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    Tuesday, May 19, 2020

    [MEGATHREAD] Free Courses learn programming

    learn programming

    [MEGATHREAD] Free Courses learn programming

    [MEGATHREAD] Free Courses

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 02:10 AM PDT

    In order to coordinate the current offers for free courses during the COVID-19 crisis, I've created this megathread.

    Please, post all your findings in top level comments (directly under this thread).

    No indirect links and check the validity of the coupons before posting, and, if possible, mention the expiry date.

    From now on, all other "Free Courses" threads will be removed. This thread is the only place where listings of free courses are allowed.

    Don't post always free courses.

    Don't fall for Udemy sales. Udemy is the furniture store of e-learning, there are always discounts.

    Also, don't fall for the stacksocial, etc. bundles currently advertised everywhere. They list exaggerated prices for the individual courses and out of the bundle commonly only one or two courses are necessary.

    Humble Book Bundles are generally worth it (with the exception of Packt books as they are known for low quality).

    No requests

    submitted by /u/desrtfx
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    How to deal with experienced programmers or people in general discouraging you from pursuing programming?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 09:29 AM PDT

    I apologize if this is kind of off- topic but this is the only sub-Reddit I can think of currently to post this question. If there is a more suitable sub-Reddit please let me know and delete this.


    Right now I'm in the middle of a career change. I want to do web development.

    I'm currently learning web developing bit by bit which I have always found interesting. Small steps starting recently, bit of HTML5, CSS3... Front end/Back end technologies, all that with projects along the way. I've been fortunate enough to have enough savings to last me a couple of years to study and with current world events it made me realize the industry I'm currently in (hospitality) is one of the worst in terms of pay, hours and the future doesn't look too bright especially with what is happening right now.

    I was an idiot when I was 18 being the insecure/confused kid I was. Originally planned to go to school for CS at a reputable university but my parents being the old baby boomers they are discouraged me stating it's a waste of time. They went to great lengths to discourage me, showing outdated articles that third world countries will take over those jobs for less pay and the future for technology will be taken over by robots. They had money saved up for my college but refused to spend it on me learning CS and instead spent it on mortgages etc. Since my parents are high earners where I'm from I wasn't eligible for student finance so I started work from 18 and fell in the wrong crowd and gave up programming all together.

    Well 10 years later and all my classmates from my programming courses/summer coding camps, even the ones who did the bare minimum make at least double my salary with much less hours and regular hours, it was frustrating to see.

    Since I've been laid off I had a F*ck it attitude and decide to pursue what I really want and enjoy. WEB DEVELOPMENT! I've wasted so much time doing a job I hated living pay check by pay check thinking it was the right thing to do trying to please my parents and thinking it's a safe career, fu*k that not worth it.

    However while I do enjoy learning, feel more motivated than ever and do get great encouragement from probably around 60% of people I meet (mainly people in the tech industry) the other 40% seem to discourage me and 10% seem to go great lengths to extremely discourage me. Off the top of my head it's always the similar 3 :

    - Web development is so saturated, don't bother going in that industry

    - Yeah anyone can code, but it takes a unique/special person to be a real programmer

    - Do you really think it's wise learning at your age by yourself programming? You should go to school, employers won't hire you without school

    While I take these comments with a grain of salt it sometimes gets to me and I feel I learn at a slower pace when I give in to these comments. However I am still motivated trying to only listen to the people who have given me encouragement and treating my studying as a fun full time job learning experience.

    I guess for you programmers who have had similar discouragement in the past or any great advice anybody regarding this is very much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/OnePiece2008
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    A no-nonsense guide: how to code and launch your own tiny website

    Posted: 18 May 2020 03:15 PM PDT

    link: https://tinyprojects.dev/guides/tiny_website

    Hi /r/learnprogramming,

    I recently got annoyed about how difficult it is to find a decent guide on how to code and launch your own website live on the internet. Every guide these days seems to involve either a 30 minute long video tutorial, telling you to use wordpress, or is an incredibly vague article telling you that step 1 is to "buy a domain" then "figure out what your website is going to be about".

    These are not useful for someone who just wants to learn how to code and get their coded website live on the internet. I created this simple step by step guide that will tell you how to do so in 15minutes. Its aimed more towards Windows, but applies to Mac also. If you have any questions comment below and I'd be happy to help!

    submitted by /u/nachochickens
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    Summer projects?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 10:20 PM PDT

    Hey all!!

