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    Tuesday, May 12, 2020

    Could aliens reverse engineer TCP/IP? Ask Programming

    Could aliens reverse engineer TCP/IP? Ask Programming

    Could aliens reverse engineer TCP/IP?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 12:42 PM PDT

    Sorry for the off-the-wall question. It's for a story I'm writing. The aliens are about as advanced as we were the 50s. They know English but don't know our protocols, algorithms, etc. They receive a stream of data in TCP/IP format. How difficult would it be for them to make sense of it and decode it?

    submitted by /u/grpagrati
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    How long did it take you to eventually not have as many bugs to fix on your programs?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 08:20 PM PDT

    I remember when I was interning I would constantly debug things the next day I came in and it would be the most annoying thing. Like I thought I would have gotten it down and each time the list of bugs I'd get from the QA would always stay the same. At the end of the internship I did get better though. But I'm just curious how long it took you to figure things out to where you don't have as many errors to debug?

    submitted by /u/cabahugma
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    Encrypting a password

    Posted: 12 May 2020 08:38 PM PDT

    A very newbie question. I want to encrypt a password using 256 bit encryption and I was thinking if I can use the password as the private key to encrypt the password, that way we don't even know the private key to decrypt the password until the user enters it by themselves.

    Is the approach okay? and if it isn't please explain why. Thanks

    submitted by /u/entropyconquers
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    Choosing a college

    Posted: 12 May 2020 07:52 PM PDT

    To make a long winded story short. Veteran with the GI Bill looking for colleges. I know California is the best for internships and job opportunities but only has a 22% chance for me to transfer from a community college to a UC 4 year.

    Where as Massachusetts has a garenteed transfer from community to UMass Amherst.

    Would going the Massachusetts route keep me from getting jobs? Could I still apply for jobs in California after I get my degree?

    Is there another option I haven't thought about?

    Highschool GPA was terrible (D student?) And I have no test scores.

    submitted by /u/knoxy5467
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    Need to build a cross platform app, but don't have MacOS

    Posted: 12 May 2020 06:42 AM PDT

    Hi. I'm building an application with flutter, since it needs to run on both Android and iOS. It does not require anything native, so I can also deploy it as a website. Unfortunately, I don't have a macbook. I can however get an iPhone on test on.

    I considered: 1) Making a responsive website and simply using a webview which will require minimal platform specific changes to the code. But what about performance? Will it still be the same experience as an app?

    However, the client (and I) feel that a website is not the most convenient way. The users of this app will be opening it daily, a website (in their browser, without using webview) will be just inconvenient enough for them to not want to use it.

    What are my options? 50% of the client base has an iPhone. Is finding a macbook the only way to make this happen? I use windows/manjaro.

    submitted by /u/ATM05F3AR
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    Project Managers: Criteria for choosing a web tech stack?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 08:29 PM PDT


    I'm curious to ask from those who have experience choosing the tech stacks for web projects.

    I'm not talking about personal or startup projects. If your priorities are to create a novel web application for a client (who doesn't specify the tech), how do you decide on your tech stack?

    More details

    I've read a lot of articles/discussions and they vary widely. It seems like a lot of people just base their choice on personal preference, or which technologies they're most familiar with. I'm more interested in a generalized approach of choosing the most appropriate stack that meets the project's needs.

    What questions guide your decision? Some that might come to mind are:

    • inherently relational vs non-relational data
    • trade-off between delivery timeline vs flexibility and maintainability
    • language paradigms and preferences (e.g. strict OOP, minimizing number of different languages, etc)
    • trade-off between innovation and stability (i.e. stable, well-documented stack with lots of available libraries vs. the hot new technology trends)
    submitted by /u/DrKevinBuffardi
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    Best place to discuss bugs about iOS safari?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 08:17 PM PDT

    I believe I have found a bug, but it could be intentional and I'm having a hard time finding more information on the topic, is there a decent place to discuss this kind of thing?

