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    Tuesday, May 12, 2020

    [MEGATHREAD] Free Courses learn programming

    [MEGATHREAD] Free Courses learn programming

    [MEGATHREAD] Free Courses

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 02:10 AM PDT

    In order to coordinate the current offers for free courses during the COVID-19 crisis, I've created this megathread.

    Please, post all your findings in top level comments (directly under this thread).

    No indirect links and check the validity of the coupons before posting, and, if possible, mention the expiry date.

    From now on, all other "Free Courses" threads will be removed. This thread is the only place where listings of free courses are allowed.

    Don't post always free courses.

    Don't fall for Udemy sales. Udemy is the furniture store of e-learning, there are always discounts.

    Also, don't fall for the stacksocial, etc. bundles currently advertised everywhere. They list exaggerated prices for the individual courses and out of the bundle commonly only one or two courses are necessary.

    Humble Book Bundles are generally worth it (with the exception of Packt books as they are known for low quality).

    No requests

    submitted by /u/desrtfx
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    ELI5: What does it mean to say a programming language is slow?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    Hey Folks.

    I'm not a polyglot but through reading a lot of articles while learning Python, I have seen a lot of programmers ranting about it's slowness compared to other programming languages like Julia.

    I still can't fathom the slowness of a language. Can someone explain to me (Maybe with code too) the difference between a slow and faster language?

    submitted by /u/santaWithRedSandals
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    Beginners discouragement and perseverance

    Posted: 11 May 2020 08:48 PM PDT

    Just a quick note: I'm sure that those new to programming have moments where they get bogged down in their learning and feel like quitting. I'm mid aged and taking an intro course that is only slightly higher than high school level and I think says can be taken by 12 year olds with parental assistance, LOL.

    Since it's all so new to me it can be confusing and tricky. I had a moment tonight where I almost threw in the towel, perhaps not for all of programming but at least for this course. But just before closing the browser window, a light bulb went on and the code clicked for me; I noticed something in the code I hadn't paid attention to and realized what it meant.

    So, I want my story to encourage other new learners to keep persevering, it can be overwhelming at first but gradually it comes together. Sure, it's good to take breaks and let things sink in, but if you feel like throwing in the towel like I did, remember my story!

    submitted by /u/ahpto
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    I have been coding for 50 straight days!

    Posted: 11 May 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    In my country lockdown was started somewhere in mid-March and in the starting days, I got to know about Codecademy giving away pro membership to .edu users. I registered for web development and since then I am learning about Web technologies for 2-3 hours daily for the last 50 days.

    Web Development wasn't new to me, I learned HTML and CSS in the first year but learning Web Development enough to make a website on my own was a part of my 2020 resolution and I'm few topics away from achieving it...!

    Happy coding :)

    submitted by /u/m_nooBzer0
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    How do I "create" code as a beginner instead of just copying it?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 07:47 AM PDT

    I have been trying to learn how to code in Python for a week now mainly by watching tutorials that also give exercises and afterward the solution. In almost all cases I understand what they did and why once I watched the solution but never before. How can I get better (or rather do it at all) at completing the exercise myself without having to watch the whole solution first to and reproduce it? I always try it for at least 5 minutes before I watch the solution but my mind almost always comes up blank after the first line of code. (And the exercises have on average only 3) I would be so grateful if sb has a tip on how to actually "create" code!

    submitted by /u/xSaphira
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    Tell me about your self-taught programming journey!

    Posted: 11 May 2020 08:22 AM PDT

    I'm interested in people's self-taught journey with programming. I am currently teaching myself Python and I'm about to start learning Django to try and create my own website.

    Here are some prompts:

    1. How old where you when you started self-teaching yourself code?
    2. What language did you start learning first?
    3. If you began your self-taught journey after formal education, what kind of employment did you have while learning to code?
    4. How long did it take you from the beginning of your self-taught journey to finally getting your first programming job?
    5. What was/is your first programming job?
    6. What were some highs and lows of your self-taught journey?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Godly_Quanta
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    ELI5: for a game in C, how are graphics implemented?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 09:32 PM PDT

    I know this might be a stupid question, but I just need a really quick explanation along with my googling. Thanks

    submitted by /u/Dolecto
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    The Really Annoying Directory - An approachable open source Web Development project aimed at beginners trying to get exposure to Github

    Posted: 11 May 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    Roughly two years ago I started an open source project for people to contribute to

    The core idea of the project was to give people a silly front-end centric project that was easily approachable for just about anyone with any skill level in Web Development to get their feet wet on github. I'm a self taught developer and this is the project I would've wanted around when I was getting started. All skill levels are welcome so if you are experienced and think the idea sounds fun you're more than welcome to make a page.

