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    Friday, May 17, 2019

    How long will it be before we have programs that write our programs? Ask Programming

    How long will it be before we have programs that write our programs? Ask Programming

    How long will it be before we have programs that write our programs?

    Posted: 17 May 2019 12:27 PM PDT

    I am a composer and have seen programs that write music, and wondered how long it might be before we have programs that write programs.

    submitted by /u/spyderspyders
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    How do you get good at open source project?

    Posted: 17 May 2019 12:23 AM PDT

    I'm currently a junior working in a company that provides an services through an open source LMS. And the stack is pretty much convoluted and there is so much going on. There are times where they're asking me to produce certain features that are way beyond my capabilities.

    How do I actually approach my work because I'm starting to feel that my growth is being stunted. There are days where I jump from file to file trying to find what produces data that I need. Then I just go into a loop. I'm starting to feel bad that I seem don't to get anywhere. I'm also worried that I can't use the things I learned if I moved to another company. As I only learned a bit of things on the stack. Please guide me.

    submitted by /u/deadpxel
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    My 11 year old cousin wants to learn how to code, the problem is his strict af parents won’t let him have a computer due to fear of the internet. Is there a way to get him first hand experience / learning they won’t frown upon?

    Posted: 17 May 2019 04:55 PM PDT

    Find k largest sums in a 2D matrix

    Posted: 17 May 2019 01:05 PM PDT

    I stumbled upon this question but have been unable to solve it. I was thinking in the lines of priority queue but couldn't get any further. Appreciate any help!

    Question: Given m rows and n numbers in each row, a sum is defined when you pick 1 number from each of the m rows. Find k largest such sums.

    Example ->

    Input: m = 3, n = 3, k = 2 1 5 9 2 4 8 7 5 6 


    24 (9 + 8 + 7), 23 (9 + 8 + 6) 
    submitted by /u/90abyss
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    How to get into raspberry pis and embedded systems in general

    Posted: 17 May 2019 09:09 AM PDT

    I am interested in learning more about embedded systems and raspberry pis in general and I was wondering how y'all got started.

    Is there a simple project to learn from? Or a kit I could buy that would tech me the basics?

    submitted by /u/WiggWamm
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    [Swift] - What is the best tutorial for letting users add personal information on an app that goes under their account in firebase?

    Posted: 17 May 2019 02:56 PM PDT

    I have completed a user registration system so that user can use a password and email to sign up (this then goes to firebase database). The page that follows the registration asks the user for additional personal info (like education, job etc). This is where I am stuck. I want to know how to make the personal info ( like mentioned education, job etc) go into a child segment in Firebase under the user's account. Do any of you know where I can get help with this? It is just this one .swift file for the child database entries by the user that I need help on. This is the code I currently have for that file, but obviously it is not close: https://paste.ofcode.org/Du94KES7E27M9eaZx87Lsp

    submitted by /u/AggressiveMenu3
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    Looping through an arrray N amount of times.

    Posted: 17 May 2019 02:55 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm wondering if its possible to loop through an array N amount of times, stop. Then loop through it N amount of more times.

    submitted by /u/MisterWooke
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    Which SQL option is the most performant?

    Posted: 17 May 2019 10:38 AM PDT


    I am working on a project with an "Order" table. The Order has mostly fields you would typically find in an Order schema (product info, customer info, contact info etc...). There are also two other tables called "OrderStop" and "OrderUpdate" which have Many to One relation to Order (An Order Stop is basically an address/date/time, an Order Update are text updates for an order. An Order can have many stops and updates).

    The Orders table will be queried quite a lot as checking the status of Open Orders is a core use case to the system. So my question is this. When an Order is Complete / Finished. Which of these two options would be better in terms of performance?

    1. Move the Order to a new table called "Completed Orders" , to keep the Order table optimized and smaller for only active orders which will be queried more. I assume the OrderStop and OrderUpdates would either need to also be copied to new tables, or serialized to JSON as a field in Completed Orders

    SELECT * FROM completed_order WHERE ?

