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    Sunday, May 10, 2020

    I accidentally created this 😂 web developers

    I accidentally created this �� web developers

    I accidentally created this ��

    Posted: 09 May 2020 04:09 PM PDT

    Refactoring Wordpress Site into SSR React, All Day Livestream

    Posted: 10 May 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    Hey guys! My name is Pat, and today I'm working on migrating my website over from wordpress, to using Server-Side Rendering with Nodejs & React on AWS. I figured since I'll be doing this all day, should be fun to Stream for other devs who may enjoy it.

    I'll be spending the day refactoring our existing site onto the new stack.We'll cover code architecture, evaluate technology decisions, wireframe / design, and implement in one stream!

    Oh ya... we'll test too ;)

    Say hi on Twitch.tv! @patricklifeshack

    submitted by /u/njerschow
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    Do major companies use things like bootstrap, semantic UI etc?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 12:16 PM PDT

    Say you got hired to work in the website for a major company, Disney, Dunkin Donuts, Publix, something like that.

    Do they use preexisting tools like the ones in the title, or do they develop their own stuff completely from the scratch?

    I ask because I have been taking a web development course the past few weeks, and all major projects are done with bootstrap. Is this the norm?

    submitted by /u/AFistfulllofdiamonds
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    "full stack devops" jobs, doesn't that look like a lot?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    I was researching devops, and I liked the tools used in the process, and I also like anything that involves Linux.

    So, I researched in a group on the telegram, and they told me that devops does not work directly with the development of the software, at most you know how things work in order to be able to apply the technologies in the project.

    But searching on linkedin, I saw that jobs that asked for things like: React, some back-end framework, and also devops things, such as: aws, docker, k8s, ci / cd, sql + nosql, some also ask for monitoring tools as prometheus.

    Wouldn't that be a lot for one person?

    There are also things like Nginx and some security on Linux, like firewall, ping block etc.

    So, how do devops developers really work?

    And what "devops tools" are essential for a webdev? I noticed that regardless of the type of work, I will need to work on Nginx, aws and also probably something like Docker and CI / CD.

    submitted by /u/flakesrc
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    Scunthorpe Sans - automatically censors profanity using ligatures

    Posted: 10 May 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    How to improve?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 02:42 PM PDT

    So i have taught myself HTML,CSS and JS but im a little stuck - I dont really know what to do with it.

    I would say im intermediate, I can build static sites and understand what im doing and solve coding challenges and some beginner stuff with the DOM - Ive read eloquent Javascript and understand most fundamental concepts but i dont really know what to do with it....Can anyone suggest how to get out of this rut or give me an example of something to build?

    submitted by /u/Mr_Crick84
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    How to use Bootstrap and CoreUI Admin Template?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    Hello. I am not sure if this fits here, but I am pretty new to web developing, so I hope I can find answers here.

    A guy I know has a small company. I already know HTML and CSS. He said that if I learned Bootstrap and how to use the admin template he gave me (its called CoreUI) then I can work for some decent pay and I can gain some experience working in his company as a web designer (he will take care of programming). He is a trustworthy guy so I took the offer.

    Even if I know a little Bootstrap, he gave me the files for CoreUI and I have no idea how to use this. What is it for exactly? Do I need any additional programs installed?

    I understand these are a bit stupid questions since I am a bit misinformed and new at this, but I searched stuff on youtube and google and I cant seem to get it what I am supposed to do.

    submitted by /u/Exvareon
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    [Need Advice] Finished Colt Steele's WDB

    Posted: 10 May 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    I have just finished Web Developer bootcamp course on Udemy (by Colt Steele). He taught Nodejs, express and mongo through a Yelp like project. So I was wondering where to go next ?

    And folks who completed WDB, what did you choose to learn after its completion ?

    submitted by /u/Omkar_K45
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    Just another "what technologies should I use for my personal website?" question

    Posted: 10 May 2020 03:17 PM PDT

    After reading dozens of posts on this sub, I already know how often this question is answered but:

    Should I use MEAN? Jade or ejs?


    I wanted to build my personal website, probably having a blog format. I'm new to webdev in general, but I have a little familiarity with WAMP. After being introduced to node, I've hobbled together small node projects using PHP and a MySQL db. I'm a CS student, but not really for webdev so I don't know what the standards are. Should I continue with this way? MEAN seems closer to the standard way to do things. This will be the first thing I actually put online so I don't want it to be a "Frankenstein's website".

    but I've also read a lot about mongodb being stupid, and since I'm already familiar with relational dbs it's a little confusing and unsafe feeling.

    Similiar question with jade vs ejs

    Getting used to EJS was like html and javascript used to be a couple and now they are married

    Getting used to jade is like getting used to their redheaded stepchild

    submitted by /u/plainoldpoop
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    How to create reddit image saving and manipulation?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 03:13 PM PDT

    If I save an image on reddit mobile, it gets a small bar at the bottom which contains the post's OP and the subreddit it was posted in. How would one go about creating something like this on the web?

    submitted by /u/edomyrots
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    How are custom CNAMES implemented?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 02:42 PM PDT

    I've been trying to figure out how hosting providers like Squarespace, Github pages, etc allow you to use your own domains pointing at their site (specifically, subdomains).

