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    Wednesday, May 12, 2021

    Question for freelance Web Devs web developers

    Question for freelance Web Devs web developers

    Question for freelance Web Devs

    Posted: 12 May 2021 01:22 PM PDT

    Who is your go to hosting platform and why?

    How do you handle customers when it comes to domains and hosting? - Do you pay for it first and transfer to them or do you have them purchase it and give you access? what's your process?

    submitted by /u/zxcharyy
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    Minimum requirements for first junior job ?

    Posted: 12 May 2021 07:02 AM PDT

    What the hell is wrong with the job descriptions ? I see lots of job descriptions like: "We're seeking a junior developer with 4-5 years of experience in JavaScript and its frameworks such as Angular, Vue." I feel like I won't ever get my first job. What should I learn to get my first front end job, and can I learn a lot on the job ? (New languages, frameworks, libraries, backend, databases etc.)

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/erenftw
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    Technology afraid parent needs advice for preteen son looking for learning resource in video format

    Posted: 12 May 2021 02:50 PM PDT

    My son is looking for a video series to aid in building a site from scratch. Any advise is not expected but definitely appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Urbandale-Apiary
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    Ways, tools, or tips for how frontend devs communicate needs to backend devs

    Posted: 12 May 2021 02:14 PM PDT

    What are some good or official ways that frontend developers communicate to backend developers what data they need, or is currently missing, or when something needs changing?

    I don't know any other way other than just direct conversation, and being like "hey can you add this". But that seems very unofficial, inefficient, and when there's a lot of people, hard to track. I keep thinking that there must be some better way to organise those kinds of requirements and to keep track of progress and status.

    And to make my question clear, if anyone is thinking along the lines of "just use trello"; trello is too generic, and solves delegating tasks in general. But i'm looking for something more specific for this kind of usage, and something that makes it hard to "misuse" and make a mess of. If a frontend developer tells me they want an extra piece of data, what i would hope is to see it in a visually significant way, not just text that says to implement a thing. ...if you know what i mean. Hopefully this sounds like a reasonable request and i don't sound like i'm off my meds. Sorry if i explained it poorly.

    submitted by /u/Calvin_Schmalvin
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    Low level design in JavaScript

    Posted: 12 May 2021 01:14 PM PDT

    Are there any good resources to learn LLD in JavaScript, thank you

    submitted by /u/runsterr
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    Software development topics I've changed my mind on after 6 years in the industry

    Posted: 11 May 2021 11:09 PM PDT

    How to work with a dev wants to charge a lot for a simple code change?

    Posted: 12 May 2021 03:12 PM PDT

    I'm working with a dev who wants to bill 4 hours for a coding change that is literally changing

    pricelist = '1' 

    to pricelist = '2'

    The dev also did not consult with me initially as to which pricelist code to use, they just picked one and now want to charge me to change it.

    I'm totally fine with paying something for the time to make the change (although 4 hours seems inflated), but my main concern is how to have a conversation so this does not happen again.

    Any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/janet-eugene-hair
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    facebook/docusaurus v2 beta finally released, after 2 years of alphas

    Posted: 12 May 2021 10:23 AM PDT

    Should K-12 students learn NoCode instruments instead of real programming? Maybe it’s better to teach them how to build Instagram in 1 hour instead of trying to explain full web dev stack?

    Posted: 12 May 2021 10:07 AM PDT

    CSS Houdini - a set of low-level APIs that exposes parts of the CSS engine, giving developers the power to extend CSS by hooking into the styling and layout process of a browser’s rendering engine. Houdini is a group of APIs that give developers direct access to the CSS Object Model (CSSOM)

    Posted: 12 May 2021 03:51 PM PDT

    Building a media scroller component

    Posted: 12 May 2021 11:00 AM PDT

    Need help understanding the Event-driven Architecture

    Posted: 12 May 2021 07:31 AM PDT

    Hi, I have developed some interest in doing more than making REST APIs and trying to learn the EDA. It looks familiar and simple. Fire an event to do something, and those who are interested (or subscribed to that event) will do their thing.

    As an example, my app emits an event to send an email, and then the email service can send an email. No REST APIs needed.

    I have looked into AWS SQS, RabbitMQ and Bull (redis based).

    Coming to the question, I had

    1. Is browser DOM EDA? We add event-listeners and emit event.
    2. Is Redux (a state management library) EDA? Action (emit event) -> Reducer (listener).

    Also, can you provide any hint, example or links to resources to dig deeper and learn more about similar interesting things/architectures?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/Faheemify
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    Trouble switching to a different tech-stack?

