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    Tuesday, October 20, 2020

    Name a tech you recently tried, but wasn't fully a fan of? Ask Programming

    Name a tech you recently tried, but wasn't fully a fan of? Ask Programming

    Name a tech you recently tried, but wasn't fully a fan of?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    Consider all the languages, frameworks, libraries, editors, extensions, etc you have recently used.

    Leaving IE out of equation, what was something web-related you tried, but wasn't fully a fan of?

    It would be Jade/Pug to me, due to it's weird syntax, white-space indentations and HTML context switch.

    submitted by /u/madza911
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    Starting side projects from scratch is so much harder than working on actual work projects!

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 04:33 PM PDT

    I just find it so much more harder working on or trying to create my own side projects! At work, everything has already been written, I'm just using services that already exist. Now I have to build everything myself again. Does anyone else feel this?

    submitted by /u/Bennetto
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    I need an occasional chat with a coworker to give me fresh thoughts, is there a corporate name for this?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 05:04 AM PDT

    I work for a huge Fortune 100 company, but a tiny department with 2 programmers and 1 boss.

    I can ask a coworker for help, but he has his own problems and deliverables. It's clear he needs to be working on his own problems and marking his hours accordingly.

    My boss knows the necessity of processes when you work at a big company.

    Is there a name for "spending 30 minutes with a coworker listening and providing advice?"

    submitted by /u/icandoMATHs
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    Which web technology uses ${variable_name} in its templates?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 06:49 PM PDT

    I was browsing a website and the site suddenly crashed because of my poor internet connection.

    The text shown on the site had something like ${variable_name} displayed and it made me curious.

    submitted by /u/aaah123456789
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    I need some suggestions as to what set of tools should I use for developing an app

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    The app itself is pretty simple. Below are few of the requirements:

    • User Login
    • Data read, write and update to a cloud db. The data is relational in a sense but can get away with NoSQL as well
    • Offline sync of data
    • Some sort of web hook to push data from a different interface

    Currently only developing on iOS/iPadOS but might expand it to Android/Web.

    This is the stack I have been researching and leaning towards.

    • AWS GraphQL
    • AWS AppSync
    • Amplify
    • NativeScript
    • AWS Cognito for auth
    • Angular for the frontend

    I am primarily a web developer so this is a bit of a change for me. Other alternatives that I researched about is Firebase (Google stack). Can anybody give me suggestions if I am following the correct approach here? Is there anything I am missing? Any pointers will be much appreciated.

    Apologies if this is not the correct subreddit to ask questions like this.

    submitted by /u/i654049
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    Whatever happened to spoon.net?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 07:03 PM PDT

    What do you think about a highlighted code map as code executes?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    Not exactly sure how you'd pull this off but the idea is you'd have a split-screen type view and on the left you'd see the application/site get used(clicking on stuff, rendering, etc), on the right you see a high level/min-map get updated(file name, code blocks highlight) showing how the code is executing as you run code.

    This is not for development it's for code reviews so people who have no context on your code can immediately get up to speed on what's going on.

    It's similar to seeing code diffs in a PR but it goes in order/with application use.

    edit: on the other hand a completely fresh/no bias(from context share) is nice too.

    submitted by /u/post_hazanko
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    Having trouble with multiplication table generator in C++

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 06:14 PM PDT

    So I made this program in C++ in which the user is prompted to enter a number and a multiplication table is generated based on the number that is inputted. It will continuously ask the user to input a number until an alphabet letter is pressed to quit.

    I'm trying to make the table go up to 10, as it only goes up to 9. When you try to enter 10, it only generates a 1 x 1 table then the program closes. Also, I'm trying to make it so that when you enter a negative number such as -3, it displays something like "Number must be greater than 0" then the program continues to ask for a number input.

    Here is my code so far. Any help would be appreciated!

    #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> using namespace std; int main() { char userSelection; int numForTable; int col; int row; cout << "Please enter a number (press q or any letter to quit) "; while(cin>>userSelection) { int numForTable = (int)userSelection - 48; if(numForTable<1 or numForTable > 10) { cout << "" << endl; cout<<"Have a nice day"<<endl; return 0; } else { cout << "\n" << "Multiplication table for: " << numForTable << " is:" << endl << "\n" << " " << 1; for (col = 2; col <= numForTable; ++col) cout << " " << col; cout << endl; cout << " ----|"; for (col = 2; col <= numForTable; ++col) cout << "----|"; cout << endl; for (col = 1; col <= numForTable; ++col) { cout << setw(2) << col << "|"; for (row = 1; row <= numForTable; ++row) cout << setw(4) << col * row << "|"; cout << endl; cout << " -|----"; for (row = 2; row <= numForTable - 1; ++row) cout << "|----"; cout << "|----|"; cout << endl; } } cout << "" << endl; cout << "Please enter a number (press q or any letter to quit) "; } return 0; } 
    submitted by /u/ChristineTaylor97
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    [Swift iOS App] How to create multiple views? (HStack, in this case)

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 05:53 PM PDT

    Hello! I am a beginner Swift user and I'm starting to make my first app without a tutorial (Simon Says).

