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    Tuesday, November 3, 2020

    Project suggestions that can help for job interview in Google , Facebook , Amazon, or other big Tech companies Ask Programming

    Project suggestions that can help for job interview in Google , Facebook , Amazon, or other big Tech companies Ask Programming

    Project suggestions that can help for job interview in Google , Facebook , Amazon, or other big Tech companies

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 04:39 AM PST

    Hi guys ,

    I am trying to make my resume / portfolio somehow better so that I considered as a qualified candidate for job interviews in big tech companies like Google, Facebook, Amazon, IBM , Microsoft, etc

    I do not have degree from any famous University (tier1 or tier2 institute ) and have work experience as full stack developer in small start ups of 2.5 years.

    I am trying my best on my algorithms and data structures problem solving skills.

    Now for projects what should I put in GitHub so that those projects can give me some extra points when evaluating my candidacy.

    Any suggestion is welcomed.

    submitted by /u/subhadipsjsc
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    HW Question

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 07:43 PM PST

    I'm working on an assignment for my coding class and this parameter is not working.

    I don't know why "HowManyHours" has the error no matching function to call. If anyone can help, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!

    I'm using repl so it does not require return functions.

    #include <iostream>
    #include <iomanip>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    // Delcaring Variables for program
    void Header();
    string AskName();
    string course;
    string AskFavCourse();
    string name;
    char answer;
    int HowManyHours(int credits);
    void Write(int credits);
    int numHours;
    int main()
    do //Do while loop to close program
    Header(); //Welcome Display Meesage
    Write(numHours); //Taking all of the gathered data and displaying it.
    cout << "Do you want to try again? y/n";
    cin >> answer;
    while(answer == 'y' || "Y");
    cout << "Thankyou for using this program" << endl;
    void Header()
    cout << "Favorite Course in Spring 19" << endl;
    cout << "****************************" << endl;
    string AskName()
    cout << "What is your name? ";
    cin >> name;
    return name;
    string AskFavCourse()
    cout << name << ", Please enter your favorite course at school: ";
    cin >> course;
    return course;


    int HowManyHours(string name,string course)
    int credits;
    cout << name << ", Please enter how many credit hours of " << course << " are you taking: ";
    cin >> credits;
    return credits;
    void Write(int credits,string name,string course)
    cout << "Hi " << name << ", Your favorite course is " << course << " and it is a " << credits << " credit-hour course." << endl;

    submitted by /u/frenchifrie345
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    Firestore bill went up 200% last month because of large number of read operations.[HELP]

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 01:34 PM PST

    Hello everyone, I am a web developer , working on a web app. I am using firestore as my datbase where I have stored around 200k items under a node named books. Before October month I have a very descent user base as it's a startup project. But At the end of October month I checked that my bill has gone up because of the large number of reading operations.(approximately 20 millions per day).

    Currently I am unable to figure out how to reduce the number of read operations. How to cap the requests to website if there is a large of number of requests.Because the read operations are still going on a large number. For the time being i downgraded the plan to spark plan from blaze plan to avoid billing. Also is there any way to track from where the large number of read operations are coming ?( I want to know this on a priority basis)

    It will be very helpful if someone guides me through this , guide me how to reduce the large number read operation and how to secure the database from this kind of situation.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/the_nerd_designer
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    Should I learn TypeScript or Javascript?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 01:13 PM PST

    Right now I am trying to work with firebase cloud functions, which requires me to know either JS or TS and I don't know either. I only know swift, and I heard that typescript is really similar to Javascript but it's more efficient and even uses the same syntax.

    My situation is that all of the great videos for firebase cloud functions are in typescript, and I found a 7 hour course on codecademy about typescript but it says a prerequisite is a 30 hour long Javascript course.

