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    Wednesday, February 3, 2021

    Where to Learn about SOAP and RESTful web services in Java Ask Programming

    Where to Learn about SOAP and RESTful web services in Java Ask Programming

    Where to Learn about SOAP and RESTful web services in Java

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 06:22 PM PST

    Hi All,

    Recent CS grad, who is now on the job hunt. I've noticed that a lot of job postings are looking candidates with knowledge of creating and/or using SOAP and RESTful APIs.

    I am not really confident about using these web services and I was wondering if there was a good resource that can be recommended to help me learn about these APIs in a java context.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Aturaya
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    Branching from a branch, merge to master

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 11:18 AM PST

    Probably a pretty basic question but I am working on a branch, lets call BranchA. I have a PR in for BranchA right into master, but it will take some time to get approved. I need the changes from BranchA so I can create a branch of BranchA called BranchB.

    I never will merge B into master before A, since I know B will contain the commits of A. But if I merge A into master, what is the procedure to merge B into master? Will it recognize that they are the same commits originally from A and just only add on the commits from B?

    submitted by /u/tempacct123454321
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    Using JS to insert a text box in Microsoft Word?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 07:18 PM PST

    Does anyone know of a way to create a Microsoft Word file containing text boxes using JS or any other language? I've taken a look at some npm packages like docx and docxtemplater but haven't found anything regarding text boxes specifically. Here's an image of what I'd like to insert. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/mrperson0110
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    What tools facilitate the setup of development environments and/or dockerization of projects?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 04:40 AM PST

    We're working on a desktop app that facilitates the setup of development environments and the dockerization of projects and would love to know what other tools are out there that help with the development environment setup at the start of new projects (which we find to be a mind-numbing process)

    submitted by /u/nabrocs
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    From sales to programming and getting a job post bootcamp. Any advice?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 11:07 AM PST

    I just finished a 7 month program learning JavaScript, React, Rest API and some Nodejs and Postgres but I still don't feel confident and all my background is in sales.

    I don't feel I got the most value from this "bootcamp" but I still did learn a lot and still learning more but I lack confidence in getting a job even applying for a junior developer role in my mid 30's.

    I need to build more apps for my portfolio while struggling to learn more in preparation for interviews and losing motivation since the only hits I get are LinkedIn recruiters who ghost me. I am using edabit and leetcode to practice more but I am getting frustrated. I've learned good strategies from recruiters with my resume wording and getting pass the keyword filters for specific languages/frameworks in the job description as well.

    Any advice with someone having years of sales experience and just finished a "bootcamp" (dislike that term) applying with no programming work experience?

    submitted by /u/Stock-Ad3610
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    M1 Macbook vs Zen3 Ryzen 5000 Laptops for Programming?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 03:11 PM PST

    My beloved Surface Pro 4 is starting to die on me. The poor fella barely lasts an hour away from the charger.

    I've known this was bound to happen sooner or later and started saving for a new laptop a while back. I used to DESPISE Mac computers due to Intel's processing power. But now, with the new M1 Macbooks, I'm presented with a welcomed dilemma.

    As someone that's into FullStack Engineering, C# .net Development and still in school utilizing Java:Eclipse, what'll be my best bet moving forward for a laptop?

    I heard rumors that M1 Macs have a bunch of issues for developers. While on the other hand, I heard opposite rumors stating that M1 Macs are incredible for Devs. I was hoping I could get some insight on how to move forward?

    submitted by /u/OMWasap
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    Does Firebase not support text formatting?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 02:59 PM PST

    I have been experimenting with a WYSIWYG editor, because when it comes to storing blog posts in a database, it makes more sense to have a compact string, instead of having to make individual strings for headline, main text etc.

    I am using Firebase, and I noticed that when I add the formatted text to my database, it is displayed with the HTML tags. Line breaks are also not registered.

    For example, if I write "bold" in the WYSIWYG editor, it will come out as <strong>bold</strong> when it is saved in the database and displayed on the HTML page.