    1. Introduce an indexed bool column like "isClosed" to the existing Order Table?

    SELECT * FROM order WHERE isClosed = FALSE

    So basically would it be better to query a different table for Completed Orders? Or just add a where not closed to the existing queries to only get Orders not Closed.

    submitted by /u/Zebrastripe742
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    what unused packages does 'conda clean' remove?

    Posted: 17 May 2019 02:23 PM PDT

    I find my conda folder is overbloated 15GB, I looked at the folder it has many older versions of packages like mkl has like 3+ versions, each takes up 800MB. If I run conda clean, does it delete the older version? The documentation says it removes unused packages, I'm afraid it's going to remove the package I need, but conda sees it as unused somehow.

    submitted by /u/futureroboticist
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    Reflection to call method with attribute. Net-Core

    Posted: 17 May 2019 01:39 PM PDT

    How would I go about to use reflexion to call all Methods in a class with a certain attribute? I'm not asking about a full solution but more. Like what to research.

    submitted by /u/NinRejper
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    "Vendoring" a library?

    Posted: 17 May 2019 12:48 PM PDT

    What is specifically meant by "vendoring" a library into your project? FWIU it is taking a dependency and including it into your project, bypassing normal methods of dependency resolution (directly committing it). I can see why this would be useful if the library you require doesn't version itself properly, rendering normal dependency management tools ineffective. What advantages does vendoring provide over normal dependency declaration? Am I understanding this incorrectly? Maybe it would also be useful if you want to pull some functionality into your project but the rest of the library doesn't interop or conflicts with your project, but you want to make sure it's clear that you didn't write that part of the code?

    submitted by /u/itzfritz
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    Where to start in my project, reading screen or something similar.

    Posted: 17 May 2019 08:25 AM PDT

    Hi there, I want to make an application thats read the screen and stores some numbers, then it will calculate something with those numbers and it will do this in loop until user stops the program.

    The main use is to read a NDS emulator screen and read the game screen in a minigame, then make all calcs and say wich is the best solution to that minigame.

    I tryed with javascript, but i can not access to desktop captures only canvas. Tryed with java too but I wasn't able to take screenshot neither. With node.js I managed to take the screenshot an write a program that searches in a picture for another small picture but it is so slow, and i am pretty sure there has to be another option I don't know and it is quite faster for this thing.

    Voltorbflip is the name of the "minigame" I want to read and solve from pokemon soulsilver/heartgold editions and DeSmuME is the NDS emulator I am using.

    Many thanks

    submitted by /u/visionjav
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    C# TCPClient failing on remote computer

    Posted: 17 May 2019 11:51 AM PDT

    So, I was wanting to do a bit of a short project for making a chat application for inter-office use for fun. I found a tutorial online for doing it and created the guy successfully. When I run the server on my computer, I can connect without issue from my own machine. When I try to run the client on another computer to connect to my computer, it crashes. I added in some try {} catch{} to it in order to find where the issue was coming from. Below is the code that I have specific for the connection;

    TCPClient client; NetworkStream netStream; SslStream ssl; BinaryReader br; BinaryWriter bw; void SetupConn() { client = new TcpClient(Server, Port); // Server is set by a text box on the application, Port is hardcoded to 2000 netStream = client.GetStream(); ssl = new SslStream(netStream, false, new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(ValidateCert)); // ValidateCert automatically accepts ALL certs for testing ssl.AuthenticateAsClient("InstantMessengerServer"); br = new BinaryReader(ssl, Encoding.UTF8); bw = new BinaryWriter(ssl, Encoding.UTF8); // Receive "hello" int hello = br.ReadInt32(); if (hello == IM_Hello) { // Hello OK, so answer. bw.Write(IM_Hello); bw.Write(reg ? IM_Register : IM_Login); // Login or register bw.Write(UserName); bw.Write(Password); bw.Flush(); byte ans = br.ReadByte(); // Read answer. if (ans == IM_OK) // Login/register OK { if (reg) OnRegisterOK(); // Register is OK. OnLoginOK(); // Login is OK (when registered, automatically logged in) Receiver(); // Time for listening for incoming messages. } else { IMErrorEventArgs err = new IMErrorEventArgs((IMError)ans); if (reg) OnRegisterFailed(err); else OnLoginFailed(err); } } if (_conn) CloseConn(); } 

    Now, the error happens right at "client = new TcpClient(Server, Port);

    I am completely baffled by this, I tried including all DLL files, making sure that the computer is fully updated with the .NET framework, but it keeps erroring out and not even touching the server. Is it something painfully obvious?