    Do you think I should just try and learn Typescript by doing the 7 hour course?

    my concerns are that I might be totally lost during the course, but on the other hand JS/TS looks like pretty simple languages and with my swift knowledge I could save myself 30 hours of my time.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Tw1nkle_Toes
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    Pushing objects to vectors - does it have to be so complicated? (C++)

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 01:49 PM PST

    I have the following simple class. One of its members is an array (let's say int*):

    class MyClass { public: int* array; MyClass() { printf("constructor\n"); array = new int[10]; } ~MyClass() { printf("destructor\n"); delete[] array; array = NULL; } }; 

    I have a vector of this class:

    std::vector<MyClass> my_vec; 

    When I push to the vector:


    the constructor is called, THEN the destructor is immediately called as well. I get that this is because a temporary object is created and copied.

    The trouble is that in doing that, array gets deleted. What's worse, every time I push a new object, whenever the vector has to rearrange itself, it will call the destructor of every object in the vector as it reshuffles itself, leaving all instances of array deleted and invalid.

    It looks I can implement a move or copy constructor, and by copying the original pointer to the array and then setting the original to NULL, the destructor can be safely called. But that also means I'm going to have to manually copy every other member, too (and will likely forget to update the copy constructor when I add new members). I can't even use = in the copy/move constructor because just creating a copy/move constructor apparently deletes that default operator!

    Or is there some way I can persuade the vector not to call my destructor?

    Or am I just generally going about this the wrong way? Should I be using a vector of pointers to MyClass instances instead? That seems a bit unsatisfactory to me, to be hopping around scattered instances in memory. Plus it means I can't just do my_vec.erase() to call the destructor on my instances.

    Sorry for the rambling post, but a) that's just how my brain works when it doesn't get something and b) with any luck it will generate some additional informative discussion...

    Edit: I guess what I really don't understand is why the destructor has to be called at all. Shouldn't any instance of a class be moveable/copyable simply by copying the memory where its variables are stored? Under what circumstances would this not work?

    submitted by /u/wonkey_monkey
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    Project Direction

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 01:21 PM PST

    I am looking for direction on a project that I want to do. I want to design a desktop application that will act like a Vault for pictures, passwords, etc. Yes, I know there are free programs available and there are a lot of them. This is just something that I want to do as a starter project in my free time.

    I have some coding skills but nothing that is advanced. I use VB and T-SQL daily for work. Where should I start?

    submitted by /u/Wes57_84
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    Making Affiliate link

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 05:00 PM PST

    Hi guys , If I want a variable that corresponds with every account on my website to be incremented when a user invites a friend to join the websites and he signs up using the invitation link ,how can I generate invitation link for every user and know if someone signs using it to make this affiliation system?

    submitted by /u/Oma_X12
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    Physics Programming

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 11:38 AM PST


    I'm wondering what is the best way to graph quantum field theory. There are various libraries for quantum mechanics but not sure if that is better or a physics engine. Due to the particles moving over fields it may be better. Is there anyone who has drawn quantum field theory out or rendering and if so, how?

    submitted by /u/Haweh123456
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    Keeping shortcut keys the same across different IDE's

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 03:11 PM PST

    Is there a site or something that gives an easy way to mirror shortcut keys across different IDE's?

    Visual Studio vs Visual Studio code is my main frustration atm, but also use a couple others like Thonny sometimes.

    I've been updating my commonly used ones as I come across them, but that's a challenge in itself at times. Things like comment selected code have multiple ways, and finding the exact same, well it's getting old.

    submitted by /u/VirtualLife76
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    What is the default request timeout for a HTTP GET request and how can you modify it?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 10:35 AM PST

    Suppose I sent a GET request to a node backend from my client browser to run a job, wait for the job and get the results back.

    //server ... const spawn = require("child_process").spawn; 

    const simulatorProcess = spawn('python',["job_to_run.py"]); ... request.send('Job was done and am sending results') ...

    And the job could take 30 seconds, 45 seconds, 60 seconds etc..

    How can I determine the time my browser would 'give up' on the connection and how can I extend it? I looked online and the information on this is very spodaric. One forum will say firefox has a 30 second request timeout, one forum would say you can change header values for TTL without providing examples. I'm a bit lost here

    submitted by /u/developeratreddit
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    I like to look around on websites, today I found something interesting and unusual from Instagram

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 05:56 AM PST

    It doesn't have any documentation so I figured you guys would probably know why it's there in public : https://www.instagram.com/directory/profiles/ .

