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    Monday, May 18, 2020

    How do I get started with development? I've learnt to code, but have never tried out development. Ask Programming

    How do I get started with development? I've learnt to code, but have never tried out development. Ask Programming

    How do I get started with development? I've learnt to code, but have never tried out development.

    Posted: 18 May 2020 09:21 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm a 2nd year Engineering undergrad in Computer Science. I learnt to code in high school. We had C++ in our curriculum then, and this is the language that I'm most fluent at. In my college, I learnt C, because it was a part of the curriculum then, and know basics of Java and Python. However, I've never tried my hands out on development, so, I'm not exactly sure how or where I should start.

    The only thing that I've done is a healthy lot of Competitive Programming. Algorithmic problems have always fascinated me. It helped me to improve my Data Structures and Algorithms' skills. This is all that I know, and all I've done.

    But now, I really wanna get into development. But, I'm not sure how to get started with it. I've heard of many tools, and would love to start with those, but don't know with which one to start with first. I don't know if I need some prerequisites too. Here's the list of things that I wanna do:

    C++/C# w/ .NET Development for Windows

    Android App Development using NDK x Android Studio

    GTK / Qt

    Electron App Development

    iOS Development with Swift

    Flutter App Development (Android + iOS)

    I'm sorry if I've said something otherworldly. Note that it's coming from someone who had no prior knowledge about development. I'd be highly obliged if anybody comes up with any constructive advice. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/anonysince2k
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    AWS tutorials by an ex-AWS engineer - Interested? [x-post from /r/webdev]

    Posted: 18 May 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    Original thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/glz7rn/aws_tutorials_by_an_exaws_engineer_interested/

    I worked at AWS as a software engineer for a few years. I've noticed some interesting things since leaving:

    • People who want to deploy websites/apps/pages are really, really daunted by AWS.
    • Trying to find AWS tutorials online is just awful. It feels like everything is either a manual, a "12 hour certification course" or an outdated Medium article from 2016.
    • Many people are using Netlify, which is really just a wrapper around AWS, and similar "instantly deploy services".

    I've recently helped some friends in the startup world set things up on AWS - mostly deploying static sites. So far, all of them are now

    • spending less money on hosting
    • getting better load time on their sites
    • deploying things pretty much as quickly as Netlify's offering

    I'm planning to write up some friendly resources/tutorials on using AWS so others can have these benefits too.

    Would you guys be interested in this?

    If so, please let me know what kind of tutorial you'd like to see. It'll help me decide on the best tutorials to start with. For example, it could be "deploying a static site on S3 + CloudFront".

    It would also be a huge help if you could answer in this form I setup earlier: https://forms.gle/SFTuigCBeupeReV2A.

    In addition to helping me decide which content is best to start with, it'll give me a way to distribute tutorials I create to you guys.

    (Happy to remove the link if forms aren't allowed @mods).

    submitted by /u/sporglorg
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    I don't know what to specialize in... Graduated a year ago, very lost, what kind of job should I look for experience?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 01:44 PM PDT

    I know I want to work for Mozilla or Canonical, I love coding in Rust and I want to work on open source software.

    Specific projects excite me and I'm thinking of contributing to:

    Ubuntu/Pop_OS! /Debian - Firefox - Rust - Deno - Linux Kernel - Wasmer - LLVM - GNOME - VS Code/Extensions - Actix-Web

    Neither Mozilla nor Canonical will hire me since I don't have enough experience. And right now I'm working in a job that requires very little coding. I need to refocus my career.

    There's a lot of C/C++ work around in embedded software but I don't think that experience is valuable for the companies I'm looking to get hired in.

    Tons of node.js jobs, again, I don't know if that experience is applicable for the companies I'm interested in.

    Any advice would be truly appreciate! Thank you!

    submitted by /u/SocialMammoth
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    Basic web and RSS help.

    Posted: 18 May 2020 09:52 PM PDT

    Hey, starting to work on a personal project for fun. The plan is to pull some movie scripts off this site here (https://www.imsdb.com/) and use find and replace to do some fun stuff.

    I've been programming for a while now but haven't done much with the web. I know the basics of html, css etc, and worked with razor pages a bit, but not much else. Any recommendations on some tutorials to follow as well any web tools or systems that would help? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/kkoutris
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    Java dev looking for a project

    Posted: 18 May 2020 01:32 AM PDT


    I'm 48 years old, 10 years experience in java, less than 1 in angular.

    I am currently unemployed and I want to use my free time to participate in a java project, open source or not.

    Do you know where I can find a list of projects that need help ?

    I don't need to be paid, I just want to increase my skills, especially in angular.

    And I'm not doing this only during my unemployement. I'll continue to develop when I find a job.