    Even if you don't really know HTML, CSS, or Javascript yet, there's a template in the directory structure that you can use, or if you need inspiration about what to put on the page, there's a lot of examples already live you can look at.

    TLDR instruction: You make a webpage, and put it in the directory. The theme of the project is just anything you really want to put in.

    I plan on streaming for at least an hour when this post goes live and you can ask me questions about the project and watch me make changes to the page on Github.

    The the actual live page having an insecure url, and fixing the SSL Talking about and completing the pull requests currently active on the project Coming up with new ideas for the website

    Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/tor020

    Github link: https://github.com/DevvitIO/ReallyAnnoyingDirectory

    Live link: https://devvit.io/ReallyAnnoyingDirectory/

    Edit: Borked the Domain temporarily. Currently the page is live at https://devvitio.github.io/ReallyAnnoyingDirectory/ eventually it will be accessible via https://devvit.io/ReallyAnnoyingDirectory/ again.

    submitted by /u/SponsoredByMLGMtnDew
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    Designing a self-learning "AI" with personality

    Posted: 11 May 2020 11:56 PM PDT

    Just right off the bat, I know the correct answer here is "you need a research team, a decade and a boatload of data". But, I don't want to do this properly.

    I would like to build a system that can take input from files and sensors, and form associations and opinions.

    The system would have a "personality" - openness to new ideas, patience, etc. As well as a "mood" how the last X interactions have gone, how many "interesting" interactions.

    An "experience" would be all relevant input to the system at a given time.

    By combining an experience with the current mood and current personality, you get a "memory" which could be stored. This memory would then have an impact on the mood and personality going forward.

    Additionally there would be another subsystem that handles "knowledge". Every object/concept that the system has encountered would be stored here. Each object would have a list of all known attributes as well as references to any other related objects.

    E.g. Lemon could have type:fruit, type:food, color:yellow, related:orange, related:lemonade, related:battery

    This is where the self teaching comes in. Let's say the system discovers a new food. It would look through type:food to see what attributes food can have. It then asks itself can I tell if this item is a food. It can find this out by printing a yes/no prompt for the user, or potentially parsing the Wikipedia page or something.

    I believe a starting point would have to be hard coded, eg. "liking the colour yellow". This would then increase the likelihood of the system liking bees, or dandelions.

    The system would also have a queue where actions are queued up to be executed by the system. This could be traversing the memory structure to fill in gaps with newly acquired knowledge (I learned that some foods are related to (or can be made into) batteries, how many fruits are like this?). It could also involve creating some output which has an impact on the input to the system (this is a whole other project, but for this example it could be asking the user for a new image or some other new input to learn from).

    I think portions of this are obvious candidates for ML. However, from a hobbyist perspective, I think being able to look at the decision process and how memories are formed would be really interesting. This doesn't have to be very gereralised, I'm happy to provide human assistance while the system is learning. The ML already exists as far as I'm concerned and I'm more interested in the architecture of a system such as this.

    I'm wondering if anyone else has gone down this route and has put anything only that I can read and potentially adapt, particularly when it comes to the architecture of memories and experiences.

    In case this wasn't obvious, this isn't a commercial idea, I just think it would be cool. Also to be absolutely clear, this isn't intended to be a an ML question.

    submitted by /u/JumpedUpSparky
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    Need Career Changing Advice

    Posted: 11 May 2020 11:54 PM PDT

    Thank you in advance for any advice given.
    I would like to change career, as I currently feel unsatisfied with the jobs in my area available to me.
    I have done some basic computer science 101 type courses, but have never taken the time to really learn programming.
    I have more or less 7 months to learn, and I am looking towards mobile development or machine learning in the future. I just really want to be hireable within this timeframe.
    Would you recommend something like this to get started? Learn to code in 2019, get hired, and have fun along the way | Zero to Mastery
    OR would something like https://www.freecodecamp.org/ be better?
    Any tips would be much appreciated. Thank you again.

