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    Sunday, May 24, 2020

    What have you been working on recently? [May 23, 2020] learn programming

    What have you been working on recently? [May 23, 2020] learn programming

    What have you been working on recently? [May 23, 2020]

    Posted: 23 May 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    What have you been working on recently? Feel free to share updates on projects you're working on, brag about any major milestones you've hit, grouse about a challenge you've ran into recently... Any sort of "progress report" is fair game!

    A few requests:

    1. If possible, include a link to your source code when sharing a project update. That way, others can learn from your work!

    2. If you've shared something, try commenting on at least one other update -- ask a question, give feedback, compliment something cool... We encourage discussion!

    3. If you don't consider yourself to be a beginner, include about how many years of experience you have.

    This thread will remained stickied over the weekend. Link to past threads here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    1 year ago I started learning how to code. This week I released my second side project. Here is what I've learned.

    Posted: 23 May 2020 05:23 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, Clayton here.

    My friend and I have spent the past 2 weeks working on Popvend. This is our second side project we've made together so far. What's hard for us to believe is that 1 year ago neither of us knew how to code, let alone create a product others could use. While we still have tons to learn, there is some key advice I feel I can pass on to those who are currently learning to code.

    Brief Background

    We both were fortunate enough to go to school to learn programming. But there was still a lot of self-learning involved to create side projects like these. Luckily, we live in a time where Google can teach you more than any school course would.

    Advice #1: Spend more time doing than learning

    When it comes to coding there are so many resources, languages, frameworks, etc. out there that it can quickly become very overwhelming, especially when every day there are new ones of these being released. My advice is to pick a single language/framework that you want to learn and stick with it. Don't worry about picking the newest or most hype thing that everyone is saying is "next up". As much as coding can be hard, you want to also enjoy it, so pick something you like.

    Advice #2: Be Persistent

    In the world of programming, persistence is key, you need to be absolutely relentless on breaking through any barrier that gets in your way when it comes to writing code. When you run into a problem, be sure to exhaust all of your resources, I'm certain someone will be able to help you. Here are some good places to look for help when you feel stuck:

    • StackOverflow
    • Slack/Discord channels for that specific technology
    • YouTube
    • Reddit

    There are many barriers when programming, so if you're not persistent, you will never see a task through. Break big problems into smaller sub problems, research the sub problems and piece together the puzzle, by using this approach you will not only be able to solve your problem, but you'll also leave with an in-depth understanding of the problem so when it happens again you know what to do.

    Advice #3: Just Start

    I touched on this above, but because of how common it is, I want to stress this, JUST START. You don't need to spend months planning your project, how it's going to make you money, etc… Just figure out what you want as a minimum viable product (MVP) and roadmap the rest of the features for future implementation. This will allow you to start building right away, because no matter how much planning you end up doing, you're still going to run into roadblocks. Spend some time on figuring out which technologies you will need in order to get started and just start building, chances are you will start replacing code and optimizing your early work as you continue with the project.


    I wanted to keep this post non-technical for the most part, as there is already tons of solid technical advice on this subreddit. Programming is a very mental game, and I think applying the advice above should put you in a good position to accelerate your learning process.

    I'm not claiming to be an expert and I'm sure there is a lot more that can be added to this, but this advice is based on what we have learned building our first real-world projects.

    I hope this can help some of you. Feel free to add your advice/feedback below!

    submitted by /u/claytxnr
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    Anyone interested in free coding tutoring?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 05:28 PM PDT

    I'm trying to get into the programming tutoring/coaching/mentoring game and need some experience to get off the ground. So I'm looking for someone who would be interested in receiving some free coding guidance. This would be entirely over video chat and would cover whatever topics you are interested in (that I am also familiar with).

    I am a software engineer at an aerospace company working on autonomous aircraft. I can teach in Java, C, C++, Python, MATLAB, and Ruby. I've also gone through the coding interview process and can offer guidance on that.

    PM me if interested and to discuss details!!!

    submitted by /u/aybar
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    API’s : explain like I’m 5

    Posted: 23 May 2020 01:48 AM PDT

    Every time I think I understand what an api is and how to interact with it, someone talk about it in a way that makes me feel like I misunderstood what it is. Can some explain it to me very basic and simply?

