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    Friday, May 29, 2020

    If C++ contains all features of C, why isn't C obsolete and we still use it? learn programming

    If C++ contains all features of C, why isn't C obsolete and we still use it? learn programming

    If C++ contains all features of C, why isn't C obsolete and we still use it?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    I heard that C++ extends C and that we can use C code inside a C++ program. I also read that we can use low level features of C++ to go as low as C does.

    So why do we still use C and it is not obsolete? Why don't just keep C++ and use only its C features when we want to do low level stuff?

    Let's say I want to write code for an embedded device (Like a house alarm). I'm only going to use functions, structs, pointers etc. Which means C is a great fit for that kind of applications.

    But I can use functions, structs and pointers in C++ too, can't I?

    Using extra features like polymorphism, inheritance, classes, templates, lambda functions, exceptions etc might add overhead which I understand that, but I can use the subset of C right?

    submitted by /u/SixtySecondsToGo
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    Is it just me or is Gitlab and Github layout hard to follow/understand?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    As I get deeper into learning programming I tend to find it very difficult to follow and understand Git Repos. Is this just me? Is this just the way it is or is there room for Git sites to be revamped to make reading and following code easier?

    submitted by /u/Seanpk57
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    Posted: 29 May 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    I took a good python class through Udemy to teach me the basics about it. I downloaded the sololearn app on my phone just to get practice. However I feel like it's still unhelpful to me. I feel like I'm just taking another advanced algebra class. What is the best way to learn practical coding? Everyone is saying "just build" but I feel so lost.

    submitted by /u/BrilliantChip5
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    Analysis Paralysis and The {Infinite Loop}

    Posted: 29 May 2020 10:04 PM PDT


    I've been reading tons of tons of helpful things here on on similar subreddits. Never ceases to amaze me how much assistance strangers are willing to give to help others out. This is my first time asking a programming question, but I have no doubt there will be a wealth of useful information, so thanks in advance!

    I'm not a programmer. I repeat. I'm not a programmer - yet. I've hacked my way around HTML/CSS for many years, I've dabbled in learning Python, and I've cobbled together a minor proficiency in Pandas (Python data science) to create some algorithms and data output that I require. I've barely scratched the surface. I know that, and now you do as well.

    I come from a place of entrepreneurship, and I enjoy math, puzzles, and art. I feel like my mind is suited for this type of thing, so that's where I'm coming from. I love the experience of programming, I love the feeling of that 37th attempt being successful, and there's nothing better in the world than that feeling of accomplishment when something has been created. That said, I'm at an impasse - a surmountable one, but an impasse nonetheless. I'm juggling two separate goals and hoping some of the responses can help give me direction.

    The goals are as follows:

    #1 - Get a releasable webapp, beta, or at the very least even an MVP that doesn't make me entirely sick to look at before 2020 has come and gone. This is a somewhat arbitrary deadline, but it's one I'd like to hold to.

    #2 - Hone my skills and really hunker down in a specific back-end and front-end so I'm covered for more scaleable, long-term viable projects as a potentially one-man team for personal side-projects. I don't currently plan on trying to launch a career, my goal is to be a development-capable entrepreneur. I know what I want, and now I want to learn how to go out and build it.

    As for the (generic) specifics:


    • Items (fruits, for example) and specific details (Gala, Red Delicious, red, green, etc.) pulled in to a database from a CSV, and turned in to custom item pages. This is not a store, more of a directory or sorts. I could potentially access this data from an API - it is an option.
    • Mobile-friendly (enter JS framework here), but not yet native.
    • User authentication built-in and inherently secure.
    • Paid memberships (securely) to unlock certain specified pieces of page content.


    • Save items as favorites.
    • Compare item content fields side-by-side based on what items the user wants to compare.
    • Advertising platform.


    + Tons out-of-the-box, giant support system, and plugins and themes for practically everything. As we speak, my full solution is rather close with minimal effort on my part.

    - Custom fields are not pretty to deal with, and may cost to import data to them. Bloated, often slow. Not the most long-term friendly for scaleability. Probably not ideal for development and added features down the line. I'm not fond of PHP, and I don't seem to be alone. The effort required to go from where I am right now to where I need to be may involve learning PHP and doing some significant Wordpress templating. Elementor could help, but at what point am I bogging down my install?

    Django (plus some Vue.js sprinkled in)

    + Robust and adequately featured out-of-the-box. Large community. Python doesn't leave me crying on the floor and may end up my language of choice when I fully dive in. Apparently packages and test-driven approaches that could help along the way.