    Anybody know how to make multiple views in a for loop?

    For example, I could use the following code to make two HStacks:

    // HStack { // ContainerRelativeShape() // ContainerRelativeShape() // ContainerRelativeShape() // } // HStack { // ContainerRelativeShape() // ContainerRelativeShape() // ContainerRelativeShape() // } 

    But I don't want to repeat code! Anybody know how to do this? Thank you!

    EDIT: I used a ForEach loop, but what if I want 3x3 HStacks? Anybody know how to make a nested loop?

    submitted by /u/nutsack_jack
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    I just started in CS and I’m seeking advice/future insight

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 05:45 PM PDT

    First of all I want to say what a wonderful community everyone is sharing stories that I can relate to with my basics because I'm just learning but coming with that there's a lot of stress and strain and I was looking to see how people tend to cope with that and how people jobs have been you know just a curious 18 year old that wants to see what the future holds with this amazing art ( yes I consider coding a art given it's complex and astounding on what you can do). Any thing is appreciated any personal experience just anything in general even experience trough out college because it tends to be annoying when I'm first learning something XD.

    submitted by /u/SoIDKwhatmynameis
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    Making an oauth2 client credentials request, where do the client_id and client_secret go?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 05:39 PM PDT

    I'm trying to retrieve an access token for another api. It seems like there are two options for the id and secret: 1) the request body 2) the basic auth header

    Is it also valid to instead have two additional headers? One for client_id and one for client_secret? It seems the RFC for oauth2 indicates that only the two options above are valid. Has anyone seen anything else?

    submitted by /u/BigfootTundra
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    Detecting whether image contains text

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 05:27 PM PDT

    I'm looking to identify images out of a batch which contain text. I'm not interested in extracting the text, simply getting a boolean whether text is found in an image.

    Searching reddit and google gave me many results for extracting text, using tools such as OpenCV, Tesseract, and EAST. However, I simply want to detect text.

    Can someone recommend me any resources or a command line program to detect text in a given image and return true/false?

    submitted by /u/jets-fool
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    Is my website safe from hacking?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 05:15 PM PDT

    I recently created a website where people enter in private information, and it gets processed. I do not store any data, the website is purely in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

    How it basically works is that someone enters their information in the <textarea>, then using document.getElementById that information is stored into a JavaScript variable, then JavaScript functions process the information entered and it shows the processed information on the website page.

    Since no data is stored, once the user clicks refresh the slate has been wiped clean and all the information they entered is gone. So, just to make sure that their information is safe, this website cant be easily hacked, right? There's no way anyone would be able to steal the personal information that the user enters into the <text area>, right? I just want to make sure my website is safe before I start letting people use it.

    submitted by /u/_red_roof_
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    Position for VR Gameplay programmer

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 05:09 PM PDT

    Hi! We are WavesVr

    We are looking to bring onboard a part time or full time generalist programmer to work remotely with a passionate indie studio.

    Applicant should have a strong skill set in VR interaction, prototyping, and very good understanding of how to keep systems organized and optimized. Bonus if you have Independently launched games

    Your main tasks will be the development of tools, systems, and prototypes to aid game mechanics, modes, and core gameplay loops. You will also be in charge of developing VR interactions such as buttons, levers and other various controls.

    The project is being developed in Unity with the codebase is in C#

    If you could contact brysonsmallcdvr@gmail.com with your quote/rate for you time and a link to previous work then we would love to chat!

    submitted by /u/BrysonSCDVR
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    so many C# jobs (problem)

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    When I look for local job searches all I tend to find (90%+) are C# based jobs, C# stacks, like C# .NET ASP and that sort of thing. The list for Javascript (nodeJS) is almost non existent along with other popular JavaScript frameworks (react, angular, vue). I have learned C# and .NET core 3.0 well enough to create a website, CRUD apps and stuff like that but I prefer node or JavaScript based software development as it feels 5 times faster to setup and get something running, not to mention working with IIS has proven to be a pain in the bum for a beginner. What I'm wondering is this normal, or is it maybe my region and location or are companies losing C# developers and are trying to pick them up? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/ragequilter0204
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    [JS][JQUERY][AJAX] How to disable functions/.js scripts that were included in an AJAX-sourced data.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 04:04 PM PDT

    • I'm using AJAX to load content of page [A.php] in my <body> tag. [A.php] has its own <script> tags and is even including other .js scripts within it.

    • This is fine, but once I'm done with the loaded content [A.php], I dynamically empty out <body> but the current issue is the newly-loaded .js code is still taking effect. If I then load another page say [B.php], some of the JS from the previous page is interacting with the new one.

