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    Monday, May 10, 2021

    Iconic — Free “do wtf you want with” pixel-perfect icons web developers

    Iconic — Free “do wtf you want with” pixel-perfect icons web developers

    Iconic — Free “do wtf you want with” pixel-perfect icons

    Posted: 10 May 2021 05:52 AM PDT

    How much is it worth to learn Algorithms & Data Structures stuff as a web developer?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 03:06 AM PDT

    Hi people,

    help me investing my time better. I've been working as a full stack web developer for 3 years. At job, I handle pretty common web development stuff: I develop user interfaces with React, RESTful APIs with various Node.js frameworks, etc.

    Reading stuff online in the recent weeks, I noticed more and more my weakness, as a coder, in the more theoretical / abstract coding stuff. I've never studied Computer Science and I self-taught as a full stack web developer because I simply wanted to quit a previous shitty job.
    So I'm considering starting to learn about Algorithms & Data Structures on well-known resources such as Hacking the Code Interview or LeetCode.

    The problem is... I've never encountered a single practical occasion at job where I needed to know this leetcode stuff to solve a issue. It seems to me that web development is more practical (DOM Manipulation etc).
    I work in Italy, far from the Silicon Valley tech giants and they never asked me stuff like that during interviews either. I mean... they asked me in some interviews basic coding challenge stuff like "create a function that verifies that a string is a palindrome", but they never asked me "what's a linked list", "implement a bubble sort algorithm".

    I feel a little bit ashamed, as a self-taught developer, to not know most common algorithms but at the same time, since that stuff is pretty hard, boring and takes some time to learn it, I don't know if it will be worth it or useful at all at job if I take some months and my free time to study it.

    submitted by /u/probeheadz
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    I'm so impressed every week from Saturday showoff, but where did you guys all start?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 10:40 AM PDT

    I got a job recently, luckily due to a friend, and I can just feel how much I have improved from last year and years before. I remember struggling to read react code 3 years ago now I would say I am very proficient at it.

    I started from a Webdesign class in 2017, something I did during my gap year


    Back then, I had no idea where I would be headed, but I'm so proud to have come so far

    I want to hear about some of your journeys!

    submitted by /u/verysad1997
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    Do technical interviews ever get easier/less nerve wracking?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 01:38 PM PDT

    I'm 4 years into my career as a full stack dev, solidly mid level and I feel like I more or less know my shit at this point, but I still get the jitters so bad during technical assessments. I feel like it takes me a solid 10 minutes to wrap my head around the problem I'm asked to solve, and I have total brain farts whenever I hit a snag. I try to talk through my thought process as I go which helps and which I know is what the interviewers want to see, but I just feel like I can never truly flex my skills in that kind of setting under pressure.

    I've been looking for a new position for a few months, and I have had three now where I do really well up until the "in person" technical round over zoom, and then I shit a brick. Just got out of a technical that I think went pretty well, but who knows. Hoping that this round of searching for a new gig will be some of the last technical assessments I am asked to do, but does it ever get easier? At what point do employers decide you are senior enough that they don't need to grill you with code brain teasers before making an offer?

    submitted by /u/im_at_work_right_n0w
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    Getting a lot of spam for a web domain I recently registered -- is this normal?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 10:20 PM PDT

    I registered a domain for a personal project about a month ago. It was a pretty good .com name, actually. I used domains.google with privacy settings on and established email forwarding for some basic addresses ([contact@domain.com](mailto:contact@domain.com) and a few more). I threw up some landing page versions but haven't really publicized the site at this point--although I used pretty obvious emails. I recently checked my spam folder and realized that I'm actually getting a lot of spam to the contact email for this site. I'm wondering... is this just what one should expect after registering a domain these days, based on what marketing companies do to target newly registered domains?

    submitted by /u/OhhhhhSHNAP
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    Malicious Tor Network Servers Are Targeting Users’ Cryptocurrencies

    Posted: 10 May 2021 09:16 AM PDT

    Any payment processors where you can add a fee to percentage of sales to go directly to you?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 12:09 PM PDT

    I want to know if I can build an ecommerce site or anything where a percentage of revenue comes to me as the dev, automatically. An even better idea would be allocating amounts or percentages to specific accounts to be a part of an item that's listed for sale. Does anyone know a payment gateway that can accomplish that fund allocation with one transaction?

    submitted by /u/LoliChaos
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    Does Google PageSpeed Insights pick up on websites trying to delay javascript from being loaded?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 01:36 PM PDT

    For example I've noticed that Google Tag Manager was responsible decreasing the score of our website by ~30 points. However since it's a needed script, we've tried delaying it from loading by 4 seconds. It did the trick in getting Page Speed Insight to not count it against the site.

