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    Friday, May 22, 2020

    Failed my first interview, heck yea. learn programming

    Failed my first interview, heck yea. learn programming

    Failed my first interview, heck yea.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 08:13 AM PDT

    Today i had my first interview, it was pretty basic asked me about C programming, i was literally shaking from emotions and than he told me to write some code and i even forgot how to type int :)

    how can i reduce the stress and emotions from interviews?

    And how was your first interview?

    submitted by /u/ITstDegeaba
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    What’s your workflow when you build an app or web page?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 01:53 PM PDT

    Let's say you're creating an app from scratch and you already came up with the designs and wireframes and now you gotta code it. When you code where do you usually start? What do you code first and so on and so forth?

    submitted by /u/bacondonut136
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    I want to teach you programming! Part 2.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 06:19 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, last week I came here in the forum and said I was going to teach and mentor a group of students for free through the online course CS50. I have been teaching professionally for a while and have previously worked in a FAANG. After receiving more that 100 messages I finally selected the last 8 that will be studying with me through Zoom and Discord for the next months, can't wait to start this project.

    Since I had more interested people than actual spots I decided to create this form so I can get in touch with future people who are interested. Thanks everyone that applied, hope to see you soon!


    submitted by /u/wongpar
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    Help me understand bitwise function

    Posted: 22 May 2020 10:40 PM PDT

    Hi, I am really trying to wrap my head around the power of 2 function with bitwise operation that looks like this:

    bool isPowerOfTwo(int x) {

    return (x && !(x & (x - 1)));


    The part that confuses most is (x & (x - 1)). Can I get a walkthrough on how you would come up with this solution? I see a lot of answers on StackOverflow and some other websites, but they never really go through the thought process on how one even comes up with such a solution. For example, how does one come up with the relationship between x & (x-1)? Does the x && part even matter? Couldn't I just do !(x & (x -1)) to get my expected boolean value back without having to use the logical AND? Does this require a lot of experience with bitwise functions or is this suppose to be common knowledge? And this seems to be a basic example, I want to get the fundamentals down before moving onto some more difficult problems.

    submitted by /u/freetoplay123
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    Why are some language used for specific tasks?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 08:36 PM PDT

    I'm fairly new to programming so sorry if this seems dumb. I also finished my freshman year in computer science. Anyway, why are different programming languages used for different tasks? I learned python and java, and to me they both are really similar in what they can do. So what makes python for example different than java in term of using it to build something? I know that java is used for android development, but couldn't python do the same? I know that both are OOP, so this might not be the best comparison. Javascript for example is used for web development, couldn't java or python be used instead of javascript? I also read that C is really efficient compared to java or python for example, so why is that? Is it because the C compiler is better than the java one? I'm sorry if this seems dumb lol

    submitted by /u/MoonlessNightss
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    What should you always log on your backend?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 09:52 PM PDT

    When creating an api for something like a social network, what are some things you should always log? If I had to start, I'd log the endpoint url, the user user ID, error stack traces, maybe the duration and ip address of the request?

    I suppose you would log any info that could come in handy when debugging crashes or figuring out who could be attacking your service.

    submitted by /u/IKnowShrek
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    Best online JAVA course for beginner/intermediate programmer

    Posted: 22 May 2020 11:08 PM PDT

    I spent a year learning python at university but my next cs class requires me to use JAVA. The next cs class deals with trees, recursion, linked lists, and stacks. I'm looking for an online JAVA course to brush up on my JAVA. I took a year of JAVA in high school but my understanding of it is pretty weak. I learned a lot about methods, classes, superclasses, and some recursion stuff. Any recommendations? Both beginner and advanced courses are welcome. Thanks

    submitted by /u/MontagMildred
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    Different ways of creating objects in Javascript

    Posted: 22 May 2020 11:04 PM PDT

    So far I know two ways of declaring objects. Which do you use when?

    function Person(name, age) { this.name = name; this.age = age; } function makePerson(first, last) { return { first: first, last: last }; } 
    submitted by /u/Melanie786
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    Senior engineer with 7+ years of experience in Ruby/Rails/Javascript/Kotlin. I'm hosting office hours for free!

    Posted: 22 May 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    Hey y'all,

    I recently quit my job as a Senior Engineer at Kickstarter, and am mulling over an app idea to help connect skilled engineers with people learning to code for an affordable rate. The main goal is to help unblock people learning to code as they progress through courses, and give skilled engineers a way to make income while working from home.

    To that end, I've decided to run what I'm calling "rubber duck hours". This would be a 30 minute session to ask me questions about things that you're stuck on, or general coding advice. I'd like to do this for free, in exchange for being able to interview you on the process and how it went for 30 minutes after the session.

