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    Monday, January 25, 2021

    10 Lessons 2020 Taught My Indie GameDev Business (a Year End Review, and how I improved from your feedback on reddit)

    10 Lessons 2020 Taught My Indie GameDev Business (a Year End Review, and how I improved from your feedback on reddit)

    10 Lessons 2020 Taught My Indie GameDev Business (a Year End Review, and how I improved from your feedback on reddit)

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 05:03 AM PST

    A breakdown of "koi codes", scannable codes that can be used to share content as images

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 02:22 AM PST

    I finished and released my first Unity game, but I will probably stop developing it further

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 06:16 AM PST


    I don't want to create a promo in disguise here, so I only say that it is a free 3D space shooter with some strategy elements mixed in.

    The game I ended up with is vastly different than the game I wanted to make ~10 years ago:

    My first contact with game dev was around 2010 when I was learning Java in college. I stumbled upon jME (jMonkeyEngine) - a fully functional 3D game engine written in Java. Since I did not want to learn C++ back then (still don't :D) I though that might be a good start for a new hobby.

    The game I had in mind was a multiplayer team-based 3D space shooter. I wanted a crossover of Battlefield and Freelancer basically ;) Both teams would had some objective ("destroy the enemy mothership" or "conquer control points") and they were to fight each other in 3D dogfights. The jME engine was ok, but the community is not that big and development of the engine was too slow imo, so I ended up abandoning the project after some time.

    Then I created a free multiplayer 4X browser game with the Java Spring Framework (my day job is being a java server developer, so I did not need to learn a whole lot new here :D) and I managed to finish that - but then the itch came again to finally finish my "battlefield in space" game. Some day I realized that Unity uses C# as scripting language, and C# is close enough to Java for me, so I started doing stuff in it. Watched a lot of tutorials on Youtube, and did some prototyping. I started posting on these weekly Feedback Friday threads here and got some good feedback.

    In the meantime my multiplayer 4X browser game did not gain any traction though. One thing I had to accept was that multiplayer games live and die with a playerbase - if no one is playing it, getting into it as a new player is pointless as there is no one play against (yes, I implemented AI bots, but that only carries you so far). Granted there are a lot of other factors that lead to that game not gaining players, but that's the lesson I learned that I carried on to my other game: I'm not gonna make it a multiplayer game, I am a solo game dev that does this on his free time, it would just be way too much and even if I'd manage to finish and release it, the lack of players would just never let it gain any traction.

    So I did a complete re-scoping of the project: It would become a singleplayer game only. I redesigned the weapon and enemy types a few times until it was fun for me to play. This redesign was probably the best thing for the game - it became much smaller and manageable, so I could actually finish it.

    I kept asking for feedback on multiple subreddits and the TIGsource forums, but I kept getting less and less feedback, and the little I got was not really useful anymore. The idea of these Feedback Friday threads is neat, but I found more and more that the users there are not really good playtesters - they are devs themselves and only want to get feedback on their own games at the end of the day. At least that's the impression I got. Some even don't read the post itself but only click the download link - I explicitly mentioned that there is now WebGL version because the performance sucked, but they still asked why I'd not provide a WebGL version since it's Unity...

    I figured that I should start posting on different subreddits and release it on more platforms other than just itch io. Long story short I never got ANY feedback at all again. I spaced my posts out a couple of days so I would be able to tell what post where causing any bumps in the analytics page of itch io, but only the one post on r/freegames produced a significant bump, even a dozens of downloads. But no comments, no feedback, nothing. Even posting on the "target audience" of r/spacesimgames did nothing.

    I never was a social media person, I only recently started using twitter, and my facebook account is basically dead. I hear a lot that you should start "promoting" your game early on via social media to generate attention, but I don't have a following anywhere. I tried getting some followers on twitter but that went nowhere fast.

    All of this was really frustrating to me. I do realize that as a single dev that does this as a hobby and is not gonna spend actually money on marketing a free (and open source) game is bound to not get very much attention - but absolutely nothing?