    - Not nearly as convenient and beginner-friendly as Wordpress. Most things appear to be of the do-it-yourself nature from where I currently stand. Templating may leave something to be desired.

    Django REST or Flask plus Vue.js (etc.)

    + Similar positives to Django, though much more lightweight. Excellent for future development, extensibility, including native apps.

    - Out-of-the-box leaves a lot to do.

    Wagtail/Mezzanine/Django CMS

    + Relatively lightweight. Ready for custom content management. Potentially a head-start for creating item pages.

    - I'm a bit fuzzy here, as I couldn't fully grasp what I'm looking at, though it seems somewhere between Python API frameworks and DJango, with content features built-in.


    + Lightweight and headless. Great for development. Javascript-everywhere definitely seems to be going places. Very few things that can't be done.

    - I have almost no knowledge of Javascript yet, including Node. It doesn't appear to be very understandable to me at first glance. This approach feels like it would be a massive undertaking.

    CraftCMS, and many, many more.

    So, after all that...

    I just don't know that I really, fully grasp everything needed to make an educated decision. I know many might say just pick something and run with it. I do intend to do that to a degree, at least for my long-term goal of really learning and growing as a developer, but for now I'm trying to hedge my bets on something reasonably easy but also quick enough to get from A to B for my specific use case. I know you can do nearly everything with nearly anything, but some of these options have certain packages or boilerplates I may not be aware of, as well as different learning curves or documentation, etc. I'm hoping that with all of your knowledge, and now a bit of an understanding of what I want to do, you can help me make some sense of this and once and for all find direction and get moving.

    I'll do my best to respond to any questions in the comments section, and edit this as needed.

    submitted by /u/dcburnquist
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    How can I become a better software programmer ? How to go from an intermediate to an advanced level ?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 05:20 AM PDT

    I know that there are several best practices, code patterns, design rules etc.. that are to be followed to create quality, production ready code. And I understand most of these only come from experience from doing projects and working at a company. But as an intermediate, what are some ways or resources that can help me become better at programming and software engineer in general ?

    I know doing projects is a good idea, but I find myself making mistakes because of my lack of knowledge about programming patters or solutions.

    So are there any books / videos / resources / any advice that can help me go from intermediate to an advanced level in programming ?

    submitted by /u/adarsh1021
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    For a complete beginner. What language should I learn and what are the best resources?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 05:55 PM PDT

    I just got my associates in computer science, even though I got all A's, I feel like I still did not learn anything except for HTML and CSS. I want to learn java from the beginning but I don't know if that's the best language I should focus on. What language should I learn and do you guys have any resources that I can learn from? THANK YOU!

    submitted by /u/shahidk8019
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    Hating programming?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 09:40 PM PDT

    Hey all. Been learning programing for about a year now. Is it just me but I think I like the idea of programming more than the actual work. I mean building fun little programs or web app is fun and all but an actual job where I'm reading documentation all day or trying to get frameworks to cooperate with previously written code and needing to know 17 different technologies to get things done in an actual job environment seems like torture. Even now sifting through other people's code and spending endless hours reading documentation is making me nuts. Am I missing something or am I simply not fit for and actual programming job and should stick to this as a hobby? Thank you. 🙃

    submitted by /u/aaronkagan
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    Anyone else gets really unmotivated when they’re stuck on a problem?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    Been studying for a about 2 months. And getting stuck on problems that by now I should know how to solve. Gets me really depressed since I keep thinking maybe I'm not cut out for this. Even after googling for a while I just can't seem to get nowhere. Wondering what some of you guys do in situations like this? Gets me unmotivated for days. Sorry just need to vent a little.

    Edit:Thank everyone for your help. Helps a ton :)

    submitted by /u/DandyEmo
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    Accessing a vehicle's computer?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 04:59 PM PDT

    A friend of mine came up with a pretty cool idea today, and it made my gears start turning. He thought it would be cool to create a program that reads things like speed, rpms, temps, and warning signs and shows them on some sort of customized display. Now, I know that all you have to do is look behind the steering wheel to get all that info lol, but i think it would still be a cool project to do.

    The question is, how in THE HELL would I access that info? Do the manufacturers have any sort of API to tap into?

    submitted by /u/theSparkyJB
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    newbie developer looking for guidance on which path to take

    Posted: 29 May 2020 08:08 PM PDT


    I'm finally at the part of my journey where it's time to learn JavaScript. I just started taking Stefan's Mischook's course on StudioWeb to have some structure and curriculum to follow as I've been self-taught up until now. My goal is to eventually use ASP.NET for web development as I've spent quite some time learning C# and love it!

