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    Monday, October 26, 2020

    [vent] the web in 2020 sucks web developers

    [vent] the web in 2020 sucks web developers

    [vent] the web in 2020 sucks

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    How did we go from nice clean websites with clean CSS to this mess of popups and "noise" again?

    Almost every site I go to has a cookies popup, then some kind of newsletter or offer popup, then ads everywhere, the videos have ads, what a fucking mess.

    And now we have super complicated CSS to do the same useless shit flash did, it's like one step forward and two steps back, it's so disappointing.

    submitted by /u/sk3pt1c
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    I'm a solid developer but an abhorrent designer. What can I do?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 12:22 AM PDT

    I'm quite a solid developer and am comfortable working on the backend and the frontend.

    But when it comes to the design of a website/application I'm just totally lost.

    Are there any resources out there that might help me not suck so bad at the design aspect of my applications?

    I'm using mainly React along with material UI, but even with this I just feel like lost.

    Even with the components in material UI and building my own I get lost thinking about where on a page to place these things for the best layout.

    Does anyone else feel this way? If you've felt this way, how did you fix it?

    submitted by /u/GurkanG
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    Ads Revenue with app/website

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    someone that developed an app/website and made some revenue exclusively with ads, can share how easy or hard is to make revenue only with ads(especially with ad banner)?

    Im developing an app and after analysing the competition I found on google that some companies make around 34k dolars per month with 2.4Millions visitors, or 1,6k dolars daily with 81k daily visitors, with an average 7 pages per user. The apps only use an ad banner per page only on homepage there is no ads, after some research I found that an ad banner on average has a CTR of 0.1%.

    submitted by /u/oriyginal
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    React: Is CRA ever worth it over Next.js, and where does Gatsby fit in?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 11:33 AM PDT

    As far as I understand it Next.js basically provides everything create-react-app does except it improves SEO by SSR-ing the pages, so when should I use CRA? And where does Gatsby fit in the whole equation? I realise gatsby is best used for static sites (I've used it before for static sites) but can't Next.js do the same things Gatsby can?

    submitted by /u/krisegli
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    How to handle a client super-specific feature that doesn't align with the current workflow

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    Recently a client requested a super-specific feature needed for him to do some legal stuff. To make it simple, let say he wanted to add a field named "Father's name" into a player registry page.

    Do I only add an IF ELSE condition only for this user, thus required a new column in the database for "Father's name" and another one to display the field or not? This is somehow dirty and scary. What happens is another user asked me to add another field...

    Are there any good design patterns that I can use to solve this problem?


    submitted by /u/lerer00
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    Is a Django + bootstrap webapp a good side project?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    I have 3 years of experience in kernel development and I'm trying to get into web development. I'm currently making a webapp with django and bootstrap then I'll host it somewhere. I'm also learning javascript and go on the side.

    My question is, am I getting somewhere? Am I way off track? Are there other important skills I'd have to learn to find a job as a backend developer?

    submitted by /u/wallonwood
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    Stateful versus stateless authentication?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    I know this question has probably been asked before, but I cannot figure out the best choice for my use case.

    Before I was using JWT's, but keeping them in a database so I could revoke them and such, but apparently using JWT's for stateful authentication is a bad idea. Since they have rather large size, and it defeats the purpose of using a JTW (I would store just the userID).

    Let me break down why I am having trouble choosing between the two.


    I think the pros of this is pretty obvious, I do not need to hit the database every single route for authentication. Which puts less strain on the database, and makes it easier to scale horizontally.

    But, there are a few cons that make me weary of using them in a stateless manner. Mainly I do not like the fact that there is no way to easily revoke them if a hacker does manage to get someones token. If i were to use this, I would of course use a short lived access token, and a longer lived refresh token. But, even if I choose 15 minutes for the access tokens expiry time, 15 minutes is still a very long time for the hacker to do serious damage. Plus there is no way to log out all sessions, lets say if a user changes their password or such.