    Edit: Thanks everyone. These are excellent explanations!

    submitted by /u/WeirdRedRoadDog
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    Any good way to take notes on programming online courses?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 08:14 PM PDT

    I mean I could write it physically but that's a pain going from keyboard to paper. I could use word but that's pretty shite. Is there any handy note keeping application I could use that is handy for programming? Like making cheat sheets and stuff? Sorry if this is a stupid question, I'm planning on taking the java mooc course and I want to get the most out of it.

    submitted by /u/CroatianCrystalline
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    Would this be hard for a beginner to make?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 07:26 PM PDT

    Hey guys! I thought about making an pvp app where two players can play a quiz against each other. There is a question and 4 answers given and the one that is faster wins the round.

    There are already apps like that but I wanted to do it myself. I am a beginner in Java and Python. What would be the steps to accomplish this? Is this possible or do I need more advanced knowledge? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Hopeless2811
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    How feasible is it to self-learn everything in a Computer Science major?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 11:45 PM PDT

    I want to learn as much computer science as I can this summer. I've made a list of topics that range from computers at the circuitry level (transistors to logic gates to bits) to machine learning, encryption, and cryptography.

    I've also looked into books that cover each of these topics. E.G. "Code" by Charles Petzold and "Hands On Machine Learning" by Aurelian Geron.

    I know some Python pretty alright already, and I watched a tutorial on C# a month ago (didn't do much with it), so my experience is limited but I think I have a really good capacity to learn.

    So my question is the title: How feasible is it to completely self-teach all that a CS major would learn?

    submitted by /u/TheEpicPineapple
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    how to append a value to a multimap key

    Posted: 23 May 2020 11:45 PM PDT

    i wanna insert another value to a multimap key i dont want multiple key but multiple values to same key and also after that how do i get no. of values in a key

    submitted by /u/anonymous393393
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    Feeling stuck with basic algorithms

    Posted: 23 May 2020 02:53 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    Been learning some web dev, I am learning react at the moment, but decided to take a step back to java script and try to master it.

    Then I came across some basic algorithms like find the prime numbers between 2 and n and i feel stuck. I am able to create some some projects with just vanilla js, but once i get these basic "challenges" about algorithms i am really bad.

    What would you recommend to learn some basic skills to solve algorithm problems like this so i can continue my learning path on java script

    many thanks all!

    submitted by /u/Nunoc11
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    Do you recommend the book "Head First Design Patterns"? What are some books about design patterns that you recommend?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 11:31 PM PDT

    I prefer the code written in Python. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/shiningmatcha
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    Learning Data Structures and Algorithms with only a Pre-calc Background

    Posted: 23 May 2020 06:06 PM PDT

    Hey everyone!

    I'm interested in understanding the aforementioned subject in the title, but I only have a pre-Calc background (currently an IT major at my school- which doesn't have Calculus as a requirement, but I have a heavy interest in becoming a programmer). Do you think I'll be able to fully understand Data Structures and Algorithms despite not having taken Calc? Or do you think I should probably invest a couple months in understanding Calc concepts before I take on Data Structures?

    submitted by /u/rae190
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    Help on returning missing letter in a string

    Posted: 23 May 2020 11:04 PM PDT

     function fearNotLetter(str) { var str= str.charCodeAt(0); var string = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".charCodeAt(0); for(var i = 0; i < string.length; i++){ for(var j = 0; j < str.length; j++){ if(string[i] !== str[j]){ return string[i].charCodeAt(); } } } return String.fromCharCode(string) } console.log(fearNotLetter("abce")); // outputs "a" it should output "d" 

    I need to return the missing letter in a string. My logic in my code is that if 'string' doesn't equal the entered letters 'str', then return that letter.

    So, is there something wrong with my logic, or syntax? Because it's not working.

    submitted by /u/someguyhere0
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    Where to start when learning React

    Posted: 23 May 2020 08:48 PM PDT

    I finally feel at a good enough place with JavaScript that I would like to start learning React and React Native. I am aware that there's one which has recently been added to SoloLearn. Is there any other good tutorials available for learning React, which is also free to access?

    submitted by /u/Existential_Muffin
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    Just recently started programming, and I already came across an Issue?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 10:43 PM PDT

    So I'm trying to make a application that can open all my application at once, right. And I'm using Tkinter from Python. I'm trying to add a canvas withing a my root, but when I try to decide the "-relwidht" command, it says it's unknown.

    import tkinter as tk from tkinter import * import os

    root =tk.Tk()

    canvas = tk.Canvas(root, height=700, width=700, bg="#263D42") canvas.pack()

    frame = tk.Frame(root, bg="white") frame.place(relwidht=0.8, relheight=0.8)


    This small piece of text is mine and I'm following a tutorial, but I seem to be stuck here? I also imported everything from Tkinter module, so any ideas?

    submitted by /u/PimpDaddyNoScope
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    CompSci student

    Posted: 23 May 2020 10:40 PM PDT

    Hey everyone!

