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    Monday, May 10, 2021

    How do I deal with inferiority complex?

    How do I deal with inferiority complex?

    How do I deal with inferiority complex?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 11:42 PM PDT

    Everytime I see a post or a showcase on other engine subs I'm in, I can't help but feel like I won't ever be to reach their levels, and its meaningless to continue. There are people out there who are much younger than me but just so talented.

    Personaly I've been working on games since I was as young as 8, and the least I can say is that I've spent a lot of effort to improve myself and my skills.

    This is one of the many reasons that led me to a suicide attempt not too long ago, stopped because of the firefighters that pulled me down. Now that I'm back, I want to find out how would I deal with this so hopefully I won't come to the same decision again.

    (sorry for bad english, i'm vietnamese). Thank you very much.

    Edit: this post got a lot more attention than I thought, and I appreciate everyone's comments. I really do. While these advices are hard for me personally, I'll try my best to follow them. If anyone of you out there is also suffering from depression, please reach out to your friends and family. I assure you that they care. Thank you everyone.

    submitted by /u/Hockeycon2012
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    A detailed look at The Binding of Isaac’s development and why Edmund McMillen designed the roguelike to fail, only to make his most successful game yet.

    Posted: 10 May 2021 08:18 AM PDT

    Other than low-poly, what other 3D art styles are out there that are not resource intensive?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 07:20 PM PDT

    I think low-poly has been done a bit too much. Sprites may be another option but that's overkill in my case. What else is there?

    submitted by /u/TurtletopSoftware
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    Working on my own C++ game engine! Feedback and contributions are welcome!

    Posted: 10 May 2021 06:30 AM PDT

    Umka: a statically typed scripting language for games

    Posted: 10 May 2021 12:02 PM PDT

    After a year of development, Umka is now in the heart of tophat, a new 2D game engine.

    Unlike many other scripting languages, Umka is statically typed, which means that it provides compile-time protection against type errors and greatly simplifies interaction with the C/C++ code via classical arrays and structures.

    Umka is very similar to Go syntactically, which makes it easy to learn and use.

    submitted by /u/vtereshkov
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    We collected 11 Godot tricks that are especially helpful when starting out with the engine!

    Posted: 10 May 2021 10:00 AM PDT

    How to avoid too many IFs / too long switch? (Counter-based Turn Based Combat)

    Posted: 10 May 2021 09:19 AM PDT

    I'm working on a turn based combat system that is heavy on counter-actions/attacks.

    For example, the game shows the player enemy's action and he must choose the best counter-action.

    So it's player's action vs enemy's action and the result depends on which two actions were chosen. That means action 1 vs action 2 might give different result than action 1 vs action 3.

    There are at least 6 actions in the game that the player/enemy can do. That would mean that for each action I would had to do at least 6 if statements to cover all possible pairs. It would be a nightmare to maintain it in the future, so I don't want that.

    So, I was thinking about making each action a separate class that would contain methods that would define how to cope with different (counter) actions. That means I could call something like action1.Calculate(action2), the class would choose method that defines how to deal with action2 and then it would calculate and return results.

    Is my idea good or do you know a better way how to do it?

    Thank you for answers

    submitted by /u/Lord-Herek
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    What If: You are in charge of a project to release a $15-$20 high quality mobile game. What would your project be?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 12:30 PM PDT

    Alright let's throw down some hypotheticals to make this more feasible:

    • There is a market of people willing to pay for higher quality mobile games to fill the gaping hole where their 3DS used to be.
    • There is a discovery platform / storefront made for higher quality mobile games so you don't have to compete with the tons of free games on app stores.
    • You must avoid standard microtransactions and lootboxes. Full fledged DLC is fine.
    • You have the budget and team of a mid-sized indie studio.

    I am just genuinely curious what people would do if this scenario ever became a thing. It probably won't be a thing in the near future, but you can dream.

    submitted by /u/SnickyMcNibits
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    I need gamedev advice

    Posted: 10 May 2021 11:39 AM PDT

    I have been doing game dev for 5 years now have made multiple games that have gotten bigger in scale over time. I have studied the design of games and have learned a lot. I have done research into how to publish a game and do well on steam. I am also in a good economic position and have a lot of free time. I love making games and enjoy the entire process. I love to learn about what I don't know and have recently made games that people have said that they really like.