    I am a CS student in college trying to develop my coding skills over the summer and I'm looking for some fun projects I could do in Python. I'm and infosec major so I've been trying to start writing my own scripts but wanted to see if there was any good projects I should work on!! Any tips are greatly appreciated!!


    submitted by /u/mountainmatt2
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    I'm going through The Odin Project and somethings I'm forgetting or not truly understanding. Is this normal?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 07:26 PM PDT

    Should I stop and truly take in everything they teach until I fully understand it? Sometimes I take 2 hours to understand a concept and be able to explain it. I played around with the "box-shadow" property for 2 hours in codepen until I understood it. Right now I'm at "animation-timing-function" and I'm learning the cubic-bezier parameter value and I feel dumb as f***. I want to get a web dev junior position by the end of this year but if I take 2 hours to learn one function that seems simple compared to the grand scheme of things...

    Is it normal to feel like you don't really understand something although you can explain it?

    submitted by /u/BeanNCheeze
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    Best resources for IN DEPTH HTML/CSS/JS education.

    Posted: 18 May 2020 07:24 PM PDT

    I am trying to learn web development, I already know Java, C++, C, some Lisp based languages,and x86 assembly. I have a very good knowledge and education in lower level programming. I exited the tech industry about 5 years ago to help run a family business in an unrelated sector. I am now trying to re-enter because of COVID-19 issues. I brushed up on what I use to know, but now I see most jobs are in "Web Development".

    I have a few questions. First what are the best resource (books, videos, courses w/e they may be) that will give you a bottom up very in-depth explanation on HTML/CSS/JS. I already know the "basics" or w/e you want to call it. However I am talking about the complete details how it it goes from simple text, interrupted, and executed. Every step in the process. I have a hard time learning things if I do not understand how something is doing the thing it does.

    Most books that cover web development tools (HTML,CSS,JS) basically give you a short incomplete overview of what is happening and then basically just have you memorize syntax, they never explain how it goes from text to binary and how the browser implements it. Like I said I know the "basics", and can already make most projects that books and such have you do. However, I feel very uncomfortable with my knowledge because I feel I am just stitching together various code snippets because I have been told this is what works; instead of understanding why I choose to do this thing this way. Thank you for any advice.

    submitted by /u/Dthod91
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    How important are algorithms to web development (javascript, React)?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 10:41 PM PDT

    I've been on the self taught path for about 5 months now(html, css, javascript, and now react). So far, things have been going good. There is so much to learn...every day i sit at the keyboard i leave a more educated person, although i will admit, i'm no instant computer genius like id hoped id be. I am self taught, but have a friend who studied CS and got a nice paying job thru an internship before he graduated.

    My friend suggested i try Codewars, to help me with coding questions. From my understanding, Codewars attempts to train you on algorithmic concepts.

    SPOILER ALERT: i'm not very good at Codewars...took me 3 months to answer the entry level question (and that is because im so used to console.logging my functions because of my udemy classes, if you get it hehe). Even when i passed the intro test, i can only understand the problem answers by hitting the "solutions" tab, and reviewing others answers.

    My question is...How important are these algorithmic type problems (and algorithms in general) in relation to someone like myself who is studying the web development field? I've always been bad at math, however the way my mind thinks while learning programming seems to be slightly different than math class (although painfully similar at the same time)

    submitted by /u/swinelordofpigs
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    Overcoming the tutorial hell (Beginners point of view)

    Posted: 18 May 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    C# Beginner here, and forever still learning something new each day.

    Just want to share my experience with being stuck in tutorial hell and how I managed to break out and actually begin creating projects of my own.

    I've had a few people reach out and ask for advice if they should start with the basic online tutorials such as entry level training/tutorial modules you can access online.

    Heck yeah start off with simple books or modules such as W3Schools or something of the like.

    I did.

    Alas, I advise to avoid doing it for too long, you'll get to a point where you doubt yourself and say, "OK I learned all I can from W3Schools, but I need more, I can't make a program yet... Maybe I should check (NEXT RESOURCE HERE)." You switch gears only to find you are learning the same thing you learned at W3Schools. This obviously comes after doing XX amount of hours trying that secondary resource, you realize, "OK No problem, time for me to go to Youtube and look up beginner tutorials", something I can watch a person as they do it, should be helpful right. You watch about 30 hours of videos, but guess what, you don't feel like you learned too much at all, and not to mention you already learned all this from previous resources.

