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    Thursday, February 18, 2021

    10 Design tips by Jason Zhu web developers

    10 Design tips by Jason Zhu web developers

    10 Design tips by Jason Zhu

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 02:15 AM PST

    Next month I leave a 60,000+ employee corporate for a startup of 12 people. Any advice for a webdev in this scenario? How will my role change? What should I keep in mind?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 03:33 AM PST

    Context: The new startup is already profitable but not via their tech (weird I know), I will be building a new product on a totally new tech team.

    submitted by /u/sld-codes
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    GitHub Skyline - Your GitHub story in 3D

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 03:01 PM PST

    Developers working from home: what’s your routine for taking breaks throughout the day?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 08:14 AM PST

    I've been working from home since March 2020, and have found that my anxiety levels surrounding work have gone through the roof. Maybe it's the work load, maybe it's the disorganization (I work at a digital agency), maybe it's the fact that I'm always in my work space which is now home.

    What are some habits you've gotten into working from home that help you disconnect, recharge, and give your brain a break from coding?

    submitted by /u/nitromilkstout
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    Am I too much of a generalist to be employable?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 02:45 AM PST

    I started web development back in 2009 after following some video tutorials on PHP and MySQL. The industry and job was a lot simpler back then. I would knock some stuff up in Photoshop and then turn it into HTML and CSS, if there was simple PHP to do I could muddle my way through, anything else I would hand it off to a colleague.

    A few years later my colleague left I had to take the charge of doing basically everything. Luckily WordPress was coming to prominence and I knew enough to make my own themes and use ACF to add extra content where it was required.

    In 2016 I switched roles, interviewing at the time wasn't too tricky (IIRC I had 3 interviews and got an offer on the 3rd but had a lot of interest from recruitment companies) The job was mostly frontend within a CMS / Templating system not to different from Shopify.

    Then I was given the chance to pick up Django and build more complicated things in the backend, build out large complicated models for large complicated product sets whilst still working on the frontend presentation.

    Recently I've discovered Vue / Nuxt and have built a frontend for another eCommerce site with a Django / Saleor backend which has also been extensively modified. I've been flying solo on pretty much all of this so - at this point - I would say I'm very much a Full Stack Developer.

    I'm not totally happy where I am right now so I've been looking for other opportunities, but it seems most employers are looking for either a dedicated frontend or a dedicated backend person. There are a couple of full stack jobs available but they are few and far between.

    Have I painted myself into a corner as a jack of all trades? I like doing both but I worry I am not knowledgeable enough in either to secure a dedicated front or backend role.

    submitted by /u/petedee
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    I'm getting fed up with a new hire and don't know what to do. Really need advice.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 02:25 PM PST

    I've been the sole dev for a company for the past two years and we've finally hired another dev. He's a 20-year veteran, with experience everywhere from banking to communications. My boss the CTO vetted him, and he sounded like he knew what he was talking about so he got my pass.

    The problem is that he is the worst at communicating out of anyone I have ever worked with. This didn't show during the interview process. But just today he Slacked me something like the following.

    "hi ERROR: Class 'STS\ZipStream\ZipStreamServiceProvider' not found" What do I need to install?

    I have no idea what he's talking about. There's no context to various questions like this. And if I spend some time trying to ask him questions so I can get a clue of what he's going through, it takes an hour for him to respond and usually with something that makes me just as clueless. And then later he'll just say 'Found the problem'. This happens daily.

    I don't have a problem with his questions, I do have a big problem with how he asks them. There is a list of things that I'm concerned with including talking over me, ignoring questions, telling me he knows how to use a tool and it not being true. But it's generally communication-related.

    I've tried to remedy it by telling him that I need clearer communication and context of what he's trying to do in order for me to be able to help him properly. I've had this conversation almost every week since he's been hired and he says okay and nothing has changed so far.

    I approached my boss saying that I'm having communication issues with the new hire and that it's a problem for me. My boss was sympathetic but says he's going to stay on the team.