    You can check out my git showcase page for a list of languages that I have experience in that I'd be happy to help you with. I also have quite a bit of familiarity with some other, language agnostic development practices, such as:

    - Test Driven Development

    - Object Oriented design (SOLID Principles)

    - Extreme Programming (XP)

    I'd be happy to answer any questions around these things as well.

    If you're interested, drop a line below and let me know what you'd like to discuss during our session (what are you blocked on and/or need help with).

    Just a note: I can't commit to doing more than one or two of these for right now, but please don't let that stop you from posting something in this thread, as I will likely need to do more user tests in the near future!



    submitted by /u/switzerswish
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    Confusion about Javascript Anonymous Functions

    Posted: 22 May 2020 11:00 PM PDT

    I was going through the Mozilla documentation ( https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/A_re-introduction_to_JavaScript )

    The documentation says:

    JavaScript lets you create anonymous functions.

    var avg = function() { var sum = 0; for (var i = 0, j = arguments.length; i < j; i++) { sum += arguments[i]; } return sum / arguments.length; };

    This is semantically equivalent to the function avg()
    form. It's extremely powerful, as it lets you put a full function definition anywhere that you would normally put an expression. This enables all sorts of clever tricks. Here's a way of "hiding" some local variables — like block scope in C:

    var a = 1; var b = 2; (function() { var b = 3; a += b; })(); a; // 4 b; // 2

    Im a little confused about this though. What was the point of calling function()? Why cant you just do

    var a = 1; var b = 2; a += 3;

    Whats the point of making the function? What do they mean by "hiding" variables?

    submitted by /u/Melanie786
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    Should I switch programming languages to focus on?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 05:43 PM PDT

    I've been heavily invested in C#, because I like the language a lot, but lately I've been wondering if I've chosen the right language to start a career with. So I was wondering if I should instead be focusing on something like Python or JavaScript as a back end language. I mean those two are taught everywhere so there must be some reason behind it. I consider myself proficient in all three, so it's just a matter of choosing one to focus on to start my career with. I want one with options, and one that's relatively easy to get a job with.

    submitted by /u/mymar101
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    I'm just ending JavaScript formation and also I study php but when I try to write a code from scratch of simple projet I don't know where or how I start . Any advice ?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 08:04 PM PDT

    I am addicted of copy and past from internet for simple form

    submitted by /u/peaky_has
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    Kivy Mobile Apps Python

    Posted: 22 May 2020 07:10 PM PDT

    How are python libraries used for python Kivy Apps? Like let's say for example, I want to use opencv or numpy or SciPy in a mobile app. These libraries will not be automatically installed on the user's phone, so how are they used with kivy? Does kivy download them automatically, and then run them on the phone? Any answer will be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/mahshiblack
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    For those who learned to code through the Odin Project

    Posted: 22 May 2020 09:09 PM PDT

    How long did it take you to finish the project? Specifically the full stack Ruby on Rails. I am about 40% done with the web development 101 section and I started 3 days ago, I wonder how long it will take me to finish the entire project.

    submitted by /u/Yuhyuhkms
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    Is there any scaffolding tools for Node that bake authentication in?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 05:59 PM PDT

    So I'm coming from casually using Rails, and scaffolding and the ability to add authentication quickly with Devise is something that I miss a lot. However, my company that I'm at now uses Node, and I'm trying to transition into a dev role here. Does anyone know of a fast way to scaffold an app with Passport Js, JWT, whatever all options that Node has? I'm honestly a bit freaked out by how complex it all looks.

    I'm also starting a marketing agency on the side (graphic design and site-building for clients) and I have my first client. I would love to be able to just quickly scaffold apps for clients in the future so I don't have to set up routes, models, etc. all over again when they typically tend to want the same things.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/CaliBounded
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    setinterval method in react

    Posted: 22 May 2020 11:44 PM PDT

    If you have this https://codepen.io/gaearon/pen/gwoJZk?editors=0010

    What exactly is the 1000 in setInterval(tick, 1000); doing?

    submitted by /u/Melanie786
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    Properties of declared variables. What gives?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 11:37 PM PDT

    My teacher taught us about properties (Read/Writeable and Read-Only stuff) and he demonstrated some class where he declared some integers that have getters and setters methods and then on the other class he have some listener and change listener that I barely understand and modified the value of the int variable by doing some thingymajig to some methods.

    And I don't get it. Why do we still create some custom methods to modify some integer's value if I can just `int someValue = 99;` or something. Why do we need to make it that complicated.

