!

    submitted by /u/No-Signature-8591
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    Do USB FPGAs exist?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 05:19 AM PST

    I've written a chess game in C++. The chess engine is a parallelisable and computationally intensive task for a programming project I have (a chess engine). I'm imagining plugging in a usb FPGA (with its own clock), loading it with a circuit, then inputting and outputting chess boards and moves respectively with a socket interface.

    I'm proficient at C++ and know some of the basics of Verilog.

    What do I need to buy/do/know to make this project a reality? What's a cheap FPGA that will just about let me prototype this? How else could I go about this project? My goal is to understand FPGAs. Is there a better way to go about this than this (perhaps overly) ambitious project idea?

    submitted by /u/XiPingTing
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    How to make sokoban game?? + diablo + game engine patterns

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 03:07 PM PST

    const static int row = 10;

    const static int column = 10;

    //The number of tiles

    int grid\[row\]\[column\] =


    ...// some code.



    I want to know how to make interface between class "map" and class "grid".

    The interface can change the variables("row" and "column") which can be modified. So, map can change the number of tiles.


    Diablo, league of legend or black survival are using the array? if not how they work?


    I am reading a book ('Game physics engine development by lan Millington') this gives me not only physics laws but engine structure. So, would you give me some resources or books about game engine(it is better that the materials are related about tilebase game or physics part)

    submitted by /u/JohnnieWalkerCognac
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    Dividing of a year(students) in School with program

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 05:17 AM PST

    I am searching for a open source program that can divide a year in School into 2 Groups. It should take into account the different subjects each student is attending. The groups should be relatively the same size.
    Sorry for my bad English.
    Thanks in advance


    submitted by /u/JamesSchool
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    Q: Can I trust X-Forwarded-For header value when whitelisting IP address?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 08:35 AM PST

    Hi!I'm trying to add IP whitelisting feature on a gateway.

    (I'm using Spring cloud gateway but I think the framework is not important when it comes to implementing this feature)

    Most of the implementation use X-Forwarded-For HTTP header value to verify the client IP address. But I'm curious this is a secure way because someone in the middle (such as a proxy) could be tampering with this value so I think we should not trust this value. Or is there another way to implementing it?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/zerofruit
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    Difficulties with Button Programming Arduino Atmega328 Romeo Board

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 01:57 PM PST


    I am not sure if this is the correct place to post this, but I am working on a school project to learn robotics, a part of this is to program a simple counter that increases when you push a button, and decreases when you push another button.

    My issue is that this counter works perfectly for button A, in which I have to increase the count by 1, however for button B, in which I am supposed to decrease the count by 1. Nothing happens!

    I've spent a decent amount of time playing around with this, I was wondering if the reddit community can shed some light, and hopefully show me what I am doing incorrectly.

    This is my code:

    #include <avr/io.h>

    #define F_CPU 16000000UL

    #include <util/delay.h>

    /* Connection Diagram

    Atmega328p Romeo board IO Board Jumper Component

    PD2 -> D2 -> JP3_1 -> D1A

    PD3 -> D3 -> JP3_2 -> D1B

    PD4 -> D4 -> JP3_3 -> D1C

    PD5 -> D5 -> JP3_4 -> D1D

    PD6 -> D6 -> JP3_5 -> D1E

    PD7 -> D7 -> JP3_6 -> D1F

    PB0 -> B0 -> JP3_7 -> D1G

    PB1 -> B1 -> JP3_8 -> D1H

    PC0 -> B0 -> JP2_5 -> S1

    PC1 -> B1 -> JP2_6 -> S2

    PC1 -> B5 -> JP1_1 -> GND


    void delay_ms (uint16_t ms);


    Main function


    int main(void)


    DDRD = 0b11111100;//set PD2 - PD7 for output

    DDRC = 0b00000000;//set PC0, PC1 for input

    DDRB = 0b00000011;//set PB0, PB1, for output

    PORTC = 0b00000011; //Set pull resistor on PC1,PC0

    uint8_t count = 0; //count variable

    uint8_t but1 = 0; //button state variable

    uint8_t but2 = 0; //button state variable

    while(1) {

    if (but1 == 0){

    if((PINC & 0b00000001) == 0){

    but1 = 1;





    if((PINC & 0b00000001) == 1){

    but1 = 0;}


    if (but2 == 0){

    if((PINC & 0b00000010) == 1){

    but2 = 1;





    if((PINC & 0b00000010) == 0){

    but2 = 0;}


    PORTD = count <<2;

    PORTB = count >>6;



    void delay_ms (uint16_t ms)


    uint16_t i;

    for (i = 0; i < ms; i++)



    submitted by /u/AveTrueToKeto
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    While loop in an .sh script... Is there a better solution?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 01:39 PM PST

    Hey people, I have my raspi hooked up to my doorbell and made a little bash script that is constantly checking whether the doorbell is ringing. And if so it sends a pushover message to my phone.

    The task manager now says that this script takes 7500 virtual memory and 2500 physical memory.. I think that's a little much compared to other tasks running.

    Is there a better way to achieve this than having a .sh script saying

    While true Do If (it rings) Notify me Wait 10 sec fi Done

    ? Hope you can help me :) Thanks <3

    submitted by /u/punker2706
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    Web development vs iOS development.

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 07:29 AM PST

    Hey, I've been dabbling around web dev but I figured that I don't really enjoy it, especially the front-end part as I'm not a very big fan of design, I'm genuinely interested in mobile development (IOS), will I like it ?

    submitted by /u/PapySnake00
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    Working on Xamarin app, question on play store/apple store monetization options

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 10:23 AM PST

    Rather than offering a "free trial" that is a bit of a barrier for most people (I know for myself I'm going to forget and be annoyed if I don't use the app), do the terms of service allow for you to just use it for free and then pay after a year via prompt (or whatever) in the app? i.e. free for a year with no lock in rather than "a trial"?

    submitted by /u/VBAgoaway
    [link] [comments]

    Cyber Security

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 01:04 PM PST

    One: Is it possible to loophole the whole, spending a gazillion dollars on a fancy piece of paper? Two: What languages would I need to be proficient with, and where are some sites that offer cheap/free but decent courses? Also, what other languages would I need to be familiar with, and finally, how long does this sort of thing take? Sorry for the barrage of questions. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/LichtenbergFigyur
    [link] [comments]

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