    I was a victim of this exact thing, I would look at some code or projects made by others and see they had crazy amount of code and other things I never seen before. After witnessing that, I would keep going through different "Beginner generic tutorials" to see if I missed anything, or would try to jump to more intermediate tutorial only to find it shares beginner recap information or they are completely the opposite direction and way too overly complex that it becomes more overwhelming. "WTF are they talking about how did they do that? What do I need that for? What is going on... Do I have to do that?"

    What do you do in that situation? I think the hardest part was trying to figure out what I wanted to do with Programming in general, lot of people want to do it because it looks cool, or for career change, or just to learn something new. I'm no different, just like everyone else I had to find my own path, and yes, (which involves all 3 of what I mentioned combined). Only thing I added to it, was that I set some goals each day when I sat down to program as silly as it sounds.


    I put a little sticky note on my desktop that gives me a stopping point or what it is I want to accomplish that day. For example

    • Find how to create an item inventory list for my game.
    • Find how to create a puzzle game that uses the random option to mix up the answers
    • Reach and complete the game before end of day. Continue with Track 2 tomorrow

    I got the basics, and so I started with the basics.

    I would start, then I encountered a road block (aka my goals). I would do a couple google or youtube searches for just that specific roadblock, " e.g. How to create an item inventory in C#" and found videos that focus on it, that actually taught me more about Programming versus the generic beginner tutorials! + Intermediate Tutorials! type of videos I would normally watch. After 30 minutes of research, it would be more than enough since they would go into detail on how to accomplish that goal.

    After I found my niche, I definitely felt like I was able to go from beginner status of being unsure how to create a simple Console.WriteLine("Help me I can't begin without guidance"); skillset to slowly learning how to change foreground color in text to make my Read your own adventure stories more engaging, not to mention trying to learn and integrate my program to interact with my surroundings to make it more engaging. (Which is boring stuff I won't go into detail about.)

    Kind of have to view it similar to making a peanut butter jelly sandwich, I can watch videos all day on how to do this, but if I never do it myself, I'll think I am not ready yet. Plus, we all want our sandwiches tailored to our own interest.

    These online tutorials will give you the basics, White bread + Strawberry jam + Creamy Peanut butter = Sandwich.

    As for myself, I prefer to use potato bread + lots of chunky natural peanut butter + Raspberry preserve + I toast the bread slightly in the microwave oven just to give it a nice crunch + while adding a bit of banana slices to it + then cutting it in half to make it easier to eat = my sandwich.

    Don't get me wrong, I am glad I got to experience all sorts of resources such as CodeCademy, W3Schools, Youtube videos, Udemy and random paper back books. My regret is I should have only spent few hours learning the basics then immediately branching off by forcing myself to go make my own peanut butter and jelly sandwich to improve my skill even faster. Instead I watched maybe 5 other resources make the same generic peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Just some worded differently and some with moving pictures and audio.

    It was my own fault really, I kept thinking I was missing something followed by saying "Ok OK I'm almost ready, just need to see what this other resources has that might different."

    Now I just have fun with what I know, and slowly I bump into these little doors that require me to learn more and more so that I can open them and move on to the next area.

    If you really want to get out of the Learning to program tutorial hell, you need to find what it is you want to do and just focus on working on that specific path, eventually you'll be required to read documentation or video explanations just on that subject alone. This evolves each time you sit down to program. You'll get to these roadblocks and you need to just focus on that one item and move to the next. Its important to keep moving forward and not sideways or backwards.

    Not sure if this helps anyone out there, I just wanted to share my learning experience of escaping the Tutorial Hell I was stuck in.

    TL:DR Find what you want programming to do for you, focus attention on that, don't follow same practice of how to begin for too long, you'll never make your own custom delicious sandwich by just watching instructions on how others make the same basic sandwich.

    submitted by /u/FTPMystery
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    Do employers even ask for your college degree?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 08:39 PM PDT

    Like I'm a philosophy major and been programming, however I have 1 year left to graduate If I switched to comp sci , itd take me 2-3 years to graduate What if I ju see t graduated with my current degree and said I graduated with a comp sci degree Do they even verify what you graduated with? That way if I stick to my current major, I have freely time to spend on programming and learn more self taught

    submitted by /u/fourakhee
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    An extremely informative and interactive blog for Machine Learning (Python)

    Posted: 18 May 2020 10:06 PM PDT

    Machine Learning: The Journey from "hello, world" to Self Sufficient Computers

    A fun 5-minute read for those wanting to set their foot in the amazing world of machine learning. Do check out the resources at the end! Brought to you by Coding Club, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Guwahati!

