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    Wednesday, January 27, 2021

    For self-taught programmers, what did you know when you got your first job? learn programming

    For self-taught programmers, what did you know when you got your first job? learn programming

    For self-taught programmers, what did you know when you got your first job?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 04:19 AM PST

    I want to know how it was specifically in the web dev field

    submitted by /u/solidmedusa
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    Imposter Syndrome - Never feel good enough to do my job as a Software Developer..

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 05:18 PM PST

    I've had my Software Developer job for just over 3 years now. I was lucky to get the role since I didn't actually do any programming throughout my time at University, it wasn't something I enjoyed so I tended to avoid those modules. Fast forward past University, I was employed as a Software Developer...

    The three main languages the company use are C#, VB & SQL. When I first joined I had very little knowledge of SQL and I'd never touched VB/C# so it was embarrassing that I couldn't even do the basics at first and it seemed to take me a lot longer to pick it up than everyone else. Even after I started getting the rhythm going and picking it up unfortunately I wasn't tasked with many C#/VB tasks so I've ended up undoing the progress I made since its been so long and I've forgotten, I realise this is my own fault and I'd be a lot better off if I had a few projects in my own time but since I don't have a genuine passion for Programming its hard for me to do the external work that I need to do..

    It just seems that even if I know the solution to a problem my brain just over complicates the solution and refuses to pick up on it and then when I get told the correct solution it seems so obvious and it turns out I knew it all along. This trait has caused me to have quite a few embarrassing moments at work recently and I could hear the genuine shock in my colleagues voices when they seen how little knowledge I actually had first hand whilst they walked me through the solution...

    It's starting to take its toll on me now I can feel it's affecting my mental health, I'm anxious throughout the whole working day whether I'm going to get a call to say is this task complete etc.. (Because I'm a lot slower than the other guys), sometimes I even avoid working some hours throughout the day as a way to escape the anxiety, of course I always at least work my hours (on average I'm definitely exceeding the expected hours), but I find it a lot easier to work outside of work hours since I know I'm not going to be hit with a call asking about the task. I realise how stupid this logic is but yet I still let myself get away with it. Not only is this having an affect on me through the week its also the weekend, I find myself dreading work on the Monday before I've even went to sleep on the Friday.

    Unfortunately, I don't have any passions in life that I could do for work, so its not a case of just leaving this job and pursuing something I enjoy. I can't think of a single job that I would enjoy, so I'd likely be in the same boat elsewhere. The money is good in this job and the team is good, no issues at all socially, it seems to just be my lack of skill/very slow learning pace thats causing all these negative emotions.

    The reason I am posting here to see if anyone has been in a similar situation or can offer advice how to get out of a rut etc. I constantly feel like I don't deserve to be there, another example of this is when people are having conversations about things in the industry i.e. new framework etc. I just find myself lost and can't join in the conversation because I don't enjoy it as much as those guys so don't know about all the latest developments in the industry (I'm not usually socially awkward either but since this is work I feel like I'm expected to know all this, so when I can't join in I just feel stupid standing there)

    TLDR: Have imposted syndrome at current job, low skill level considering I've got 3 years experience, learning pace seems to be very slow compared to others, seeking for advice on how to get out of this rut.

    submitted by /u/ShoddyProgrammer1
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    Coding interviews stress

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 05:56 PM PST

    Hello everyone,

    I landed a few interviews during the pandemic and everything seems to go well during the phone interview and I'm fairly confident in my soft skills ability. But as soon as I get links for those coding test where you get a time limit. I begin to stress out and fail all of them because I forget everything as soon as I see a timer.

    Do you have any tips for people like me who have trouble staying calm during the coding interviews?

    submitted by /u/Gosfi
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    Where the Jobs Are? Entry-Level Jobs in Development

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 08:16 AM PST

    I looked at the most common tech job titles for entry-level positions on Indeed and found that the position that most commonly hires entry-level developers is React Developer. Over 50% of the React jobs are open to entry-level developers as opposed to only 14% of Java jobs available to entry level developers. Detail follows...

    Here's the video version: https://youtu.be/3h9bkf244IQ

    Here's the raw data: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HJCNrHzU8rhx1HEnv_7Pi_f8IAXcpgwmm4YNckXo0yM/edit?usp=sharing

    When it comes to jobs for software developers, you'll hear a lot from developers about what languages or libraries you should learn and which aren't that important. But, honestly, a lot of this discussion is based around feelings and shiny object syndrome.