    However 1 month later, page speed insight is now picking up the third party JS such as tag manager again. Despite no changes. Which makes me wonder if it is an issue on our end, or if PageSpeed Insight eventually catches on to changes such as this?

    submitted by /u/Okmanl
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    Using an SSL certificate with an SMTP server, same domain as the web server but different IP address

    Posted: 10 May 2021 05:36 AM PDT

    I think the answer is no, but I really don't know how to solve this issue.

    I have a web server set up with Linode with the domain example.com, and I have an SMTP server on a different server using MXRoute that handles the email addresses that end on @example.com.

    MXRoute guides say that I MUST use the domain name (@) or blank on the MX records to point to their email server. The problem is that now I can't set up an SSL certificate since my web server is already using an SSL certificate for that same domain.

    The email works perfectly, I just would like to use SSL IMAP/SMTP ports.

    Is there a way of solving this problem? Will it work if I set up an SSL certificate for mail.example.com or webmail.example.com? (I can request an SSL certificate for these inside MXRoute even though they say that I shouldn't use subdomains to point to their servers, so they sound useless to me)

    submitted by /u/carlosdariodev
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    From 2012 but still relevant (now Leetcode replaces the whiteboard): Can you solve this problem for me on the whiteboard?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 03:42 PM PDT

    Why does position:absolute with a icon within a link seem to center based on the top of the icon instead of the center?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 01:22 PM PDT


    I want the mic button (which is an icon inside an anchor/link) to be visually inside the search bar, centered vertically. This works fine for non-anchor elements, shown by the search icon. But when the icon is within an anchor, and position is absolute (along with the parent being a flex container with align-items: center) then it seems to center based on the top of the icon, instead of the center of the icon

    why is this?

    submitted by /u/Missing_Back
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    Tailwind CSS v2.1 - new JIT engine, first-class support for composable CSS filters & blending mode utilities

    Posted: 10 May 2021 01:17 PM PDT

    How to keep client in sync with server?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 01:02 PM PDT

    So I have some crud operations on an admin app that will have multiple users. For context this is a Express/Mongo backend, VueJs frontend. When a user updates for example a task list, and another user may be viewing a table of those tasks, what is the best way to ensure the user viewing those tasks gets the updated table?

    I know I could probably use websockets for something like this, but that seems like a bit of overkill. Would it be an okay approach to just be generally polling the backend to update data? I'm not too concerned at the moment for minimizing api calls, but I'd still like to put some thought into this.

    The express api is just a basic REST api, so I'm also wondering if there is some sort of package/library to make things like this easy?

    I appreciate any feedback.

    submitted by /u/m1lkstar
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    A high schooler with no prior programming experience trying to create a community service website for my town. What should I do?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 03:06 PM PDT

    I need advice on what framework or software I should use. The community service website works like this:

    People can post community service requests in my town. I need some kind of feature of verification so that a troll doesn't spam and destroy my website, and so that no creepy or dangerous people can use it for luring purposes. I do not know yet how to implement this verification system, so I need advice on this design.

    It has a register function where students and adults can register themselves and put themselves on a schedule calendar/etc for that posted event.

    I have a ton of free time, and I can be a super fast learner when I need to be. How should I start? I know that coding this from scratch may not be possible for my level, but I am willing to take this project on.

    I do not have prior programming experience other than cs50 and some basic html and Javascript. I am currently enthusiastically learning coding.

    submitted by /u/Peashooter8890
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    Is http2 meant for both client and server

    Posted: 10 May 2021 02:01 PM PDT

    I was just going through http2 and its performance over http/1.1

    After reading a bit I understand that the Endpoint, be it a web server or API endpoint should support http2.

    This is where I want to have some clarity.