    Posted: 12 May 2021 12:05 PM PDT

    My current situation:

    • 2YOE (1st job out of college - large well-known company)
    • Full Stack: Angular, SpringBoot, MySql
    • Remote for now, but will have to go back *eventually* (uncertainty)
    • Stagnant

    What I want:

    • Full remote, better pay
    • React based stack or front-end
    • Room for growth

    However, I'm finding it difficult to get any company to show actual interest in me unless it is the same stack that I'm trying to get away from. I could just coast here and get promoted but that sounds awful and the work has become boring.

    Note: My manager has offered me a tech-lead position a few times now. I have refused each time as I believe taking extra work without the promise of a promotion is simply self-sabotage. However, he has indicated he thinks the best way to get promoted is to take on extra responsibility. At the same time, regardless, he has told me I'm next in line for a promotion when one becomes available (carrot on stick?). This means little to me as I want to leave this company anyways as it has become stifling.

    I have been doing personal projects in the technologies I want to use at my next job just to have something to show on my resume but I haven't had much luck yet despite that.

    1. How have you gone about switching stacks in your careers?
    2. "I have refused each time as I believe taking extra work [tech lead offer] without the promise of a promotion is simply self-sabotage" - is this mindset just wrong? I already am drained enough after paired programming 8 hours a day to barely be able to work on personal projects after work to aid my job search.


    submitted by /u/turtbot
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    Have a website which allows submission of small images - how to prevent abuse?

    Posted: 12 May 2021 04:28 AM PDT

    So I have a website that - by necessity - allows users to upload small images and have them available for others to view. The images themselves are stored in GCP storage, and have a retention of 1 month. There is no way to search the images, so only the uploader would ever be able to know the address it can be viewed at.

    What can I do to prevent the use of this storage maliciously? Note I can't require login or anything like that, and I do want the project to eventually be open source (of course there are no credentials being exposed in the source code). I feel like my little api is not worth anyone's time to use in a malicious way, but at the same time I have a perhaps irrational worry that I am going to get an email from the FBI someday about the trove of illicit images I unknowingly am storing or find a $10,000,000 bill from GCP for charges I didn't think were possible to wrack up.

    Am I being silly? What are reasonable steps to take to mitigate any such risks?

    submitted by /u/rollie82
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    Installing wordpress with Nuxt

    Posted: 12 May 2021 01:39 PM PDT

    So I have a website running nuxt at domain.com and now I want two pages to be served by WordPress i.e domain.com/a and domain.com/b while rest should be served by Nuxt.

    I am using nginx webserver and NUXT website is running using proxy_path and wordpress is running using fastcgi

    Any leads on approaching the same?

    submitted by /u/vivekkairi
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    A question, is it possible to upload react project to GitHub without installing git?

    Posted: 12 May 2021 10:11 AM PDT

    I have made a react project, I know it's a better way to have git on your pc, but still I was wondering if there's some way to upload react project to GitHub without git installed?

    submitted by /u/isthisneeded29
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    I found a post from reddit front end dev team

    Posted: 12 May 2021 09:46 AM PDT

    Experienced Devs: What questions should I ask my first “client”?

    Posted: 12 May 2021 03:33 PM PDT

    Hi everybody,

    I'm a student dev, working my first job as a React developer. I wanted to take on some personal projects to improve my skills and build my resume.

    Conveniently, a local boutique needs an e-commerce website, so I offered to give it a shot (for free of course). I have my first meeting with her this weekend, and as I've never done this before I have no idea what I should be asking her.

    Thus, my question to experienced developers is:

    What should I be asking her? How should I approach this?

    Keep in mind, this is my first full scale project, and I will be doing everything myself, so I want to go in as well prepared as I can.

    Thanks in advance! Anything helps!

    submitted by /u/GeoJordau
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    We need help finding a new web developer we can trust. What’s the best platform for this?

    Posted: 12 May 2021 08:53 AM PDT

    We hired a "company" of 2 dudes to build out a website for us. Not overly complicated, Shopify store, pretty straight forward stuff. We've been grossly over charged (to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars) and we just need to duplicate a site that we've already built out for a new brand. All of the Shopify developers seem pretty unskilled. We're just looking for some accountability and expertise. Is there a site like Angie's List (lol, super boomer example, I know) for web developers? We need to move fast. Thank you guys.

    submitted by /u/finmaceleven
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    easiest backend / database solution?