    Developers are naturally curious and love learning new things, so new technologies catch their attention, and, sometimes, older technologies-- the ones developers are actually using, aren't discussed as much. This can give new developers a misimpression about what's important to learn and what can get them an actual job.

    Since opinions are like buttholes-- everyone's got one and they all stink-- I wanted to use actual data for this discussion. So, I went to Indeed.com and looked at the data for some of the most common technologies that people are hiring for.

    I also looked at the number of jobs that are specifically earmarked for entry-level developers. This data is by no means comprehensive or complete. Looking at the number of jobs and job titles is really only a limited set of data.

    As I review the data, remember, we're focused on beginners here, and due to that, I left a few technologies out that I don't really recommend for new developers.

    We'll start with where I found the least demand, and finish with the languages that have the most demand. Here we go:

    Gaming Technologies: Unity and Unreal Engine Jobs
    I'm not surprised that there was limited demand for Unity and the Unreal Engine. These are specialized game development engines that use the C# programming language to develop games and multimedia.

    Between Unity and competitor Unreal engine there were about 2,220 jobs listed nationwide with only about 400 of these jobs being open to new developers.

    If you are interested in entry-level jobs in game development, look into Unity and Unreal engine. C++ which we'll talk about in a bit is also used in quite a bit of game development, but, I still recommend the game engines if you're entry-level.

    Ruby On Rails Jobs
    Next on the lower-demand side of things is Ruby on Rails. A few years ago, Ruby on Rails, a framework based on the Ruby language for building web applications was all the rage-- if you paid attention to the developer chatter online.

    Everyone was talking about it. Apparently, no one was actually using it.

    There were a paltry 2,800 Ruby On Rails jobs advertised with 433 of those jobs being available to entry-level developers. I think Ruby on Rails paints an important lesson for us to learn-- Just because a language or technology is getting a lot of online press, doesn't mean it's a safe bet for a long term job.

    Needless to say, I wouldn't make Ruby on Rails a priority in 2021 if you're wondering, "What programming language I should learn?"

    Server-Side Developer Jobs
    Next on the list was the job title "Server-Side Developer" which had 4,185 open jobs with 525 open to new developers. Server-Side Developer jobs were the least available to entry-level developers on our list.

    I think a lot of these jobs labeled as 'server-side developer' were enterprise-level jobs that involve complex server coding and a large team. These jobs are generally suited to computer science graduates.

    PHP Jobs
    PHP, however, is what I sometimes call server-side light. It is a very frequently deployed server-side language that's starting to show it's age and lose out to newer technologies like NodeJS. There are a semi-significant number of PHP jobs available-- just under 9,000 with a full 21% of those being jobs for new software developers.

    Node.JS Jobs
    Node.js is a PHP competitor and is next. There are about the same number of Node.js jobs as there are PHP jobs, but fewer of them-- just about 13% are available to new developers. There is good reason to learn Node, however, as the language uses the same syntax as JavaScript and is usually a quick study if you already know front-end development.

    Jobs for Software Developers: Front End Development
    The title "Front End Developer" is next, with about the same number of total jobs as PHP. For front-end development jobs 1,625 were available to new developers. I wonder how much cross-over there is here with the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript category which is discussed later-- Since front-end development is made up of these three languages, I'm not sure how many jobs appear in both categories.

    Jobs with the Angular Framework
    Angular is a popular framework for developing web applications. Remember a framework is a comprehensive system for building apps while a library provides tools for working with a specific language. Angular has a reasonable number of jobs for a framework at 14,478. Less than 15% of the Angular jobs are available at the entry-level, so this may be something that you pursue after you have some initial experience.

    Full-stack Developer Jobs
    Full-stack developers work on the client-side and server-side-- the front end and the back end. "Full-stack" is a popular title and many startups are looking for full-stack developers because of their versatility.

    If you want to work full-stack, you have to know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript plus a backend language like PHP, or Node.js which I discussed earlier. If you're interested in startups especially, I'd add the full-stack of languages to your learning list for the year.