    I don't live in the US, but I have a possibility of moving to Canada next year(Hopefully.)

    submitted by /u/Marchingpigs
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    I wrote an article properly explaining recursion, with exercises at the end

    Posted: 11 May 2020 02:45 PM PDT

    I hope you like it! If you have any feedback or questions, leave a comment, and I'll get back to it.

    submitted by /u/EAJakobsen
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    I can't run JDK on macOS

    Posted: 11 May 2020 10:14 PM PDT

    I have been struggling for the last hour and am still having trouble running JDK. I installed it and the installation was successful but I don't know how to open or run JDK. Any help?

    submitted by /u/The_Kendawg
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    I have made a simple Rock, Paper Scissors game in Python but is there a way to make it better?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 09:48 PM PDT

    Link to the code I wrote in pastebin: https://pastebin.com/mDFS2SRG

    I am a beginner programmer and I have made a Rock Paper Scissors game without the help of other people but I think there is a way to make it better. I have tried to organize everything in its own functions and wrote as much comments as I could. I wont lie there were some hiccups.

    For example, I was shocked to learn that python uses 'and' 'or' 'not' instead of &&, ||, !. Another time I searched for things like how to convert to uppercase in Python and things like flooring a number, getting random numbers, etc but all other logic is my own. Even that remainder logic was what I learnt in Math class.

    Let me know what you think and any other project idea that you think I should try next.

    submitted by /u/meat258
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    R vs Python for Graduate Research

    Posted: 11 May 2020 07:13 PM PDT

    Hello Reddit,

    I am relatively new to programming and find myself struggling with the age old question, "which language is best suited for my needs"? I have been doing some research into this, including searching through relevant posts here, but I would still like to get some feedback if possible.

    I will primarily need a program for data analysis (mainly statistics but also processing some EEG data), and am debating between R and Python. However, occasionally I will need something like Psychopy for generating stimuli in research studies. This would seem to tip the scales in favor of Python, but I already have some basic familiarity with R from coursework this semester, and thus it might be easier for me to dive further into R than to begin fresh with Python.

    Does R have any equivalent to Python's Psychopy and MNE? Does it make more sense to just switch over to Python?

    Thank you,


    submitted by /u/gradguy16
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    Any Python Youtube channels that do coding "gameplay"?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 10:04 AM PDT

    I usually learn complicated games by watching gameplays on youtube, it's more fun than just watching tutorials especially if the youtuber is charismatic and funny. So then I tought why not watch "gameplays" but for Python? I'm sure that there is a word for that but I do not know it. Could somebody recommend me some channels that do bigger Python projects in multiple episodes and is also not very fast-paced so I can figure out what is going on ? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/uta44
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    Need a buddy to help push each other to learn

    Posted: 11 May 2020 07:07 PM PDT

    I'm trying to learn web development through a udemy course and it is kicking my butt 100%. The lessons started out easy enough, but now we're getting into the more complicated parts and honestly I'm starting to lose motivation. Anyone in the same boat or can relate?

    I'm looking for a buddy or two who might be just starting out like myself , or someone with more advanced experience who can help me out and we can motivate each other.

    A little bit about myself, I'm 25/F living in USA, I'm working 40 hours full time during the day and self learning at night. It would be nice to have a buddy going through the same thing as me, of course we don't just have to talk about programming, we can talk about anything too - like yes this quarantine is killing my soul, but it's gotta be done.

    Leave a comment if you want to buddy up!

    submitted by /u/watermeloncake1
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    The Powershell on windows seems to be superior in every way to cmd.