    P.S: Do show your appreciation for the authors at the end by commenting and applauding (1-50) so that we can improve in this series of blogs

    submitted by /u/maneshwarS
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    Do employers recognize Coursera's/EdX specializations?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    Hi r/learnprogramming. I am a student and am interested in Coursera's Deep Learning Specialization. I want to learn about Deep Learning for the sake of learning (I have a programming background). I'm wondering if employers recognize these or not. If employers do recognize it, I might pay for the course. Otherwise, I'll just audit the course. I want to know before starting whether it would be worth my money or not.

    I've seen posts about similar topics, but most are about 4 years old and I don't know if that information is outdated or not. I also want to know if any of these online course websites (EdX, Lynda, udemy, etc.) are recognized by employers or not for future reference.

    submitted by /u/the_bigmustard_tiger
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    Need to know what type of maths is required in computer programming

    Posted: 18 May 2020 09:21 PM PDT

    Currently in high school and since I really can't do anything due to the quarantine. I was wondering if I could get a list or something that informs me of what type of math is required in computer science/programming. My plan try to learn it and get ahead of the curve.

    submitted by /u/aLLiWantIsHelp101
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    Programming Buddy: Java/Python/C++

    Posted: 18 May 2020 09:21 PM PDT

    Hi All,

    I'm a software engineer working in the USA, looking to expand on my programming skills outside of work.

    I am comfortable in Python and Java, and currently refreshing up C++. Would like a buddy or two to work with on side projects, I have some experience in AI/Machine Learning but open to all fields. I am also open to reviewing DSA and working on leetcode problems.

    Preferably in the USA for ease of time zone coordination. I plan to dedicate a good amount of time in this venture, and would like the same. PM Me if interested.

    submitted by /u/SWEbyday
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    Experienced programmers: what do you consider to be good code, regardless of the language?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 03:50 PM PDT

    Hello. I just finished half of CS50's first Problem Set: Mario (more comfortable), and I was left wondering whether or not it was good code beyond working, because I realized that if it weren't for my -verbose and abundant- comments, I wouldn't understand my code tomorrow. The problem is, I don't know if it's due to my lack of knowledge/experience or if it's because it's just badly written.

    For instance, I'm aware I cannot simply add comments everywhere to make my code understandable. It has to be, somehow, intuitive for another programmer. I don't know if using several variables that depend on another one is understandable or not. I know that on a large extent, the answers to those questions depend on the kind of program being designed, but still, there must be some "general good practices" beyond indentation and the like.

    So, before just copying and pasting my code here and asking whether it's good code or not, I'd like to know what you consider to be good code on a general basis. What do you consider to be efficient code? What separates unintelligible code from clear, almost self-explaining code?

    Thank you for your insight!

    submitted by /u/Non-taken-Meursault
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    How to make multiple "tabs" within a single html page?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 03:42 PM PDT

    I'm making a chrome extension as a personal project, and I'd like to emulate the behavior I've seen in another extension, specifically TamperMonkey. Tampermonkey has tabs in the upper right of their settings page that the user can click, each corresponding to different page content (screenshots). In addition, each "tab" has a hashtag at the end of it with a different identifier after the hashtag for each tab.

    This is the behavior I'd like to emulate. If you know what concepts Tampermonkey used to accomplish this, I'd greatly appreciate the info!

    submitted by /u/_PM_ME_YOUR_ELBOWS
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    Port use in socket programming (python)

    Posted: 18 May 2020 08:16 PM PDT

    Hello! I am in the process of making my first client/server programs in python, and so far it's going very well. Each time the client makes a connection, my server prints, for example "connection from ('', 60000)". What that like comes from in code is:

    serv = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) ..... conn, addr = serv.accept() print(addr) 

    I have my client updating the server every second, and noticed that the number at the end, which I believe is the port number (60000 in my example) increases by 1 every time. Is this normal behavior, or should I be concerned that I am rapidly using up ports and will eventually run out?

    Edit: thanks to u/CreativeTechGuyGames I learned that I should not be severing the client/server relationship in between updates. Now I am trying to figure out how to do that. Here is the relevant code:


    serv = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) serv.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) #reuse socket (os locks socket for some time after program quit) serv.bind(('', 50007)) serv.listen(5) while True: global locked conn, addr = serv.accept() fromClient = '' while True: ogdata = conn.recv(4096) data=ogdata.decode() #required for python3 if not data: break fromClient+=data if("~" in fromClient): #termination char fromClient=fromClient[:-1] break print ("Client sent: "+fromClient) print("client requested update, will now send it "+str(addr)) sendData=","+str(locked)+"," sendData+="~" 

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