    I have not been able to find much information about this. Is there some way to solve this problem, or does Firebase simply not support text formatting?

    submitted by /u/HjerterKnaegt
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    Free ways to learn coding?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 11:11 AM PST

    What are the best free ways to learn coding? I have no prior experience and just want to see if its for me.

    submitted by /u/Hoocaso
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    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 02:49 PM PST


    I am learning web development and I am in search of a new laptop I currently have a 2015 MacBook Pro and it's reaching its end and it has a broken screen that apple says it would cost half the price of a new MacBook to fix , I was originally going to get a new MacBook Air with the m1 chip but after doing some research on it I learned that not all dev software works on it my other option is to get a dell xps 13 and dual boot Ubuntu on it (I don't really like windows but need it for asp.net) and I was wondering which one would be best for me.

    submitted by /u/Renagade_Blade
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    Looking for a page or software that works like Google Drive or Dropbox but that let's me set a unique password for each person that i want to share these files to..

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 11:02 AM PST

    My boss has some files that he would like to sell to by giving access to people to them for a month. He thought that the best way to do so would be to have each person that has access to this files a password that only they can use and that after 1 month it expires and can't be used to access the files anymore.
    Hope someone can help me. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/BunnePunch
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    ( Beginner level Java ) Why am I getting a nullpointerexception here?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 09:13 AM PST


    I'm trying to write a program that'll solve a set of mazes by using another class called Turtle, which basically consists of a set of methods that let you move the cursor in a window program by using angles and distances.

    The mazes are all set up so they can be solved by keeping a wall to your left at all times.

    This is what my maze solving class looks like:

    package e; import se.lth.cs.pt.window.SimpleWindow; import se.lth.cs.pt.maze.Maze; public class MazeWalker { private Turtle turtle; private SimpleWindow w; private Maze m; public MazeWalker(Turtle turtle) { this.turtle = turtle; } public void walk ( Maze maze) { while (m.atExit(turtle.getX(), turtle.getY() ) != true) { boolean leftwall = m.wallAtLeft(turtle.getDirection(), turtle.getX(), turtle.getY()); boolean frontwall = m.wallInFront(turtle.getDirection(), turtle.getX(), turtle.getY()); if (leftwall && frontwall) { turtle.left(270); turtle.forward(1); } else if (leftwall) { turtle.forward(1); } else { turtle.left(90); turtle.forward(1); } w.delay(10); } } } 

    So basically, the turtle class does the moving and the maze class does the navigating.

    To test my class I wrote this code:

    package e; import se.lth.cs.pt.window.SimpleWindow; import se.lth.cs.pt.maze.Maze; public class Mazetest { public static void main ( String [] args ) { SimpleWindow w = new SimpleWindow( 800, 800, " Labyrint "); Maze m = new Maze(1); m.draw(w); Turtle turtle = new Turtle(w, m.getXEntry(), m.getYEntry()); turtle.penDown(); MazeWalker Walk = new MazeWalker(turtle); Walk.walk(m); } } 

    Which gives me a nullpointerexception where I use my Walk method. The location of the nullpointerexception inside the MazeWalker class is at the beginning of the while loop, and the problem seems to lie with the atExit method from the Maze class, since I tried replacing the turtle coordinates with ints and it still gave me null pointer exception. Any ideas?

    If anything needs clarification or I should reformat anything, just tell me. This is my first time asking for programming help on the internet.


    submitted by /u/Throwammay
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    Can compression software, used to condense the file size of games, also improve the computing performance of those games (such as CPU, GPU and RAM performance)?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 12:06 PM PST

    School project, new to JS script, please help!!!