    My second gripe with JWTs is stale data. For example, the users need to verify their email before they can access many of the routes. If I send a token with the whole user object, and they then verify their email, the older token would still say the email is not verified. Of course when I do verify the email I can send them a new token with the updated values, but if they accessed the website from a different device, that device would still have the old token until it expires. Since the only time this data can potentially become stale is when they verify their email, I was thinking I could possible only do a database query when they are NOT email verified. Which would minimize the overhead since most users should be email verified. And if they are email verified with an old token, I would send them the new token, so for each user it only has to do one database lookup per device with the stale token. Also, if I store the access token purely in memory (not localstore or anything), when they refresh the page to update the email verification, the refresh token would be used since the access token is no longer there, which would give them the updated token, also mitigating this issue.


    The pros to this are basically the opposite of the cons to JWT/stateless. I do not need to worry about stale data, I can easily revoke the sessions, and remove them all for a particular user if they change their password.

    The main issue of course is the database needs to be accessed on every route for authentication, it is basically an extra database query which can be costly, especially if the application gets a lot of traffic.

    I can use things like redis in order to reduce strain on the database itself, but wouldn't this making scaling horizontally much more difficult? Since redis is just on a single server, perhaps there is some ways to keep the data the same against multiple servers, I believe this is called clustering. But, I am not sure how much extra strain this puts on the server themselves since they would have to keep copying over data every time there is a change.

    I have been doing a lot of research on this manner, with lots of convicting answers, some swear by JWT and stateless authentication, while others say its the worse thing imaginable. I was hoping someone could explain which would be best for my particular usecase.

    I am not sure it this matters, but I am using Node.js, express, and mongoDB.

    submitted by /u/subnub99
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    Which backend language does most enterprises use for SaaS products?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 01:30 PM PDT


    Which backend language does most enterprises use for SaaS products and do you suggest I learn?

    For frontend I am going with some JS flavor.

    Thank you in advance

    submitted by /u/Luzaan23Rocks
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    I been playing with Material-UI and the Reddit API

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    Website with navbar - pure HTML, CSS and JavaScript

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    So I'm pretty new to web development. Only started learning it recently(not sure if it's important for this thread, but web dev is not my introduction to programming).

    I'd decided to turn a simple idea I had into a website. The website would be about conversion. Let's say I had the option to turn inches into centimeters on one page, an option to turn farenheit into celsius on another, so on and so on...

    A navigation bar on the top of each page would suffice. Now, the question arises.

    How do I keep that navigation bar on top of each page? Do I just copy paste the nav bar code into the body tag of each html file? Or can I seperate these different pages somehow differently without using multiple html files?

    I'm sure other people have done noob projects such as this one, so what was your way of doing the nav bar?

    submitted by /u/someone_existing
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    The Airbnb API is still closed for admissions - should I use the unofficial APIs?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 06:06 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I don't know if anyone else is in the same boat as I am but I've been waiting for a long time for the airbnb api to open its doors to developers.

    I find it super frustrating as all I want to do is integrate with it to get some data on my own listings and simplify some processes, but can't.

    I've been considering using this https://github.com/zxol/airbnbapi but couldn't get a straight answer from airbnb on whether or not this went against their ToS.

    Has anyone else been using something similar? And is anyone else equally frustrated they don't want to open their API?

    submitted by /u/DudelyMenses
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    Can someone point me towards a resource to learn this hover effect?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    Phosphor is a flexible icon family for interfaces, diagrams, presentations — whatever, really.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 06:45 AM PDT

    How to trust a self-signed certificate for development on Linux?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 05:33 AM PDT

    Hi, I'm using Linux Mint Debian on my laptop (it's faster than Windows). I'm learning Angular and how to integrate it into ASP.NET Core, and since the course is about creating an online store, HTTPS is enabled.

    I've managed to get my Mac to trust the self-signed certificate, but my Linux computer won't. I've generated a certificate and key, run sudo update-ca-certificates and imported the self-signed certificate into Chrome and Firefox, but I still get the error screen saying that the connection is untrusted.

    What else do I have to do to make my laptop accept the self-signed certificate?

    submitted by /u/KiwiNFLFan
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    WHMCS Setup — Clicking on the "Order Now" button on the Hosting Plans page results in a page that is not complete. Please help.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 02:54 PM PDT

    Once I was able to make this work. I am not sure what I broke but, now, after a user clicks on an "Order Now" button on the page that lists the Hosting Plans, the page that the user is directed to does not appear to be populated fully.

