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    Monday, May 11, 2020

    Next.js 9.4 - now with fast refresh & incremental static regeneration web developers

    Next.js 9.4 - now with fast refresh & incremental static regeneration web developers

    Next.js 9.4 - now with fast refresh & incremental static regeneration

    Posted: 11 May 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    Stop importing Multiple Fonts and Start using Variable Fonts | That's an Egg

    Posted: 10 May 2020 11:37 PM PDT

    Maintaining Focus

    Posted: 11 May 2020 03:58 PM PDT

    I've been in the field of Web Development since my early teens. Once I founded I connected with Web more than any other platform and got off of the Python bandwagon, I couldn't stop learning.

    I started off with the basics, made a few small projects (basic CRUD applications etc...) and taught myself around Laravel, Vue JS, other frameworks...

    2 years ago I started work for a company working on their internal systems (mainly stock, sales analysis systems and maintaining corporate sites), I found that working periods of 8am-4pm with a 30 minute break in between was destroying my love for the art. I couldn't focus, programming seemed like a chore, Reddit and other social media was far too tempting, even Stack Overflow was fun to browse to get out of the boredom of implementing another feature.

    Since then, I've moved onto another company, working in the same field but with me as the sole developer. I've found that working for 2 hour periods at a time, slow paced, taking my time to understand what I'm doing instead of machine a load of keys helped encourage creativity; making algorithms more streamlined, coming up with methods of altering current practices to help benefit the company.

    These short bursts of concrete work time are far more effective than the regular 8-4. In small breaks of 30 minutes in between sessions, I spend time re-engaging my brain, talking to a co-worker perhaps about something I'm working on, or going down to the lower floor for a coffee.

    This new method of work style has allowed me to work on personal projects with less of a chore connotation. I can tell you now, I've not gotten as far as with my current project with any other project I've worked on in my spare time.

    My take on this is, programming is an art. Like a music professional, you can't just sit there and force out a bunch of lyrics; they will sound bad, not make sense or not accurately convey what you're trying to say. If a workplace doesn't support your work style and sees dollar signs instead of people, maybe it isn't the best place to be at.

    On the same topic, what has caused you to burn out, and how did you get back into it?

    submitted by /u/Link-e
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    [Blog] NPM vs Yarn. A good comparison.

    Posted: 11 May 2020 08:40 AM PDT

    A Creative Use Of The Page Visibility API

    Posted: 11 May 2020 03:35 PM PDT

    Hi all! We recently encountered a pretty frustrating issue with our website whereby our new features weren't being deployed to a bunch of our users. Turns out it was because they never closed their tabs. We rolled out a pretty simple solution that's been working wonders for us, so I wrote a small blog post on it last week.

    Link: https://www.algoexpert.io/blog/we-launched-a-new-feature-except-no

    Let me know what you think!

    submitted by /u/bitnbyte
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    I'm thinking about using Firebase for an upcoming website. How do I handle unexpected usage bills if I cant cap spending?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 03:22 PM PDT

    Firebase is perfect for what I want to use. But I'm really worried if I make a mistake in my code which leads to over spending with my website. Either that or I'm worried about someone attacking the site in such a way where unexpected spending is incurred.

    Is this something I should be worrying about? I sometimes feel as though I'd be better off buying a decent VPS and not worrying about the spending being out of my control.

    I'd rather my web app go down than have a gigantic bill that I can't afford to pay.

    submitted by /u/ExtremelySmashing
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    The Really Annoying Directory - An approachable open source Web Development project aimed at beginners trying to get exposure to Github.

    Posted: 11 May 2020 01:38 PM PDT

    Roughly two years ago I started an open source project for people to contribute to

    The core idea of the project was to give people a silly front-end centric project that was easily approachable for just about anyone with any skill level in Web Development to get their feet wet on github. I'm a self taught developer and this is the project I would've wanted around when I was getting started. All skill levels are welcome so if you are experienced and think the idea sounds fun you're more than welcome to make a page.