    I submitted the information to https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/ but it would be nice to have a discussion about it instead of just pushing feedback.


    document.referrer does not work the same in iOS safari on newer versions


    If you pass query parameters ?query=parameters to a webpage that has an iframe, the iframe's document.referrer should have the query parameters. On iOS 13.4.1's Safari query parameters are completely stripped if the url of the iframe is from a different origin than the parent page.

    My Tests

    OSX Chrome 81.0.4044.129 ✓ Query Params Show Up
    OSX Safari 12.1 ✓ Query Params Show Up
    iOS 12.3.1 Safari ✓ Query Params Show Up
    iOS 13.4.1 Safari ✗ Query Params Are Stripped

    Reproduction Repo




    If you have iOS would you mind trying the above url, and posting a screenshot of the results?

    submitted by /u/wizebin
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    How do you explain what code/functions are in terms of electricity

    Posted: 12 May 2020 08:06 PM PDT

    This is probably that thing where you say a word several times until it doesn't make sense anymore...

    I can see a rigid circuit or set of logic gates and it works, electricity flows from a to b.

    This is not about FPGAs

    Just a weird thought, like can an ML model just become an operating system by learning to fire the right events... but a model seems to be one-directional doesn't just sit/can wait for changes and "go"

    I guess maybe it's as simple as the CPU has a bunch of gates and you can dynamically run electricity through them from the program after it gets compiled down to machine code... I did take an intro CS class where we had to make our own ALU based on limits/expected operations eg. addition.

    submitted by /u/ie11_is_my_fetish
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    Need help getting started in the right direction

    Posted: 12 May 2020 07:16 PM PDT

    Hey, Guys new here to get right to it I just don't know where to start or looking so I think it would be a great spot to start off this journey.

    The basics of what I'm trying to do is Eventually have an (API?) developed from information either extracted or using the credential to "Website A" in order to use that information on a website that would be eventually developed. How can I come about this?

    (I have the information and logins to everything just refraining from mentioning specifics)

    So basically is there a way to have (API?) on a website where it can access "Website A" to use that information on "New Website" as a "Catalog" to search for "Items"? Is this something that's possible? I do know this will eventually require some type of SQL.

    Sorry this all Fairly new to me and just need help being pointed in the right direction...

    (If you want to get specifics you can PM me and I can be a little more detailed)

    submitted by /u/zombiepit
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    Converting C++ to F#

    Posted: 12 May 2020 06:01 PM PDT

    Can someone please convert this C++ code to F#




    using namespace std;

    //the most common operator to access data that we can use in all three classes is the subscript ([]) operator.

    //so I'm implementing it in all three classes

    class Real{

    double a;


    size_t dim() {return 1;}

    Real(double x) :a{x} {}

    double &operator[](int i) {

    //since there is only one value, returning it

    return a;



    class Complex{

    double a;

    double b;


    size_t dim() {return 2;}

    Complex(double x, double y) :a{x}, b{y} {}

    double &operator[](int i) {

    //if i is 0, returning a, if i is 1, returning b


    return a;


    return b;



    class Vector3D{

    vector<double> vec;


    size_t dim() {return 3;}

    Vector3D(double a, double b, double c) {





    double &operator[](int i) {

    //simply returning value at index i on vector

    return vec[i];



    //templated distance method

    template<class T>

    double distance(T p1, T p2){

    //finding dimenions

    int dimensions=p1.dim();

    //initializing sum of squared differences to 0

    double sum=0;

    //looping through each dimension

    for(int i=0;i<dimensions;i++){

    //fetching ith elements from p1 and p2, finding difference, squaring it

    //and adding to sum



    //finding distance by calculating square root of sum

    double dist=sqrt(sum);

    return dist;


    int main(){

    Real n1{1.0}, n2{2.0};

    Complex c1{1.0,2.0}, c2{2.0,1.0};

    Vector3D v1{1.0,2.0,3.0}, v2{3.0,2.0,1.0};

    cout<<"Distance between n1 and n2 is "<<distance(n1,n2)<<endl;

    cout<<"Distance between c1 and c2 is "<<distance(c1,c2)<<endl;

    cout<<"Distance between v1 and v2 is "<<distance(v1,v2)<<endl;

    return 0;



    Distance between n1 and n2 is 1

    Distance between c1 and c2 is 1.41421

    Distance between v1 and v2 is 2.82843

    submitted by /u/tahmina77
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    Looking for software to write code/normal text

    Posted: 12 May 2020 05:55 PM PDT

    I have an online exam next week which I need to submit my solutions in a single PDF document. The exam will have some questions which are essay questions and require normal text, and some questions which are code-based questions.