    Microsoft .net Jobs
    Next, in order of demand, is the .net series of languages. .net is a development framework from Microsoft focused on the Windows family of products. .net projects are frequently enterprise-level projects run on Microsoft Azure servers. Microsoft is an ecosystem unto itself and if you learn .net, you can command a very high salary-- as this is one of the highest paying technologies.

    C++ Development Jobs
    C++ is next. I mentioned C++ earlier when discussing game development. There are 35,551 C++ jobs currently listed and a full 19% of those jobs are available to entry-level devs.

    C++ is used for games, but also for IoT-- or internet of things apps. If that interests you, C++ is the way to go. There are a significant number of open jobs at the entry-level and the technology used in IoT is unlikely to change soon. The downside is you might be writing microcode for a thermostat or lightbulb. Or, maybe, that's what you enjoy.

    HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Software Development Jobs
    With over 51,000 available jobs, the HTML/CSS/JavaScript stack is next. I was surprised that only 15% of these jobs are marked entry-level, but that's still almost 8,000 available jobs.

    That's pretty good, considering these three technologies can be learned in just a few months.

    If you're interested in this track, read the article on How to Become a Web Developer.

    Entry Level React Developer Jobs
    Here's where it gets interesting.

    React was the fastest-growing library in 2020 and it's next. React is a JavaScript library, so you'll need to know the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript stack first-- But, There are 57,127 open React jobs.

    Now, hold on to your seat-- Over half these jobs (52%) are available to entry-level. While it doesn't have the highest aggregate demand, that makes React our winner for entry-level jobs for software developers.

    So, if you're learning this year, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and then the React library is the way to go. With 29,587 open entry-level jobs, your chances of landing something are quite good and it's not a long haul to learn the React library if you already know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

    Java: An Enterprise Langauge
    Java has 61,000 jobs posted, but just 14% for entry-level positions. I'm not a big fan of Java as an entry-level language. I think you'll find that most of these Java jobs go to college graduates with computer science degrees. While there are many jobs, I think Java is better to look at once you have some experience in one of the other job categories we've discussed.

    Python Developer Jobs
    The winner for most jobs posted total was Python-- 72,023 Python jobs are now available. Of these, just under 12,600 are entry-level positions.

    Python is growing because of the huge interest in big data and data science. Python is frequently used for data analysis and you'll find a healthy number of positions in this area. There are lots of great options for learning Python, and if data is your thing, I'd recommend learning the relatively easy Python programming language this year.

    Want a look at the raw numbers? View our Jobs for Software Developers language analysis spreadsheet.

    I hope this is somewhat helpful to new developers looing for direction.

    submitted by /u/mlassoff
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    Feel like I can do anything with the tools (libraries) provided for me, but that I am forever dependent on these libraries. How do I move past this?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 09:05 PM PST

    For example, Python is my strongest language. If you told me to to make a window appear on the screen or to build a database driven web application without using a 3rd party library, I'd look at you like you had two heads. I understand these things were built so we don't have to reinvent the wheel, but it all feels like a black box to me. How do I move past this? Someone out there knows enough to be the ones building these libraries and moving technology forward. Let alone the people who work on things like autonomous vehicles. How do I start to move in that direction? I understand this is probably an extremely long process but feel I have hit a plateau and am not sure where to look next. Thanks for any advice.

    submitted by /u/Justin98O
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    How does a compiler/interpreter actually know how to break down a program into machine code?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 11:17 PM PST

    I am new to programming, so apologies if this is a stupid question!

    So I get that compilers/interpreters translate a program to machine code, which the computer can understand. But how does the compiler/interpreter KNOW how to translate it? Where is it (how to translate from JavaScript, for example, to machine code) defined? Is there some kind of mapping that exists somewhere that the compiler/interpreter uses to translate?

    Thanks in advance for the help!!

    submitted by /u/Total_Lab_640
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    I'm discouraged by GPT-3 to pursue a carreer in coding

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 12:11 AM PST

    Im a rookie who enjoys coding. I even developed a little tool-suite to make my current job easier (unrelated to software development). Would be cool to be a real dev, however when I see what GPT-3 can do, I can't shake off the feeling that in a few years, it will make junior positions obsolete.

    Many people say that an AI can't understand what the client needs and can't set up requirements etc. My assumption is that senior devs or other higher level people will do the talking and planning and then they will feed the instructions to an AI. So there won't be that much of a need for the 'middle man' - someone what I would be in a few years.