    Im currently a student at university studying Computer Science. I'm not sure what field of computer science i want to pursue. What fields have the highest demand? Secondly, if iI get a software developer job right out of university, what is the bare minimum of programming should i know?

    submitted by /u/madmoney807
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    Complete HTML and 1/2 done of CSS on FreeCodeCamp but still, there's something wrong.

    Posted: 23 May 2020 04:23 PM PDT

    I have officially gone through all HTML5 lessons and 52% done with CSS. But throughout the entire process, I feel like I haven't really learned what I'm doing I just do it to get done with it but I don't remember any of the elements nor any of what is really teaching aside from the fact that I can do it when they mention it. Is this normal in programming you just follow a video, tutorial, or any other type of program and not really memorize it until fully experienced? Fairly new to it and looking to master it in a short amount of time (preferably for August).

    submitted by /u/Neon46
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    Whats the difference between the data models of .bat files, bash scripting, python and powershell?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 09:52 PM PDT

    Another question, whats the difference between the development and debugging environs of the above?

    Can't find any useful information on google. Thought this was a good place to ask.

    submitted by /u/damagedape
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    Help with Twitter bot

    Posted: 23 May 2020 07:25 PM PDT

    Hey guys, A few days ago I started coding my first Twitter bot and I followed this The Coding Train tutorial and don't know how but everything went great!

    However, now I would like to use it in a new Twitter account that isnt my own ~meme cringe~ account but every doc about OAuth and tweeting in behalf of other account is messing with my head and it is very frustating since i was so close to achieving it

    Do you guys know about any tutorial that is decently clear or can you point me in the right direction?

    EDIT: bot is coded in Javascript (Node.js)

    submitted by /u/oaaees
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    What's the problem here?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 09:30 PM PDT

    The print out is not sorted, the first print out is 0 and the second is 10002:

    #include <iostream> using namespace std; int compareFunc(const void*, const void*); int main() { struct student{ int grade; int studentID; string name; }; const int ARRAY_SIZE = 10; student studentArray[ARRAY_SIZE] = { {87, 10001, "Fred"}, {28, 10002, "Tom"}, {100, 10003, "Alice"}, {78, 10004, "Sam"}, {84, 10005, "Erin"}, {98, 10006, "Belinda"}, {75, 10007, "Leslie"}, {70, 10008, "Candice"}, {81, 10009, "Aretha"}, {68, 10010, "Veronica"}, }; qsort(studentArray, ARRAY_SIZE, sizeof(int), compareFunc); for(int i=0; i< sizeof(studentArray) / sizeof(studentArray[0]); i++){ cout << studentArray[i].grade << endl; } return 0; } int compareFunc(const void * voidA, const void * voidB){ int * intA = (int *)(voidA); int * intB = (int *)(voidB); return *intA - *intB; } 
    submitted by /u/gtrman571
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    Dusting off my keyboard...

    Posted: 23 May 2020 08:27 PM PDT

    Been about 7 years since I've had a real project. I used to build android apps. I'm thinking of leaving my current career (chef in a kitchen) and jumping back behind a computer screen. Im relatively decent with javascript and I hear it's still all the rage.. I've started reading up on react and looking at some tutorials.. Ive been thinking of a project to get back into things and I'd like to build an ordering/delivery system.. something a restaurant or a store could use during these times..

    I figure I'll start with a mockup website and then build 2 apps, one for users and one for the establishment.. Ive seen a few $20 templates that would probably be worth it just to play with and see some code..

    Anyone worked on something like that? Have some templates or links to documentation on some stuff? Any tips or YouTube channels to check out?

    submitted by /u/junkdruggler
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    What should be a beginner's expectations and pacing throghout the journey?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 12:09 AM PDT

    Today marks the 70th day where I've started learning how to code.

    1. Background

    Im a first year communications student. I contemplated switching to information technology but the opportunity cost of 1 year just wasn't worth it so I'm treating my degree as a backup while 90% of my time is spent on learning how to code and maybe 10% on university stuff.

