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    Saturday, February 5, 2022

    What have you been working on recently? [February 05, 2022] learn programming

    What have you been working on recently? [February 05, 2022] learn programming

    What have you been working on recently? [February 05, 2022]

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 09:00 PM PST

    What have you been working on recently? Feel free to share updates on projects you're working on, brag about any major milestones you've hit, grouse about a challenge you've ran into recently... Any sort of "progress report" is fair game!

    A few requests:

    1. If possible, include a link to your source code when sharing a project update. That way, others can learn from your work!

    2. If you've shared something, try commenting on at least one other update -- ask a question, give feedback, compliment something cool... We encourage discussion!

    3. If you don't consider yourself to be a beginner, include about how many years of experience you have.

    This thread will remained stickied over the weekend. Link to past threads here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Any free course to get stronger into POO fundamentals?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 07:44 AM PST

    Often I read the best thing to do is learning and mastering fundamentals rather than specific programming lenguages. Anyone can recommed videos/ coruses to get stronger into fundamentals? I researched youtube and aside this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SiBw7os-_zI&t=1117s I couldn´t find more great courses.

    >This is my first post.

    Thanks in advance community

    submitted by /u/TheMaxis7
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    Is it possible to learn/practice backend without learning front end (looking forward to learning Spring)? If yes, how?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 11:25 PM PST

    I came by a youtube video earlier pointing out that one should learn front end first before learning back end. How true is this?

    submitted by /u/mekmasoafro
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    What are the projects that got you hired?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 01:28 PM PST

    So I'm not a very creative person. When I think of projects to build to add to my personal portfolio, all that comes to mind is stuff like a calculator or BMI calculator but that's pretty boring and probably not that impressive.

    So for working devs who've landed well paying roles at awesome companies, what are the projects that got you hired?


    submitted by /u/jgonzalez-cs
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    Newbie - 28yo deciding to change careers.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 11:44 PM PST

    Hey guys!

    I have a question (pls don't roast if too basic). After working in Tech for the last 5 years - B2B sales - I'm ready to REALLY work in tech haha!

    I started FreeCodeCamp in early January and am really enjoying it. I have every intention of completing all the modules. However, when should I start applying for Dev jobs? Once I finish them all? Or can I start once I have a few projects in my portfolio?


    submitted by /u/smallcheesebigbrain
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    I am thinking to start doing the free certification courses available on homepage of FreeCodeCamp.org in a few months. Will it be a good choice ??

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 08:22 AM PST

    Basically title and also...
    As their site suggests I was thinking to do all of them in order. In terms of time I have got a lot like more than a year and half.

    submitted by /u/RTG7041
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    Recommended beginner-friendly programming language for learning how to code a game, preferably for Linux.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 01:02 AM PST

    And where I can access and write the code?

    submitted by /u/Mind_lux
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    Is it software engineering the best for me?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 07:37 AM PST

    Hello everyone! My name is Mariana and I'm 15 years old. I've known I want to do something related with computers for a year. But, I've only just started learning how to program since it was thing that had interested me the most. Just with these few days studying Python on my own with a book called "Automate the Boring Stuff with Python", I've realized that this is definitely what I want to study. I've been living in Spain for a few years (I'm from Venezuela), and I've always wanted to go to university. The only career that caught my attention was Software Engineering (for its great demand and its salary) but I don't know if this is the best career for what I want to study. I know that I still have a few years to go before I have to worry about these things, but I'd like to know from the beginning what it's the best for me to do. What do you think? PS: Sorry if I misspelled something, I'm still learning English!

    submitted by /u/bellunis01
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    Codeacademy or Odin Project?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 01:44 PM PST

    Hey y'all! I'm looking to make a career change from marketing to computer science, and before I start looking at Master's programs/bootcamps I want to get a general understanding of coding languages and make a few projects. Both CodeAcademy and the Odin Project these seem highly recommended. Which do y'all prefer?

    submitted by /u/Critical_Egg
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    FREE Golang development course (looking for students)

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 09:01 AM PST

    Hello here!

    I'm going to start a new cycle of golang/backend development course. We'll have a small squad (about 10 peeps) and weekly lessons (via zoom or google meet). We will start from very scratch, so no exp in programming is fine to start.