    With all that being said, I have and game idea that I have been thinking about and really want to do. It is bigger than any of my other projects so far. If I were to finish it I would release it on steam.

    I am just a bit nervous because of countless stories of games earning only like $2 after years of development.

    The idea is a metroidvania(i know that it is a big job and won't be easy).

    TLDR, Should I take the leap and make this game or just continue on small projects?

    (I know this might sound dumb but I just want at least another dev's opinion to see if I should)

    submitted by /u/Squizard_of_Oz
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    FREE - Made some animations for UE4 some time ago feel free to use them! CC0

    Posted: 10 May 2021 08:51 AM PDT

    Here is the link:

    Feel free to use them if needed. No credit needed.


    submitted by /u/Jinvira
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    How many originality is necessary?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 07:56 AM PDT

    It is impossible to be 100% original nowadays. Everything has already been done, especially in games. However, how much can you change from what has been done in order to stand out? How much do you NEED to change in order to stay faithful to your ideas but still be interesting?

    I ask based on my own experience. I love turn-based, 2D sprite-based, anime-like JRPG games, and that's the kind of games I'm striving to make. I don't want to deviate from this path, because they say you should make the kind of games you'd like to play. However, how much can I change, or rather, how much do I NEED to change to not just be "another JRPG-style game"?

    Are the characters and the story enough to make the identity of a game in this genre? Some combination of mechanics that already exist in order to create new gimmicks? Is the mix of pre-existing ideas a formula to make interesting original stuff?

    I'd like to hear your thoughts. How to be interesting without going too far from your inspirations?

    submitted by /u/Phantasmagoric_0
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    How to Continue Learning as an Intermediate Indie Dev

    Posted: 10 May 2021 12:25 AM PDT

    I'd like to discuss a topic I imagine all Indie Devs have run into: How to Continue Learning as an Intermediate Indie Dev
    As a beginner, the problems you face are immediate and there are near-infinite resources at your disposal for learning. "Where are the essential tools in my game engine?" "How do I get my player moving?" "How do I setup a basic Camera?" "How do I change scenes?" It's not difficult to find articles or Youtube videos on all of these topics.

    Eventually, you know enough to start branching out and build your own games. You run into new problems and have new questions. The information becomes a bit more scarce. You start having to reference several more obscure YT videos and forum posts to cobble together an idea of what you have to build to meet your needs.

    Later down the road, the information really dries up. Your problems seem to be so unique to your particular game that you'd have to write a long forum post and pray that some Experienced Developer comes along to help you out.

    I'm curious about how everyone here has found ways to continue learning and improving once they've hit that point in their Game Dev journey where learning resources are harder to come by.

    submitted by /u/CodSalmon7
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    How do I learn VFX?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 11:00 AM PDT

    Hello! I was wondering how I could get started in VFX in Unity. I have followed some tutorials to get me started but I would like to know more. Some questions I have is how do they 'animate' the VFX (for example making the particles spin in a circle fly up and appear somewhere else, This hasn't been used anywhere it is just an example I thought of). Any help/advice is appreciated. If you have any questions about my question then feel free to ask!. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Burstlavish
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    How is this implemented? Camera Setup for Player Boundaries

    Posted: 10 May 2021 12:56 PM PDT

    I'm looking at Tricky Towers multiplayer setup and I'm curious how they implemented it, specifically how they hide one player's pieces from not showing up in another player's space/boundaries. I know this is combination of Layers and Cameras, for example, a single camera for background and 4 individual cameras (a quarter of each screen) and layers for a player's perspective and game pieces.

    Is it 5 camera setup (1 for background and 4 other cameras per player)? How does one go about setting the size of the camera to match the board?

    submitted by /u/IV3Oav3EMLg5t8eOdw
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    Making a 2d Pixel Art Game and got some questions!

    Posted: 10 May 2021 12:38 PM PDT

    So as stated in the title, I am currently working on a 2D Platformer Pixel Art Game, and I have some questions regarding sprite sizes and etc to make them look good when playing.