    What are your opinions on this?

    submitted by /u/Kukoyashumpi
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    I feel like I'm stuck in the shallow ends of programming

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 01:16 PM PST

    I feel like I've only learned the basics of JS, Python, Ruby, Java, web development fundamentals etc. I wanna learn in detail and actually "master" a language. What can I do, and what language to focus on?

    submitted by /u/Puzzleheaded_WarfBI
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    New person learning html,css,javascript (Web dev)

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 05:25 PM PST

    So I'm new at learning web dev. HTML has come easy to me but CSS is where my ass is being kicked. I can write in html all day but I can't remember css for anything. So how would I practice this. Is there a website where I can do like "practice problems", just like in math. I'm not sure if I should just build projects and learn but I've tried that approach and still struggle. And don't get me wrong I know you're suppose to struggle but I feel like my struggle is with no learning in sight. I spend countless hours watching tutorials but I just can't remember anything. So if you guys can suggest any websites to practice CSS or just web dev in general I'll appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/BliZZard122112
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    Looking for a buddy to have daily practice/discussion for upcoming Google and Amazon Interviews

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 12:26 AM PST

    Hey, I am having 3.5yoe and am looking for someone who would be interested to have daily practice of coding and system design problems everyday. Please dm if you are on the same boat or is simply interested to solve problems. I am in IST Timezone.

    submitted by /u/minu_auddy
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    which program language should I learn in 2021?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 12:15 AM PST

    Python undoubtedly tops the list. It is widely accepted as the best programming language to learn first. Should I learn python this year?

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Ismail000vg
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    I have been trying to create a tool, where am I going wrong

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 11:42 PM PST

    only the this.draw function gets called.

    when I have tested it, for example if I type abc it would output to the canvas aaaaaaaabbbbbbccccccc.

    how do I make it so enter and called is only called once

    function TextTool(){ //set an icon and a name for the object this.icon = "assets/icons/texttool.jpg"; this.name = "texttool"; var x = 0; var y = 0; var startingX = 0; this.event = function() { if(mouseX > 0 && mouseX < canvas.width && mouseY > 0 && mouseY < canvas.height ) { x = mouseX; y = mouseY; startingX = x; return true; } return false; }; this.draw = function() { if(c.mouseClicked(this.event)) { if(keyIsPressed) { if(keyCode === ENTER) { // Enter key is pressed console.log("enter"); x = startingX; y += 15; } else { text(key, x, y); console.log('called'); x += 20; } } } }; } 

    submitted by /u/ksfbkk
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    Is there a website or blog that tells you what kind of programming jobs are out there?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 11:31 PM PST

    So for context, I'm learning Python, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I've made my first fake website with only HTML and CSS (just now starting to learn JavaScript) and I'm getting a handle on classes, and class inheritances in Python. Problem is, I'm not sure what kind of jobs are out there aside from Web Development and Mobile App Development. I come from a liberal arts background and am new to the world of tech, and there is just so many opportunities out there! However, I'm not sure what most of them are or what I should be looking for when I'm ready to start applying.

    submitted by /u/codingimposter
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    [C++] Why use const double instead of double?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 11:29 PM PST

    So, I was reading my textbook and it says that we should use const double to make it read only and to avoid typing the same number again and again. But, aren't normal doubles already like this? Do these variables change on their own?

    For example: const double DIAMATER = 10.0;

    Why use this when you can just use double, since it's not going to change.

    submitted by /u/MissionEdge
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    Help with website for solving calculus exercises

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 11:15 PM PST

    What technologies I need to learn? I know basic javascript,C and python, HTML and CSS. Also I want to show graphs. How can I do this?

    submitted by /u/Darkhan10
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    Am I too ambitious trying to create a MOBA-like game AI for a CS project

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 11:15 PM PST

    Basically I would create a very simple version of a MOBA (league of legends, DOTA etc) lane. Think 1v1 ARAM in league of legends. And then create an AI to battle each other.

    1 lane with a tower for the two ai players at each end, the goal is to destroy the others tower, 3 minions spawn from each tower regularly charging towards the opposing tower, they must be last hit in order gain an upgrade.

    I want to keep it as simple as possible so players would be identical with 1 basic attack, upgrades are immediate upon killing creeps (increase of damage) but I realize this is still very complex.