    Thank you for your responses.

    submitted by /u/Daydreamer067
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    Authentication is not working when I have multiple cookies

    Posted: 18 May 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm using express-session and passport.

    My authentication process works perfectly fine until the client receives more cookies from me, as long as the connect.sid (which is the authentication cookie) is the first one that the client sends in the header everything works fine. But as soon as the client starts sending one cookie before it the whole authentication is getting ruined.

    How can I fix this issue or at least make sure that connect.sid is always being sent first?

    submitted by /u/ProEngineerXD
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    On an old computer I'm temporarily using, Netflix plays video but demands I use a different device for interactive choose-your-path videos. How does netflix know what device I'm using? And how can I stop them from knowing and limit our interactions to the normal server browser sandbox?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 05:17 PM PDT

    Suggestions for Technical Talks

    Posted: 18 May 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    I'm looking for something similar to Tesla's Investor Day (skip ahead an hour) where they did a broad but detailed overview of hardware, software, and technique. Something that explains how a system works and why they took this approach. The discussion on their architecture for their new chip is great and probably the best part of the talk.

    I've been looking at some GDC talks (I enjoy games) but a lot of the ones I've seen aren't as technical as I'd like. More anecdotal. Maybe I'm watching the wrong ones. If it's oriented towards a product, that'd be great. As long as they go into technical detail.

    Any suggestions would be great.

    submitted by /u/Fuser55
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    Help with an Arduino project

    Posted: 18 May 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    I am working on personal project and I am seeking any and all help. I am not experienced with arduino and I have very limited knowledge on coding as I have only had formal training in a few unrelated languages. I am currently working on a personal project using an LSM9DS1 gyro to read a value and output to a servo. I do not have an arduino or the gyro to work with in front of me. I would like to know if any of you can help me figure out if I am missing anything important or have any syntax errors before I begin working with hardware. Here is what I have, any advice would be awesome

    submitted by /u/gthomas4
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    Is there software out there that can analyze UML diagrams for code quality?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 01:49 AM PDT

    One of the areas I often struggle with in programming is architecture. I often find myself designing a system that seems promising, only to step on my own toes a week or two later. I've been studying to improve my design patterns and code maintainability and putting a heavy focus on code quality software in my CI/CD pipelines, which has helped a lot. But, nonetheless, I obviously make a lot of mistakes.

    I started trying out writing UML diagrams using tools like PlantUML, which got me thinking, is there CLI software out there which can analyze this and point out and flags in areas where I write poor quality designs? (I.e. "Coupling/Cohesion for this class is poor" or "Unit interface is too big")

    submitted by /u/TheDudeFromCI
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    Web developers, which technologies have you worked with that benefits or would benefit from having some sort of visualizer?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 08:30 AM PDT

    For example, Docker benefits greatly from a visualizer and so there must be other things that you work with constantly that you just wish you could just "see" instead of type out the code.

    submitted by /u/DJShazbot
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    Google Foobar Challenge

    Posted: 18 May 2020 12:13 PM PDT

    I am working on Google's foobar bomb baby challenge and am having some troubles passing all 5 of the checks. I am able to get passed the first two which are visible but not the other 3. Here is my code so far, https://pastebin.com/XgfCdj8z The first two checks are inputs of 4,7 to equal 4 and 2,1 to equal 1. Any help is appreciated!

    You're so close to destroying the LAMBCHOP doomsday device you can taste it! But in order to do so, you need to deploy special self-replicating bombs designed for you by the brightest scientists on Bunny Planet. There are two types: Mach bombs (M) and Facula bombs (F). The bombs, once released into the LAMBCHOP's inner workings, will automatically deploy to all the strategic points you've identified and destroy them at the same time.

    But there's a few catches. First, the bombs self-replicate via one of two distinct processes:
    Every Mach bomb retrieves a sync unit from a Facula bomb; for every Mach bomb, a Facula bomb is created;
    Every Facula bomb spontaneously creates a Mach bomb.

    For example, if you had 3 Mach bombs and 2 Facula bombs, they could either produce 3 Mach bombs and 5 Facula bombs, or 5 Mach bombs and 2 Facula bombs. The replication process can be changed each cycle.

    Second, you need to ensure that you have exactly the right number of Mach and Facula bombs to destroy the LAMBCHOP device. Too few, and the device might survive. Too many, and you might overload the mass capacitors and create a singularity at the heart of the space station - not good!

    And finally, you were only able to smuggle one of each type of bomb - one Mach, one Facula - aboard the ship when you arrived, so that's all you have to start with. (Thus it may be impossible to deploy the bombs to destroy the LAMBCHOP, but that's not going to stop you from trying!)