    Does it have any programmatic use ?

    submitted by /u/sebpautot
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    SOLVING RECURRENCE... Is expand-guess method the same as the iteration method for solving recurrences?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 01:24 PM PST

    My instructor refers to it as the expand guess method and I cannot seem to find it anywhere else listed as that. Anyone know?

    submitted by /u/noMeGustaKoalas
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    language.json file store string

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 09:27 AM PST


    I'm trying to make a theme for emby (media center server). I'm not familiar with javascript but I've found a file where every translation from the website is stored It's a .json file and I was wondering how I can use variable in there, because I came across the variable ${userblablabla} and wanted to use it in a string that's stored in there. I noticed that other variables are called {0}, does anyone know where to look to make my string work?

    Thanks in advance :)

    submitted by /u/Milofow
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    I don’t know how to choose my path��

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 01:12 PM PST

    I learned HTML, CSS, and Python. I was initially going to learn Django and JavaScript, but now I want to learn C# to make video games. Should I keep learning web development or learn C #?

    submitted by /u/jiho_dude_yt21
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    Server Connection Issues in my Multiplayer Game

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 12:42 PM PST

    Hello, I am creating a Multiplayer Shooter Game in the Godot Engine. However, I posted this in the Godot subreddit and it seemed like, there aren't really so much networking experts there. So the problem goes as follows;

    When hosting and connecting via localhost, everything works just as intended. The problem comes with my friends who cant connect to the hosted server. (I am using the inbuilt API.)

    I tried:

    • Disabling my firewall completely
    • Forwarding my port through TCP and UDP
    • various IP adresses for my friends to connect to (whatsmyip.com, cmd's ipconfig)
    • I tried using ipv6 and ipv4 to connect. ( I could connect with the ipv6 from whatsmyip to my server locally and btw whatsmyip couldn't even detect a public ipv4 adress)
    • The port is 42069 - i hope there is nothing wrong with that.
    submitted by /u/ThatNico
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    need help optimizing this function or something for a healing mechanic in a text based game

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 08:55 AM PST

    no matter how much i increase the recursion limit this function just won't work and i keep getting

    Process finished with exit code -1073741571 (0xC00000FD)

    i just started coding so idk a lot

    basehp = 300

    hp = 300

    def heal():global hpglobal basehp

    if basehp <= 100:hp = hp + 60elif basehp <= 200 and basehp > 100:hp = hp + 120elif basehp <= 300 and basehp > 200:hp = hp + 180elif basehp <= 400 and basehp > 300:hp = hp + 240elif basehp <= 500 and basehp > 400:hp = hp + 300elif basehp <= 600 and basehp > 500:hp = hp + 360elif basehp <= 700 and basehp > 600:hp = hp + 420elif basehp <= 800 and basehp > 700:hp = hp + 480heal()

    submitted by /u/Hueingston
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    Serial Port Bridge

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 12:27 PM PST

    Hi, i am looking for a solution or possibly already existing software to do the following:

    I have two devices. Both of them are connected to a USB Serial Converter. So i have COM Port 1 and COM Port 2.

    Now i need to bridge those two ports. So all data comming from the first USB Serial Converter (COM Port 1) needs to be redirected to the second USB Serial Converter (COM Port 2) and opposite.

    This needs to happen without much delay so the devices think they are connected directly without a computer between.

    Once the ports are bridged the devices will communicate just how they should, but i can see what the first device sends, and what the second device sends. This is also why i can not just use one converter: Its a bidirectional RS485 communication, and i need to see what each device sends so i can tell it apart.

    I hope its understandable what i am trying to do despite me beeing German.

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/noidea0_
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    Assistance with using XML to code a Civ 6 mod

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 07:45 AM PST

    Apart from a GCSE computing course, I have very limited knowledge of programming, and am only coding to make a mod for CIV 6 which changes the names of some of the AI. I currently have cracked how to do the main job of changing names, and I even have it set up so that you can change the settings in another file which allows you to choose between different options showing. I know it isnt at all groundbreaking but I'm proud of myself for getting this far. However, I have come to a roadblock on how to making an option dependant on TWO variables at once.