    Posted: 11 May 2020 09:08 PM PDT

    Newish to programming and am LOVING it. I have started learning on windows since the virus outbreak and this is my new hobby. I never realized the uses of MAC-OS until I started programming (kinda used to be a "Windows is superior" snob), but it seems bash is great. However, due to my high school level budget, I needed to use that. I have been doing everything in cmd including setting up venvs for python and installing all of my packages on it via pip. This was cool but it felt limited and in the courses, I used most brush over cmd for bash. Now I have discovered Powershell, and it is sooooo cool. I am just curious if there is any reason to ever look back at cmd when it seems so outdated. Does cmd have any functionality that PowerShell doesn't? Also, what makes bash/Mac in general, the programmers computer?

    submitted by /u/JosephRei
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    Too late to switch IT paths?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    Hey everyone!

    I have a question about whether or not it's a waste of my time relearning programming at my stage of life (mid 30's).

    I did some programming in college but became a Server engineer for the last 15 years. I've always loved programming but never got past the beginner / Intermediate stages. I make some scripts here and there but never anything substantial (or even 100% my own.)

    I have a good job making about 100k a year doing IT server work and am a sole financial supplier for my family of 4.

    I'm leery to relearn and go the programmer route due to my time away and potentially losing money if I switched paths. Maybe I can do some stuff on the side?

    Basically I'm scared but I have an opportunity coming up to either get the next step up on my server engineer journey or take am Intermediate programming class.

    I need opinions from you all! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/brandcolt
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    Best Udemy Courses?; during this crazy sale!

    Posted: 11 May 2020 08:55 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I'm a young web developer kinda just starting out, and I bought some courses on udemy because a lot of them are on sale for great prices. I bought the following 6 courses.

    Build Responsive Real World Websites with HTML5 and CSS3 - Jonas Schmedtmann

    Learn Python Programming Masterclass - Tim Bulchalka

    The Complete Node.js Developer Course - Andrew Mead

    React - The Complete Guide (incl Hooks, React Router, Redux) - Maxi

    The Modern JavaScript Bootcamp - Andrew Mead

    React, NodeJS, Express & MongoDB - The MERN Fullstack Guide - Maxi

    The prices were to good to pass up.

    So I was just wondering are there any courses on Udemy that you guys believe is absolutely a great one to get? Just wanted to ask around.

    Let me know; thank you!

    submitted by /u/holygosu
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    I need help to understand why the Addresses are different when using Pointer

    Posted: 12 May 2020 12:29 AM PDT


    This is my code. I use pointers but the addresses arent the same. Can someone explain me why?

    submitted by /u/loo4aizu9I
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    Is programming for me if I'm not a problem solver?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    I've been beating myself up and bashing my head against a wall for 2 years now, quitting and coming back, reading posts on here about not giving up and don't be too impatient and expect to master things instantly.

    I have problems where I try to cram a programming course over a weekend and get frustrated when I don't understand things. I'm taking it slower now, it's still struggling with the most basic things.

    But I've realised I don't like or get excited at solving problems, I'm not a problem solver, I'm more of a thinker or theory crafter?

    I'm creative and like thinking of ideas and things to build, but when it comes to building those, I can't fix flexibly enough to solve problems myself, I need help from resources, other people, stackover flow, asking online, etc

    The problems just make me frustrated and depressed, I don't like them at all and when it's solved I don't feel excitement I feel relief however my whole mood is ruined.

    Am I cut out for this?

    submitted by /u/Josetheone1
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    Is your operating system on an infinite loop forever?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    How does your computer avoid overheating from that?

    submitted by /u/PositiveDifference2
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    [Help] A Social media website

    Posted: 12 May 2020 12:06 AM PDT

    My friend and I had a new idea for a new social media website, I don't know anything about java, just python ,Mysql,c++ and a little bit about html.What would I need to learn in order to start such a website.

    submitted by /u/cookie_monster_1202
    [link] [comments]

    Mbot ranger parking program

    Posted: 12 May 2020 12:05 AM PDT

    I have to make a parking program but idk how to do it can someone help me.

    submitted by /u/pratham007_
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    Which Programming language should I really focus on?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 11:59 PM PDT

    So I am currently attending school to get my degree in CS, in class we use java but I want to learn python because I want learn about machine learning and I like the django framework. But at the same time java is not as in demand job wise as python, c++, JavaScript. So I don't know to go JavaScript,Python, or Java? Those 3 really caught my eye, the one that I haven't really tried is JavaScript. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Bryanromerou
    [link] [comments]

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