    Even if you don't really know HTML, CSS, or Javascript yet, there's a template in the directory structure that you can use, or if you need inspiration about what to put on the page, there's a lot of examples already live you can look at.

    TLDR instruction: You make a webpage, and put it in the directory. The theme of the project is just anything you really want to put in.

    I plan on streaming for at least an hour when this post goes live and you can ask me questions about the project and watch me make changes to the page on Github.

    The the actual live page having an insecure url, and fixing the SSL Talking about and completing the pull requests currently active on the project Coming up with new ideas for the website

    Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/tor020

    Github link: https://github.com/DevvitIO/ReallyAnnoyingDirectory

    Live link: https://devvit.io/ReallyAnnoyingDirectory/

    Edit: Borked the Domain temporarily. Currently the page is live at https://devvitio.github.io/ReallyAnnoyingDirectory/ eventually it will be accessible via https://devvit.io/ReallyAnnoyingDirectory/ again.

    submitted by /u/SponsoredByMLGMtnDew
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    Netlify free enough for static informative website?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 04:21 PM PDT

    Hello guys

    Been learning Web dev for about 3 months so I'm sorry if this question shouldn't be posted here.

    My friend has a small side business selling vegan food through Instagram and I was wondering if a basic contact Website with some pictures of the items etc, would be possible to deploy on netlify free and allow people freely browse it?

    I know I should this sort of stuff but I'm just starting and still learning react, so I don't know much about actually having a website working online

    Thanks for the help.

    PS: BE gente

    submitted by /u/Nunoc11
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    How to Structure Resume When Changing Careers into WebDev?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 08:13 AM PDT

    Hi all; hopefully this is specific enough that I can post this question outside of the monthly thread. I have been studying programming (with WebDev as my ultimate goal) since the beginning of the year using CS50x and Colt Steele's course. So far, I am working on my final project for CS50 and just started to get into the back-end portion of Colt Steele's course. At the same time I am trying to work on some projects to get myself going, and so far I have completed my portfolio page and my final project will be a basic flask application (with the front-end more/less completed so far). I know it is still a little early to be thinking about it, but I like to plan for everything.

    I know that including your resume in your portfolio is important. Currently, I have a BS degree in a completely unrelated field and am currently working at a completely unrelated job. Due to this, I was wondering how other people structured their resume in a similar situation. Should I leave it as-is, and let the portfolio speak for itself, or should I somehow restructure my resume to highlight my experience and study of webdev? What has other people done in a similar situation? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/ZJE123
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    Gatsbyjs or Next.js - Which is better for SEO?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    We are building an eCommerce platform with hundreds of listings.
    Our goal is to make sure the application is crawlable for SEO purposes. But not sure which frontend framework we should use.
    We believe listing, about us page, landing page, and search page should be static. While the search results, login, create an account page would be CSR or Server Side Rendered.
    Which platform has the best tools for developing such an application? What are the benefits of one versus the other?
    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/ineedhelpcoding
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    What’s it like working on REST APIs int eh real world?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 02:53 PM PDT

    I'm a Laravel Dev and I'm fmailar with using the framework as an API as in returning json data instead of a view. Is there any thing I should learn of know before jumping into an API being used in the real world? Any recommend books or concepts I should master before hand?

    submitted by /u/UntouchedDruid4
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    I want to invest 20 min every day first thing in the morning in my career, what should it be?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 09:11 PM PDT

    Hi! So, a bit of background - I'm a junior web developer working a mostly front-end role on a React Native based iOS and Android application. One of my long term goals is to become completely proficient in the front end and capable of delivering scalable web applications over the next 5-10 years. I have a long way to go but it all starts with a daily process, which is why I'm here asking you all!

    To the senior developers and engineering experts that have really come into their own - what would you recommend that 20 minute daily process be? Should it be reading? If so, what should I read? If it's code - what should I code?

    What has been the single greatest habit or keystone thing that you have done regularly that you think has made you as competent as you are in this field?