    If we are consuming a third party REST API which is not in our control and that supports only http/1.1

    In such case can we leverage persistent http connections provided by http2, and though we set protocol as http2 at client side and make a call, as the server doesn't speak http2, it falls back to http/1.1

    Scenario is like if we were to make multiple API calls to a REST endpoint - One of the performant approach is to use http2 - What if the REST endpoint server is still on http/1.1, in this case we can't establish persistent connection from web/api client right? How to efficiently handle this scenario?

    submitted by /u/srk-
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    What's your dream programming language looks like? I tell you mine

    Posted: 10 May 2021 01:50 PM PDT

    For me web development is broken, in the past 16 years the backend development passed from being simple to complex, but the tools are up to the task, in the other hand frontend was extremely easy at the beginning, then came mootools, prototype, jquery and now we have the fantastic four (react, angular, vue and svelte, I think vue is cool and svelte looks promising, but they are not as popular as the first two), in general isn't the fault of this team, but in the frontend you have just too many tools working together that is scary to update some deps or add new ones, is so easy to break your build pipeline, increase your build times and bundle sizes, just to put a .js file you need to run a compiler (tsc), transpiler (babel), css preprocessors (to extract css from js) and then bundle it in a css and js file, but it's incredible how this process becomes complex with the time and tools that are not up to the task, I was really amazed on how big is material-ui and fluent-ui, also last time I checked my node_modules folder was almost 1gb (including dev dependencies, but still). /rant

    Said that I'm having some free time and was looking at some new programming languages (rust and zig to be precise) and was wondering what if we get a language that solve our web development issues, like forget about different tech stacks in the back and frontend, use the same tools, share code between them, have faster iteration times, etc.

    So for me what will be ideal is to have a language that can take advantage of what was promised by nodejs, but also have a official tooling, strong typed, a compiler/interpreter that produces sound code, etc.

    I was thinking that is a cool side project to work on, design a language around the needs of web, by having components instead of controllers, so you can just mount components in your routes (think on how you compose your apps right now, react uses components, laravel has also components, with ruby you have partials, etc). Where each component is self contained, you have your style, view and logic in there, you can just write a method and use the method in your view, you can define front and backend methods, if you call a backend method from your view, the language will do the http request for you, so no need to setup new routes for each request that each component may need. To illustrate a bit better the idea I will put some pseudo code.

    App do get("/", HomeComponent) end component HomeComponent state { model: null } style // the style of the component end pub fn frontend_method() console.log("click") self.state.model = self.backend_method() end fn backend_method() return Model::first() end render() <button onClick={self.frontend_method}>Click me 1</button> {self.state.model} end end 

    Maybe is a crazy or stupid dream but hopefully some day we will see a language that solve merge both issues, but in the mean time we just need to endure our way there. I know when WASM and WASI gets mature enough and well supported across all the major browsers this will easily became true.

    submitted by /u/norman784
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    Search Toggle on Click in React Not Working

    Posted: 10 May 2021 04:28 PM PDT

    I'm trying to make it so that the textbox of a search bar appears when the container of the search icon is clicked on. I will note that I am new to React and barely got the grasp of hooks, but I have the following code:

    // Import react import React, { useState } from 'react'; // Import the styling import styled from 'styled-components'; // Importing the search icon import { Search } from '@styled-icons/heroicons-outline/Search' // Styling the entire search bar container const SearchBarContainer = styled.div` display: flex; position: relative; `; // Styling the input text field const SearchBarInput = styled.input` border: 0; padding: 0; width: 0px; height: 35px; border-radius: 3px position: relative; &.active{ width: 250px; padding: 0 10px; transition: all .5s .2s ease; } `; // Styling the container for the search icon const SearchIconContainer = styled.div` position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0px; width: 35px; height: 100%; background: black; border-radius: 3px; color: black; transition: all .5 .5s ease; &.active{ background: beige; transition: all .3s ease; } `; const SearchIcon = styled(Search)` position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; color: white; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); cursor: pointer; `; // Creating the search bar function SearchBar(props) { const [isActive, setActive] = useState(false); const toggleClass = () => { setActive(!isActive); }; return( <SearchBarContainer> <SearchBarInput active={isActive} /> <SearchIconContainer active={isActive} onClick={toggleClass} > <a href="#"><SearchIcon /></a> </SearchIconContainer> </SearchBarContainer> ); } export default SearchBar; 

    The hook part is taken from post Adding active class with styled component not working. While I understand the

    const [isActive, setActive] = useState(false); const toggleClass = () => { setActive(!isActive); }; 

    parts, I think the issue actually comes in the toggling part. I've also looked at REACT - toggle class onclick, but this requires the use of className, which I'm not sure I'm switching between components, no?