    The main idea - make it FREE and accessible for everyone. Ping me for details if you are interested (5 slots left) :)

    submitted by /u/bkatrenko
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    Does learning Assembly programming actually help?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 10:12 PM PST

    I know a few people who are amazing coders/software engineers and they all have one thing in common and that is they've coded in assembly language. People say you can learn how under the hood works, but does that translate to writing better code in Python and other languages?

    submitted by /u/AA-CS
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    Best compiler for c and c++ in linux??

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 02:59 AM PST

    I'm starting out with c and c++ and lots of options available for compiling an anybody suggest one??

    submitted by /u/kunal_00
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    my first "real" project

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 07:50 AM PST

    Hi guys!

    As the title says, I've been programming for a while, and making stuff here and there, but this is my first one that I'm ready to share.

    It's basically A TicTacToe AI, that has 3 different difficulty settings, you can also play against a friend.

    criticism appreciated, also please star if you like it thanks :).

    link: https://github.com/ShadowHunter15/TicTacToeAI-and-2-players

    submitted by /u/shadowhunter2468
    [link] [comments]

    Not as smart as I think I am

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 09:28 AM PST

    Hey guys/gals, I would like your help please.

    I have a Technician Diploma in Electronics and during my studies, we had two courses on programming. One was a very very bare bones intro to C++ and the other was a course on Microcontrollers, for that one we used Assembly. Before I started those courses I was a code virgin. The closest I came to coding before that was Excel spreadsheets.

    Because C++ took my virginity, I feel somewhat loyal to her. I won't mind learning (taking a look at) Java, Javascript, C, C# and Python in the future, but for now it is C++.

    A few years back I downloaded VScommunity2017. I have used it on and off over the few years, now i wanna get back on. But. I wanna get deep(ish). So, at this point I can write very very very simple programs on it, Payroll calculator, 555 calculator, Area/Volume calculator all going to a console application. But I want to do more, with buttons and input/output fields and stuff, I would also like to have my programs on other devices.

    The thing is that VScommunity is pretty intimidating, I see stuff like xaml, xml, sln, stdafx, proj, asp.net, uwp, ndk, sdk etc etc and I have no idea how any of that stuff works, and i think i need to. I do google searches and well, I am not satisfied with what I find. Can anybody recommend a text or resource that would help me, build from the ground up in a methodical way ??

    Also, would I be better off with VScode instead ?? Seeing I am not a major software dude.

    submitted by /u/milliAmpere14
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    How do I get started with web development?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 07:03 AM PST


    I started lerning on Codecademy. I learned the basics of HTML, CSS and JS, and that is all very good but I have no idea how to use these languages together and have absolutely no idea what programs to use when coding a website, or that how do I upload a website. If any of you guys could give me some advice about where to learn about these things or what program I should use I would be very greatful

    submitted by /u/PBalazs23
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    Holy job-crafting Batman!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 03:47 PM PST

    I do digital media, and it doesn't pay very well at all ($47k out of college). I have been studying Python for the past few months, and it's been making me better at excel, which we use every day. My coworkers don't care to learn the intricacies I've gotten familiar with, and that is awesome for me!

    I was always an "excel guy" but recently , I've gotten into power query and power bi. I've taken buy summaries and naming conventions for digital campaigns - a couple of super manual, super tedious, ~3hr processes with a ton of QA, and automated them both with power bi. It isn't "programming" outright, but reading through the M language and picking up on the syntax and thinking through the data is still good for me. It's also nice to see at a low level how str() and number.totext() do the same thing.

    What's more, my boss has agreed to let me do more of that and less of my media planning stuff in the future. She sees the utility in it and from where I'm sitting this is getting paid to learn programming. I did have to take the initiative a bit, but I actually enjoyed it a lot and I look forward to learning more!

    TLDR: Automated a thing, and my boss is letting me automate more things!

    submitted by /u/AllThotsAllowed
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    Best Tableau Books for data Scientists to read

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 08:25 AM PST

    Using Tableau improves the way analytics teams comprehend and present data, in turn strengthening collective data scientist skill sets. It's also excellent for quickly pulling together reports when they are needed—without having to manually build visualizations. Check out these best Tableau books for Data Science that help data scientists.

    submitted by /u/sivasiriyapureddy
    [link] [comments]

    Career switch

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 08:06 AM PST

    Hi guys, I'm sure you've seen a million posts with this same headline. I'm 25 years old and hold an upper management position in the automotive sales industry.