    Currently, I have it setup such that users get a unique subdomain automatically after they register, such as `user1.mysite.com`, but I want them to be able to be able to add a CNAME on their end that points their own domain, say `something.theirsite.com` to `user1.mysite.com` and I can't seem to figure out the process.

    Everything is behind CloudFront on my end, so when I setup another test domain and add a CNAME record to point at my current site, I get an error from Cloudfront saying it can't resolve it (which makes sense). I'm curious how this can be setup to be done automatically since I could add CNAMES manually to Cloudfront, but that doesn't seem very scalable or effective. Could this be handled outside of Cloudfront entirely somehow or just allow Cloudfront to accept any CNAMES?

    Would love any advice or guidance, thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/rfizzy
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    Smooth Web Video Playback Solutions/Frameworks (for interactive videos)

    Posted: 10 May 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    Hello, is there any framework available that can do smooth video playback/transitions on the browser? I've found some services online but they're all not very smooth or require some pausing/loading between videos. The ideal is to be able to do something like Bandersnatch.

    RaptMedia (it's a paid service) does it with a drag and drop UI but I'd like to be able to implement this myself with more control (also because they're not replying my enquiries) if there's some library/framework already available.

    submitted by /u/DoisKoh
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    question about creating a quiz website

    Posted: 10 May 2020 02:36 PM PDT

    Hey , i'm trying to create a quiz website , and i want a way too add quizzes easily without creating new pages , so i did some research and i found that i can use static site generators . So is this the best way or should i learn php and Wordpress

    submitted by /u/DarkS00l
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    My first project: a minimal daily UV forecast website

    Posted: 10 May 2020 02:36 PM PDT

    What are some good resources/books on software project management?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 02:24 PM PDT

    Hey all, I don't know if this is the correct sub-reddit for this question but I'm looking for some good books or resources on software project management. So far I have read Shape Up by Basecamp. I don't mind them being beginner, advanced or expert level resources.

    submitted by /u/iam-tony
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    How is the Rick and Morty website built?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    I recently got to visit the Rick and Morty website for the first time (couldn't resist checking out story-train.com from the recent episode, yes!) and was fascinated by the physics on the website...the animations, the feel of the scroll etc. The mobile website is pretty cool too! I'm curious to know how the developers went about developing the site, especially the front end. I can see that most of the look and feel is achieved through canvas elements and images. Is there a javascript framework that is being used? How do you go about developing such sites?

    submitted by /u/theredditorhimself
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    Literally WTF is getting "fast" on Chrome UX Report???

    Posted: 10 May 2020 05:19 AM PDT

    Just learning stuff from w3school, noticed RAM usage going up day by day when computer left on and computer slowed down. Disabled javascript and 1.8gbs of ram use went to 100mb. Why? How do I find out?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 01:45 PM PDT

    Need help creating a search bar

    Posted: 10 May 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    I have the looks of it but idk how to put it working when we press enter.

    submitted by /u/Noobie_Action
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    Mongo DB on vs code.

    Posted: 10 May 2020 01:06 PM PDT

    Hi guys,

    Anyone have any experience of mongoDB on VsCode?

    I've installed it via npm, it's in my package .json.

    When I try to call mongod, it tells me 'mongod : The term 'mongod' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet . . . (etc)'

    I've tried connecting through azure, but you need mongod running before that will work.

    Not sure whats going on, anyone got any ideas?


    submitted by /u/LordBadgerFlaps
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    [JQuery] Copy text from one children div to parent class

    Posted: 10 May 2020 12:40 PM PDT


    I have something like :

    <div class="blog mix"> ... <div class="categories"> <ul> <li>Travel</li> <li>Spain</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="blog mix"> ... <div class="categories"> <ul> <li>Guide</li> <li>Finland</li> </ul> </div> </div> 

    I tried this code and it's partially working, but it take all categories text and put them all in all blog mix.

    $(".mix").each(function(){ var categorytext = $('.categories').text(); $(".mix").addClass(categorytext); }); 

    I tried everything from using this(), parent(), children(), etc.

    How do I make the categories only paste into the parent blog mix?

    I'm sure it's super easy, but I just can't figure it out.

    submitted by /u/Nic727
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    How to limit iframe to only being loaded by certain websites?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    If I make a page available as an iframe, how can I control which websites are allowed to include it as an iframe on their website?

    What are the various options to do this? Can I use X-Frame-Options or Content-Security-Policy headers for this? Is it even possible to do using anything like HTML or JS, or once I make a page available as an iframe any site can include it?

    https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8169582/protecting-iframe-only-allow-it-to-work-on-one-domain says it's not possible but then gives a solution that works, and in comments it's not clear whether it works or not.

    Also read about a solution to check the referrer, but can't that website set their Referrer-Policy header not to send a header, in which case I can't tell which site is accessing the iframe?

    submitted by /u/nowboarding
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    Learn how to build a fast & responsive markdown editor using React, Firebase, & SWR

    Posted: 10 May 2020 12:08 PM PDT

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