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    Wednesday, January 27, 2021

    [HELP] Looking for a website that was created as a meme. How to make your website readable. Ask Programming

    [HELP] Looking for a website that was created as a meme. How to make your website readable. Ask Programming

    [HELP] Looking for a website that was created as a meme. How to make your website readable.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 07:46 PM PST

    I remember seeing this website where the created cursed and showed how to make the site readable. It was very funny, and someone else took his website and made it even look better. And someone else took site and added more things to make it looked even better. It was funny but also very informative, do you guys have the link for that?

    Found it: https://github.com/lyoshenka/awesome-motherfucking-website

    submitted by /u/Appropriate_Cut_906
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    If you had a whole month to dedicate to learning coding, how would you plan your month?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 07:37 AM PST

    Ofc I understand I would be far from a master in a month(!) but still I would like advice for how to plan this month I wish to dedicate to really improving my coding skills.

    • What languages or skills would you focus on in terms of current demand/high employ-ability? I hear that JavaScript is very much in demand at the moment.
    • What tools would you recommend I use for my learning?
    • What targets would you suggest I work towards?

    My background is I have experience with Python that I need to refresh. I also have some commandline experience and some html/css experience.

    But I want to bring myself to a high level and create a portfolio.

    I fully understand that my learning would obviously go on long beyond this month, but I would appreciate any ideas others more advanced than me might have as to how I can make this month a really worthwhile program for myself.

    submitted by /u/alban_y
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    Can I create a bot to block accounts by bio keyword?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 11:03 PM PST

    Hey everyone,

    Recently I've been on TikTok a lot and find myself constantly getting frustrated by accounts which are just spreading misinformation. All of these accounts have similar keywords in their bios which seems like something that I could use to automate a blocking process.

    I'm completely new to programming but have had an interest in learning for some time. From watching a lot of videos on YouTube, I have heard that the best way to learn is to start a project you are interested in and pick to it apart from the bottom.

    So my questions are;

    1 - How difficult would it be to create a bot to block TikTok accounts by a keyword in their bio?

    2 - If possible; how would I go about doing this? Starting points/resources?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Busy_Resource
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    NPM package for generating gendered avatars?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 03:25 PM PST

    I'm creating a bunch of dummy data for my contacts system and people already have randomly generated profiles but I'd like random images too. I'd like to pull from http://thispersondoesnotexist.com/ but gender is an issue. If the person's name is Mike Lawrence and the image is of a woman...Well.

    I've come across a couple generators that I've had problems with:

    • DiceBear (their docs are extremely thin and don't explain how to get a dataUri from a generated sprite even if that option is enabled)
    • Fakerator (with fakerator.internet.gravatar() - it only ever spits out a default avatar and not a generated one)
    • UiFaces (this was a good one but it's dead now)

    The image doesn't have to be a photo or anything. If it's a person and the person is gendered, I don't care if it's a cartoon or not. Something else that I 100% need is a linked URL to the image, since the data is imported via spreadsheet and uploading images somewhere isn't an option. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/LookAtThisRhino
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    Help with algorithm for a game

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 05:16 PM PST

    Hi, I'm a beginner programmer (with no formal education) and I'm working on a Sudoku-inspired puzzle game.

    However, I ran into an issue. I have no clue how to generate boards for the game. I don't even know where to start.

    The rules are:

    • Each board is made up of Ones and Zeroes in a random pattern, fully or partially obfuscated for the player
    • It's impossible for there to be more than two Ones or Zeroes in a row, either vertically or horizontally.
    • Next to each row and columns, there are three numbers visible to the player - sum of all numbers in it, amount of "doubles" (two ones in a row) and "singles" (single ones).
    • Goal of the game is to fill the entire board with Zeroes and Ones in a way that adheres to the rules.

    And that's it. I have an issue - I don't know how to make sure that every board generated is solvable. It'd help if every board is solvable, but I have no idea how to test for that.

    Anyone can help?

    submitted by /u/shino1
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    Software recommendations to build source code search like publicwww

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 05:09 PM PST

    I want to make a search engine that searches over a huge set of documents similar to https://publicwww.com/

    Tbh I don't know how to start and I need recommendations

    submitted by /u/alifaki077
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    Libraries to display a Sourcetree-like diff between two text files?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 04:43 PM PST

    I'm trying to create a Java class that will take in two large text files and output the differences between them as HTML highlighted output. This can be a single output or 2 outputs (i.e. for displaying side-by-side in a front-end). I also need this utility to show line numbers from the text files. Basically, something similar to how Git GUIs render diffs.

    This is obviously a large undertaking so I've been looking for existing libraries to do the heavy lifting for me. This https://github.com/google/diff-match-patch comes very close but his algorithm has no support for line numbers as we see in his demo:


    Has anyone tried to do this before? Is there an open source library out there that can meet my requirements?

    submitted by /u/YouHaveED
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    Pixel Intensity using Numpy

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 03:56 PM PST

    Say I have 10 different images. I want to calculate the pixel intensity of all the pixels across all 10 images and plot it as a histogram. What numpy command can I use to achieve this?


    submitted by /u/Ok-Cod1551
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    Can someone help with this question?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 11:59 AM PST

    Consider the following incomplete method that shuffles a list of Grades objects, so that any

    grade can end up at any index in the list with equal probability.

    public void shuffle(List <Grade> grades)


    int n = grades.size();

    while(n > 1)


    <missing statements>

    Grade temp = grades.set(k, grades.get(n - 1));

    grades.set(n - 1, temp);




    Which of the following can replace <missing statements>?