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 11:04 AM PST

    Hello, i am not good at javascript and am looking for help so i came here. i have a code where i need to check whether the selected year is leap or not and if yes and it is selected and also february month is selected then to show 29 days, havent been able to solve this problem. hopefully some nice people here will https://gist.github.com/danieltheuser/7bd81647ae980d1d9d6aa58ab46abba8

    submitted by /u/danieltheuser1
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    How can I pass all web requests on a computer to an external API, then accept or deny those requests?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 11:04 AM PST

    I built a parental control web browser and my API works really well for checking websites. I would like to somehow implement this API as an intermediary between a computer's connection to the internet. I don't know much about internet systems, or VPNs or Proxies or anything, and I'm wondering if there is any default way to pass normal HTTP requests to an API like this. Thanks

    submitted by /u/psychedelican2
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    Parsing NMEA sentences help c++

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 11:01 AM PST

    I'm trying to return a Boolean value if the character code "GLL" exists within a NMEA sentence. The code is passing all tests but failing the unit test as the string exists within "GLLL".

    My code:

    #include <string>

    using namespace std;

    namespace NMEA


    bool isSupportedSentenceFormat(std::string format)


    string prefix = "$GP";

    string format2 = prefix + format;

    long unsigned int n = format.length();

    if (format2.find("GLL") != string::npos){

    return true;

    } else if(format2.find("GGA") !=string::npos) {

    return true;

    } else if(format2.find("RMC") !=string::npos) {

    return true;

    } else if (format2.length() > n) {

    return false;

    } else {

    return false;



    submitted by /u/JoeyPotato
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    What language is a good alternatives for Oz in the book "concept techniques and models of computer programming" ?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 05:18 AM PST

    Hi all, I recently found a great book about programming paradigm named "concept techniques and models of computer programming". However, the book use a programming language called Oz, which I have tried to use it and It felt really cumbersome. So, I'm here to ask about this question, I'm also thinking of using Clojure due to it's high extensibility.

    submitted by /u/HovercraftLong
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    Should I go to college to become a software engineer?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 07:57 AM PST

    So im a freshman in high school and ive been starting to think about my future. Im currently taking an app development/computer programming class and I think I want to do this long term. Im not very fond of the education system and id rather get a job for four years instead of getting debt from college, but I would be willing to go to college if it will help me in the long term. I was wondering what I should do, a boot camp, college, teach myself, etc.

    submitted by /u/Hoocaso
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    How complicated is it to programme a tipping system into a website, to allow for virtual tips into paypal etc?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 10:50 PM PST

    Java Spring Boot vs C# ASP.NET, question for Senior Developers or those that have used both.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 10:36 PM PST

    Hello, I'm a CS student and I have to choose between basically Spring Boot and ASP.NET Core for quite a bit of projects. I'd like some input from seniors or someone who has been using both. Think like you're starting a small business with a team of 5 people.

    I'm basically asking what would be better in the long run. Most of the jobs around in my country are Java.

    Java Spring Boot pros: - MUCH MUCH more tutorials - More portable - Java Intellij is free Java Spring Boot cons: - Syntax (it feels like i need sometimes much more code to do something) C# ASP.NET pros: - Syntax - Newer than Java, seems like it doesn't have all the baggage as Java as .net was rewritten couple of years ago when it was open sourced C# ASP.NET cons: - Tools: Visual Studio IDE doesn't work on Linux, JetBrains Rider is okay but it's pricey for me. - dotnet seems much more "Microsofty", like installing the packages on linux requires adding their repo while using java is much simpler 
    submitted by /u/dev0124
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    Extract image from unknown file type

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 07:01 AM PST

    Hi everyone,

    So I've been working with an SEM microscope and some of the images that I acquired somehow disappear from the software. Long story short I managed to get to the root folder where images are stored.

    From there I found two low sized files that appear to open as images (but they have a low quality with exotic extension .jdt and .jdv). They are probably downscaled images used in the various thumbnails of the software. Finally I found one last file with a decent size that should be the image (file available : https://filebin.net/qix76bec4wkchuec) . I presume that the image is somewhere inside this mess, but from there Im lost. After researching on the internet the various headers appear related to assembly language or maybe .net, Im kind of lost since it is out from my understanding.

