• Breaking News

    Thursday, January 28, 2021

    I am dropping WordPress support, not because of WordPress, but because of other WordPress developers. web developers

    I am dropping WordPress support, not because of WordPress, but because of other WordPress developers. web developers

    I am dropping WordPress support, not because of WordPress, but because of other WordPress developers.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 02:07 PM PST

    I don't mean professional developers who do amazing work and know what they are doing. But the majority of WordPress "developers" - theme jockeys, people who can't code but use page builders, plugin addicts, etc. I talked with a prospect the other day and they were going with another developer because someone told them that "WordPress developers don't know what they are doing". And this was not the first time where I've been pigeonholed as a "WordPress guy".

    Hell, just go to the WordPress sub and its post after post about people with no experience coding talking about starting WordPress agencies!

    Meanwhile I've been building custom apps since PHP 4 was around. Before jQuery existed. Hell, before WordPress existed.

    So I am dropping support and never have to spend the first half hour of a client meeting explaining why I won't make a mess of things like the previous WP dev. I can just agree with a chuckle and say "I know exactly what you mean..."

    submitted by /u/bobcottle
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    "there is currently no plan for PWA support in Firefox." - Mozilla gives up on PWAs in Firefox 85

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 12:14 PM PST

    Mental Health and Web Design & Development - learn from these mistakes

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 01:29 AM PST

    I set up as a web designer and developer in the mid 2000's. I loved it and made a good career out of it. Three years ago I had to shut down my business because of stress and anxiety issues that I'd developed through the job. Even with the business gone, I wake up every day with intrusive thoughts about the websites I made, that I did something wrong, that I something I did or didn't do properly ten years ago will come back and destroy my life. The things I imagine happening are irrational. I almost certainly didn't make the mistakes I worry about, but nevertheless, every day I can't stop thinking about them. Classic anxiety disorder stuff. I wanted to write this post for any new designers or devs just getting into the industry so hopefully they don't end up like this.

    EDIT: I've removed what I thought was good advice, as some people have pointed out below, it wouldn't probably work and could even end up feeding into the problem.

    If anyone else has any real tips for new professionals re maintaining good mental health, please share!

    submitted by /u/secondHandFleshlight
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    Looking for a course for an introduction to the internet and basic APIs

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 12:11 PM PST

    I'm sorry if this is the wrong sub for this but I'm trying to look for some sort of beginner's course for my wife which explains the basics of the internet and how things like APIs work. Basic HTTP protocol, IP addressing, how REST APIs work and/or structured.

    She doesn't want me to teach her and her work will pay for something like a Udemy course or something in order for her to learn more about it.

    Does anyone have any good resources for things like this?

    submitted by /u/Srz2
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    I'm more mad now than when it was at 49%

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 09:28 PM PST

    Creating map data visualization with Mapbox, React, Cube.js

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 08:25 AM PST

    How should I deal with a freelance customer that can only explain issues via zoom/phone calls?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 01:12 PM PST

    I took on a freelance customer last year to make some extra cash.

    The work was doable and easy to do. The client is easy to work with.

    Unfortunately, due to bad source control management, there were a few files that were out of sync. The company that hosts their app doesn't develop it. Thankfully, I believe I've gotten everything fixed.

    However, a small issue might pop up and the client wants to get on the phone to discuss. It's a bit of a pain in the ass. Normally, I like to do communicate via email. It's a bit quicker.

    I've tried to get the client to type out the steps if I'm unable to easily replicate the issue. Unfortunately, that hasn't work. I also have a separate dev environment create to they could spot these issues before they get pushed.

    Should I try to strongly guide her to limit phone calls? I could tell her I'm busy the next few days and can't do a phone call and ask if she could give me the steps.

    I also could always just walk away if she wants to constantly use the phone.

    submitted by /u/cleatusvandamme
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    Is it considered a bad practice to use Bootstrap Studio ?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 04:25 PM PST

    Hi everyone!!

    So basically because I'm a college student I have a full free license for the desktop app "Bootstrap Studio", I played with it a bit and I love it so far, I can speed up my web desing, do some templates, then export the code and work with that code and custom what I want to custom.

    But... is it considered a bad practice IRL ? I mean, I don't want to make a full website only using Bootstrap Studio, I just use it to do the desing kinda fast and then custom it, and of course the backend (the part that I actually like) I have to do it all by myself (which I also like).