    I'm looking for a piece of software which will allow for standard word processing and also code blocks. Effectively, something like creating a post where I can have a code block but also type normally. I just want the output to be a PDF.

    Any suggestions? :)

    submitted by /u/roamingck
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    Confused about worst and best case complexity

    Posted: 12 May 2020 04:20 PM PDT

    Hi! A question popped up on a worksheet I was doing on complexity. It asked if the following was true or false:

    Ω(lg N) ⊆ Ω(1000 · N)

    My initial thoughts was "true, " since (looking at a graph with both) lg N is always "under" (within) 1000N.

    The answer said false though. I tried changing the coefficients, but I still found that eventually, since were assuming large large inputs, lg N will come out on the bottom.

    I know my conceptual understanding of complexity is very weak, so Id really appreciate if someone could give me an explanation.

    Thank you so much!

    submitted by /u/Melanie786
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    C# programming on Linux: would be this problematic for a fairly new programmer?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    I've been making a recent attempt to migrate over to GNU/Linux for non-gaming purposes. I'm not experienced with Linux, but I am taking a class on it that uses Ubuntu. My programming skill is at best intermediate, where advanced would be a step before professional. In other words, I'm still fairly new to the process, so a lot of the jargon is difficult for me to decipher (hence the reason googling this question only confused me more.)

    Is there any reason I would have problems learning to program (in C#) on Linux? Would apps I developed only be fit for Linux, or would they be cross-platform by virtue of .NET? Would I be able to go from Win machines to my Linux machine without issue while working on the same app?

    submitted by /u/Meowffff
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    How to get java console to read PI with lowercase letters

    Posted: 12 May 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    Are there any examples of getting a program to read user input of PI with lowercase letters by using tolowercase?

    submitted by /u/raul9936
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    PHP + MySQL Specific Data Query

    Posted: 12 May 2020 06:27 AM PDT

    Good day. I have a webpage that will create a new class for a teacher and inside that class webpage, I have a button that will create a student and add it to list. How can I make sure that the students that are created in a certain class will only belong to that class and show it on the list? I tried creating something but in ends up all the students are displayed in all classes. I'm using php and mysql for my back end

    submitted by /u/markagns
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    Noob Python question

    Posted: 12 May 2020 02:11 PM PDT

    I'm trying to create a basic web application with Python and Flask. I've installed my dependencies from a requirements.txt but when I run my application.py which tries to import from flask_session, I get an error that there is no module named flask_session. This is probably something obvious that I'm doing wrong but when I installed flask_session it went to /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages while in the error messages it seems to be looking at /Users/<my_username>/Library/Python/2.7/lib/python/site-packages . So my best guess is that this has to do with virtual environments or the app not set up to look in the right place but I'm very new to Python.

    submitted by /u/anh86
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    The most stupid project idea you can think of

    Posted: 12 May 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    So I'm not the most original thinker so I thought of asking here for help.

    I'm basically interested in implementing something, which at its core would be quite trivial, in a stupidly complicated way. Esoteric languages or assembly are just examples. I'm really looking forward to what you guys can come up with. I would prefer it to be doable in under 10k lines of code so I don't waste my whole life on it lol.