    Is it possible to extract the actual data (which are one image) from this file ? If yes how to do ?

    Thank you for your help and you advice :) !

    Best !!

    submitted by /u/Hectorite
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    Trying to fix this "EmailResolver.py" script. There should be a way to get the Email outcome to not look like "h***3@gmail.com". Thanks to anyone that gives this a try

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 06:17 AM PST

    So this is a script that I found some time ago. I's basically a python script where you insert someones Kik username and Kiks endpoint location (kik is a chatting app). I keep trying to find a way to gain access to the whole Email that shows as a result, not just "e***8@gmail.com" (the first and last letter/number is always correct, and it always looks the same. The guy who set this up wrote that there is a way to fix it in the code. And yes this is just for learning reasons, i don't even think people are using kik anymore. This is the code, thank you so much if you wanna try:

    import requests

    import argparse

    import requests

    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='options for Kik Email Resolver')

    parser.add_argument('-u', '--username', help="Username to resolve from.")

    parser.add_argument('-e', '--endpoint', help="The WS2 endpoint Location.")

    args = parser.parse_args()

    class Resolver(object):

    def __init__(self, args=args):

    self.args = args

    if not self.args.username:

    print('Username is not set, Use the "-h" arg for more information')


    if not self.args.endpoint:

    print("endpoint Location is not set, use the -h arg for more information")



    def Resolve(self):

    print(' [+] Making request...')

    postheaders = {

    'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.8',

    'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu Chromium/37.0.2062.120 Chrome/37.0.2062.120 Safari/537.36'


    payload = {

    'emailOrUsername': self.args.username


    Session = requests.Session()

    Response = Session.post('https://' + self.args.endpoint + '/p', data=payload, headers=postheaders)

    print(' [+] Request Success!')

    Soup = BeautifulSoup(Response.content, 'lxml')


    ErrorStats = Soup.find_all('p', class_='highlight_green')

    if "days before" in ErrorStats[0].string:

    return(" [X] You must wait 1-3 Days before making another request to this account.")

    if "is invalid" in ErrorStats[0].string:

    return(" [X] Too many requests from this IP, you are temporarily blocked.")


    print(" [!] No alert messages, Maybe it worked?")



    dataList = Soup.find_all('p')

    EmailFound = ''

    for index in range(len(dataList)):

    for word in dataList[index].string.split():

    if "@" in word:

    return(" [+] Success: " + word)

    print(" [!] No success messages found either. Error01")


    print(" [!] No success messages found either. Error02")

    print(" [DEBUG] ")



    return(" [X] Unable to resolve the Kik Account")

    if __name__ == "__main__":


    submitted by /u/pinkytit
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    Randomly assign people in groups

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 06:08 AM PST

    I work as a volunteer at a golf club. I want to randomly assign people in groups for a golf tournament.
    I know there are random group generators like this https://www.randomlists.com/team-generator?grp=4&items=Brock+%0AGale+%0AGustavo+%0AHank+%0AHector+%0AHolly+%0AJane+%0AJesse+%0ALydia+%0AMarie+%0AMike+%0APete+%0ASaul+%0ASkyler+%0ATodd+%0AWalter

    But my problem is that I want a program that makes new groups for each day 4 days in a row. I want to make sure nobody is together with someone they have already been together with before. There are 120 participants and the groups are with 4 people pr. group and therefore going through the list takes a lot of time.

    submitted by /u/Affectionate_Ad5081
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    Looking for a programmer tutor

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 06:05 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    I'm looking for someone that can help me with programming. I'm taking a data science course but my Python skills aren't really good.

    submitted by /u/kanixoxo
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    Is it worth learning assembly for your career?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 06:00 AM PST

    I know Its not as commonly used nowadays as it used to be, because of how far hardware power has come, but is it like Cobol where you can become a contractor to support old systems?

    submitted by /u/greywolf_18
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