    Will I be considered a "lazy worker" for using this app for my personal projects? Don't get me wrong, I know html and css but this app just boost up the desing process REALLY fast.

    submitted by /u/venganzz
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    After completing a project, does anyone else get the feeling that they couldn’t do such a thing again?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 11:19 AM PST

    I'm fairly new to web developing (started back in the summer) and have made multiple projects in PHP and ASP.NET, and now I'm working with ExpressJs... Anyway, I completed a commerce store by myself recently, and now that I look back on it, I doubt myself into thinking I'll never be able to do something to that scale again... Not in a bad way, but because of how complex it is... It's as though I've finally come back to earth. Are these feelings normal for programmers to experience after completing a big project?

    submitted by /u/officergabe
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    Do you guys know of a possible app/extension/program that can collect the images from a webpage and allow you to download them all in a zip file?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 01:50 PM PST

    I'm making a project for a Pokemon app and want to be able to have each image from this webpage: https://pokemondb.net/pokedex/national without having to right click and individually download them all myself.

    Let me know of anything I can download to help make this process easy.


    submitted by /u/Martin-Prince-
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    Is it possible to know what technologies are being used on the backend of the websites ??

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 01:01 AM PST

    is there any way we can find out what frameworks and technologies do different websites use in the backend ??

    submitted by /u/__ihavenoname__
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    If you are using sentry.io and Intellij IDEs you can view, manipulate issues and jump between exception’s stacktrace right in your IDE with Sentry Integration Community

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 03:14 AM PST

    I'm 17; should I quit school and accept the web-dev position offer? If so, will not having any educational qualification hurt me in the future?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 03:09 PM PST

    Hi! I'll try to make this as short as possible

    I'm 17 and I applied for a few full-stack jobs a few weeks ago. Recently, I got accepted into a Junior front-end position at a nearby company

    The issue is that I have zero educational qualifications

    I studied in the U.S for three years (Freshman to Junior year), but I had to leave the country before my Senior year. Due to that, I didn't receive my U.S high school diploma

    Then I moved to the U.K a few months ago, and had to start from zero again... I am now taking GSCE English, GSCE Maths and BTEC Computing (I think it can be compared to U.S's AP Computer Science?)

    To be quite honest, I hate the classes I am taking right now; the GSCE classes are basically what I already studied in the U.S, and BTEC Computing course is absurdly slow-paced and sincerely pathetic

    I really can't see myself staying in school for one more year after this one, and I really want to just start working and gain real-word experience

    The problem is that I don't know how the web-dev industry works, and I am afraid that not having ANY qualification will hurt me in the future when I seek other jobs after this one. How would recruiters look upon someone who doesn't even have their GSCEs?

    Should I stay in school and at least finish my GSCEs ("exams" are in June), or go YOLO and accept the job now?

    Thanks y'all, sincerely

    EDIT: I just realized you can take GSCEs exams as a private candidate (they're paid tho, of course). If I do take the job then I'll definitely pay to take the exams then

    submitted by /u/peanutbutterwnutella
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    Opinions about architecture approaches to using websockets?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 03:06 PM PST


    How do you design your app data updates with websockets?

    I wanted to see what are people's thoughts about best architecture approaches when using WS to introduce real-time functionality to dynamic web apps. Which approach do you use to handle data updates to your frontends with sockets?

    I'm going to use a chat app as an example, since that's often the most basic example. So I've seen basically two approaches:

    Approach1: Use socket for emitting the events as well as the manipulation of app data


    - When a new message is POSTed on the chat app from client1, client2 receives a socket event like 'new-message' with a data payload that contains the new message. Then the client-side code basically merges new message object with existing message data on the client to render the chat view.

    - You can even replace the POST rest api for creating new messages with a pure socket driven approach, effectively negating the need for any type of REST API for interactions like this.


    - Reusing the socket connection for all data transfers as well as events saves bandwidth and removes need to reestablish connections?

    - You are already writing event handlers, so you could write business logic to handle data updates in the same place in the code? (could be bad thing as well)


    - Sockets can be flaky? If you rely on having a consistent view of the app data using sockets, then losing a message or losing connection means you could miss receiving a message object from the server.

    - Socket handler code could get very bloated. Also if you have an existing REST API, you have some app logic being handled via sockets, while some data operations are being handled through the REST API.

    - Sockets could contain app logic that is not accessible from non-browser type clients that do not easily integrate with websockets

    Approach2: Use socket for only emitting events, but all data operations are done via existing REST APIs only


    - When a new message is POSTed on the chat app from client1, client2 receives a socket event like 'new-message' like before, BUT the payload from the socket doesn't contain any data. Client2 treats the event just as a notification to update it's view of the app data and makes a GET request to fetch latest view of the data and then renders the UI.