    Long story short I hate it, I've been in the business for 7 years now and I make good money, commission based so anywhere from $120k-$200k but the hours are awful and it's not what I'm passionate about.

    I attended college for 2 years out of high school majoring in computer science and dropped out to start working and make some money which has paid off in some ways and set me back in other.

    I was fired from my last position unexpectedly (pretty common in the industry) and with my newfound downtime I taught myself how to code. In my two years of college I didn't write a single line of code. I taught myself python using freecodecamp and code academy as well as some different YouTube videos and now I teach myself by reading the developer docs. After about a week of learning python I made a discord bot that plays YouTube videos as audio and has a built in queue system with skipping, over 20 commands and a casino system that stores unique user info in JSON files such as current money, debt system, reputation system, and wins/loss tracking. I have added a blackjack 21 game with a live deck of cards, a craps game just like you'd play at a casino with dice and real simulated odds. And I added a guessing game which is pretty simple, guess a number with three tries to guess.

    Making something like this made me want to pursue a career as a developer and I just want feedback as to what my logical next steps would be. I've started learning JavaScript and am taking the full-stack program on codeacademy.

    I want to apply to codesmith and try to get into their camp as it seems like the most in-depth program and they have great graduation and placement rates but doing so means I need to quit my job and focus on just programming for about 6 months or so.

    What are some things I should be focusing on? What do some of you make and how long did it take you to get there?


    I hate my job, I want to quit and attend a boot camp at codesmith and want people to share similar experiences they have or different experiences that led them to building a career out of programming.

    submitted by /u/RazzmatazzDifficult3
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    looking for fellow newbies to learn together

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 07:45 AM PST

    Hi there, people from around the globe. I am here looking for fellow devs or tech people to learn and share stuff together for a long term. This will also mean friendships and lots of talking. Looking for people into python, js, java, php and basic html/css stuffs. Do text me, will be waiting.

    ps : need someone to teach me git, so i can upload and modify stuffs daily.

    submitted by /u/Theusualsuspecct
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    Another noobie Visual Studio C++ question...

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 07:03 AM PST

    Hello experts! I need your help with something very simple please. When I run my little 'datability' program the math never works. I imagine that I'm doing something wrong with how I am updating the 'score' variable. But I don't know what the mistake is. The scores I am getting are wonky and don't make sense. Any ideas?

    #include <iostream>

    using namespace std;

    int main() {

    // Define variables

    int score;

    char height;

    char money;

    char body;

    char kids;

    char house;

    char personality;

    string title;

    // Assign values to variables

    score = 0;

    // Introduction

    cout << "Are you a man who want's to know if he stands a chance in the brutal world of online dating?\n";

    cout << "If so, take the following quick quiz and get your 'datability score' right now!\n";

    cout << "Your 'datability' will be determined on a scale of 0-100.\n";

    cout << "It's quick, easy, fun, and guranteed accurate! Know your worth and get out there tiger!\n";

    // Height question 25pts

    cout << "\nHow tall are you?\n";

    cout << "\nA Under 6ft.";

    cout << "\nB Over 6ft\n";

    cin >> height;

    cout << endl;

    switch (height) {

    case 'A':

    case 'a': score = score - 25; // short deduct 25

    case 'B':

    case 'b': score = score + 25; // tall add 25


    default: cout << "\nYou must pick A, B or C.";


    cout << "\nYour current score is:" << score << endl;

    // Money question 20pts

    cout << "\nHow much money do you make?\n";

    cout << "\nA 40k and uder\n";

    cout << "\nB 40-50K\n";

    cout << "\nC 50-60K\n";

    cout << "\nD 60-80K\n";

    cout << "\nE 80k and up \n";

    cout << endl;

    cin >> money;

    switch (money) {

    case 'A':

    case 'a': score = score - 20; // 40K and under deduct 20

    case 'B':

    case 'b': score = score - 10; // 30-40K deduct 10

    case 'C':

    case 'c': score = score + 10; // 40-50K add 10

    case 'D':

    case 'd': score = score + 15; // 60-80K add 15

    case 'E':

    case 'e': score = score + 20; // 80K+ add 20


    default: cout << "\nYou must pick A, B, C, D, or E.";


    cout << "\nYour current score is:" << score << endl;