    Here is a screenshot of the page that lists the Hosting Plans: https://prnt.sc/v7f7tr

    And, here is what it looks like when you click on any "Order Now" button: https://prnt.sc/v7f8bd

    I am in a pretty desperate situation! I would appreciate any help or pointers you could give me. Please let me know if you need any additional information to diagnose this. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/javacafe
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    Questions to ask client before taking on simple website project

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 02:45 PM PDT

    So I'm taking on my first client, who is a local hair dresser. I'm well versed in HTML, CSS and React but I will be building her website using Wordpress. She's going to be my first client so I want to know what kind of information I should be asking her in order to build the website more efficiently. I have tried googling these but I thought it would be more helpful to ask you guys. Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/mcbootysauce1
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    Ads Revenue with app/website

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 02:36 PM PDT

    someone that developed an app/website and made some revenue exclusively with ads, can share how easy or hard is to make revenue only with ads(especially with ad banner)?

    Im developing an app and after analysing the competition I found on google that some companies make around 34k dolars per month with 2.4Millions visitors, or 1,6k dolars daily with 81k daily visitors, with an average 7 pages per user. The apps only use an ad banner per page only on homepage there is no ads, after some research I found that an ad banner on average has a CTR of 0.1%.

    submitted by /u/oriyginal
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    Ads Revenue with app/website

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    someone that developed an app/website and made some revenue exclusively with ads, can share how easy or hard is to make revenue only with ads(especially with ad banner)?

    Im developing an app and after analysing the competition I found on google that some companies make around 34k dolars per month with 2.4Millions visitors, or 1,6k dolars daily with 81k daily visitors, with an average 7 pages per user. The apps only use an ad banner per page only on homepage there is no ads, after some research I found that an ad banner on average has a CTR of 0.1%.

    submitted by /u/oriyginal
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    First time making a Wordpress site for a business owner. What to be cautious of?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    I don't ever do business with web design, I'm just pretty decent at building simple sites with Wordpress and Elementor. The guy knows my buddy (who's doing his logo) and may just pay me under the table. He just wants 5 pages and a contact form. No login or member details will be stored in the DB. Very simple. However, because I've never made a website for people outside of my friend group, I'm not sure what to be cautious of.

    Do I really need to have him sign a contract? Do I need to be worried he can sue me for any reason you can imagine?

    What's the worst case scenario here? Even if the site were to get hacked, what's the worst that can happen without any login/user data existing?

    I probably wouldn't even take him up on the offer if my car didn't need work done, but I could use the extra money.

    Appreciate any thoughts, thanks!

    submitted by /u/Human_Version1
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    How do I force a custom change in a file in every commit/checkout/merge?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 02:19 PM PDT

    I want to have YAML file that will contain n elements and then an empty element, that people can use as skeleton to add more elements.

    I want to have this empty element at all times on master so that anyone can take checkout anytime and start working. Also, I want to automate it and don't want to rely on users to add empty element manually in their MR/PR.

    I am using git custom driver and was first planning to use it to edit file as per my need. But apparently, custom driver is only called in case of conflict. I can use pipeline but that would make the version history messy with all those frequent pipeline commits.

    Is there any way I can achieve this? Some way to force my custom driver on every merge? Some way to cause conflict in every merge? Some way to edit file on every checkout or commit?

    Let me know if you know of any alternative to YAML approach as well?

    submitted by /u/lcukerd
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    Looking for open source projects

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I'm in search for a start to my career & I'd like to offer potential employers a representation on my Github that shows I can collaborate with others and solve problems. I've recently graduated after going to school TWICE for Software Engineering (Web applications). Yet, I have no contributions to any projects.

    If you guys can offer any tips/sources for good projects to contribute to, please post them here. If you have one of your own, hook me up with a link! I'd love to collaborate!

    submitted by /u/Zynava
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    Explorer users will be forced to use edge for some sites

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    Presupposing someone had a good idea and like to get a website up and running. What is the most cheap, fast, and easy way for a lazy fuck to do this acording to the webdevs of reddit?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 10:05 AM PDT


    submitted by /u/DonCunto
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