    My only guess is that the genre and/or the premise of my game is not very appealing, too niche or something like that. I can't tell, since I did not get any feedback :P

    So I guess I am done with that game. There is no point in any further development since nobody seems to be interested in it anyway. I already have an idea for my next game, it will be a completely different genre, and actually have a story with characters (instead of lifeless space ships). I really hope that the time I'm gonna be spending on that won't feel so wasted (not completely since I learned Unity, but still...).

    TL;DR: Developing a free game on your own is hard and can be rather unfulfilling if you are not getting any feedback, especially when the genre is niche.

    submitted by /u/RobertBleyl
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    UE4 tutorial: Mordhau Style Combat

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 08:08 AM PST

    Is your publishing agreement fair?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 01:35 AM PST

    2D Lights in Godot

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 11:04 AM PST

    Art direction and rendering technology: Neverwinter Nights 1 vs Dungeon Siege 1

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 10:08 AM PST

    Dungeon Siege 1 Screenshot: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/355751371930075136/803321188838932501/ds1.png

    Neverwinter Nights 1 Screenshot: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/355751371930075136/803321402307641374/nwn1.png

    Hey I'm trying to figure out what is the difference in style and technology between Dungeon Siege 1 and Neverwinter Nights 1. Dungeon Siege 1 appeals to me much more, Neverwinter Nights 1 feels much more... blocky, samey, unrealistic. Anyone have any ideas about specific details that are differente between visuals in those two games?

    - both have top down camera
    - both have per vertex lighting (and virtually no other shaders?)
    - the texture resolution seems about the same
    - the geometry looks similar, but maybe dungeon siege has less flat walls?
    - maybe nwn has less contrast on the floor texture?

    I don't know. Just nwn looks fake and ds looks kind of realistic, or is generally more appealing, I can't quite narrow down why. Do you agree? What differences do think are between those two art direction and technology wise?

    submitted by /u/Pyzozord
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    Minimum Budget for paid ads advertising

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 03:22 AM PST

    Hello everyone, I'm new to game development, I was wondering if using paid ads advertising is a bad idea if you have a small budget? I'm worried that I might waste 5000$ for nothing.

    submitted by /u/makeitmakesens
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    Suggestions for honing your "Game Programmer" skills?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 11:42 AM PST

    for now i don't want to make games HOWEVER , I want to learn more about game development and upgrading my technical skills and knowledge.

    I already have 2 years of experience scripting gameplay and many kind of stuff in Unity, but i want know more ,

    I was looking at making a game engine (for learning of course) however many said avoid it if you can so I'm looking for forward to your suggestions maybe there is something better for honing your skills.

    One important thing to note exclude books and things like writing software or doing projects that is unrelated to game development ( interest reasons).


    submitted by /u/Raminlich
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    When creating a unique game mechanic/gameplay, do you have to code it before figuring out if it'll work?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 11:27 AM PST

    I had this weird idea of combining chess with a rubik's cube board. It would probably require a lot of coding and balancing to get something playable, and even then it would take a lot of tweaking until i can be happy with how it would work.

    In this kind of situation, do you just scrap the idea and go for something simpler, code it first to try it, or is there a plan to figure this out on paper instead?

    submitted by /u/IdleIdentity
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    Machine Learning - StarCraft 2 Python AI part 1

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 10:30 AM PST

    Free royalty-free tracks for your next game

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 04:07 AM PST

    Hey guys! Finding music can be a pain in the ass so my friends and I are putting together a platform to help creators discover royalty-free tracks.