    An idea that came to my mind some time ago was to implement TETRIS in MIPS assembly, but it didn't really click with me so I just let it go.

    submitted by /u/Stef_27
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    Need help finding a program

    Posted: 12 May 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    Hey guys, im not a programer or anything like that. Im here to ask if you dont know a program that would notice me when i scream too much into the mike. (loud gamer :D) If you have any tips i would be thankfull. Sorry for any gramar mistakes and stuf.

    submitted by /u/brouky
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    PHP: How to type-hint "$this" in a trait so PHPStorm knows the methods available?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 12:25 PM PDT

    I have a trait, and this will work when called from a model that uses this trait:


    But I want type-hinting on it.

    I can't do "use <interface>" because it's a trait, so I'm out of ideas.

    Code is: https://i.imgur.com/vTMXKpD.jpg

    submitted by /u/lolis-are-so-cute
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    How to make node.js application work on a webpage

    Posted: 12 May 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, I'm working on my first personal coding project. It is a simple webpage with a single textfield and a "Go" button. The functionality I am trying to program is that users can input a URL, hit the Go button, and then my website will return some data scraped from that URL.

    For the data scraping functionality, I followed a Youtube tutorial and programmed it on Node.js (works as expected when I hardcode the URL and run it from command prompt).

    How can I get my Node.js application running on my webpage so that it receives the URL that the user inputs and can then respond with the appropriate scraped data? Thank you in advance for your help.

    submitted by /u/fake-engineer
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    Compiling Qt software without the host shared libs

    Posted: 12 May 2020 11:37 AM PDT

    I am running on Archlinux and I need to compile a Qt Software for OpenSuse Leap 15.1 without send the ArchLinux libraries to the OpenSuse machine.

    What is the best solution ? (Other solution than the virtual machine if possible)

    Chrooting an open suse seems to be hard.

    submitted by /u/dromadeuse
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    Any "package manager" for single precompiled binaries?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 07:39 AM PDT

    Hi, is there anything out there to manage "packages" installed as single precompiled binaries (usually downloaded from releases in GH repos), e.g., powerline-go, terraform, kubectl? TIA

    Edit: I'm aware of Linux package managers, but I'm referring to packages for which instructions for installation go something like

    On Mac & Linux:

    curl -Lo ./kind "https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/dl/v0.8.0/kind-$(uname)-amd64"

    chmod +x ./kind

    mv ./kind /some-dir-in-your-PATH/kind

    submitted by /u/9070932767
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    OAuth 2: Permissions of third party services, that act on behalf of a user

    Posted: 12 May 2020 01:08 AM PDT


    I have a scenario, where OAuth is mandatory. The OAuth flow will be provided by Azure AD.

    There are three layers. A frontend with some services, a layer with third party services and a layer with data storage. Users should login into the frontend with an account and access the the third party services.

    So far so good. That should work with the standard OAuth Authorization Flow.

    The users should also have access to the data stored in the data layer, but through the third party services they gave permission to. The services will do some analysis and so on.

    I, as the data provider, need to know whether a client is allowed to access data of a certain user. A coworker had the idea to demand the user token and the service token, when protected data is requested.

    This sounds a little odd to me. I think the user should somehow give the third party service his permission to request data in his name. So I can expect only the service token, which contains the users permission.

    My problem here is that I can't think of a concrete solution for the user to give his permission to a third party service, since these won't have a frontend of their own.

    Is it possible (and good practice) that the frontend asks the user for permissions on behalf of the third party service and update the service's permissions at the OAuth provider?

    submitted by /u/feelsmanbat
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    How to intercept a redirect in IWebBrowser2 control embedded in a win32 application

    Posted: 12 May 2020 10:39 AM PDT


    I am working on a win32 application that embeds an IWebBrowser2 control to load web pages. Initially, it will show a login page that will redirect (Http Status 302) multiple times to the correct identity provider. I would like to intercept these redirects on C++ side so that I can choose to stop/cancel a redirect if required.

    I was expecting that I would be able to intercept the redirects by implementing BeforeNavigate2 in DWebBrowserEvents2. But it is not being called for redirects. I am able to see the final URL in NavigateComplete but the UI already loads the webpage by that time.

    Is there an API for intercepting redirects before the control navigates to the final URL?


    submitted by /u/_dakota__
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