    - All data operations including fetching the latest data is only done through REST API. Sockets only act as a sort of "push notification" or a trigger to hit "refresh" on the client-side datastores


    - socket handlers are extremely light and have no app logic. They merely trigger existing logic to load data via REST API, so there can be very clean separation between socket logic and app business logic.

    - Sockets are not a prerequisite for full app logic, no behavior is missing even if you don't connect with sockets. Sockets only control how frequently you refresh the app data client-side

    - Flaky sockets don't really cause critical bugs for the app since you can just wait


    - Performance? You are not using the socket connection for transferring any meaningful data, so low utilization of the duplexed connection.

    I find myself preferring Approach 2 for most cases, mostly because network performance was never the bottleneck for the types of web apps I write... also personally I find it leads to cleaner and more concise code in my experience.

    I would love to hear other people's thoughts on this though

    submitted by /u/shyneeup
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    How to make an HTML Email Signature on Linux

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 02:02 PM PST


    I think I learned Perl in less time than it is taking me to figure out a good way to make an HTML Email Signature.

    Any help is appreciated. I'm pulling my hair out.

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/zombiepirate2020
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    API For handling payments to multiple users.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 11:48 AM PST

    Hello everyone,

    I am working on an application in which I need to be handling payments. But the problem is that the payments won't be coming to my personal account.

    The application I am currently developing makes a certain business's service available for the "normal" users to purchase. So basically every time a user purchases a service, the payment must go to the business that had that service.

    What's the best API to use in such a case? I read a bit about Stripe, but as far as I understood, to accomplish what I am asking for through that I would need to ask all businesses to create an account on Stripe and link it with my application for this to work.

    Are there any alternatives?

    Thank you in advance.

    EDIT: I guess a TLDR would be -> What API should I use if I am planning to handle payments in an application similar to airbnb.

    submitted by /u/Teabx
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    Is there a chance that a 40 year old guy with 4 years of unemployment and no degree can start a career as web developer?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 02:00 PM PST

    Basically tried to put as much info as possible on the title but...

    Usually success stories are all about "I know a guy who introduced me to someone and I had a degree that was aligned with the company's goals".

    Why do I feel that it's way harder for someone 40 years old to break into the industry without having prior experience that he can use as a leverage or without having "a friend who knows a friend"?

    And as a secondary question: Does my age affect the kind of job openings I can go for, or can I do front-end, back-end, both etc?

    submitted by /u/Fair_Cause_1166
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    Components: Server-Side vs. Client-Side

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 10:04 AM PST

    How to make Matomo with AdBlockers

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 03:49 AM PST

    Cheapest place to renew a .me TLD?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 04:50 PM PST

    I have a website that uses the .me TLD and Namecheap wants $20 to renew, so I started looking elsewhere.

    I don't care about anything other than domain registration, I won't be using their nameservers either so I'm just price-conscious.

    Any recommendations?

    submitted by /u/discobobulator
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    Unhappy as backend developer, I want to switch it up to UI, UX and Frontend Development, any advice?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 10:51 PM PST

    I've been a backend developer for 5 years, and I've been unhappy for a few months now, I recently changed jobs from a web agency to a new job which is basically solving bugs for a huge (and very badly maintained) codebase. I'm starting to feel burned out and it's time for a big change

    I've always been fascinated by well built front-end websites, the designing of those, UI/UX, the opposite side of pure backend programming.

    Has anyone made this switch? I'm interested to know if there's any downsides (or upsides!), but I'm very eager to start something new.

    submitted by /u/pilfton
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    A good instruction how to make a good web platform

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 12:17 PM PST

    I want to create a small web platform where user can create an account and each user has its own user profile.

    It's not really complicated but I want to make sure that I do it right. For example a good implementation of SEO and other important stuff. I mean for companies like AirBnb there do work lots of people and it has a high value too. So maybe there have to be done many other things in order to create a successful web platform.

    Could you recommend me a good article for that?

    submitted by /u/TomBerryxD
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    Annual JetBrain survey on the developer's ecosystem

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 07:13 AM PST

    Thinking about charging a GoDaddy tax...

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 03:47 PM PST

    My client is using GoDaddy as a host. They are the worst frigging host in the history of hosting. Their site UX is shit. Their support is worthless. Problem after problem. I'm probably preaching to the choir. But I'm thinking about charging extra if GoDaddy is involved in any way.

    submitted by /u/randomsnowflake
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