    Any help with this is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Tomatorumrum
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    RSS feed combining articles from multiple webdev newsletters into one (Frontend Focus, Javascript Weekly, Jamstacked & more)

    Posted: 10 May 2021 12:27 PM PDT

    Looping gapless audio with Howler.

    Posted: 10 May 2021 09:52 AM PDT

    I recently been working on my side project which is basicly a background noise generator, however eventhough I get a absolutely perfect looped sounds they get a small gap when they are played using Howler (React-Howler to be precise) and as you can see on my site they get a small gap at the begining of the loop. How can I delete it and make it gapless? You can hear/see what I'm talking about here: https://splawr.com/app and by clicking on random sound (cicadas loop is only a couple of seconds long so you will know what I'm talking about out very quickly).

    submitted by /u/Lushac
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    SSL Certs, DNS, and 404 Errors.

    Posted: 10 May 2021 09:06 AM PDT

    I'm a newcomer to any type of website management, so please bear with my naivete and any obvious mistakes I've made or overlooked here.

    I stood up a webserver (IIS 10), deployed a web app, and was initially accessing the website using the public IPv4 address. I then obtained an SSL cert for a subdomain of our main site, installed that on the server, and then added an A rule to our DNS to direct traffic to https://oursubdomain.domain.com to the aforementioned IPv4.

    For the most part, that's working great! However, on some browsers, it doesn't autoresolve to the https address, and instead throws up a HTTP Error 404 and/or cert error. This can be worked around by manually editing the URL and adding https://, but obviously that's terrible UX and I'm just missing something because I'm a complete novice!

    From googling and poking around on this sub, I figured out that I needed to set up HSTS (done through IIS now), but I still seem to land on the unsecured http site in a new browser. Is there something else I need to change (maybe in the web.config file?) or do I just need to wait for some settings to take effect? Thanks for any and all advice.

    submitted by /u/the-IT-cloud
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    What type of backend should i choose?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 07:29 AM PDT


    I am going to make a web app that will have users and chat message between them and other features. For the user authentication i will user firebase because i am good with it, but for the messages of the users between them i dont know what can i use. For firebase, i have to record a large ammount of data, so firebase for messages will not be good.

    I will make a dating web app

    What can i use?

    submitted by /u/drking100
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    Does anyone know how to achieve this scrolling effect? Thanks in advance

    Posted: 10 May 2021 06:14 AM PDT

    Unable to use proxy to get rid of CORS error. Using Angular on the front-end.

    Posted: 10 May 2021 02:27 AM PDT

    First of all, I am a beginner in Angular development.

    I tried this tutorial and below is my code for my proxy.conf.json file:

    { "/api/*": { "target": "http://localhost:8888", "secure": false, "changeOrigin": false, "logLevel": "debug", "pathRewrite": { "^/api": "" } } } 

    I did just like in the tutorial, running ng serve --proxy-config proxy.conf.json.

    I tried all sorts of variations for this file, but I am stuck with this problem for 2 days already.

    What I didn't understand from the tutorial is what does the api parameter represent. For example, if my base URL is http://localhost:8080/BookWebService, then should I replace api with BookWebService?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/thepope99
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    Search engine and database access

    Posted: 10 May 2021 08:19 AM PDT


    I'm building a website for a project and I decided to implement a simple search engine.

    From the point of view of the code I know what and how to do. The problem here is represented by both logical and conceptual model.

    I can't figure out the entities which interact - if there is a single "user" entity which is linked to all the other entities, for example - has someone any advice to solve this problem? An hint is appreciated too :)

    edit: I've already checked on google, read forum and some article, but nono of them answered the question properly

    edit 2: the problem is pretty simple in its initial form. We have a platform that allows users to register in order to book a visit for a chosen museum.The idea of the search engine has been thought after the beginning of the project, and should allow users to search trough artwork, name of the cities, name the creator and so on.I cannot establish how entities should be linked.

    submitted by /u/auserlikeanother
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