    He is technically savy, working with queues, cache, no sql, aws, big data streams, things I'm not very good at. I genuinely want both of us to succeed. But I'm about to snap. What do I do here?

    submitted by /u/recipe_bitch
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    Anyone start in QA to break into the industry first?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 07:34 AM PST

    I'm looking at my options on making the transition to webdev as a career move from a very non-tech career. Not gonna lie, I am a little intimidated. My company has a strong internal mobility program and QA and WebDev roles open from time to time so I'm hoping to practice and train enough in my own time to somewhat qualify for either.

    Has anyone taken a QA role to get to WebDev, or worked both and prefer one over the other? They both interest me and I'd be open to exploring either.

    Would love to hear your experiences.

    submitted by /u/peechykeeny
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    Video JS HLS - Switch between streams

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 12:58 PM PST

    Can anyone tell how they are adding the switch between streams feature?


    I know it uses a json file to pull the stream info.


    Appreciate the help.

    submitted by /u/HeWaba
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    What subreddit has someone that can guide me out of Wordpress hell?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 09:24 AM PST


    Is there a sub where I can find someone to help me get back into my blog when Wordpress won't talk to me? Thanks!!

    submitted by /u/Artnunymisss
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    How to edit a webpage's content from a Chrome extension?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 02:16 PM PST

    Apologies if this isn't the right subreddit for this, but I'm trying to make a Chrome extension which can fill in a text input field on the webpage the user is using the extension on.

    I'm very new to Chrome extension dev and also webdev in general so completely unsure how to go about locating a HTML element on the webpage and then actually editing it from the extension's code. Any hints or tips? Thanks

    submitted by /u/theycallmemrcheese
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    Correct Way To Link Address?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 11:11 AM PST


    How can I use HTML to link a street/postal address?


    When a user clicks on the displayed address, it should link to the Apple Maps (macOS), Bing Maps (Windows), or Google Maps (Chrome OS). I also want it to pick up on mobile, so a user can quickly link to his or her maps apps. I'm using React btw.

    I've looked at (vCard/hCard):


    submitted by /u/Jeffylew77
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    How to prevent a website from stopping when there is a debugger check loop

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 09:10 AM PST

    I have encountered several websites that have some debugger check if statement, that will stop the execution of the site when I open the web developer tools. Therefore I can't use the console nor see the network transfer and such.

    Is there a way around that?

    Btw - I'm using Firefox

    submitted by /u/ADHD_Learning
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    JQuery Question

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 12:52 PM PST


    I am a super new web-developer, currently a student and one of my assignments are to include jquery to my website. I watched a few videos and such, I followed this one ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwUOsRlDTLQ ---> and did the exact steps, but how do I exactly know if it even worked? I run my website and nothing changed? Whats the point of implementing this? Thank you for your help.

    submitted by /u/variancegears
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    best development program?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 12:25 PM PST

    I've started web development in the last few days and I'm really enjoying it. I've done some courses on CSS and HTML and want to know what programme I should use to put what I've learnt into practice in some mini-projects?

    submitted by /u/DawsUTV
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    Is using Dropbox a bad decision in my SaaS?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 03:42 PM PST

    Hi everyone. I've been building a SaaS and have a meeting with potential clients soon. It's a management system in which the user uploads a lot of files. Currently, the structure is using Dropbox. Once the user signs up, the software automatically creates a folder structure within the company's dropbox to save files into. Then we fetch the download links for the client to copy or download from. All is doing through the dropbox API. Here is where I got iffy about using it.

    Dropbox links expired and we had to reupload the original files through the system... the files were still in dropbox but our software was unable to reactivate the same link thus we had to reupload. In this case, if, god forbid, this happens one release, our software will be doomed.

    My options are quite simple, either study dropbox further, tell my developers to make it never happen again, or:

    Use Amazon S3 Simple Storage (I have a meeting with them tomorrow, Friday), and i will explain the issue to get got recommendations out of them.