    EDIT: in response to the recommendations so far:

    1. I have a self improvement routine that I do every day/night that includes meditation, exercise (cardio, stretching, weight lifting), gratitude journaling, todo list set up, weekly reviews etc).
    2. The goal is to start with 20 minutes, start a habit of learning every day, and then once that's solidified, gradually ramp that up to an hour+..
    3. To those who have recommended newsletters or other articles, what do you think has helped you learn the most?
    submitted by /u/thirtyhours_
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    Netlify publishing from Github is hit or miss

    Posted: 11 May 2020 05:52 PM PDT

    I installed Jekyll and a theme locally, and made a few blog posts to test things out with a local CMS plugin, and everything worked great.

    Then I found out about Github + Netlify and decided to try that out instead. But now when I make posts through Netlify, it seems to be hit or miss (mostly miss) if the new posts are ever visible on the site.

    The posts themselves show up in Github (after a while), and Netlify builds and publishes. The new content just doesn't show up.

    The theme is compatible with Netlify, but the theme creator doesn't know what could be the problem.

    Is there something obvious or common I could check? I considered Cloudflare caching, but I have the same issue on the Netlify subdomain too.

    submitted by /u/2378965218568753364
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    Browser frame in HTML + CSS

    Posted: 11 May 2020 02:03 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    Just found this site : https://ackee.electerious.com/

    I really like the browser frame made with some DOM elements and styles and asked myself if there are some libs that make those frames easy to create and customize? Maybe with some different pre-made styles like Safari, IE, Chrome, Firefox, etc.? Different sizes/devices available such as tablet, phone, desktop would be a plus too.

    Found several codepen with some demos but not as pretty as this one IMO and only with Safari looks and feel.

    Does something like that already exist?

    PS: Hope my english is understandable, can edit if more explication are needed

    submitted by /u/Schmittounet
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    Advice for integrations involving live video chat

    Posted: 11 May 2020 01:55 PM PDT

    I am working on a career networking site and people can match with each other just like on Tinder and then start talking. However I want to add a live approach to this, for example you can only match with other people who are also online. And then if you both match then you guys can network right then and there over video chat.

    I am wondering if you have suggestions on building this out or if there are services / APIs that offer this? There are definitely calendar website integrations but not sure if any of them fit my use case.

    submitted by /u/anthonyburry
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    My first Medium story! How I increase my coding speed with custom code snippets.

    Posted: 11 May 2020 05:32 PM PDT

    Uncommon issues connecting a domain to hosting.

    Posted: 11 May 2020 01:25 PM PDT

    I developed a site for a family friend and I have been trying to connect the domain registered at Network Solutions to a new GoDaddy hosting account that will be hosting the new website. However, there are some uncommon issues that I have come across:

    1. The old website was developed over 15 years ago and the developer hasn't been part of the company for some 10 years. The company can't find any documentation for the old site, including the hosting information.
    2. I've tried changing the A records to point towards the new GoDaddy account but I always end up with a 404 error. Changing the Nameservers to point to GoDaddy also didn't work. I've been in contact with both Network Solutions and GoDaddy but none of their suggestions have worked. Out of the two, GoDaddy has been the most helpful and they told me that the domain is currently connected to a hosting account. But no one has any information on that mysterious account, meaning we can't find it, log in to it, or even relay any information to support. GoDaddy told me that I won't be able to connect the domain to a new account until the old connection to this mysterious account is broken.
    3. The previous caretaker of the website was using Off-Site DNS on a separate GoDaddy account. He tried but failed removing the Off-Site DNS of the site from his account. GoDaddy support said Network Solutions will have to break the connection on their side. I've contacted Network Solutions for the fifth time regarding a forceful break in connection but they just said they can point the A records to the new IP address (which was the very first thing I tried and I let them know in my reply). I'm waiting to hear back from them as of right now.
    4. Note: the current MX records are pointing towards Google, not Network Solutions.