    Posted: 12 May 2021 02:46 PM PDT

    my background:

    i have a CS degree and i do enterprise level front end development. at work i use angular, polymer, several different CSS frameworks, and i also do a bunch of mockups, wire framing, and general UX design. i live in a very javascript and typescript heavy world, but i started my career as a java developer (haven.t touched it in like 6 years or so) so i come from a object oriented perspective.

    my need:

    i need to standup a backend and database for a personal project. i need to:

    • upload and store photos.
    • upload and store text, basically blog type posts.
    • edit and delete those posts.
    • maybe create users with passwords.

    and that.s it really. i.ve built a similar personal project using firebase, this time i.d like to do something like MEAN, but that is my question...

    my question:

    what is the easiest way to standup a nosql database with some sort of backend/middleware to create the api endpoints with a bit of logic? my needs are pretty simple and i don.t want to delve deep into the backend world. i just need to create a pretty boilerplate CRUD backend and database. is MEAN the way to go? is there something easier?

    submitted by /u/tohearstories
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    Question about creating a restaurant’s website

    Posted: 12 May 2021 02:43 PM PDT

    I'm new to programming so I'm very sorry if I'm overcomplicating things or using incorrect terminology. The languages I know are HTML, CSS, JS, and PHP and I am currently creating a website for my uncle's restaurant. Right now, I am trying to create a page for the menu. At first, I was just typing out all of the items of the menu onto the HTML file, but I figured that it was inefficient so I looked into other methods. One way I found was to use Google Sheets as REST API (https://sheety.co/), and the other way was to use some sort of database like MySQL. I first experimented with the REST API because it will be easier and more convenient for the restaurant to manage the website's menu with the google spreadsheet. However, when I was fixing the styling and everything, the REST API stopped working because I used up the free plan somehow(200 calls per month). There's another API that has the same functionalities, except its free plan includes 500 requests per month. If I already used up 200 requests from just coding, I am not sure if 500 requests is enough for the restaurant. My uncle wants to minimize the cost of making and maintains the website as much as possible so I was wondering if we should pay for a higher plan for more API calls, or figure out how to use a database like MySQL instead. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/this_is-my-user-name
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    Chinese company wants my domain, what to do?

    Posted: 12 May 2021 01:11 AM PDT

    Hi, so I own a domain on the .me TLD, which I'm going to call banana.me throughout this post.

    Now this morning, when I woke up, I received this e-mail:

    (If you are not CEO, please kindly forward this to your CEO or General Manager, because this is urgent. If you believe this has been sent to you in error, please ignore it. Thanks)

    Dear CEO,

    This email is from China domain name registration center. Recently, we received an application from TangChi Ltd requested banana as their Brand Name and some asian domain names(.cn, .hk etc.). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it's necessary to send email to you and confirm whether or not you authorize them to register those names?

    Here some facts:

    - I'm located in Europe and use this Domain for my porftolio and other applications on subdomains. Some of these applications are widely used across the internet and the damage of transferring them to a new domain would be huge, not financially wise, but usage wise for the users as they are mostly free
    - The domain banana.com is already in use by a german hotel group - which I would imagine has a trademark on their domain
    - The .me TLD domain is registered with an European registrar and .me belongs to Montenegros

    I'm confused if this e-mail is type of "Hand over the domain or we go to court" or "We know we can't force you so we are looking into other measures after you informed us that it's possible to transfer"?

    How should I go on with this?

    submitted by /u/Tanckom
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    Got asked to set up a simple static website, what are my options in 2021? (Hosting providers, publishing, SSGs)

    Posted: 12 May 2021 07:04 AM PDT

    Hi, I was recently asked to set up a simple static website. I am a programmer by trade so I am pretty competent in navigating and using the various platforms and processes available to set up a website these days. Admittedly I haven't done this in about 6 years which is a lot as far as the web is concerned.

    In terms of easily deploying a website to a hosting provider / platform, what are my options? Have any good suggestions? I have worked with GoDaddy's shared hosting before and it was so slow after everything was said and done that I would rather not go back to it. I don't really want to use WordPress either as the overhead is overkill.

    I suspect there are platforms / services today that can deploy static (or dynamic) websites / SPAs in a streamlined process. I have direct experience with deploying React apps in Heroku. I am wondering if there is a product, service, or hosting provider I don't know about that is easy to use and can do what I need with as little overhead as possible. Even if these services / platforms require programming or web-dev knowledge that is not a problem at all. Any suggestions or recommendations would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/dptillinfinity93
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