    As you can probably tell, I'm a complete amateur in programming. So, I'm really interested to learn idea behind this concept. Also, its Java.

    submitted by /u/itskenleton
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    React render method confusions

    Posted: 22 May 2020 11:36 PM PDT

    Hi! Reading the official react tutorials and I was a little confused on this page: https://reactjs.org/docs/components-and-props.html

    Their code does this:


    Im a little confused on why we include element in the call to render. The whole idea of having

    const element = <Welcome name="Sara" />; 

    doesnt make a lot of intuitive sense to me either

    submitted by /u/Melanie786
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    [Question]Web Server vs Application Server Distinction

    Posted: 22 May 2020 11:21 PM PDT

    Lets just say I write Php file that processes and authenticates user inputs, i.e: username and password(One component of the php file). In which server sends the user the web page with that user data thats been processed (User Profile Page). Im confused as to where this php file that a back-end developer codes resides? What part of the back-end component does it belong to the Application server or web server?

    submitted by /u/SweetBabyJesusAA
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    How to convert an infix notation to abstract syntax tree?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 11:15 PM PDT

    Given a string like "2+3*6", how do I build an abstract syntax tree for it using shunting yard algorithm?

    I want to build the tree directly from an infix notation without converting it to RPN.


    submitted by /u/veera_sivarajan
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    Would anyone be interested in watching live streaming of an ongoing side-project development? A collaboration effort to take a fairly complex system to the next level?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 05:14 PM PDT

    Though I'm a full stack developer by profession I'm by no means any kind of guru or master. I consider myself a mid level/capable developer but very much in the "imposter syndrome" category and have little confidence in my coding prowess.

    I believe there's plenty of people out there just like me! BUT, with persistence, patience and dedication we can create things! Web apps, mobile apps, systems...functional & useful projects if we put our minds to it.

    I'm hoping this venture would be a bit different to what's out there already and be of use to those who have some self doubts about their coding abilities.

    It's not a tutorial series as such with a path laid out, step by step to complete a project.
    It's not starting out at beginner level, creating another to do list app.
    Nor is it the other end of the spectrum showcasing what brainpower I possess and writing the purest, bestest, fastest ever code.

    ***It WOULD be me struggling with why I'm getting errors, Googling for answers and swearing a LOT! That's how it is for everyone, right?***
    ***It would be me getting answers from viewers much more intelligent than me, ongoing discussion and interaction as work gets done! ***

    It would just simply how someone goes about trying to become a better developer, learning new and creative ways to solve problems via code, in an interactive and collaborative way via live stream on an existing project of fair complexity.

    I'm naturally an introverted and shy person, I have no set up in place and I have doubts if this is something I can actually do and pull off or if anyone will actually give a shit?

    But it could be something that many people would be interested in, could help them overcome self-doubts and lead to them learning how to tackle real-world development problems beyond any tutorial projects out there.

    I also believe it will be of benefit to myself for my own learning and improving this passion project I have and others that could be created during this venture.

    The system in question is a Laravel web app I've had for a number of years. It is sports based, namely boxing and has come a long way from its initial concept. In turn as a consequence of ongoing development over time there's a lot of code, which is a bit all over the place and could do with some rewriting and tidy up.

    There's also a good number features, functionality, ideas and plans I have in mind and would like to work on including the need to build out a native app.

    If enough people are interested in this I can add more information about the project, set up a YT channel and post up some intro videos before going live.

    I'm based in the UK working full time so streams will likely be evening times and/or weekends.

    The tech I am most comfortable and work with is PHP, Laravel & Vue with Bootstrap for styling. However, the hope is that this thing turns out to be something to keep on going with, starting completely new projects from scratch. I have some experience in Django and really want to learn / develop more with Python.

    So hit the up votes and comment to let me know if this is of interest.

    Thank you, folks!

    submitted by /u/TonnnnUK
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    Flutter Vs React: Path to Build beautiful and professional Web Apps

    Posted: 22 May 2020 11:04 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    I have started learning Django Recently from Corey Schafer youtube tutorials, and I found it to be really good, I'm also planning to use the docs to further increase my command on the framework.

    My motive is to build a Professional and good looking Web Apps/Websites, I don't know how much frontend I would need to know for that now. I have quite good experience in programming, and I have worked on few ML based projects in Python, and been developing android apps using Java, and more recently I switched to Flutter.

    Now with Flutter, we can also develop Web apps, and hence I was wondering whether it would be a good idea for me to use flutter to develop web apps (for the front end part) and Django as the backend , or should I learn React for the frontend?

    submitted by /u/Rohit901
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    What can you to learn code and how old do you need to make a game.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 10:59 PM PDT

    Hello there. I'm interested in making a game but know nothing about coding and i'm also not 18+. So i was wandering can i make a game and what can i use to learn code? I do not plan on finishing the game before i'm an adult and do this as a virus hobby and if the game comes out so i good that its worth $0.99 can i legally earn some of that money (i plan as using the first game free to start out)? Also i plan on making the came 2d or make the game a pixel style if this helps. If anything information is needed let me know.

    I'm also not interested in making money. I'm just wandering for when i am more advanced

    Thanks. Have a great day.

    submitted by /u/GamerInProgress
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