    // Body type 20pts

    cout << "\nHow would you describe your body type?\n";

    cout << "\nA Skinny\n";

    cout << "\nB Average \n";

    cout << "\nC Fat\n";

    cout << "\nD Muscular\n";

    cout << "\nE Jacked\n";

    cout << endl;

    cin >> body;

    switch (body) {

    case 'A':

    case 'a': score = score - 5; // deduct 5 for skinny

    case 'B':

    case 'b': score = score; // no change for average

    case 'C':

    case 'c': score = score - 20; // deduct 20 for fat

    case 'D':

    case 'd': score = score + 15; // add 15 for muscular

    case 'E':

    case 'e': score = score + 20; // add 20 for jacked


    default: cout << "\nYou must pick A, B, C, D, E, or F.";


    cout << "\nYour current score is:" << score << endl;

    // Kids 15pts

    cout << "\nHow old are your kids?\n";

    cout << "\nA Under 18\n";

    cout << "\nB Over 18\n";

    cout << "\nC No kids\n";

    cout << endl;

    cin >> kids;

    switch (kids) {

    case 'A':

    case 'a': score = score - 15; // deduct 15 kids under 18

    case 'B':

    case 'b': score = score + 10; // add 10 kids over 18

    case 'C':

    case 'c': score = score + 15; // add 15 no kids


    default: cout << "\nYou must pick A, B, or C.";


    cout << "\nYour current score is:" << score << endl;

    // Homeowner 15pts

    cout << "\nWhat is your living sitiuation?\n";

    cout << "\nA You own a house\n";

    cout << "\nB You own a condo\n";

    cout << "\nC You rent an apartment\n";

    cout << "\nD You live with your parents\n";

    cout << "\nE You live with friends \n";

    cout << endl;

    cin >> house;

    switch (house) {

    case 'A':

    case 'a': score = score + 15; // add 15 for homeowner

    case 'B':

    case 'b': score = score + 10; // add 10 for condo owner

    case 'C':

    case 'c': score = score + 5; // add 5 for apartment

    case 'D':

    case 'd': score = score - 15; // deduct 15 for living with parents

    case 'E':

    case 'e': score = score - 10; // deduct 10 for living with friends


    default: cout << "\nYou must pick A, B, C, D, or E.";


    cout << "\nYour current score is:" << score << endl;

    // Personality 5pts

    cout << "\nHow would you describ your personality?\n";

    cout << "\nA Narcisist\n";

    cout << "\nB Modest\n";

    cout << "\nC Outgoing\n";

    cout << "\nD Dominant\n";

    cout << "\nE Submissive \n";

    cout << "\nF Cocky\n";

    cout << "\nG Alpha Male\n";

    cout << endl;

    cin >> personality;

    switch (personality) {

    case 'A':

    case 'a': score = score + 3; // add 3 for narcasist

    case 'B':

    case 'b': score = score - 2; // subtract 2 for modest

    case 'C':

    case 'c': score = score + 3; // add 3 for outgoing

    case 'D':

    case 'd': score = score + 3; // add 3 for dominate

    case 'E':

    case 'e': score = score - 4; // deduct 3 for submissive

    case 'F':

    case 'f': score = score + 4; // add 4 for cocky

    case 'G':

    case 'g': score = score; +5; // add 5 for alpha male


    default: cout << "\nYou must pick A, B, C, D, E, F, or G.";


    cout << "\nYour current score is:" << score << endl;

    // Rankings and titles based on scores

    if (score >= 100) {

    title = "The most desireable man on Earth";


    if ((score >= 95) && (score <= 100)) {

    title = "The cream of the crop.";


    if ((score >= 90) && (score <= 95)) {

    title = "Competition for Brad Pitt.";


    if ((score <= 89) && (score >= 80)) {

    title = "Eye candy";


    if ((score <= 79) && (score >= 70)) {

    title = "Good for a backup option";


    if ((score <= 69) && (score >= 60)) {

    title = "Don't get to picky";


    if ((score <= 59) && (score >= 50)) {

    title = "Keep your options open";


    if (score < 50) {

    title = "You can always get a pet";


    else {

    title = "Your classifacation does not compute! Error!";


    cout << "\nThe final tally is in and your score has been calcuated! \n";

    cout << "\nYour official title is: " << "'" << title << "'" << " with a datability score of:" << score << endl;


    submitted by /u/HumbleAd4170
    [link] [comments]

    I need help with heading tags

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 06:47 AM PST

    I'm doing an html challenge in mimo app and it asks me to replicate a website

    It needs two heading tags and I give the first heading an <h1> heading and the other one an <h2> heading, then the app corrects me saying there should be an <h3> heading where I put the <h2> heading. Isn't it wrong to skip heading tags?