    Am I better off starting with something like Node.js/Express or even PHP (as Stefan's course teaches) while I build my resume or is it possible for a newbie like me to break in going straight into the C# world?

    submitted by /u/cHeeeseEggs
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    Resources to learn javascript for react

    Posted: 29 May 2020 11:39 PM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    I am a beginner in web development and I'm working on a website over the summer. I have some experience in Java and I'm looking to pickup javascript that is required to use react. Please suggest courses/websites that I can use to learn javascript which will enable me to get started with react. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/fxxix111
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    TO DO during Quarantine

    Posted: 29 May 2020 11:17 PM PDT

    Hi! This would be my very first post here.

    I am currently a 1st year BS Computer Science student. I feel like not shifting to other course anymore and pursue this program till the end. However, what driving me crazy right now is how should I spend my Quarantine vacation productively. I have a passion for programming but I don't know which topics should I study. For the past semesters, we have studied C language for programming implying that C language was only my knowledge in programming. I have studied a bit of basic mathematics.

    Right now, I want to ask opinions what topics should I start studying. Should I go further down on C language or study C#, C++, or Python directly? Or Should I try studying Java, JavaScript, PHP? It is quite confusing in my mind. If you can tell me what should I advance study it would be very much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/echo14713
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    Considering Flatiron School Software Engineering Bootcamp

    Posted: 29 May 2020 07:25 PM PDT

    I've recently been accepted to the software engineering bootcamp at Flatiron School that begins next month. I know there are a lot of posts about this but I am just wondering if anyone can weigh in about their experience there or at other bootcamps and whether or not it is worth the time and money? I would greatly appreciate any guidance here.

    I also am wondering about the curriculum @ Flatiron. I know its Ruby on Rails and Javascript based. Can anyone currently working in the field weigh in here as to whether or not learning these languages would be worthwhile or would learning Python be more beneficial, considering its increasing popularity.

    Any pointers or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/fidlar2000
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    I would like to prevent passwords from being pushed on to git. What is the best way to do this?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    Currently, I'm thinking about writing a hooks script that checks all the changed files for the password and prevents a commit if it finds it. My big problem is, where do I store the password file? I don't want to copy it to every machine that clones the repo and I obviously can't have it in my repo.

    Got-secret is not an option since this password needs to be checked across multiple repos.

    Any help?

    submitted by /u/firen447
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    Loading CSV into a list using pandas

    Posted: 29 May 2020 09:41 PM PDT

    I used the pandas library to convert a list with the elements of the following format-

    [[np.array, int, float, np.array], boolean] (Each element is a 2-element list itself)

    into a csv. Now I want to reverse this process and load the csv back into a list with elements of the format given above. How can I go about doing this?

    submitted by /u/AJ20190
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    "Core CS knowledge" needed to be a good game developer

    Posted: 29 May 2020 11:30 AM PDT


    Today I was looking at the OSSU curriculum ( https://github.com/ossu/computer-science ) and it got me thinking: how much of this do I really need to learn in order to be a good game developer?

    With very few computer science background (I'm a mechanical engineer) my current plan is to start with "Introduction to computer science and programming in python" from MIT OCW (almost finished), then get some core calculus with Khan Academy and linear algebra with the "Linear Algebra" MOOC from MIT OCW. From that point on the plan is to focus on pygame projects, trying to follow for some part the "Invent with python" book. After that I would like to learn some C++ (with C++ Primer book) and really shift into the more low level stuff.

    Maybe it's strange to you that I want to start with python, but there are some reasons for that (I'm also interested in ML for example). Setting that aside, my main question remains the same: will the amount of knowledge I'm planning to adquire through the MIT OCW MOOC + the C++ Primer book be enough to be a good game developer? Although I'm not sure exactly how many core topics C++ Primer covers, while reading through the OSSU curriculum I see that the MIT MOOC is recommended as more of an introduction to programming (as the name says yeah I know lol) and I see that there are tons of "Core CS knowledge" that a regular CS Undergraduate would learn such as "Core Systems", "Core Theory", "Core Security" and "Core Application".

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/Weykers
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    I’m having a harder time to learn how to use Visual Studio Code than to learn JavaScript.

    Posted: 29 May 2020 09:11 PM PDT

    So basically I started to learn programming with Python and I used the IDLE environment to write my code and run it. It was simple, it was nice, it was all fun, I knew how to debug, how to set a breakpoint. It was great.