    Edit: On a side note, I did verify that there is no hindrance by a firewall or anything. I can ping freely between the machines, along with file sharing.

    Edit 2: Ok, after doing a dump of the exception in the catch, I received the error, "Target machine actively refused the connection". It sounds networking-like, however, I am not seeing any kind of blocks actively happening on the machine. Is this purely networking, or is there another reason it is failing?

    submitted by /u/wargenesis
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    Notification mechanism - 50 notifications/hour * 100 users

    Posted: 17 May 2019 11:49 AM PDT

    I have a change notification system that currently sends users an email with the change. I'm running afoul of anti-spam filters as the emails do look like spam. The emails do eventually make it through, but a 1 hour delay isn't very helpful.

    Any thoughts on how best/easiest to send many notifications to many users*? Or just suck it up and figure out how to send that many emails legitimately.

    *User: - Some random person on the internet. I chose email because they already have an account which will show notifications on their phone.

    I don't think there's a universal app/notification system that I could easily tie into, but thought I'd pick reddit's brain.

    submitted by /u/JVM_
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    How do regular expressions work in simple terms?

    Posted: 17 May 2019 08:03 AM PDT

    I can't really wrap my head around regular expressions, I'm new to JavaScript, and it's the first time I'm encountering them. The other sources I've read have given me some basic understanding of it, but outside of that I don't know how to really implement it. For example, let's say search querying which provides results similar to what a person has typed, I want it to match three terms, we'll just say Apple, Orange, Grape. How would I do that? Or let's say something more complex like an email, how would I use regular expressions in this case? (I know there is the type=email, but just for the sake of trying understand it).

    Any help, or even just a simple explanation of the syntax of regexp, would help a lot.

    submitted by /u/historywinchester
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    PHP track email open read for multiple recipients and cc and bcc?

    Posted: 17 May 2019 11:04 AM PDT

    Hi guys I've created an Email queue system for my crm , I want to track email opens, it seems everybody is doing this with a

    <img src="track.php?reciepient_id=something" />

    problem is what if I'm sending same email to multiple recipients and/or adding (cc) and/or adding (bcc)

    the tracking url, is static and can only point 1 recipient...is there a way to have a dynamic variable in that url depending on the recipient like so:

    <img src="track.php?email_id=100&recipient_email=[name@email.com](mailto:name@email.com)" />

    the dynamic part would be ["name@email.com](mailto:"name@email.com)"

    the only way I can think of is never use cc or bcc or multiple recipients, instead send separate emails for each, only down side they wont see in the email who are the other recipients and who are the cc

    submitted by /u/yamyoume
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    Learning app development through XCode (for iOS) but I find learning the IDE grueling

    Posted: 17 May 2019 08:57 AM PDT

    Is this normal?

    I find it boring and just wish I can go right to the coding part. Struggling with the patience.

    submitted by /u/eisfina
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    Why is Java considered "Portable"?

    Posted: 17 May 2019 07:52 AM PDT

    I am currently learning Java and Im curious as to why Java is considered "portable". From what I understand the point is that Java is not compiled directly into executable machine code, but rather bytecode to be run by the JVM. This is allegedly advantageous because you don't have to write a compiler for every implementation of hardware you may be using because the JVM will do the heavy lifting for you.

    So to get to the point, why is it more efficient to have a different JVM implementation for every type of CPU, rather than writing straight up compilers for every different CPU? What is the big difference that I am missing?

    Forgive me if the question is confusing I'm a brand new CS student.

    submitted by /u/compilethisplz
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    Does Facebook/Instagram have different API levels?

    Posted: 17 May 2019 07:45 AM PDT

    I have a client saying that she did some things on a web application that are not possible anymore after a change in face/ig API with her token and now is only possible with a partner or premium access token, but I'm not finding any documentation on it. Can anyone provide a link with some information to help me understand what she's talking about?


    submitted by /u/raduannassar
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