    You need to know how many replication cycles (generations) it will take to generate the correct amount of bombs to destroy the LAMBCHOP. Write a function solution(M, F) where M and F are the number of Mach and Facula bombs needed. Return the fewest number of generations (as a string) that need to pass before you'll have the exact number of bombs necessary to destroy the LAMBCHOP, or the string "impossible" if this can't be done! M and F will be string representations of positive integers no larger than 10^50. For example, if M = "2" and F = "1", one generation would need to pass, so the solution would be "1". However, if M = "2" and F = "4", it would not be possible.

    submitted by /u/IAmSiebold
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    Does a multi-language back-end makes sense ?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 02:17 AM PDT

    Hi all,feel free to skip the [context] part if not interested.

    I would have asked on stackoverflow but since this can be considered an opinion-based question I would absolutely get shut down. Even though, I am looking for thought-out answers with good arguments for or against what I have in mind. Any new idea is also welcome.

    This is about a pet project that I will probably never finish, yes, but I would still like to approach it as if it would one day be used by a high number of concurrent people (read as: performant and robust), and this has lead me to consider some weird choices. So here I am, in need of enlightenment from some wise Wizards of The Internets.

    I want to code a simple online 3D map editor with procedurally generated terrain (lots of big word, don't worry I'm taking it step by step), to which a small amount of people can connect and move around some tokens. The idea being a gamemaster could use it as battlemaps for online RPG sessions. Here are the requirements:

    • Players can see what everybody is doing in ~realtime (max 1s delay)
    • Max ~10 players on one session
    • Playes can each move one token around, all at he same time
    • Gamemaster can move tokens and edit terrains
    • Gamemaster can generate terrain

    Since 3D terrain generation can be very computation-heavy (I would like to use marching cubes or dual-contouring for terrain deformation methods to allow for overhangs, caves, and so on), I thought about using Java or C# for the back-end. But since I also want some real-time updates and things with a lot of I/O and also sometimes calls to terrain generations feature which can take a bit of times (long requests), Node.js seems more fitting.

    So my next genius (*cough\*) idea was to make 2 backends : one in Node.js that would handle most of the online interraction stuff and one in Java or C# that would be called by the node.js one for all terrain generation tasks.

    Does this make any sense ? Do you think other technology choices would be better ?

    submitted by /u/liteultom
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    Look familiar to anyone?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    I found this excerpt of code and I think that there is valuable data hidden within it, but my question is if anyone recognizes this code? If so, I have screenshots of the rest of it. excerpt:

    MGOOMW]3S0%G9 ; 5KQ9= , )V .W6+-0+SD:#

    submitted by /u/RyeBread1988
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    Double Integration Using Simpson's 3/8 rule on Matlab

    Posted: 18 May 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    Hi I have this question where in part A they asked to create a function for simpson's 3/8 rule. Here's my code.

    function I = comp_simp38_vector(f,a,b,n)

    %% code starts here

    % f = function handle

    % n = number of points

    % if number of segments (n-1) ~= multiple of 3, then composite 3/8 simp can't be used

    if n<4 || mod(n-1,3)~=0

    error ('inappropriate number of points for integration')


    % creating vector q and determining width

    h = (b-a)/(n-1);

    x = linspace(a,b,n);

    % evaluating integral

    % sum1 = 3 multiplied with sum of f(x(2)),f(x(5)),f(x(8))....,f(x(end-2))

    % sum2 = 3 multiplied with sum of f(x(3)),f(x(6)),f(x(9))....,f(x(end-1))

    % sum3 = 2 multiplied with sum of f(x(4)),f(x(7)),f(x(10))....,f(x(end-3))

    sum1 = 3*(sum(f(x(2:3:(end-2)))));

    sum2 = 3*(sum(f(x(3:3:(end-1)))));

    sum3 = 2*(sum(f(x(4:3:(end-3)))));

    I = (3*h/8)*(f(a)+ sum1 + sum2 + sum3 + f(b));

    Then for part B, I have to perform double integration on this function

    Bacteria = 30 - X.^2 - 5*cos(X.*Y/5).^2

    First w.r.t x then w.r.t y

    And finally get the average bacteria using the formula

    Average bacteria = (1/A)*(the double integral), where A is the surface area of the bacteria.