    A. int k = Math.random() * n;

    B. int k = (int)(n * Math.random());

    C. int k = Math.random() * (n - 1);

    D. int k = (int)(Math.random() * (n - 1));

    E. int k = (int)((n + 1) * Math.random());

    I don't exactly understand the random function and why we need to multiply it by something.

    submitted by /u/cowlicksarein
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    Automate PDF to Word Conversions Help

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 03:17 PM PST

    Hi there folks,

    Does anyone have experience with automating PDF to Word conversions? Please feel free to message me, thank you so much!

    submitted by /u/sleepy-tortoise
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    How to grant remote access to mySQL (Workbench) database?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 11:11 AM PST

    I'm working in visual studio 2019 in C# on a Windows 10 laptop. The connection in visual studio is open and I have the connection string, however when I run my program it comes up with an error saying there's been a sql server error and I need to make sure it allows remote access. The problem I seem to be having is that I'm using mysql workbench, not mysql server specifically...any help?

    submitted by /u/Aspen3010
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    Advice on path for website DIY project

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 10:52 AM PST


    I'm currently a 24-year-old IT technician at a local university in my country. I recently took a 9-month cybersecurity course, found it fascinating. I then focused on networking and just finished studying for the CCNA.

    However, instead of moving forward in my career as a network engineer, SysAdmin, or even at a SOC, I realized my passion is to be independent and create my own business. So I've been thinking about opening my own computer webstore for a while now as a DIY project & potential source of income in the future.

    I know html and css pretty well and have a very basic superficial understanding of php. Now, some people told me to just use WordPress, learn some PHP and Javascript along the way for this endeavor which I'm considering.

    Now I understand I'm going to need to know javascript for front-end. But I thought of being ambitious and learning it together with the node.js framework to talk to my backend server like mysql or mariadb, instead of using php.

    I'm looking for advice on what to focus on at this point. do I first learn some basic php (even though node.js can replace it) and then move on to javascript and go with the flow? Or do I stick to my plan of learning front-end & backend with js a single language?

    What I definitely don't want is to use Shopify, woo-commerce, wix or all kinds of services where I don't even own my website, my code and instead pay for it on a monthly basis.

    Do you think I'm on the right track?

    I would appreciate any advice for this project.

    Note: I'm okay even if it takes me a year just to get my website up and running. I just want to excel and be able to take pride at my own creation in a year's time.


    submitted by /u/NicestDude
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    How software UI is change according to screen resolution?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 10:51 AM PST

    Hi there, currently I developing a software UI. In XAML. I see a lot of desktop applications that are perfectly fit for any screen resolution. As an example suppose a software run on full HD monitor have different window size and that same software when I run on low resolution monitor have a bigger window size. But in both cases all control are visible clearly no blurry issues.

    If I develop a software UI with fix hard coded width and height then it's not looking great. Can someone tell how achieve this using code or at least give me proper idea on how this things work?

    submitted by /u/merun372
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    What does "Run test in Docker container" mean?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 10:45 AM PST

    I have gotten a coding question from a place I have just interviewed for.

    The tests that I am running are Junit and selenium. The spec says "Run test in Docker container". I have never used docker so a simple explanation of what docker is and what "Run test in Docker container" means in this context would be very helpful.

    submitted by /u/greywolf_18
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    How to allocate more memory to a python program?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 06:21 AM PST

    Hi, I made a small crypto mining script this morning.

    It is quite expensive and ran for a while so I was expecting my memory and CPU to be close to max.

    On task manager memory it was at 60% and CPU 35%.

    I guess that's because of allocation limits, do you guys know how to allocate more computation power to a script?


    submitted by /u/Ancoisne
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    Want to learn how to build a video streaming API using ASP.NET Core

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 01:44 PM PST

    I want to build an API for video streaming (getting the partial info from the file) but I can't find any guide neither in text format (docs, blogs, etc) nor video (pluralsight). Can you recommend me any useful resources or docs on this topic? or are there certain topics I should cover first? (maybe even guide that includes building a simple project). Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Levanushka
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    What's the best language/framework for creating a card game?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 01:38 PM PST

    My grandma taught me and my cousins a card game she created when I was young, and it's been a tradition to play it on her birthday every year.

    She passed away from covid late last year and we want to virtually play the game to honor her memory. I'm a frontend dev, proficient in JS/react/redux and was looking to code a little something so we could play on zoom. Her birthday is in mid-march so I have about 50 days to make it happen.