    1: What Sprite Resolution should I use for the normal character for a 1080p resolution, or to make it look good in-game and not pixelated (aka crisp and clean)? By this I mean (photoshop Inches/pixels) 32x32, 64,64, 128x128, and so on.

    2: Should I use 8-bit for the canvas when making Pixel Art Characters, Items, and etc, or should I 16/32?

    3: If I want to make bosses, which are bigger (good example being Hollow Knight) then the main character, how much bigger should they be to be the same quality as everything else (as in sprite sizes)?

    4: Regarding the background, I've read many people say different resolutions and I don't know what size the sprite background should be for the environment and background?

    5: Is PNG the best option for exporting the sprites, or is there a better format?

    submitted by /u/LenexTLI_
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    Meet in the middle search for speeding up A*?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 12:37 PM PDT


    For some reason I can't find anything on google for this in the context of gamedev.

    This is a common trick in harder competitive programming problems where the search space between two points in a large graph becomes very large very fast using Djikstra's (with our without an admissible heuristic); construct two search frontiers solving the problems of min cost path of start -> goal and min cost path of goal -> start, and explore them until you find two paths which link on some node.

    This seems like a fairly common thing in my use case, so I think it'd be useful. But, for some reason, I can't find any information about this in the context of gamedev, making me think that it's probably not a good idea (if it was, it'd be probably a common optimization for most games where the search space is very open and large).

    Is this indeed an optimization that people use commonly? More importantly, if not, why?

    submitted by /u/OriginalMoment
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    Unity ProBuilder - Boolean Tool used to Combine, Intersect, or Subtract one shape from another.

    Posted: 10 May 2021 11:52 AM PDT

    I've spent the last few months applying for junior game design roles, but my CV doesn't seem to getting much attention, I was wondering if anyone would be able to give me any feedback/criticism? Thanks in advance :-)

    Posted: 10 May 2021 11:33 AM PDT

    Link to CV PDF

    Any help will be greatly appreciated

    submitted by /u/R0nSwansonsMoustache
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    Interviewed the Dev behind Hang Line (1 Mil+ Downloads) to find out how he made it - hope you guys enjoy!

    Posted: 10 May 2021 10:50 AM PDT

    SVG or PNG for 2D art?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 07:03 AM PDT

    I am making an android game which has a minimalist vector art style. SVG has a smaller filesize then the latter and I was wondering if there was any serious performance costs. BTW I use godot.

    submitted by /u/VicFic18
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    Here's how to add hand sway to your Unity game (playable on browser)

    Posted: 10 May 2021 07:02 AM PDT

    Evaluating entity component observer pattern for my game

    Posted: 10 May 2021 10:33 AM PDT

    So I've spent last week reading more about ECS pattern and how it's used in the games and the more I read about it the more I think it's not very applicable for my game. I'm working on a rogue-like text adventure and to me it looks like systems are more applicable in the games where there is GUI involved and you have to render things on the screen, have physics, AI and so on.

    Because of this I was thinking about replacing them with some kind of observers which would listen for the events in components and do something based on it. Here is an example of a Combat observer so you can understand better what I want to do.

    game = Game.new combat_observer = Game::Observer::Combat.new(game) player = Player.new player .get_component(Game::Component::Combat) .add_observer(combat_observer) class Combat def initialize(game:) @game = game end def receive(event, component, payload) case event when Game::Component::Combat::RECEIVED_ATTACK handle_received_attack(component, payload) end end private def handle_received_attack(component, payload) health_component = component.parent.get_component(Game::Component::Health) life_component = component.parent.get_component(Game::Component::Life) health_component.decrease(payload[:strength]) return if health_component.value > 0 life_component.dead = true game.lost = true if component.parent.name == Player::Player.class.name end end 

    What are your thoughts on this approach? Do you think it would be bad in long run or it could actually work well? I know it's hard to tell this considering you know almost nothing about my game but I'm trying to come up with some general approach which can be relatively easily refactored lately if it needs to.

    submitted by /u/stojakovicn
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