    Here is an example of some working code, dependant on a variable:


    And here is one of my cracks at a two-variable setting:


    I know it must be a really easy and obvious thing to do, but I'm new to this and unaware of the correct syntax. Does anyone know how to do it?

    Additionally, if context helps, what my mod does is rename city-states- the really small AI nations- in the game after the country their city is from, rather than just being named after the city itself. I.e, 'Brussels' gets renamed to 'Belgium'. The actual city will still be called 'Brussels', only the government who owns them will be renamed. I also want there to be user options to choose between names ('Armagh city-state' can be changed either to 'Ulster city-state' or 'Ireland city-state'), changing them to be named after another kind of government other than a city-state ('Province of Ulster', 'Kingdom of Ireland'), using their native names ('Ulaid city-state', 'Éire city-state'), or both at once ('Cúige Uladh', 'Ríoghacht Éireann').

    submitted by /u/TNTiger_
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    What is the most fun programming language to write in?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 10:03 AM PST

    I have some background in Clisp, Python. Just want to look for a not so mainstream language that is the most simple (to you). Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Iron_Quiet
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    if i created a website with wordpress, widgets, and plugin can i use that on my resume for a java developer?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 09:48 AM PST

    Ive finally got core java down after studying for 7 months and just started learning Spring/boot. i am self-taught w a degree in health-science. Would that website, along with some banking project on java be enough for me to even be in the market? or should i continue focusing on my leaning?

    submitted by /u/pierretalks94
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    How does Google and Facebook manage to be profitable when they need to manage a massive amount of data?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 08:50 AM PST

    These companies and their services (Instagram, YouTube) needs to manage unimaginable amount of data. That is, warehousing it in large data centers and CDNs and streaming it to clients around the globe.

    I'm just trying to imagine the costs (electricity, servers, hard drives that needs to be replaced occasionally etc)

    How do they do manage to be profitable nevertheless? Which known technologies and techniques do they use to reduce costs?

    submitted by /u/orgad
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    Save prepared statements?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 08:20 AM PST

    I don't write very much desktop software, but i am currently writing a .NET core 3.1 winforms app (old school! aside: VS2019 form designer is very unstable)

    I am using MySQLConnector with MariaDB if it is relevant

    To interact with the database I am storing a connection object (MySQLConnector pools in the backgroud)

    Every query creates a new prepared statement (MySqlCommand).

    Should I be storing these (in a shared object), or making a new prepared statement each time the query needs to be run, with different or same parameters.


    submitted by /u/DirtAndGrass
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    Web Scraper enforced with NLP to analyze hypertexts to automate page navigation and resource finding

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 07:57 AM PST

    Hi I am wondering if anybody could give me any pointers for research regarding NLP powered page navigation for web scraping. What I want is for my web scraper, starting from a particular url, to automatically find likely candidates of links where the content that I ultimately want to scrape resides. The way that I imagine this working is by using natural language processing on hyperlinks to make inferences on their meanings and the type of pages they lead to.

    Consider that I have an index of company domains and for each company, I want to find the page that corresponds to all its' job offerings (if it exists). The html structure of each domain is of course different so one could not go about this problem with a classical web scraping approach. *Note that I am not actually concerned with how I will actually scrape the job offerings - all I care about now is how to get to the page.

    Is this type of problem discussed in the literature? Or can anyone give me any advice if such a solution seems practical?


    submitted by /u/carusGOAT
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    I can't find where I did go wrong

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 07:07 AM PST

    I don't know what's wrong with my source code but the output should be in the loop and only stop when you press/type "q". Here's my source code it's a Python!

    try: get_input = True

    while get_input: 

    compute = input("Enter a expression or q to quit: ")

    if compute == 'q': get_input = False else: print(f"{compute} {eval(compute)}") continue 


    print("Invalid Expression") 
    submitted by /u/JJ_Balms
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