    Then I started to learn JavaScript and I could not find a tool to program in JS, then a friend recommended Visual Studio Code and for the love of god that thing is confusing and I hate every aspect of it, so much information is just thrown into your face.

    I have some "homework" to do in JS and it is so frustrating to know that the tool that I'm using is more of a hindrance than helping, that if I was doing it in IDLE I would have finished already.

    submitted by /u/F2n3x
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    Finished school during corona(high school with a career center programming class) I think I'm ready for a job but there's not a lot of juinor jobs out atm

    Posted: 29 May 2020 08:59 PM PDT

    So I recently started working at Meijer as a warehouse worker full time and I hate it I just want to be able to start a programming job, I've been programming since freshman year and have experience with lots of different technologies(mainly python, Js, Node, React, SQL, some php). I also have done a contract site for a small business. I live in Grand rapids so I feel like there should be more jobs than there are most out right now are Java and c#(.NET) which I have very little experience in. I just wanted some advice on how to land a job quicker and if I should still apply to the Java and .NET positions. here's my GitHub and portfolio site btw github blog/website

    submitted by /u/EmbeddedShredditer
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    Is it better to focus on one area of programming? Or learn more languages and fields to be more versatile?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    I've started web development but am also interested in IOS programming and thought to learn it soon as well but since im in highschool i kinda have more time. Do programmers nowadays focus on one field or are generally more rounded and can work for multiple platforms (Web Dev, Desktop, Mobile)?

    submitted by /u/turbohedgehog
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    Looking at transitioning to a work from home supplemental situation and looking for guidance.

    Posted: 29 May 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    Ive been looking at python because it lends itself to what I do (Intelligence Analyst) and what Id like to focus on (data science). Is this a viable option? I am really flying in the dark here because I have no concept of this field or how viable work from home situations are.

    I have no desire to practice defense contracting and I just want to take my medical disability and live off on some property until I finish my days.

    submitted by /u/Cantchooselose
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    How is JWT encrypted with RS256 actually asymmetric

    Posted: 29 May 2020 05:06 PM PDT

    From my understanding, in order to validate a JWT token, the backend server must have the secret/jwk used to generate the signature of the token. The token is then validated by going through the same process used to create the key:

    //pseudocode header, payload, signature = decrypt_jwt(jwt_token) message = base64encode(header) + . + base64encode(payload) new_signature = EncryptionAlgorithm(Hash(message)) if new_signature == signature: return True 

    Then, I read that if RS256/RS512 is used, that it enables JWT tokens to be validated while preventing new JWT tokens from being created. But I don't understand how this can be true. Like, I understand the general concept of public/private keys, but I just don't see how a public key can be used in this scenario. It seems to me that if validation requires the ability to recreate the signature, then by definition the key used to recreate the signature must be private.

    Update: thanks to u/scirc, I have my answer.

    //fixed pseudocode header, payload, signature = decrypt_jwt(jwt_token) message = base64encode(header) + . + base64encode(payload) hashed_message = Hash(message) if hashed_message == DecryptWithPublicKey(signature): return True 
    submitted by /u/techknowfile
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    Is my website "static"?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 08:36 PM PDT

    My website has a react front end and a REST API backend which I created using python (flask) and uses MySQL database. The website has features like login, sign up and users can upload data which is sent to MySQL database using flask APIs. Also, the users are shown data fetched from flask APIs.

    1. I read in the tutorials that I can use AWS S3 to host static websites, can you infer from the description I provided if my website's react frontend is static or not? Can my react frontend be hosted using s3?
    2. I don't want to start 2 instances for frontend and backend because then I will exceed the hours given in free tier limit. Will it be possible to host the front-end and backend such that only one instance is started? Can I use s3 for frontend + beanstalk for the backend?
    submitted by /u/aaluinsonaout
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    how do I check when someone messages something on discord?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 08:32 PM PDT

    first, I would like to clarify that I don't own the server that i'm trying to trigger an event with, so bots aren't an option. What I would like to do is check if a certain keyword is typed on someone's discord server, and I want to have that activate some code. For example, if someone types cookie, I want that to add "hello world" to the console. The preferred language would be JavaScript or Python, but anything will do. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! (If you can't help, upvotes would be appreciated because this project is very important to me 👍)

    submitted by /u/PohakuRockstarYT
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    I have been wanting to do this for a while. Making a career changing decision. I humbly ask for your thoughts, advice, and recommendations.