    I have about 3 months to work on this project and while I am a very quick learner I haven't done much AI before.

    The basic game would be fairly easy to implement in something like gamemaker, unity or even just from scratch, possibly even limiting movement to grid based movement (potentially making running simulations much more efficient and easy). The AI part is the bit I have to learn and am worried about being too ambitious.

    I'm pretty sure the basic idea is that I could set initial goals (so taking player damage is bad, doing damage to enemy player is good etc) and then I can add elements progressively (creeps, then tower) again not sure on how exactly this is implemented and dont have much of an idea of which framework to choose.

    I just want to know the doable-ness of it and any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Keep in mind even just a basic last hit minions to kill other player is good enough of a project (I think)

    submitted by /u/Knuda
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    Numpy Arrays

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 11:12 PM PST

    For this array how do I make it so it doesn't show all the extra zeros for example in numpy? array([[0.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+00], [1.00000000e+00, 5.00000000e-01], [2.00000000e+00, 2.50000000e-01], [3.00000000e+00, 1.25000000e-01], [4.00000000e+00, 6.25000000e-02], [5.00000000e+00, 3.12500000e-02], [6.00000000e+00, 1.56250000e-02], [7.00000000e+00, 7.81250000e-03], [8.00000000e+00, 3.90625000e-03], [9.00000000e+00, 1.95312500e-03], [1.00000000e+01, 9.76562500e-04], [1.10000000e+01, 4.88281250e-04], [1.20000000e+01, 2.44140625e-04], [1.30000000e+01, 1.22070312e-04], [1.40000000e+01, 6.10351562e-05]])) 
    submitted by /u/killler09689093097
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    Tool for creating list of git repos

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 11:09 PM PST

    I am putting together a list of helpful github repos on a particular topic for publication.

    I could just list them all in a github readme or a medium post, but I'm wondering if there's a tool which is designed for this purpose and which, for instance, dynamically updates the page to reflect when the last commit was to a project, how actively it is supported etc.

    If not I might build such a tool.

    submitted by /u/vinylemulator
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    What is making my python solution to leetcode 3Sum so slow?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 10:42 PM PST

    class Solution: def threeSum(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]: nums.sort() result = list() for i in range(len(nums)): left = i + 1 right = len(nums) - 1 goal = 0 - nums[i] while (left < right): if (nums[left] + nums[right] == goal): tempList = [nums[i], nums[left], nums[right]] if (tempList not in result): result.append(tempList) left += 1 right -= 1 elif (goal > nums[left]+nums[right]): left += 1 else: right -= 1 return result 

    It's a two pointer approach where the left pointer is incremented if goal is bigger otherwise right pointer is decremented. I'm pretty sure it's O(n^2) but the actual runtime is 4940 ms which is only faster than 9%.

    submitted by /u/epicboyxp
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    What is a project I could program within 5K lines of code in Java?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 06:35 PM PST

    I'm in my last semester at university and the limits of my final project are between 3000-5000 lines of code. I'm basically fielding ideas for now.

    For interest, I know the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence so any project that involves AI in any form would be awesome.

    I'm especially interested in projects that I can complete within these limits, but that I could also expand on after graduation.

    If you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them!

    submitted by /u/studeByDay
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    free website/app hosting.

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 03:49 PM PST

    So i want to know a place where i can host my website for free or upload an app to the apple store for free.To give a little more context i really need the app to be built with Javascript for reasons.I have tried watching some videos however i never can really get the answers im looking for, i dont want to use wordpress as i simply enjoy coding.Most of the tutorials i found were outdated or used "No code".

    submitted by /u/Supreme169
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    Exception for assigning string in int

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 09:00 PM PST

    I'm trying to write a program where it displays an error message when I try to assign a string to an int rather than the compiler error and crashing the system. I want to do something similar to this but of course this case it didn't work. Is there any way that I can do what I described?

    submitted by /u/2kfan
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    How do I remove PyLance MissingImports warnings in VSCode when importing other python files?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 08:39 PM PST

    sublime vs atom vs visual studio code?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 08:13 PM PST

    Do yall have a preference on these? I'm a bit new to coding but also taking a class on HTML and CSS to make web pages! (In the future I'd like to learn some python though since I heard its pretty cool :o ) Thanks for the tips in advance! :)

    submitted by /u/shetoldmedis
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