    And if I get AWS structure, then I have asked my devs if it is a good idea/feasible to mirror the files onto dropbox and give user an access link to their master folder so that they can download the back up via their own personalized DB link.

    I am so very confused and scared as we near the finish line of the MVP.

    submitted by /u/shakespear94
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    Which search solution to use?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 03:41 PM PST

    I'm creating an auction website and I'd like to have a good search functionality. It's tempting to go with Algolia since I've read a lot of nice things about it and it seems easy to set up, but it might also be the more expensive solution. I've also read about Typesense which should work very well too but is self-hosted. If I go with that (or something like it) I would have to set up my own server in the cloud somewhere - something I don't have much experience with. But maybe it's not that difficult?

    I guess I'm just looking for some advice here and want to know if anyone has some recommendations. It's also pretty important for me that the service has a free-tier so that I can actually play around with it for a while without having to worry about costs (it's a hobby project and I'm taking my time). Thanks!

    submitted by /u/bageren
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    A good and cheap web host ?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 02:23 AM PST

    Hello, I'm looking to start my very own website, I will code everything, Anyways I was just wondering what is a good web host (a cheap one hopefully). Also I see a lot of web hosting recommendation that says I need to look for one that supports WordPress, does that affect me ? knowing that I will code everything myself mostly.

    Sorry for bad English.

    submitted by /u/Yosse_M
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    Help with a college assignment

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 03:16 PM PST

    I need to interview an experienced professional in the software development field for a college assignment and I was wondering if some of you would volunteer. it's quite a thorough interview, but I need to gather at least two responses. I also need some sensitive information like names so it can be send as a private message if you want. I'll make sure to edit this when at least two people have replied but feel free to discuss each other's replies if there happen to be any in this post. thank you very much!

    -Your name

    -Name of the company you work for

    -Your position

    -For how long you've been working in the field

    Q1: What are the main problems/challenges faced in software development?

    Q2: How do you personally go about solving each of them?

    again, thanks in advance! :)

    submitted by /u/l8d8
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    is it copyright infringement to save google fonts to an s3 bucket / cache and serve them from there to my website?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 02:47 PM PST

    NoSQL vs RDBMS - Specific Use Case

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 02:20 PM PST

    As we know, this topic is discussed all the time, but I'd like to give a specific use-case and see people's thoughts on whether a NoSQL or an RDBMS database would be more appropriate.

    As an example: let's say it's a Gym Management System. It has a list of users, each time the user visits, a new 'Visit' recorded against that user. There's also another list of Feedback which each time the user visits the gym, an instructor adds a feedback record against the user.

    In a nutshell, each user is going to have several sets of different transactions against them.

    My initial thought is that an RDBMS would be more suitable due to the number of joins between the data, however I'm not as well versed in NoSQL so could be biased. If you had a single User Document, this could become huge if you added the visits and feedback as nested objects? Would your opinion changed if there were more than two 'foreign' record types to a user, say 5-10?

    Open discussion, any thoughts gratefully welcomed.

    submitted by /u/AARobinson26
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    Storing the user ID in the browser, problems?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 02:18 PM PST

    Hello hive mind,

    I'm working on a Shiny application that will require the user upload and and configure datasets before the data are sent to a postgresql database. Since the R server is single threaded, I'm thinking of anchoring the user ID to the browser, and create a binding that's sent with every function call. This way I can create separate list objects with unique user ids that don't overlap/overwrite each other and we can (hopefully) be sure the correct data is associated with the right user.

    Does anyone see any problems with storing the user id in the browser and sending that with each function call?

    I'm asking because I don't have enough knowledge of Docker-swarm or Kubernetes, (only enough to get a dockerized shiny app running on an AWS).


    submitted by /u/Bikingman
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    Don’t put pointer-events: none on form labels

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 08:10 AM PST

    Super fast `super` property access

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 10:16 AM PST

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