    Posted: 29 May 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    I made a decision approximately two weeks ago. I put in my three weeks' notice to focus on finishing my degree and developing a new skillset. Learning to code. Let me start off by saying, that this is a path I have gone down a few times in my life. I would make significant progress but would hit a wall and then feel like I was just too stupid to learn how to do that. Recently, in my life (it took almost 20 years) it occurred to me, that it was not because I was stupid. It was because the learning material was not great, and I did not have a mentor or have any support at that point in my life. I was and have been very much in a defeatist mindset. Two associate degrees, a career I am leaving behind, several certifications, a skillset I have cultivated from being stubborn, and taking up a new hobby in martial arts and yoga I now have a very different mindset.

    I am not going to lie to you. I am terrified and I do not know where to begin. I learned HTML when 4.0 just came out and learned CSS the same. I did so many C and C++ tutorial books that its disgusting and it just seems like while I can follow along with these things, I have no imagination when it comes to creating things. When I add anything new like using a different library – it confuses, irritates, and overwhelms me because I thought I already understood the language. That is the wall I hit and then I get really depressed and overwhelmed and feel stupid again. I currently have the resolve (and new mindset!) to try and change these negative feelings I have associated with what I perceive to be failure and incompetence.

    I very much think coding, programming, what have you is one of the coolest things in the world and it has always been what I have wanted to do. Instead, I just became an Applications Analyst and then a System Administrator. During my career I have created some things that have turned out to be useful. For example, using C# and Selenium I completely automated a boring and repetitive account creation process. Yeah, I am aware that this is not a big deal, but I enjoyed doing it and it was the first time I worked with a new "library" that I did not freak out. I also created an asset management app using MVC that does CRUD operations on a SQL Express database. Otherwise, my company would have had to spend a lot of money on something that did not do a whole lot extra. I also created a few web forms that did something similar. A mail merge solution for mass communications using Excel, SQL, and an automated SSIS process that took data from a spreadsheet that my Selenium job downloaded, extracted it, and added it to a SQL Server database. People would then open spreadsheets that would automatically query for the latest data and then they could use that to do a mail merge to send emails to the people who signed up for that particular list on the website.

    Again, I know this stuff is not that great or amazing, but it made me feel like maybe I could learn to code and do this professionally as opposed for just a few side projects. Plus, it was the happiest I have ever been at my job. So, I changed my bachelor's degree from data management / data analytics to software development. The courses I am taking focus on C# - I also have the option for Java but I figured since I have already used C# why not go that route.

    Anyway, I do not really know C# all that well... I figured out enough to get by. I keep running across things like freecodecamp, the odin project, a ton of books, tutorials and youtube channels that people recommend. This went from not having many resources or help (when I was a teenager) to being overwhelmed with directions I can go in. Honestly, so far, I can say that I really like Python and the idea of reading Learn Python the Hard Way. Everything I read online points me towards learning the MERN stack and I have messed around a little bit with JavaScript and NodeJS and compared to what I was doing in the late 90's and 2000's it is very cool and exciting! My martial arts instructor would really like for me to re-do their website (it uses wordpress) and I could absolutely learn a lot doing that. There are just so many directions to go in and I am back to being overwhelmed, but for a different reason. This brings up old feelings of doubt and I am terrified once more. I am not sure what direction to go in or what to do. Everything seems so interesting and awesome.

    I am also wondering if maybe I made a mistake. You know, besides deciding to do this during the coronavirus pandemic. I make a pretty good living for my area as a System Administrator, but it really cuts into the lifestyle that I would like to have. It sounds dumb, but I would like to spend more time learning new technologies and using them as opposed to babysitting servers, applications, users, and being the interface between users and technology. I want to solve actual problems with technology. I am tired of being tied to one place, unable to take vacations, always having to be on call, and not being able to leave during natural disasters. It occurs to me that some of these problems would be solved by getting employed elsewhere. However, I also know that some of these issues are inherent to the profession I am currently in. I want to be able to travel to different states or countries, work remotely and during my free time explore different cultures and areas. I honestly think being a professional coder or programmer can get me there, but I am terrified of failing, being too stupid, and not good enough to find a job.

    Ultimately, I would like to combine my experience as a Sysadmin with learning the new skillset of coder/programmer and turn that into a DevOps job somehow down the road. I think ultimately, I want to work in I.T. I just... want to do something different. I want to create.

    Thoughts? Advice? Recommendations? I am reaching out because I know there are other people who may have experienced this same exact thing. I honestly do not think I am alone – for once.

    Thank you for reading this far.

    submitted by /u/hypnostic
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