    • I would like to be able to remove or disable all previously loaded .js scripts before loading the next page using AJAX. The only other solution that I could come up with is refactoring #id's in all pages as to make sure no overlap could occur.

    Adding id's to <script> tags and then dynamically removing them doesn't work.

    Much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Almalathi
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    Project ideas for computer network course.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    As part of my computer networks course, I'm supposed to do project with 6 other people. We've been taught socket programming and I'm comfortable coding in both python and C. I also know a bit of machine learning.

    What're some good project ideas related to these topics?

    submitted by /u/t_h-e-other-one
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    Won't Big Tech's cloud services eventually outrival smaller cloud companies (Akamai, Cloudera, Cloudflare, Fastly, etc...)?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    I have this same question.

    1. Given enough time, won't Big Tech's cloud services (namely Amazon, Microsoft, and Google) outrank or overtake these smaller cloud companies and offer the same services?

    2. How do these smaller cloud companies differ? How did they even crop up into existence? I'm dumbfounded Big Tech didn't acquire them when they were starting to crush them. Why haven't Big Tech acquired them now?

    submitted by /u/xanth0s
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    Anyone ever use the shopify customer authentication API's to create and authenticate customers from a mobile app?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    I am exploring a solution to handling a use case where a mobile app wants to create users (customer) accounts and authenticate with an existing shopify website. Users who already created a customer account at the shopify website should be able to log right in on the app (and vice versa).

    Does anyone have experience with tackling this problem? Are shopify apis even suited to this usecase at all?

    submitted by /u/scorr204
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    Anyone knows how to unit test Microsoft Bot Framework's Virtual Assistant Template? (C#)

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 03:21 PM PDT

    There's very little documentation about this and the examples are far too basic at best, the Virtual Assistant template has some helper methods for testing (which look very different from what you'd find in the docs btw) but I've yet to see any complex example using it, not to mention the way they're set up makes them awkward to debug.

    I'd also like to mock some elements of the bot but the couple of mocks provided yield very little info about how to properly do it for other components or how to adapt them to my use case, is there any useful resource or maybe a public project that I can use as a guide/inspiration to make my own tests that is not the bot samples repo?


    submitted by /u/Maddendoktor
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    How to generate 01010101 in python

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    I want to generate 0 and 1 alternatively in python.... How can I do that using random?

    submitted by /u/sericsheon
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    Python help with API requests and building dataframe

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    Hi, I'm a complete noob trying to check the network growth for a few different blockchains out there...

    For the Helium Network (HNT) I'm using the official API and the following code to build a pandas dataframe containing all the account owners (about 19215 rows x 8 columns).

    The problem is that sometimes the API request seems to fail and nothing is returned so the loop fails, and another problem is the API giving back an empty data array with a cursor so I need to skip appending that instance to the dataframe and then move on to the next pagination with the supplied cursor.

    If you run this code it might work the first time, but the next time it runs you'll get 100 rows, or 900, or some other subset of the full 19200+ rows that should be returned. Any suggestions?

    accts_url = "https://api.helium.io/v1/accounts/"

    params = {'cursor': ''}

    all_accounts = []

    all_accounts = pd.DataFrame(all_accounts)

    while(True): try: response = r.get(accts_url,params=params).json() df_response = response df_data = df_response['data'] all_accounts = all_accounts.append(df_data) df_cursor = df_response['cursor'] params = {'cursor': df_cursor} except: break

    submitted by /u/tangowhiskey89
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    What's the most creative portfolio you have ever seen?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    Compared with commercial websites, portfolios need to pay more attention to personality and independent thinking. That's where creativity comes in.

    Could you re-call a portfolio that left you wondering?

    My absolute fav so far would be Resn.

    submitted by /u/madza911
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    What local dev environment do you currently use?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    I first started with XAMPP, then Vagrant and also tried Docker.

    The current solution is based purely on Laragon. It's an awesome environment due to it's speed, portability and simplicity.

    What's your setup and reasons behind it?

    submitted by /u/madza911
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    Git Workflow. Features in local branch, but pushed to single remote branch

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    We had the following workflow :

    git pull > git branch new_branch > git checkout new_branch > make changes > git add . > git commit -m > git checkout master > git push origin new_branch 

    Now we have been asked to merge directly into master. So I have been doing:

    `git pull > make changes > git add . > git commit -m > git push origin 

    This almost works. Using git push origin master causes the same error as below. But I want to do things in branches. Have separate local branches for each feature. Merge them into local master. Then push master , **without** pushing the local branch. I tried

    `git branch new_branch > git checkout new_branch > make changes > git add . > git commit -m > git checkout master > git merge new_branch > git push origin master. Here I get an error: error: src refspec brands_harvestor does not match any error: failed to push some refs to 'local/test/dir/' 

    Any ideas please ?

    submitted by /u/gyaani_guy
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