    So what are my options? I would like to prevent/lessen any email downtime if possible. Could I transfer the domain to GoDaddy? Or use Network Solutions to host the new website? Any help or tips would be very much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/roo_fee_ohhh
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    Having trouble deciding on a new laptop

    Posted: 11 May 2020 04:54 PM PDT

    I'm going to be going into a full time web development program which covers both front end and back end, and I need something to replace my mid 2012 MacBook Pro. I know I probably don't need an absolute beast of a computer, but I have the funds for it, and I want it to be able to last me several years and will be able to take me from school to the workforce.

    My considerstions: MacBook Pro 16", Lenovo X1 Extreme Gen 2, Asus Zephyrus G14.

    Why am I even considering a MacBook? I'm biased because my current MacBook Pro is the first and only laptop I've owned, and it's served me well for a good 7 years. macOS is all I know. The ease of being able to run Windows on a Mac is a big plus for me, since I'm not sure what area of development I want to specialize in. I might decide after my program is done that I want to get into iOS development, which is apparently a pain in the ass to do on a PC. So if I were to get a PC now, I'd most likely have to sell it and get a Mac. That's a pretty big if though, since I've never even opened Xcode before. But it's nice being able to jump from macOS to Windows for whatever I may be working on.

    Why am I considering Lenovo? Customizability. This is one thing that really bothers me about new MacBooks. When my current MacBook from fucking 2012 started to slow down, I swapped out the HDD for an SSD and upgraded the RAM to 8GB and it was good as new. It pisses me off how everything is soldered in now, and the upgrades are goddamn expensive. I really like the ThinkPads I mentioned let you customize how much RAM/storage you can have.

    Why am I considering Asus? I don't plan on doing any gaming on whatever machine I choose, but a user over at /r/SuggestALaptop pointed it out. Seems to perform really well as far as first impressions go. Definitely piqued my interest.

    I'm open to suggestions, I'm pretty flexible with my budget.

    submitted by /u/spunkymnky
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    What are some good secondary technical skills for senior web developers?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 03:13 AM PDT

    I am so weak at stuff like Docker, regular expressions, VIM (or any alternatives). What are some essential secondary skills for a senior web developer?

    submitted by /u/iwillgotosweden
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    Any good job boards for remote work, specific languages/frameworks?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 04:04 PM PDT

    I'm a react native / laravel developer looking to make a change. Havent applied for a few years not sure what good boards are active for remote work at the moment.

    submitted by /u/IAmRules
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    Why you should consider Elgg

    Posted: 11 May 2020 03:51 PM PDT

    Help with freelance work question

    Posted: 11 May 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I'm new to the group and I had a question regarding recommendations for helping me with getting a client's website for his small business up-and-going. I'm fairly fresh out of a web development boot camp and I just got my first freelance gig from someone my boyfriend knew. This likely new client sells new and used machinery for their small sheet metal business and has explicitly mentioned that they would like to have control over updating the inventory of the website.

    I feel kind of dumb for not knowing how to go about this given that I just went through a boot camp, but getting someone ready for the nuances for freelance work was definitely not on the curriculum and I feel like this is more on the real world hands-on sort of realm ---so here I am.

    What is the best way to handle this for a client that has confessed to not being tech savvy but would like to have control over updating the inventory as opposed to having someone like me do it?

    Couldn't they just create something in a website builder like Wix for example? Couldn't I use something like a website builder or a CMS (not too familiar if with these at all)? I understand the importance is making sure that I can bring in value to their business, but having the client update the inventory is really throwing me off. Maybe I can use a CMS for the inventory only? Can anyone provide personal insight perhaps?

    They also have bought a domain with GoDaddy so insight on how to keep this would be very much appreciated as well.

    submitted by /u/manofsilva
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    www.domain.com goes to the site I created, but domain.com goes to the old website still. How do I fix this? I'm using netlify.

    Posted: 11 May 2020 03:31 PM PDT

    I changed the CNAME www value to point to my netlify domain where the website is hosted. I thought all I had to do was change the CNAME, what else do I need to do for the website to be loaded correctly?

    submitted by /u/Citrous_Oyster
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