    This is the code in question, this is the correct code according to mimo app.

    <!doctype html>




    <p>Chirp what's on your mind</p>

    <img src="https://mimo.app/i/moonlanding.png" width=50>


    <p>The moon is an interesting place to be. I recommend it.</p>



    submitted by /u/sachi3
    [link] [comments]

    Which database pool middleware approach is more efficient?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 01:26 AM PST

    I'd like to know how these approaches work, as reading the documentation just confuses me exactly what happens.

    1. Pool module, required where needed

    Does a pool get created each time we require the pool? If the pool module is required in 3 places, will 3 separate pools exist?


    const pool = mysql.createPool(db); pool.query = util.promisify(pool.query); module.exports = pool; 


    const pool = require("../pool"); await pool.query(query); 

    2. Route middleware, with a passed in request property

    This way there is only one pool (I think), and only that one is used. Does it work as I think it does?


    const middleware = require("./middleware.js"); let app = express(); let pool = mysql.createPool(db); app.all("/api/*", middleware(pool)); 


    module.exports = (pool) => { return (req, res, next) => { pool.getConnection((err, conn) => { const asyncQuery = util.promisify(conn.query).bind(conn); req.asyncQuery = asyncQuery; // <--------- pass pool up the chain req.connection = conn; next(); }); }; }; 


    router.get("/api/route", async (req, res, next) => { try { await req.asyncQuery(query); // <-------- use the passed in pool res.status(200).send(rows); } catch (err) { next(err); } finally { req.connection.release(); } }); 
    submitted by /u/8483
    [link] [comments]

    Suggestions for creating a program/GUI which I can use to help myself learn music theory

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 09:51 AM PST

    Hello everyone, I'm planning on starting my first big coding project and I need some advice. I realize the title of this post must sound incredibly vague, so in order to give you a bit of an idea of what I am envisioning I'll provide a bit of background info:

    I am an amateur piano player, I know how to read notes and with some practice I can play intermediate stuff from sheet music pretty well. I have gotten into Jazz lately, and in order to get good at playing this genre you need to rely heavily on music theory (and of course practice) to advance. I have exactly zero knowledge on music theory however.

    I have also been wanting to improve my coding skills for quite some time now. I figured I'd get two birds with one stone by creating some sort of app/GUI, in which I can make tabs with text on concepts from musical theory, incorporate audio files in combination with a piano widget of some sort, and finally make quizzes to test myself on recognizing musical scales, chords, harmony etc. My idea is to slowly build up a personal library with text & examples that I collect from various sources.

    I have basic experience in Python and Matlab. I've been looking a bit into Tkinter, but before I start diving into it I figured I'd get some advise first.

    I guess my main question would be:

    - Are there any programming languages, or existing libraries in these programming languages that lend themselves specifically well for the sort of interactive environment/GUI I am envisioning? I wouldn't mind picking up a new programming language.

    Of course other tips are super welcome as well!

    submitted by /u/arkepuntnldachttwel
    [link] [comments]

    Idk if i should continue my Unity studies,or look for something else

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 09:45 AM PST

    Im almost 50% through an online Unity engine guide,but ive read some things about unity being glitchy and c# aint that popular of a language,unlike c++ and java

    submitted by /u/MultiWarrior
    [link] [comments]

    How is Java used in development other than making web back ends/android dev?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 09:42 AM PST

    Hi! It's me again. My last post in this subreddit is all about the back end/front end stuff. Honestly, I kind of overwhelmed by how complicated the back ends can get.

    Moreover, I want to learn the other applications of Java programming in the industry other than being a back end of websites/applications.

    We are taught Java in our uni as Information Systems student and I'm not sure if I can use it.

    submitted by /u/mekmasoafro
    [link] [comments]

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