    The bounds for x is [-5,5] and y=[-10,10] with 127 equally-spaced points in each direction

    So this is the code I wrote but I'm not really sure how double integration is supposed to work. I keep getting a vector as my answer when the answer is a single value. Here's my code

    %% code starts here

    % evaluate inner integral


    for i=1:length(y)




    bact=@(x) (30 - x.^2 - 5*cos(x.*y(i)/5).^2);

    I = comp_simp38_vector(bact,a,b,n)

    inner_int(i)= I


    % evaluate outer integral

    for j=1:length(inner_int)





    I = comp_simp38_vector(inn_int,a,b,n);

    outer_int(j)= I


    % calculate average bacteria on the membrane

    % xlength = length of membrane in x direction

    % ylength = length of membrane in y direction

    % A = surface area of membrane

    % bact_ave = average bacteria on the membrane

    x = -5:5;

    y = -10:10;

    xlength = length(x)-1;

    ylength = length(y)-1;

    A = xlength*ylength;

    bact_ave = (1/A).*(outer_int)

    So I've been on the Internet for hours trying to find out a way to do it but I have no idea, I hope someone can help

    submitted by /u/edmund22lee
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    Does "Openclassrooms" have legit courses ?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    OOP used in 16-bit console gaming systems?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 07:57 AM PDT

    Sorry if this is vague, i was just watch 16 bit rpg's on youtube and thought, wow, i bet having a helper following the player around would have been easier to program with oop.

    So, were super nintendo / sega genesis / specifically 16 bit gaming systems programmed with the help of object oriented programming? In particular, are there any interviews of the design teams talking about this for some games?

    • design The whole lets make a world and then make subworlds of it, which are somehow variations, would at least be easier to implement with oop

    • npc and AI in 8 bit systems, the enemies don't seem to be programmed in a smart way, they can't persue the player, they are just walking around on a for loop. Whereas in 16 bit systems it seems the enemies are programmed with different methods / functions.

    • oop became popular when 16 console games were being made.

    Anyway, what i realize now is that for me, the thing which distinguishes 8 bit from 16 bit games is not really the graphics, but rather that 8-bit seems to be written with strictly structured programming, and any 'good' 16-bit game seems to be written with the oop paradigm

    submitted by /u/mike1111111111111
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    What languages should i learn to get a job in programming (i was supposed to get a apprenticeship but they cancelled it due to covid 19)

    Posted: 18 May 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    I know python

    what else should i learn?

    submitted by /u/Busy-Jaguar
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    Simplifying code , reducing "if"

    Posted: 18 May 2020 07:09 AM PDT

    I will do your computer science projects

    Posted: 18 May 2020 04:26 PM PDT

    I hope you are in good health and doing well. If you are looking for any type of computer science related projects then you are at right place.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Feel Free to contact and place order~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    We are expert coders and we will provide you quality work with 100% satisfaction. Project will be done according to your instructions and requirements. Feel free to contact the project in details. We have 4+ experience in this filed.


    1. Programming Fundamentals (PF)
    2. OOP
    3. Data Structures
    4. Algorithms
    5. Data Bases
    6. Human Computer Instruction
    7. OOAD
    8. Netowrk Security
    9. Research Based Work

    Programming Languages:

    • C Programming
    • C sharp (C#)
    • C++
    • Java
    • Python
    • Assembly
    • Dot Net

    We will provide

    1. 100% customer satisfaction
    2. Believe in quality
    3. Fully documented source code
    4. Deliver before the deadline

    If you have any question please don't hesitate to contact me. We will try our best to help you. Thanks

    submitted by /u/expert5966
    [link] [comments]

    vgdb confusion

    Posted: 17 May 2020 11:26 PM PDT

    Hello there,

    I am trying to debug my code with vgdb and I get a pid number but when I type the command in gbd target remote | vgdb pid=0000

    it says that there is no FIFO matching the pid. I think I am missing something because I have tried it several times and am sure I am not typing in the wrong pid. Does anyone have any advice?


    submitted by /u/CorgiClouds
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    C Programming Strings Question

    Posted: 18 May 2020 11:17 AM PDT

    Hi guys, i am an engineering student taking C Programming course right now. A question was sent to me and if i can't solve it in 24 hours i will fail and i'll have to take the class again, its my 4th time... I studied as much as i can but now i got the question and i don't even get what it's asking. If there's anyone who think they can help, can you send me a private message? I am really desperate. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/katyazamo919
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    How would I implement basic physics in java?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 05:13 AM PDT

    I am looking for some good resources to read. Could you link some basic tutorials, when I search I can not find much.

    I made a 2D program where wasd controls a circle. I want to add:

    Holding WASD for longer gives more acceleration

    Letting go of the keys doesnt stop the circle, it decelerates from friction.

    When two spheres collide, they bounce off of eachother because of the momentum equation(M1V1=M2V2) but friction will exist so they will lose some velocity.

    If spheres collide, they apply a torque for the period of the collision, so if a sphere hits another one one not head on, it will begin to spin.

    Each sphete object has a mass which affects the above

    I also want to know how to add projectile motion so the ball can move in an arc based on the projectile motion physics equations.

    What resources or things should I research?

    submitted by /u/penguinman777
    [link] [comments]

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