    Phaser seems to be the way to go but I'm not the biggest fan of their docs and was wondering if anybody had any idea on what the best way to make something like this is?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/princess_naive
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    Where can I read about how operating systems handle networking?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 01:34 PM PST

    Lots of networking library apis have a non blocking call to see if any network data has been received since the last time that call has been made. The operating system must be doing something in the background that allows my program to run without blocking/waiting on networking stuff. Normally I would think the operating system just has a separate thread in the background, but then I think about things like webservers. nginx can handle thousands of connections at once. I know the selling point of these types of web servers over something like apache's httpd is that they don't need to create a new thread for every request. If nginx is handling 10k+ concurrent connections, the underlying operating system is also doing that. Since the operating system isn't making 10k+ threads, how is it handling all of that at once?

    My vague understanding is that there's a mini separate processor on the network card itself which handles networking stuff. When new packets come in, it sends interrupts to the main cpu, which the operating system then handles as needed. Does the massive amount of concurrent connections come down to the processing power of the small chip on the network card?

    submitted by /u/MrZoraman
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    Is developing a REST API a good alternative for an old SOAP based service?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 01:33 PM PST

    We have a number of old SOAP based services which do a number of things.

    Most of these things involve getting data from the head office and updating the local databases at individual store level.

    For instance our main updater first looks at what is in the update queue for them which is just; a foreign key, the table it's touching and a flag that says "update this field" or "update everything", then it gets a list of the tables involved and what fields it is and is not allowed to update, then finally it checks locally if it has to do an insert or an update.

    If everything is inserted/updated they get deleted from the queue, if any errors occur those lines instead get updated with the error so we can later look at what happened.

    It works but my main issues are;

    1) Due to SOAP's limitations we've had to do make the local console program do batches of X or else it completely fails, which is starting to occur on some of the other programs where batching was not implemented. in turn this means every update causes several hits to the server.

    2) Any modification to the services usually means we have to rebind the SOAP service and recompile all the programs that use them even if those programs don't use the modification.

    So what I'm trying to determine is first if a REST API would be able to handle a greater amount of data. which may eventually also include filestream data for an SQL Filetable.

    how much "processing" is the API able to do; I assume it allows for anything normal program is able to but so far a lot of the tutorials I've looked at don't go much further than simple one table in/out.

    and what methodology is possible;


    1) Local program sends a request for updates from the HO Queue to the API.

    2) API then Looks at the queue, packages all the data in multiple JSON based on the different tables involved and sends all of them back to the local program in one single request. (or a single massive one with mix/matched tables?)

    3) Local program processes all the things and sends back a package with either success or a list of error messages.


    1) Local program sends a request for updates from the HO Queue to the API.

    2) API Looks at the queue, sends back a list of tables to deal with

    3) Local program sends individual requests for each table.

    4) API sends back data for each table.

    5) Local program sends back success or errors for each table.

    submitted by /u/Daakuryu
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    Web Programming Challenge Help

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 01:31 PM PST


    I need help capturing the flag (break into) for this website: http://bravo.virginiacyberrange.net
    The only hints are:

    1. Bravo (as the title)
    2. "Perhaps we can direct your attention over here..."

    The flag (answer) could be a series of letters or numbers or a combination of both. I've tried going through the page sources but none of the things I've tried works.

    I'd appreciate any help.

    submitted by /u/Opposite_Ad2185
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    Kotlin/Android dev codelab is confusing me

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 01:06 PM PST

    toIm a novice programmer who decided to learn kotlin/android dev during lockdown. I've been working through the courses on developer.android.com and so far they've been great but im having trouble understanding something on this one: https://developer.android.com/codelabs/basic-android-kotlin-training-fragments-navigation-component?continue=https%3A%2F%2Fdeveloper.android.com%2Fcourses%2Fpathways%2Fandroid-basics-kotlin-unit-3-pathway-2%23codelab-https%3A%2F%2Fdeveloper.android.com%2Fcodelabs%2Fbasic-android-kotlin-training-fragments-navigation-component#4

    In step one it says to get a nullable reference to the binding class using: private var _binding: FragmentLetterListBinding? = null Which is all good, but it then says to use private val binding get() = _binding!!

    Why make a copy of the first reference?

    submitted by /u/Hydrogenius69
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    Programming in other languages

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 12:35 PM PST

    How do people in other languages program? Like if I was is Spain, and was using python persay, would I just type in python commands translated to English? Or would I program it in English? Or is there some middle man that I don't know about?

    submitted by /u/TheOctopusBoi
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    How would I go about creating and hosting a blog as fast as possible? Are there reliable pre-made solutions?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 06:34 AM PST

    I am in urgent need of launching a blogging platform for a project. It would ideally be hosted AWS or Azure, but I haven't done web development in years and I really have no idea as to how to proceed (I do have some recent AWS experience, though, through their IoT solutions). Are there pre-made solutions that I could just configure with my own CSS theme and then integrate automatically on a cloud service? Kind of like Wordpress, but with less bullshit and free.

    I'm fine with any language, really, as well as with any database technology. My only requirements are that it should be free, easily hosted without much of a hassle and with support for custom CSS. What do you suggest?

    submitted by /u/Numuhukumakiaki_aial
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    Linking javascript page to HTML form button?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 08:05 AM PST

    How do i do this i cant find anything online.

    submitted by /u/G10RG1O
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