    We've put together a free downloadable pack which we think vibes well for games. Really hope they can help someone out, grab them here 👾👉 https://echomusic.io/early-access

    submitted by /u/echo_2021
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    SpaceColors G4 - speed level design

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 01:16 PM PST

    INTERVIEW with Gareth Coker, composer of both Ori and the Will of the Wisps and the upcoming Halo: Infinite

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 09:27 AM PST

    Whenever I try to program something, I can't think of how to do so

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 12:58 PM PST

    I got into game dev recently, but I really struggle putting my thoughts into code. For example, if I think of making a ledge-grabbing system, I just don't know how to do so. I'm familiar with most important concepts if that may be the cause.

    submitted by /u/MuffinLover42
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    What is the point of post processing effects ?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 12:48 PM PST

    hi game devs, i have a question regarding post processing and i would like to understand the reasoning behind it a bit. i'm specifically asking about Film Grain, Chromatic Aberration, Depth of Field, Motion Blur. i understand it's an art decision and most games allow you to turn it off but i cannot understand it's purpose in most games in the first place.

    i could understand if it's a story telling game of sorts, want to create some atmosphere but why have these in FPS games ? you're suppose to see the world trough the eyes of the character and as far as i know the eyes don't have Film Grain or Chromatic Aberration.

    i guess i'm a bit confused. we spend 5k $ on gaming systems with RTX and so on to have the best quality picture, the smoothest FPS, only to have it look like a VHS tape playing on my grandma's TV and have everything blurry ? i kind of understand in games from 15 years ago when graphics weren't amazing and they tried to hide that with various post processing but in 2020/2021 aren't we going for the crispest images ?

    submitted by /u/Vicious00
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    Begging DEV questions!

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 12:08 PM PST

    I am getting into game development and have strong understanding of Java and little of c++. If one were looking to get into a major gaming studio like Activision or Rockstar what languages, concepts, things should I know or do.

    submitted by /u/westnile609
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    Stylised Sword in 20 MINUTES - Blender & Substance

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 11:36 PM PST


    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 06:52 PM PST

    For the first time since I started working on my latest project I've felt pretty de-motivated, which is odd because I'm probably the most eager I've ever been to work on it. The problem is I think all day about working on it and how cool it will be to eventually add this and that, but when I get to it I can't think of what to start adding, I know what I have to add but every time one choice enters my mind I deny it and try to think of another.

    I don't know if you would consider that not being motivated but it's a similar worry, how would I get myself to start working on my game again instead of procrastinating about it? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/7vOT_awillielover
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    Game development course for beginner choice?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 05:41 AM PST

    So I'm a sophomore undergraduate students planning to start learning game dev from now on.

    I noticed 3 programs: GD50 Introduction to Game Dev course, Ben Tristem's Unity and Unreal Engine courses on Udemy, Michigan State Uni's Game Design and Development on Coursera.

    I plan to start with GD50 and then moving on to either Udemy course or the Coursera one. People with experience, how do you compare these 2 courses? The Udemy course seems to be only a bunch of clips, without any lab or project to practice. The Coursera program I heard has some labs and projects, but some people claimed that it's outdated.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/DarkKnight0102
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    Steam Community Management Tool

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 07:44 AM PST

    Hi guys, is there any external tool for managing Steam Community? Native Steam App is terrible and I'm looking for something like Facebook Ad Manager or Business Suite, but I can't find anything like that. Do you maybe know how to manage Community easily?

    submitted by /u/ghidoreng
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    Tutorial, and Resources on How to make unity 2d multiplayer game with customer server

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 11:24 AM PST

    I'm trying to learn unity 2d and game architecture, my end goal is that i can make a casino alike card game (multiplayer) with dedicated custom server using django. If any related video, articles, paid course, youtube video, books, anything... , kindly spit it out

    submitted by /u/_kmt29
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    Escaping tutorial hell

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 03:14 PM PST

    I was wondering what tips the subreddit had for people like me who want to learn to program for themselves not just blindly following tutorials.

    Edit: thanks everyone for the advice! And for clarification for anyone who may be confused on what I meant, I want to not have to rely on others to be able to program but instead be able to accomplish goals on my own.

    submitted by /u/Bearded_Hero_
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