    The biggest issue I'm currently facing is on expectations and pacing. My online friends who live overseas are full fledged fullstack developers with 4-5 years of experience and my local friends are CS students.

    I don't have the largest social circle and I'm the only one who's a beginner who's sticking at this and I don't know anyone new who's actually sticking to learning without giving up after 10 days.

    I always feel like im a slow learner and ive put in so much work and yet i still have nothing to show for it.

    As of right now, i know the basics of html, css, sass, bootstrap, jquery, js, node, git, github, express and mongodb.

    I started with doing 80% of the JS component on codecademy, finished a JS course on Udemy by Jonas Schedtman, 70% through with the Web Dev Bootcamp by Colt Steele and switched over to freecodecamp because i was frustrated that i couldn't grasp some things and i wanted and i wanted a refresh and I'm 40% done with the full stack curriculum right now.

    Time wise, i spend about 3-7 hours a day studying coding and 1 hour on learning french and russian. I've completely given up computer games.

    2. My issue

    However i still feel absolutely terrible because i have to constantly lookup stuff or borrow code to build a pretty site because i cant memorize my CSS stuff and when i look at courses i sometimes don't understand how im supposed to memorize all these and build things from scratch myself.

    When i attempt to do problem sets on codewars for JS i can't even do the 7kyu questions easily and i only understand them after looking at the solutions. Most of the time I can't remember all the array methods and stuff until i see what it is. Looking at the discussions there from users saying those questions are too easy honestly depresses me.

    I always feel like I have to go back from the start to refresh my basics and polish and memorize everything.

    3. Goals and Plans

    As of now I'm starting on a React course on Udemy, the University of Helsinki's Full Stack Open and freecodecamp and my goals are to land an internship as a frontend developer by July.

    For my plans, I just laid out a 30 day plan to learn React, clear the Full Stack Open and finish the FreeCodeCamp curriculum.

    I don't know what's a proper expectation for myself and whether I'm on the right track after 70 days. I constantly feel dumber everyday and i just want to know what's a realistic pacing for someone like me who's studying everyday and intending to get into the software field fully.

    I'd truly apprciate some feedback and stories from people who were self taught, how hard it was at the beginning, how to deal with this and what i can improve on.

    Also, if anybody who's new, have set their minds to do this and wants to chat with me and perhaps form a group to discuss our challenges and motivate me do let me know! I'd wanna surround myself with like-minded people

    tldr: i feel dumb even after 70 days and i want to know real stories of expectations and pacing from people who've been in this spot and are doing well now.

    submitted by /u/LenerDee
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    how to choose one language to learn moreover stick with that language,i have so many technical subjects in my college curriculum

    Posted: 24 May 2020 12:01 AM PDT

    college faculty just doing there job, they are in so much rush to finish the syllabus.

    submitted by /u/Praful1803
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    Am I allowed to write a constructive post on why I think X is not a useful language?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 11:49 PM PDT

    I don't think I should name the language yet but it appears a lot of people seem to misunderstand what the language does for you and have little experience using it

    submitted by /u/IndependentDocument5
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    Retrieving online Image in React

    Posted: 23 May 2020 11:43 PM PDT

    Am trying to retrieve images from a json but am not sure how it would work, more specifically for individual characters.

    See : http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/10.10.3216176/data/en_US/champion.json

    See the json file above lists images but I don't know how I would fetch that and apply it to an img tag.

    The second way I tried retrieving an img is through just adding the link to an image tag like

    <img src="http://raw.communitydragon.org/10.1/game/assets/characters/ahri/hud/ahri_circle.png">

    This works but only i I hard code the champion name. When I replace the champion name with a variable the image is broken making me think this is an asynchronus problem but I don't know how to retrieve the image asynchronously either way.

    Any guidance or methods about solving the issue would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/HaikusfromBuddha
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    [C++] Declaring Multiple Strings Broken?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 11:38 PM PDT

    I've got some code that seems to work fine when I have just:

    string mapName = _map + "Map"; 

    With the _map being brought in via a function PaintTiles(string _map){

    However when I put this it breaks:

    string mapName = _map + "Map"; string mapGraphic = _map + "Graphic"; 

    It doesnt matter whether I use mapGraphic or not, its like the act of defining another string breaks it for everything else. Anyone have any idea?

    submitted by /u/aharmlessloaf
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